"Color Grading Masterclass: Resolve 15" |
"Why take this course?A lot of people struggle to create a cinematic film look and many people ask me how I create my look. Making a short tutorial wouldnt be enough to show you how I do it. So I decided to make an in depth course that show my process and how you can take your color grading to the next level.Great grading can make you feel things, it can set a style and tell stronger stories.This course will teach you how create a professional cinematic film look.So If youre serious about working with film, video and color grading, and wants to become a PRO, this course will really help you so that you can take your own films and projectsto the next level.What you will get:- You will get a deep understand of the most useful techniques and tricks on how to get cinematic looks for your films.- The course mixes theory and tips with practical examples whichyou can apply onyour project today.- You will learn about;DavinciResolve, the grading process, grading for clients, calibration and advanced grading techniques and much more.Who am I to teach you?Jonny Von Wallstrm is anaward-winning director who has directed and produced films for channels such as Netflix, Al Jazeera, SVT, UR, MTV and more. His latest film The Pearl Of Africa premiered in Toronto 2016 and was later sold independently to Netflix. This is afilm he shot, edited, composed, graded and soundmixed himself. In 2016, he was awarded the PPFAMaggie Award for media excellence in global journalism. He has also won Europe's best advertising prizeCannes Lion and SwedishGuldagget.Why you should do this now!Investing in yourself is the most important thing if you want to make a living working witha profession like this. During my 15 years as a professional filmmaker, I've invested inonline courses, books, talks and workshops. There's been good ones, but also a lot of bad ones.But the education has reallyhelped meget towhere I am today.Sign up now and don't wait!If you're not happy with the course, I'd be more than happy to refund all your money within 30 days. But I hope that doesn't happen!See you on the other side!"
Price: 34.99

"CompTIA Server+ (SK0-004) Certification Exam - Practice Test" |
"The Server+ certification program was developed by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) to provide an industry-wide means of certifying the competency of computer server technicians. Everyone must take and pass one exam: SK0-004 in order to get Server+ certification.In CompTIA Server+ (SK0-004) exam tests students with 100 multiple choice questions. You will get 90 Minutes and passing score is 750 (on a scale of 100-900).CompTIA Server+ Exam objectives:Install and upgrade server-class hardware.Install and configure server NOS and applications software.Configure RAID arrays.Use management and monitoring tools.Create disaster recovery plans.Troubleshoot hardware, storage, networking, and software issues."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Network+ N10-007: Practice Test" |
"The Network+ certification program was developed by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). Network+ (Network Plus) is a mid-level certification for network technicians. This certification is designed to test the competency of a mid-level network technician in supporting and configuring TCP/IP clients in terms of network design, cabling, hardware setup, configuration, installation, support, and troubleshooting.CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Exam has been updated and reorganized to address the current networking technologies with expanded coverage of several new domains including Cloud, Virtualization and IoT.CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) exam tests students with 90 multiple choice questions. You will get 90 Minutes and passing score is 720 (on a scale of 100-900).CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Exam objectives:Design and implement functional networksConfigure, manage, and maintain essential network devicesUse devices such as switches and routers to segment network traffic and create resilient networksIdentify benefits and drawbacks of existing network configurationsImplement network security, standards, and protocolsTroubleshoot network problemsSupport the creation of virtualized networks"
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Certification:" |
"Welcome to the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Certification: Practice Test from LDS(Ludus Digital School).The CySA+ certification program was developed by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). CySA+ (The CSA+ certification acronym has changed to CySA+) is a mid-level certification for Cybersecurity Analyst.CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) focuses on defense through incident detection and response at the intermediate-skills level of the cybersecurity career pathway.CompTIA CySA+ (Exam Code: CS0-001) exam tests students with maximum 85 multiple choice questions. You will get 165 Minutes and passing score is 750 (on a scale of 100-900).The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual CompTIA exam.Make sure you are ready to pass the CySA+ exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the CompTIA exam."
Price: 19.99

"Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)" |
"This Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB): Big Picture with Elastica CloudSOC course is for everyone who wanted to understand the CASB buzz. This course is fairly high-level and there are really are no prerequisites for this course because we're going to start from the top. At the end of this course students will be able to understand the CASB technology and will be able to apply CASB capabilities to control Shadow Data and Shadow IT in cloud applications."
Price: 19.99

"Teaching Skills for Teachers" |
"The course highlights an innovative solution to strategic ideas for teaching and bringing a WOWlearning atmosphere within classrooms. A must for all teachers who tend to become ROCKSTARTEACHERS. Queries are welcome through comments and questions.The quality deliberations tend to make the teachers learn the wow feature towards excellence within classrooms. It is to catch them young and innocent towards Teaching Excellence and pacing towards learning to learn as a hobby rather than an occasional occurence."
Price: 19.99

"Learn 199 Ways of Parenting" |
"The course is a journey from being a Parent towards a WOWParent! One has to go through each and every Parenting Skills mentioned for a committed completion of the course.This is a way to explore the Parenting Concerns and make it a blessed moment for the majority. For Good Parenting Causes Head Aches but Bad Parenting Causes Heart Aches."
Price: 19.99

"199 ways to be a WOW Teacher!" |
"This course is an ideal recap of New Age - Smart Generation Teaching Skills and is a MUSTfor all engaged in the field of Teaching.An ideal course by the National Teacher Awardee, TEDx Speakerand an Academic Evangelist from India with experience for over three decades in the field of academics towards Quality as a HABITfor school and Teachers to Deliver on priority!"
Price: 19.99

"Certainly. A simple dose of Learning for any individual keen in pacing through Developing a Mobile App within minutes! Wow !This course offers an easy way to develop an app without monitoring towards any programming expertise of any kind.The best and the only EASYway to do the same using online tools for FREE. Only the requisite is the $25 fees to be paid to the google play store for listing your app once it is developed.It is indeed a great satisfaction when you see your app listed on the GOOGLEPLAYSTORE. Yes, a reality. Enjoy the learning and be some one apart now!"
Price: 19.99

"How to be a Highly Effective Learner?" |
"The course modules the importance of Learning. The modes of learning. It also encapsulates the Effective Learning traits for anyone and everyone. The competency shall dwell Quality and Excellence at large towards effectiveness and learning to learn as a hobby rather than an occasional occurence.The effectiveness is dealt through expertise and excellence."
Price: 19.99

"How to Effectively Manage a School" |
"The course is highlighted towards effective school management with wonderful and result oriented strategies which bring out ultimate improvements with the march of time. The course is expected to deliver school management mantras which roll out improvement on implementation within schools. The effectiveness lies in implementation of the strategies. The priority is to govern excellence in schools as a spectrum globally."
Price: 19.99

"Experiential Learning for Educators" |
"The course modules concepts related to Experiential Learning and implementing the same towards excellence. The idea is to make learning a priority towards making every learning module a learning spectrum. Experiential Learning is learning by doing with exceptional attributes towards excellence. The objective is to catch them young and innocent with encapsulation of Learning by Doing and Involvement."
Price: 19.99

"Learn WOW Models of Strategic Thinking" |
"The course highlights the WOWModels of Strategic Thinking towards excellence at any workplace. It has a special mention of one unique quality, Kaizen which represents, Continuous Improvement towards Excellence. The modules are truly effective and pace towards management techniques and modelling towards success at large. The priority is to make Quality as an essence of any thing and every thing which occupies decision making."
Price: 19.99

"Learn about Students Quality Circles (SQC)" |
"Student Quality Circles (SQC), is a means to develop group learning scenario within schools. A Quality Circle is a group of people who come together and brainstorm over a common task and develop strategies towards Implementation. In the field of academics, the concept of SQC, has had its inception for over two decades and has taken its shape as one of the enriching tools towards excellence within classrooms."
Price: 19.99

"COMUNIQUE - Curso de oratria" |
"Somos seres comunicadores. Faz parte de nossa natureza transmitir informaes, mas a pergunta : VOC SABE SE COMUNICAR BEM? Existe uma srie de tcnicas de comunicao as quais os mais prestigiados comunicadores no mundo todo utilizam. Neste curso, iremos te revelar estes conhecimentos e mudar, para sempre, a maneira como voc se comunica.Este curso para TODOS. Para os tmidos e os extrovertidos, para os comunicativos e os mais calados, para os que tem medo de falar em pblico (todos ns) e para aqueles que querem simplesmente desenvolver suas habilidades em criar apresentaes. Venha aprender a falar em pblico conosco!"
Price: 54.99

"Interactive maps with Mapbox!" |
"This course is a wide survey of using Mapbox in modern web applications. It covers everything you need to know: finding and formatting data, styling and understanding the web interface of Mapbox Studio, and building truly responsive and complex web maps using the modern Mapbox GLJS.This course assumes you come with little knowledge of programming and geographic information, and there are videos to walk you through each step. You'll learn to create big, beautiful custom maps and all the different ways your users can interact with those maps.It's going to be a great time!Let's get mapping!"
Price: 24.99

"Mapping in Leaflet JS" |
"In this course, mapping expert and founder of Mapster,Victor Temprano, takes you through LeafletJS from start to finish. You'll learn the best reasons why you should use Leaflet, how to build strong mapping interfaces, managing big data, map interactivity, and a heck of a lot more.This is a comprehensive course that covers basic things like markers and popups, but also goes into depth on event handling and providesa variety of helpful tips formore complex topics. We've striven to make this course as useful as possible for beginners, and we're open to feedback if you have any suggestions for more episodes!"
Price: 19.99

"Web Gelitirme Temelleri" |
"lk 10 bin kayt indirimli! WGT-25TLkupon kodunu satn alrken kullanabilirsiniz.Bu eitimde ncelikle webhakknda temel bilgileri renecek, web sunucularn tanyacak,html,css, javascript, jquery ve php konularnda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz. Web gelitirmeye balamak isteyen herkes bu eitimi alabilir. Konular kolay anlalabilmesi iinolabildiincesade ve basit bir ekilde anlatmaya altm. Konular hakknda nce szl anlatm yapacamardndan uygulamal rneklerle pekitirme yaparak ilerleyeceiz.Bu eitimde anlatacam nyz gelitirme bilgilerini u an bildiiniz veya ilerde reneceiniz asp, jsp, php gibiherhangi bir sunucu teknolojisi ile birlikte kullanabilirsiniz, yani her zaman iinize yarayacak bilgiler olacak. Bu eitim kapsamnda sunucu teknolojilerinernek olmas adnaphp konusuna da deineceim. Php ile bir web servis oluturacam veJava ile yazlm uygulama rneini de paylaarak php ile arasndaki farklara deineceim. Mysql veritaban sunucusu ile deveritaban kullanmay anlatacam."
Price: 49.99

"Irrsistible - English Language: Reading and British Accent" |
"Currently the course allows to:get theperfect British accent (the BBC standard! or RP, or 'the Queen's language')understand the English language conceptsfeel the languageprepare for writing poems in Englishdevelop and have fun!At the moment the course is coveringthe basics of English reading through 60 rhymes. But keep up, we will be adding more soon!Get ready for your amazingBritish accent adventure!=========Special thanks to the amazing talents that contributed to the course creation:Michaela James -the stunning British accent of our course! Michaela is an on-air radio personality with over 10 years experience, the narrator of over 20 books on Audible, and the author of four novels - check for more onmichaelajames (dot)net!Eric Baron - our French translator and speaker."
Price: 29.99

"English Reading for Children" |
"The course allows to:tech your child to read without actually teaching (which is fantastic if you have little time or expertise)The child gets to:understand thelanguage conceptsmake no spelling mistakeswritetheir firstpoemsdevelop and have fun!Currently the course covers the basics of English reading through 60 rhymes. We are adding over80 rhymesmore so there are over140 rhymes and over 1200 words for your child - foreasyreading and perfectspelling. We will be rising the price tooso enrol now and get all the updates for free!All the videos are voicedin perfect BBCEnglish by a professional speaker - no one couldpossibly teach your child more patiently!Spendyour timehugging the little one, not nagging about the letters!"
Price: 29.99

"Lecture en anglais pour les enfants facile et rapide !" |
"Est-ce que votre enfant apprend lire en anglais ?Participez-vous un combat que vous savez ne pas pouvoir gagner ?Vous aimez votre enfant et vous voulez ce qu'il y a de mieux pour lui ?Apprendre votre enfant lire en anglais ne devrait pas tre un combat, ni pour vous ni pour le petit.Nous vous proposons de vous librer de ce dur labeur : choisissez la mthode d'enseignement, trouvez le temps, donnez votre enfant l'envie d'apprendre, et enfin apprenez-lui lire.Avec notre cours, vous n'avez qu' lui montrer les vidos et vous serez tonn du succs rapide de votre enfant.Notre cours est amusant, facile et pourtant trs ducatif, il apprend votre enfant lire en anglais tout en vous faisant gagner du temps et de l'effort.Passez du temps cliner votre enfant, pas le harceler au sujet de ses exercices de lecture !"
Price: 29.99

"Swimming Lessons Secrets Babies, Toddlers, & Adults" |
"Let me ask Do you feel frustrated with the lack of progress in Swimming Lessons?Coach Q Master Kid Whisper can help Learn Kid Whisperer Swimming Lesson Secrets! Teach Your Kids or Yourself Athletic Fundamentals & Swimming Lessons in Weeks. Yes, you can learn how to teach your kids or yourself swimming skills! Learn how to practice swimming skills outside of lessons & you will speed up the learning to swim process. E-Book Swimming Lesson Secrets - Included Are you an adult & scared of the water or just never learned to swim? Learn the secrets that have helped thousands learn to swim. What if you could identify and overcome the 2 roadblocks to learning to swim: water sensitivity and the fear of falling or water buoyancy. You will learn how to teach yourself the swimming fundamentals; anxiety control, streamline swimming position, treading water, breath control, effective strokes, back float and freestyle basics. E-Book Teach Yourself to Swim - Included"
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a bailar desde cero" |
"Curso Bsico de Salsa y Bachataen el queaprenders diferentes pasos y tips que te ayudarn a iniciar tu proceso de aprender a bailar desde cero de la forma ms cmoda y sencilla. Adems, nuestros instructores te guiarn paso a paso durante toda la serie de videos y estarn a tu disposicin para resolver tus dudas e inquietudes. Sin mas prembulo, comencemos..."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to weight lift from an olympian" |
"Have you ever feltintimidate towalkinto a weight room? Learn the basic power lifts from olympian and collegiate record holder, Tia Brooks. Shewill teachyou abouttraditional olympic weight liftingand how to maintain thecorrect form. These includepower lifts;bench, squat, deadlift and power clean. Tia will walk you throughdifferentvariations foreach lift, so that you can avoid putting pressure oncertain joints while stillmaximizing your workout. Replace the feeling of intimidation and judgement with confidence and knowledge.You can reach Tia on Instagram@TiaBrooksOnline for additional workout support."
Price: 19.99

"Travel Hacking: Explore The World for Less Than You Imagined" |
"Travel Hacking is a techniqueKyle has used totravelthe world, scorefree lodging, flights, and discounts! And now hes ready to share how he does it. Traveling the world is everyones dream, but unfortunately, for most, it stays a dream. After all, who can afford the airfare, exchange rate, car, hotel, and phone bill? Well, after Kyle's course, everyone can!The tourism industry has trapped travelers for years, making them over pay for flights, lodging, transportation, and phone usage, but Kyle has cracked the code, sidestepped the traps, and created a blow by blow play book for travelers looking to explore the world without breaking the bank!Praise For ""Traveling the World for Less Than You Imagined"" When people think of traveling on a budget, they picture sacrificingso much that the vacation is no longer fun. This is NOT the case with Kyle'scourse, ""Travel Hacking"". He has masterfully found ways to get massive deductions on rental cars, lodging, and airfare, without taking away any of the luxury. And he's not dealing inhypotheticals, he's naming names! He tells you exactly what websites to go to, what tools to use, and what browsers to use them in, all to score you the best deals possible! Isaiah T. This course, Travel Hacking, is truly a cant miss, both for experienced travelers, and those who've never left their small town. Sam F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Makes This Travel Hacking Course different? Traditionally, travel courses deal in platitudes. They offer suggestions like look on budget websites! or, look for a cheaper flight! but Kyleactually tells you which sites to use, and how to use them! By the time the course is over, you'll be fully prepared to book an amazing vacation, at an incredible bargain.What Does This Travel HackingCourse Contain This course contains over 2 hours of content, and is jam-packed with 12 lectures, each overflowing with real world knowledge, examples,experience. Traveling the World for Less Than You Imagined This course pays for itself 3 times over halfway through the second lecture! Whether its a trek across the pond, or a quick day trip to the beach, Kyle has the money saving tips and tricks for all. So what are you waiting for? Click the enroll button! And lets get started."
Price: 39.99

"White Tiger Qigong Presents: Qigong for Grief and Sadness" |
"Have you lost a loved one, lost a job, a lover or have suffered from grief and sadness?Grief, if not healthily dealt with, can develop into Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD).(newspaper clipping)Though grief is a natural process and response to loss, it can escalate into a much more destructive course if not dealt with appropriately or healthily. As a result of this, consequences may arise that can affect every aspect of your well-being, including physically, mentally, and socially.Chinese Medicine proves that prolonged grief can have a detrimental impact on the lungs. According to Chinese Medicine, taking in clean, rich oxygen into the body and releasing harmful carbon dioxide. The lungs are responsible for taking in the new and letting go of the old. The good news is, you dont need to suffer from debilitating grief and sadness anymore. Fascia science has proven that emotions and stress are stored in the body. There are ancient Taoist forms of Qigong that have been used for over 2000 years to squeeze out emotions and toxins out of the organs and body to achieve a peaceful state of mind and body. White Tiger Qigong has created the perfect prescription of Qigong with a special online course. Led by White Tiger Qigongs top instructors, Master Instructor and founder, Tevia Feng who started Qigong at the age of 7, Aisha Sieburth (seebirth) who has over 20 years of Qigong experience and teaching, Graduate Instructor Thanh Van and more!In this Qigong online course you will get a prescription of deep, dynamic Qigong exercises, Qigong meditation and Qigong deep breathing exercises to release grief and sadness, leaving you feeling happier and healthier. Not only do you get Qigong exercise videos, but even the anatomy and Chinese Medicine connections of the exercises.In this Qigong online course you will discover:8 HD video lessons8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Chinese Medicine applications of 8 Trigram Organ Qigong This Qigongs fascia and anatomy connections 8 Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos Get White Tiger Qigong for Grief and Sadnesss Online Course now for a healthy, pain-free back and body.Feel goodFeel freeFeel the Qi!"
Price: 49.99

"White Tiger Qigong Presents: Qigong for Worry and Anxiety" |
"Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million Americans over the age of 18 are affected by anxiety roughly 18 percent of the nation's population.In Chinese medicine worry and anxiety corresponds with spleen system and relates to the element of earth. A spleen system in imbalance can have symptoms of digestive issues such as bad digestions, loss of appetite, poor elimination. It also related to how we manage our thoughts. Poor concentration and poor judgement are symptoms of an imbalanced spleen system.Fascia science has proven that emotions such as worry and anxiety are stored in the body. There are ancient Taoist forms of Qigong that have been used for over 2000 years to squeeze out emotions and toxins out of the organs and body to achieve a peaceful state of mind and body. White Tiger Qigong has created the perfect prescription of Qigong with a special online course to release worry and anxiety.In this Qigong online course you will get a prescription of deep, dynamic Qigong exercises, Qigong meditation and Qigong deep breathing exercises to release anxious anxiety, leaving you feeling more courageous, peaceful, happier and healthier.In this Qigong online course you will discover: 8 HD video lessons 8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Fascia and its unique role in this Qigong Anatomy of 8 Qigong for Back Pain exercises Chinese Medicine applications of Qigong for Back Pain exercises Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos"
Price: 49.99

"White Tiger Qigong Presents: Qigong to Conquer Fear" |
"In this Qigong online course you will discover: 8 HD video lessons 8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Fascia and its unique role in this Qigong Anatomy of 8 Qigong for Fear exercises Chinese Medicine applications of Qigong for Fear exercises Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos Quizzes and answersMillions of people suffer from fears and phobia around the world everyday. Some people areplagued by consistent and extreme fear. People fear all sorts of things from the fear of flying,fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of death, fear of public speaking, or fear of just aboutanything.Living under constant fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage,gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreasedfertility. Fear can impair formation of long-term memories and cause damage to certain parts ofthe brain, such as the hippocampus.In Chinese medicine fear corresponds with kidney system and relates to the element of water.Fascia science has proven that emotions and stress are stored in the body. There are ancientTaoist forms of Qigong that have been used for over 2000 years to squeeze out emotions andtoxins out of the organs and body to achieve a peaceful state of mind and body. White TigerQigong has created the perfect prescription of Qigong with a special online course to release fearand build courage.Led by White Tiger Qigongs top instructors, Master Instructor and founder, Tevia Feng whostarted Qigong at the age of 7, Aisha Sieburth (seebirth) who has over 20 years of Qigongexperience and teaching, Graduate Instructor Thanh Van and more!In this Qigong online course you will get a prescription of deep, dynamic Qigong exercises,Qigong meditation and Qigong deep breathing exercises to release deep seeded fear, leaving youfeeling more courageous, peaceful, happier and healthier. In addition discover the ChineseMedicine and fascia connections to this Qigong.Get the White Tiger Qigong for Fear Online Course now for a maximum health, longevity, a stress freemind and body.Feel goodFeel freeFeel the Qi!"
Price: 49.99

"White Tiger Qigong for Pain-free Shoulders, Wrist, & Fingers" |
"Are you pounding away at the keyboard all day? Do you have stiffness in your shoulders, wrists, hands or fingers? Millions of people are suffering from shoulder, wrist and finger stiffness or even worse carpel tunnel syndrome, arthritis and more.Whether you are sitting at a desk all day, or too much exercise and have soreness there is a simple solution that is thousands of years old.According to Chinese Medicine,If there is free flow, there is no pain;If there is no free flow, there is pain.Bring back the flow with White Tiger Qigongs Online Course Qigong for Shoulders, Wrist and Finger Pain.WhiteTiger Qigong exercises for shoulders, wrist and finger pain have brought healing relief for people fromaround the world.This Qigong online course reveals how you can achieve soothing, deep, healing relief from shoulder, wrist andfinger pain with simple, easy to learn, ancient Qigong exercises.In this online course you will get key dynamic Qigong exercises that are specifically designed to stretch, twist,strengthen, creating pain free shoulders, wrists and fingers bringing positive realignment for health and longevity.The videos are step-by- step and easy to follow.These Qigong exercises utilize dynamic Qigong movements coupled with deep breathing and a meditative state ofmind.Get White Tiger Qigong for Shoulders, Wrists and Finger Pains online course now for a healthy, pain-free body.Feel goodFeel freeFeel the Qi!In this Qigong online course you will discover: 8 HD video lessons 8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Fascia and its unique role in this Qigong Anatomy of 8 Qigong for Fear exercises Chinese Medicine applications of Qigong for Fear exercises Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos"
Price: 49.99

"White Tiger Qigong: Qigong for Upper Back and Neck Pain" |
"This Qigong online course reveals how you can achieve soothing, deep, healing relief from neck and upper back pain with simple, easy to learn, ancient Qigong exercises.In this online course you will get key dynamic Qigong exercises that are specifically designed to stretch, twist, strengthen, create a pain free neck and upper back bringing positive realignment for health and longevity. As an extra benefit, there is Qigong to lubricate the eyes in some of these exercises.The videos are step-by-step and easy to follow.These Qigong exercises utilize dynamic and still Qigong coupled with deep breathing and a meditative state of mind.Get White Tiger Qigong for Neck and Upper Back Pains online course now for a healthy, pain-free neck, upper back and body.Feel goodFeel freeFeel the Qi!In this Qigong online course you will discover: 8 HD video lessons 8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Fascia and its unique role in this Qigong Anatomy of 8 Qigong for Back Pain exercises Chinese Medicine applications of Qigong for Back Pain exercises Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos"
Price: 49.99

"White Tiger Qigong For Stress and Anger" |
"Emotional stressis a major contributing factor to the six leadingcausesof death in the United States: cancer, coronary heartdisease, accidental injuries, and respiratorydisorders, cirrhosis of the liver and even suicide. Stress and anger can be caused by any number of factors from traffic jams, difficulty at work, money problems, and family or lover troubles.Chronic stress can severely impact your immune system. If not dealt with it can lead to major health issues.In Chinese Medicine, stress and anger can damage the liver which is vital for smooth flow of Qi and blood in your body. If you are easily irritable, have trouble unwinding from the days activities without alcohol, have trouble going with the flow or letting things go, you could have a liver function problem.Fascia science has proven that emotions and stress are stored in the body. There are ancient Taoist forms of Qigong that have been used for over 2000 years to squeeze out emotions and toxins out of the organs and body to achieve a peaceful state of mind and body. White Tiger Qigong has created the perfect prescription of Qigong with a special online course to get the Qi and blood flowing. Led by White Tiger Qigongs top instructors, Master Instructor and founder, Tevia Feng who started Qigong at the age of 7, Aisha Sieburth (seebirth) who has over 20 years of Qigong experience and teaching, Graduate Instructor Thanh Van and more! In this Qigong online course you will get a prescription of deep, dynamic Qigong exercises, Qigong meditation and Qigong deep breathing exercises to release pent up anger and stress, leaving you feeling calm, peaceful, happier and healthier.Not only do you get Qigong exercise videos, but also the anatomy and Chinese Medicine connections of the exercises. In this Qigong online course you will discover:8 HD video lessons8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Chinese Medicine applications of 8 Trigram Organ Qigong This Qigongs fascia and anatomy connections 8 Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos Get the White Tiger Qigong for Stress and Anger Online Course now for a maximum health, longevity, a stress free mind and body.Feel goodFeelfreeFeelthe Qi!"
Price: 49.99
