"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Test" |
"These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam. This exam preparation covers all the topics as per new Feb Released examThe pass marks of each test is 80% although it is recommended that you target for more than 80% in these practice tests. A new version of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam (SAA-C02) is now available. The previous version of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam (SAA-C01) expired today July 1, 2020. Please enroll in this Practice test and focus on ""Exam Simulator"" for updated exam questions for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam (SAA-C02) "
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam Tests" |
"These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for AWS Certified Developer Exam. The pass marks of each test is 80% although it is recommended that you target for more than80% in these practice tests.3 sets of practice testsSeparatequiz for Dynamo DBSeparatequiz for SQS, SNS, SWFSeparatequiz for CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Test" |
"These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for AWS Certified SysOps AdminExam. The pass marks of each test is 80% although it is recommended that you target for more than80% in these practice tests.5 sets of practice testsSeparatequiz for Monitoring and MerticsSeparatequiz for Deployments and Data ManagementSeparatequiz for High Availability"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Practice Test 2020" |
"These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. After successfulcompletion of this course you will be able to passAWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam in 1st attempt. All the questions are absolutely aligned with real exam.The pass marks of each test is 80% although it is recommended that you target for more than80% in these practice tests.Regards,Cloud ME"
Price: 19.99

"How to sell T-Shirts on Merch by Amazon" |
"Selling t-shirts through your own eCommerce platform is hard unless you have a predictable source of targeted traffic.Amazon solves this problem.With millions of ready to buy customers on file, Amazon is a great place to start your journey.In this course you are going to learn how to sell your own t-shirt designs through program called Merch by Amazon.I am going to guide you by hand, step by step from creating a new account all the way to publishing your first t-shirt.Along the way you are going to learn:- How to setup a bank account even if you are not from the US- Understand your tax obligations- How to evaluate demand and trend of a niche, so you can make an informative decision when deciding which audience to target with your t-shirt designs- Which software to use to create stunning designs even if you have not a professional designer- How to properly perform a keyword research and optimize your product listing for maximum exposureand much more...Along the way, you can ask questions and join discussions at any lecture.This course is backed by 30 day no questions asked moneyback guarantee, so you have nothing to lose!I'm looking forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP HANA Certification C_HANATEC_12 exam - Be Hana Certified" |
"SAPHANA is the next generation's Digital platform. SAPHANA introduce us various next generations idea like process Big Data, IOT by facilitating In Memory DB, Column oriented data storage & massive parallel processing. As such SAPHANAConsulting is becoming cream part of job market. Specially like HANAAdmin, SAPHANACloud, SAPHANAActivate methodology, SAPHANA Data modeling certified consultant. In this course I have created a practice set with 200questions. See below examples: What can you do to shorten the startup time of an SAP HANA system after a reboot. Note: There are 2 correct answers Reduce the size of the row store. Set the reload_tables parameter to false Flag all columnar tables for preload Partition the row store across nodes Correct Answer A, C"
Price: 19.99

"A+ Certification Practice test Exam 220-901" |
"Are you going to sit for ComPTIAA+certification?This test a set same as real time exam experience. Each set having 90 questions and time is 120 Mins. And passing score is 70 percent. Networking , Mobile devices, Hardware, Troubleshootingall are covered.After going through full course you can assess your full preparation status and boost up your confidence."
Price: 19.99

"HTML ve Css ile Kurumsal Web Sitesi Yapm" |
"Css ile Kurumsal Web Sitesi Yapm eitim setiyle, Temel seviyede HTML ve CSS bilgisine sahip olan renciler bu kurs ile temel seviyede ki HTML ve CSS bilgilerini orta seviyeye karabilir, tasarm ve kodlama mantn, kodlanacak tasarm zerinde yorumlar yaparak gelitirmeyi amalam temel seviyede HTML ve CSS pratiini gelitiren bir eitim setidir."
Price: 49.99

"German for beginners" |
"Welcome to the course ""German for beginners"". This course will help everyone who is getting started with the German language. You will learn everything from a self-introduction, to ordering food,small talk and moreMoreover, you will learn grammar along the way without difficult explanations. Additionally, everyone who enters this course will get access to a link in order to practice every word or phrase included in that course.So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Ionic compound: Formula and naming" |
"How would you liketo be able write the formula for ionic compound without fail?How about naming them accurately? Have you been playing guessing game whenit comes to writing the name or formula?Then this course is for you!This course focuses on building the properfoundation to successfully writethe formula and nameionic compounds. Wewill go through each concept in astep by step manner and practice on each concept before moving on to the next. There will also be additional practices (with answer key) should you wish to practice more.If at any point you are not clear with what is covered in thevideos, please feel free to drop me a message.Iammore than happyto help.I will be with you throughout the entirejourney.Here's the list of topics we will coverin the course:Ionic 101Introduction to periodic tableClassification of elementsElectronegativityBond polarityFormation of cations and anionsWriting formula forbinary ioniccompoundsionic compounds with polyatomic ionNamingbinary ioniccompoundsionic compounds with polyatomic ionYou will masterwritingthe formulaandnamingof ionic compounds once you completethiscourse.This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. So,YOUHAVENOTHINGTOLOSEBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN! Go ahead and click on thatbutton to enroll and I look forward to seeing you in the course.Yours truly,Dr. K"
Price: 24.99

"Como fazer da fotografia uma profisso rentvel" |
"Esse curso te ensina a construir uma carreira ou um negcio na fotografia de forma profissional, ensinando as boas prticas do mercado com muitas dicas e segredos da profisso.Aqui voc vai aprender adefinirpublico-alvo, fazer osinvestimentos iniciais, criarportflio, desenvolver seufluxo de trabalho, cuidar das burocracias,precificarseus produtos e servios, desenvolver suaidentidade visual, cuidar do seuMarketing, redes sociais, entre outros aspectos necessrios para a construo de uma carreira bem-sucedida na fotografia.Apesar de abordar temas complexos, o curso simples, desenvolvido em formato de guia com 22 passos e direcionado tanto a fotgrafosiniciantesquando experientes, para que o aluno no se sinta perdido ou confuso. No usada linguagem de negcios, jarges ou expresses de difcil assimilao.O momento ideal de consumo deste material justamente antes de iniciar sua carreira de fotgrafo, pois as dicas vo desde os primeiros passos eprimeiros investimentos at as dicas mais avanadas de vendas e fluxo de trabalho.Seja bem-vindo a sua nova vida de fotgrafo!"
Price: 579.99

"OSHA General Industry" |
"OSHA Standards for General Industry Safety and Health ."
Price: 24.99

"Neuromarketing: Masterclass" |
"Los avances recientes en los campos de las Neurociencias y la Psicologaestn redefiniendonuestra comprensin sobre cmo los seres humanos tomamosdecisiones e incluso cmo somos influenciados.Este programa busca aprovechar los conocimientos emergentes enestoscampos y utilizarlos de manera eficaz para incrementar las ventasde tu negocio, disminuyendo tus riesgos de perder dinero."
Price: 495.00

"From Zero to NVivo 11 - Qualitative data analysis with NVivo" |
"""A million times better than the ones at my uni! "" - Claire L. Johnston ""I highly recommend this course and instructor. He is a savior for the new researcher!!!!"" - Jody Bergstrom----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whether you are completely new to NVivo, or have some previous experience with it, you will find this course both useful and enjoyable. I am a professional researcher, research consultant and academic tutor, and in this course, I will teach you complex ideas in a simple and approachable way and I will make sure that when you complete it: you will be able to use a variety of functions of NVivo, ranging from simple note-making, sorting and coding to more complex data queries (see the details in the ""What you'll learn"" section above) you will understand how NVivo can help you take Your data analysis to a higher level. You will have a good understanding of what can be done to enrich your data analysis and how to use NVivo for this purpose you will impress your supervisors, teachers, employers or colleagues with the depth of the analysis you undertakeThe best thing about this course is that all lessons are logically connected - the analytic ideas that emerge early in the course when we record our initial thoughts will be later tested when we learn to code and conduct various coding queries. I do not just talk about how to conduct a given query without first explaining what this query is, how it will help us, and why we may want to conduct it in the first place!This is, in fact, what my students seem to like most about my courses - the way I explain things, the way the lessons are organised and the way I support my students throughout (I am very responsive to messages and always do my best to assist each student personally). I hope that you will take this course and we will soon embark on this exciting analytic journey together! "
Price: 39.99

"How to develop a research/dissertation idea?" |
"There are many resources on ""How to conduct research"" or""How to write a dissertation/thesis/journal article"", as well as on specific methods of data collection and analysis or the structure of dissertations, doctoral theses and academic articles. But in my academic tutoring experience, Iobserved that manystudents are often concerned with yet another aspect of conducting their first research study- how to develop a good research topic?No wonder, having a good research idea is, after all, a prerequisite for conducting agoodresearch study.I developed this course specifically to share my experiences of tackling this, Seemingly simple, task. Iknow what it's like to have a tight deadline and wonder ""how on Earth am Isupposed to come up with something good?"" Ihad to write my own Master's dissertation in 4 months while caring for 2 children and working full-time. Imanaged to write a strong PhDproposal in just 2 daysand to complete my PhDdegree in just over 3 years. Iknow how to manage time effectively, and how to make the best of it when it's limited. Now Iwant to teach you the same.The example questions which Ianswer in this course are as follows:- What is a ""good"" research idea and how to develop it?-Whatto read?How do you know what topics you should start with?What kind of materials to focus on?Which sections of published work should you pay particular attention to?-Whereto look?Where can you find the literature that is relevant?-Howto read?What reading techniques should you use?-How to organise your reading sources?How to make sure that you are on top of your reading and don't loose these valuable sources and quotations?- When should you start writing?- What to write and when?- What is free writing and how is it going to help you?- Is Thinking just a waste of time, or is it just as important an activity as reading and writing?- How to come up with research questions?- What types of research questions are there?- What is a ""good"" research question?- How to incorporate your idea and research questions into the Literature Review chapter?What IDONOTcover in this course is the exact structure of a dissertation. Ifocus mainly on how to read, how to write and how to think (!)to effectively manage your time and gradually develop a good research idea. The course does conclude with a short discussion of a literature reviewbut its main purpose is to demonstrate the place of your research idea and questions in it, not to go into detail of the structure of this chapter."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Bootcamp on C++ : BECOME AN EXPERT" |
"The course will take you from zero to hero, you will know everything about C++ after enrolling this course. This course is specially made to anyone who is seeking to learn C++ in less time for any purpose. This is the professional course which consists of a practical videos as well. This course consists of high quality content designed to be consumed in lowest possible time. I genuinely believe it's the best on the market and if you don't agree, I'll happily refund your money."
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Marketing 2018: Your Complete Instagram Training" |
"~~ BRAND NEW AND UP TO DATE INSTAGRAM MARKETING TRAINING APRIL 2018 - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE ~~Are you a business owner or social media manager?Do you want to master Instagram, create 1000's of leads for your business, or for your client?If your answer is yes, then this course is for you!When you complete this course, you will be able to:Create an amazing Instagram accountBe able to identify and target your audienceBuild 1000's of leads to your businessQuickly and easily create contentSpend just ten minutes a day building your accountCreate successful Instagram AdsKnow which FREE tools to use to create amazing imagesIncrease sales of your products or services through InstagramHave an advanced knowledge of Instagram Marketing, with access to Bonus videos on Influencer Marketing, Hashtags, and Contest CreationWhois this course for?Anyone who wants to get better at Instagram marketingSocial media marketers and consultantswho want to become Instagram Marketing ExpertsEntrepreneurs and small tomedium business ownerswho want to successfully market their business on Instagram, increasing sales of their products or services, and traffic to their websiteEnroll now, and I'll see you on the inside..."
Price: 19.99

"5 Pasos para crear un Negocio Exitoso" |
"El propsito de este curso consiste en presentarle de una manera ordenada, concisa y simple los procesos, actividades, trmites, y herramientas que pueden ayudarle a iniciar una empresa o negocio desde cero. As mismo se recomiendan fuentes de informacin en lnea para profundizar en el tema, o que implementan una herramienta til para el desarrollo de su proyecto empresarial. El curso est orientado con un alcance general a toda persona interesada en crear su propio negocio."
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a Tornar Seu Computador Muito Mais Rpido e Seguro!" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso Configure e Use Melhor o Computador, onde voc vai aprender dicas teis e prticas para configurar o computador com qualidade e rapidez, e us-lo com eficincia, com as melhores tcnicas e ferramentas!Este curso foi pensado para dar orientaes para usurios e tcnicos conseguirem usar e configurar o computador de um jeito mais fcil e rpido, com ferramentas que agilizam e simplificam o trabalho.No final do curso voc ser capaz de configurar o computador com o mximo de agilidade, instalar e atualizar programas e drivers no menor tempo possvel, limpar o computador de arquivos e programas maliciosos, aproveitar melhor os recursos que o computador oferece, alm de conhecer novos programas que vo facilitar sua experincia como usurio ou profissional.Se voc um usurio ou tcnico, que j tem conhecimento bsico ou intermedirio em informtica, mas quer aprender a configurar o computador com qualidade, no menor tempo e com o menor esforo possvel, quer usar o computador com mais confiana e agilidade, e ainda conhecer novos programas que vo ajudar muito nestas tarefas, este curso para voc.Espero voc nas nossas aulas!"
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Outdoor Photography - 2018" |
"If you are interested in shooting, editing, and promoting your photos like a pro, this is the course for you. Ive created this course for the impatient artist those who are eager to start shooting immediately, rather than spending hours studying the history of photography. While most courses are cumulative and take forever to get to the good stuff, The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Outdoor Photography is quick and to the point. This course is designed so you can jump around and learn the concept you want right away, whether its street photography, astrophotography (star shots), portraiture, cityscapes, long exposures, HDRs, or more. You can also follow the course in its original order for a more traditional educational experience! This course is designed for beginner photographers who want to: Learn when and where to buy affordable, high-quality photography gearMaster the exposure triangle shutter speed, aperture, and ISOUncover the use of every button on your cameraFrame beautiful images with the most effective composition rules and my signature layer cake photography analogyPlan photoshoot styles, locations, and subjects (in nature or the city!)Shoot a perfect sunrise/sunset photo with HDR (high dynamic range) photographyCreate gorgeous panoramas to capture a vast landscape or cityscapeShoot stunning portraits in the city, woods, or mountain topsCapture the Milky Way and stars with astrophotographyDocument cities and towns with techniques like street photography, cityscapes, bokeh, and night photographyCreate an online photo business with a polished website and dazzling Instagram to sell prints, book gigs, network with influencers, and moreIn Lightroom Classic, my preferred photo editing software: Import, organize, edit, and export your new photosUse the HSL tab, sharpening, local adjustments, and more to refine your imagesEfficiently editphotos with snapshots and presets (including some of my own, available for free download!)Develop your own workflow from start to finishWhy Learn Outdoor Photography?Whether youre traveling the world or wandering your town, outdoor photography fosters a new way to explore, makes you observant and appreciative of your surroundings, and connects you with nature, cities, and people like never before. Outdoor photography is adventurous, great for beginners, and doesnt require much extra equipment. This course is full of activities that put everything youre learning to the test. I always include 3 tiers of challenges base, bonus, and mega to accommodate a variety of skill levels and incorporate numerous skillsets. For example, section 7s activities range from shooting a simple cityscape to a portrait,with a cityscape in the background, to createa bokeh effect.There are also over 60 pages of downloadable PDFs with step-by-step guides for every shooting concept I cover, so you can take themwhileout photographing. I have alsoincluded several links throughout the course and PDFs to enhance the learning experience. Some of these links will be affiliate links. Many photography teachers like to give you a bunch of vague tips, expecting you to figure the rest out. Instead, I like to walk you through step-by-step, helping you immediately shoot advanced concepts, like astrophotography, that would typically be challenging to figure out as a beginner. I also make a living as an influencer, and have so much to teach you about being a photographer influencer, from building your site to collaborating with other influencers on Instagram. This is the best online photography course you'll find! Fire up your passion for photography. Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"If you simply want to say cool phrases, then Id suggest buying a phrase book. But if youve come to discover what makes this language worth learning, then youve come to the right lessons!Throughout this journey, Im going to teach you how to: Speak REAL Japanese. Not the robotic way textbooks say you should speak. My lessons focus on human speech patterns, proper usage of words, and learning about nuances of pitch and tone. Throughout the course there will be illustrations for visual learners, as well as a copy of the lesson in PDF format. There will also bevocabulary review. I will incorporate clips of Japanese dramas, T.V programs and slice of life anime when possible, so you can see how to implement these lessons in real life conversations.What you will learn by the end of the course: You will learn the basic function of Japanese grammar and sentence structure. You will learn to identify hiragana and katakana characters and how to use them, write complete sentences. My lessons also aim to improve your understanding of pronunciation, provide new vocabulary and expressions, as well as give an in-depth explanation at the function of particles in Japanesea common obstacle for many Japanese learners.This course is: Interactive, fun, engaging and includes the help of anime and Japanese entertainment! Advice: Dont be so serious. Learning Japanese is fun and exciting! However, we must get through the basics to understand what makes Japanese so much fun to learn!"
Price: 19.99

"Gerente de E-commerce, Planejamento e Montagem Passo a Passo" |
"***Mais de 1.000 alunos em 10 pases!***E-commerce um setor que no conhece a crise. Sobram vagas e faltam pessoas capacitadas e certificadas.Se voc quer empreender ou conquistar uma vaga de gerente de e-commerce, esse o curso certo!Com esse curso, voc ser capaz de criar um projeto de e-commerce completo, desde o planejamento at a divulgao!No curso abordaremos temas como marketing digital, SEO, Google Adwords, marketing no Facebook, mtricas, anlise de mercado e de marketing, plano de negcios, exemplos de boa vs m operao, tipos de plataformas de e-commerce, design focado em converso de vendas, meios de pagamento, anti-fraude, precificao e muito mais!Contedo criado por quem j participou da criao de centenas de projetos de e-commerce personalizados, desde pequenos projetos at grandes marcas!Tudo explicado de forma didtica e em uma linguagem acessvel mesmo para quem no trabalha com internet. Comentrios de quem j participou do curso:*** timo curso!! Ja sou consultor empresarial, mas sempre fui atrado pelo e-commerce! Neste curto aprendi e tive varias dicas como montar e desenvolver. Obrigado! Pedro ****** um timo curso! Agregou muito para minha carreira profissional! Muito obrigado! Rafael ****** timo curso! Oferece todas as diretrizes para se comear um eCommerce. Marcelo ****** mais do que eu esperava. timas informaes. Explicaes claras. O Rafael demonstrou possuir um conhecimento muito profundo do e-commerce, dos diversos processos que lhe do vida e de como eles se conectam. Alm disso, passou parte de sua experincia de trabalho em e-commerce e em negcios de suporte s operaes virtuais. Valter ***Bem vindo ao mundo do E-commerce e Marketing Digital, inicie j o seu aprendizado!"
Price: 174.99

"Edita vdeos muy fcilmente BIEN EXPLICADOAdobe Premiere CC" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para realizar tus propios proyectos de manera profesional, no importa si nunca haz usado el programa, en un par de horas estars realizando tus propios proyectos.Aprende todo sobre los efectos de video y audio, el uso de la pantalla verde, insercin de texto e imgenes y como crear tu propia intro. para tus propios vdeos, todo a una calidad y nivel de profesional."
Price: 2070.00

"Cold Calling 101!" |
"In Cold Calling, 101- You will learn the basics, of Cold calling. You will receive actionable tipsonthe basics of cold calling and get one step closer to closing that next sale.You will also learn how to qualify the leads as well as how to deal with objections and how to get past ""the gatekeeper"" to speak to the person who makes the decisions. This course will teach you the tips and tricks that I have learned in my 15 years of sales history. After this course, you will be set up to either start cold calling today with confidence, or you can take my more advanced course for even more tips and tricks of the trade."
Price: 29.99

"Actors & Money" |
"Erin's class was the push I needed to focus on my financial goals right now. She shows you concrete ways to change your habits and the way you think about money. You are provided with tools & materials to help keep your budget & savings on track month to month. She's personable, responsive to your questions & concerns, and practices what she preaches. It was liberating to see a path to become debt free, have an emergency savings fund, and feel in control of my financial future whether the national commercial or broadway gig comes through or not. I think this type of financial training is a must for artists!~Carmen Gill"
Price: 24.99

"Study abroad and receive a high-quality education for FREE !" |
"You already know that receiving a good education is your first step towards a brilliant future; your first step to make whatever dream you have come true.But because of the greed of some universities, and the increasing of the cost of living all over the world, a lot of students have lost their dream to study in a prestigious university.I believe you're one of those students, and you share them the same dream and the same disappointment, and I hope after this course you find that little push you are looking for to turn that dream into reality.Now, what if I told you that you dont have to be rich in order to be able to receive a high-quality education and study in of the best universities in the world !You'd definitely wonder, how is that possible, right? Well, Lemme tell you that this is still possbile, and luckily some developed European countries still provide FREEeducation for international students, andnotjust any education ,but a high-quality education and YES for FREE. Germany, Norway, France, and Finland.Education in these countries is supported by the government, and they don't charge any tuition fees regardless the level of studies and the nationality of the student.In this course, I will provide you with all the information you need to know about studying in these countries. Im going to be talking about the cons and pros, cost of living and the application process for universities and the visa in each country. We'll appreciate having you as a studentSee you in the course ^^ !"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Tenses in English Grammar" |
"COMPLETE TENSES IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR:Present Tense: Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous Tense.Past Tense: Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous Tense.Future Tense: Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous Tense.So, All the Tenses will be covered with super-fine examples, so that students can be able to comprehend it easily."
Price: 179.99

"Aprende Informtica Forense Investigacin Digital" |
"Este Curso Parte de la Certificacin como investigador digital forense que ofrece la red latinoamericana de informtica forense REDLIF, te prepara para iniciar tu recorrido como investigador digital dentro del mundo del cmputo forense, aprenders los aspectos importantes de cada paso metodolgico, as como las tcnicas de investigacin ms utilizadas en este mbito.Dentro del curso podrs tener acceso a talleres y ejercicios de anlisis forense totalmente prcticos, con todo el software disponible para descarga, que te permitir llevar adelante tus investigaciones dentro del curso sin ningn inconveniente."
Price: 119.99

"Curso de Segunda Voz" |
"Voc sempre sonhou fazer segunda voz mais no sabe por onde comear?Se voc tem um amigo que cante sertanejo e quer cantar com ele a segunda voz, esse o curso certo para voc.Somos a empresa EU-CANTO, h 30 anos trabalhando com msica, integrantes da dupla Caique e Kau, dupla formada a mais de 24 anos e com longa experincia em msica sertaneja, sabendo do desejo que muitos tem em cantar esse estilomusical e principalmente aprender a segunda voz, criamos esse curso para ajuda-los, de uma maneira simples e rpida, sem muitos conceitos tcnicos e sim prticos."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Segunda Voz Modulo 2" |
"Cursodirecionado aos amantes da msica,aquelas pessoas que sonha em fazer segunda voz, aqueles que j cantam profissionalmente e ainda no sabem cantar a segunda voz, pra aqueles que sonhamem ganhar dinheiro com a msica, formar um dupla, ou de repente somente mostrar seu talento em reunies familiares."
Price: 39.99

"PMP Exam Prep : 275 Practice Exam Questions" |
"One important way to prepare for thePMI PMP examinationsis to simulate the test experience by taking aseries of practice questions. One of the benefits of using the practice questions is familiarizing yourself withthe types of questions encountered in an actualPMIcertification examination.There is no correlationbetween the number of practice questions you answer correctly and your success under actual examinationconditions, but your understanding of typical question formats can make the actual examination less stressful.The practice questions in this courshave been selected to represent the topical distribution of thequestions that you can expect to encounter in the examination.Materials in this coursare based on the PMBOK Guide, Sixth edition, Project Management Institute, Inc.2018"
Price: 19.99
