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"YOGABASICS Yoga am Morgen und Abend"
"""Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der beste deines Lebens zu werden."" Mark TwainMit diesen Online Yogastunden nehmen wir Dich mit auf eine einzigartige Yoga Reise nach Indien. Im traumhaften Indien haben wir acht abgestimmte Kurzprogramme a' 30 Minuten gedreht und fr jedes Kurzprogramm haben wir einen Schwerpunkt gesetzt. Die bungen sind zudem in bungen fr den Morgen (Kraftvoll) und bungen fr den Abend (Entspannend) unterteilt. Du kannst die Einheiten in Deiner eigenen Geschwindigkeit abhandeln und auch die Programme selbst kombinieren, da jedes Kurzprogramm in sich abgeschlossen ist. Wir geben vor jedem Programm eine genaue Anleitung, was Dich im ausgewhlten Kurzprogramm erwartet, dass Du der Yoga Sequenz im Detail folgen kannst.Die einzelnen Yoga Programme finden in unterschiedlicher Umgebung statt (z.B. am Strand oder im Gebirge) und Du kannst in mit jeder Sequenz in eine neue Welt eintauchen. Es erwartet Dich authentisches Yoga in einer authentischen Umgebung. So kann man einfach 30 Minuten eine Auszeit nehmen und den Alltag vergessen und eine Sequenz auch nach persnlicher Stimmung auswhlen. Die Yoga bungen werden musikalisch untermalt durch sphrische Klnge einer Caisa Trommel und mit Silvios angenehmer Stimme steht der Entspannung nichts mehr im Wege. Man kann sich sofort in eine andere Welt versetzen. Fr jeden der nach Feierabend richtig entspannen mchte, gibt es am Ende des Kurses auch noch zwei gefhrte Meditationen. Hier besteht die Mglichkeit auch nur mit Musik zu meditieren."
Price: 29.99

"YOGABASICS kompletter Yogakurs : 20 Stunden Yoga Einsteiger"
"20 Stunden Yoga Komplettkurs fr Yoga EinsteigerDu mchtest mit Yoga starten und Dich intensiv mit dem Thema beschftigen oder Du hast schon einmal einen Kurs gemacht und mchtest nun Deine Kenntnisse auffrischen und neue Techniken erlernen?Dann ist dieser 20 Stunden YOGABASICS Komplettkurs (bestehen aus den Materialien des YOGABASICS Grundkurses Teil 1und 2 von Silvio Fritzsche) genau richtig fr Dich! In ber 20 Stunden erhltst Du zu Beginn einen Einstieg in die Yoga Praxis und in den Aufbaumodulen, neben neuen Asana Techniken, auch eine Einfhrung in die richtigen Atemtechniken, welche beim Yoga so wichtig sind. Aufbau des KursesJedem Modul geht eine genaue theoretische Einfhrung voran, um sicherzustellen, dass Du die bungen in Zukunft exakt ausfhren kannst. Du lernst die korrekten Ausfhrungstechniken im Yoga kennen und zu beachten. Dabei erlutert Silvio fr Dich wichtige Ausfhrungen auch anhand eines Wirbelsulenmodells. Wichtig fr den Erfolg im Yoga ist auch die richtige Atmung und Du erlernst Atembungen (wie z.B. Ujjayi, Kapalaphati, Wechselatmung), welche Dir neue Energie geben und in eine wohltuende Ruhe fhren."
Price: 99.99

"Was Wertschtzung wirklich ist"
"Zitate von Kursteilnehmern:""Ein groartiger Kurs! Sehr lebendig und didaktisch gut gemacht. [...]"" (Holger Zschbitz)""Ein interessanter und gut gemachter Kurs, der mein Sicht auf ""Wertschtzung"" erweitert und in vielen Punkten korrigiert hat. - Danke."" (U Perl)Haben Sie sich schon mal gefragt, wie Sie durch Lob Ihre Mitarbeiter und Kollegen noch besser motivieren knnen?In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie,was Wertschtzung wirklich ist.wie Sie Wertschtzung authentisch und wirkungsvoll einsetzen.wie Sie durch Wertschtzung erfolgreicher werden.Die Situation: Jeder Mensch will und braucht Wertschtzung. Richtige Wertschtzung spricht uns an, gibt uns vertrauen, motiviert und inspiriert uns.Die meisten Menschen sind berzeugt Wertschtzung zu kennen und einzusetzen. Aber noch nie war der Bedarf grer an Wertschtzung als heute.Sprechen Sie mit den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, werden diese es Ihnen besttigen.Sogar Studien belegen diesen Mangel an wirkungsvoller Anerkennung:67% der Mitarbeiter berichten, dass sie keine oder sehr wenig Anerkennung erfahren. (Whrend 81% der Fhrungskrfte behaupten, Anerkennung regelmig zu geben.)Die Ursache:Die Welt dreht sich schneller und vieles wird unpersnlicher. Besonders in der Arbeitswelt reduzieren sich die Kontakte auf fachlichen und schnellen Informationsaustausch. Der Faktor Mensch wir immer weniger bercksichtigt. Stress und Zeitmangel lassen es fr jeden - fr den Kollegen oder die Fhrungskraft - eine Herausforderung werden, persnliche Verbindungen aufzubauen. Verbindungen, ber die man sein Umfeld und sich selbst motivieren und inspirierend kann und somit ein erfolgreiches und erflltes (Arbeits-)Leben zu fhren.Die Lsung:Erkennen Sie durch diesen Kurs, wie Sie Wertschtzung vorleben und geben knnen. Auch oder gerade dann, wenn es schwierig wird und/oder die Beziehung unter einem schlechten Stern steht. Sie lernen, Wertschtzung zu zeigen UND wertschtzend zu sein - ohne sich zu verstellen und somit seine volle Authentizitt zu bewahren.Wertschtzung bertrgt sich. Wertschtzung ist ansteckend. Fangen Sie JETZT an!Der Weg:Der Kurs enthlt 14 kurze Videos (max. 3 Minuten Lnge) und 14 Aufgaben, welche jeweils einem Video zugeordnet sind. Bei jeder Aufgaben knnen Sie zwischen 3 Level whlen und so Ihren persnlichen Schwierigkeitsgrad auswhlen, abhngig von Ihrer Zeit oder Ihrer Mglichkeit, die Aufgabe kurz oder intensiver zu bearbeiten.Wenn Sie jeden Tag eine kurze Aufgabe bearbeiten, dauert der Kurs genau zwei Wochen.Warum?Weil Sie mit diesem Kurs in Zukunft wertschtzender sein werden! Sie werden Wertschtzung bewusster und wirkungsvoller einsetzen. Ihre beruflichen aber auch privaten Beziehungen werden gestrkt und vertrauensvoller. Sie erlernen somit die Basis fr die Gestaltung erfolgreicher Beziehungen. Erfolgreich fr Sie und fr Ihr Team und Umfeld!"
Price: 19.99

"Wertschtzende Fhrung"
"Zitate von Kursteilnehmern:""Das Wissen wurde sehr detailliert und aufschlussreich vermittelt. In der Praxis sehr gut umsetzbar.""[...] (Patrick Vlpel)""Weil der Kurs mein Wissen bereichert und mich zum Nachdenken gebracht hat."" (Thorsten Sparenberg)""Ich fand den Kurs berraschend tiefgreifend. Ich empfehle, sich an den Aufbau von 6 Wochen zu halten, da der Lerneffekt dann einfach grer ist. Es hat sich definitiv fr mich gelohnt, bis zum Ende dabei zu bleiben, [...]"" (Denise Cappel)Fhrungsmethoden und -techniken gibt es viele.Was mache ich aber, wenn ich mit bestimmten Kollegen nicht zurecht komme?Wie kann ich denn meine Mitarbeiter besser motivieren und fr die Unternehmensziele besser gewinnen?Warum komme ich mit bestimmten Mitarbeitern einfach nicht auf einen ""grnen Zweig""?Wenn ""Wertschtzung"" darauf die Antwort sein soll ? .... JA - DAS ISTDIE ANTWORT!Wertschtzung ist leider inzwischen zum ""buzzword"" mutiert - doch kaum jemand sagt, wie man Wertschtzung wirklich praktisch und wirksam in seinen Fhrungsalltag umsetzen kann - bei all demStress und Zeitdruck.In dem Programm erfahrenSie, wie Sie Wertschtzung als eine innere Haltung fr sich entdecken und authentisch leben und auch bewusst als Motivationselementeinsetzenknnen. Sie knnen dadurchauch zu schwierigen Mitarbeitern eine wertschtzende Beziehung aufbauen.EinwertschtzenderFhrungsstil fhrt zu engagierten und motivierten Mitarbeitern. Somit werden Sie und Ihre Team erfolgreicher.Der Kurs vermittelt das Wissen durch Videos von max 20 Minuten. Nach jedem Video erhalten Sie einen Coaching-Brief, der Sie dabei untersttzt, das erlernte Wissen zu vertiefen und direkt im tglichen Arbeitsumfeld einzusetzen. Reflexionsfragen helfen Ihnen, die bungen zu hinterfragen. So erleben Sie eine nachhaltige Verbesserung Ihres Fhrungsverhalten.Und nicht vergessen: Wertschtzung ist ansteckend!"
Price: 194.99

"Getting really good at JavaScript and TypeScript"
"You cant avoid JavaScript, but you can avoid all the pain! This course turns your average JavaScript skills into great JavaScript skills, and makes you a champ at using TypeScript in a real project. JavaScript, the only language that runs everywhere, a language with huge shortcomings, finicky behavior, and yet something we must master. TypeScript that removes all the pain of JavaScript, but only if you use it properly. This course takes your hacky JavaScript skills, and turns you into a real JavaScript pro. And from there, it teaches you practical TypeScript by demonstrating the fundamentals, and real world usage in a project."
Price: 19.99

"Office365 and AzureAD for Developers"
"Developing for Office365 is figuring out Azure AD, and mostly REST queries. The REST queries are the easy part. But a proper understanding of how Azure AD works from a developers perspective is the more important part. Whether you are developing for Office 365 or not, as your organization embraces the cloud, a solid understanding of developer concepts in Azure AD is necessary. This course provides hands on explanations of all the AzureAD scenarios you need to know as a developer, followed by tying that knowledge in Office 365 APIs and the Microsoft Graph. Lots of hands on examples and code in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Colour; Architectural Design & Interior Decoration"
"An In-Depth Understanding of Colour is One of The Most Important Assets to a Visual Professional. Start Creating The Best Possible Design Outcomes through exceptional colour understanding, coordination and application. Providing Designers and Visual Professionals with everything they need to become true, confident colourists.About This Course:How to vastly increase design quality through colour selectionHow to create the best possible colour coordinationAn in-depth understanding of colourFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeYou need no prior experience and theres nothing further to buy or pay for.Youll LearnAn in-depth understanding of colourHow to vastly increase design quality through colour selectionHow to work successfully with colour How to apply colour principals to art and designUnderstand colour mixing in any given scenario How to apply colour psychology to design outcomesHow to choose the right colours to use to for the given applicationHow to create the best possible colour coordination... and much, much more!Pre-launch Rave Review ""Thorough: from the bottom to the top. This course broadened my mind. In a word: Awesome!"" - Andrew Bushard"
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Light; Architectural Design & Interior Decoration"
"Learn The Secrets of Light from an Architect and Interior Designer with Over a Decade of Industry Experience. Providing designers from all disciplines with everything they need to become a true, confident lighting Designer.* * *An in-depth understanding of Light is one of the most useful and important assets to a visual professional.Start creating the best possible lighting design through an understanding of light interaction, coordination and application of artificial lighting.* * *Pre-Release ReviewThorough explanation of light. This course has made me aware of the effects of lighting on my designs. In a word: Enlightened!"" - Jessica Stott* * *About This CourseAn in-depth understanding of LightHow to vastly increase design quality through Lighting selectionHow to create best possible lighting solutions in designFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee. You need no prior experience and theres nothing further to buy or pay for.Youll LearnAn in-depth understanding of LightHow to vastly increase design quality through controlled LightingHow to work successfully with LightHow to apply Lighting principals to designUnderstand Light control in any given scenarioHow to apply Lighting psychology to design outcomesHow to select artificial Lights effectively based on lighting theoryHow to choose the right Luminosity to use to for the given applicationHow to create the best possible Lighting coordination... and much, much more!Take action and enroll in this course by clicking the take this course button, top right now .. and claim your most important asset to your design career!Michael Dean"
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Design Principles and Elements"
"An In-Depth Understanding of Design Principles and Elements is the foundation of aProfessional Visual Desiginer.Start Creating The Best Possible Design Outcomesthroughunderstanding the best principles and elements tocoordination in any designapplication.Providing Designers and AspiringVisual Professionals with the foundation for a life full of design and visual creativity.About This Course:How to vastly increase design quality through elemental selectionHow to create the best possible designprinciple coordinationAn in-depth understanding of design principles and elementsFull, free lifetime access to course upgrades and bonusesAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeYou need no prior experience and theres nothing further to buy or pay for.Youll LearnAn in-depth understanding of design elements and principlesHow to vastly increase design quality through correct designselection and applicationHow to work successfully with design principlesHow to applyprincipals and elementsto art and designUnderstand harmoniousmixing of principles or elementsin any given scenarioHow to apply influence physicalpsychology in response todesign solutionsHow to choose the right elementsto use in anygiven applicationHow to create the best possible designcoordination using fundamental knowledge... and much, much more!Pre-launch Rave Review""Basic and Informative"": better than some of the free courses and has plenty of content tobroadened your mind on just how design effects our everyday lives!fantastic value for money! freebie!!!""- Jessica Townsland"
Price: 49.99

"Template Creator CK - Creating Custom Joomla templates"
"There's an absolute bevy of courses on the internet on how to build websites using all kinds of platforms and frameworks. Although these courses are generally very helpful in teaching more about certain topics like HTML and CSS, I have yet to come across a course that shows you how to create a custom template from scratch.After doing multiple online courses on the internet to teach myself web development, I realised that teaching others my workflow could not only save them lots of time, but give them a solid understanding of a tool that has become one of the most powerful in my arsenal.The objective of this course is to run you through a step by step process on how to create a custom template using a component called Template Creator CK. This component can be installed into Joomla and Wordpress, and operates inside the CMS to make the creation of templates from scratch an absolute breeze.The course is structured in a top down approach, where students will take an existing design and start creating the template from the navigation area, all the way down to the footer area. Thereafter we will look at concepts like responsive design, template overrides and adding custom CSS to the template to add some aesthetically pleasing effects with CSS transitions and transforms.Students wishing to enroll should already be familiar with HTML, CSS and either Joomla or Wordpress. Although Joomla is the preferred CMS for this course, Template Creator CK will soon be available for Wordpress, so if you have a solid understanding of the skillsets covered here, you can extend the utility of this course to create templates for Wordpress as well. The total runtime of the course is roughly 2.5 hours, but I would recommend doing each section slowly and practicing the concepts taught to get the most out of the material. Students will need to purchase the Template Creator CK component, but I can assure you it will be money well spent. Taking this course will teach you a fantastic new way of creating beautiful, versatile and responsive templates for the two biggest CMS's out there today."
Price: 19.99

"Agile Scrum Retrospective Meetings (in 5 Easy Steps)"
"Run awesome agile scrum meetings that boost team performance... and turn yourself into confident facilitator along the way!Make Your Agile Scrum Meetings ValuableStop wasting people's time and energy with highly appreciated meetingsFix your agile Scrum team: run retrospective meetings the way they were meantLearn practical skills and tools to manage your groupTurn problems into valuable improvementsLearn a 5-step method to create super effective retrospective meetingsAdd facilitation skills to your CVDeal with problematic people and handle yourself when things heat upHelp Your Agile Team Become More Productive And Engaged With Collaborative MeetingsRunning effective meetings is a crucial skill in any workplace today. It saves time, gives immediate results and is highly appreciated: People know you will make their time well spent. This is something you NEED TO KNOW. This course shows you how.Knowing how to transform your group into a highly productive team is a dream come true for any organisation. It makes your work more fun and rewarding... and also gives you the upper hand in any meeting.Bonus: Exclusive e-book available only for students! Handpicked meeting activities with detailed instructions you can choose from based on what you want to achieve.## Course Overview ##1. Design: Learn how to design your meetings with ease using a powerful, proven five-step method. This method guides you, step by step with detailed instructions how to kick off the retrospective meeting all the way to wrapping it up.2. Create: Next, youll focus on how to create your meetings and how you can create effective agendas with a clear purpose and goal.3. Run: Finally, how to run your meetings without wasting people's time and energy. Practical tips to manage the group, make team decisions and use professional facilitation tools. Deal with people who dominate and how to get others to speak up. And, of course, how to keep yourself calm and focused during the meeting.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++""Excellent! This course gives deep insight into how an effective culture can be created and processed. Thumbs up for all practical tips, they will become very useful in my future projects."" ""A Collaboration Kickstarter! Martin is delivering a nice set of tools for anyone in need of collaboration improvements. The videos keep a high quality and they were easy to follow. The attached document is also a nice summarization. This will definitely boost my upcoming meetings!""""Great about fixing teams! I'm impressed with all the details about running meetings. I also liked the step by step section where the instructor talks about how to create the meetings, it's clear he knows his stuff. I'm a Scrum master and yes this is really useful. Highly recommended!""+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Bonus: Cheat sheet for each section! A nice and compact summary with all important points from the course -- useful when preparing and running your meetings!Everything in here is tried and tested, proven by professional facilitators throughout the world. Not many people know about these things, so this is a chance to learn what most people dont have a clue about! I have yet to meet a team leader, project manager or Scrummaster who uses anything you're about to learn here.Risk-free: Unconditional 30 days money back guarantee! Unlimited lifetime accessCertificate of CompletionAt the end of this course, youll have the skills to create your own awesome meetings that will help you and your team to more productivity and get you started on your journey to becoming an even better meeting facilitator! JOIN NOW and Start Fixing Your Agile Meetings ASAP!"
Price: 94.99

"Docker: Compreendendo e utilizando !"
"Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar o aluno a entender a diferena entre Container X Virtualizao, prs e contras dessas tecnologias, iniciar seu aprendizado em Docker, implementar Docker (infraestrutura de container) em seu dia a dia.E mais ... Integrao com outros sistemas, topicos avanados e tudo que voc procura saber sobre Docker."
Price: 129.99

"Effective Emceeing (Basic) The Shy Speakers' Guide"
"Ever needed to emcee for an event, yet not know the first thing about being an event host or a master of ceremonies (MC)?Public speaking itself is widely regarded as the number one fear of people across age, cultures and genders... and the additional pressure of taking the role of an event host as an MC (aka emcee), at important events such as a weddings/ roadshows/ seminars/ conferences/ recitals/ parties/ company-D&D by your family/manager/boss does little to ease the jitters.Over the last 10 years, we've helped thousands of people overcome their fears of public speaking, and hundreds more become effective emcees with little or no hosting experience.The Shy Speakers' Guide to Effective Emceeing (Fundamentals) is THE course to help you go from being a zero, to becoming a hero on stage.More than surviving, speaking well on stage also has the following benefits:Elevates your credibility (because you sound like you know what you're doing)Helps you be more visible to important people Opens up more opportunities for you (because people know who you are)Builds your confidence even further (because you know what you can do)Helps you increase your income (because good speakers are hard to find!)Helps you increase your income (because you can charge other people as a pro)Developed and taught by actual professional speakers, public speaking trainers and emcee coaches, we have helped hundreds of new emcees get started, and many more turn professional in the course of their careers.The trainers have taught at some of the best educational institutions in the world, spoken at hundreds of events, and have experience helping others do the same. Now, they have condensed their years of experience to help people like you take the stage, and own it!In this course, you will discover some of the super, key skills of what it takes to be an effective emcee at events. Whether you are a total newbie, or if you have experience hosting events, and are thinking about formalizing and enhancing your skills to take them to the next level, this course is for you!What are you waiting for? Join us, to speak up, stand out, shine on stage now!"
Price: 49.99

"Kindle Book Review Formula: How to Get More Kindle Reviews"
"Are you desperate to get more Kindle reviews for your books? Seeking more five star reviews? Craving that vital social proof needed to catapult your book sales skyward?You're not alone.Many authors struggle to get readers to leave honest reviews for their books, even when they've got a great book and solid sales. The hard truth is that only 1-2% of readers, on average, ever bother to take the time to leave a review. Waiting for those organic reviews to slowly filter in and praying they result in a positive rating can be an agonizing, slugging process.But it doesn't have to be.Imagine launching your new book with more than a dozen reviews on day-1?Getting a large number of positive, honest launch-day reviews is crucial for generating valuable momentum to drive sales of your Kindle book. It's also a lot easier than you might expect, and you can accomplish this while only using white hat methods and best practices. (That's right, no shady business here).All you need is a quality Kindle book and the simple-to-follow formula I'm going to teach you when you enroll today.In this course, you'll learn how to:Get more positive 4 and 5 star reviews for your Kindle booksBuild a launch team to get tons of honest day-1 reviews right from the get-goCreate the positive social proof you need to drive launch salesIncrease your overall customer reviews over time using strategic best practicesOvercome the challenges of getting negative reviewsLearn how to turn constructive criticism into a valuable tool for improving your books and getting more positive reviewsAnd more!Are you ready to turn the tide and get more positive and reviews and social proof to drive your Kindle book sales? Scroll on up and click ""Take This Course"" today! Let's get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Supercharge Your Grades"
"Course Description: This is a comprehensive course that offers tips and techniques to overcome common challenges that impede a students success with attaining the grades they truly desire..Some of the areas covered in this course include: Setting GoalsOrganizationTime ManagementMemoryEffective Study TechniquesTips for Taking Various Types of TestsTips for Writing an EssayGuidelines for the Research Paper As I discuss each portion of this course, students will learn tips and techniques which successful students have applied to maintain their excellent GPA. .By the end of this course, students will be more organized, better managers of their time, and more efficient learners with their application and practice of the memory techniques and other strategies taught in this course. What are the requirements? A willingness to hear the information from a different angle with an open mind.A willingness to experiment with the different techniques and tips offered.Patience and kindness to oneself until new study habits are formed. What am I going to get from this course? 53 lectures and approximately 2 hours aan45 minutes of content presented in short video segmentsProven tips and techniques that boost school performance, enhance learning, and improve gradesTime management skills Organization tips Teacher support and availability to answer your questions within 48 hours via the Course Dashboard (excluding weekends and holidays) Who is the target audience? Middle School students who want to develop excellent study skills in preparation of the increased demands of high school or simply want to improve their grades currently.High School students who want to improve their grades and become more effective learners.Adults, entering college after a long lapse from graduating high school, who want to learn basic study skills and tips to give them an advantageous start."
Price: 19.99

"Compact Camera Course - understand your camera in 30 minutes"
"Wanna make beautiful images, but you don't have a fancy DSLR?Do you feel frustrated or disappointed with your photos... even guilty that you don't know what you're doing?It's not your fault; you just need to spend some time learning what your camera can do,...and some time practicing how to use this knowledge in the field.90% of camera courses are targeted toward DSLR owners, not the humble photography enthusiast just starting out on the journey.This course is for: total novices, absolute beginners, and the technologically challenged. You must own a compact (point-and-shoot) camera, or a Micro 4/3rds, or a Bridge camera, so you can put this theory into practice.Video lectures make up the bulk of this course, with 3 exercises and a quiz. The final exercise requires downloading some freeware, and installing this on a Windows-based computer.Topics include: image resolution & size, JPEG vs RAW files, memory cards, focus, metering, program modes, aperture / shutter speed, plus how to get your photos off the camera and fix them on a computer.Finally, the tutor does not own your particular camera - hang, there's hundreds of models out there, and the course would be many hours long if it was to cover every possibility.So, you will be required to download and read your camera's manual, to fully understand exactly what dials to turn and buttons to press."
Price: 19.99

"COMPOSITION : learn the artistic side of photography"
"Would you like to... Feel empowered & get more confident with your camera?Fulfill your potential as the photographer you know you could be?Impress your family & friends with stunning images?Say goodbye to disappointing, amateurish snapshots?Learn the fun stuff first!Understand what makes a 'good photo' (or bad photo)Learn to compose your photos with clear intent, not randomlyKnow how to critique your own workFeel good about your photography!Learn the artistic side of photography, and once you've got this mastered, then learn all that left-brained stuff.Most photography courses try to teach you how a camera works. Technical stuff such as the Exposure Triangle, which is quite difficult to understand. Here, we get into the aesthetic and the artistic - things anyone with a camera can comprehend.The rules of composition apply mostly in the landscape genre, but many are applicable in portraiture and in other genres too.What you needCamera - any model will do; smartphone, compact or DSLRA tripod to stabilise the camera (optional)A friend to pose for youAbout four hours to practice what you've learnedContent OverviewSuitable for beginner & intermediate photography enthusiastsRecommended for advanced photographers who never studied this topic12 short, sharp lessons you can put into practice today35 minutes of video training1 quick quiz - to test your memory recall4 exercises - put these principles into practice4 downloadable PDF exercise sheets"
Price: 54.99

"Advanced Executive Recruiting & Hiring"
"Competition for the best executive talent is fierce. Without the right toolkit, you will be stuck hiring mediocre candidates, creating an ineffective team, demotivating employees and setting the stage for turnover. Jack Welch once said, The team with the best players wins! There are specific steps that you can follow to attract, screen and hire those best players and that is what this course is about. This course reveals the most critical elements you need to implement to go from an average recruiter to a superstar! You must have mastered the fundamentals of recruiting in order to learn best practices for Attracting candidates - Describe your company and downplay the position you need to fillScreening candidates - Balance your gut reactions with logic using two simple interview questions and our assessment formThrilling candidates with your offer hold back compensation to start and be generous to close Use the techniques you learn in this course and access it over and over to ensure you hire the best candidates consistently and make sure they are excited to join your organization."
Price: 34.99

"LinkedIn basics You must know this first"
"Every time you speak with someone new, a potential employer, client, recruiter or networking contact, there is an excellent chance that they are looking at your LinkedIn profile.Posting a bad LinkedIn profile can cause a job opportunity or new potential client tovanish into thin air. Creating a strong LinkedIn profile is the single, easiest action you can take to present yourself professionally to the world.Take this course and in the next hour, you will learn everything you need to know to create a strongLinkedIn profile. You will also receivesome basic tools todevelopyour professional network and grow your career.This information would take hours to gather from various sources, and it wouldcost hundreds of dollars to have someone create your profile. Imade this course FREEso that you can get started quickly and take advantage of 20+ years of executive recruiting knowledge tofind your next position.Connect with me on LinkedIn under the profile ""jasongsanders""Contact me"
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn Network and win. Your job search guide."
"******THIS COURSE IS 100% GUARANTEED FOR LIFE******Do you know what the single most effective tool is for finding a new job? Yes, of course, it's the ability to network!But many of us are not natural networkers. Youmay not have spoken with your contacts in a while, maybe youdon't have many or don't have the ones you need. Maybe you're shy, or maybe you just don't know where to start.In the next two hours, you will gainthe tools needed tobecome a networking superstar using the LinkedIn platform. The LinkedIn website offers capabilities that allow us to connect with people in new, sophisticated ways both actively and passively so that you can be identified asthe expertyou are.Happy networking!JasonGUARANTEE: If you are not fully satisfied with the content of this course, get in touch with me for a full refund, no questions asked."
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn Job Search Beyond your profile"
"This course is designed to help you get to the next level of using LinkedIn. Its packed with lessons that run from basic to advanced, and there is something for everyone in here.The course is broken down into 3 sections, Build, Attract and Engage. Build revisits your profile with ideas about how to improve it based on your specific goals. Attract improves your ability to draw attention to your profile and measure the results of that attention. And Engage improves the way you proactively use the platform for your networking and job search efforts. By the end of this course, You will have improved your ability to find your next opportunity. You will have refreshed your thinking about how to effectively use LinkedIn, And hopefully you will feel motivated to get back out there and find what you are looking for! Heres a little quiz: Do you know how to see your update history? Do you know how to make your own posts go viral? You have probably noticed that your home page shows new stories, promotions and motivational quotes, but do you know how to get your feed to show updates about your network instead?If you answered no to any one of these questions, then this course is for you! In it, we reveal hacks, tips and some basic ideas about how to enhance the way you use LinkedIn. Think of this course as a sort of best of reel that you can absorb one lesson at a time. For example, are you already blogging on the LinkedIn platform? If so, skip that section and move on to how to get 15 free InMails. Do you know how to get 15 free InMails already? Skip to Are premium packages worth it? and so on..."
Price: 19.99

"Country Guitar Essentials: Chicken Pickin'"
"Do you want to take your playing to the next level? Do you want to learn some Chicken Pickin' Country Guitar in the style of Brad Paisley, Johnny Hiland & Brent Mason? If you answered ""Yes"" to any of these questions, than the Country Guitar Essentials is perfect for you.The Country Guitar Essentials Course is your Step-By-Step System for Learning Country Guitar.It's important to have the right tools for learning. The Country Guitar Essentials Course will be the blueprint you follow as you develop and sharpen your new skills as a guitarist.Well start at the basics, covering, tone, scales and techniques. Plus at the end of the course you will have a cool Country Rock Style Solo to Play-A-Long with. This course was designed to be fun while learning at the same time. In this course you will learn: How to get ""The Tone""! We'll cover Guitars, Amps, Effects and even Fingernails. The common scales to use in Country Guitar Hybrid Picking Techniques & Exercises Double Stops for Lead & Rhythm playing Country Style Bends vs Blues Style Bends Chicken Pickin' Country Guitar Licks Chicken Pickin' Techniques Soloing Ideas Banjo Rolls Play A-Long with a Rockin' Country Style SoloThe Country Guitar Essentials Course includes HD videos featuring both Right and Left Hand camera angles for easy learning. In addition, you will also receive additional resources like: MP3 Backing Tracks and Printable PDF TAB sheets. Play A-Long with the downloadable Backing Track (at Slow, Medium & Fast tempos).As a student, you will have lifelong access, so you can learn at your own pace.You have a totally unconditional money back guarantee. Study the Country Guitar Essentials course. If you are in any way unhappy, you will get a full 100%, absolutely no conditions attached, no questions asked, refund direct from Udemy.Don't wait. Click the ""Order This Course"" Button and get started Today!"
Price: 64.99

"Turbocharged Country Guitar Licks"
"Welcome to Turbocharged Country Guitar Licks.These aint your daddy's country guitar licks.When I was growing up, I was a fan of Licks Videos (back then they were on VHS tapes).I figured if I was able to get at least one cool lick that I could start using at gigs, then it was worth 100 times the price I paid for the video.But of course, With Turbocharged Country Guitar Licks I didn't want to give you just one useful lick in this course.So I loaded this 1hour & 34 minute course with 35 Turbocharged Chicken Pickin' Licks.And while these licks are all Hot & Flashy, they are quite easy to play so you should have most of these licks down before your next gig or recording session.In this course youll learn:DoublestopsChicken PickinRolling PatternsPull-Off LicksHammer-On LicksLicks inspired by Brad Paisley, Brent Mason, Dun Huff & Keith UrbanHaving a large Repertoire of Licks to choose from will allow you to easily Build Your Own Solos.1 Hour & 34 Minutes: This course is packed full with Licks you can be using by this weekends gig.Shows You the Step-by-Step Process: Examples shown for each exercise & lick at Normal & Slow Speeds.PLUS It's easy to follow along with the PDF printable TABS!Right & Left Hand Close-Ups in Picture-in Picture Format: Close-up Shots for Easy Learning. A total of 3 camera angles. Left, Right & Center.Video Format for Accelerated Learning: Unlike private lessons, the Video format lets you Go at Your Own Pace and Allows You to watch as many times as it takes for You to Get It Down!MP3 Drum Tracks: Practice along with the included Drum Tracks at different tempos to help Build Speed and Improve Your Timing.You are back by Udemy's 30 Day money back guarantee.Click the green ""Take This Course"" Button to Get Started Today!"
Price: 49.99

"Country Guitar: Picking Exercises"
"Have you ever wanted to play an extended guitar solo but you hands just weren't up to the task? These picking exercises should build that speed and flexibility you need.The Country Guitar: Picking Exercises course based on a 25 minute workout designed to build chops, endurance and accuracy over the next 30 days.This workout is based on a 25 minute routine (although if your short on time, you can modify as needed).There's a series of 24 examples to be played along with the provided mp3 drum tracks. Use the Daily Practice Log to track your speed and playing time over the 30 day period. This easily allows you to see your progress as you move through the course.This course borrows concepts from fitness programs (consistency/tracking) as well as from productivity methods like the Pomodoro Technique to help you get the most out of this workout. This is not a routine with just a bunch of boring scales, there are some really cool fun patterns that you can use to create your own licks and solos.This course focuses on 5 different techniques:Alternate PickingHybrid PickingBanjo RollsScalesand Licks!1 Hour & 21 Minutes: This course is packed full with Exercises and Licks you can be using by this weekends gig.Shows You the Step-by-Step Process: Examples shown for each Exercise & Lick at Normal & Slow Speeds.PLUS It's easy to follow along with the PDF printable TABS!Right & Left Hand Close-Ups in Picture-in Picture Format: Close-up Shots for Easy Learning. A total of 3 camera angles. Left, Right & Center.Video Format for Accelerated Learning: Unlike private lessons, the Video format lets you Go at Your Own Pace and Allows You to watch as many times as it takes for You to Get It Down!MP3 Drum Tracks: Practice along with the included Drum Tracks at different tempos to help Build Speed and Improve Your Timing.PLUS I'll show you a simple 5 minute warm-up routine to help loosen the muscles.And while this course is aimed at country guitar players, you don't have to be a chicken picker to get something from this course. Even if your a Blues Player or Rocker Guitarist, I'm confidant this course will help improve your right hand technique. In this course you will also get printable TABS in PDF format, MP3 drumtracks, and a printable Daily Tracking Log. You are backed by Udemy's 30 Day money back guarantee.Click the green ""Take This Course"" Button to Get Started Today!"
Price: 49.99

"CAGED Pentatonic System for Guitar - Level 1"
"The CAGED Pentatonic Soloing System is designed to break you out of that box pattern that we all learned when we first started to play guitar. It's the virtual blueprint for utilizing the entire fretboard. If you are only using the standard pentatonic box pattern, you are only using 20% of the fretboard. The goal of this course is to break you out of the single pentatonic box and get you using 5 different pentatonic shapes that utilize the entire fretboard.Pentatonic scales are a great place to start because it's the first scale most guitar players learn, and it's one that we use the most. You'll Learn: 5 Positions of the Major Scale 5 Positions of the Major Pentatonic Scale 5 Movable Chord Shapes Triads ShapesChromatic NotesChord & Scale Formulas Landing/Target Notes Interval Matrix Practice Logs TABs and much more!!!!!It's better to have some sort of soloing system versus having no system at all. This system is the method I use to create phrases, licks and solos. This method can really open up the way you view the fretboard of the guitar. This course shows you how-to connect chord shapes and scale patterns to take advantage of the entire fretboad. It's like connecting the dotes.This course come with an MP3 Jam Track as well as, TABs, Chord & Scale Formulas, Interval Matrix, 5 Movable Chord Shapes, the 5 Major Scale Patterns, the 5 Major Pentatonic Scale Patterns, Extended Scale Pattern and Practice Log.This course is 1 hour & 42 minutes in length.11 Sections with 35 Lectures,And while this course is aimed at country guitar players, you don't have to be a chicken picker to get something from this course. Even if your a Blues Player or Rock Guitarist, I'm confidant this course will help you master the entire fretboard. You are backed by Udemy's 30 Day money back guarantee.Click the green ""Take This Course"" Button to Get Started Today!"
Price: 44.99

"CAGED Pentatonic System for Guitar - Level 3"
"CAGED Pentatonic System: Level 3 (Soloing over a I-IV-V)The CAGED Pentatonic System for Guitar - Level 3 (Soloing Over a I-IV-V Progression) is designed to expand on what you have learned in Level 1 & 2. The I-IV-V is a standard chord progression, but many players still have problems soloing over this progression. This course covers the concepts to soloing over the I-IV-V using an upbeat chicken pickin' groove. The CAGED Pentatonic (5x5x5) System is the virtual blueprint for utilizing the entire fretboard. If you are only using the standard pentatonic box pattern, you are only using 20% of the fretboard. The goal of this video course is to break you out of the box and get you looking at the fretboard in it's entirety.This video course is the third course in this series. The CAGED Pentatonic System Level 3 builds off the topics covered in Level 1 & 2. So while its not necessary, it is recommended to start with Level 1 and add the concepts from Level 2 and tie it all together with Level 3. After working through all three volumes, you'll see the fretboard in a whole new light!In this course, you will learn5 Positions of the Minor Pentatonic Scale (x3)5 Positions of the Major Pentatonic Scale (x3)5 Movable Chord Shapes (x3)Chord & Scale FormulasLanding/Target NotesInterval MatrixPractice LogsTABs and much more!!!!This Course includes:80 Minutes of multicam video lessonsMP3 Jam Track (Normal speed, 3/4 speed & 1/2 speed)PDF Printouts Include: TABs, Chord & Scale Formulas, Interval Matrix, 5 Movable Chord Shapes, the 5 Major Pentatonic Scale Patterns, the 5 Minor Pentatonic Scale Patterns, Extended Scale Pattern and Practice Log.Take this course a test drive, and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you are covered by Udemys 30 Day Money Back Guarantee."
Price: 44.99

"CAGED Pentatonic System for Guitar - Level 2"
"CAGED Pentatonic System For Guitar: Level 2Break out of the boxView the fretboard in it's entirety.The CAGED Pentatonic System for Guitar Level 2 is designed to expand on what youve learned in the Level 1 course. This Level 2 course is based around the relative minor key. The Relative Minor has a Blues Rock tonality that adds an aggressive edgier sound to your playing. The Caged Pentatonic (5x5x5) System is the virtual building blocks for utilizing the entire fretboard. When you see guitarists play up and down the neck effortlessly, its no secret that they're using some sort of system to connect different scales on the fretboard. So its best to have some sort of system to use as a framework for creating solos. Lets face it, if youre only using the standard pentatonic box pattern, youre only utilizing 20% of the fretboard. The goal of this video course is to break you out of the standard pentatonic box and get you using 5 different pentatonic boxes that cover the entire fretboard, giving you more options when creating your own licks and solos.Level 2 builds off the topics covered in Level 1. While its not necessary that you start with Level 1, its highly recommended as it will help you better understand the concepts discussed here in this Level 2 Course. In this course you'll learn:5 Positions of the Minor Pentatonic Scale5 Positions of the Major Pentatonic Scale5 Movable Chord ShapesThe Rule of 3sChord & Scale FormulasLanding/Target NotesInterval MatrixPractice LogsTABs and much more!!!!!This Course features:90 Minutes of VideoMP3 Jam TrackPDF Printouts Include: TABs, Chord & Scale Formulas, Interval Matrix, 5 Movable Chord Shapes, the 5 Major Scale Patterns, the 5 Major Pentatonic Scale Patterns, the 5 Minor Pentatonic Scale Patterns, Extended Scale Pattern and Practice Log.Take this course a test drive, and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you are covered by Udemys 30 Day Money Back Guarantee."
Price: 44.99

"Linear regression in R for Data Scientists"
"Linear regression is the primary workhorse in statistics and data science. Its high degree of flexibility allows it to model very different problems. We will review the theory, and we will concentrate on the R applications using real world data (R is a free statistical software used heavily in the industry and academia). We will understand how to build a real model, how to interpret it, and the computational technical details behind it. The goal is to provide the student the computational knowledge necessary to work in the industry, and do applied research, using lineal modelling techniques. Some basic knowledge in statistics and R is recommended, but not necessary. The course complexity increases as it progresses: we review basic R and statistics concepts, we then transition into the linear model explaining the computational, mathematical and R methods available. We then move into much more advanced models: dealing with multilevel hierarchical models, and we finally concentrate on nonlinear regression. We also leverage several of the latest R packages, and latest research.  We focus on typical business situations you will face as a data scientist/statistical analyst, and we provide many of the typical questions you will face interviewing for a job position. The course has lots of code examples, real datasets, quizzes, and video. The video duration is 4 hours, but the user is expected to take at least 5 extra hours working on the examples, data , and code provided. After completing this course, the user is expected to be fully proficient with these techniques in an industry/business context. All code and data available at Github."
Price: 19.99

"The Fundamentals of Web Front-End Development"
"More than 5 hours of lectures covering HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript and JQuery. You don't need to know every detail of the topics to get started on building your website.9 projects as assignments will force you to learn through yourself, whose knowledge will eventually retain in your body.Why this course?There are many web front-end courses out there. This course has the following features:You don't need to know every detail to get started. This course goes through the essential parts of each subject with examples, not to a wildly comprehensive level, but enough to get you started.HTML + CSS + BootStrap + JavaScript + JQuery. A good package of skills and pretty much what you need to start to build a modern website front-end.No detail steps for your projects. You have to rely on yourself to use the knowledge learned to build your own projects. This could be hard. However, you would definitely be able to achieve it with patience and efforts.Why there is no detail steps in those projects?Usually a project is guided as a walk-through in other online courses. The good side is that you can follow the steps to build whatever it instructs you. However, simply typing by following instructions doesn't give much to you. You have to first understand and then do it on your own to retain those knowledge in your body. Project without detail steps trains you on how to attack the problem (the project to be built in this case) using the knowledge learned. Hence, you need to do your research and find ways to solve each issue blocking you from going further. There are two ways of thinking, reactive thinking and proactive thinking. Reactive is you start to remember something after logically reminded by other things. Proactive is thinking without direct reminding or hints. The latter is much more difficult than the former. Doing projects by reverse engineering trains you in the latter form.What if I get stuck or don't understand it?Well, that's the point of learning, right? Try to search online and use resources to solve your problems. You need to think and train yourself to learn how to attack any obstacles that in front of you.But there are other courses that have longer duration and wider coverage on those topics?You can learn comprehensively or learn what is enough to get you started. I personally enjoy knowing just what I need so that I can get my hands dirty on doing stuff. Look at those topics that are covered in this book, each one could be a complete book or course to study. It all depends on what you are interested in.So what should I plan to do?1. Watch the tutorial video and know the element topics in the tutorial.2. Practice writing code of each element topic yourself and see the outcome of it. Any trouble, google it.For project, you can design the layout first and then add in JavaScript/JQuery to control the logic."
Price: 19.99

"Building An E-Commerce Store Using Java Spring Framework"
"WELCOME TO MY COURSE - ""Building An E-Commerce Store Using Java Spring Framework""You can find lowest price here:www.ldeng(dot)net/coursesThis is the Onlycourse on Udemythat covers so much with Spring Framework web development. You won't find any other Spring Framework course covering practical stuff like this.Let's face it. Understanding theory is definitely not enough and understanding theory in pieces is even more harmful. This course connects dots of various perspectives of Web App development from frontend to backend.Bonus Section includes all the courses that Iteach and promotions. Make sure you don't miss them.Join the family of thousands of students, who have enrolled in my courses.MotivationWhen I was learning Java and Spring Framework, I wish there was a course covering the hands-on experience to build a sophisticated and representative website, which utilizes the core features of Spring Framework. There are just plenty of books and tutorials to cover the Spring theory part, while some of them do give good examples on each topic, but I just couldn't find one to tell you how to put them together to build a full application. This course is trying to fill that hole, that is to give you comprehensive hands-on experience and guide you to stack them up to build something.Course Features:- You will follow the course to build an Online Music Store from Scratch- You will be writing code with me along the course.- We will use Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Web Flow, Hibernate, Angular JS, JSP, Bootstrap, H2 Database and more.The course outline is below:Section 1 is course intro and website demo.Section 2 is about getting prepared, which includes environment setup, MVC concept and Hello Spring Demo. With this section finished, you will have a brief idea on what Spring Framework development looks like.Section 3 starts to dive in building our project. Bootstrap is used as a template to quickly generate the front-end view. Then you will start to add domain models to your project. You will see how model, view and controllers are actually wired up. You will also learn how to make the view page dynamic with those model data.Section 4 starts to look at data persistence. You will learn what ORM is and why we need it. We will use Spring Data to integrate with Hibernate and JPA to persist model data into database. We'll also look at how to add image with domain model and how to validate model attribute when updating its content.Section 5 will deal with Spring Security. We will see how to use Spring Security to intercept sensitive url request and how to validate its credentials from database information. We'll also add more domain models into system and use in-memory data to prototype shopping cart functionality.Section 6 looks at the system with a higher level. A Music Store prototype architecture is presented and used as guidance for our development. You will learn how to use what we learned in the previous lessons to make the online system more sophisticated. REST service API is developed with Spring and Angular JS is used to consume those APIs.Section 7 shows how to use Spring Webflow to develop flow-oriented web process, specifically order checkout here. We will learn how we can configure Spring Webflow to put view pages and business logic together.Furthermore, source code is attached with lessons (most of the time in video part 1) and exercise included as well.MONEY BACK GUARANTEEUdemy provides 30-day money back guarantee. No reason needed! If you are not satisfied with the course, you can always get your money back.No Risk Involved! So sign up and I'll see you in the course!"
Price: 94.99