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"Practise Speaking English: Nursery Rhymes"
"Nursery rhymes are aneasy and fun way to learn English. Theyhelp you practise your Englishpronunciationand improve yourfluency in speaking English.Have FunPractisingSpeakingEnglish.Learn more English words: build yourEnglish vocabulary.Practice English word patterns.Build confidence in speaking English.Find fun ways to use the English language.Speak English fluently!Nursery rhymes are aneasy and fun wayto learn to speakEnglish.Nursery rhymes are short, little storiesthat allnative English speakers learn when they arechildren. They are taught them by their parents and grandparents and will also play games based on the nursery rhymes at school and in the playground.Therefore, every native English speaker that you may meet, will know these nursery rhymes!Knowing these rhymes will give you something in common with any native English speaker that you might meet and therefore a common cultural link which will help you form friendships!Most of all, nursery rhymesare a fun way to practice speaking the English language.Listen and RepeatThis course uses the tried and tested, successful method of learning to speak English:Listen and Repeat!You will listen to each nursery rhyme in short, entertaining videos.You will then practise speaking each nursery rhyme.It is extremely important, that you practise speaking out loud.Speaking out loud fixes the language patterns, pronunciation and vocabulary in your brain!You maynoticethat each of thenursery rhymes often hasan associatedtune or a particular rhythm which is learnt alongside it. Some of the rhymes also have actions!Note:Some of the nursery rhymes are naturally spoken quite quickly. We have included a slow version for if you have difficulty following the normal speed version.You will:Practisespeaking English in the same way that native English speakers learn.Improve your pronunciation, tone,rhythm and fluency."
Price: 19.99

"Curso completo Microsoft Access: Gua completa paso a paso"
"El objetivo de este curso de Access es que los participantes puedan crear una base de datos desde cero para despus administrarla a travs del manejo de formularios, controles, creacin de consultas, con la finalidad de que ser capaces de manipular una gran cantidad de informacin de una forma sencilla.Los beneficios de este curso bsico de Access son:Conocer los elementos esenciales que se necesitan para configurar una base de datos estructurada.Por otro lado, podrn crear plantillas de bases de datos desde cero para empezar a manejar informacin.Aprendern a crear formularios para obtener la informacin necesaria de las bases de datos.A travs del asistente de informes, podrn crear cualquier reporte con cuales quiera de los campos registrados.A travs de consultas tanto bsicas como avanzadas, podr acceder a informacin especfica de la base de datos de una forma muy accesible.Podrn crear subconsultas, filtros, importar o exportar datos, as como definir niveles de seguridad para compartirlos."
Price: 194.99

"Aprende Photoshop Lightroom Paso a Paso"
"Bienvenido al curso de Photoshop Lightroom. Alo largo del curso trabajaremos con diferentes tipos de fotografas: retratos, paisajes, eventos y en diferentes condiciones lumnicas. Tambin repasaremos las principales tcnicas de conversin a blanco y negro, sepia y otros efectos especiales.Descubre todos los secretos de Lightroomy saca el mximo jugo a tus fotos.1. Conseguirs imgenes impactantesDesubrirs cmo sacar el mximo partido a tus fotos y conseguirs que atraigan todas las miradas.2. Procesars ms fotos en menos tiempoTe ensearemos a incrementar tu rendimiento procesando fotos, para hacer mucho ms en menos tiempo.3. Protegers el copyright de tus fotosDescubrirs los mejores mtodos para proteger tus derechos de propiedad sobre tus fotos.4. Conseguirs un archivo de fotos en ordenTe ensearemos cmo puedes conseguir tener bien organizado y disponible tu archivo fotogrfico.5. Aprenders a retocar como un profesionalTe ensearemos las tcnicas y trucos de retoque fotogrfico que utilizan los profesionales.6. Descubrirs cmo hacer presentaciones impactantesPara que puedas ensearlas a tus seres ms queridos y dejarles con la boca abierta."
Price: 194.99

"Make The Most of Your Time - Make The Most of Your Life"
"Contents and OverviewThis course begins with an introduction into whatit means to take care of the time youve got and make the most of it.You'll realize that you have the opportunity totake control of your business, regardless of your previous experience, by usingthis way to prioritize.Angelica walks you through emptying your mindand how to place it all in the right time and category. By pushing yourself toproduce remarkable work in your most potential time every day, the success willstart coming to you.Each short, intense lecture helps you identifyall the tasks in your business and make your work more efficient. You'll makeyour work more valuable, and you'll have more time left for family and friends.You have the opportunity to become a timespecialist in your life. You'll learn the foundation of productivity thattranslate into a higher income. Throughout the course, you'll have theopportunity to complete exercises that will help you forge a path you caneasily follow. You'll get as much out of this course as you choose to put intoit.By the end of this course, you'll know what youneed to do to pave your way towards a more lucrative and fulfilling businesscareer. You'll be confident enough to be your own boss, and you'll know how toput your goals in motion. Whether you're currently in business full-timeor you're stuck in a job that you want to get out of, Angelica shows you whatit takes to be an accomplished time and productivity expert."
Price: 149.99

"Find your niche"
"This course will give you the path to finding the bestbusiness niche for your business. If you have not started your business because youdon't yet have chosen a business niche, or are struggling with your business, thiscourse was made specifically for you. And your will also get a BONUS worksheet withThe Idea Incubator!After seeing MANY people not start their businessbecause they were struggling with finding a correct niche and talking to hundreds of entrepenurs who have spent months and even years wittout a clear niche. In many cases, they have difficulty attracting their ideal clients and struggled financially. Ihave put together this course to help you get over this challenge, and help youto finally start your business or start making money in the business thatyouve got.This course is relatively short, and should take youless than an hour to complete. But after that hour you should understand how tostructure your thinking to allow you to choose a correct business niche that isright for you and take advantage of the bonussection. You are ready tostart marketing your new beutiful businessniche!MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed,30 day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free. This is notjust a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will succeed."
Price: 174.99

"Direito Desportivo Internacional / Direito Olmpico"
"Este curso visa apresentar o Direito Desportivo Internacional ao interessado. Voc ao final do curso estar apto a entender os regulamentos administrativos do Comit Olmpico Internacional, das Federaes Internacionais (FIFA, FIA etc) e das Federaes Nacionais (CBF, CBV etc).Desde 1996 eu trabalho com direito desportivo e compartilhei neste curso aspectos que ningum discute.Importante ressaltar que o aluno deve ter uma postura ativa neste curso, nao somente assistindo as palestras mas estudando o material sugerido.Como bonus, faremos uma reunio mensal para discutir temas pertinentes.Aproveitem!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Doping - Direito Material e Direito Processual"
"Este curso estuda o Cdigo daAgncia Mundial Antidoping (WADA), sua adoo no Brasil, as caractersticas dos procedimentos em campo, o processo judicial, seus aspectos disciplinares, o Recurso para os tribunais competentes. E um processo de doping no STJD/CBF.Estudamos tambm, os artigos mais controversos do Cdigo Antidoping.Disponibilizamos material em portugues e ingles."
Price: 199.99

"Direito Processual Desportivo"
"Vamos estudar o Direito Processual Desportivo na legislao brasileira. Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a entender o direito processual desportivo, ingressar com diversos tipos de medidas e recursos. Estudaremos 2 casos prticos, sendo um deles o famoso caso do tapeto de 2013 do Fluminense. O curso composto de 19 palestras, baterias de exerccios e 2 casos prticos."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Communication Techniques"
"In this course you'll learn effective communication techniques and how to develop into a strong communicator. Effective communication opens doors, changes lives and promotes understanding. Whether you want to inform, persuade or inspire, you need the power of communication.In this course you'll learn to develop effective communication skills and improve human relations skills, strengthen interpersonal relationships and handle fast-changing workplace conditions. You'll develop more effective communication skills and be better equipped to perform as a persuasive communicator, problem-solver and focused leader. This course will help you gain influence, strengthen trust, build relationships, and you get results. You'll learn how to present yourself and your message and how to connect with people to have positive impact, both in the moment, even under stress and pressure, and consistently across situations."
Price: 19.99

"Influencing Others Positively at Work and in Life"
"Welcome to this course on Influencing Others, where you'll learn important influencing skills, its different facets and the use of influence at all levels of an organization.It can be said that virtually everyone is influenced by someone. We are influenced by our society, family, friends, co-workers and people we admire. Effective influence is a key to success at work and happiness at home. Influence and persuasion skills can be learned just like any other skill. And with this course, you will leverage practical tools and techniques to apply influence strategies, gain commitment from others, foster collaboration, and acquire the specific competencies, behaviors, and attitudes necessary to achieve desired results from others.This course covers important influencing, persuading, and negotiating skills. These skills are important in many jobs, especially areas such as marketing, sales, and business, but are also valuable in everyday life."
Price: 19.99

"WordPress for Beginners 2020 + Google AdSense Implementation"
"WordPress for Beginners 2020 + Google AdSense ImplementationCOURSE UPDATE v2Google AdSense Native AdsAdSense Native Ads Secret Implementation has Added to the course, In this Section, you'll learn how to add the Native Ads correctly to the site.COURSE UPDATE v1WordPress Plugins Series Added to the Course Curriculum In this Series you'll be learn How to setup useful WordPress Plugins like Google Analytics, Backup, Caching, SEO Yoast and many more... this Series will updated soon.... -----------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to this course WordPress Tutorial for Beginners and Google AdSense Implementation this course is the Essential of Creating a Blog or Website. In this wordpress adsense course I will teach you how to create a Blog / website using WordPress self hosted site in step by step.We will install a WordPress application in the desktop or laptop computer then and we will play the WordPress, we will create a...Blog postphoto gallerypages, adding navigation menu, using widgetsand how to customize the theme using customizer. WordPress Child themeAdSenseAdSense Native Adsand many moreDomain name and Web Hosting is not required on this course, if you can't purchase Domain name and Web Hosting, you can follow on on this course while in local computer (Localhost) also internet connection is required.After we play a WordPress in Localhost, we will purchase a domain name and best cheap web hosting for your WordPress website, then we will upload to the live server to get your site live in the internet.In the live site we will continue the development and choose a new Beautiful WordPress responsive theme and install and customize to look nice, we will customize the navigation menu, sidebar and footer widget and many more.and the last chapter on this course we will Implement Google AdSense ads...I know some of you don't have a AdSense account yet, don't worry the have video on this course Effective Google AdSense Requirements for your Website, my advice follow the Requirements and i guarantee to you your application will  be approved.In AdSense ads section will Implement the ad using a little bit basic HTML and CSS, this is the best way to put AdSense ads in the most clickable part on your website to boost up your Earnings. If you don't have a knowledge in HTML and CSS for now don't worry i will attached the WordPress Child Theme With AdSense Implemented code to this course, so you can download the theme for your reference in the future.And also we will Implement AdSense Search and AdSense Auto ads for additional earnings on your WordPress Site.All links presented in every video are included to the article on this course you must check the article for the links in every video.If you have a thought in every video, kindly ask here in the course, and ill be response as soon as possible.I design this wordpress tutorial and adsense tutorial for everyone, if you want to share your passion in your own website, like Travel, Cooking, Fashion, Web Development and soon you can create your own website and share, with this tutorial.PRODUCED BY:Axl MulatWordPress / eCommerce Developer / SEO / AdSense Expert"
Price: 194.99

"Trke Anlatml ngilizce Essay Writing Dersi"
"Eer Essay Writing tekniklerinizi gelitirmek,gireceiniz snavlardan daha iyi sonular almak istiyorsanz bu kurs tam sizin iin. 1985 ylndan beri 5niversitede ingilizce retmenlii yapm deneyimli bir eitmen farkyla Essay yazma teniklerinizi gelitirebilirsiniz. Bu kursta sizlere teknikleri retirken ayn zaman da rneklerle pekitirmenizi salayacam. Kurslar srasnda bir taraftan benim anlatm grceksiniz bir taraftanda interaktif olarak ekranda slaytlar grceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"How to overcome anxiety &depression and go on with your life"
"What is this course about?The course is a self-help guide to make you understand what is anxiety and depression, what are their causes, how do they manifest in our daily life, but most of the course is a journey to understand what you can do in all fields of your life in order to get better and leave these negative feelings behind. What will you get out of it?Your own tailored action plan to change your lifestyle that includes daily routines, exercises, and changes that are easy for you to implement and help you get out of anxiety and depression You will understand and apply the simple, but constant changes you need to take every day in order to feel great again You will learn all about the way anxiety and depression look like you might be already feeling the blues having no idea this is actually anxiety or depression, therefore not knowing that something can be done to be back to feeling good You will have your own recipe of getting out of anxiety and depression should you fall back into them again (as life is really unexpected and events might happen) You will understand why anxiety and depression set in, what causes these feelings and therefore youll be able to avoid some of the things that are not doing you any good Why should you take this course? Im not good at anything I feel everyone is doing so much better than I am Im not in the mood for anything today, not even seeing my children I havent properly slept in what feels like ages I havent done anything I wanted as I am too scared something bad will happen I wont speak up as nobody cares about my opinion, Im just not good enough If you relate to any of these sentences, please, do something about it and get back to feeling good about yourself and about your life. Sign-up now and take the course, get your tailored action plan and get back to a normal, happy life and peace of mind."
Price: 39.99

"Criar Site em 19 Aulas Rpidas"
"Neste Curso voc ir aprender a como criar um site sem saber programar utilizandoCMS. Vou ensinar como instalar em sua maquina local e a baixar e instalar Wordpress e Xampp. Voc tambm ir aprender a como comprar seu Domnio e como escolher uma Hospedagem para que possa ter seu site na internet.Voc ter uma rea exclusiva onde poder estudar nosso CursoO Curso dividido em 19 Vdeo Aulas.Aula 1 Baixando o Wordpress;Aula 2 Xampp;Aula 3 Instalando o Xampp;Aula 4 Criando Banco de Dados e Instalando o Wordpress no Xampp;Aula 5 Instalando o Wordpress;Aula 6 rea Administrativa Wordpress;Aula 7 Diferena entre Posts e Paginas;Aula 8 o que So Posts?;Aula 9 Criando uma Postagem;Aula 10 Criando uma Pagina de Exemplo;Aula 11 Menu Wordpress;Aula 12 Widgets;Aula 13 Tags;Aula 14 Instalando Tema;Aula 15 Aparncia;Aula 16 Plugin de Contato;Aula 17 Como Comprar um Domnio;Aula 18 Como contratar uma Hospedagem?;Aula 19 Inserindo DNS no Domnio.+ Bnus Especial!!"
Price: 99.99

"How to Get on TV"
"Step-by-step media training and guidance for anyone aspiring to be a TV guest on news programs and talk shows, for publicists who are looking to book their clients, for spokespersons, CEOs, public figures and anyone who is looking to use the media to promote their message again and again.Get media trained by an experienced TV host and producer who has appeared on national programs such as NBCs TODAY show, NPR, VH1 and more. Markette has also hosted and produced several morning talk shows."
Price: 69.99

"Holistic Marketing in the Digital Age"
"This course is for marketers,business owners, entrepreneurs, sales professionalsand students who want to learn how to apply fundamental marketing principles,strategies and tactics to an ever evolving marketing landscape that includes a mix of digital and traditional strategies.If you are confused about where to put your marketing dollars, time and resources, then this is the place to start."
Price: 19.99

"Java for Absolute Beginners"
"Java for Absolute Beginners is designed for those who have no previous experience in computerprogramming/coding. This course aims toteachprogramming at a steady pace with straightforwardexplanations so that you are not left with a thousand questions. Topics are explained in plain English and withthe necessary depth,enabling youto piece everything together with ease.This course includes:VideosStarting at the basics and working our way to more advanced topicsEasily digestible videos which tell you what you need to know without long-winded explanations or digressionsConcepts described in detailwithout straying to far from the topic at handCoding ExercisesExercises at relevant stagesExercise solutions"
Price: 29.99

"Create A Google Home Voice App In Under 30 Minutes"
"As the title implies, the goal of this course is to bring you from where you are right now to having a fully functional Hello World Google Home voice app in under 30 minutes. This is an ambitious goal, but I think we can do it together.The course is focused on creating a Hello World project so that you can have something concrete to show for your efforts at the end.You dont need an actual Google Home device to complete this project. You can also use the Google Assistant app on your Android or iPhone. We use the Actions on Google web simulator in the course. If you dont know what that is right now, thats okay. Well cover it.Keep in mind, this course doesnt go in depth on how to use the technologies involved in creating voice apps. If you want to take a deep dive, stay tuned. I am currently working on another, much longer, course that covers voice app creation in depth.This course is about getting your first Google Home voice app up and running in less than 30 minutes.Lets do this."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Adobe Illustrator and Premiere Pro in 1 hour"
"This course will cover the basics from Illustrator and Premiere Pro.You are going to learn fast and effective how to apply techniques to the softwares.2 Softwares in 1 Course! Yes! You will learn Adobe Premiere and Illustrator in 1 hour.You are going to learn 2D drawing, Video Effects, Animations and much more.Only for $20 bucks.Adobe is a paid product, but you can download the trial."
Price: 29.99

"Create Awesome Texts in Cinema 4D in 1 hour"
"This course was made to teach students how to create good looking texts using Cinema 4D. This texts can be used as Intros, Titles and much more.If you want to learn how to create and animate this 3D texts, this course is for you.Check out the preview and if you like it, just click in the green button.You will learn every single aspect of Text creation in CInema 4D.This course is for Beginners. Please, do not expect advanced content in the course."
Price: 79.99

"Erica Teaches Chinese - HSK 1"
"This course is designed using the vocabulary of the HSK 1 exam, the lowest level of Chinese competency. However, it's not necessary to want to take the HSK 1 exam in order to benefit from this course. This course teaches a core vocabulary of 150 of the most commonly used Chinese words, as well as some basic grammar and sentence structure.In China the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, or HSK, test is given to non-Chinese speakers who want to study at Chinese universities or to work for businesses inChina. Under the new working visa guidelines of China, a higher level HSK result can offer more points toward being accepted for a working visa."
Price: 19.99

"Improve Your Riding with an approach to proper position"
"In this course, you will be given short videos to explain the basic principles to improve your position, body control and understanding. Each video contains has 1 simple concept to learn and then implement. Topics covered include, eye position, hand control, leg position and others. This course is a simple way to polish up your current riding skills while learning something new and most importantly will remember, every time you get on a horse."
Price: 24.99

"30 Days to Creative Courage"
"You want to create fearlessly every day.You want to be bold, speak your truth, tell your stories.You want to write. You want to publish. You want to speak.But there are things that hold you back. Call it what you want, the fear expresses itself in many forms: Resistance, self-doubt, perfectionism, thin skin, procrastination, writers block, and so on. And if you let it, this fear will stop you in your tracks and prevent you from creating.There is only one way to overcome this fear and to live the true life of an artist, and this is to find creative courage.Here's how.Welcome to 30 DAYS TO CREATIVE COURAGE. In it, well talk about the many barriers that stand in the way of an artistic career: lack of money, lack of support, lack of belief in oneself, and all the things that make you feel trapped and stuck instead of in flow and creating. Lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of joy, lack of inspiration, lack, lack, so much lack.In this course, were going to focus not on lack, but on abundance. How to create abundance in your lifeof time, of joy, of space, of creative work. Well talk about writing and releasing, forming habits, and overcoming blocks, but more than that, well talk about becoming comfortable with yourself, with who you are, and with whatever stage youre at in your creative career.A mind that is trapped cannot create art and that is what I want to teach you to overcome.This course will help free your mind and give you permission to finally go create without attaching so much stress and negativity to it. You deserve the gift of creative freedom. As a writer, that is the one thing you cannot afford to lose. And that is what I will teach you how to do.Ill show you how to find that freedom, but also how to protect it, how to fight for it, and how to nurture it. You cannot allow yourself to go down rabbit holes of negativity, allow others to influence who you are and how you work, and most of all, you cannot allow defeat to take over.This course will show you how to stand up for yourself and keep on standing up even when youre being beaten down.I want you to find your creative courage. In 30 days.As part of the course material you get:- 30 Daily Videos- 30 Daily ChallengesThe videos will provide insight and inspiration and the the videos will shove you out of your comfort zone and help you build courage and confidence in your work and yourself.If youve been struggling to create, feeling the joy seep out of your writing, and finding it just too much pressure to create when you dont know how, you need to sign up for this. It will give you the tools you need to find joy in your creativity and start making it fun again.Because thats why youre doing it right?"
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop & Illustrator CC Essentials in Arabic"
"The Fastest, Easiest Way to Learn Photoshop& Illustrator CCPhotoshop & Illustrator CCcourseuse real-world settings and accurate simulations to help you apply your new knowledge directly to daily tasks and the knowledge you gain becomes an asset for life.Here is an outline of common concepts learned in Adobe Photoshop& Illustrator CCcourses:Basic features and tools of Photoshop CC & Illustrator CCImage editing and manipulation techniquesUnderstanding Layers and working with it.Understanding Color Modes.Working with Type.How toDesign Business Card (exercise)."
Price: 49.99

"How to Prevent Food Poisoning using The Food Safety Pillars"
"(NEW UPDATES : include an additional +1hour of lectures and topics) This course will introduce you to the basic principles of Hygiene and Food Safety. You will learn how to develop the fundamental aspects of a food safety system by ensuring that Awareness, Understanding and Implementation take place in the correct order so that a solid foundation for safe food can be built. In this course you will learn:Why food safety is importantUnderstand food poisoning and how foods can get contaminatedBacteria, and the most common food poisoning micro-organismsPrevent food poisoning by using the food safety pillars: How to clean and sanitise correctly The importance of hand washing and personal hygiene How to store foods in a fridge safety as well as the correct way to keep dry foods.The importance of temperature control in food safety How to handle food in your kitchen by avoiding cross-contamination, defrosting, cooling and reheating of foods.If food safety is not being monitored, there can be no management. Finally this course will help you monitor important food safety areas so that you can manage your food safety with peace of mind."
Price: 74.99

"The Traveller's Guide To Legionnaires' Disease"
"In this course we introduce you to Legionnaires' disease, the bacteria that causes it and how the infection happens. If you are in the high-risk category : Eldery, smoker, pregnant mom or have a low immune system, you need to know the risk you are in when you use the shower, walk past a fountain or even in a public use swimming pool. There is even risk of infection from central air-conditioning at conference centres. In this course, we will help you identify the risks, and how you can manage and prevent the possibility of infection. We have also included a 15-point prevention plan for building managers of hotels/apartment buildings. There is no vaccination against the disease, so it is critically important that infection is prevented. It is in your own interest to be aware of the risks of Legionnaires disease."
Price: 34.99

"Basic English Skills to Master Speaking"
"Let's face the facts, English is infamous for being one of the most difficult languages.I have first hand experience with this challenge myself. This course is designed to give you a potent foundation that would rival most high school educations. By breaking down complex ideas into simple bite-sized pieces, comprehension goes through the roof. To ensure full understanding, many practice exercises have been included, along with answers to check your work.I am an Ivy League student with a passion for English, that I want to share with others. Udemy is the best platform for it! I can tell you honestly that I wish I had taken a quick course like this before going to college! It will put you so far above the majority of your peers.The structure of our course is easy to follow. First there are narrated powerpoints that explain everything from nouns to complex sentence creation. Exercises to ensure comprehension of the material are included in each of the sections. At the end of each section is a quiz. This will test you and reinforce what you have learned.In conclusion, this course will help anyone from beginners with a basic understanding of the language to university students needing a refresh. I hope you'll join me in Basic English Skills to Master Speaking!"
Price: 19.99

"Modelagem em Argila 1"
"Este curso tem o propsito de ensinar tanto pessoas que jtrabalham com cermica como iniciantes, a desenvolverem vrios tipos de peas tanto utilitrias como decorativas, com uma didtica simples e correta de como lidar com este material.Estas primeiras aulas so extremamente importante para quem pretende aprender fazer vrios tipos de peas de cermica, iniciarei com tcnicas bsicas e posteriormente disponibilizando a produo de vrias peas utilizando estas tcnicas bsicas.Estarei ensinando nestas primeiras aulas como tratar o barro antes de fazer qualquer tipo depea,duas tcnicas bsicas, uma de abertura de placa e outra de construo de uma esfera oca e como fazer um prato com o decalque de uma folha natural."
Price: 39.99

"Modelagem em Argila 2"
"Nesta aula o aluno aprender como usar uma esfera oca para produzir um pote usado na culinria para armazenar ervas secas, usando a tcnica de decalque de folhas naturais na tampa do pote.A pea que estarei mostrando apenas um exemplo do que o aluno poder fazer com essa tcnica bsica, podendo cria peas maiores e com outras finalidades, fiquem a vontade para usar a criatividade em cima desta tcnica que muito utilizada em meu ateli no desenvolvimento de cabeas humanas, esculturas estilizadas,luminrias, vasos, instrumentos musicais e outras.FIQUEM ATENTOS AOS OUTROS CURSOS QUE ESTAREI POSTANDO, OBRIGADO."
Price: 39.99

"Esmaltando pea de cermica e queimando na tcnica Raku."
"Nestas aulas vocs iro aprender a esmaltar uma pea de cermica e fazer a queima milenar japonesa Raku, uma das queimas esmaltada de cermica mais rpida e barata que existe.Se vocs ainda no modelam peas em argila, faam as aulas de modelagem que estou postando, ou at mesmo comprem peas prontas e faam a queima vocs mesmos, vale a pena.O Raku uma tcnica,onde a cermica passa por um processo de reduo neste forno a 1000C, durante uma hora e meia, e atravs deste processo, obtm-se resultados peculiares e belos no esmalte."
Price: 54.99