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"Aprenda a fazer um Buda estilizado de argila"
"Nesta aula ensino passo a passo como fazer um Buda estilizado com a tcnica de modelagem em argila da esfera oca, esta apenas umadas possibilidades que estarei ensinando dentro desta tcnica de modelagem muito usada em vrios tipos de peas desde utilitrios, luminrias, esculturas e muito mais.A importncia de usar esta tcnica principalmente em esculturas, a comodidade de no precisar cortar a escultura posteriormente para ocar."
Price: 39.99

"Faa um So Francisco de Assis estilizado de argila"
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a fazer um lindo So Francisco de Assis estilizado de argila, o interessante da tcnica, que atravs desta estrutura que na verdade so apenas 3 cones ocos e uma esfera, voc poder usar sua criatividade e fazer uma infinidade de esculturas em argila, ento no perca tempo e comece j."
Price: 54.99

"Le basi del trading online"
"Grazie a questo corso acquisirai le basi necessarie per muoverti in autonomia nel mondo del trading online.Che cosa imparerai?conoscere il mercato delle valute (forex) che il mercato pi liquido al mondo, con scambi di oltre 40 miliardi di dollari al giornoconoscerai l'analisi tecnica, che studial'andamento dei prodotti finanziaria partire dalla semplice osservazione dei grafici dei prezziconosceraile candelegiapponesi, che permettono di identificare figure ricorrenti (pattern) e prevedere i movimenti del prezziimparerai a utilizzarei principali indicatorieoscillatoriapprenderai le basi delmoneymanagemente della gestionedel rischioQuestocorso per te se:seiagli inizi (partiamo dall'ABC)haitempo di studiare e voglia di imparareseiappassionato di finanzaQuestocorso non per te se:sepretendi di diventare un top trader in 10 minutisecerchi la strategia vincente che non perde mai (non esiste)seprendi il trading solo come un hobby"
Price: 44.99

"Liderazgo: s lder de tu vida con base en proyectos"
"En este curso mi propuesta es que te animes a tomar las riendas de tu vida, a que seas lder de la misma para que todo lo que suceda en ella sea por las decisiones emanadas de tu propia voluntad. Para lograrlo, trabajars en tu conocimiento, en el conocimiento del entorno que te form, fortaleciendo tuautoestima para encontrar la seguridad que te ayude a tener determinacin para la toma de decisiones. Mediante la elaboracin de un proyecto encontrars la metodologa para aterrizar tus ideas, sueos y deseos. Finalmente,con la puesta en prctica de los ejercicios que te propongo podrs generar hbitos positivos que te conviertan en una persona de excelencia, en lder de tu vida."
Price: 345.00

"Learn to Play Piano Like a Pro - Easy Piano Course 1"
"Over the years of teaching classical & contemporary piano lessons, one of the very important matter is how to create a practice routine for yourself. You will see clearly which section that you missing, which section that you are good, or needed to improve. On this course with show you the fundamentals of Music theory, how to learn to improve your Technique, learn to understand the harmony such as Triad chords, Chord progressions. Learn to improve your Sight reading skills. Finally, learn to play a Repertoire"
Price: 34.99

"Learn to Play Piano Like a Pro - Easy Piano Course 2"
"This course is continuing of "" Learning Piano Like Pro Course 1"" The course designed in 4 section practice routine. Theory - Techniques - Harmony - Repertoire. You will learn to build up your fundamental of music then applying to play a simple song or higher level in the future. This course shows you the block & broken chord technique, then practice with the backing track. How to create rhythm patterns in your left hand, when playing the melody in your right hand. You will work on fingering system to improve your technique. Understand the phrase in music to help you play the song better. You will learn the song ""All My Loving"" with the backing track. Finally, apply all of the methods to play a song "" All My Loving."" by yourself"
Price: 34.99

Price: 13800.00

"Adobe Premiere"
"Premiere um programa de montagem de vdeo muito utilizado em canais de TV e produtoras de cinema, um software completo e profissional, diretores como Martin Scorsese j gastaram 150 milhes de dlares em filmes como O Aviador e confiaram toda a edio no Premiere justamente porque ele permite edio offline, multicam, EDL, correo de cor e vrias outras aes de uma grande produo. O curso foi planejado de forma completa, vamos desde as funes mais bsicas at aes mais avanadas do programa, no importa se voce amador e nunca usou o premiere ou se j um profissional e deseja se especializar no software, o curso completo e ao final dele voce ter visto ele de ponta a ponta!CONTEDO:- Sistemas e as diferenas entre eles- Framerate- Transmisso- Gravao- Captura- Diferenas de timecode- Edio no modo offline e com qual software complementar usar- Como usar o EDL- Correo de cor- Backup- Configurar um projeto- Personalizar o workspace- Organizar e otimizar pastas e arquivos- Usar o Automate e mltiplas timelines- Marcadores, capitulos e render- Modos de edio Insert e Overlay- Todas as Ferramentas- Atalhos- Transies e efeitos- Keyframes- Chroma key- Interao dos programas (After, photoshop e premiere)- Criar textos e modelos de legendas- Exportar e importar arquivos- Alterao de velocidade- Trabalhar com udio- Multicam- Finalizao"
Price: 199.99

"After Effects CC"
"After Effecs um programa de animao e efeitos muito utilizado em canais de TV, produtoras e agencias, cada vez mais o mercado de trabalho em motion graphics exige conhecimento nesse software, uma ferramenta verstil e muito prtica na criao de vinhetas, personagens e efeitos visuais 2D/3D.CONTEDO:- Sistemas- Framerate- Transmisso- Gravao- Timecode- Correo de cor- Texto- Workspace- Efeitos (Glow, Blur, Hue saturation, Curves, Levels, Change to color, Chroma Key, Corner Pin, Lens flare, Sharpen, CC Page Turn, Fractal noise etc)- Rotoscopia- Timeline- keyframes- Slow motion- Chroma key- Mscaras- Motion tracking- udio- 3D- Cmeras- Luz- Particulas- Expresses- Como animar personagens- Shapes- Interao com C4D, com PSD e premiere- Como exportar"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete LabVIEW 2019 Master class: Beginner to Advanced"
"The Complete LabVIEW Master class: Beginner to Advanced , aims to teach LabVIEW for those who are inexperienced and have not enough knowledge about it. In this course, despite of teaching fundamental concepts,It has been tried to design some applicative projects in order to acquaintance students with programming in the real world of engineering.In this course, fist the requirements of LabVIEW and then the hardware connection and sensors are taught. In the first chapter, you will learn how to install LabVIEW. Then you learn the environment of the software. In the second chapter we teach you the different types of data and also you will do a project at the end of the chapter. In the second chapter, you will understand the case structure. At the end of this chapter, you will do a project to learn it practically. In the fourth chapter, you will get hat Timing Block is. In the fifth chapter, you will learn the most practical instruction of While loop and For loop. Moreover, A project has been designed to make students more acquaintance with these instructions. In the sixth chapter, you will learn Flat sequence and stack sequence. In the fifth chapter, you will learn local variable. N this chapter a project has been designed to boost your knowledge and skill on local variable. In the eights chapter, you will learn Cluster and array. In the ninths chapter, you will learn Chart and graph as well as Dialog and Prompt user. In the tenths chapter, you will get Sub VI. In the eleventh chapter, you learn how to save and read data in the text and excel files. In the twelfth chapter, you understand what Formula Node is. In the thirteenths chapter, you will learn proper node and tab control. In the fourteenth chapter, you will learn how to create exe and setup files in order to change your programs into the software. In the fifteenth chapter, there is a quiz. So you will get to know what are your strengths and weaknesses in LabVIEW and programming.  In the sixteenth chapter, we start the hardware connection. So in this chapter you learn NI Data Acquisition USB 6009 as well as digital and analog inputs and outputs and also counter input. In the seventeenth chapter, there is nine practical and useful project in which we do them with just 6 different signals. This project helps you fully understand the inputs and outputs of NI USB 6009. Next, you will learn Data logging and its application in LabVIEW and hardware connection. In the eighteenth chapter,  I will introduce a serial Data acquisition so as to get acquaintance with a serial connection and also the connection with different types of serial data acquisition. In the nineteenth chapter, you will learn programming of digital and analog inputs and outputs as well as counter input. Finally, in the twentieth chapter, I will learn to introduce Ethernet DAQ. The aim of this chapter is to teach you the programming of TC-IP connection for different types of Ethernet DAQs. In this course students learn:How to work with different Data Acquisitions in different protocols such as NI USB 6009, Serial DAQ and Ethernet DAQ.How to work and launch different sensors.How to save data in LabVIEW.How to make houses, workplaces and environment smart.Note: in order to learn the course well you should:Being able to use  PC at a beginner levelWho is the target audience?Students, researchers and engineers  in the field of mechanics of electronics, robotics, mechatronics,  industries, medicine and ...industrial automationProgramming enthusiasts"
Price: 199.99

"IELTS Writing Analysis: Band +7"
"IELTS, theInternational English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need tostudyor work where English is used as the language of communicationIELTS writing analysis, covers both Academic and General training in details. In this course all the essential points and tricks have been thought which enables you to know all about getting the highest possible score. Moreover, Band score analysis, vocab analysis and sample analysis were included in order to avoids you from the common mistakes and prepare you for the best possible result. All in all, the features of this course are as the following:1- Band score analysis What is the difference between band 7, 8 and 9? What should we do to get +7?2- Question type analysis What is Idea task? What is Opinion task? What is the difference between formal and informal letters?3- Vocabulary Analysis What vocabularies we should use to get +7 ? 4- Grammar and sentence Analysis How the sentence should be to get +7? How to write complex sentences?? When to use punctuation? 6- Sample Analysis Why some get 5 or 6 and some get +7? How to improve our band score?7- Chart and Graph Analysis Bar charts Line charts Pie charts Tables Process- Diagrams Process- Comparing"
Price: 69.99

"The Complete MATLAB Simulink Tutorial Course"
"Simulink, developed byMathWorks is a simulation and model-based design environment for dynamic and embedded systems, integrated with MATLAB which enables you to export the simulation results into MATLAB for further analysis. Simulink, is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating, analyzing multi domaindynamical systems, automatic controlling and digital signal processing. This course aims to teach simulating different systems with Simulink. After completion of this course, you will be able to design your systems such as discrete, continuous, linear, non-linear or fixed and variable. Moreover, you will learn to set simulation parameters in order to get valid outputs in a short time and then export to Matlab or even use Matlab datas in your simulations. All in all, in this course will: Multiple modeling of systems in the Simulink Acquaintance with controlling subjects of the Simulink Simulation of continuous, discrete and hybrid systems Solving mathematical equations in the Simulink"
Price: 84.99

"Adobe Lightroom Classic CC - Entdecke alles von A bis Z"
"WILLKOMMENZUMULTIMATIVENADOBELIGHTROOM CLASSICCCKURSAUFUDEMY(Stand: 11.2017, Lightroom Classic CC 2018)Adobe Photoshop Lightroom ClassicCC ExperteJustus Zeemann zeigt dir in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt, wie du deine Bilderwie ein Profibearbeiten und verwalten kannst. Justusist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst, um mit Adobe Lightroom Classic CC erfolgreich zu sein und deine Bilder in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu bearbeiten.""Vielen Dank fr diesen Kurs Justus!Es ist unfassbar wie viel Arbeit du in diesenKurs gesteckt hast. Ich bin eine Person, die nicht besonders gerne Produkte im Internet kauft, dein Kurs war aber jeden Cent Wert!A++!""-(Marlene K., Innsbruck, sterreich)In diesem Kurs lernst du Lightroom richtig kennen. Angefangen beim DateiImport und der Verwaltung ber die Bearbeitung und den Export (natrlich auch frs Web) bis zur Druckvorbereitung fr Papierbilder oder Bcher. Jede Funktion wird durchgesprochen und erklrt. Zustzlich erfhrst du Tipps & Tricks, Hotkeys,erhlst die Kursbilder zum Mitarbeiten und vieles mehr.Weitere Dinge, die du lernen wirst:Du lernst deine Bilder einfach und schnell zu verwalten.Deine Bilder werden mit Stichwrtern und Bewertungen besser strukturiert sein.Du kannst die Farben in deinen Bildern viel schner wirken lassen.Schrfe in der Nachbearbeitung ist kein Problem mehr.Deine Kunden werden deine Bilder mehr lieben als vorher.Du sparst bei der Bearbeitung jede Menge Zeit!Farbnderungen, Rauschentfernung, alles kein Problem mehr.Die Gradationskurve ergibt auf einmal einen Sinn.Familie und Freunde werden neidisch sein, wie gut deine Bilder aussehen.Und vieles mehr... Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt!Schlag jetzt zu und nutze deine Chance! Wir wnschen viel Spa mit dem Kurs!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC: Profi Fotobearbeitung leicht gemacht"
"Wenn deine Bilder eine schnelle und effektive Bearbeitung auf Profiniveau brauchen, ist dieser Kurs das Richtige fr dich!Letztes Update: November 2017Version: Lightroom Classic CC 2018 und ltereJustus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Lightroom durchzustarten und deine Bilder in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu bearbeiten.""Vielen Dankfr diesen groartigen Kurs!Bevor ich diesen Kurs kaufte, kannte ichmichberhauptnicht mit Bildbearbeitung aus. In diesemKurs zeigte mirJustus nun aber Schritt fr Schritt wie ein Profi Bilder bearbeitet und jetzt sehen meine Fotos aus wie vom Fotografen. Toller Kurs!""-(Andreas, Dsseldorf, Deutschland)""Ich bin nun bereits seit 3 Jahren professioneller Fotograf und habe mir diesen Kurs gekauft um noch mal ein wenig hinzu zu lernen. Das dachte ich zumindest. Schon in den ersten Kapiteln musste ich aber feststellen wie wenig ich eigentlich ber Lightroom wusste. Justus ist brilliant auf seinem Gebiet und konnte meine Kenntnisse noch mal sehrvertiefen. Jetzt kann ich meinen Kunden qualitativ hochwertigere Bilder anbieten, bin schneller im Bearbeitungprozess geworden und verdiene erheblich mehr Geld. Vielen Dank Justus!Dein Kurs hat meine Karriere in bessere Bahnen geleitet!""-(Susanna, Mainz, Deutschland)In diesem Kurs lernst du alles ber die Bildbearbeitung mitLightroom. Angefangen beim Dateiimport und der Bildverwaltung geht es ber die komplette Bearbeitung mit allen Werkzeugen bis zum Export (fr deine Kunden, sozialeNetzwerke, Verkaufsseiten, deine Website etc.). Jede Funktion wird durchgesprochen und erklrt. Zustzlich erfhrst du Tastenkrzel, Tipps & Tricks, erhlst die Kursbilder zum Mitarbeiten, ein Workflowbeispiel und vieles mehr.Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist deine Chance!Es ist Zeit, deineBilderbearbeitung auf Lightroom Niveau zu heben!"
Price: 114.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC Meisterkurs: Der Komplette Lightroom Kurs"
"**WILLKOMMENZUM#1 ADOBELIGHTROOM CLASSIC CCKURSAUFUDEMY!**(Kursstand: 11.2017. Lightroomversion: Die Aktuellste - also alles bis Lightroom Classic CC 2018)Mchtest du wie ein Profi Fotos bearbeiten knnen?Du weit noch nicht, wie man mit Adobe Lightroom Classic CC umgeht oder mchtest deine Fhigkeiten vertiefen?Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich!Bevor wir viel aufschreiben, mchten wir als erstes einen unserer glcklichen Teilnehmer zu Wort kommen lassen:Zwischenzeitlich bei Lektion 37 angelangt und damit fast die Hlfte der Lektionen abgearbeitet. Fr die bungen werden die Beispielbilder mitgeliefert. Ich selbst habe es an meinen letzten Urlaubsbildern getestet und bin zwischenzeitlich begeistert. Justus erklrt Schritt fr Schritt alle Funktionen und zeigt diese an den mitgelieferten Bildern. Er gibt Tipps, wo man mit den Reglern vorsichtig sein sollte und was er selbst bei manchen Einstellungen noch als vertretbar sieht. Und wenn man etwas nicht versteht, einfach das Video nochmal anschauen. Zwei klitze kleine Anmerkungen mchte ich noch machen, die aber wirklich nicht schlimmt sind. Bestimmte Sachen sieht man nicht im Video, z.B. die Vorschau bei den Details. Das ist aber kein Probem, wenn man die bungsbilder mitnutzt und die Einstellungen wie Justus vornimmt. Und gewissen Fachbegriffe muss man im Internet selber nachlesen aber dank Google ist das kein Problem.Ich erhhe meine Berwetung auf 5 Sterne und kann den Lehrgang nur empfehlen. Toll gemacht!- 5 Sterne Bewertung von Andreas Sauter, Oktober 2017WASWIRSTDUINDIESEMKURSLERNEN?Strukturierte und gut organisierte Bildverwaltung.Schnell und Professionell Bilder ver- und bearbeiten.Mehr Reichweite in sozialen Netzwerken durch bessere Bilder zu erzielen.Die Farben deine Bilder richtig einzustellen.Den Zuschnitt und die Belichtung deiner Bilder so zu whlen, dass sie das Auge anziehen.Bilder fr den Druck vorzubereiten.Webgalerien zu erstellen und zu verwalten.Die ntigen PlugIns fr Facebook und Instagram einzurichten und zu benutzen.Den Umgang mit Lightroom Mobile zu meistern.Eine Diashow zur professionellen Prsentation deiner Bilder zu erstellen.Einen schnelleren und effizienteren Workflow zu erarbeiten.Tipps und Tricks zur Fotografie zu erfahren.Und noch vieles mehr...BERDENAUTORJustus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler verschiedener Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Lightroom erfolgreich zu sein und deine Bilder in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu verwalten und zu bearbeiten.Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Jetzt kannst du deine Chance nutzen! Schreibe dich jetzt hier in diesen Kurs ein!"
Price: 199.99

"Premiere Pro CC: Der Komplette Premiere Pro CC Crashkurs"
"WILLKOMMENZUM#1 ADOBEPREMIEREPRO CCCRASHKURSAUFUDEMYJustus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler verschiedener Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Premiere Pro CC durchzustarten und deine Videos in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu bearbeiten.""Vielen Dankfr diesenschnen Kurs, Justus. Ich finde es Klasse, wie sehr du in diesem Kurs ins Detail gehstund mir auch dieletzten Kniffeverrtst, meine Videos noch professioneller wirken zu lassen! Der Kurs ist jeden Centwert! Freue mich schon auf deine nchsten Kurse!""- (Jan Marschall,Osnabrck)""Justus ist wie ein Professor blo mit mehrpraktischemBezug - er ist ein absoluter Experte, hat viele viele Jahre Erfahrung und scheut auch nicht davor zurck mal etwas neues auszuprobieren und aufkreative Weise unfassbare Ergebnisse zuerzielen. Ich bin nebenerwerblich YouTuber seit 4 Jahren und hatte schon einigeMale mit Adobe Premiere Pro CC gearbeitet. Nie htte ich jedoch geglaubt wie viel man wirklich aus derSoftwarerausholen kann! Danke fr diesen Kurs!""- (SabineFreitag, Ulm)Mit diesem Kurs und Premiere Pro CC von Adobe findest du schnell und professionell deinen Einstieg in die Welt der Videobearbeitung. Du lernst in diesem Kurs alles was du brauchst, um deinen ersten Film oderdein erstes Video zu schneiden und zu exportieren/verffentlichen.Premiere bietet dir eine umfangreiche Mglichkeit, deine Bearbeitung professionell zu gestalten. Im Kurs erfhrst du, wie du deine Medien importierst und strukturierst, auswhlst und synchronisiert, schneidest und mit berblendungen versiehst, den Weiabgleich korrigierst und das Rauschen aus der Tonspur bekommst. Mit dem Export wird als letzter Schritt noch der Adobe Media Encoder angerissen und schlielich der Weg fr dein Werk in die ffentlichkeit oder das ""Heimkino"" gezeigt. Viel Spa mit diesem Kurs!Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 69.99

"Publishing Promoting Your Book: In print or digital eBook"
"This course, entitled Publishing and Promoting Your Book, consists of fourmain sections and 19 lectures coveringFinishing Your BookGenre, Proofreading and Reader ProfilePreparing Your Book for PublishingPseudonymEditingCover DesignBook DescriptionPublishing Your BookPublishing on Amazon Kindle Direct PublishingPublishing on B&N Press (Previously Nook)Publishing on Google PlayPublishing on SmashwordsPublishing in print with Amazon CreateSpacePromoting Your BookCreating your websiteGeneral and promotion-related discussion forumsFree and paid promotion using your favorite social networksFree and paid publisher site advertisingConnecting with local bookstoresPaid promotions and servicesAfter finishing these lectures, you will be well prepared for a career as a self-published author. Will this be a full-time career or part-time in addition to a ""real"" job? That would depend on the quality of your writing and your ability to promote to the masses."
Price: 74.99

"Complete Applications Using C#,VB.Net,Java,VBA,LO Basic"
"After finishing these pages you will have a complete application which will work for either console or desktop platform. Your development efforts will be utilizing three languages C#,VB.Net and Java for creating this application. Each section covers a single language and either the desktop or console application coded in that language (Java does not natively allow a console application, so it includes only Desktop). For console program automation purposes, we will be using an Excel sheet with VBA coding plus a LibreOffice Calc sheet utilizing LibreOffice Basic. The desktop application allows for more flexibility in web page processing, with entry fields for beginning and ending text along with DIVs and other processing options. Enjoy this learning experience. This list includes some of the types/commands and the languages that use themWebResponse, WebRequest, HttpWebRequest, StreamReader (C#/VB)GetResponse, Regex.Replace, String.Replace, IndexOf (C#/VB)Substring, ReadLine, Trim, WriteLine (C#/VB)EndsWith, AddRange, ReadToEnd, Count (C#/VB)GetCommandLineArgs, GetResponseStream (VB)getText, endsWith, split, length, openConnection (Java)toString, BufferedReader, getSelectedIndex, replaceAll (Java)isEmpty, substring,indexOf, readLine, PrintWriter, write (Java)ActiveCell,Value,ChDir,Shell,Activate (VBA)ThisComponent, GetByName, GetCellByPosition (LO Basic)Why would you want to work with the same program in multiple languages? A simple answer to this is versatility. You may come across a need for Java where a .Net-based language just wont work. A perfect example of this is Windows versus Linux web hosting. If you have designed a .Net program and placed it on your site based on Windows, it will work beautifully. If you then change the hosting plan to Linux, the .Net program will not work without some tweaking or an interpreter. If that were written in Java, however, it would have moved over fine.What will a web site text extraction program do for you? Well, if you had a need to capture the main text from a few web pages, this would be too much trouble. If you are migrating a web site designed in ASP.NET into another format, maybe a CMS, this approach can be quite useful. If you have 1,000 pages in the site and all are similarly structured, it may take a week for a single person to manually copy and paste the body text from these pages. Using the automated approach, with a pause between each page for accuracy purposes, approximately 700 pages per hour can be processed. That equates to a tremendous labor savings."
Price: 99.99

"Let's develop a message-driven microservices application"
"Dive into modern application development while you build a webscraping service from scratch. Understand the whole development process that goes from an idea to a plan to the implementation of a multifaceted application.Get a profound understanding of many important frameworks and tools in one single crash course.Web design using BootstrapJavascript frontend development using the elegant Knockout.js libraryREST API design and hypermedia-driven APIsSpring & Java backend developmentRapid prototyping with Spring BootMicroservices architectureMessaging with RabbitMQWeb scraping with PythonThis class offers a unique distraction-free learning experience that allows you to start coding anytimejust by clicking a linkIt ships with a virtual machine image that has all requirements installed and a tutoring application that guides you through the course.Instead of wasting your time with installation or configuration issues that regular courses require, you just open your console and type in ""vagrant up"". I developed atutoring applicationthat guides you through the lectures and manages your source code and exercises. Youstart codingjust by clicking a link and having the tutor taking care of the rest.Most courses either focus on too much theory without practice or are not more than a guided hacking tutorial ignoring deeper concepts. My class delivers the material in a concise form by teaching just enough essentials so you can start coding on your own.Why watch hours of videos and forget most of it when I can get the same knowledge in a fraction of the time?Contents and OverviewThis course will take you from an idea to a plan to thecomplete application. We start with the requirements of our application that we have gathered with our fictive client. We plan the development as we would do in a real life software company. Then we develop each part of the application.We start with the frontend that we implement in two steps. First, we use Bootstrap to layout the website. Second, we make the website interactive using Knockout.js.Next we move to the backend side and talk about REST API development. Using Spring Boot and Java we demonstrate how to create an API quickly that clients consume.In the final part of this course, we add a web scraping service to our application. We gain an understanding of the microservices architecture and learn how to increase modularity by taking advantage of messaging with RabbitMQ.The reason I created this class is that I feel there are not enough offers available for developers who want to maximise the time spent on their education. As software developers, we constantly need to learn something new. Our time is precious. That's why my lectures focus on active coding and teaching what is most important.As a bonus for my students I personally answer every open question you may have in the forum regarding the course material. My motivation is to help you succeed!"
Price: 34.99

"Ciberseguridad para PYMEs"
"ste curso para principiantes te mostrar sencillos pasos prcticos para proteger un pequeo negocio de la creciente amenaza que es el cibercrimen. Se trata de un curso orientado a propietarios de PYMES, no es para nada un curso pensado para gente con avanzados conocimientos tcnicos sino que para aquellos que se aun especializados en un rea no tecnolgica desean protegerse. Con el creciente riesgo que suponen los recientes ataques de Ransomware como por ejemplo WannaCry, Petya, etc es necesario prestar atencin a nuestra Ciberseguridad. En ste curso cubriremos: Qu necesita proteger una PYME.Qu puede obtener un hacker de una PYME.Principales mtodos de ataque.Pasos para proteger tu negocio Para quien est pensado: Principiantes en Ciberseguridad.Propietarios de pequeos negocios.Gente NO tcnica (programadores, ingenieros)Todo aquel preocupado por el Ransomware.Gente que necesita un curso conciso y efectivo."
Price: 39.99

"Design, Build and Manage your own Cisco Meraki Network"
"This course will teach you how to design, build and manage a Cisco Meraki network.We've designed this course to appeal to multiple levels of experience. For someone that is relatively new to networking by the completion of this course you will have the knowledge required to to build a network with Switching, Firewall/Routing and Wireless Access points. For someone that already understands the basics this course will save you a lot of time.To make the above possible we've chosen a single brand of networking product. The Cisco Meraki range is fully cloud managed. It's comparatively simple, while still being powerful and extremely easy to manage.Ideal students for this course:Students that want practical steps to build their own networkRegular peoplePeople that want a good basic understanding of computer networkingSecurity conscious students"
Price: 94.99

"Cyber Security for Home Users"
"This beginners course will teach you practical steps to protect yourself and your family from the growing online threats of Cyber Crime and Ransomware.This course is aimed at home users. We have a similar course for small business, so please look at that one if you want this for business use rather than home.We've designed the course to be for normal everyday people rather than the very tech savvy because no matter how technically competent you are - you need to be protected.With the growing risk from Ransomware such as WannaCry, Petya, NotPetya and so many others everyone needs at least some focus on Security.By taking the steps in this course you will be far safer. This course is designed to be as short and concise as possible while still packing in a huge amount of information.We will coverWhat makes you vulernable to malwareWhat attackers hope to gainMain methods attackers will usePractical steps to defend yourself and your familyWho is this for?Average home usersRegular peopleNOT programmers or engineersAnyone that is concerned about ransomwareTime poor people that need a concise and clear coursePeople looking for actionable steps"
Price: 94.99

"Poshmark Seller Mastery"
"**United States Only**An in depth Step-by-Step Course on how to scale upyour Poshmark Closet & turn it into the Passive Income Stream you've alwaysdreamt aboutPoshmarkis a fantastic app for selling clothes you no longer use. One person's trash isanother person's treasure and those old clothes you don't wear anymore can makeyou thousands, literally! Don't donate them or sell them to a store that'lloffer you pennies compared to their worth. List them on Poshmark and watch themoney come in!!Now,of course it's a little more complicated than that. There are some seriousinside tips and marketing strategies to understand before you can make seriousmoney on Poshmark, but there are already tens of millions of people on the applooking for the clothes you want to sell. The market and demand are there for you. You just have to learn how totap into them properly.Thiscourse will teach you the ins and outs of listing items on Poshmark that selland the basics that are not so basic. It will also give you step by step instructions on how tobuild a following of hundreds of thousands of people (all more likely topurchase the products you list). From there, you'll learn more in depthstrategies on how to continue to grow and acquire cheap items you can turn fora profit consistently.Thelast two things the courselays outare vital forlong-term sustainable profit.You'lllearnhow to continue to get products and start your own boutique (allwithin the website/app). This allows you to scale up your business and use themassive following of loyal consumers to your advantage.Sit back and watchthe profit roll in!Thebest thing about all of this is there are literally no start up costs neededat all. That is not a typo. THEREARE NO START UP COSTS NEEDEDWHATSOEVER. You won't need any of your ownmoney to purchase products. You wont need any of your own money to ship items.You won't need any of your own money to package those items. You won't needanything else besides your phone, the app, and some old clothes from yourcloset.Take this course today and you could be thenext Posh Seller Master tomorrow!!"
Price: 119.99

"Online Arbitrage Mastermind - Use Amazon to Your Advantage"
"Believe it or not, earning a living online is not as hard as it may seem. Your passive income stream is out there. You just need to know where to look...Look no further! Not only will I lay out for you where to find a limitless supply of profitable products you can resell, but I'll go through the process with you to show you how to ensure they actually make you that money. This step by step course will show you the ins and outs of four Online Retail Arbitrage methods that you can replicate and scale up. These aren't outdated methods.I still use them this very day...and you can too!How much can you make with Retail Arbitrage the way I teach it? That's 100% up to you! Whether you just have a little extra time and you're looking for some extra money every month or you want to take this on full time and earn a living, this method is as cant miss as they come. One thing is for sure, if you follow all the steps in the course,you can easily earn the course's price back within that first month (if not the first week or two)!That Passive Income Stream you've always dreamt about is knocking...Will you answer?"
Price: 199.99

"How to Start a Successful Social Media Marketing Agency"
"Social Media Marketing is a huge business trend this year. Businesses are starting to see more and more value in building relationships and acquiring customers through social media channels. It's about building customer loyalty and brand awareness. You can leverage this to your advantage!In this course I'll go through the step by step process to show you what you need to get started, provide value, and finally...approach and land clients!Most of us already understand Social Media and use it everyday, but did you know you could get paid for that?Why am I qualified to teach this you my ask? Well, aside from my expertise in Digital Marketing and eCommerce (I runmany successful online businesses) and the 10's of thousands of students I've taught mybusiness models to, my path to successactually started with a Social Media Marketing Agency. That's right! Let me walk you through what I did to sign clients and provide them value that wayyou can replicate theprocess yourself...Enroll today. Earn Tomorrow."
Price: 199.99

"Fitness Nutrition 101: How to Lose Fat & Build Muscle"
"Losing Fat is Hard. Building Muscle is understand Nutrition & how to apply it. Understanding Nutrition can make reaching your Fitness goals 10 times EASIERWe all know someone who's been ""trying"" to lose fat or build muscle for years, but they don't ever reach their goal. Why is that?It's because they don't understand Nutrition & how it applies to fitness.If you want to stop guessing you'll reach your fitness goals, enroll today to learn the ins & outs of Fitness Nutrition once & for all!"
Price: 199.99

"Copywriting 101 - How to Turn Words into Passive Income"
"What is Copywriting & why is it important for EVERY BUSINESS?Copywriting is the art of selling in written form.Every Entrepreneur, Business, & Person uses Copywriting.Your emails, your landing pages, your sales pages, your SocialMedia Posts, etc...their success all hinges on how well you can writeCopy.Just a few simple Copywriting tweaks can be the difference between selling $10 & Selling $100,000. It can be the difference between getting 10 Instagram likes & getting 10,000!It's true. Copywriting is the #1 THING EVERY BUSINESS OVERLOOKS. It's such a lost art that improving (even slightly) will make your words come off as magic to your reader (& customer).If you want to learn how to Turn Words into Passive Income, Enroll Today."
Price: 199.99

"Excel Fundamentos 2016"
"Voc acha desafiante o Excel? Acha difcil desenvolver seu trabalho como ele? Estou aqui para desmistificar essa ideia. Eu mesmo tinha essas ideias quanto comecei, pensei mesmo que seria incapaz de aprender, at que deparei-me com um excelente autor que ajudou a dar a partida e deslanchar na vida profissional. Seja bem vindo a essa fantstica ferramenta, aquela que vai lhe proporcionar mais produtividade, confiabilidade e rapidez no seu trabalho. Aproveite o contedo, ele foi criado para facilitar a sua vida."
Price: 39.99

"How to be a Highly Effective Team Leader +1 Coaching Session"
"This courseintroduces you to, and helps you apply, the7 proven principles for building a highly effective and productive team. It includes content from my popular 1 day Team Leader training event (whichcost $895 to attend).Video trainingon the 7 principlesLeadership Top Tip videos8 supportinghandouts2 eBooksPLUS a 30 minute Skype Coaching Session (valued at $129)The course looks at these 7 principles within the3 critical areas of an effective team which are:Building greatPeople,Achieving a united andclearVision, andIncreasing the completion of the right Tasks.Thiscourse will help you understand and applyeach of the following principles:The first area we will explore is that of People, here we look at theprinciples of Acceptance and Attitude:Acceptance: The principle of creating an environment of ACCEPTANCE where those in your team feel welcome, safe and accepted. When team members feel safe and welcome they are more likely to connect, engage, grow and achieve.Attitude: The principle of encouraging the right ATTITUDE, where there is a greater emphasis on the strengths and successes than on weakness and failures. When we begin with the positive (without ignoring the negative) we create a more engaging, inspiring and ultimately more effective team culture.The second area is that of Vision, here we look at the principles of Aspiration and Actuality.Aspiration: The principle of getting to a common ASPIRATION, where there is clarity about team and personal purpose in this moment and into the future. With a transparent and agreed purpose the energy of the team increases andbecomes more focused.Actuality: The principle of being clear about ACTUALITY, where we face the reality of our current situation in terms of our roles and/or responsibilities. When we take responsibility and are clear about the situation we are actually in, then we are in the place to determine how to move forward.The third area is that of Task and here we explore the principles of Agreements, Action and Accountability.Agreements: The principle of getting to clear AGREEMENTS. When we can drill down to the Who will do What by When we move from cheap talk to positioning for effective action.Action:The principle of ACTION to complete my side of my agreements. Only as we personally do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it, can we build our integrity, reputation, and lay a foundation for holding others accountable for their commitments.Accountability:The principle of ACCOUNTABILITY, of holding people to their word regarding the clear agreements they have entered into. This rare and uncomfortable skill is the key that releases people into higher levels of positive selfregard and results in greater positive personal and team effort. The focus here is not always a successful outcome, but the application of appropriate processes and effort which in the long run create the character, skill and fertile soil out of which growth will come."
Price: 79.99

"Negotiation Skills for Better Results"
"Most of us negotiate all the time, even if we don't realise it. We haggle over the price of a used car, try to convince our children to tidy their rooms, and negotiate prices with our customers or suppliers. Learning to negotiate is crucial for success in both your business and personal life.But it's not an easy skill. Many people find negotiation highly uncomfortable, and would prefer to avoid it when they can. This course is designed to help you overcome your fear and master this critical skill. By using the nine steps, you'll feel prepared to navigate your next negotation with confidence.Course detailsIn the course, Peter will walk you through everything you need to know to get started in negotiating. For more seasoned negotiators, you'll learn how you can improve to get even better results. There are four main areas you'll cover:Basic types and concepts of negotiationHow you can effectively prepare for, conduct, and close negotiationsHow to maintain good relationships as part of negotiationCommon errors and barriers to negotiation, and how to overcome them.To give you highly practical help in negotiating, this course includes plenty of bonus material and worksheets. Early in the course you can download a quiz to learn more about your negotiating style and how you can improve. The worksheets will guide you through the process of preparing for a negotiation, including determining your BATNA. Other resources give you insight into the psychology behind negotiation and provide a list of helpful further reading.About the instructorPeter Watson has been involved in teams for over twenty years, as a manager, board member and pastor. In that time he has come to understand how crucial it is to negotiate effectively. He has overcome his natural fears to approach difficult interactions with confidence and care. He has also raised three children who mostly keep their rooms tidy."
Price: 79.99