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"The Jimmy Reed Guitar Style"
"      Jimmy Reed was the king of the electric blues shuffle!  His recordings for the Vee Jay Label in Gary, Indiana (later Chicago) featured 2-3 different guitar players working together to produce a sound and style that is one of the most commercially successful and influential blues styles of the post-war era.   This stuff is NOT hard to play, but it is more challenging to play it ""correctly,""  that is, how it was played on the original recordings.  That's what this lesson series is all about!       In this first part of a two-part lesson series,  I will teach you how to play the Jimmy Reed guitar style in the Key of E.  I will breakdown and teach all of the important elements that made-up  Jimmy Reed's tunes - bass rhythms and variations, fill licks, turnarounds, song intros, chords and chord rhythm patterns, and even a couple of solos!         The guitar sounds heard on recordings like ""Baby, What You Want Me To Do,""  ""Big Boss Man,"" and ""Take Out Some Insurance""  are deceptively complex and feature a number of subtleties that often go unnoticed by listeners and guitar players alike.  At the conclusion of the course, I will demonstrate how you can ""build"" a Jimmy Reed-style song in the Key of E.             As far as I know, this is the first lesson series to tackle the complete Jimmy Reed guitar sound.   When you have completed my course, you should be able to learn ANY of his songs in the key of E and/or apply what you learn to your own style of playing blues guitar.       There are TABS and charts for each of the different lectures.  My TABS are printed using Guitar Pro 7 and show the finger positions only!  They are not written in standard notation -I am not musically trained - nor should one be to play this kind of music!  Trust me.  The TABS have been carefully researched and, to me knowledge, are extremely accurate if not 100% on the money.  .  *The second part of the course will teach the Jimmy Reed tunes in the Key of A! "
Price: 199.99

"Quick and Easy Natural Dairy Free Cheese Course"
"                                  Welcome To                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Art Of Vegan Cooking with The Vegan Gents We believe that what you love, goes into how you cook so we want you to have fun and relax with cooking. We've studied food biology and have been in The Art Of Vegan cooking for over 5 years and have truly fallen in love. With this course we will show you how to make 6 of our Quick Cheeses in as little as 15 minutes, Because who has all the time in the world these days?As a bonus, we've included dishes that you can then use your newly created cheeses with. We're ready whenever you are!Cheeses:Smoked CheddarJalapeo CheddarRed Peppered Nacho CheeseRosemary & Sage Cream SpreadQuick & Easy ParmesanQuick & Easy RicottaBonus Dishes:Baked Stuffed ShellsSmoked Macaroni & CheeseGourmet Grilled cheese Seitan Philly Cheese Steakand many, many more. With this course, you will have gained the knowledge of how to make a Quick Cheese Base, where you can then add flavors, spices, and all different ingredients to personalize it and make it your own! Completion Certificate:At the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion through your journey into The Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents. We have different levels of completion, however, our focus is on dishes that can be made quick and easy. As you progress through the course you'll notice a pattern of simplicity with what we attempt to achieve. For any reason you need clarification or just have a question, please feel free to reach us any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. GUARANTEE: Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so for any reason, you are not satisfied UDEMY will simply refund your purchase for the amount paid no hassle!Always remember, We're the vehicle and you're the driver. So let's get started! Danny & Manny The Founders of The Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents "
Price: 29.99

"Energy Reboot Smoothy Course"
"JOIN THE OVER 800+ STUDENTSTHAT HAVE TAKING THE NEXT STEP TO A HEALTHIER, BETTER TOMORROW! TOP REVIEW:Rosie M.: ""So glad that they made this course. I was in search of smoothie recipes because mine was coming out like crap (laughing out loud). I enjoyed the videos, simple and to the point. I like that you can ask a question if you are not sure about something. Thanks, Vegan Gents""My name is Manny and I have been a Nationally Certified Fitness Trainer and Researcher in Nutrition for the last 10 years. I've studied food biology through The Art Of Vegan Cooking with The Vegan Gents for over 5 years and have truly felt that sometimes all we need is to be introduced to something different and our lives can change forever.OPENING THE COURSEThis course was designed with one main thing in mind!! Eating Healthy, Doesn't Have To Be Expensive With so many options out there, its no wonder 85% of us fail to stick with our health and lifestyle regimen.It seems we're set up to fail. In this course, we dont want you to stop eating or sacrifice your favorite foods. It's about adding new options not taking away the old ones, that will happen naturally.This course is for EVERYONE, I mean that literally. For all experience levels and learning styles. So whether its feeling better, Eating healthier, Introducing options into your diet or you just need a REBOOT!I've got you covered.WHAT YOU'LL LEARN... To craft 20 unique and delicious smoothies.How to sweeten your smoothies and dishes without added sugars. We all hate crashing and our body does too.And finally...How to save money by making your own nut milk.CLOSING OF THE COURSE! Theres a bonus recipe section because it can't all be about smoothies.We crafted our favorite energy-boosting desserts like our Truffles and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream & Our Nut-Butter Brownies.So stick with us!Remember to Take it Day by Day.COMPLETION CERTIFICATE: At the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion through your journey into The Art Of Cooking with The Vegan Gents.As you progress through the course you'll notice a pattern of simplicity with what we attempt to achieve. For any reason youneed clarification or just have a question, please feel free to reach us any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible.GUARANTEE: Our course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, so for any reason, you are not satisfied UDEMY will simply refund your purchase for the amount paid no hassle!Always remember,""We're the vehicle and you're the driver"". Solet's get started!Danny & MannyThe Founders ofThe Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents"
Price: 19.99

"15x schneller rechnen. In der Schule und Studium"
"Hallo Herzlich Willkommen bei den Lernfilmen von BlitzGenie. In diesen Filmen von BlitzGenie mchte ich dir zeigen, wie man von dem kleinen 1 mal 1 bis zu den Gleichungen Blitzschnell und Kinderleicht rechnet. Diese Filme sind fr diejenigen gedacht die noch Probleme im 1 mal 1 haben. Nach diesem Film wirst du das kleine 1 mal 1 im Handumdrehen und noch viel mehr schriftlich und mit ein bisschen mehr bung auch im Kopf sofort lsen knnen. Du brauchst berhaupt keine Vorkenntnisse, aber was du brauchst ist etwas zu schreiben und ein Blatt Papier. UPDATE: 07.01.2019******************************** Videos fr gebrdensprache ********************************Die BlitzGenie Videos fr die Gebrdensprache werden produziert.******************************** Videos fr gebrdensprache ********************************UPDATE: 26.010.2017******************************** Videos aktualisiert ********************************Alle BlitzGenie Videos wurden frisch gerendert und neu hochgeladen.Ihr knnt nun alle Videos in HD Qualitt genieen :)******************************** Videos aktualisiert ********************************BlitzGenie ist anders! Die Videos bereiten nicht einfach den Schulstoff auf, sondern vermitteln unglaublich faszinierende Einblicke in die Welt der Zahlen. So werden Rechenprobleme an der Wurzel gepackt und eliminiert.Mit den BlitzGenie-Lernvideos kann u.U. teure Nachhilfe berflssig werden, weil die Ursache der Probleme die einseitige Darstellung und Methodik in der Schule ist.BlitzGenie stellt eine ganz andere Herangehensweise an mathematische Probleme vor und ermglicht dadurch v.a. Schlern mit Rechenschwche oder Mathe-Phobie aber auch Studenten, Auszubildenden und Berufsttigen einen neuen, kreativeren und in jedem Fall spannenden Zugang zum Umgang mit Zahlen. Dass man mit den Methoden beim Rechnen Zeit sparen kann und sicherer zum richtigen Ergebnis kommt, ist ein positiver Nebeneffekt, der nicht nur fr Schler bei Schulaufgaben oder Studenten interessant ist, sondern fr alle, die tglich mit Zahlen umgehen mssen. Nicht fr die Schule, sondern frs Leben lernen wir!Der Grund ist oft einfach die Art und Weise, wie uns z.B. das Multiplizieren, Dividieren, Prozent- oder Bruchrechnen in der Schule beigebracht wird: langweilig, unkreativ, streng logisch wie eine lstige Pflicht, um die man nicht herum kommt. Dabei ist eigentlich alles genial einfach!Es kann doch nicht sein, dass Generationen von Schlern unter dem Mathe-Unterricht leiden, und niemand unternimmt etwas dagegen! Deshalb haben wir uns auf die Suche gemacht und altindische Rechenmethoden ausgegraben, die es seit Jahrhunderten gibt die aber kaum jemand kennt. Erstaunlich. Einfach. Rechnen.Entdecken auch Sie die Faszination der Arithmetik, tauchen Sie ein in die spannende Welt der Zahlen, und verblffen Sie schon morgen Ihre Freunde oder Kollegen mit korrekten Rechenergebnissen in Sekundenschnelle. Fr schler konzipiert, fr Jedermann anwendbar. Die Zielgruppe ist riesig, da fast alle Menschen in Ausbildung und Beruf mit Mathematik konfrontiert werden.Die Videos sind zwar in erster Linie fr Schler und Studenten gedacht, knnen aber darber hinaus eine Reihe weiterer Personengruppen ansprechen wie z.B. Auszubildende und alle naturwissenschaftlich-technischen, kaufmnnischen und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Berufe. Denn vielfach ist es ja so, dass man sich als Schler durch den Mathe-Unterricht irgendwie durchmogelt und dann in der Berufsausbildung erst merkt, dass die Grundlagen fehlen. Das kann dann zu besonders unangenehmen und karriereschdlichen Situationen fhren. Die BlitzGenie-Videos knnen hier unkompliziert und schnell (in einem Nachmittag) fehlendes Wissen vermitteln. Der positive Nebeneffekt dabei ist, dass die Anwendung der BlitzGenie-Methoden Spa macht und den Anwendern einen groen Wissensvorsprung verschafft. Die Rechenmethoden sind berall auf der Welt die gleichen, sie veralten nicht und werden nie unmodern.Die BlitzGenie-Videos werden nicht speziell nur fr ein Land entwickelt. Mathematische Methoden sind sprachunabhngig und an keine Modeerscheinung gebunden. BlitzGenie-Videos sind eine einfache Lsung fr Probleme, die berall auf der Welt dieselben sind.Rechnen Sie ab sofort bis zu 15-mal schneller...Solche Geheimtricks, mit denen Sie jeden Mathelehrer in die Pfanne hauen knnen, gibt es fr alle mglichen mathematischen Operationen: Multiplizieren, Dividieren, Bruch- und Prozentrechnen usw. aber auch zum Lsen von Gleichungen. Ihre Erwartung ist frmlich zu spren Wo und wie kann man diese Geheimnisse erfahren? Ganz einfach: mit 29 kurzen Videos von BlitzGenie, die Sie auf Ihrem Computer/Online, oder auf Ihrem Smartphone anschauen knnen, so oft Sie wollen. In den Videos bekommen Sie die Inhalte klar, verstndlich und schlssig vermittelt kein verschwurbeltes Professoren-Deutsch, kein Blabla, keine Zauberformeln. Ehrenwort! und Sie verblffen schon am nchsten Tag ganz locker Ihren Chef, Ihre Lehrer, Ihre Eltern, Ihre Freunde Wundern Sie sich nicht, wenn sich in Schule oder Beruf pltzlich Tren ffnen, die fr Sie schon immer verschlossen waren. Denn:Weitere Planung:Videos mit Methoden zur Algebra, Produktion der Videos in weiteren Sprachen und Vertrieb weltweit, Aufbereitung der Videos fr Gehrlose in Gebrdensprache. Gleich werden Sie spren: Rechnen macht Spa! Und nein, es ist nicht zu spt egal, wie alt Sie sind. Sie werden gleich staunen: Multiplizieren Sie 43 x 47! Im Kopf Uhhh Halt, bevor Sie jetzt weggehen, oder doch nach dem Taschenrechner suchen Wenn Sie die beiden Zahlen anschauen, merken Sie, dass beide vorne die gleichen Ziffern haben (nmlich die 4) und die beiden hinteren Ziffern zusammengezhlt 10 ergeben. Und dafr gibt es einen kleinen Geheimtrick: Einer mehr als der vorher Sie multiplizieren die beiden vorderen Ziffern, wobei Sie zu einer Ziffer 1 hinzuzhlen, also nicht 4 x 4, sondern 4 x 5 = 20. und dann multiplizieren Sie die beiden hinteren Ziffern: 3 x 7 = 21Fertig!Jetzt nehmen Sie das Ergebnis der beiden vorderen Ziffern zuerst und danach das Ergebnis der beiden hinteren Ziffern und das Ergebnis ist 2021.Verblffend einfach, oder? Sind Sie neugierig geworden? Mchten Sie mehr davon wissen?Dann starte jetzt deinen Kurs mit BlitzGenie."
Price: 189.99

"Wisdom Within"
"You've probably read that successful people keep a daily journal. What do these visionaries write about? Why do they journal?Discover why keeping a journal is a powerful personal development practice:Clarity.Gain clarity on the most pressing issues in your life.Creativity.The blank page offers the opportunity to play with ideas. Eventhe very act of writing sparks creative ideas.Self-awareness.Each of us has thoughts and feelings wed rather keep to ourselves. Journaling about them helps to bring them out of the shadows so that we can face them and deal with them in an appropriate way.Motivation.Sometimes you just need to remind yourselfhow awesome you are. Yourjournal won'tjudge youwhen youchoose to blow yourown horn.Gratitude.Its easy to focus on whats not working, but its powerful to look at what is. Writing about what you aregrateful for improves youroutlook and inspires youto keep going.Spirituality. Yourjournal is the place where you canreflect on the important questions of yourlife and explore your purpose for being. You have a powerful tool at your fingertips. Use it to tap into the Wisdom Within."
Price: 24.99

"ABC para una planeacin estratgica prctica y aterrizada"
"Alcanza ms fcilmente tus objetivos de negocio teniendo claridad y alineacin estratgica.Este curso desmitifica la planeacin estratgica, y de una manera prctica te guiar paso a paso para responder a las cuatro preguntas fundamentales para la generacin estratgica: 1) ""Quin soy?""; 2) ""En dnde estoy?""; 3) ""A dnde quiero ir?""; y 4) ""Qu tengo que hacer para llegar ah?""Al final del curso, despus de haber hecho todas las actividades sugeridas, habrs desarrollado tu mapa estratgico para alcanzar tu visin de largo plazo.El curso est lleno deherramientas de trabajo yreferencias que podrs usar juntocon tu equipoy lograr juntos claridad y alineacin estratgica para el logro de tus objetivos.Tus instructores, Becky Mitre y Bernardo Soto, tienenms de 20 aos de experiencia ejecutiva internacional durante los cualesexperimentaron y lideraronmltiplesprocesos estratgicos;y en su trabajo como consultores de negocio han ayudado a muchas empresas de todos los tamaos a lograr claridad y alineacin estratgica para el logro de sus objetivos de negocio."
Price: 945.00

"Hands-On STM32: Basic Peripherals with HAL"
"This course teaches you the hands-on skills of STM32 programming using HAL library. This course is divided into 3 parts. After finishing the first part, you will be able to write codes for basic peripherals like Clock Control, GPIO, Interrupt, and DMA. After finishing the second part, you will be able to write codes for commonly used peripherals like UART, Timer, ADC, SPI, and I2C. After finishing the third part, you will be able to write codes for other peripherals like WDG and Power. This course is suitable for those who want to learn about HAL library but don't really want to read the documentation. This course provides you example codes that can be reused in the future as a template codes for your embedded system projects."
Price: 24.99

"Exploring Basic Ways to Use Crystals For Your Well-being"
"This course covers the basics of crystal use to enhance your everyday life. You will learn how crystal energy works, how to select crystals and care for them, andhow to diffuse negative energywith them. You will also learn how tomeditate with crystals, plusI have included a guided meditation for you to use anytime you like. You will also explore the main points of the seven main Chakras and what crystals can help balance those areas that are unbalanced. You will also discover ways to find love, reduce stress, increase abundance, and increase energy using crystals."
Price: 44.99

"Marital Expectations: Prime Points"
"Whether you are on your first or ninth marriage, this course is about judging how prepared you are and how prepared your partner is to mix your lives together. Learn all of the last deep secrets about each other that you never thoughts to ask until now. This is a meaty, process-driven course which has you write down questions on your own behalf and then answer them on your own time. The same applies for your partner, and be done with them, even if they do not take the course with you."
Price: 19.99

"Onecliptv piano lesson"
"Hi there,In this video course I am going to take you step by step how I have learnt to play by ear and removed the need of sheet music while doing so! I now can play different genre of music: jazz, gospel, funk, blues all by ear.Of course its not easy... but I can guarantee that by the end of this instructional video lesson you too will be able to play piano all by ear!Yours Sincerely,John SandersFounder Onecliptv"
Price: 34.99

"Domina SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)"
"Este curso te ayudar a entender cmo se presenta la informacin en Management Studio y cmo aprovechar las ventajas de sus caractersticas. La mejor forma de familiarizarte con Management Studio es practicar. Este curso te mostrar cmo administrar los componentes y cmo localizar las caractersticas que utilizas habitualmente. Este curso est compuesto por tres lecciones: Leccin 1: Navegacin bsica en SQL Server Management Studio Aprenders a utilizar los componentes de Management Studio, a configurar nuevamente el diseo del entorno y a restaurar el diseo predeterminado. Leccin 2: EscribiendoTransact-SQL Aprenders a abrir el Editor de consultas, a administrar cdigo y a utilizar otras caractersticas nuevas del editor. Leccin 3: Trabajar con plantillas, soluciones, proyectos de script Aprenders a usar las plantillas y a organizar los scripts en soluciones y proyectos."
Price: 199.99

Price: 9600.00

"1 OJT"
Price: 9600.00

"AutoCAD 2016 - Complete Training Tutorials"
"AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application. AutoCAD is used across a wide range of industries, by architects, project managers, engineers, graphic designers, town planners, and many other professionals. AutoCAD Architecture (abbreviated as ACA) is a version of AutoCAD with tools and functions specially suited to architectural work.Autodesk AutoCAD Software ideal for Design engineer. This Course includes 2D Drafting, Isometrics, 3D Modelling, AutoCAD Parametric, Animation, Lighting, and Material effects.Why AutoCAD?Although there are already plenty of AutoCAD courses most of them lack a few basic things which this course fulfills likeA complete explanation of commands and sub-commandsExample based lectures for each commandShowing application of commands in real-life scenarios of designing and draftingUse of actual engineering drawings as data filesLectures about advance topics like dynamic blocks and sheet set includedAutoCAD troubleshooting and repairing drawing files tipsSS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn AutoCAD."
Price: 1920.00

"Autodesk Revit Architectural"
"Revit Architecture is a robust architectural design and documentation software application created by Autodesk for architects and building professionals. The tools and features that make up Revit Architecture are specifically designed to support building information modeling (BIM)  workflows. By utilizing BIM as opposed to computer-aided drafting  (CAD), Revit Architecture is able to leverage dynamic information in intelligent models allowing complex building structures to be accurately designed and documented in a short amount of time. Each intelligent model created with Revit Architecture represents an entire project and is stored in a single database file. This allows changes made in one part of the model to be automatically propagated to other parts of the model, thus enhancing the workflow for Revit Architecture users.Why Revit?Design skills that make you more valuablePresentation skills that get your work noticedGain valuable exposure to BIM`Prepare for your internshipMaximize your design possibilitiesPreview the Future Home in 3D BIM ModelingQuick Changes to Design, No Repetitive TasksVast Library of Parametric Building ComponentsHigh-Quality Construction DocumentsAccurate Estimation of Quantities and CostImproved CoordinationHigh Level of FlexibilityAutodesk Revit for Architects, Structural Engineers, MEP Engineers, DesignersSS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn Revit."
Price: 1920.00

"Java Basic I Advance Course"
"The Java programming language requires the presence of a software platform in order for compiled programs to be executed. Java platform supplies by Oracle. The Android SDK is an alternative software platform, used primarily for developing Android applications with its own GUI system.The course begins with definitions of basic terminology as well as the typical ""Hello, World!"" program. You will learn about basic Java data types next so that you can declare and use variables in your programs.  From there, you will learn to read information from the user and output information to the screen. Finally, you will learn to create and evaluate expressions using arithmetic, relational and logical operators.Java is a basic language for IT Engineers. In this online course, you will learn complete basic training in java course. This course designed for IT Students.Why JAVA ?Learn Data TypeOperator ProgramUnderstanding of Control systemLearn Do While LoopLearn Class with exampleMultithreaded programming and AppletSS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn JAVA."
Price: 29.99

"Creo Parametric Basic to Advanced course for Professionals"
"Creo (Pro-E) is a family or suite of design software supporting product design for discrete manufacturers and is developed by PTC.Creo Parametric: The flagship application in the Creo Suite, Creo Parametric is the only software you need for 3D CAD and CAM.  With Creo  Parametric, you can seamlessly combine parametric and direct modeling;  open non-native CAD data and collaborate with almost anyone thanks to  Unite technology, and relax knowing all downstream deliverables will update automatically. Combine this range of capabilities with ease-of-use, and you have a product design accelerator.2D CAD 3D CAD CAM  Simulation Visualization Analysis Why Creo?Our software doesnt produce innovation: you do. But Creo can help by giving you powerful tools all within one environment as well as choice and flexibility in how you use them.What can you design? One customer designed an artificial heart. Another created a 1.5 ton light sculpture. Maybe your next great product is that one on your desk.Creo is best designed for Mechanical Engineer, Automobile Engineer. Mechatronics EngineerSS eAcademy offers Complete training for Creo tutorials."
Price: 3200.00

"ANSYS Workbench - A Complete Course"
"ANSYS Workbench is the Numerical type of Engineering problem-solving software. Used to simulate interactions of all disciplines of Physics, Structural, Vibration, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer and Electromagnetic for engineers.This course covers the mechanical analysis using ANSYS workbench.The course is about to correlate the Lerner with actual engineering problems.Able to make understand the problem definition and solve it.The course basically covers the interface to ANSYS workbench for mechanical preference.Course Includes:Analysis types available in Workbench - MechanicalStructural (static and transient):  Linear and Nonlinear Structural analyses. Dynamics: Modal, harmonic, response spectrum, random vibration, flexible and rigid dynamics. Heat Transfer (steady-state and transient): Solve for temperature field and heat flux. Temperature-dependent conductivity, convection, radiation, and materials allowed. Magneto-statics: Perform various magnetic field analyses. Electrical: Simulate electrical devices such as motors, solenoids, etc. Why ANSYS Workbench? You will learn about what is finite element analysis and finite element methods.You will learn about ANSYS workbench FEA numerical engineering problem solver.Interface to ANSYS mechanical.Various meshing techniques and methods.How to create geometry using ANSYS modeler.You will learn a step by step procedure to solve engineering problems using ANSYS workbench.You will learn how to define contacts and boundary conditions.Able to do static structural analysis. Able to do thermal analysis.Able to do model analysis.Able to do coupled thermal structural analysis.Able to understand the practical approach of ANSYS workbench solver through examples.SS eAcademy offers Complete training for ANSYS Workbench."
Price: 34.99

"AutoCAD 2019 - Learn form Scratch"
"AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application. AutoCAD is used across a wide range of industries, by architects, project managers, engineers, graphic designers, town planners, and many other professionals. AutoCAD Architecture (abbreviated as ACA) is a version of AutoCAD with tools and functions specially suited to architectural work.Autodesk AutoCAD Software ideal for Design engineer. This Course includes 2D Drafting, Isometrics, 3D Modelling, AutoCAD Parametric, Animation, Lighting, and Material effects.Why AutoCAD2019?Although there are already plenty of AutoCAD courses most of them lack a few basic things which this course fulfills likeA complete explanation of commands and sub-commandsExample based lectures for each commandShowing application of commands in real-life scenarios of designing and draftingUse of actual engineering drawings as data filesLectures about advance topics like dynamic blocks and sheet set includedAutoCAD troubleshooting and repairing drawing files tipsSS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn AutoCAD2019."
Price: 29.99

"SOLIDWORKS 2018 - Basic to Advanced Guide"
"SOLIDWORKS is a complete 3D Modeling Software and CAD Product Design solution. Find out why you should design with SOLIDWORKS.  SolidWorks is a solid modeler and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach which was initially developed by Dassault Systemes to create models and assemblies.   Use of SOLIDWORKS:SOLIDWORKS is easy to use parametric design modular, meaning you can easily edit the design at any stage in the design process. Real View graphics allow you to visualize your design in real-time whilst  Photo View 360 can create sophisticated photorealistic renderings and animations. Choosing a CAD system that is widely recognized is very important. Due to the popularity of SOLIDWORKS, it is highly likely that a competitor,  supplier or customer will be using it, therefore eliminating the need to translate files from one system to another, reducing time and minimizing the chance of errors. SOLIDWORKS is a very productive 3D CAD software tool, with its integrated analytical tools and design automation to help stimulate physical behavior such as kinematics, dynamics, stress, deflection,  vibration, temperatures or fluid flow to suit all types of design.  An in-depth explanation of conceptsEvery new topic of this Course starts with an explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with the real world.  Topics CoveredEvery chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that Tutorial. In this way, the user can easily find the topic of his/her interest easily  Tutorial point of viewAt the end of the concepts explanation, the tutorial makes the understanding of users firm and long-lasting. Almost every chapter of the course has tutorials that are real-world projects.  ProjectFree projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.  For FacultyIf you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topics, exercises, tutorials, or concepts. Why Solidworks 2018?Use SOLIDWORKS to design/draft your next innovation.Demonstrate competency with multiple drawing and modification commands in SolidWorks.Create three-dimensional solid models.Create three-dimensional assemblies incorporating multiple solid models.Apply industry standards in the preparation of technical mechanical drawings.SS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn Solidworks 2018."
Price: 39.99

"MASTERCAM 2018 CAD I CAM - Beginner to Professional Guide"
"Mastercam is a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software program used by manufacturing professionals, such as machinists and computer numerical control (CNC) programmers. This software helps users produce mechanical drawings of machine parts, learn how to operate CNC lathes and mills, and create 3-dimensional wireframe models. There are two options for professional Learning Milling and Lathe.This course is a full-length MasterCAM 2018 and 2019 learning package which contains almost all of the topics that you will ever need to work with this software. The course is designed for a beginner as well as seasoned users.A beginner can start learning the software right from scratch by following the course along just from lectures one. A seasoned MasterCAM user will also find this course very comprehensive and they can choose the topics they want to learn about skipping the basics.Why Mastercam?Most comprehensive MasterCAM course online with 30+ video lecturesAll lesson files includedNew features of MasterCAM 2018 and 2019 version includedTaught by certified MasterCAM professionalPractice drawing and projects module includedSS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn Mastercam."
Price: 19.99

"SOLIDWORKS 2018 - Professional Training"
"SOLIDWORKS is a complete 3D Modeling Software and CAD Product Design solution. Find out why you should design with SOLIDWORKS.  SolidWorks is a solid modeler and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach which was initially developed by Dassault Systemes to create models and assemblies.   Use of SOLIDWORKS:SOLIDWORKS is easy to use parametric design modular, meaning you can easily edit the design at any stage in the design process. Real View graphics allow you to visualize your design in real-time whilst  Photo View 360 can create sophisticated photorealistic renderings and animations. Choosing a CAD system that is widely recognized is very important. Due to the popularity of SOLIDWORKS, it is highly likely that a competitor,  supplier or customer will be using it, therefore eliminating the need to translate files from one system to another, reducing time and minimizing the chance of errors. SOLIDWORKS is a very productive 3D CAD software tool, with its integrated analytical tools and design automation to help stimulate physical behavior such as kinematics, dynamics, stress, deflection,  vibration, temperatures or fluid flow to suit all types of design.  An in-depth explanation of conceptsEvery new topic of this Course starts with an explanation of the basic concepts. In this way, the user becomes capable of relating the things with the real world.  Topics CoveredEvery chapter starts with a list of topics being covered in that Tutorial. In this way, the user can easily find the topic of his/her interest easily  Tutorial point of viewAt the end of the concepts explanation, the tutorial makes the understanding of users firm and long-lasting. Almost every chapter of the course has tutorials that are real-world projects.  ProjectFree projects and exercises are provided to students for practicing.  For FacultyIf you are a faculty member, then you can ask for video tutorials on any of the topics, exercises, tutorials, or concepts. Why Solidworks 2018?Use SOLIDWORKS to design/draft your next innovation.Demonstrate competency with multiple drawing and modification commands in SolidWorks.Create three-dimensional solid models.Create three-dimensional assemblies incorporating multiple solid models.Apply industry standards in the preparation of technical mechanical drawings.SS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn Solidworks 2018."
Price: 1280.00

"Being the best version of ""You"""
"This course is about leaning certain foundationaltools that you can learn to grown yourself. Using my life experience I have found 8 foundational tools that helped me grow as a man, father, husband. I draw from my own experience as a Marine Corps officer as well as other positions I have held in life. Working on yourself is a continuousprocess but it will pay great divided when you have a plan and a process."
Price: 19.99

"Master Forex Trading - Fundamentals"
"The world of forex is rich and inviting - forex is the largest financial market in the world - making sense of it can be challenging AND it can also be exciting - thats what our course is about to offer you.Its been designed to teach you about technical terms using plain language - no complicated phrases or intricate examples - we want you to understand the material and build on the knowledge gained from each lecture.This course is about forex trading:Wewill touch ona number of theoretical terms and concepts relating to trading and the currency markets.Forex HistoryReading FXQuotesBid/AskLotsLeverageChart typesOrder typesBrokersTechnical analysisWeve also designed activities for you to test your understanding and this will ensure your really get something out of this course."
Price: 24.99

"Daily Conversation In Chinese Part I"
"Learning Chinese should be fun and interesting, but if the right approach is not used, it can be difficult and daunting which discourage most students. This course use a different approach in teaching you how to learn Chinese easily in a step by step way. The instructor consulted non-native Chinese speakers for their inputs and opinions to address their difficulty in learning Chinese.Chinese vocabulary is very crucial when learning Chinese or want to speak Chinese. Let say the more money you have in your bank account the more you can spend, or that will determine your purchasing power. The same applies to Chinese language, if you accumulate a good grasp of the vocabulary speaking and listening should be a breeze for you.Sometimes at a point in time, even though you might not understand the whole sentence, but based on your vocabulary bank, its easy for you to guess what the people are talking about. This course methodologically go deeper into the vocabulary, then moving to sentence formation part which will help you make a good conversation in the last part. With this approach to learning Chinese anyone can study Chinese easily. Hope this lesson will help you in your quest to study Chinese."
Price: 24.99

"Daily Conversation In Chinese Part II"
"Learning Chinese should be fun and interesting, but if the right approach is not used, it can be difficult and daunting which discourage most students. This course use a different approach in teaching you how to learn Chinese easily in a step by step way. The instructor consulted non-native Chinese speakers for their inputs and opinions to address their difficulty in learning Chinese.Chinese vocabulary is very crucial when learning Chinese or want to speak Chinese. Let say the more money you have in your bank account the more you can spend, or that will determine your purchasing power. The same applies to Chinese language, if you accumulate a good grasp of the vocabulary speaking and listening should be a breeze for you.Sometimes at a point in time, even though you might not understand the whole sentence, but based on your vocabulary bank, its easy for you to guess what the people are talking about. This course methodologically go deeper into the vocabulary, then moving to sentence formation part which will help you make a good conversation in the last part. With this approach to learning Chinese anyone can study Chinese easily. Hope this lesson will help you in your quest to study Chinese."
Price: 24.99

"Machine learning y data science con scikit-learn y pyspark"
"Este curso pretende ser una introduccin a las tcnicas ms relevantes de Machine Learning y mostrar ejemplos de aplicacin de estas tcnicas. Que sirva para conocer qu tcnicas existen, en qu se fundamentan y sobre qu tipos de problemas pueden aplicarse.El enfoque ser terico-prctico y se har uso del lenguaje de programacin Python y del toolkit Scikit Learn. Se recomienda a los alumnos instalarse ANACONDAen su plataforma habitual. ANACONDA incluye Python, Scikit-Learn y Matplotlib. La versin de python que utilizaremos ser la 3.6.Tambin veremos pyspark como plataforma de desarrollo de aplicaciones distribudasEntre los principales objetivos podemos destacar:Introducir los conceptos de ciencias de datos y machine learning.Introducir las principales libreras que podemos encontrar en python para aplicar tcnicas de machine learning a los datos.Introducir las principales libreras que podemos encontrar en python para tratamiento y visualizacin de datos Dar a conocer los pasos para construir un modelo de machine learning, desde la adquisicin de datos,pasando por la generacin de funciones, hasta la seleccin de modelos.Dar a conocer los principales algoritmos para resolver problemas de machine learning.Introducir scikit-learn como herramienta para resolver problemas de machine learning.Introducir pyspark como herramienta para aplicar tcnicas de big data y map-reduce a los datos.Conocer y aplicar algoritmos de machine learning con pyspark.Introducir los sistemas de recomendacin basados en contenidos"
Price: 34.99

"How to stay healthy if you sit in an office all day"
"How long do you spend sitting?How long do you spend sitting at your desk during the day? Now add on the time you spend relaxing in front of the TV on the sofa in the evenings and perhaps the commute in the car or train on the way to and from workMore than 5 hours?Youre probably sitting for much longer than you realise and have been doing so for many years.At N8 Health, weregularly see patients in our practice suffering with lower back pain and one of the main causes is prolonged sitting. Principal Chiropractor, Dr Paul McCrossin has over 23 years experience in practice and lower back pain, neck pain and headaches are the some of the most common issues he sees associated with occupations which involve prolonged sitting.Our bodies werent designed to sit for multiple hours a day and be immobile.We also know it is not easy to avoid being immobile if you work in an office.Wouldnt you love to put an end to those aches and pains and feel safe in the knowledge that you can be at your desk at work and still be healthy? Carefully crafted from our own research, the exercises we give to our practice members and our experience in practice, Sit Healthy is your one stopsolution to guilt-free, healthy sitting."
Price: 29.99

"Inteligncia Artificial: Algoritmos Genticos"
"Um Algoritmo Gentico (AG) uma tcnica de busca utilizada na cincia da computao para achar solues aproximadas em problemas de otimizao e busca. Algoritmos genticos diferem dos algoritmos tradicionais de otimizao em basicamente quatro aspectos:Baseiam-se em uma codificao do conjunto das solues possveis, e no nos parmetros da otimizao em si;Os resultados so apresentados como uma populao de solues e no como uma soluo nica;No necessitam de nenhum conhecimento derivado do problema, apenas de uma forma de avaliao do resultado;Usam transies probabilsticas e no regras determinsticas.funo AlgoritmoGentico(populao, funo-objetivo) sadas: indivduo entradas: populao uma lista de indivduos funo-objetivo uma funo que recebe um indivduo e retorna um nmero real. repetir lista de pais := seleo(populao, funo-objetivo) populao := reproduo(lista de pais) enquanto nenhuma condio de parada for atingida retorna o melhor indivduo da populao de acordo com a funo-objetivoEste um curso para quem deseja comear a desenvolver algoritmos para Inteligncia Artificial.Neste curso voc aprender a teoria bsicasobre Algoritmos Genticos, vamos percorrer todo o caminho no que tange oAG, comeando coma teoria da evoluo de Darwin e terminando com o desenvolvimento de um Algoritmo Gentico para maximizar uma funo matemtica.Estrutura Curricular:Teoria do Algoritmo GenticoInteligncia ComputacionalUm pouco de BiologiaConceitos Bsicos de AGAprofundando em Algoritmos GenticosArquitetura do AGRepresentao CromossmicaRepresentao PopulacionalFuno de AvaliaoMdia da PopulaoOperadores GenticosSeleo dos PaisOperador CrossoverOperador MutaoDesenvolvimento de um Algoritmo GenticoIntroduo a Maximizao de FunesArquitetura do ProjetoPreparando o Visual Studio C#Programando a Classe CONSTANTSProgramando a Classe INDIVIDUOProgramando a Classe POPULACAOProgramando a Classe ALGORITMOSGENETICOSProgramando a Interface GrficaApresentao da Execuo do Algoritmo Gentico"
Price: 309.99

"LabVIEW & Arduino"
"Seja muito bem vindo ao curso de LabVIEW & Arduino!O LabVIEW (acrnimo para Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) uma linguagem de programao grfica originria da National Instruments.Os principais campos de aplicao do LabVIEW so a realizao de medies e a automao. A programao feita de acordo com o modelo de fluxo de dados, o que oferece a esta linguagem vantagens para a aquisio de dados e para a sua manipulao.Os programas em LabVIEW so chamados de instrumentos virtuais ou, simplesmente, IVs. So compostos pelo painel frontal, que contm a interface, e pelo diagrama de blocos, que contm o cdigo grfico do programa. O programa no processado por um interpretador, mas sim compilado. Deste modo a sua performance comparvel exibida pelas linguagens de programao de alto nvel. A linguagem grfica do LabVIEW chamada ""G"".Irei abordar os seguintes temas:-A importncia do uso do LabVIEW para engenheiros e cintistas;-O estilo de programao;-Ferramentas da National Instruments que utilizam LabVIEW-Tipos de Variveis;-Tipos de Estruturas de Repetio;-Arrays (vetores e matrizes);-Variveis Booleanas;-Tratamento de Strings;-Clusters;-Operaes Numricas;-Operaes de Lgica e Tabela Verdade;-Leitura e Escrita de Arquivos do tipo Texto;-Elementos em Fila;-Tratamento de erros;-Itens no Domnio do Tempo;-Criao de Protocolo de Comunicao entre LabVIEW e Microcontroladores (aulas utilizando o Arduino);-Cominicao Serial RS-232 via USB;-Aula rpida de Programao em Arduino para realizar a comunicao RS-232;-Leitura de Temperatura com Arduino;-Leitura de Luminosidade com Arduino;-Controle de rels, lmpadas, LEDs;-Controle de Servo Motores, PWM, motores DC;-Leitura Analgica;-Leitura Digital;Qualquer dvida, voc poder enviar uma pergunta que responderei brevemente!"
Price: 189.99