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"Realidade Virtual"
"Saiba como criar emodificar GAMES para Realidade Virtual Mobileusando Unity 2017.1 e o SDK GoogleVR,a plataforma de desenvolvimento de jogos gratuita maisutilizada por desenvolvedores independentes domundo todo!OBJETIVO DO CURSO:Ao completar o curso, vocter noes bsicas sobre Head-Mounted Display, Desenvolvimento de Games com Unity 2017.1, Paradigma da Realidade Virtual,Estratgias de Interao em Ambientes Virtuais de RV, noes de como aplicar as Melhores Prticas de Desenvolvimento de Games em RV, e o mais importante: saber as etapas de desenvolvimento e estratgias na confeco de Jogos de Realidade Virtual.Se voc um iniciante no desenvolvimento de aplicaes em RV, lhe ensinaremos todos os princpios de codificao e estratgiade jogos RV que voc precisa. Se voc j desenvolveu um game e precisa transforma-lo em Realidade Virtual, ns o ensinaremos passo-a-passo como chegar l!MTODO:Para atingir este objetivo, ns vamos iniciar nossa jornada com umaintroduo Head-Mounted Display, ou simplesmente culos de RV,na qual vamos explorar os paradigmas da viso estereogrfica e os dispositivos de realidade virtual da atualidade. Tambm vamos analisar qual culos possuemo melhor custo-benefcio no mercado brasileiro e do exterior.Em seguida, iremos fazer uma pequena introduo a plataforma Unity, para quem j possui conhecimento ser uma valiosa reviso, para quem no tem conhecimento ser um bom ponto de partida!Em seguida iremos aprender algumas Boas Prticas de Desenvolvimento para Realidade Virtual Mobile, abordando as principais tcnicas para aprimorar a performance de sua aplicao.Aps a introduo RV, iremos aprender na prtica como utilizar o SDK GoogleVR, utilizaremos as melhores estratgias para interagir com o ambiente virtual utilizando apenas um Trigger. Iremos utilizar as funcionalidades da Unity, GoogleVR e as que iremos desenvolverpara obter a melhor experiencia do usurio.Finalmente, chega a hora de desenvolver o jogo em RV: voc vai aprender como construir umprojeto de gameutilizando todas as tcnicas que estudamos durante o curso.Iremos trabalhar na prtica as principais funcionalidades e estratgia possveis para construir um game fantstico. Durante o desenvolvimento, vamos aprender a construir:Especficos:Realidade virtual para dispositivos mobile;Mecanismos de locomoo no ambiente virtual;Seleo de objetos 3D por apontamento;Eventos de Trigger;Desenvolvimento de Scripts para Armas;Arco e Flecha com disparos e recarga de flechas;Canho com disparos e recarga de bolas;Alvos para disparo com pontuao;Interface de Usurio para RV;Sistema de Mercado e compra de itens;Configurao de Projeto para GoogleVR;Geral:Criao de ambiente virtual medieval;Iluminao;Aprimoramento de cena;Partculas;Occlusion Culling;Manipulao de Objetos;Configurao de Projetos para Android;Criao de Build;Se voc acha que o curso cabe em suas necessidades, no perca mais tempo, se inscreva! Garanto que no se arrepender!Obrigado pela ateno!Aguardo vocs!Att. Prof. Camilo Barreto"
Price: 579.99

"Inteligncia Artificial: Algoritmos Genticos - TSP"
"Aprenda o paradigma de Algoritmos Genticos aplicado ao Problema do Caixeiro Viajante (TSP) usando a linguagem C# e componentes grficos do Visual Studio.OBJETIVO DO CURSO:Ao completar o curso, voc ter noes tericas sobre o mecanismo do Algoritmo Gentico, seus componentes e suas funcionalidades. Ter tambm noes de desenvolvimento de um algoritmo gentico para solucionar problemas de roteamento, esse problema conhecido como o Problema do Caixeiro Viajante.O Problema do Caixeiro Viajante um dos clssicos problemas de AG, a narrativa desta histria : Um vendedor ambulante deve visitar vrias cidades, porem ele no pode repetir nenhuma, deve visitar todas no menor caminho possvel e retornar para a cidade de origem.Esse um problema de otimizao NP-Difcil, no qualquer algoritmo de estrutura de dados que consegue resolver tal problema em pouco tempo. Isso se deve ao fato de que a quantidade de cidades influencia na complexidade de busca. No caso de 5 cidades, se for aplicado o fatorial n(!5) temos 120 possibilidades de rotas, caso sejam 20 cidade, temos mais de 1 quintilho de rotas possveis. Com o Algoritmo Gentico possvel encontrar uma soluo em pouco tempo.MTODO:Para atingir este objetivo, ns vamos iniciar nossa jornada com uma introduo Algoritmos Genticos, no qual vamos explorar suas teorias, abordando seus elementos de Elitismo, Seleo, Cruzamento e Mutao. Tambm vamos estudar quais so as Taxas de Cruzamento e Taxas de Mutao, bem como so cruzados e mutados.Em seguida, iremos fazer uma pequena apresentao do Problema do Caixeiro Viajante, o objetivo desse capitulo salientar a importncia do AG na busca da soluo para problemas deste tipo.Aps a introduo AG, iremos aprender na prtica como implementar os cdigos do Algoritmo Gentico. Utilizaremos as melhores estratgias para realizao da seleo, cruzamento e mutao. Iremos utilizar as funcionalidades do Visual Studio e do ZedGraph para criar uma interface amigvel, fcil manipulao e visualizao das informaes.Voc pode visualizar a grade curricular completa logo abaixo desta descrio! Para visualizar o contedo dos captulos, voc pode expandir todas as abas!Tenha bons estudos com as aula!Att. Prof. Camilo Barreto"
Price: 369.99

"Mini Bootcamp: Get Your Artwork Exhibited"
"This course covers the material in Part 2 of the ""Launching Your Art Career Bootcamp"" course. If you have already taken the ""Launching Your Art Career Bootcamp"" course, this course will be repetitive. If you only have questions about exhibiting your work, and have not taken the""Launching Your Art Career Bootcamp"" course, this shorter, focused course will be perfect for you. If you have questions about managing, developing and promoting your fine art career, beyond just exhibiting your work, I recommend taking the ""Launching Your Art Career Bootcamp"" course instead, as it is more comprehensive.Do you have a studio full of wonderful work and no idea how to get it out into the world?Are you an exhibiting artist looking for additional ideas andways to get your work seen?Have you beenactively pursuing exhibitions butwith little success?Are youuncertain how to pursue galleries in this ever-changing climate?With contentfrom part twoof the wildly popular Practical Advice for Artists ""Launching Your Art Career Bootcamp,"" this shorter, morestreamlined course focuses specificallyon getting your work out in the world where people can see, enjoy and buy it! Whether you're a professional artist with exhibition experienceor a talented amateur ready to take the plunge, this course will help you reset the way you think about pursuing exhibition opportunities and arm you with thetools, information, resources and action itemsto get started right away."
Price: 59.99

"Dbuter avec Adobe XD"
"Dans cette formation vous apprendrez utiliser Adobe XD trs simplement. Adobe depuis peu mis en place ce nouveau logiciel permettant de crer des design d'applis ou de sites web trs facilement et grce une interface indite chez Adobe.Adobe XD est un logiciel encore en version bta, mais permettant de produire des contenus sans le moindre problme.L'ide est simple, aller droit au but sans se proccuper du code. Laissez vous guider par la formation et ensuite vous pourrez laisser libre court votre imagination pour crer."
Price: 19.99

"Vision Books with Power & Passion"
"Vision Boards have been around for 100`s of years. Vision Books are new from Wired 4 Success Life Coaching.Are you tired of watching others achieve success at work and in their private life and get frustrated with yourself for not being able to achieve the same even though it appears you have the same opportunities?Uncover your inner beliefs, create empowerment tools to truely be yourauthentic self.Set Goals/desires to create success in all areas of your life.Well This course is for you....Discovery your life purpose through images and creating powerful emotions. Take the opportunity to harness your emotions and create motion in your personal and professional life. Ask yourself powerful questions which are going to allow you to be motivatiated.Discover daily tools to build and support your inner strength and live life with power and passion.Watch yourself discover opportunities you have been missing out on."
Price: 24.99

"Motivation Tool Kit"
"Have you set goals and not had success?This course is for you.Learn how everyone is an individual and one size does not fit all when it comes to motivation.Take the personality test and discover the answers to which support and tools you need to implement to achieve your goals with ease.This course will shine a light on the blocks that are inhibiting you.We will take you through the steps to identify what has worked in the past and how your failures can be your power tools.Discover the key factors that drive your motivation.Why your motivation is unique to you.Gain access to all the tools to and the strategies that create change.28 Modules and downloadable resources to support your journey.Look forward to connecting with you inside the course.Cheers Deb"
Price: 24.99

"Como falar para seu filho ouvir"
"Oferecemos solues prticas einovadoras para problemas comuns em famlias, como lidar com sentimentos negativos, expressar emoes, conseguir a cooperao das crianas e resolver conflitos.Curso dinmico com ilustraes de divertidos quadrinhos que demonstram situaes concretas difceis de lidar no nosso dia a dia.O objetivo do nosso trabalho ser uma ajuda efetiva para quem quer melhorar sua vida e seus relacionamentos."
Price: 84.99

"Pintura Digital ""Photoshop"""
"Aprenda a colorir seus desenhos de uma forma simples,prtica e diferenciada! Perfeito pra quem j sabe desenhar e gostaria de aprender a colorir digitalmente seus desenhos!Curso focadonas tcnicas utilizadas nos trabalhos da Grife Kamichaos.Vantagens:Aqui voc vai aprender uma forma diferenciada de pintura e finalizao para seus desenhos, podendo posteriormente usar em diversos fins como: web, impressos em geral, pranchas de surf, skate, adesivos, quadros, camisetas, enfim, uma infinidade de produtos. Efetuando a compra voc pode assistir as aulas a vida toda,quando e onde quiser, esteja no Brasil ou em qualquer lugar do mundo, basta ter uma boa conexo com a internet!O curso estdividido em trs sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Aquivoc vai ver um vdeo demonstrativo da criao dedesenhos e suas aplicaes, depois vamos pegar odesenho que vai ser usado no curso eapsescaneado abriremos nophotoshop ondefaremos uma limpeza removendo falhas e sujeiras eposteriormente o recorte econtorno.Seo 2 ""Desenvolvimento"" - Ondeser feito o processo de pintura digital, ajustes de pintura, ser mostradocomo salvartipos dearquivos, comocolocar fundos no desenho.Seo 3 ""Concluso"" - E aqui voc vai aprender a fazer as montagens com o desenho pronto para usar onde quiser.OBS. O curso focado no desenvolvimento de uma pintura digital, mostrando passo a passocomo desenvolver e concluire NO na explicao tcnica de todos os recursos, botese funes do software Photoshop.Todo material utilizado no curso de autoria exclusiva do autor (desenhos, imagens, vdeos, edio, msicas). Tudo feito detalhadamente com carinho pra voc desfrutar e aprender, seja bem vindo!"
Price: 564.99

"Os segredos da edio ""Lightroom e Photoshop"""
"Os segredos da edio ""Lightroom e Photoshop"" -Editando fotos no Lightroom e Photoshop. Se voc um fotgrafo profissional ou amante da fotografia, neste curso vamos te ensinar como tirar o melhordas suas fotos e imagens utilizando tcnicas dos programas Lightroom e Photoshop. Lightroom e Photoshop so programas complexos e saberaproveitar suas potencialidades de edio pode ser umfator determinante para o resultado final das suas fotos.Nesse curso voc pode aprender desde itens bsicos que podem dar um tom mais profissional para o seu negcio: como colocar sua logo para divulgar sua marca, redimensionar imagens para o seu site carregar mais rpido, at fazer uma arte adequada para um canal de divulgao.A abordagem vai dos fundamentos bsicos at fuses de fotografias, de uma forma simples e com exemplos reais. Aprendaa tratar imagens,saiba como deixar os dentes mais brancos, como remover manchas na pele, tirar fundo de fotos, ouat mesmo afinar a cinturinha. Se voc curte paisagens, fotos de casamento, moda ou criar efeitos surreais, voc vai aprender diversas tcnicaspara terimagens com mais qualidade.So mais de 90 aulas explicativas divididas em 5 mdulos.Mdulo1 /Seo1 -Parte bsica -Nesse mdulo voc vai aprenderdesdea importao da foto no Lightroom at a exportao, aprender usar ferramentas necessrias, usar predefinies, ajustar corte, por logotipo, sincronizar, aprender a recortar uma foto no photoshop, entre outros.Mdulo2 /Seo2 -Efeitos - Aqui vocvai aprender diversos efeitos, alterar cores, usar mscaras, mesclar fotos, clarear os dentes, fazerlimpeza de pele, tirar espinhas, emagrecer, engordar,fazer uma chuva na foto, colocar nuvem, colocar fumaa, colocar efeitos de luz, desintegrao, efeito HDR, entre outros.Mdulo3 /Seo3-Caricaturando a foto -Aqui voc vai aprender a transformar a foto numa caricatura, deixando a foto com aspecto artstico!Mdulo 4/Seo 4-Manipulao de imagens e surrealismo -Aqui voc vai aprender a fazer manipulaes nas imagens, para chegar nesse mdulo recomendvel entender bem os mdulos anteriores, pois todo processo de criao exige um pouco mais de conhecimento, assim voc ter um melhor resultado na concluso dos trabalhos.Mdulo 5/Seo 5-Extras -Aqui voc vai aprender usar um mockup, fazer uma arte para o youtube, thumbnail, capa para o facebook, entre outros.Ateno: O curso focado em ""tcnicas de edio de fotos e imagens utilizadas no Lightroom e Photoshop"" e no em explicaes tcnicas detalhadas de todos os botes erecursos quecompem os softwares.Ento,se voc procura um ""curso focado em tcnicas de edio"" ele recomendado pra voc!"
Price: 579.99

"A arte de fotografar"
"Se voc apaixonado(a) por fotografia e quer aprender mais sobre esse mundo, inscreva-se j nesse curso e aprenda mais sobre a arte de fotografar. O curso todo voltado para voc aprender a fotografar no modo manual da sua cmera, especialmente pra quem est iniciando na fotografia. Voc vai aprender diversas coisas legais no decorrer do curso como: tipos de cmeras, tipos de lentes, fotometragem, composio de fotos, iluminao, diversos tipos de fotografia, como configurar sua cmera pra fazer certos tipos de fotos, edio no Lightroom e photoshop, site de fotografia onde participam grandes fotgrafos do mundo, efeitos em aplicativos, fazer um time-lapse, entre outros.O curso estdividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai conhecer um pouco do curso e a sequncia de aulas, vai aprender sobre a importncia do equipamento e conhecimento, dicas de qual cmera comprar.Seo 2 ""Tipos de cmeras"" -Aqui vamos falar sobre diversos tipos de cmeras, cmeras de celular, compactas, cmeras com zoom, dslr, gopro (onde voc vai aprender a fazer um time-lase), drones (onde vai aprender pra que serve, o que podemos fazer com ele, tipos variados de drone e cuidados que se deve tomar com os mesmos).Seo 3 ""Objetivas - lentes"" - Aqui voc vai aprender o que uma objetiva, diversos tipos de lentes que voc pode usar, normais, com zoom, tele-objetivas, grande angular, olho de peixe, macro.Seo 4 ""Fotometragem"" - Essa parte tcnica onde voc vai aprender a fotometrar, vai aprender sobre diafragma, velocidade, exposio, iso, histograma, macete de fotometragem, tudo pra voc aprender a fazer fotos do seu jeito.Seo 5 ""Composio"" - Aqui a parte de aprender a compor uma imagem, voc vai aprender sobre focalizao, profundidade de campo, regra dos teros, linhas, texturas, fundos entre outros.Seo 6 ""Iluminao"" - Nessa parte voc vai aprender sobre iluminao, luz difusa, luz direta, contra luz, vamos comentar sobre flash e led entre outros.Seo 7 ""Tipos de fotografias"" - Aqui vamos aprender sobre diversos tipos de fotografias, retrato e pessoas, viagem, natureza, paisagem, esporte, longa exposio, vu de noiva, surrealismo, site de fotos, entre outros.Seo 8 ""Edio de fotos"" - Aqui vamos falar sobre tipos de arquivos: RAW, JPG, vamos mostrar um pouco sobre a edio de fotos no Lightroom e Photoshop, mostrar como fazer um efeito legal na foto em um aplicativo.Seo 9 ""Concluso"" - Encerramento do curso.OBS. O curso focado nos conceitos de usar a cmera no modo manual e no na explicao de todos os itens que compem a cmera, o modo manual pode ser utilizado em qualquer cmera desde que a mesma permita o uso desse modo!"
Price: 579.99

"Deixe suas fotos mais bonitas com presets no Lightroom"
"Esse um curso focado em presets/predefinies para usar no Lightroom, onde voc vai aprender a criar, salvar, exportar e aplicar presets, voc vai poder baixar diversas colees no curso divididas em diversos temas, so mais de 100 modelos de presets ou predefinies diversificadas para aplicar nas suas fotos, facilitando a ps produo e fluxo do seu trabalho. Em cada aula referente ao tema do preset voc poder baixar a coleo e junto as aulas aprender como faz a aplicao das mesmas para ajustar perfeitamente a cada fotografia! Hoje no mercado e na internet voc pode comprar diversas colees de presets/predefinies para usar no Lightroom, pode comprar especificamente de um fotgrafo que as criou ou de um estdio especfico e geralmente a coleo pode ter um custo elevado. Nesse curso voc compra o curso e ganha as colees para aplicar nas suas fotos, alm de aprender a criar, explorar, salvar, modificar e exportar predefinies. O curso servir como um manual pra voc aplicar as colees. timo pra facilitar a sua ps produo!O curso estdividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai aprender o que um preset/predefinio, vai aprender a criar presets.Seo 2 ""Aplicao"" - Aqui voc vai poder baixar diversas colees (coleo chocolate, chocolate fino, cream, luxo, filmes, dourado, entre outras) nas aulas vai aprender importar, modificar, salvar e aplicar os presets corretamente nas fotos.Seo 3 ""Concluso"" - Exportao de presets e encerramento do curso.OBS. O curso focado em presets/predefinies, na criao e aplicao dos mesmos e no na explicao de todos os itens e recursos que compem o Lightroom, um curso voltado para facilitar a sua ps produo de fotos!"
Price: 579.99

"Aprenda Lightroom CC 2018 e 2019 do zero"
"Esse um curso de ""Lightroom CC completo"", onde voc vai aprender a editar belas fotos e imagens. No curso vamos iniciar o trabalho com a verso ""Lightroom CC 2018"" e finalizar com a verso ""Lightroom CC 2019"". Voc vai aprender a usar os recursos dos programas, importar fotos, interface, ferramentas, efeitos, predefinies, tudo de uma maneira fcil e direta ao ponto, explicado detalhadamente com calma e clareza pra voc pegar bem o jeitinho.O curso estdividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai ver um vdeo introdutivo, mostrando a sequncia de aulas e atividades do curso.Seo 2 ""Explorando o lightroom"" - Aqui voc vai aprender sobre vrios recursos do programa, importao, interface, usar ferramentas, perfil, luz, cor, efeitos, detalhe, ptica, geometria, cortar, girar, recuperar, clonar, pincel, filtro graduado, predefinies, vamos testar todas as ferramentas nas fotos, fazendo uma pr-edio! Seo 3 ""Praticando edies"" - Aqui vamos praticar a edio de fotos colocando em prtica tudo que foi visto nas aulas.Seo 4 ""Concluso"" - Aqui vamos recapitular alguns detalhes da interface, salvar e exportar fotos, analisar e aprender as funes do Lightroom CC 2019 e encerramento do curso!OBS.: As aulas tem durao mxima de at 10 minutos (nem sempre chegando a esse valor), visando um processo de aprendizagem agradvel e menos cansativo!"
Price: 579.99

"Getting Creative with Canva!"
"Join me and learn how to make amazing marketing designs for ALL your business needs. You need great looking images and designs for your business to grow and catch the attention of your buyers. Hiring a graphic designer can be expensive if you don't know what you want and if they don't know what they're doing. The way I see it....Independent business owners have always had a tough road when it comes to marketing initiatives. With so many avenues to populate, where should you be spending time in order to show up in the digital online arena? And how do you juggle all the digital efforts and still be able to afford a graphic designer? Most people can't. Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing graphic designer I use when I havereally big marketing projects that need detailed pieces designed from scratch. But for many pieces I use for social media, there are a few online sites that produce all the images I need to get the job done. CANVA is by far, the best tool in my design box and I want to teach you everything I know!"
Price: 44.99

"Be Your Own Stylist Feel Confident & Love Your Style"
"Do any of these sound familiar?You're unsure of how to dress your body or find items that flatter you.You don't really know what your style is or youre afraid of looking silly if you try a new style.You immediately feel overwhelmed whenever you try to create new outfits.Going shopping isnt enjoyable for you you dont know what to buy or where to buy it.Guess what:style is just like any other skill, and its something you can learn!Of course there is some creativity involved in style and you put your own personal spin on it, but at the base of it allthere are best practices, tips and guidelines that you can follow that will help you look your best. In thiscourse that's exactly what Im going to teach you.---------------------------------------------------***Here are just some of the things you're going to learn in this course*** The myth of body types and what to do instead 25+ ways to emphasize & minimize different areas How to determine the best colors for your skintone The #1 easy way to create quick, stylish outfits How to find outfit inspiration 3 things to look for in any outfit 14 ways to mix & match with style The best ways to plan your outfits The bestonline shopping tool And much more!This is more than just an online program. Its a guide to helping you feel more confident in your style every single day.---------------------------------------------------How could your life be different if you felt totally confident in your style and really, truly loved it?Picture this:You know the best methods to style your body (even through size changes!).You stop wasting money on buying things that dont work for you.You know exactly what your style is and feel confident in every outfit you put on.You stop wasting time shopping because you know exactly what to look for.You enjoy getting dressed because you know tricks to create quick, stylish outfits.---------------------------------------------------What the Course Includes:Section 1: Intro //Youll get to know me and well discuss what to expect in the course.Section 2: Feel Confident in Your Style// Youll discover your authentic style, find your style inspiration, and take some actionable steps towards feeling more confident.Section 3: Learn How To Style Yourself// Youll learn the methods used by personal stylists to style your body, including the myth of a body type, how to use balancing to emphasize certain areas and play down others (including a handout with specific directions on dos and donts), how to work with patterns and colors, and more.Section 4: Get Dressed Faster & Easier// Youll learn specific formulas to create outfits, including how to mix and match and how to transition different looks from work to casual, how to best use accessories and shoes, and more.Section 5: Make Shopping Fun Again// Youll learn what types of items to look for in stores, what stores to shop at depending on your style*, and how to make a shopping plan to stop wasting time. (*USA stores only.)"
Price: 49.99

"Pragmatic Project Management: everything you need to know"
"Hi everyone.My 7th textbook on project management has been releasedthrough Allen & Unwin - Project Management: A practical guide to planning and managing projects(4th edition), the ISBN is 978 1 76063 178 9. This edition is the updated version of the 2014 book featured in each of thevideos as the2014 edition is no longer available.Project management isn't difficult, nor do you always need an examination or certification to prove you can do it confidently and professionally.What you need is a mix of selective theory (not all theory is good)and time to question and applywhat you learn andreflect on. Project management can sometimes be toofull of theory, methodologies (frameworks), templates, checklists, formula, registersand assorted documentsthatmight produce (in some cases)little more than excessive paperwork and frustrated stakeholders.With over 25 years project management experience (outsidethe theory)and six project management textbooks (inside the theory), I know I can deconstructproject management for you in simple, plain English without undermining the knowledge and skill you need.With a short written commentary introducing every 100+lectures, along with my conversationalpresentation style andconcise PowerPoint slides, the course will not just coveressential project management theory and practice, it will challenge and empoweryou into thinking aboutyour operational priorities and (perhaps strategic) projects, the potential conflicts between both and the different practices and straightforward and uncomplicated documentation needed when working with projects.And all those documents can actually be a single document created when the project starts, revised and updated throughout the project and closed-out and archived when the project is finished. (Iexplain how to do this in this course)Your project management knowledge and skill has to satisfy you; not some examination paper, certifying body or professional association (no offence to all three). It has to satisfy you,your projects and the changing terrain each and every project will navigated through over time."
Price: 19.99

". . :-"
Price: 19.99

"How to Make your English CV Appealing to Employers?"
"Asians often have difficulties in stating their own careerachievements confidently;Chinese language often uses indirect expressions than English, both stoppingtalents seeking advancedcareer opportunities in theWestern world. Having worked in international environment, I fully understand the limitations and would like to hold a series of courses to help young professionals looking for jobs abroad.A goodEnglish CV is your 1st step to success!This hands-on class will include the followings:Key elements of a good English CVCase sharing: What good looks like?Customize CV for different job profilesThis is a very hands-on course, using real examples & cases toreflect the theories.So after the class, you will be able to review your own CV from a professionalperspective,and revise it to a killer version!Feedback from students:*( XD)*CV*Elaine*ElaineElaine"
Price: 800.00

"""Hunt"" Overseas Jobs Effectively! (for Chinese students)"
"For Chinese speaking young professionals, it is very common that the advanced careeris located abroad: such as US, Europe, Singapore, or other markets. However, there are limited resources toknow how to approach these opportunities; You may hear applicationchannels here and there, but no holistic view available to understand the full picture.Hence, I decided to hold a course for you to be aware all the commonaccesses for overseasjobs- And even more important, how to set your job hunting strategy to utilizechannelseffectively! After the course, you will fully understand how to use each channel, and what will be your winning strategy in approaching those dream jobs.Student Feedback*Elaine*Elaine*CASE"
Price: 800.00

"Use Linkedin to Advance Your Career"
"Linkedin is surely the most used professional networking platform, and it becomes popularjob/talent hunting place. Hence, if you are keen to explore overseas career, Linkedin is a must!In the course, I will explain step-by-step on how to set up a good LInkedin profile to attract potential employers. Moreover, I will share tips regarding how to approach employers actively!"
Price: 800.00

"Technology Tactics for Your ESL Classroom"
"In this course, you will learn how to integrate technology with the teaching of English Language Learners. We will apply technology with different components of Sheltered Instruction, which is a research-based approach to teaching ELLs.Teachers of all types are welcome to learn from this informative course.The course consists of a series of short videos and articles. These articles link to more content, so that you can test and play with these amazing tools for your students."
Price: 19.99

"VMware VCP6-DCV Certification Exam - Practice Paper"
"VMware Certified Professional6 Data Center Virtualization Certification ExamPractice Paper with 100 question and answers. This course is to get prepared for the VMware VCP6-DCV certification exam. This course is not going to cover the concept and modules of the VMware Data center virtualization but it will give you confident to face the certification exam."
Price: 19.99

"PMI Project Management Professional Exam - Practice Test"
"This Course will help you toprepare yourself for the PMP(Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI (the Project Management Institute). In order to pass this preparation test, you should correctly answer 120out of 150questions in 3:00 hours.This Course includes 150PMPpreparationtest items (questions & answers) andEach question has one best answer."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Developer Practice Test- 1"
"The Force dotcom certification program is for individuals who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills,and capabilities to build custom applications on the Force dotcom platform. TheCourseencompasses thebreadth of application development on the Force dotcom platform, including the declarative capabilities, theprogrammatic capabilities of Force dotcom code (Apex) and Force dotcom pages (Visualforce), and applicationdevelopment lifecycle management with cloud computing development as a service.This Course includes 250 questions and covers most the concepts of the salesforce force dotcom and you have to finish this exam in 15 mins and need to score minimum 80% in order to pass this exam."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Developer Practice Test- All Levels"
"The Force dot com certification program is for individuals who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to build custom applications on the Force dot com platform. The Course encompasses the breadth of application development on the Force dot com platform, including the declarative capabilities, the programmatic capabilities of Force dot com code (Apex) and Force dot com pages (Visualforce), and application development lifecycle management with cloud computing development as a service.This Course includes 250 questions and covers most the concepts of the salesforce force dot com and you have to finish this exam in 15 mins and need to score minimum 80% in order to pass this exam."
Price: 19.99

"VMware VCP6-DCV Exam - Practice Test- PART - 2"
"Improve your credibility and deliver business value to your organization by becoming VCP6-DCV certified. This industry-recognized certification validates that you know how to administer and troubleshoot vSphere V6 infrastructures, leveraging best practices to provide a scalable and reliable virtualization platform for your company. VCP6-DCV is our most popular certification with more than 100,000 professionals certified around the world.In this Course, you are going to have two different set of questions and each question set has 150 questions. You will have to finish this exam in 150 minutes and you will have to score minimum 80% marks to pass this exam.This Questions are taken from the reference of previous certification exams."
Price: 19.99

"ISACA CISA (Information Systems Auditor)- Exam Practice Test"
"The CISA designation is a globally recognized certification for IS audit control, assurance and security professionals. Being CISA-certified showcases your audit experience, skills and knowledge, and demonstrates you are capable to assess vulnerabilities, report on compliance and institute controls within the enterprise.This Certification exam is having four different set of practice test which are covering the topicsGeneral Security, AUDIT Process and IT Governance."
Price: 19.99

"ISACA CISM (Information Security Manager) - Practice Test"
"CISM means higher earning potential and career advancement. Recent independent studies consistently rank CISM as one of the highest paying and sought after IT certifications.This practice test is having tow different set of tests and each test is having100 Questions from the latest certification Exams. You have to finish eachexam in 120 minutes and you have to score 80% of marks to pass thetest."
Price: 19.99

"ISACA CGEIT Certification Exam - Practice Test"
"CGEIT recognizes a wide range of professionals for their knowledge and application of enterprise IT governance principles and practices. As a CGEIT certified professional, you demonstrate that you are capable of bringing IT governance into an organizationthat you grasp the complex subject holistically, and therefore, enhance value to the enterprise.In this Practice test we have 3 different sets with different topics. Each set is having 100 questions and you need to finish it in 120 minutes. You have to score 80% of marks to pass the exam."
Price: 19.99

"ISACA CRISC Certification Exam - Practice Test"
"CRISCis the only certification that prepares and enables IT professionals for the unique challenges of IT and enterprise risk management, and positions them to become strategic partners to the enterprise.ISACA CRISC 5 Certification Exam - Practice Test practice test is having 3 different set of questions and100 different questions. You need to finish this practice test in 120 minutes. In order to pass this exam, you need to score Minimum 80% of marks"
Price: 19.99

"SAP - Business Objects Web Intelligence Exam - Practice Test"
"The SAP BOWI certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who are from SAP BusinessObjects & business consulting background and wants to build their career as a SAP BO WEBI consultant. The SAP BOWI Certification Exam verifies that the candidate possesses fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. This exam validates that the candidate has a good and overall understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under guidance of an experienced consultant.This Practice Test is having 150 different question and answers and 2 different sets. You have 90 minutes to finish each set and minimum 80% marks to pass this test."
Price: 19.99