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"Learn How To Make A Pacman Game In Go"
"We'll make a 2D pacman game in golang by using the ebiten library. We're going to have animations, sounds, collisions and many interesting stuff. The goal is that you play with golang by building something funny. As I can't put any link here, go to my profile page to find my website. There, you'll see an article about this course. I give you few executables (macos and windows) so that you can try the game on your own machine and really see how it works. If you purchase this course, you'll have access to all the source code. For almost each video, you can find a git command to switch to the code version of the corresponding video. That way, you'll be able explore the code the way you want and play with it. Of course, I'll be more than happy to answer your questions if you have any."
Price: 39.99

"30 days Well"
"This course will challenge you to grow. We will discuss tools to increase wellness knowledge. After this course you will have plan to achieve wellness in all areas of life. I will teach you the steps from being 280 pounds to 120 pounds lost while having thriving wellness business. Everyone's wellness journey is different. Your wellness journey begins here."
Price: 199.99

"Spread Trader's Crash Course - Trading Commodity Futures"
"This series explores the many applications of spread trading in the commodities and futures markets. You'll learn how and why to apply spread trading, effective use of margin, technical analysis skills that are unique and specific to spread trading, proper position size and weighting, and which markets provide the best opportunities for spread trading. Insight and tactics gleaned from over 20 year of futures trading, you'll find knowledge within this course that has never before been published.Contains over five hours of video instruction and comprehensive written material via downloadable PDF."
Price: 29.99

"Leasing of a Commercial Vehicle"
"Have you driven for a company for years and have always thought about running a truck through a lease. This course is gong to show you the things that will help you to successfully accomplish this goal as well as show you what exactly a lease of a Commercial truck entails. What this lease is otherwise called, Advantages of this sort of lease What to expect from the company that you are leasing from. What will be expected of you. Settlement breakdown. Tools to success . Research /Things to avoid. Bonus success tool."
Price: 24.99

"Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python"
"This course focuses on the fundamentals of Data Science, Machine learning and deep learning in the beginning and with the passage of time, the content and lectures become advanced and more practical. But before everything, the introduction of python is discussed. Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages and if we specifically look from the perspective of Data Science, Machine learning and deep learning, there is no other choice then python as a programming language.First of all, there is a crash course on python for those who are not very good with python and then there is an exercise for python that is supposed to be solved by you but if you feel any difficulty in solving the exercise, the solution is also provided.Then we moved on towards the Data Science and we start from data parsing using scrapy then the data visualizations by using several libraries of python and finally we end up learning different data preprocessing techniques. And in the end, there is a complete project that well do together.After that, well be learning a few classical and a few advanced machine learning algorithms. Some of them will be implemented from scratch and the others will be implemented by using the builtin libraries of python. At the end of every algorithm, there will be a mini-project.Finally, Deep learning will be discussed, the basic structure of an artificial neural network and its implementation in TensorFlow followed by a complete deep learning-based project. And in the end, some hyperparameter tuning techniques will be discussed thatll improve the performance of the model.About The Instructor:Below is an introduction to Mr. Sajjad Mustafa, the instructor of this course.He an expert in Web Programming, Data Science and Machine Learning. He has been working on different topics including the above-mentioned ones for almost 3 years and has been teaching on these projects for more than a year. He has attained mastery over understanding the requirements and making a way to the most unique and proper solutions to the given task. He is well acquainted with and has deep knowledge of Python, Ruby, JavaScript. Django, ReactJS, React Native, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, C, C++, SQL (MySQL, mySQLite) are also my passion and interest. He is passionate about new technologies and likes to have a good professional connection. Let's meet with him on the course."
Price: 19.99

"R Programming for Data Analysis for Absolute Beginners"
"Data analysis is one of the leading jobs in the current technology market. As per the forecasts of Glassdoor and World Economic Forum, the demand for data scientists will also increase in the next few years. We are generating huge data every day from different domains like Social Media, Healthcare, Sensor data we have a great tool to analyze them and the tool is R. R is a powerful language used widely for data analysis and statistical computing. It is completely free and has rich repositories for packages.In this course first, you will learn how to install R and start programming on it. It will also help you to know the programming structures and functions. This course covers all the steps of Exploratory data analysis, Data pre-processing and Modelling process. In EDA sections you will learn how to import data sets and create a data frame from it. Then it will help you to visualize the variables using different plots. It will give you the initial structure of your data points. In Data pre-processing sections you will get the full idea of Missing value & outliers treatment and data split methods. Finally, you will be able to generate machine learning models using Linear and Logistic Regression.This course is designed for both complete beginners with no programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!"
Price: 19.99

"Leadership in Keeping The Business Steady Webinar Courses"
"In this webinar course, I would like to emphasize the significant contributions of understanding leadership, knowing the right price of your services, and handling negotiations with your clients in making your business successful which I can assure that everything I will be teaching here are all part of my experience and is proven to produce results in a short amount of time."
Price: 29.99

"Unity """""
""""" "" Unity """" "" 74 idea Unity Unity AppVRAR.. Unity .. """"Unity 3D 3D (Physics) (Terrain) (SkyBox) (Particle System)Asset Store Package UIC# API 2D SpritePhysics 2D"
Price: 5000.00

"Unity [ PC Game]"
"Unity ARVR Unity Unity Unity ARVRPCAndroidIOS.. PC Game 1.Unity     2. (3D 2D )3. 3D Unity4. ( Terrain SkyBox Light)5. (Particle System)6. (Shader)    7. 3D (3D Physics)    8. UI 9. C# 10."
Price: 1200.00

"3ds Max 3D"
"3ds Max > 3D > 2D 3D > 3D > 3ds Max> 3ds Max> >> idea 3ds Max 3ds Max  .. """" """" ... """" ..1. 3D 2. 3. 4. >> 3ds Max 3D 3D   """" """""""""""""""" """" (Boolean)""ProBoolean"" ""ProBoolean"" Modifier Editable PloyModifierBend ()Taper ()Twist () 3D Object Editable PloyExtrude ()Inset ()Chamfer ()Modifier 2D Shape 2D Shapes Editable SplineChamfer ()Fillet ()Divide ()Outline ()ModifierExtrude ()Lathe ()"
Price: 1000.00

"Decision Making Skills"
"This course helps in deriving decisions by considering all the important factors involved in Life and their impacts overall. It is designed in such a way to help the school and college students in perfecting their decision making skills. Entrepreneurs who wants to achieve their best can make use of the course content to get a better direction. Self-Employed professionals can also get more benefits with this course."
Price: 19.99

"Learn german language in 1 Hour - Quickly become an Expert!"
"You will learn everything you need to become an expert in German in an hour. You can learn German independently after the course with confidence. Because the course is systematic and brain-friendly. The first students were able to take their German to a new level, as the reviews show. I successfully wrote my master's thesis on learning foreign languages with a grade of 1.0 (The best grade in Germany)Benefit from the latest scientific knowledge to take your German to the next level.How interesting is that for you?"
Price: 19.99

"C# ile uygulamal programcla giri ( VS 2019 .Net Core )"
"C# ve .Net Core gibi en yeni teknolojiler ile ksa srede programclk bilgisi edinmek istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Size salam bir programclk temeli kazandracak bir kurs aryorsanz bu kurs tam size gre. Kursta ilk olarak her programcnn bilgisayar hakknda bilmesi gereken en temel bilgileri reneceksiniz. Sonra program gelitirmek iin gerekli aralarn bilgisayara nasl ykleneceini greceksiniz. Ardndan Programclk ile ilgili temel kavramlar reneceksiniz. Bu kavramlar nda C# dilinin temel zelliklerini renip bunlarla ilgili uygulamalar yapacaksnz."
Price: 399.99

"Sabe como fazer o primeiro passeio do seu co?O passeio um dos itens muito importante para que seu co tenha uma vida saudvel mentalmente e fisicamente. Por isso separamos aqui dicas importante para voc que j tem ou vai ter um co. um curso rpido simples e fcil de voc comear agora e oferecer o melhor passeio para voc e seu co.No perca tempo!!!"
Price: 39.99

"GUIA PARA EDUCAR CES FILHOTES - Eduque no seu tempo livre"
"Uma das maiores dvidas dos tutores a educao para os seus filhotes. A maioria deles no tem conhecimento nenhum de como iniciar essa educao. Por isso criei este curso com dicas para te auxiliar na educao do seu filhote de uma maneira responsvel e eficaz. Para quem este curso: Tutores que tem ces filhotes com problemas de ambientao em lugares novos Tutores que tem ces filhotes que no fazem necessidades nos locais corretos Tutores que tem como objetivo logo ao inicio de vida de seu filhotes, ensina-los comandos bsicos Tutores que tem ces filhotes que choram com frequncia durante a noite. Tutores que adotaram ces filhotes em situaes de perigo Tutores de filhotes de ces que ainda no tiveram contato com pessoasReuni as melhores tcnicas positivas para um aprendizado continuo e duradouro.Temas abordados: Mtodo de adestramentoFases de um coDica 1 - Como ensinar a fazer xixi e coc no lugar certoDica 2 - Como passar a primeira noite sem latir na nova casaDica 3 - Como fazer o seu filhote parar de roer as coisasDica 4 - Como oferecer a alimentao para seu filhoteDica 5 - Protocolo de SociabilizaoDica 6 - Como evitar o medo na hora de ir ao veterinrioDica 7 - Saiba como passear com seu filhoteDica 8 - Primeiro passeio com a guiaDica 9 - Como dar o primeiro banho sem tornar isso traumticoDica 10 - Como apresentar seu filhote para outros ces Aproveite j e adquira seu exemplar!!!"
Price: 219.99

"Il Mercato dell'Arte"
"Il corso intende fornire ai suoi studenti gli strumenti necessari per muoversi nel mercato dell'arte, segmento in costante crescita negli ultimi anni. Carlotta Mastroianni (Art Advisor - Art Consultant) e Lorenzo Rubini (Curatore - Art Advisor) affronteranno i seguenti argomenti:- Il Mercato dell'Arte: primario e secondario- Dove comprare: le peculiarit, la documentazione, la fiscalit- Il prezzo di un'opera e le regole per un investimento sicuro- I blue chip e le Italian sales- Le norme da seguire"
Price: 34.99

"Self-help CBT for treating insomnia and restoring sleep"
"How to get the best sleep? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, often called CBT-I, is an approved method for treating insomnia without the use of sleeping pills. Sound impossible? It isn't. Sounds like hard work? It can be. CBT is aimed at changing sleep habits and scheduling factors that perpetuate sleep difficulties.Please note the educational material presented in this course is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Consult with your psychologist or physician prior to starting any treatment regimen."
Price: 49.99

"Conosci la tua voce con la lettura espressiva"
"In questo corso useremo la lettura espressiva come strumento per imparare a conoscere, gestire e usare la propria voce naturale e lo faremo attraverso il nostro metodo ""AD AGIO"".Perch si chiama cos? Prima di tutto perch non dobbiamo mai avere fretta di impararetutto e subito, ma se vogliamo che lapprendimento sia davvero efficace, deveessere rispettoso dei tempi necessari; secondo motivo di questo nome forseancora pi importante del primo perch noi vogliamo che chi impara a leggere avoce alta possa sentirsi a proprio agio, Ad agio. 5 punti quindi, tanti quanto le dita di una mano Cos potete portarvi il nostroMetodo sempre con voi, magari mettendovelo in tasca per poi tiralo fuori quando viserve."
Price: 94.99

".Net C#: Frameworks e Testes com NUnit, Moq e AutoFixture"
"Criao de testes unitrio e integrados utilizando os Frameworks: NUnit, Moq e AutoFixture.Utilizao de scripts para criao e excluso de bancos de dados para testes integrados.Refatorao de cdigo de teste utilizando padres que auxiliam na manuteno do cdigo de teste.Utilizao do Dapper para acessar o banco de dados, reduzindo cdigo."
Price: 39.99

"The proper feeding and care of websites: LEAD MAGNETS"
"Youve got a website, but now you must take care of it.This is the first in a series of classes related to creating content to grow your audience. Lead magnets are an irresistible offer in exchange for a visitors email address. There are many types of lead magnets you can create:ebooksInteractive PDFsrecipes (how to)checklistscalculatorsappscheatsheetsecrettemplatesswipe filesscriptresource listplannerworksheet/workbookfree coaching sessionquizcertificate makerand more! It is a good idea to change out your lead magnets on a regular basis (just like you would other content), in order to keep people coming back to your website. You will learn how to create all of these in this course and end up with a set of lead magnets that will bring in more email address for your business.What this means for you is that you will learn the best ways to authentically grow your email list. With a few small adjustments, this will create big results for you, and your products and services will start to sell like crazy. You will save an enormous amount of time, energy and wasted effort. This will guarantee new and repeat buyers that are attracted to you, creating more sales."
Price: 194.99

"Jornada do Tantra: Explorando o Sexo Tntrico"
"Tantra raiz de Liberdade. Tantra conexo. Ao p da letra significa Instrumento de expanso de conscincia. Esse curso trs novas possibilidades de descobertas do universo dentro de voc. Nas tradies tntricas yoga a prpria fora vital, a energia Kundalini considerada como guru mestre instrutor como aquele que serve o que preciso como manifestao do divino. Se essa energia se encontra bloqueada muitas coisas no esto fluindo em sua vida. Em nossa cultura o sexo, o corpo, o prazer, a sexualidade so ainda cheios de tabus e preconceitos, pois no nos ensinaram devidamente sobre como lidamos como nosso poder Vital. Nesse curso explano de forma didtica sobre como possvel nutrir-se de forma saudvel e obter mais satisfao consigo mesma/o e tambm na relao com seu/sua parceira. Aprenda as chaves para a aberta de percepo. Aprenda que possumos aspectos superiores de poder e criatividade. Reencontre a alegria de viver. Desenvolva a confiana, a entrega, a sensibilidade, a intuio; libere medos, e ansiedades, saia do casulo e voe como uma borboleta em profunda liberdade."
Price: 519.99

"Direito tributrio"
"Sero apresentados os principais aspectos do direito tributrio, mostrando seu conceito, os princpios, as limitaes do poder de tributar do estado. Sero abordados de maneira introdutria os principais tributos do direito tributrio brasileiro. Ser falado sobre tipos de tributos e a diferena entre os mesmos. Com esse curso logicamente os alunos no sero especialistas em direito tributrio, at porque qualquer especializao na rea dura em torne de 1,6 anos. Mas nesse curso os alunos aprendero a identificar a legislao tributria na Constituio federal, cdigo tributrio nacional e conhecero o bsicos das leis dos principais tributos."
Price: 114.99

"Compliance - Conceitos e pilares"
"Nesse curso iremos aprender um pouco desse assunto que cada dia mais vem se destacando nos crculos acadmicos e dos negcios. Compliance no apenas mais um assunto qualquer, a tendncia mundial para combater a corrupo. Hoje o mundo dos negcios repudia qualquer indcio de corrupo em suas relaes com os entes pblicos ou outros entes privados, ningum quer ter o nome de sua marca na imprensa veiculado como pagadora de propina para conseguir contratos, ou compra de polticos, mas no pensemos que a corrupo acontece apenas na relao entre privado-pblico, acontece tambm entre empresas privadas, quando um funcionrio de uma organizao privada vai fazer uma cotao de preos, ali tambm, mesmo que no exista participao de funcionrios pblicos, necessrio tomar cuidado para que no acontea suborno para ""facilitar"" a compra. E no adianta pensarmos que tais erros so ""roupa suja que se lava em casa"", a tendncia que nem mesmo nos pequenos negcios particulares, pequenos atos de corrupo sejam tolerados, a corrupo no diz respeito a uma pessoas, mas uma comunidade. A operao lava jato no Brasil veio trazer a tona o quo somos atrasados no combate a corrupo, graas a ela, estamos vendo bons resultados e por isso, o gestor brasileiro bem como o estudante que em breve ser um, deve se atentar a aprender como tratar desse assunto to delicado."
Price: 114.99

"Contabilidade tributria - Entenda o lucro real e presumido"
"ESSE CURSO ATUALIZADO.OBS: LEIA A DESCRIO PARA SABER SE O CURSO O QUE VOC BUSCA.ESSE CURSO ABORDA:- Teoria da contabilidade tributria- Conceitos e comentrios sobre ISS, ICMS, IRPJ e CSLL.- Lucro presumido - Teoria e clculo de TODOS tributos empresariais- Lucro real - Teoria (LALUR)- Simples nacional - Teoria e clculo dos tributos- Olhe a grade curricular com ateno.- No ter apostila, pois o necessrio para aprender estar online, caso queira, um valor a parte.- No abordarei ICMS substituio tributria pois j existe muito contedo na internet disponvel.- No ser usado sistema fiscal, pois o objetivo entender o sistema de tributao."
Price: 129.99

"ISS - Imposto sobre servios"
"Nesse curso de ISS iremos aprender os conceitos desse tributo, usaremos a metodologia de gravar a tela do computador para facilitar o aprendizado, onde iremos ler juntos a lei complementar 116 (lei do ISS) artigo por artigo, abordando os principais elementos. Aprenderemos o que o fato gerador do ISS, hiptese de incidncia no direito tributrio, domiclio prestador, alquota mnimas e mximas dentre outros assuntos que sero tratados. Olhe a grade curricular para saber se o curso que o voc busca."
Price: 39.99

"Investment Market Timing"
"This course examines the market game and how it is played. It then outlines different types of analysis, such as Dow theory, Elliott wave analysis, Gann analysis, Point and Figure analysis, and an esoteric analysis which can be used separately or in combination with each other to improve the probabilities for success."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Excel reniyorum"
"Bu eitim seti Temel Excel ve leri Excel eitim konularndan olumaktadr. Eitim setinde exceli temel dzeyden ileri dzeye doru rnekler ve uygulamalarla reneceksiniz. Ayn zamanda eitim videolarnda yer alan excel dosyalar da eitim seti ierisinde yer almaktadr. Exceli pratik ve profesyonelce kullanmak istiyorum diyorsanz eim videolarn izledikten sonra verilen rnekleri tekrarlayarak bu isteinize ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda AutoCAD 2D & 3D"
"Voc gostaria de aprender a criar e projetar em uma das mais poderosas ferramentas de arquitetura e engenharia?Aproveite essa oportunidade para receber o equivalente a 2 cursos de AutoCAD!Vamos do 2D ao 3D de forma completa e passo-a-passo.Voc ter acesso vitalcio a todo o contedo, podendo estudar no seu prprio ritmo!"
Price: 54.99

"Corso di Public Speaking e Programmazione Neuro Linguistica"
"In questo corso sono racchiuse tutte le tecniche necessarie per imparare da zero a diventare un professionista del public speaking. Ti spiegher le basi della PNL per gestire e governare il tuo pubblico in qualsiasi situazione per poi passare a consigli pratici e tecniche per ogni occasioni. Ti Aspetto buona visione."
Price: 19.99

"Beginning Drum Lessons with ULTIMATE DRUMMING 16th R&R #3"
"This course is a continuing progression with 16th note Rock & Roll beats. This lesson package contains 10 individual video lessons that teach basic 16th note Rock & Roll beats. All 10 of these very popular Rock & Roll rhythms have been used by the greatest drummers in the world on 1000's of hit songs. Students will learn how to count, coordinate and perform these exceptional Rock grooves. For best results, make sure to study these excellent video lessons in the progressive order they are listed. 100% guaranteed drumming fun with these great sounding Rock & Roll beats! Prerequisite, completion of ULTIMATEDRUMMING course #1 and #2. Recommended skill level; Advanced beginner to intermediate."
Price: 19.99