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"Drum Lessons with ULTIMATE DRUMMING Shuffles and Triplets #5"
"This course is a study in both shuffle rhythms and triplet fills. Shuffles are used in all styles of music including Rock, Country, Blues, R & B, Jazz and Gospel. Section #1 contains five videos explaining the shuffle rhythm and section #2 has five more videos demonstrating triplet fills. Both shuffles and triplet fills are very common in drumming and work very well in combination. These great sounding rhythmic patterns are a must have for every drummers library and are really fun to play."
Price: 19.99

"Drum Lessons 12/8 Blues with ULTIMATE DRUMMING"
"This course is divided into two sections, using both beats and fills in the 12/8 time signature. The first section has five videos teaching 12/8 beats and the second section has an additional five videos teaching corresponding 12/8 fills.  These 12/8 beats and fills can create some really great rhythmic possibilities when used in combination.  The 12/8 time signature is used in most music genres but predominately in Blues, Rock, R&B and Jazz."
Price: 19.99

"Drum Lessons Swing Beats with ULTIMATE DRUMMING"
"This course introduces the basic swing patterns used in many popular music styles. This course has ten individual videos all listed in progressive order. Some of these great sounding swing beats are primers for the more intricate swing patterns that will be taught later on. Students will develop coordination and add musical diversity  to their drumming. Knowledge of the swing beats is a must for every drummers repertoire."
Price: 19.99

"Single Paradiddles and Flams for the Drum Set"
"Rudiments are a major element in drumming. This course will develop skill with both single paradiddles and flams and create some really cool sounding rudimental combinations while moving around the drum set. These excellent sounding patterns are used by the best drummers in the world and are really fun to play."
Price: 19.99

"Drum Lessons with ULTIMATE DRUMMING beginning to advanced"
"This is where it begins for all aspiring drummers, from 1st time beginner all the way to the advanced drumming skill level. This course contains over six hours of professional drum instruction with 75 individual lesson videos laid out in progressive order. Students will  have fun learning these great sounding rhythms while rapidly advancing their skill level. Lessons taught in this course include 8th Note Rock beats, 16th Note Rock beats, Rock Shuffles, 12/8 Rock beats, Double Bass drumming, Fills, Rudiments plus much more. Upon completion of this course students will be very proficient and knowledgeable in the art of drumming.  These excellent rhythmic ideas learned in this course can be applied to all the popular music genres. ULTIMATE DRUMMING offers the absolute best in online drum lessons and this course is an exceptional value. So if you want fast results with the most direct route to drumming success, then this course is for you. 100% Drumming fun is guaranteed !"
Price: 49.99

"Floral Design 101"
"The introductory design course was created to help educate you about the Flowers Industry and the Fundamentals of Floral Designing.This course will help you get an in-depth view into the world of floral designing. Learn about the market and the ins and outs of the daily operations. We take pride in providing you the most up to date information to help you learn in an easy to understand format. This is a fun class. Get your career started by learning the Fundamentals of Florist Design from an Expert Instructor. Learn to use your sense of style to develop beautiful designs. Let your creative side bloom and let's have some fun in this course."
Price: 199.99

"Creacin de un sistema clnico en Wordpress"
"En este curso aprenders a crear un tema para Wordpress desde cero, haciendo uso de nuestra habilidad, crearemos al sistema que puede usarse para cualquier temtica. En este curso lo haremos pensando en la temtica de una clnica, vers que con los plugins adecuados y tus conocimientos podrs crear un tema que podrs usar en cualquier aplicacin.Adems, lo interesante de este curso es que esconderemos Wordpress y el cliente nunca sabr que se est usando esta plataforma. Los beneficios de esto es que tienes todo el potencial de Wordpress (instalacin de plugins y dems) sin que el cliente llegue a usar el admin de wordpress o tan siquiera sepa que Wordpres existe en su sistema!"
Price: 24.99

"Como hacer mi web una muralla ante los ataques informticos"
"Con este curso aprenders a identificar los tipos de ataques informticos que puede recibir una web. Aprenders a como defender una web de los ataques informticos ms comunes hoy en da, adems lo podrs hacer automatizado en Wordpress y de forma manual en una web sin CMS.Este NO es un curso de hacking, es lo contrario, nicamente aprenderemos a como defender nuestra web o la de nuestros clientes de ataques informticos, es un curso para cuando nuestros clientes o nosotros hemos alquilado los servicios de hosting y no tenemos un servidor propio.Tengo otro curso donde podrs acceder a la parte avanzada, vers la seguridad con PHP, SESIONES y Pentesting. En este curso veremos lo bsico y lo intermedio, aprenderemos a resguardar una web Wordpress  y una web sin CMS con el htacess."
Price: 24.99

"Mi web una muralla ante los ataques informticos - Avanzado"
"Esta es la segunda parte del curso. Con este curso aprenders a identificar los tipos de ataques informticos que puede recibir una web. Aprenders a como defender una web de los ataques informticos ms comunes hoy en da, adems lo podrs hacer automatizado en Wordpress y de forma manual en una web sin CMS.Aprenders a como prevenir ataques con PHP, hablaremos de buenas prcticas para contraseas, sesiones y ms.Aprenders lo bsico del pentesting para evaluar nuestros sitios web como si furamos nosotros los ""malos"", pero a pesar que es bsico, ya que se llevara un curso completo aprender a fondo estas herramientas, aprenderemos lo necesario para hacer evaluaciones; obtendremos resultados y solucionaremos los problemas que aparezcan, utilizaremos mquinas virtuales para simular ser el atacante."
Price: 24.99

"Stop Struggling in Relationships: Learn Attachment Theory"
"Why do we experience recurring struggles in our relationships? And why are we so often attracted to those who can't meet our needs?Early on in life we develop an attachment style that follows us through life, replaying in our adult relationships and how we feel about ourselves.Our style of attachment impacts everything from our partner selection to how well our relationships progress to how they end. That's why recognizing our attachment pattern can help us understand our strengths and vulnerabilities in a relationship.This class is an introduction to the attachment theory in adults. You'll learn to identify your or your partner's attachment style, how to recognize activating or deactivating strategies in your relationships, and what to be aware of to have lasting and thriving connections."
Price: 29.99

"En Kolay Dil renme Metodu - %100 Etkili Teknikler"
"Yabanc dil renmek uzun bir sre. Pes etmeden yaplan dzenli pratiklerle ise ksa srede sonu almak mmkn. Bu cretsiz eitimle en etkili dil renme yntemlerini greceksiniz. Herkese uygun bir alma modeli var, bu kurs yardmyla kendinize en uygun dil renme yntemini kefedecek ve bu sayede dil reniminizi hedeflediiniz baarya kavuturacaksnz."
Price: 69.99

"Tutorial de Ccrypt Bsico (criptografia de dados)"
"Ol a todos, meu nome Lima Junior, estou publicando este tutorial de criptografia para iniciantes.Tenho planos para os seguintes cursos:-Introduo a informtica para concurso-Sistemas operacionais Windows e Linux-Libreoffice e Microsoft Office-Formatao de Micros e instalao em dual Boot-Photoshop-Corel Draw-Blender 3D-Montagem de computadores-O bsico sobre segurana da informao...TUDO ISSO PARA VOC SE TORNAR UM TIMO OPERADOR DE COMPUTADOR.(Neste tutorial voc pode aprender a usar uma ferramenta de criptografia simples, sem precisar instalar no seu computador, no chega a ser um curso mais acredito que possa ajudar voc a proteger dados.est minha primeira publicao na udemy, afim de aprender sobre a plataforma para assim poder publicar meus Cursos acima citados."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Word e Excel (nvel iniciante)"
"Neste Curso voc vai aprender a utilizar o word e excel.Com aulas para iniciantes voc vai aprender diversas tcnicas nos dois programas, como formulas no excel e produo de curriculum no word.para que fique claro este curso para iniciantes.AulasWordAula 01 (Introduo vdeo de apresentao)Aula 02 (Interface grfica do Word 2016)Aula 03 (Alinhamentos)Aula 04 ABNTAula 05 (Formatao Bsica de Texto)Aula 06 (Numerao, Tpicos e Espaamento)Aula 07 (Tabelas)Aula 08 (Salvando arquivo e Manipulando imagens no word)Aula 09 - Criao de CurriculumAula 10 (Colunas e imagem nas colunas)Aula 11 (Numerao de Pgina)Aula 12 (Wordart e Caixa de Texto)Aula 13 (Final com tabulao)ExcelAula 01 (Excel Bsico) inicianteAula 02 (Folha de dados)Aula 03 (Formulas)Aula 04 (Formulas parte 02)Aula 05 (Boletim escolar e funo mdia)Aula 06 (Funo Se)Aula 07 (Alinhamento) Final e Agradecimento"
Price: 39.99

"Access 2016 (Iniciante)"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a desenvolver formulrios no Microsoft Access 2016, sem precisar aprender a programar, criaremos um formulrio bsico de cadastro de alunos e vou te ensinar a utilizar as ferramentas do programa e ao final destas aulas voc ser capaz de desenvolver formulrios personalizados e que se adaptam as suas necessidades.Estas vdeo aulas so para pessoas iniciantes ou que tenham curiosidade de aprender a utilizar o programa."
Price: 39.99

"Adobe Photoshop"
"- ! . , , ! : , , , , , , ."
Price: 6299.00

"Inteligencia Artificial: Deep Learning."
"En este curso comprenders en detalle y partiendo de cero como funcionan las redes neuronales multicapa. Vamos a empezar desde el perceptrn simple y terminaremos aprendiendo los detalles de las redes feedforward multicapa. En el curso vas a aprender teora, problemas prcticos y cmo  implementar las redes en Python. A diferencia de otros cursos similares en este vamos a ver todos los conceptos desde cero y con rigor matemtico."
Price: 24.99

"ISO 13485:2016 - Design and Development of Medical Devices"
"This is a premium quality course on design and development of medical devices as per ISO 13485:2016 and best industrial practices. ISO 13485:2016 is the international standard for the quality management system of medical devices' manufacturers and suppliers. The standard name is also entitled with an additive expression ""For Regulatory Purposes"". It means the standard is designed in a way to help companies in meeting the regulatory requirements as well.Design and development in a quality management system is the most complex part. Similarly in the medical devices sector, design and development is a complex process which involves various roles and phases. Hence this course is engineered to make the process of design and development of medical devices easier for you to understand. The rising model based on ISO 13485:2016 requirements of design and development is only taught in this course. Rising model is developed by the instructor of this course and is therefore unique way of explaining the ISO 13485 requirements on design and development. What you will learn when you take this online course (Course Objectives):Introduction to ISO 13485:2016FDA Waterfall Model for Design and DevelopmentRising Model for Design and DevelopmentDesign and Development Planning Design and Development ProcedureDesign and Development Inputs Design and Development OutputsDesign and Development ReviewDesign and Development VerificationDesign and Development ValidationDesign and Development TransferDesign and Development ChangesDesign and Development FilesISO 13485 Requirements on Design and DevelopmentNo need to pay thousand dollars for one day awareness course on the design and development of medical devices.This course will suffice your requirement. You will learn the about this new standard ISO 13485:2016 requirements on design and development.NOTICE: Please note that this ISO 13485:2016 standard is ISO copyright protected. A standard copy will NOT be issued with this course. Amazing Offer - Resource Materials: There are two free resources which are exclusively given in this courses.One PDF file for Slides Presentation: All slides of this course is given with first lecture of this course.One PDF file for rising model of design and development: The unique Rising model based on ISO 13485:2016 requirements on design and development is available with the second lecture.Practice Exam: The course also comes with a practice exam to let you analyze yourself about the awareness of design and development taught in this course. Certification: A certificate is also available with this course. Once you complete all lectures and successfully pass the exam, you can have your certificate of successful completion of this course.One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget, this Course have without inquiry, One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course. Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course. Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 144.99

"ISO 13485:2016 QMS - Lead Auditor Preparation Exam"
"ISO 13485:2016 standard is made on the quality philosophy of Plan, do, check and Act Cycle. The standard is based on regulatory frameworks like FDA 21 CFR Part 820 and ISO 9001:2008. Organizations have to check themselves whether their operations are done according to plan phase or not. Similarly if you are a quality professional and ISO 13485 beginner, or expert you also have to check your expertise in Quality Management System. This ""knowledge validation exam"" helps you to check and validate your knowledge on ISO 13485:2016 standard and its fundamental concepts like importance of regulatory compliance, medical device file, product recall and advisory notices etc.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionYou will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):The publication of new ISO 13485 standardThe specific differences between ISO 13485:2016 and the older versionsPDCA ApproachRegulatory ComplianceMedical Device FilesDesign and Development ProcessProduct Recall and ComplaintsInternal AuditingISO 13485:2016 interpretation in companiesImprovement----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtBe Familiar with ISO 13485:2016 knowledge which you hold...If you think you are an expert in ISO 13485 after taking courses on the subject and working with ISO 13485...You need to hold on!Join this exam and self assess yourself!Maybe you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: ISO 13485 standard is a copyright document of ISO. We will not be sharing the standard. Please purchase it from ISO store.Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take ISO 13485 courses from Udemy or the instructor to guide you on gaining ISO 13485 knowledge.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 64.99

"21 CFR Part 820 (Medical Device QSR) - Practice Exam"
"21 CFR Part 820 - Quality System Regulation is the set of regulatory requirements on Quality System for medical devices manufacturers in the U.S.A. The regulation is not only applied in the U.S. but also many other countries have taken inspiration from it for making their own regulations or adopting it as a guidance. It is one of the important regulatory document on medical device manufacturer's Quality System. If you are a quality or regulatory professional or beginner in the medical devices industry, you should check your expertise in Quality System Regulation (QSR). This ""knowledge validation exam"" helps you to check and validate your knowledge on 21 CFR Part 820 regulation and its fundamental concepts.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionThe exam is based on all sub parts of the regulation. Therefore You will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):General ProvisionsQuality System RequirementsDesign ControlsDocument ControlsPurchasing ControlsIdentification and TraceabilityProduction and Process ControlsAcceptance ActivitiesNonconforming ProductCorrective and Preventive ActionLabeling and Packaging ControlHandling, Storage, Distribution, and InstallationRecordsServicingStatistical Techniques----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtBe Familiar with 21 CFR Part 820 knowledge which you hold...If you think you are an expert in 21 CFR Part 820 after taking courses on the subject and working with QSR...You need to hold on!Join this exam and self assess yourself!Maybe you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take 21 CFR Part 820 courses from Udemy or the instructor to guide you on gaining 21 CFR Part 820 knowledge.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 49.99

"ISO 14971 - Medical Devices Risk Management Practice Exam"
"The latest ISO 14971 standard is made to cater the needs of medical industry and regulatory frameworks on risk management of medical devices. Organizations operating in the sector of manufacturing medical devices have to check themselves whether their operations are done according to ISO 14971 risk management or not. Similarly if you are a quality professional, beginner, or expert in medical devices industry, you need to check your expertise in Risk Management System. This ""ISO 14971 practice exam"" helps you to check and validate your knowledge on ISO 14971 standard and its fundamental concepts on risk, hazard, assessment, evaluation and many others in the context of medical devices.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionYou will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):ISO 14971Risk Management Risk AnalysisRisk EvaluationRisk ControlResidual Risk EvaluationRisk Management ReviewRisk Management ReportMonitoring for Risk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtBe Familiar with ISO 14971 knowledge which you hold...If you think you are an expert in ISO 14971 after taking courses on the subject and working with ISO 14971...You need to hold on!Join this exam and self assess yourself!Maybe you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: ISO 14971 standard is a copyright document of ISO. We will not be sharing the standard. Please purchase it from ISO store.Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can take ISO 14971 courses from Udemy or the instructor to guide you on gaining ISO 14971 knowledge.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 49.99

"The New Business Generator - Recruitment Training"
"This course will give you everything you need to build a recruitment desk. Mapping your market, identifying and qualifying prospects and building a pipeline. You will learn how to plan, prepare and make new business calls, how to handle objections using our scripts, position yourself and your recruitment service ahead of your competitors and negotiate the fee you are worth. We will mix tried and tested business development techniques with social media marketing best practice to ensure you stay front of your mind with your audience at all times. If you want to be the recruitment partner of choice then this course is for you!"
Price: 39.99

"Agile Certified Practitioner - PMI-ACP Real Practice Exam"
"Agile Certified Practitioner - PMI-ACP Real Practice ExamWithin these two exams, you will go through many questions that will prepare you to pass the PMI-ACP exam.  What you get from this course240 UNIQUE practice questions100% verified answers and explanations for each question.You need to get at least 75% in each test to make sure you would be able to pass the real exam after that.Official Exams DetailsExam Name: Agile Certified Practitioner - PMI-ACP Real Practice Exam 1Total Questions: 120Type of Questions: Multiple choicesTime Allowed: 180 minsPassing score: 75 %Exam Name: Agile Certified Practitioner - PMI-ACP Real Practice Exam 2Total Questions: 120Type of Questions: Multiple choicesTime Allowed: 180 minsPassing score: 75 %For passing the PMI-ACP exam you would need also to go through  (PMI-ACP Exam Question based on Agile Practice Guide ). You can check it under my course and exams. Note: If you are looking for more questions to be trained on PMI-ACP, you can find free questions within  Edward Chung blog which contains links for free and also paid questions. The name of the blog is 400+ FREE PMI-ACP Sample Exam Questions with Answers. Some of the ideas of this free questions are carefully selected in the course exams as it is close to the real practice exam."
Price: 49.99

"Exam Questions based on Agile Practice Guide (PMI-ACP)"
"PMI-ACP Exam Question based on Agile Practice Guide Within this test based course,  you will go through many questions that focus on ACP Exam Qs based on the Agile Practice Guide. It can fit also with people who are preparing to pass the PMP exam to have knowledge of the type of questions you would have from Agile Practice Guide.The course will contain 2 small exams each one 50 questions which gives a total of 100 questions on the Agile Practice Guide. Remember to read carefully the Agile practice Guide before resolving the questions. The questions are designed to help you gain a deep understanding of the Agile Practice Guide and what kind of questions you would expect from it in both exams PMP or ACP.Some of the questions are collected carefully from free resources and even some of these free questions were rewritten again to match the PMI questions mindset. For passing the PMI-ACP exam you would need also to go through  (Agile Certified Practitioner - PMI-ACP Real Practice Exam course). You can check it under my course and exams. For more free questions you can visit Edward-design blog free-pmi-acp-exam-questions/"
Price: 19.99

"- (Agile Certified Practitioner)"
"(PMI-ACP-  Agile Certified Practitioner Course ) - - - -   - - -       ================================================The course target the students who are looking to get PMI-ACP certification. The content of the course will be in English but presented in Arabic. The Course cover the 7 Domains and also cover most of the information came in Agile practice guide. At the end of each domain there is few questions answered questions. The aim of these questions is to train you on how to get more familiar with PMI-ACP exam questions and how easily you can understand and solve them. Main Course Outlines/Chapters :Course Introduction Agile principles and mindsetValue-driven delivery Stakeholder engagementTeam performanceAdaptive PlanningProblem detection and resolution techniquesContinuous improvementPMI-ACP Exam Tips & Tricks"
Price: 149.99

"OET Insights Speaking: Medicine"
"Be guided through the OET criteria, learn useful phrases that you can use during your role-play consultations and in real life. Work through the lectures to practise and extend your vocabulary and grammatical skills, and read along with the teacher to focus on correct pronunciation, intonation, tone, and register. You'll also be able to take our practice tests to check your progress, and listen to two model role-plays with commentary to identify key ways criteria has been met. This course will help you get more familiar with the test, help increase your confidence, teach you key test-taking strategies, and show you ways you can boost your score."
Price: 34.99

"OET Insights Writing: Medicine"
"This course will give you an insight into the OET Medicine Writing sub-test.  Learn what the examiners are looking for, and be better placed to satisfy test criteria and implement your knowledge in your letter writing.  Be guided on how to de-code case notes and pick out and organise key pieces of informationLearn how to transform these notes into full sentencesAnd how to make your writing more efficient and effective in order to keep the reader in mind at all times.  We look at referral letters, letters of transfer, and discharge letters, and by using models and corrected students' work, this course will help you gain confidence and show you ways you can boost your OET score."
Price: 39.99

"Balance Commercial & Aesthetics in Visual Merchandising"
"let us have a close look of how it is structured and how it is going to be benefit to you. First of all, as you see from our mind map chart.First we will start with the Introduction: in this part we will be talking about the VM job responsibility, the concept;Secondly, we will move on to Window: in this part, we will focus on window concept, window structure and creativity work process. As a bonus, we will also brief you the trend of the 2019 window.Later on in the Industry matters section, we will discuss the successful VM concept in specific industries, for instance the food and beverage industry. Of course if you work in other industries, I am sure you will be able to apply the principles you learn and reflect on your ideas. As another bonus for you all, I will summarise the key trends for this industry in 2019.Then, we will move to In-store VM part. Here we will be focus on several key elements, which are: colour, interaction, flow, layout and fengshui. Of course there are more elements which will be included into follow-up lectures in the near future for more advanced study.Last but not least, as mentioned earlier in my self-introduction, I am an animal-lover and environmentalist. Sustainability makes for a great ending. In this part, we will cover the concept of Sustainability and CSR. Moreover, we will introduce you some methods to include sustainability into your VM creativity process.Who will benefit from this course:- VM professionals- Marketing professionals- Retail professionals- Entrepreneurs- Whoever that is open-minded and curious to learn retail and visual merchandising"
Price: 159.99

"Network Operations Center Engineer"
"Network operations center (NOC) engineers are in charge of providing engineering support for network connectivity issues, as well as working as a liaison for carriers and other information technology (IT) technicians in their organization. They are responsible for solving and preventing data outages with wired and wireless system connection hardware. In addition, they communicate with the help desk, and other on-site system professionals to provide issue resolution in a prompt manner.NOC engineers solve circuit outages, and and monitor device up time. They configure and install networking equipment as needed, as well as actively participate in upgrading projects for more efficient system support. Another task performed by NOC engineers includes performing maintenance in network hardware devices such as routers, range extenders, and switches. They also serve as the backup for the data communications analyst. Generally, NOC engineers report their progress to the operations manager or supervisor in their department. These professionals should have strong interpersonal skills to handle client complaints, as they are generally the individual who handles issues that are escalated by other NOC technicians. They must be able to multitask and handle a variety tasks assigned by their supervisor. They must work effectively on their own, but also work well in a team environment. A bachelor's degree in network administration, computer science, system engineering, or a similar field is required for this job. They must have working experience with system repair, engineering tasks, and other troubleshooting activities. They should have advanced organization skills, which are used to keep accurate inventory for computer replacement parts. In addition, previous experience with networking administration and protocols, as well as additional industry certifications, are often preferred."
Price: 1280.00

"Travel Smart In India: For Digital Nomads & Other Travellers"
"Welcome to travel smart for Digital Nomads! This course will teach you real world travel skills, and give you a ton of ways to save money, make money, get travel discounts, travel jobs and have a lot of fun while you travel in style. Being a digital nomad, and life & entrepreneurship skills coach, I have walked the talk, so all the course content is 100% genuine, and loaded with tips that actually work. I have applied most of the skills in this course personally, and continue to learn as I travel around South East Asia as a Digital Nomad. Some of the benefits of this course include:Save up to 25% of your travel costs.Learn how to make friends while travel, and collaborate with other digital nomads.Learn how to find travel jobs to help you generate some cash while you travel.Learn How To Make Travel Super Fun!Im confident you will LOVE this course if youre a digital nomad, freelancer or just a traveller on an adventure! Do it during or before your travel journey begins! Reach out to me with any suggestions, questions or insights as youd like! Id love to connect."
Price: 19.99

"Desenvolvimento infantil e ludicidade: o brincar."
"Conhea algumas evidncias cientficas sobre a importncia de exercer uma parentalidade brincante ou de levar mais brincadeiras para o ambiente escolar. Se a cincia explica h tanto tempo sobre a importncia do brincar, porque a brincadeira ainda considerada algo menor? Como podemos resolver isso?Aprenda a aplicar diversas atividades criativas e divertidas e incremente sua rotina com momentos brincantes produtivos."
Price: 54.99