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"Padres OnLine - Cuida a tus hijos en las Redes Sociales"
"Taller para padres preocupados por la seguridad de sus hijos en las redes sociales e internet. Que es el Cyberbullying, Scam, Spam, Grooming, Texting, packs...? Qu hacen tus hijos en internet y por qu lo hacen? Como comportarse en las redes y que hacer en cada etapa de tu hijo?El curso de Padres Online esta basado en experiencias personales, platicas con nios, adolescentes, adultos y tambin con psicopedagogos."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Reiki Level I"
"This course is designed to introduce you to Reiki, a phenomenal energy which has been used for many centuries, throughout the world, as a healing technique. It is used to realign mental, physical and emotional imbalances.The course is split into over 50 unique, easy to follow parts starting with Reiki Level I which has been written with the absolute beginner in mind. The course covers such topics as the Origins of Reiki, the Benefits of Reiki treatment and the Correct positions required for a Reiki treatment. You will also learn about receiving Universal Energy."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Book, Self-Publish, and Make Money From It"
"10-Step Book Writing Module Training on How to Write Your Book and Make Money from It!1. Pre-Writing Follow a simple formula2. Publishing Edit, format, and printing your book correctly3. Profiting Pre-selling your book4. Performing Leveraging your book for profit5. Promoting How to promote your book and make sales6. Pre-Launching How to prepare for your book launch7. Book Launching Launching your book for success8. Post-Launching Follow up9. Positioning your book launch for success Ways to do this10. Start a Business 5 ways to make additional income from your book11. Bonus materials - How to voice-type your chapters / 4 Ways to write a book / Q&A Session / End of Class Thank You Message"
Price: 199.99

"Talent to Profit Road Map"
"The Talent to Profit Road Map Steps Explained in DetailLearn different ways to eliminate fear, so you can accomplish your goals and lead a happier lifeExplore four reasons why you need to use your talentsLearn the process of starting your business, using the Talentpreneurship Business Launch FunnelTake the five-day challenge and learn how to overcome fear, so you can start that business."
Price: 49.99

"Przypieszony kurs podstaw maturalnych z matematyki!"
"Przypieszony kurs podstaw maturalnych to niezbdnik kadego maturzysty!Stworzony gwnie dla osb majcych kopot z matematyk, stanowi moe take idealn powtrk dla osb, ktre z matematyk nie maj wikszego problemu.Du zalet kursu jest jego praktyczno. Trwa on 5,5 godziny i skada si z bardzo krtkich i merytorycznych filmikw, dziki czemu moesz bardzo szybko opanowa dany materia!Ponadto na kursie omawiane s obliczenia matematyczne: uamki, pierwiastki, rwnania, nierwnoci - to tylko cz podstaw, ktre na co dzie przysparzaj wiele kopotw. Dziki opanowaniu tych tematw nie bdziesz mia adnego problemu ze zrozumieniem zagadnie omawianych w dalszych czciach kursu.Na przypieszonym kursie maturalnym najwicej uwagi powicono na zrozumienie podstaw najbardziej punktowanych na maturze dziaw matematycznych:-funkcj kwadratow-geometri analityczn-trygonometri-planimetriDziki Twojej pniejszej pracy z arkuszami maturalnymi bdziesz w stanie samodzielnie wywnioskowa odpowiedzi z najwaniejszych dziaw matematycznych, ktre omawiane s na kursie. W 2018 roku zgodnie z danymi CKE matury z matematyki nie zdao prawie 43 tys. osb czyli prawie co szsty zdajcy. Jestem pewien, e z pomoc tego kursu opanujesz podstawy przygotowania maturalnego, co przy Twojej pniejszej pracy z arkuszami maturalnymi da Ci moliwo uzyskania pozytywnego wyniku na maturze!"
Price: 159.99

"Eliminate Dairy in 3 Steps"
"Did you know that approximately 65% of people in the world have a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy? Are you struggling with dairy in your diet? Do you have what feels like constant digestive stress? Are you struggling with acne or skin rashes and don't know why? Dairy could be to blame... In this course, you will learn how to completely cut out dairy from your diet without feeling deprived in just 3 steps! There are even sample meals, product recommendations, and recipes! This is not a diet, its a lifestyle. I myself am lactose intolerant and I cannot even explain how good it feels to not be a prisoner in my own body any more."
Price: 19.99

"How to Eat Healthy on a Budget!"
"In this course you will learn the tools and skills needed for easy savings. By the end, you will have a clear plan on the steps you need to take to make it happen. Eating healthy doesn't need to be hard or break the bank. I also have included a ton of recipe ideas including lunches to pack for work and breakfasts that can be prepped the night before!"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (TCC)"
"Este curso nunca costar $10 y hay una razon!No pierdas el tiempo con cursos de muchsimas horas que solamente dan vueltas en contenido sin sentido.Hay muchos cursos que hablan sobre la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual, sin embargo este es literalmente el nico curso que explica los fundamentos tericos de este hermoso enfoque, explicando el modelo dialctico relacional, los esquemas de afecto, emocin y afrontamiento, por lo que lo convierte en uno de los cursos virtuales ms completos de Psicologa Cognitivo Conductual y TCC pues es el nico que tiene toda esta informacin ordenada de forma sistemtica en un solo curso. Te ahorraras muchas horas de investigacin, sin mencionar que mucho de lo que est en este curso no es nada fcil de hallar en Internet.Adems de los videos de explicacin, tendrs material descargable muy valioso extrado de libros muy importantes de psicologa.Ojo! El instructor es Psiclogo Cognitivo Conductual de profesin y profesor universitario.No pierdas ms clientes siendo un terapeuta del montn, las personas buscan profesionales capacitados para confiarles su salud mental.NOTA: Este curso se encuentra en actualizacin por lo que la primera parte esta totalmente renovada, con calidad de audio y video mejorados notablemente. La segunda seccin tiene la calidad un poco ms baja pero de todas formas la informacin es totalmente comprensible! en poco tiempo tendr renovado el curso en su totalidad! gracias por su confianza y amor por la ciencia!"
Price: 99.99

"C# Basics : For Absolute Beginners"
"My videos are short and to the point. I will not waste any time teaching you complex concepts you would forget shortly after.We will start off with the basics and linearly progress through the concepts presented in object oriented programming.We will develop an incredibly strong foundation focusing on the core concepts that C# has to offer.My course is divided into subjects. Each subject focuses on a single aspect of the C# language. At the end of each subjects tutorial videos will be a quiz. This quiz is used to gauge the students comprehension of the material. After the quiz, a project is presented. This project helps the student apply what they learned to practical applications, re affirming the knowledge they have gained.Once all these subjects are completed, the course ends with a plethora of projects to work on that encapsulate the topics learned throughout the entire course. Each project will have my own interpretation of an answer, where I thoroughly explain the logic behind the code."
Price: 19.99

"C# Intermediate Course The Next Step"
"Welcome to the next step in your C#development career.In this course, we pick up where we left off and continue delving into the world of object oriented programming!The way this course is designed is as follows. Each section has a number of lectures. These lectures will introduce new topics and I do my best to explain them in a way that makes the most sense. At the end of most of these sections is a project that helps facilitate what we have learned. My videos are concise and my main priority is relaying the information to you in an effective and timely manner."
Price: 34.99

"Law Of Attraction Manifest/ Control Physics Of Your Reality"
"I want to welcome you to my online course "" Learn How To Control The Physics Of Your Reality"". You will find this information enlightening, empowering, inspiring, and profound. The knowledge that will be presented in this course will contain information that will change your life, the people that you interact with, and the generations that follow.I will be presenting this information in a special format called integrating concepts. Our general education system does not teach this way so you have probably not been exposed to this methodology. Integrating concepts is quite simple, but such a profound way of learning new material. Concepts are simple individual illustrations that present ideas. Each concept reveals new information and is profound in its own unique way, but when you integrate the individual concepts together you begin to reveal a much bigger picture and powerful understanding. You integrate concepts together by defining common denominators.The information that we will be covering in this course will be divided into two sections.Section 11. What is your reality?2. What your reality really is.3. What is consciousness?4. The universal law of attraction and consciousness.5. The Emotional Guidance System.Section 21. Universal Numerology2. Sacred Geometry3. Toroidal Energy Flow4. Frequency and Harmonics5. Inductance6. DNA7. Layers of Reality8. Quantum Energies9. The Keys To Power And The Master Numbers10. ConclusionI want to state that as you begin learning these new concepts your mind will naturally begin integrating them together utilizing common denominators.Prepare to be enlightened and empowered!"
Price: 199.99

"learn making vector art graphics from beginner to pro"
"welcome to the most easiest vector art course I am Akshat Soni and i am a graphic designer creating vector face art from 2 years.and i love creating vector art. i am creating it for clients and they love my designs Inside the course Here in this course i am not only going to teach you the tools but also the skills that you need to create any art on Photoshop or any other software so in this course i will give you a proper knowledge about every part of the face and also detailed video about every part of the face from creating vector face nose or creating vector eye. this course is highly focused on the vector creation so after taking this course you will be able to create vector face art easily after doing a little bit practiseWhy choose this choose this course ??I am a professional vector art artist ( you can say ) so i know what art the important part to cover while creating a vector and this course is fully detailed about every thing about creating a vector from nose to hairs in this course you will learn the main fundamentals of the creating a face art in Photoshop and i will go step by step first i will teach you the most important tool that is the pen tool in photoshop then we will understand the lighting and color of the sking then we will start creating parts of face like nose and eyes at the end i will create 2 fully detailed vector to teach you how to complete a vector art.What you will learn from this course ?After this course you will be able to create any type of vector face art and you will be master in using the pen tool as you now you can learn or create your own way to make any art because there is not restrictions on art.You can take client works online after taking this cousesplaces like upwork , freelancer, fiverr etc you can join them there are lots of people whats there face vector arteven i do freelancing too.So why are you waiting for take this course and start learning today !and if you think there should be any change in this course feel free to say."
Price: 24.99

"Energize Your Life - Complete Wellbeing Certification Course"
"Gain access to different wellbeing modalities Breath, Yog, Mudras, Acupressure, Meditation, Mindfulness, 5 element purification, Mantra, Crystals, Digital detox, vipasana, music/sound, color therapy, nature, flowers, fragrance etc  all in one courseLearn ancient techniques for deep purification and establishing a strong foundation for spiritual growth. Tools to overcome variety of psychological disorders (stress, anger, anxiety, depression etc) are included in the course. It will empower you to create lifelong healthy foundation for overall wellbeing in life.With this course, you will get relief from tiredness and mood swings and make your body- mind and emotions your friends. You will learn to balance and align 5 elements of earth, water, fire, air and space. You will be equipped to easily release stress, anxiety, fear, improper habits and lifestyle patterns.Note: The material in this course is for informational and educational purposes only.  Every individual and situation is unique so you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner before undertaking any of the recommendations, protocols, diets, techniques, training methods, exercises or anything else described herein. Voyage to betterment and the author expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained herein."
Price: 2880.00

"Aprenda Amigurumi fazendo bonecas personalizadas"
"Neste curso aprenderemos as bonecas personalizadas em croch na tcnica de amigurumi. Vamos confeccionar a boneca com corpo articulado, medindo 28 cm, olhos e face bordados. Nas 5 primeiras aulas daremos nfase em cada parte do corpo do corpo. Na sequncia, veremos como bordar a face e aplicar os cabelos."
Price: 234.99

"Aprenda Amigurumi - Bonecas da Disney"
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para quem quer aprender a tcnica do amigurumi comeando pelas bonecas! Um curso de nvel iniciante , de baixa complexidade, onde voc aprender a tcnica do amigurumi confeccionando as Princesas da Disney - Branca de Neve. Nas primeiras aulas aprenderemos o corpo base de uma bonequinha de 15 cm. Nas aulas seguintes como fazer os cabelos e as roupas e adereos. Estamos tambm te presenteando com a aula para fazer a Princesa Bela. Este curso ser o primeiro de uma srie da coleo Princesas da Disney."
Price: 54.99

"Aprenda Amigurumi Bonecas Princesas da Disney 2"
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para quem quer aprender a tcnica do amigurumi comeando pelas bonecas! Um curso de nvel iniciante , de baixa complexidade, onde voc aprender a tcnica do amigurumi confeccionando as Princesas da Disney - Rapunzel e Cinderela. Nas primeiras aulas aprenderemos o corpo base de uma bonequinha de 15 cm. Nas aulas seguintes como fazer os cabelos, penteados, as roupas e adereos. Este curso ser o primeiro de uma srie da coleo Princesas da Disney."
Price: 54.99

"Aprenda Amigurumi Princesas Disney - parte 3"
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para quem quer aprender a tcnica do amigurumi comeando pelas bonecas! Um curso de nvel iniciante , de baixa complexidade, onde voc aprender a tcnica do amigurumi confeccionando as Princesas da Disney - Ariel e Aurora. Nas primeiras aulas aprenderemos o corpo base de uma bonequinha de 15 cm. Nas aulas seguintes como fazer os cabelos, penteados, as roupas e adereos.  Este curso o terceiro de uma srie da coleo Princesas da Disney."
Price: 54.99

"Aprenda Bonecas Amigurumi - Nivel 2 - Bonecas Colecionveis"
"Neste curso aprenderemos as bonecas personalizadas em croch na tcnica de amigurumi. Vamos confeccionar a boneca com corpo articulado, medindo 30 cm aproximadamente, olhos e face bordados. Nas 4 primeiras aulas daremos nfase em cada parte do corpo do corpo. Na sequncia, veremos como bordar a face e aplicar os cabelos sinteticos."
Price: 234.99

"Aprenda a hacer amigurumis haciendo muecas personalizadas"
"En ese curso vamos a aprender las muecas personalizadas en crochet en la tcnica de amigurumi. Vamos confeccionar muecas con cuerpo articulado, mediando 28 cm, ojos y rostro bordados. Las primeras 5 clases hablaremos mas de cada parte del cuerpo. En seguida veremos como bordar el rostro y poner los cabellos."
Price: 234.99

"Creational Design Patterns in Java"
"In this series, we discuss design patterns in Java. We focused on what is design pattern and different types of pattern. We then closely looked into the Creational design patterns. We talked about Singleton, Factory, Builder, Prototype and Abstract Factory design patterns. Each design pattern is discussed with real life examples and demonstrated with live coding."
Price: 29.99

"Spring 5 Core - An Ultimate Guide"
"A comprehensive guide on Spring fundamentals. Whether you are a complete beginner on Spring Framework or an experience Spring developer, there are so many take ways from this course. It covers the following Spring concepts:-Module 1: Course OverviewIntroductionWhat we needTarget AudiencePrerequisiteCourse Walk throughWhat wont be coveredModule summaryModule 2:  Set up the development EnvironmentIntroductionInstalling JavaInstalling MavenInstalling - Spring Tool SuiteCreating Maven Project in Spring Tool SuiteInstalling - Intellij IDEACreating Maven Project in Intellij IdeaModule 3: Spring Core IntroductionSpring OverviewSpring HistorySpring ModulesDependency Management: Traditional WaysDependency Management: Dependency InjectionConcepts of POJO and BeanInversion of Control : Spring IOC ContainerBean Factory InterfaceApplicationContext InterfaceConfiguring beans: XML based, Annotation and Java Config configurationModule conclusionModule 4: XML Based configurationIntroductionConfiguring POJOs with XML based configurationClassPathXmlApplicationContextSetter based dependency InjectionConstructor based dependency InjectionConstructor vs Setter based InjectionsCircular dependenciesComposing XML-based Configuration MetadataReferencing Other beansInner BeansHandling Java CollectionsMerging CollectionsDepends-onLazy-InitializationModule 5: AutowiringBasics of AutowiringAutowiring Types, No Autowiring ,Autowiring byName, Autowiring byType Autowiring constructorIssues with AutowiringModule 6: Java ConfigurationConfiguring beans with Java ConfigurationComponent scan with @ComponentScan@Configuration and @Bean Annotation@Component, @Configuration, @Service and @Repository annotationsConstructor InjectionAutowiring POJOs@Primary Annotation@Qualifier AnnotationImporting Configuration@Scope Annotation@Lazy Annotation@DependsOnModule 7: Spring Beans in DepthIntroductionBean Life Cycle Callbacks@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotationsBean ScopeBean Post ProcessorPOJO Creation with factory methods - Static factory, instance method and Spring factory beanManaging environments - @Profile annotationSpring Aware InterfacesBeanNameAwareBeanFactoryAwareApplicationContextAwareMessageSourceAwareResourceLoaderAwareEnvironmentAwareModule 8: Spring Aspect Oriented ProgrammingAOP IntroductionCore AOP ConceptsWhat is Aspect?Join PointWhat is Advice?PointcutAOP Proxy AspectjWeavingAspectj and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotationAdvice Annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturing, @AfterThrowing, @Around@Before and @After Annotation@AfterReturning Annotation@AfterThrowing Annotation@AroundDemostrationModule 9: Spring Task ExecutorIntroduction to Java Executor, ExecutorServiceRunnable, Callable and FutureThreadpool - Fixed thread pool , Cached thread pool, Single thread executor, scheduled thread pool executorSpring TaskExecutorSpring SimpleAsyncTaskExecutorSpring SyncTaskExecutorSpring TaskExecutorAdapterModule 10: Communication between Beans - ApplicationEvent ManagementIntroductionApplicationListener InterfaceApplicationEventPublisherExampleModule 11: ConclusionSource CodeCourse AummaryWhatsNext"
Price: 49.99

"Spring AOP Crash Course"
"Welcome to this course on Spring AOP. Aspect Oriented Programming is a really powerful Programming Model. It comes with many powerful features to manage multiple cross cutting concerns of an application. This is an introductory course on AOP and I have aimed to cover the basic concepts around Spring AOP. This course will provide you a solid foundation on Spring AOP and it should be a great place to start with. In this course we will cover the following:AOP IntroductionCore AOP ConceptsWhat is Aspect?Join PointWhat is Advice?PointcutAOP Proxy AspectjWeavingAspectj and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotationAdvice Annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturing, @AfterThrowing, @Around@Before and @After Annotation@AfterReturning Annotation@AfterThrowing Annotation@AroundDemostrationThis course is one of the module of my another Udemy course Spring 5 Core - Ultimate Guide. You can skip this course entirely if you have taken up the Ultimate Course."
Price: 19.99

"Crafting Pixel Perfect Icons The Right Way!"
"A comprehensive course that will teach you how to create sharp looking icons. No matter if youre just starting out or already know a thing or two about icons this course is for you! You not only learn what is pixel-perfect icons but also be able to practice creating three icons specially selected to cover every practical detail you might need to know."
Price: 24.99

"Como organizar suas finanas pessoais em 10 passos"
"Neste curso voc vai compreender como pessoas ricas pensam, o que faz com que eles se diferenciem com pessoas de classe mdia e pobres. Vai compreender como funcionam as leis da riqueza e prosperidade, e perceber porque h pessoas pobres enquanto outras enriquecem na mesma cidade ou pas.Estratgias e mtodos so explicados para capacitar o aluno a eliminar dvidas, pagar as suas contas, poupar e investir.Ao terminar o curso, voc estar capacitado para organizar a sua vida financeira e comear a acumular riqueza."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Essentials for Amazon Web Services"
"This course is designed for the AWS engineers or enthusiasts who want to learn Linux Operating System on Amazon Web Services. Most of the servers in Cloud runs with Linux OS, So i choose AWS to explain this Linux Course. Most of the times Amazon web services engineers or developers or Solutions architects need to work on Linux Operating Systems. This course will be useful who wants to learn AWS and want to gain knowledge on Linux also."
Price: 1280.00

"Jenkins for Beginners"
"Jenkins for Beginner course is designed for the users who can understand the basic software development.This course is not just designed for DevOps engineers but also for developers, testers and Business Analyst.This course course covers below topics :Understanding the devops conceptsUnderstanding and configuring Jenkins in Windows OSUnderstanding and configuring Jenkins in Linux OSUnderstand and working with Jenkins freestyle projectUnderstanding what is MavenUnderstand and working with Maven projectUnderstand and working with Jenkins pipeline projectsAt the end of this course, will get clear understanding of what is Jenkins and how to design your solutions, deploy with CICD."
Price: 1280.00

"FL Studio Prtico - Seus primeiros passos no mundo da msica"
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a utilizar a principais ferramentas do Fl Studio, incluindo modelos de boas prticas baseados em minha longa experincia na rea. Friso que o curso no vai ensinar a mixar e masterizar, o curso serve para que o aluno conhea a ferramenta por completo e s ento ele deve procurar (aps concluir o treinamento) os conceitos relacionados mixagem e masterizao. Digo isso pois muitas pessoas iniciam de forma errada, acabam aprendendo s a mixar mas no compreendem como o seu ambiente de trabalho funciona (comumente chamado de DAW)."
Price: 99.99

"Injeo de dependncia com C# e ASP.NET Core e Microsoft DI"
"Bem vindos ao curso Injeo de dependncia com C# e ASP.NET Core e Microsoft DI!Meu nome Paulo Fernandes, Lead Developer na Braspag. Sou um desenvolvedor com mais de 10 anos de experincia em .NET, tendo acumulado muita experincia nos ltimos 8 anos dominando a Injeo de Dependncia.Em aplicaes cada vez mais complexas e em rpida mudana, escrever um cdigo extensvel e usar das vantagens da Injeo de Dependncia no s desejvel como imprescindvel.Neste curso eu vou ajudar voc a entender:O que um cdigo acoplado e seus problemasO que inverso de controleSOLIDComo isso est ligado a testes de unidadeE como utilizar DI Containers para facilitar muito a sua vida.Vai fundo se voc est procurando um curso bem prtico, direto e didtico."
Price: 39.99

"Survival from a narcissist for an empath"
"Survival for empaths from narcissistic abuse. If you have been through narcissistic abuse in your life, whether it was your partner or your parent or someone else that did this to you, this course is here to help you heal. Also if you currently have this situation I advise you straight to do what you have to do. By going through my course over and over if you need to, you never have to waste your time in support groups again. I tell the truth like it is. I am giving you tools to understand and heal the situation and move on. I also give you my genuine compassion. Especially if you are a very sensitive person and thought that everything you endured was your fault and normal, and you don't have anyone to talk to about this and you feel so alone with this and no one believes you, this course is for you.In the end, your life and your healing are up to you, but I have been abused my whole life and I am an empath and I have all the tools to help you see your situation clearly and start recovering. You can always message me if you have any questions or anything you want to talk about."
Price: 29.99

"Aprender Yoga"
"Este curso es una gua prctica para comenzar a practicar Yoga sin importar tu condicin fsica. Por medio de 3 prcticas sencillas ms los Saludos al Sol simplificados tu cuerpo va a volverse ms flexible y fuerte; Tu mente va a relajarse y estar ms creativa y atenta, vas a redescubrir el poder de tu respiracin y encontrars comodidad en tu cuerpo."
Price: 19.99