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"Master en Liderazgo"
"UnbuenLiderazgo no se basa solo en herramientas, es partir del ser, la persona, si entiende como funcionan el cerebro de su personal a cargo y puede potenciar a el y su equipo en todo momento.En este curso de Liderazgo basado en un enfoque cientfico y humanstico, busca llevar elbienestar y salud, lograincrementar tu influencia, percepcin, comunicacin, seguridad, ventas y salud en general.Realizaremos algunos ejercicios prcticos, que desarrollaran en ti algunos un liderazgo mas sano."
Price: 199.99

"Potenciando el Cerebro"
"A lo largo del curso vamos a ir paso a paso por distintos conceptos que representan el inicio de tuempoderamiento a traves del conocimiento, todos estos conocimientos estn basados y soportados por multiples investigaciones cientificas, este nuevo aprendizaje te llevara a entender y vivir la neuroplasticidad por ti mismo ya que por definicin la neuroplasticidad no es mas que la capacidad de crear nuevas conexiones neuronales y esta demostrado que la adquisicinde nuevos conocimientos influye en la creacin de estas conexiones.Durante los ltimos 10 aos me he dedicado al estudio del cerebro yaayudar aque este conocimiento que he adquirido llegue a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles a traves de distintos medios como charlas, cursos presenciales, libros, y ahora cursos online. Este curso tiene varios de los conceptos que explico a mas profundidad en mi mas reciente libro ""Yo no fui todo estaba en el cerebro"".Entre los conceptos mas importantes tenemos:El CerebroDopamina y SerotoninaNeuroplasticidadEmpataNeuronas EspejoRe-conducta CerebralPercepcin"
Price: 199.99

"ASP.NET (MVC) 5 CORE: Web Development, jQuery & RESTful API"
"ASP.NET is revolutionizing the programming industry, this open-source and cross-platform application framework can let you program websites, applications and web services, but if you miss the opportunity to learn how to use this useful framework, other designers and developers will be chosen do complete these jobs. What if you could change that? My complete ASP.NET course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build dynamic website, applications and web services, know ASP.NET standard controls, validate data, and create master pages. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Websites, Applications and Web Services Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Adobe Illustrator, apply role based security, understand model, view and controller, CRUD operations, build forms with validation perform unit testing and configure exception handling, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or creating awesome content. This video editing software will change how you create. As what Thomas C. Gale, an Chrysler automobile designer, says "" ""Good design adds value faster than it adds cost."" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Adobe Illustrator Training, You'll Learn: Overview Of Web Technologies and ASP.NET Features Of ASP.Net MVC Framework The Advantages Of MVC Based Application Understand Model, View, Controller, Architecting MVC Application Learn CRUD Operations MVC With Frameworks And Plugins Use Entity Framework, Jquery Plugins, Jquery To Respond To Users and use Automapper Build Web Application With MVC Build Forms With Validation Build Web Services Understand Cycle Of ASP.MVC Request Implement Security With MVC Apply Role Based Security Deploy And Testing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications Perform Unit Testing Configure Exception Handling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to build dynamic website, applications and web services? Are you wondering how to program and build robust Websites using the latest technologies? Do you think you will feel proud mastering ASP.NET? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all developers, programmers, app builders and anyone looking to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master ASP.NET? Let Me Show You Why To Master ASP.NET: 1. You will build dynamic website, applications and web services. 2. You will know ASP.NET standard controls. 3. You will validate data. 4. You will create master pages. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Drawing Course: Figure Drawing, Sketching & Character Design"
"Drawing is an important part of art, it keeps you innovated and it lets you use your creativity at its best. Many industries needs graphic artist for various reasons, whether its for games, films, or books. Some artist manages to get in and grab these opportunities, but if you cant draw, youre missing great opportunities and other graphic artists will grab them.What if you could change that? My complete Painting course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to draw, sketch, draw human face & figure, do shadowing, shape anything and draw in 3D easily. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Drawing Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre already an excellent graphic artist, can draw the human face, figures or any shapes, draw with imagination, master measurement and proportions and can use different pencils for line quality, you are going to lose more opportunities to create beautiful art and career advancements that other people will gladly take. As what Fernando Botero, a Colombian figurative artist and sculptor says Sketching is almost everything. It is the painter's identity, his style, his conviction, and then color is just a gift to the drawing. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Drawing Skills Training, You'll Learn: Drawing Methods & TechniquesCommon MistakesDrawing Materials, Drawing Processes & ExercisesShadowing And ShapingDraw The Human Face, Figure & Any Shape.Draw From Objects Out Of Your HeadDrawing FundamentalsDraw 3-DimensionallyDraw Perspective DrawingsDrawing With ImaginationThings To Draw: Objects And Still LifeFreehand DrawingHow To Practice SketchingSketching TipsDrawing With InkMeasurementUsing Different Pencils For Line QualityPractice Measurement And Proportions In Your Work----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to be great at drawing? Are you afraid of showing your drawings because you dont believe they are good? Do you think you will feel proud being great at drawing?Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all graphic artists, sketch artist, character designers, art lovers and anyone looking to become great at drawing. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong Drawing Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Drawing Skills: 1. You will draw and sketch. 2. You will draw human face & figure. 3. You will do shadow & shaping. 4. You will draw in 3D easily. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing: Kali Linux & Security"
"Ethical Hacking is looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in system by hacking the target system as a malicious hacker. Governments and companies needs these people to reinforce their security systems against real hackers, but if you cant find what is wrong about security systems and breakthrough them, youre missing great career opportunities and other people will grab them.What if you could change that? My complete Ethical Hacking course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to know hacking concepts, test security systems, use the right attack tools and master Penetration Testing. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Hacking Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre already an excellent ethical hacker, know Trojan concepts, do malware reverse engineering, do webserver attacks, hack web and wireless networks or develop anti-malware softwares, you are going to lose more opportunities and miss career advancements to become an important person for organization, improving their security systems. As what Emmanuel Goldstein, a leader in the hacking community executive says Most hackers are young because young people tend to be adaptable. As long as you remain adaptable, you can always be a good hacker. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Ethical Hacking Training, You'll Learn: Information Security Threats and Attack VectorsHacking Concepts, Types and PhasesMalware ThreatsTrojan ConceptsMalware Reverse Engineering & DetectionAnti-Malware SoftwarePenetration TestingSession Hijacking ConceptsApplication Level Session HijackingNetwork-level Session HijackingHacking WebserversWebserver Attacks & ConceptsAttack MethodologyWebserver Attack ToolsHacking Web ApplicationsHacking Wireless Networks----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to penetrate networks, exploit systems, break into computers, and compromise routers? Are you afraid of not breaking through security systems? Do you think you will feel proud penetrating systems and finding weaknesses in them? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all network administrator, hackers, Cyber Security Expert, IT people and anyone looking to become a great ethical hacker. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong Ethical Hacking Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Ethical Hacking Skills: 1. You will know hacking concepts. 2. You will test security systems. 3. You will use the right attack tools. 4. You will master Penetration Testing. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Java Web Services & Java EE Microservices: JSP Servlets JBDC"
"Web services are a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network. Many organizations use multiple software systems for management. Different software systems often need to exchange data with each other, and a web service is a method of communication that allows two software systems to exchange this data over the internet, but if you cant create web services, youre missing great opportunities and other writers will grab them. What if you could change that? My complete Java Web Services course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to create web services, use enterprise beans, create queries and master Java EE. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Web Services Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre already an excellent creator of web services, use the embedded enterprise bean container, use the criteria API to create queries, know security in the Java EE platform, creating and using string-based criteria queries, you are going to lose more opportunities to write clear intructions and miss career advancements that other people will gladly take. As what John Fowler, a certified technical communicator says Today, Web services is really about developing for the server. What it means to developers is any set of systems services that you make a Web service you to access by any kind of device with a highly interactive client, not just a browser. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Web Services Training, You'll Learn: Java Web ServicesLearn Web ApplicationsUse and Develop JavaServer Faces Technology in Web PagesJava Servlet TechnologyTypes of Web ServicesBuild Web Services with JAX-WSBuild RESTful Web Services with JAX-RSEnterprise BeansUse the Embedded Enterprise Bean ContainerUse Asynchronous Method Invocation in Session BeansThe Java Persistence Query LanguageUse the Criteria API to Create QueriesCreating and Using String-Based Criteria QueriesSecurity in the Java EE PlatformSecuring Web ApplicationsJava EE Supporting TechnologiesUse Java EE Interceptors----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is This For You? Do you want to build useful and secure web services? Are you afraid of not being able to create good web services? Do you think you will feel proud creating the services that will be used every day and help others to work more effectively? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all programmers, developers, Java Developers, JEE Developers and anyone looking to learn web services. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong Web Services Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Web Services Skills: 1. You will create web services. 2. You will use enterprise beans. 3. You will create queries. 4. You will master Java EE. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 00% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"NodeJs, MEAN Stack & MongoDB: JavaScript, AngularJS, Web Dev"
"Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment to execute JavaScript code server-side. They are embedded in a webpages HTML, but run with a JavaScript engine in the users web browser. In a few words, Node.JS is very important. Its features, characteristics and benefits are enormous, but if you dont know Node.JS, you will miss many programming opportunity, or even career offers that others will gladly take. What if you could change that? My complete NodeJS course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build real-time applications, build a web server, understand how the MEAN stack works, do web development with NodeJS. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Developing Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at NodeJS, create express web servers and APIs, understand Buffers, Streams, and Pipes, store data with Mongoose and MongoDB, use JavaScript, use npm and manage node packages, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities as a developer or even miss great applications to develop. As what Robert Duchnik, an experienced full stack web developer says jQuery is by far the most widely used library for JavaScript. It is used on more than 50% of websites. Many frameworks, such as Backbone and Twitters Bootstrap, are built on top of jQuery. Being able to extend and write plugins for jQuery can not only save lots of time, but also makes code much cleaner and easier to maintain. You can try it with no financial risk. In This NodeJS Training, You'll Learn: Understanding about Node.jsUnderstand the core concepts and objectsBuild, test, and launch Node appsStructuring Node appWeb server and web applicationCreate Express web servers and APIsUnderstand the JavaScript and technical concepts behind NodeJSUnderstand the Event EmitterUnderstand Buffers, Streams, and PipesUnderstand how the MEAN stack worksStore data with Mongoose and MongoDBUse cutting-edge ES6/ES7 JavaScriptUse npm and manage node packagesNode.js developmentWordPress Development With NodeJS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to build share code between the browser and the backend? Are you wondering how to do several things at the same time? Do you think you will feel proud using many APIs suitable for backend development Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all NodeJS developer, MEAN stack developers, web developers and anyone looking to build applications with Node, Express & MongoDB. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Have Strong NodeJS Skills? Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong NodeJS Skills: 1. You will build real-time applications. 2. You will build a web server. 3. You will understand how the MEAN stack works. 4. You will do web development with NodeJS. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Oracle PL/SQL Database Administration: 11g/12c DBA Developer"
"PL/SQL is a procedural language designed specifically to embrace SQL statements within its syntax. The program units are compiled by the Oracle Database server and stored inside the database. An application that uses Oracle Database is worthless unless only correct and complete data is persisted. This approach is generally called the thick database paradigm, but if you are not familiar with Oracle PL/SQL, you will miss the opportunity to have proper code management.What if you could change that? My complete PL/SQL course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to work with Oracle database, build stored procedures, implement system event triggers and declare PL/SQL variables. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Oracle PL/SQL Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Oracle PL/SQL, know types of PL/SQL program units, use the nested program blocks, work with the triggers, create and maintaining packages, work with stored procedures & functions, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss great trades. As what Jim Highsmith, an American software engineer and author of books, says The best way to get a project done faster is to start sooner. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Oracle PL/SQL Training, You'll Learn: Types Of Pl/SQL Program UnitsUnderstanding The Language FeaturesStructure Of A Program BlockUsing The Nested Program BlocksSoftware Development, Web DevelopmentStandard FunctionsWorking With The TriggersCreating The Different Types Of TriggerApplying Triggers, System Event Triggers Within An ApplicationMaintaining The Database TriggersCreating And Maintaining PackagesThe Cursor & Advanced Cursor TechniquesStored Procedures & Functions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want organized code management? Are you wondering how you can implement changes easily? Do you understand what it takes to have better performance? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all Application designers and developers, SQL Developer, Database administrators, and anyone looking to learn PL/SQL. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Oracle PL/SQL? Let Me Show You Why To Master Oracle PL/SQL: 1. You will work with Oracle database. 2. You will build stored procedures. 3. You will implementing system event triggers. 4. You will declare PL/SQL variables. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Ruby Programming For Beginners: Coding, RSpec & Development"
"Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, and imperative. Ruby also has a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. If you are not familiar with Ruby programming, you will miss the opportunity to code in the Ruby programming language and solve popular coding challenges with Ruby.What if you could change that? My complete Ruby course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build programs in Ruby, create custom algorithms, work with the Ruby syntax and work with loops and iterators. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Ruby Programming Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Ruby, know Ruby on Rails, use the Rails application console, use Embedded Ruby (ERB) syntax, explore active record techniques, know domain modeling, do loops in Ruby and know basic programming in OOP, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss creating great programs in Ruby. As what Linus Torvalds, a Finnish-American software engineer who is the creator of the Linux kernel, says Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Ruby Training, You'll Learn: Rails, Breadth-FirstRuby on RailsThe Model/View/Controller (MVC) architectureRuby Skills and ToolsRunning Ruby ProgramsIRB (Interactive Ruby)Loops in RubyObjects and MethodsMessages and methodsDomain Modeling and Active RecordActive Record OverviewDomain Modeling, Ruby, and RailsProgramming the DomainCreating the Database TablesCustomizing the Boilerplate MigrationsAlternative Migration SyntaxThe Rails Application ConsoleRouting and ResponsesUsing Embedded Ruby (ERB) SyntaxExploring Active Record TechniquesBasic programming concepts in OOP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to build programs in the Ruby language? Are you wondering how can you create custom algorithms and work with the Ruby syntax? Do you know how to run Ruby programs and create databases tables? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all developers, programmers, web designers and anyone looking to master Ruby. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Ruby? Let Me Show You Why To Master Ruby: 1. You will build programs in Ruby. 2. You will create custom algorithms. 3. You will work with the Ruby syntax. 4. You will work with loops and iterators. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Spring Framework, Hibernate & Java: Oracle, Database & MySQL"
"The Spring Framework is an application framework and inversion of control container for the Java platform. The framework's core features can be used by any Java application. Although the framework does not impose any specific programming model, it has become popular in the Java community, it includes several modules that provide a range of services, but if you dont master Spring Framework, you will miss the opportunity to build web applications? What if you could change that? My complete Spring Framework course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to develop a full CRUD app with Hibernate, write unit tests with XML, Java application contexts, build web applications and do programming. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Spring Framework Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Spring Framework, know Aspect Oriented Programming, Set Up Spring Environment, use the Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup, configure data sources, execute SQL and DDL statements, know Autowiring modes and constructor, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss working with the Spring Framework. As what Donald Knuth, an American computer scientist, mathematician, and professor, says Everyday life is like programming, I guess. If you love something you can put beauty into it. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Spring Framework Training, You'll Learn: Aspect Oriented ProgrammingSetting Up Spring EnvironmentJava Development Kit (JDK) SetupInstallation of Apache Common Logging APIEclipse IDE SetupThe Necessary IOC, BeanFactory & Application ContainerThe Application Context ContainerThe Singleton and Prototype Bean ScopeBean & Life CycleInitialization & Destruction CallbacksDefault Initialization And Destroy MethodsDependency InjectionInjecting Inner Beans & ReferencesAutowiring Modes & ConstructorJDBC FrameworkConfiguring Data SourcesData Access ObjectExecuting SQL and DDL StatementsLocal and Global TransactionsProgrammatic and Declarative, Transaction ManagementLogging with LOG4JJakarta Commons Logging (JCL) API------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to develop a full CRUD app with Hibernate? Are you wondering how to write unit tests with XML, Java application contexts? Do you know how to build web applications? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all Java Developers, programmers, coders and anyone looking to master Spring Framework. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Spring Framework? Let Me Show You Why To Master Spring Framework: 1. You will develop a full CRUD app with Hibernate. 2. You will write unit tests with XML, Java application contexts. 3. You will build web applications. 4. You will do programming. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Figure Drawing Course: Character Design, Sketching & Anatomy"
"Figure drawing is a drawing of the human form in any of its various shapes and postures. A ""life drawing"" is a drawing of the human figure from observation of a live model and knowing how to do figure drawing is important for figure and character artists, but if you dont master figure drawing, you will miss the opportunity to draw awesome figures and characters. What if you could change that? My complete Figure Drawing course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to draw figures, draw human face & body, do poses & movements and know human anatomy. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Kali Linux Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Figure Drawing, draw the human figure, know interior makeup, draw skin, fat and clothes, drawing figures of different sexes, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss creating great art. As what Henri Matisse, a French artist, says Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Figure Drawing Training, You'll Learn: Draw The Human FigureWhat Can We Learn From Drawing The Human Figure?Interior MakeupLearning Human AnatomyThe SkeletonMuscles And Internal OrgansExternal MakeupDrawing Skin And Fat.Drawing Head, Hair, Hands, Face And FeetDrawing ClothesPose And MovementBuilding A Perfect FigureThe Way A Figure Moves Or Doesn't MoveDrawing Figures Of Different SexesObservation Of Real LifeBeing Independent Of Outside InfluencesImportance Of Figure Drawing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to draw figures and characters? Are you afraid of not drawing good characters? Do you think you will feel proud drawing awesome figures and characters? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all the sketch artist, character designers, graphic artists, people loving art and anyone looking to become great at figure drawing. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Figure Drawing? Let Me Show You Why To Draw Great Figures and Characters: 1. You will draw figures. 2. You will draw human face & body. 3. You will do poses & movements. 4. You will know human anatomy. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Big Data, Hadoop & Apache Spark: Analytics, Pig & MapReduce"
"Big data is data sets that are so voluminous and complex that traditional data processing application software are inadequate to deal with them. There are five dimensions to big data known as Volume, Variety, Velocity and the recently added Veracity and Value. Analysis of data sets can find new correlations to spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on, but if you dont master business intelligence, you will miss the opportunity to give value to businesses. What if you could change that? My complete Big Data course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to design systems that manage big data, create scripts to process data, frame big data analysis problems and develop codes in Scala. You will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Big Data Skills Will Be Much Easier. Except if youre an expert at Big Data, reutilizing of the Hadoop framework comfortably, nesting big data using map reduce, configure Pig analysis based on NoSQL schema, do development of big data analysis codes, analyze relational data and perform Big data MapReduce operations on web application, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss working with big data. As what Atul Butte, a biotechnology entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, says Hiding within those mounds of data is knowledge that could change the life of a patient, or change the world. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Big Data Training, You'll Learn: Design distributed systems of Big dataReutilizing of the Hadoop framework comfortablyRelational development based on SQL performancesHadoop analytical applications system designCreating Hadoop analytical queries(HDFS)Nesting big data using map reduce Managing clustering of data using sparks comfortably(YARN)learn how to create the running query to ensure flow part of the equationConfiguring Pig analysis based on NoSQL schemaCreating, dropping and Understanding Hadoop big data databasesConstructing analytical Ooze Hadoop queries (Oozie)Arithmetic concept of designingMapReduce analysis using different toolDevelopment of big data analysis codesSchematic archiving Big data systems (streaming)Analysis relational dataHadoop software connectivity and compatibility to the system(pigs)Analytical Hadoop system interface feature design (social networks)Publication of big data to your Hadoop cluster applicationsPerforming Big data MapReduce operations on web applicationAlgorithms website structures------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to design systems that manage big data? Are you afraid of looking at big data? Do you think you will feel proud creating scripts to process data? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all software engineers, programmers, Data analysts, database administrators and anyone looking to become great at big data. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Big Data? Let Me Show You Why To Master Big Data: 1. You will design systems that manage big data. 2. You will create scripts to process data. 3. You will frame big data analysis problems. 4. You will develop codes in Scala. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Microsoft Access, SQL: Visual Basic, Database Administration"
"Microsoft Access is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Microsoft Access stores data in its own format. Software developers, data architects and power users can use Microsoft Access to develop application software, but if you dont master database designing and management, you will miss the opportunity to create databases designs or manage data properly.What if you could change that? My complete Microsoft Access course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to use the major objects, build effective database, generate reports and navigate the Access interface. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Microsoft Access Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at database design, create tables and relationships, sort information and run queries, know access through visual basic, deal with trees and networks, use the statements and declarations, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even design databases. As what Bill Gates, the principal founder of the Microsoft Corporation, says ""Microsoft is not about greed. It's about innovation and fairness."" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Microsoft Access Training, You'll Learn: How To Create A Database In Access Creating More Tables And Relationships Look-Up Fields, Enumeration Type How To Deal With Trees And Networks The Access-Based User Interfaces Forms And Simple Controls Subforms Bound, Unbound And Computed Controls Tab Controls, Option Groups, Menus Queries- Computed Tables, Handling Null Values, Query With User Criteria Access Through Visual Basic Visual Basic Tools Command Buttons And Forms Record Sets (DAO), Modes And Menu Functions Visual Basic Reference The Statements And Declarations Constants And Addresses Operators, Conversion And Other Functions Display Formats And Regional Settings Access And SQL Action Queries- CRUD With SQL UNION Query Subqueries (EXISTS, IN, ANY, ALL) Multiple Joint, Matrix And Dynamic Matrix Presentation Crosstab And Matrix Presentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to learn use the major objects? Are you wondering how to build effective database? Do you understand how to generate reports? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all new Microsoft Access users, database administrator, programmers, IT responsible and anyone looking to master Microsoft Access. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Microsoft Access? Let Me Show You Why To Master Microsoft Access: 1. You will use the major objects. 2. You will build effective database. 3. You will generate reports. 4. You will navigate the Access interface. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 00% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Go Programming Language (Golang): Kubernetes & Programming"
"Go (often referred to as golang) is a programming language. The compiler and other language tools originally developed by Google are all free and open source, but if you dont master project management, you will miss the opportunity to manage project. What if you could change that? My complete Go Programming course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build concurrent programs, learn the best practices for programming, create web applications and configure the Go development environment. You will get hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Go Programming Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Go Programming, know the features of Go Programming, do local environment setup, executing a Go program, know mixed variable declaration in Go, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master Go Programming. As what Samuel Tesla, a Senior Software Engineer, says Go is not meant to innovate programming theory. Its meant to innovate programming practice. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Go Programming Training, You'll Learn: Features of Go ProgrammingFeatures Excluded Intentionally Compiling and Executing Go Programs Try it Option Online Local Environment Setup Text Editor The Go Compiler Installation on UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X, FreeBSD & Windows Executing a Go Program Tokens in Go Line Separator, Comments, Identifiers, Keywords Whitespace in Go Scalar, Integer, Floating-Point, The Boolean, The Character & Compound Types Variable Definition in Go Static Type Declaration in Go Dynamic Type Declaration / Type Inference in Go Mixed Variable Declaration in Go The lvalues and the rvalues in Go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to build concurrent programs? Are you wondering how to learn the best practices for programming? Do you understand how to create web applications? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all programmers, Software Engineer, Web developers and anyone looking to master Go Programming. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Project Management? Let Me Show You Why To Master Project Management: 1. You will build concurrent programs. 2. You will learn the best practices for programming. 3. You will create web applications. 4. You will configure the Go development environment. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Project & Risk Management: Microsoft Project & Leadership"
"Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time. In practice, the management of such distinct production approaches requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies, but if you dont master project management, you will miss the opportunity to manage project. What if you could change that? My complete Project Management course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to use Microsoft Project, improve project management skills, initiate projects and monitor and control the project activities. For less than a movie ticket, you will gethours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :) What Is In This Course? Your Project ManagementSkills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Project Management, develop skills in project scheduling, Compare and contrast the project management process groups, Oversee the project execution and Close out a phase or a project, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master Project Management. As what Denis Waitley, an American motivational speaker, writer and consultant, says ""Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised."" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. InThis Project Management Training, You'll Learn: Learn How To Use Microsoft Project. Gain Project Management Knowledge. Improve Project Management Skills. Develop Skills In Project Scheduling. Learn The Art And Science Of Managing Projects With Microsoft Project Compare And Contrast The Project Management Process Groups Explain What A Project Is (And Is Not) Explain How To Initiate A Project Work With The Project Team To Plan A Project Oversee The Project Execution Monitor And Control The Project Activities Close Out A Phase Or A Project Define The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Successful Project Manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to use Microsoft Project? Are you wondering how to improve project management skills? Do you understand how to initiate projects? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all project managers, business development managers, engineers and anyone looking to master Project Management. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Project Management? Let Me Show YouWhy To Master Project Management: 1. You will use Microsoft Project. 2. You will improve project management skills. 3. You will initiate projects. 4. You will monitor and control the project activities. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Linux Shell Scripting & Command Line: UNIX Red Hat & Ubuntu"
"A command-line interface or command language interpreter (CLI), also known as command-line user interface, console user interface and character user interface (CUI), is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines, but if you dont master Command Line, you will miss the opportunity to write shell scripts. What if you could change that? My complete Command Line course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to write shell scripts, automate tasks, command options and create you own Linux commands. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your Command LineSkills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Command Line, use the Command line Interface, know Basic bash Shell Commands, Use Linux Environment Variables, do Basic Script Building, Create Functions and Use Databases, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master Command Line. As what Jamie Zawinski, an American computer programmer, says I think Linux is a great thing, in the big picture. It's a great hacker's tool, and it has a lot of potential to become something more. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. InThis Command Line Training, You'll Learn: Command line InterfaceOperating system command-line interfacesBasic bash Shell CommandsUsing Linux Environment VariablesShell Scripting BasicsBasic Script BuildingUse Structured CommandsHandling User InputAdvanced Shell ScriptingCreate FunctionsAdd Colour to ScriptsKnow Regular ExpressionsAlternative Linux ShellsThe ash Shell, the tcsh Shell, the Korn Shell and The zsh ShellAdvanced TopicsUsing a DatabaseThe cURL ProgramShell Scripts for Administrators------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to write shell scripts? Are you wondering how to automate tasks? Do you understand how to use command options? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to All IT Professionals, Engineers, Network Engineers and anyone looking to master Command Line. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Command Line? Let Me Show YouWhy To Master Command Line: 1. You will write shell scripts. 2. You will automate tasks. 3. You will use command options. 4. You will create you own Linux commands. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Unlocking The Tarot"
"Are you interested in learning the tarot but feel a little overwhelmed and dont really know where to begin? Then this course is for you! Learn the basics of reading tarot cards, broken down into easy lessons.In this self-paced course you will learn:The difference between tarot and oracle cardsHow to choose a deckHow and when to cleanse your cardsHow to store your cardsHow to shuffle and draw cardsThe proper way to ask questionsBasic card spreadsHow to use your intuition to read the cardsTools to help amp up your readingsBasic card meaningsHow to continue your tarot educationHow to gain confidence in reading*Bonus lesson: Reading Reversed CardsThis course contains both video lessons and PDF downloads.Here are what some former students have to say about this course:Unlocking the Tarot was a pleasure to engage with at the end of day with a brief video and some time to play with the cards. I truly appreciate being coached through the tarot from the beginning of the process BEFORE you even pull a cardLearning something new can be daunting but being told do what feels good for you was so comforting and made it fun and relatable. -KateThank you so much for putting together a great course for tarot newbies like me! I could tell that you genuinely cared that your students understood your material. Your videos made it feel like a one on one session. Love your energy and how authentic you are! -Michelle"
Price: 69.99

"English For Beginners - Conversation, Pronunciation, Grammar"
"Welcome to TheEnglish For Beginners Course.The main goal of the course is ""Immediate Communication"".This course is designed to help absolute beginners or false beginners improve their English skills.The main focus of the course is:GrammarVocabularyPronunciationConversationAfter completing the course you will be able to interact with other English speakersin a simple and basic way. Talk about yourself, your family, your routine, your job, likes and dislikes, etc...Don't forget to leave a ""Positive Review"" whenyou finish the courseand improve your English!"
Price: 49.99

"Pre-Intermediate English Course"
"Welcome to the Pre-Intermediate EnglishCourse!The main goal of the course is to help improve your level of English.This course is designed to help beginners improve their English skills, and become Pre-Intermediate Learners.The main focus of the courseis:Grammar,Vocabulary PronunciationConversationAfter completing the course, you will be able to interact with other English speakersmore efficiently than a beginner student. Talk about your last vacation, trip, week. Give and ask for directions, quantify things, etc...I'll be adding practice activities soon!Stay tunned for updates! I usually update Monthly. Don't forget to leave a ""Positive Review"" if like the course and improve your English!"
Price: 39.99

"Implementing Redux in a real-life React application"
"The course teaches how to use React.js, how to install and set it up on a React [Native] application and also to use Immutable.js to manage state correctly. The course alsoshines a light on many aspects in this presumably easyscenario, including javascript, ES6 modules, npm package management, webpack bundling, debugging React errors, understanding React internals,managing state, writing stores, and much more."
Price: 19.99

"Karate Lessons For Kids"
"Step by step instructions on every technique. Wewill be going over the drills and fixing your technique together one step, 1 drill, 1 rep at a time.Follow along with me for an amazing martial lesson that you can do as afamily together.If you have kids, do this course with them."
Price: 99.99

"LumaFusion Ver 2+ for Beginners"
"Learn all the features you need to create engaging video content wether for sharing with friends and family or for professional use.Learn how to create your own video creations on the go using the most popular mobile video editor: Luma Fusion.Basic features of Luma FusionHow to use these features in your video projectsPractical usage of Luma Fusion in the go editingTips and Tricks on how to get the most out of your mobile editingEdit videos like a professional without needing professional equipmentLearn how to use Luma Fusion as well as the fundamentals of creating a good video using nothing more than a iOS device and Luma Fusion. Luma Fusion is used by many professionals and amateur creators around the world for powerful on-the-go editing. I does not matter if you are a seasoned reporter doing a story in a foreign country or a family member creating engaging holiday videos, you can do it all with the software.Content and OverviewSuitable for anyone who has the desire to learn to use both this software and how to create engaging video projects. You do not need any prior knowledge on this subject but a basic knowledge of how to use your chosen iOS device.You will learn all the skills needed to get going creating right away as well as the flexibility of Luma Fusion. Opening many possibilities for creative expression using video as your tool.We will also go through some practical work so that you can see the actual usage of some of the features you have learned. I will also be adding new content to the course as new features are added to Luma Fusion so that this will be a tool to stay current with Luma Fusion and its capabilities."
Price: 19.99

"Loopback, Angular 5, Ionic 3: Build Web and Mobile Apps"
"This course is based on Loopback 3,Angular 5, Ionic.Create Full StackWeb and MobileApplications with Angular, Ionic and NodeJS LoopbackYou will learn how to:LoopBackUsing CLICreating ModelsUsing ExplorerAdding New Properties to existing ModelsConnecting to MongoDB / DatasourceAdding RelationshipsAuthentication / ACLFiltering DataAdding Custom Endpoints with Remote MethodsValidating DataAngularUsing CLIInstalling Angular MaterialCreating Components/ServicesServer-Side PaginationMobile Compatible UIwith Flex LayoutMaking HTTP requestsCRUD operationsJWT AuthenticationUsing Local StorageServer Side ValidationGuardsIonicUsing CLICreating PagesCreating ProvidersLazy Loading PagesInfinite Scroll / Sever-Side PaginationMaking HTTP requestsCRUD operationsJWTAuthenticationUsing Local StorageServer-Side ValidationTheming Applicationmuch more ...!"
Price: 49.99

"Wordpress Rest API and Ionic 4 (Angular) App With Auth"
"In this course, we'll go through the following topics,Set up the Wordpress on our local machine and install the JWT Authentication plugin.Walkthrough Wordpress REST API using PostmanCreating custom post type in WordPress and expose its Rest endpointsSetup Ionic framework to use with our Wordpress Rest APIShowing Quotes from the Wordpress Rest API custom endpoint and add details pageAuthenticate a user using the Wordpress Rest APICreating new Quote as the logged-in userUpdating and Deleting the specific quote using the Rest API"
Price: 49.99

"Let's Speak Italian: An overview on basic Italian language"
"After this course you will be curious to learn more about the Italian phonetic system, the grammatical structures and all the communication skills that you will need to learn to speak Italian perfectly.This quick overview, which reviews the main topics from level A0 or of literacy, to level A1 or elementary, will serve you as a springboard to plunge 100% in learning Italian.If you are now approaching to the study of the italian language, this is the right course for you. When you start studying a new language, its important, first of all, lay the foundation for a good communication, to be autonomous in the contexts of everyday life.This is the reason why I concentrated on the main topics and vocabulary, inserting few grammatical rules.The study of grammar, in fact, however important, in my opinion is a next step, which can be undertaken in detail by those who already have a basic knowledge of the language.And remember...This is just the beginning! So, if you have any doubt please write me soon and I'll be happy to clarify each of them!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Guitar Today"
"Hi fellow guitarists around the globe!I decided to create this service based on the feedback and all the questions I get on my YouTube page.Guitar lessons via Skype!My name is Juca Nery and Im a Portuguese musician, songwriter, guitarist and mixing engineer.The most important task for me is not only teach people how to play guitar, improvise and create their own compositions, but also how to setup things properly!Im talking about guitar amps, guitar amp sims, sound cards, software, guitars and pickups, etc.I see many people struggling with basic setups and although theres many videos on How To, many are misleading or they just dont have the answer to your question! So, I will give you detailed information on how to get the best tone out of your gear in a private, comfortable guitar class.Learn to improvise! Play with your heart! Dont let people put you down in any circumstance!We all started with a blank canvas!Theres no secret formula! You just have to practice and never give up!Nowadays my practice routine is to jam over as many backing tracks as possible because they are all in different keys and thats one of the best ways to master your fretboard!I used to do the same back when the internet was not an option, and I didnt know any scales! So I turned the radio on and I made melodies to whatever was playing in just one stringIm a self taught guitar player. I had my frustrations but I never gave up because I LOVE to play the guitar!So if I did it, you can also do it! Period.My classes are divided into two time periods. 30 minutes or one hour.For prices and availability please email me @ jucanery@me.comI also offer the first lesson!!! YES, 30 free minutes to play guitar and talk about everything guitar!Each session I will give you all the tabs that you need to practice.Want to learn a song? Thats also included!!!So feel free to contact me for more details!Best regardsJucaNery"
Price: 24.99

"Plano de Ao: Funil de Vendas em 7 Dias"
"Neste min-treinamento voc vai descobrir o segredos de um processo de vendas online. Este processo conhecido como funil de vendas e possui 3 etapas:1 - Atrair: Quando voc atrai clientes potenciais para o seu processo de vendas.2 - Engajar: Quando voc inicia um relacionamento com este cliente potencial levando ele a se interessar por saber mais sobre o que voc fala e vende.3 - Converter: Etapa final do processo onde voc consegue levar ele a adquirir seu produto ou servio.Todo este processo explicado detalhadamente neste treinamento.O ponto aqui voc entender que o processo de funil de vendas pode ser aplicado a qualquer negcio, se voc entender como ele funciona, voc ser capaz de entender qualquer processo de vendas na internet e criar seus prprios funis.A verdade que a maioria das pessoas pensam que vender na internet s mostrar o produto, mas muito longe disso, antes de uma pessoa esta pronta para comprar ela passa por vrias fases, e o segredo est em voc conhecer estas fases para atrair pessoas antes mesmo de elas estarem prontas para comprar.Assim voc quem vai prepar-las para a compra e na hora de comprar em voc que elas vo confiar para solicitar ajuda para resolver seus problemas. nessa hora que acontece a venda!Se voc apenas oferece seu produto sem realizar um processo inteligente de atrao e engajamento, o que vai acontecer que as pessoas que chegarem at voc provavelmente j tero passado por todo o processo com o seu concorrente, por isso ser muito difcil ela optar por comprar de voc e no do seu concorrente que que a conscientizou do seu problema atravs do processo de vendas de funil com as etapas acima.Segue abaixo mais alguns detalhes:Treinamento em vdeo aulas explicativas sobre o processo.Incluindo aula bnus + planilha para gerenciamento de Facebook Ads.Conhea todos as tarefas necessrias para criar o processo de vendas perfeito para seu negcio.Mais vendas. Entenda como funciona um funil de vendas perfeito e quais os segredos para aumentar as suas vendas exponencialmente.Este um mini-treinamento no formato PLANO DE AO com 12 vdeo-aulas onde voc vai aprender sobre... Persona  Porque importante voc conhecer a sua persona e como definir a sua. Produtos  Como definir a oferta do seu produto e validar de forma que voc saiba que vai vender. Im Digital  Tipos de im digital que so muitos fceis de serem produzidos, como produzir um e como validar seu im. Pginas do seu funil  quais pginas voc precisa, quais os elementos essenciais que elas precisam conter para vender seu produto, e qual template ideal para cada fase do seu funil. Automao de e-mails  O que necessrio para que o seu funil funcione automaticamente. Facebook Ads  Como funciona e cuidados que voc precisa ter com sua conta para no ser bloqueado. Aula bnus + planilha para gesto de anncios. Manuteno do Funil  Dicas de como analisar, testar e otimizar seu funil de vendas para aumentar as suas taxas de converso em leads e clientes todos os dias."
Price: 54.99

"Diving into Data: SQL"
"Our course isdesigned to equipMBAs &professionalswith the skills required toextractdata from relationaldatabases. Most importantly, students will learnhow to use data to bring insight into their decision making processthrough the lens ofcommercial problems faced byleading e-commerce businesses.To assist in your learning,you will gainaccess to our very own:Simulated webstore havingthe same functionalityas alle-commerce businesses.Rich databaseof customer &product information that you'll be able to browse.SQLplatformto take what you've learned &turn that into your very own SQLcode."
Price: 99.99

"Project Schedule Compression and Financial Techniques"
"Section 1 -Are you having problems completing your projects at specified times?Are your projects delayed?Do you have to finish your projects in a shorter time due to reasons such as throwing end dates, customer pressure and competitive environment?In the developing competitive environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to complete the projects on time due to repressive time objectives.In order to achieve the desired time during the planning process, continuous checks on the execution processes and the completion of the remaining works on time should be done.Duration compression techniques should consider cost of the project to create correct and appropriate solutions.Section 2 -We have brought together the topics that are curious about the feasibility study, which is the starting point of Project Management, in this training.What are the steps from an idea to a project?How do companies decide on their investments?How can you evaluate an idea whether it is profitable or not?Financial Mathematics is working behind all these questions and compared to the cost of the project and the time taken from the project.Let us find the answers to these questions together in our training."
Price: 149.99

"Hayatmz Proje - Proje Ynetimi Bavuru Kayna"
"Bu ders programnda proje ynetimi hakknda temel bilgileri alacak ve projelerinizi planlarken ve ynetirken kullanabileceiniz pratik bilgiler elde edeceksiniz. Bu eitimin ieriini hazrlarken referans aldmz kaynak kendi yazdmz;Hayatmz Proje:Proje Yneticisinin El Kitab adl kitap olmutur.Bu kursu alan kiiler proje ynetimi hakkndan en temel bilgileri bulacaktr. Bunlar zetle;* Kavramlar* Proje Ynetimi Paydalar* Organizasyon Yaplar* Sreler* Bilgi Alanlar"
Price: 409.99