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"PMP Exam Questions - PMBOK6 - Guide Aligned"
"To reach the success on PMPExam, you need to understand framework of project management, process interactions, formulas of Earned Value Analysis andunderstand how to commentthe results.In addition, you should understand the role and responsibility of eachstakeholders, especially project manager.If you have participated any PMPPreparation course, you should know the terms and PMI's methodology. Now, you need to solve enough questions to succeed in PMPExam."
Price: 149.99

"Trke PMP Sorular (50 Adet)"
"Bu setteki sorular zerek, Proje Ynetimi Kariyerinizde  nemli bir atm olacaksnz. Eer kariyerinizde PMP Sertifikas hedefi varsa etim ieriklerimizle size yardmc olmaktan mutluluk duyarz. PMP snav 2010 ylndan bu yana Trke de yaplmaktadr. lkemizde deeri her geen gn artan PMP sertifikas irketlerin Proje Ynetimi Ofisleri iin arad bir sertifikadr. Proje yneticilerinin kariyer geliiminde ok etkilidir ve proje ynetimi zerinde ortak bir dil ve metot oluturmay hedefler.PMP Sertifikas yolculuunuzda baarlar dileriz."
Price: 49.99

"Trke PMP Hazrlk Sorular - PMBOK-6 Uyumlu"
"PMPSnav iin ok ama ok fazla soru zmeniz gerekmektedir.PMBOK-6 iin hazrladmz bu set Trke PMPSnavna alanlar iin esiz bir ierie sahiptir. stanbul Kurumsal Geliim, eitmenleri tarafndan PMBOK-6 referans alnarak hazrlanm ve her sorunun PMBOK-6'daki sayfa numaras da sorunun aklama ksmna eklenmitir.Bylece amacmz soru zerek, renmenizi kolaylatrmaktr."
Price: 299.99

"Proje Portfy Ynetimi"
"1. blmde Portfy Ynetimine ilikin tanmlar, prensipler, rol ve sorumluluklar yer almaktadr.2. blmde Portfy YaamDngs (Balang, Planlama, Yrtme, Optimizasyon, zleme&Kontrol) sreleri, nelerin yaplmas gerektii ile ilgili detaylca aklanmaktadr.3. blmde ""Doru eyi yapyor muyuz?"" sorusunun yant Portfy Stratejik Ynetimi bal altnda aklanmaktadr. st Ynetimin balatt giriimlerin, stratejik dnme ile ele alnmasnn nemi ve organizasyonun stratejik hedeflerine ulamak iin izleyecei yol Portfy Stratejik Ynetimi bal altndaaklanmaktadr.4. Blmde ynetim ile ynetiim arasndaki farklar, ynetiime ilikin prensipler, tm paydalar ilgilendiren konulardaynetiim erevesinin oluturulmas ile ilgili prensiplerPortfy Ynetiimi bal altnda aklanmaktadr.5. Blmde portfy baars iin organizasyonun kaynak kapasite ve yeterliliklerinin portfyn ihtiya duyduu kapasite ve yeterlilikler ile karlanmas, bu konuda dikkat edilmesi gerekenler Portfy Kapasite ve Yeterlilik Ynetimi bal altnda aklanmaktadr.6. Blmde portfye atanm snrlk kaynaklarn desteinin salanmas ve paydalarla iletiim konusunda dikkat edilmesi gereken prensipler Payda Katlmn Salama bal altnda aklanmaktadr.7. Blmde portfye yaplan yatrmn, organizasyonel stratejide bahsedilen ve beklenendeeriretmesi,deerin en st seviyeye karlmas, gerekletirilmesi, llmesi ve raporlanmas konular Portfy Deer Ynetimi bal altnda aklanmaktadr.8. Blmde organizasyonun strateji ve i modelinde portfyn baarya ulamasnn nndeki risklerin tanmlanmas, analiz edimesi,dengelenmesi ve yant planlarnn oluturulmas Portfy Risk Ynetimi bal altnda aklanmaktadr.9. Blmde Portfy Ynetiminde bahsi geen ara ve teknikler anlatlmaktadr.Anlatan: Sava AKAR"
Price: 119.99

"PMP Question Set 3 x 200"
"This exam set covers600 questionswith3 sets.If you reallywant to pass PMPExamination, you should understand PMBOK 6th edition and solve manyquestions as possible.Approximately, 600 - 800 questions need to be reviewed before the exam.In these exam sets, the answers referred to PMBOK 6th Edition with explanation (not for all the questions) but do not hesitate to ask any question to the instructor."
Price: 409.99

"Living as A Whole Human Being"
"""Truth is not a destination - it is not a point in the future which you reach through discipline and efforts. Truth is the path itself you walk on everyday, driven by unbiased, naive curiosity for knowing - not believing, but knowing."" - Abhijit NaskarAbhijit Naskar is the idea of one humanity that has become a mirror for all humans to see themselves without prejudices, without biases, without the conformities of the society. Over and over again, this celebrated Neuroscientist and Thinker of twenty-first centuryhas stated that liberty is his religion, and the humans are his god. In this course, he takes us on the journey of understanding this liberty with a naive eye. He profoundly proclaims that this ultimate liberty is not attained through a certain ideology or a label of intellectualism - in fact, it is not something to be attained at all, rather it is manifested within ourselves. Naskar reminds us, that this freedomis the gateway to a truly harmonious and peaceful world where there can be no war or any conflict whatsoever, either internal or external. In this freedomhumanity discovers the truth that it so obsessively seeks in various ideologies. In this freedom lies true salvation for humanity. This course gives us a push in perceptionto become a whole, liberated human being with no loyalty to any labelwhatsoever."
Price: 94.99

"Learn How To Create VFX Smoke Monster"
"Have you ever wanted to do your ownShort Film maybe movie for your channel YouTube or anything this Tutorial well help you to know a lot of stuff about VFX stating from choosing your character and animation also the stop smoke techniques until the final step wish is composition and color grading"
Price: 19.99

"Thinking Freely"
"In this course, students will examine the powerful spiritual connection between thoughts and success in life.We will discover the origin of negative thoughts, and the power that they have to stop us from being our best selves. What's more, students will learn practical strategies to eliminate negative thoughts so that they are able to Think Freely!"
Price: 24.99

"ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!"
"If you have spent anytime coding in JavaScript, you have heard about ES6, ECMAScript, or ES2015. Maybe it was an obnoxious co-worker trying to put you down, another Udemy course keeps mentioning it, or you saw it on a StackOverflow answer. If you're not familiar with it, or are still wondering what the difference is between ECMAScript and Javascript, it's the update that occurred in 2015 and subsequent years. Considering the history of JavaScript (which started in 1995), there wasnoupdate between 2000 and 2008, then again after that from 2008 until 2015, ECMAScript 2015 it is a BIGdeal. It modernizes JavaScript.Smaller, but still important changes were released in ES7 (2016) and ES8 (2017).Iwill take you through all the changes, one at a time inamodular approach. This means that you can do chapters as needed, out of order, etc. withoutserious issues.There is a significanthistory lesson in order to place JavaScript and ECMAScriptin context and we'll docomparisons to other languages so you get a feel for why certain things were added or changed. I also do frequent comparisons between JavaScript and other languages like C, Java, andPython. You do NOTneed to know these languages to appreciate the nuances; they are simply helpful at understanding the reasons behind the ECMAScript standard, JavaScript, and update.Iam still adding challenges for the various sections. Challenges that are already in, are in all caps (i.e., CHALLENGE)and are a great way to apply and practice! This course will challenge your JavaScript as you learn many new features, but also as you learn how JavaScript and ECMAScript relates to other languages (C, Java, etc.).Course LayoutIntroES6 Easy WinsClassesArray ChangesMap Constructor and Weak MapSet Constructor and Weak SetPromisesES8 (Async)Proxy Constructor and Reflect ObjectGenerators and iterators"
Price: 59.99

"Keras Deep Learning"
"(ANN) , , . . Keras . .Deep Learning is a field of machine learning that is based on artificial neural networks (ANN).Various depth learning techniques are applied to computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, voice / signal processing, etc., and show cutting-edge results.This course is an introductory Deep Learning course, which introduces the essentials for understanding deep running and conducts programming exercises using Keras. You can learn the basics to fully understand and apply."
Price: 49500.00

"Practical SQL Bootcamp for Data Analysts and Data Scientists"
"Master One of the Most In-demand Skills for Data Analysts in 2019!This guided bootcamp will take absolute beginners through the basics of SQL to an ability to write queries with confidence. Nowadays, with so many companies relying on big data analytics for decision-making, analysts with good SQL skills are some of the most sought after by employers. Whether you're in marketing, operations or finance, this course will help you gain lots of practice and confidence in your SQL skills.The Practical SQL Bootcamp for Data Analysts and Data Scientists course is a step-by-step guide to learning the fundamental SQL commands commonly used by analysts and future data scientists in their day-to-day tasks. The course walks you through each SQL command, provides examples for applying such command in typical query that analysts use in their day-to-day job and then allows you to apply or test what you've learned through exercises and challenges. New Bonuses available: SUPER BONUS 1: SQL Oral Interview Test Prep QuestionsSUPER BONUS 2: SQL Technical Written Interview Prep QuestionsWho is this course for?Absolute beginners in SQL can take this course You'll go from not knowing anything about SQL to being someone ready for SQL technical interview and confident with their SQL skills. Most business or data analyst and data scientist positions will test your SQL skills, so this course will equip you with the essential skills you need for your job!Aspiring business analysts, data analysts or data scientistsThis course is for students who are aspiring to be analysts. You'll learn the essential commands used by actual business analysts, data analysts or data scientists in their day-to-day jobs.  You will be doing a lot of data manipulation and analysis!Those who want to learn PostgreSQL! PostgreSQL is arguably the most advanced and powerful open-source enterprise class relational database system. It's also free! A lot of companies use PostgreSQL. The commands that you will learn in this course do apply to other relational databases as well such as MySQL.What this course is NOT?The course is not going to teach you how to create a database or how to manage database. If you find yourself in tutorials talking about things like: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, INSERTING DATA, etc. --- you've gone down the wrong rabbit hole! These tasks are usually done by engineers and database administrators ---- not analysts or data scientists.  Pick tutorials that are geared towards DATA ANALYSIS.Ok, you'll learn how to code using SQL and at the same time learn how to think critically when analyzing data!By the end of the course, you'll learn how to:Retrieve data from specific tablesFilter rows or get the desired observations for your analysisAdvanced filter functions that include pattern matchingLimit the output to a number of rows rather than show the full datasetOrder or sort the output based on desired columnsBe able to join multiple tables together to get the needed attributesConduct arithmetic operationsRename your attributesSummarize data by performing data aggregationsPerforming data aggregations and arithmetic operations by subgroupsHow to structure data for analysisLearn how to use subquery to make your coding and querying a lot more efficientBe able to use if/then statementsData cleaning such as extracting a subset of string from the left, right or middleConcatenating columnsNew Bonus! SQL Interview Questions*Please refer to the class curriculum below for the particular SQL commands covered.LEARN TO CODE BY DOINGStart coding like analysts do with hands on exercises and challenges that use real-world database. The examples are meant to help you understand the concept in a practical way; the exercises are meant to help you apply what you've learned; and the challenges are meant to further test your knowledge and perfect your new skills.GET PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK FROM THE INSTRUCTORThe instructor aims to assist each student in their learning. The instructor gives her personalized feedback to the student's weekly challenge (upon submission). Solutions are also available for students to review.GET ASSISTANCE FROM THE INSTRUCTOR AS NEEDEDNo need to feel stuck on any concept or challenge! You can easily send a message to the instructor or send an email if you need help. Our students are on our priority list!JOIN THE COMMUNITY OF LEARNERSJoin the community of students and learn SQL together, and maybe meet new friends along the way.GET A COURSE CERTIFICATE Students who pass all the challenges will get a course certificate! You may also get LinkedIn recommendation (upon request) Hoping to embark on a data analyst or data scientist career? Learn SQL -- one of the most in-demand data analytic skills today.As a previous Professor and now a Statistics/Analytics content manager for an education tech company, I use a teaching method that makes it super easy for students to learn. I teach SQL in a practical way so I explain concepts with examples, then you have an opportunity to apply what you've learned through exercises and further test your knowledge with weekly challenges.WHAT SOME OF MY STUDENTS SAY ABOUT THE COURSE:""It was a great course and very easy to follow especially for someone who had no experience in SQL. The examples given were simple and Dr. Cas breaks it down really well so you can understand better. She walks you through all the different queries thoroughly and also writes down some helpful hints if you get stuck. She was also very attentive when I got stuck on one of the challenges and reached out to her one late night. She helped me understand it better by giving me more guidance and helped me think outside the box.Overall, this was a great course to take and now I have another skill under my belt all thanks to Dr. Cas! Thanks for everything!""- Karla Flores, Senior Financial Analyst, Adobe (California, USA)""Excellent course and terrific inputs about every query. Majority of the job interviews that I appeared before this course had questions on SQL and I used to mess it up since I didn't have my basics strong.This course not just helped me with the basics but also with the advanced concepts. It's absolutely brilliant. I just feel completely charged up to attend any DS interview where SQL is a skill set that is asked. My motivation was not to give any chance to the interviewer/recruiter is to not provide any more opportunities to them to reject me and this helped me at least get to that stage. Rest of the outcome depends on the practice that I do. Only need some practice on the Data Cleaning section else I think I am prepared from an interview standpoint. Thanks for all the inputs and support Ava."" - R Suraj Kumar""This was my first time taking an online data analysis class outside an academic setting. I worried about how the design would work for me as a working professional and if it would enable me grasp the material, but I must say that everything about the online course was smooth, convenient, and enjoyable.The concise tutorial videos, quizzes with solutions and availability of the instructor, made it easy for me to understand the topics. The method, order, and scheduling were accommodating and in my opinion, makes it convenient for anyone, anywhere to take the course, and of course, the content was very useful to me.I'm glad I took this course and I will strongly recommend it and others to follow, to anyone trying to develop more skills for data analysis. ""- Clare Ofodile, Project Manager, Quality Assurance and Research Development Agency Nigeria (Lagos, Nigeria)""I like this course as it is very easy to understand and relevant for a beginner like me. I wish I could have some more courses like this one. I really enjoyed it and I started to like SQL more. A big thank you to my teacher!"" - Ana Rotari This instructor is highly effective and efficient in getting the critical knowledge across. Unlike other courses, this one did not drag. Time was well managed with the instructor's teaching approach. In just three and a half hours, this course can be a career changing investment. Jose Floresca Jr. ""This course sparks my most interest in SQL and you MUST take to get strong foundation in SQL. Teacher Ava provides a very organized and informative course which is worth best 5 ***** (stars). And more than that, she always be there to support you to clarify your confusion. Believe me, after this course, your level of confidence improves a lot and exceed your expectation. For me, I'd like to attend more SQL courses from Ava in next levels. I hope she will have some good news."" Dannie Le"
Price: 199.99

"Freistellen mit Photoshop"
"Du willst wissen, wie du Personen und Tiere, Haare und Felle, Wolken und Feuer, Bume, Glser und Flaschen und andere filigrane Objekte freistellen kannst? Dieses Training garantiert: Haar fr Haar mehr Erfolg! Mit diesem8-Stunden-Training wird professionelles Freistellen eine Leichtigkeit fr dich.Schritt fr Schritt alle Freistelltechniken ergrndenPraxis-Workshop und Techniken anwendenFreigestellte Motive mit Plastitizitt und Rumlichkeit versehenBefreit von allem, was du nicht brauchst. Greif jetzt zu den Waffen von Photoshop und erobere einen echten Erfahrungsschatz.Cover:Amir Kaljikovic - Fotolia"
Price: 199.99

". - . , - . "" - ."" . . , . ! : "" !"" ( ), . . ! - - . . - !"
Price: 114.99

"How to deal with loss in sport"
"Is it possible to win all the time? Unfortunately not. Do you need to win all the time? Definitely not!Athletes think that only winning matters. That's a wrong mindset. You should always try to win but the final result is not under your control. You can play badly and win as also you can have your best performance and lose against better opponent. That is why it is crucial to focus on performance and activities under your control than to put stress on your body and mind by not accepting loses in your career.Did LeBron James win all his basketball games? Did Lionel Messi score every time he attempted? Of course they didn't. They made many mistakes and lost lot of matches. They know that is part of the process and with losses they still managed to be icons of sport. One or 2 losses don't have an impact on your future unless you don't know how to approach them. If the loss means to you that you can't succeed in the future then you have a big obstacle in front of you.I created this course because all athletes have to deal with losses. In this course no matter the sport you participate in you can learn how to perceive and approach properly all losses so they help you (YES THEY CAN HELP YOU) improve and move to the highest possible level. This course is based on real playing and coaching experiences so you can be sure that methods and tips included here will be effective for you. If you ever had doubts or negative thoughts after the loss THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!"
Price: 49.99

"Python Artk ocuk Oyunca"
"Bugn ortaokullarn 5. ve 6. snflarnda biliim teknolojileri ve yazlm dersi okutulmakta. Peki, neden byle bir ders okutulmakta? Hepimiz hemen hemen her gn bilgisayarlar gnlk ilerimiz iin veya oyun oynamak iin kullanyoruz hi bilgisayarlarn nasl altn ya da oynadnz oyunlarn ve kullandnz programlarn nasl altn merak etmediniz mi? Her gn internet sitelerini kullanyoruz peki internet siteleri nasl oluuyor ya da siz bir tane yapamaz msnz? Merak etmediniz mi? nsanlar her gn onlarca eyi merak ediyor ve aratryorlar. Bugn teknolojimizin bu kadar ileride olmasnn nedeni merak etmemiz. Kafamz kaldryoruz gkyzne bakyoruz yldzlar gryoruz acaba dnyadan baka bir gezegende hayat var m? Bu merakn sonucu olarak u anda Marsa uzay arac gnderildi. Merak etmekten korkmayn bu bizim yaratl doamzda var. Bilgisayara bir ii yaptrrken yani programlarken dnmeyi reniriz. Analiz yapabilme ve problem zebilme yeteneimiz artar. Bir sorunla karlatmzda daha iyi dnebiliriz ve o sorun iin bulduumuz zmlerin says artar. Olaylara daha ayrntl bakabiliriz. Bilgisayarda program yazarken algoritmalar gelitiririz. Algoritma problemin adm adm zlme srecidir. Bu da bize olaylar detayl dnebilme ve zebilme yetenei kazandrr. Bu kazanmlar kazanabilmeniz ok nemlidir. te bu nedenden tr okullarmzda biliim teknolojileri ve yazlm dersleri okutulmakta. 21. yzyl rencilerinin edinmesi gereken kazanmlar vardr. -Problem zebilme -Analiz yapabilme -Eletirel dnce -Giriimcilik vb. Bu kazanmlarn iinde bilgisayarlar programlamay renmekte yer almakta Bilgisayar programlarnn nasl yapldn renmek size bir ey kaybettirmez, aksine ok ey kazandrr."
Price: 59.99

"The Jurisdiction of the NBCRFLI"
"This is the first part of Module 2 in our course ""Understanding the NBCRFLI"".In this course I take you through all the detail of who the Agreement(s) of the National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry applies to.Firstly, I explain where the Bargaining Council gets their authority from (more on that in our other courses), and then we move into who negotiated the rules.Then we zoom into who are governed by these rules.If you work at / or own a transport company in South Africa, then this course is for you.Especially if you are managing staff, or working in the payroll or HR departments of the company."
Price: 700.00

"The Terms and Conditions of Employment in the NBCRFLI"
"This is the second part of Module 2 in our training course ""Understanding the NBCRFLI"".We pick up where we left off with ""The Jurisdiction of the NBCRFLI"" and now we dig into the rules.This is where operational, payroll and HR staff really have to concentrate because these rules are set in stone, and have to be understood first before they can be complied with."
Price: 700.00

"ngilizce Dilbilgisi Dersleri Blm -1-"
"ngilizce Dilbilgisikonularna yeni balayacak olanlar iin hazrlanan bu ilk setimizde birok temel konuyu ve detayl aklamalarn bulabileceksiniz. te setimizin sizlere sunaca zelliklerden bir ksm: Tmingilizce dilbilgisikonular sade ve anlalr bir anlatm tarz ile sunulmaktadr Tm konulara dair yaplan aklamalara uygun ok sayda rnek cmle ile konular rahatlkla pekitirilebilir. Sk yaplan hatalar ve dikkat edilecek noktalar tek tek ele alnmaktadr Derslerin anlatmlarnda gz yormayan ve rahat okunabilen fontlar tercih edilmitir. Dersler rnekleri hazr olan bir dijital tahta zerinde ilendii iin yaz yazarak zaman kaybedilmemektedir. Ders sresince tm rencilerin rneklere odaklanmalar amacyla ekranda sadece dijital tahtadaki aklamalar grlmektedir. Tm rnekler anadilimiz olan Trkeye tercme edilmektedir. Bylelikle renciler cmleleri daha doru nasl tercme edeceklerini grme ans yakalarlar. Derslerde geen tm konu aklamalar ok titiz ve uzun sreli almalar sonucunda hazrlanmtr. Bu noktada dnyann en iyi niversitelerinin eserleri de gzden geirilmitir. Hazrlanan tm rnekler zellikle gnlk yaamda ihtiya duyulan szckler ve kalplar kullanlarak dzenlenmitir. Birok dil kursunun 1, 2 kurda anlatt konulara bu set ile ulaabileceksiniz Setimizi dier tm setlerden ayran en nemli nokta, derslerimizin sade ve yaln bir anlatm iermesine ramen konular detaylca ele almasdr. Kesinlikle ezbercilie kar, pekitirmeye nem veren bir mantkla dersler hazrlanmtr. Bundan dolay rneklere arlk verilmitir. Tm dersler HD grnt kalitesi ile ekilerek sizlerin beenisine sunulmaktadr.Beenmeniz ve faydalanmanz dileiyle,"
Price: 399.99

"ngilizce Dilbilgisi Dersleri Blm -2-"
"ngilizce Dilbilgisikonularnda temel konulara hakim olanlar iin hazrlanan bu ikinci setimizde birok nemli konuyu ve detayl aklamalarn bulabileceksiniz. Kurs dzeyi olarak elementary, pre-intermediate ve intermediate dzeydeki konulara deineceiz. Merak edenler iin ite setimizin sizlere sunaca zelliklerden bir ksm: Tmingilizce dilbilgisikonular sade ve anlalr bir anlatm tarz ile sunulmaktadr Tm konulara dair yaplan aklamalara uygun ok sayda rnek cmle ile konular rahatlkla pekitirilebilir. Sk yaplan hatalar ve dikkat edilecek noktalar tek tek ele alnmaktadr Derslerin anlatmlarnda gz yormayan ve rahat okunabilen fontlar tercih edilmitir. Dersler rnekleri hazr olan bir dijital tahta zerinde ilendii iin yaz yazarak zaman kaybedilmemektedir. Ders sresince tm rencilerin rneklere odaklanmalar amacyla ekranda sadece dijital tahtadaki aklamalar grlmektedir. Tm rnekler anadilimiz olan Trkeye tercme edilmektedir. Bylelikle renciler cmleleri daha doru nasl tercme edeceklerini grme ans yakalarlar. Derslerde geen tm konu aklamalar ok titiz ve uzun sreli almalar sonucunda hazrlanmtr. Bu noktada dnyann en iyi niversitelerinin eserleri de gzden geirilmitir. Hazrlanan tm rnekler zellikle gnlk yaamda ihtiya duyulan szckler ve kalplar kullanlarak dzenlenmitir. Birok dil kursunun 3, 4 ve 5. kurda anlatt konulara bu set ile ulaabileceksiniz Setimizi dier tm setlerden ayran en nemli nokta, derslerimizin sade ve yaln bir anlatm iermesine ramen konular detaylca ele almasdr. Kesinlikle ezbercilie kar, pekitirmeye nem veren bir mantkla dersler hazrlanmtr. Bundan dolay rneklere arlk verilmitir. Tm dersler HD grnt kalitesi ile ekilerek sizlerin beenisine sunulmaktadr.Beenmeniz ve faydalanmanz dileiyle,"
Price: 399.99

"ngilizce Dilbilgisi Dersleri Blm -3-"
"ngilizce Dilbilgisikonularnda pre-intermediate ve intermediate dzeyde olanlar iin hazrlanan bu setimizde birok nemli konuyu ve detayl aklamalarn bulabileceksiniz. te setimizin sizlere sunaca zelliklerden bir ksm: Tmingilizce dilbilgisikonular sade ve anlalr bir anlatm tarz ile sunulmaktadr Tm konulara dair yaplan aklamalara uygun ok sayda rnek cmle ile konular rahatlkla pekitirilebilir. Sk yaplan hatalar ve dikkat edilecek noktalar tek tek ele alnmaktadr Derslerin anlatmlarnda gz yormayan ve rahat okunabilen fontlar tercih edilmitir. Dersler rnekleri hazr olan bir dijital tahta zerinde ilendii iin yaz yazarak zaman kaybedilmemektedir. Ders sresince tm rencilerin rneklere odaklanmalar amacyla ekranda sadece dijital tahtadaki aklamalar grlmektedir. Tm rnekler anadilimiz olan Trkeye tercme edilmektedir. Bylelikle renciler cmleleri daha doru nasl tercme edeceklerini grme ans yakalarlar. Derslerde geen tm konu aklamalar ok titiz ve uzun sreli almalar sonucunda hazrlanmtr. Bu noktada dnyann en iyi niversitelerinin eserleri de gzden geirilmitir. Hazrlanan tm rnekler zellikle gnlk yaamda ihtiya duyulan szckler ve kalplar kullanlarak dzenlenmitir. Birok dil kursunun 3-4 kur sonda anlatt konulara bu set ile ulaabileceksiniz Setimizi dier tm setlerden ayran en nemli nokta, derslerimizin sade ve yaln bir anlatm iermesine ramen konular detaylca ele almasdr. Kesinlikle ezbercilie kar, pekitirmeye nem veren bir mantkla dersler hazrlanmtr. Bundan dolay rneklere arlk verilmitir. Tm dersler HD grnt kalitesi ile ekilerek sizlerin beenisine sunulmaktadr.Beenmeniz ve faydalanmanz dileiyle,"
Price: 399.99

"ngilizce Dilbilgisi Dersleri Blm -4-"
"ngilizce Dilbilgisi konularnda intermediate, upper intermediate ve advanced dzeyde olanlar iin hazrlanan bu setimizde birok nemli konuyu ve detayl aklamalarn bulabileceksiniz. te setimizin sizlere sunaca zelliklerden bir ksm: Tm ingilizce dilbilgisi konular sade ve anlalr bir anlatm tarz ile sunulmaktadr Tm konulara dair yaplan aklamalara uygun ok sayda rnek cmle ile konular rahatlkla pekitirilebilir. Sk yaplan hatalar ve dikkat edilecek noktalar tek tek ele alnmaktadr Derslerin anlatmlarnda gz yormayan ve rahat okunabilen fontlar tercih edilmitir. Dersler rnekleri hazr olan bir dijital tahta zerinde ilendii iin yaz yazarak zaman kaybedilmemektedir. Ders sresince tm rencilerin rneklere odaklanmalar amacyla ekranda sadece dijital tahtadaki aklamalar grlmektedir. Tm rnekler anadilimiz olan Trkeye tercme edilmektedir. Bylelikle renciler cmleleri daha doru nasl tercme edeceklerini grme ans yakalarlar. Derslerde geen tm konu aklamalar ok titiz ve uzun sreli almalar sonucunda hazrlanmtr. Bu noktada dnyann en iyi niversitelerinin eserleri de gzden geirilmitir. Hazrlanan tm rnekler zellikle gnlk yaamda ihtiya duyulan szckler ve kalplar kullanlarak dzenlenmitir. Birok dil kursunun 6 kur sonda anlatt konulara bu set ile ulaabileceksiniz Setimizi dier tm setlerden ayran en nemli nokta, derslerimizin sade ve yaln bir anlatm iermesine ramen konular detaylca ele almasdr. Kesinlikle ezbercilie kar, pekitirmeye nem veren bir mantkla dersler hazrlanmtr. Bundan dolay rneklere arlk verilmitir. Tm dersler HD grnt kalitesi ile ekilerek sizlerin beenisine sunulmaktadr.Beenmeniz ve faydalanmanz dileiyle,"
Price: 399.99

"PowerPoint 2016: PowerPoint Presentation Mastery"
"Discover the power of PowerPoint through this course.Whether you're an avid user or just starting out with PowerPoint, this course is designed for administrators,clerks, executives, managers, students of all levels; who wants to further enhance their practicaluse andknowledge of PowerPoint.Welcome toPowerPoint 2016: PowerPoint Presentation Mastery!PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is widely used in business presentations and academic presentations, even in classes such as this. This program helps users communicate their ideas in a visual and creative way. As there are other presentation programs available, PowerPoint is the most popular and powerfulpresentation program available.Create Awesome and Eye-Catching presentations through PowerPoint?We'll walk through the basics of PowerPoint at the beginning of the course. After that, we'll walk through the advanced level of PowerPoint. That way, the course is useful for users at any level.Each lecture is filled to the best of my experience. As PowerPoint may be upgraded from time to time, the version I'm using is 2016. However, the layout of other versions may differ but it could be minimal.At the end of this PowerPointcourse, here's what you can expect:Aworking knowledge of PowerPoint basic toolsConfidence to use PowerPointAbility to create presentations from scratchKnow-howof using PowerPoint drawing tools and table toolsBe the go-to person in your group for PowerPointThere's always something new to discoverComplete the course and I'd appreciate if you could leave a positive feedback. If you have find this course useful, do recommend to your friends who will find this beneficial.Thank you for taking this course and I'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn to Build Confidence in Public Speaking"
"Discover Practical Techniques to Build Confidence in Public Speaking.There are many reasons why people fear public speaking. Many have the feel of rejection that the audience may not like what they say. Others feel like they have nothing important to say at all, while there are others who have bright and wonderful ideas but are simply too shy to talk in front of a live audience. The reasons may vary from one another, but the fear of public speaking remains common, especially when it is your first time to talk in front of an audience. However, considering how the world is set up, it appears that it is difficult to avoid a situation where you need to talk publicly. Even birthday celebrations ask for speeches from friends and the celebrant; messages are also shared during marriages and others. Of course, as you move to a more professional environment and climb the ranks, you will have to talk to an audience on a regular basis. For example, you might have to present your new sales idea to your boss and the rest of the team. There are simply many instances when public speaking would be necessary. Hence, there is the need to overcome the fear of public speaking.The good news is that it is possible to overcome this fear. Men, even throughout history, have talked in public. Take, for example, the time of Socrates. Even Jesus Christ talked and preached in a public setting. Now, regardless what is holding you back from being an effective public speaker, the good news is that you can conquer that fear. All that you need is to stick to the practical and helpful tips, and you will be able to conquer that fear of public speaking.Credit:Presentation slideused in this course is adapted fromSlidesCarnival."
Price: 69.99

"Algebra Uncomplicated: Using a Graphing Calculator"
"In this course, I will provide lessons, tutorials, videos, reference sheets, and quizzes to help you better understand how to use a TI-84 (or TI-83) Graphing Calculator when doing Algebra. What knowledge and tools are required? Basic MathematicsPre-AlgebraWho should take this course? College StudentsHigh School StudentsParents who want to help their child with math homeworkAnyone who wants a better understanding of how to use a graphing calculator when doing algebraWhat will students be able to do after taking this course? Know the basic functions and keystrokes of the graphing calculatorUnderstand how to input information in the correct mannerUse the MODE menu to change calculator modesUse the MATH menu and use special notationsUnderstand how to store values and evaluate expressionsUse graphing keys and menusGraph different types of functionsUse the CALC menu to answer different types of questions about a functionSolve a system of equationsGraph a system of inequalitiesUnderstand how to operate with functions and compose functionsCalculate and graph a regression equationUse matrices and matrix operationsOperate with complex numbersThere are several different versions of the Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator that I use in this course, including the following:TI-83 PlusTI-84 PlusTI-84 Plus Silver EditionTI-84 Plus C Silver EditionTI-84 Plus CEI have chosen to use keystrokes and features that are themost universally compatible with the calculators in the list above. Laterversions of the calculator may contain more advanced features than the calculator I use for my demonstrations, butmy instructions should still provide an effective way of solving the problems with your particular calculator."
Price: 24.99

"Instagram Marketing for business - Gain Instagram Followers"
"Instagram Marketing For Business& Individuals - Gain Instagram followers, Build An Audience, Get Leads and sales to grow your business!There are over 200 million Instagram users which make Instagram one of the most powerful tool you can use to market your business to tons of people everyday! This Instagram marketing course will allow you to learn techniques to grow your business and gainfollowers.This Instagram course is the best investment to make the money roll!Once you apply and learn the techniques from this course, you will be able to leveragethis platform &start making money.Would you like to: Use Instagram to increase your saleBuild an audience of targeted users interested in your businessLeverage the power of Instagram to grow your businessPromote your product / services on the platform to hundred of thousand of potential customers.Drive traffic to your external page to build email list or convert into salesIt will allows you to leverage the platform to have a better customer relationship and reach new customers that might not be on others platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.What contains this course?This Instagram course contains over 28 lectures and 5 hours+ of content. This course will teach you how to develop and make your Instagram account grow to even more than 10,000 followers.We will first Start with the basics of Instagram then we will move up into more advanced features as you will understand better how Instagram workWhat will you learn ?You will learn how to:Generate high quality content for InstagramSet up side Instagram profiles to promote your main Instagram profile. Build followersIncrease traffic to your pageIncrease engagement on your post - Build likes, comments, share.Brand yourself in a unique wayUse your bio effectivelyLeverage popular account Instagram Hacks & ToolsFind The Perfect Name For Your Account Building Your Brand Strategy Find Your Target Audience On InstagramHow to outsourceBy the end of the course, you'll have valuable skills that will allows you to effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers. Followers that you will be able to convert in a sale in the future. Don't hesitate to enroll with the course, if you are not 100% satisfied, there's a 100% money back guaranteed if the course doesn't suit you."
Price: 189.99

"Dubizzle Dubai Jobs : 5 Tricks To Get Any Job on Dubizzle"
"Job Hunting doesn't have to bea painful and struggling process. Job hunting can be like Tinder, where you get to choose from pool of options and be incontrol.The fact is;1 - 99% of the job seekers struggle,fail and eventually settle2 - Only 1% of the job seekers achieve successIwill get you in that 1% andIwill do that without teaching you cliche techniques that don't work and without repeating things you already know.1 -95% of the people who I speak with about jobs tell me that they are struggling with job seeking2 -100% of the people who got used my formula got approached by an employerwithin 2 weeks3 -100% of the people who got hiredlove DubaiWhy Dubizzle Dubai Jobs:In this course, Iwill help you find work through Dubizzle(.)com, the biggest and the best the job board for employers and job seekersin Dubai.If you are inexperienced, or if you have a boring resume or even if you just want a fresh start in life, stick around this is totally for you. I am going to give you the system that is literally step by step and is proven to intrigue any company.More than a 1000 people from over 30 cities have used these techniques and have successfully found a job and moved to Dubai. My formula has been tried and tested thousands of time. It works regardless of experience, your education, your industry, your age, your ethnicity or your gender.In this course, I am going to take you through them, one by one - step by step!Who is Dubizzle Jobs for?Dubizzle Jobs is for everyone looking for a Job in Dubai, UAE or the GCC.What are People searching for on Dubizzle?Here are the top searches:dubizzle dubai jobsdubizzle jobs salesdubizzle jobs for driverdubizzle jobs wanteddubizzle jobs freezonedubizzle jobs abu dhabidubizzle jobs sharjahdubai jobs vacanciesdubizzle jobs sales ladydubai sales jobs vacanciesdubizzle jobs in freezoneretail sales jobs in dubaisales jobs in dubai mallsales jobs dubai salarydubizzle jobs light driverdubai driving jobs vacancies"
Price: 199.99

"Get a Job in Dubai : Work, Live and Relocate to Dubai"
"What to expect in this course?This is a step by step course designed to help job seekers globally find a job in Dubai. In this course, we will go through the following:1 - Understanding the Dubai market and its landscape2 - Understanding the available channels to look for a job in Dubai3 - Identify and practicing RARE and unknown tips, tricks, hacks and loopholes to stand out and beat the competition4 - Looking at each industry and its market research survey results5 - Understanding the mindset of the companies, employers and recruiters6 - Learn how to network and outreach to potential employers in an automated manner7 - Answer some of the most frequently asked questions8 - Learn about the visa process and local labor lawsAnd much more.Why Dubai:Dubai is experiencing a breakthrough. It is growing at record rates without signs of slowing down. We are an emerging market that is ready to spearhead its economic transformation through space programs, infrastructure, medical, manufacturing, techonlogy and various other industries. We also have the Expo 2020 coming which requires a work force of hundreds of thousands if not millions.All of this, is not going to be possible without you! The market is ripe and the timing could not have been better. People love Dubai and Dubai needs people. It is a win-win situation.This is why I decided to create this journey so I can take people through the step-by-step method to find a job in Dubai and relocate to this gem of a city and I can promise you, if you follow my step by step method to the letter, you will be Dubai within the next few months if not weeks.Beat the Competition:Job Hunting doesn't have to be a painful and struggling process. Job hunting can be like Tinder, where you get to choose from a pool of options and be in control.The fact is;1 - 99% of the job seekers struggle, fail and eventually settle2 - Only 1% of the job seekers achieve successI will get you in that 1% and I will do that without teaching you cliche techniques that don't work and without repeating things you already know.1 - 95% of the people who I speak with about jobs tell me that they are struggling with job seeking2 - 100% of the people who got used my formula got approached by an employer within 2 weeks3 - 100% of the people who got hired love DubaiIf you are inexperienced, or if you have a boring resume or even if you just want a fresh start in life, stick around this is totally for you. I am going to give you the system that is literally step by step and is proven to intrigue any company.More than a 1000 people from over 30 cities have used these techniques and have successfully found a job and moved to Dubai. My formula has been tried and tested thousands of time. It works regardless of experience, your education, your industry, your age, your ethnicity or your gender.In this course, I am going to take you through them, one by one - step by step!Who is Khaled:I am a recruiter and a business owner based here in Dubai but at the core, I am a person who understands your struggle. I had been a struggling job seeker for a very long time. My desperation at the time led me to trial and error. I used to wake up at 6 AM in the morning and didn't stop applying for jobs until 9 PM in the evening. I repeated this every single day but I still failed.That is when I knew that this market wasn't going to give me a break if I wasn't willing to change my methods. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to extensively travel around the world where people always asked me the same set of questions:What is Dubai like? How can I move to Dubai? Is it easy to find a job there? What is job market like? Should I consider moving to Dubai? Is it easy to move to Dubai?All your questions will be answered in this course. I m super excited to share my knowledge and I look forward to your commitment!"
Price: 19.99

"Mailchimp:Multiplier votre chiffre d'affaire en automatique!"
"Si vous lisez la description de ce cours, c'est que vous souhaitez dmarrer une campagne de communication numrique pour votre business et qui va vous permettre d'augmenter considrablement votre chiffre d'affaire. Vous tombez pic, ce cours est fait pour vous. Mailchimp est un excellent outil,performant et simple d'utilisation pour lancer vos campagnes d'email marketing. Dans ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir les fonctionnalits de ce puissant outil. Vous allez apprendre raliser vos campagnes professionnelles d'e mailing. Tout dabord, nous allons vous prendre la main et vous montrer pas pas comment configurer loutil Mailchimp, comment crer un formulaire de capture demail pour lintgrer dans votre site ou blog Wordpress. Puis, vous allez comprendre comment mettre en place vos listes de contacts et lancer vos campagnes l'aide des templates proposs par l'outil Mailchimp. Enfin, vous allez voir que Mailchimp vous permet de faire des suivis statistiques et lanalyse des rsultats de vos campagnes demailing pour les rentabiliser et prenniser votre business. On se retrouver de l'autre ct pour dmarrer le cours!"
Price: 19.99

"Teoria y Practica de la Planeacion Estrategica Contemporanea"
"Este curso sobre la Teoria y la Practica de la Planeacion Estrategica Contemporanea presenta los aspectos importantes en la creacion y redifinicion de las organizaciones. El curso prepara al estudiante para establecer y escribir la vision y mision personal u organizacional. El curso discute la redaccion de metas y objetivos a nivel personal o de organizacion. Incluye la elaboracion de un plan operativo, La ejecucion de programas y proyectos asi como la evaluacion de los mismos. El curso aborda tambien el liderazgo dentro de las organizaciones, y el manejo del tiempo y de recursos. Ademas los aspectos del comportamiento de grupos y las motivaciones de los equipos de trabajo dentro de la organizacion son abordados. El curso concluye con una plantilla o modelo para poder implementar la planeacion en una empresa u organizacion ya sea que la misma ya este establecida, o tambien para el caso cuando una nueva organizacion esta siendo iniciada."
Price: 19.99

"Ingles Tecnico Para Principiantes: Practica Lo Que Aprendez"
"Deseas comprender, hablar y escribir ingls Tcnico? El ingls Tcnico es hoy en nuestra cultura ms importante que en ninguna otra poca de la historia.Y en muchos casos las personas no tienen la oportunidad de aprender en programas tradiciones para hablarlo bien. Pero basado en mi experiencia personal como tecnlogo bilinge puedo decir que con el mtodo e instructor correcto cualquiera puede aprender especialmente trminos que son comnmente usados en las diversas tecnologas que usamos hoy da. Aprende y practica los fundamentos del ingls Tcnico con un instructor experto y bilinge que tiene ms de 3 dcadas de experiencia en la docencia y en la prctica. En Este curso explicaremos lo fundamental de la gramtica y el vocabulario tcnico y mucho ms importante, la pronunciacin de trminos y expresiones tcnicas."
Price: 19.99