Rainbow Dash Hoodie Hat |
Create sonic rainbooms all day long in this Rainbow Dash Hoodie Hat! Help manage Ponyville's weather. Help your friends earn their own Cutie Marks. Or just keep warm on a chilly day. NOTE: the wings and arm-warmers shown in photo are not included.
Price: 24.99

The Gambler Hat Black |
"You got to know when to hold them and you got to know when to fold them, but there's one more thing you got to know when you're a gambling cowboy. You need to know when to put on your black cowboy hat to look like a stud in front of all the girls at the bar. It's probably even more important than actually knowing how to play poker."
Price: 24.99

Western Hero Hat |
Being a western hero is hard work. First you have to earn Texas Ranger status followed by becoming the best shot in the all of the wild west. Then if you want to be a true hero you'll have perfect riding a horse which can take hours. Once you perform all of these steps you'll finally be rewarded with the western hero hat to prove you're the best of the best.
Price: 24.99

Top Hat Black |
"Everyone needs a top hat, for those days when you want to look like a million bucks without spending a million bucks. Whether you wear it with a tuxedo and a monocle, or just with your t-shirt, it's sure to double your 'moneybags' factor by at least 10 times."
Price: 14.99

Red Velour Top Hat |
"Add a touch of class to any red costume, or a twist to a Santa or Mrs. Claus costume with this Red Velour Top Hat!"
Price: 14.99

Bowler Brown Hat |
"You manly stud, you. You caught sight of this brown bowler hat and you thought to yourself, I most definitely need such a delightful accessory to place a top my head to be the finest gentleman around town."
Price: 19.99

Black Velour Bowler Hat |
"No Victorian-era gentleman would be seen in public without his hat, and this Black Velour Bowler Hat lets you achieve that look. Wear it with any black suit. Did you know that many Old West cowboys and gunslingers also wore bowler hats? The style that we now think of as a cowboy hat didn't come along until much later."
Price: 19.99

Clown Bowler |
"Being a clown can be a good deal. You get wear wacky red hats with polka dots and flowers on top and no one can really tell you that you can't wear it. If aren't a clown and you still want to wear this bowler hat, we'll still let you, but your friends might give a few funny looks."
Price: 19.99

Dr. Who The Fourth Doctor Hat |
Every time the Doctor regenerates he always picks out a new wardrobe. Sometimes he spends a great deal of time looking at some options and other times he sees an item and thinks it is just perfect. That is what the fourth Doctor did when he came across his fedora hat. Once he saw that he knew that it would go great with his scarf and be perfect to wear while searching for the Key of Time. So if you're looking to complete your fourth Doctor costume this hat will be just the thing to top it off.
Price: 21.99

Skull Coachman Hat |
All aboard! This coachman is going straight to Hell so you might want to hop on board if you want to be on time for your date with the devil. This Skull Coachman Hat is perfect for a one of a kind grim reaper costume.
Price: 24.99

Gray Coachman Hat |
"You may feel the power to take over the world when you this Gray Coachman Hat. Complete your coachman, steampunk, or victorian inspired costume with this cool and versatile hat."
Price: 24.99

Kitty Hoodie Hat Black |
"We don't think it's crazy that you think you were a cat in a previous lifetime. We do, however think it's crazy that you're not wearing this adorable kitty hood as a means to keep in touch with your former life. Of course, you could just wear it to look cute. We're okay with that reasoning too."
Price: 19.99

Pink Kitty Hood |
"This Pink Kitty Hood is a fun, quick & easy costume idea. And, if you wish, you can wear it for winter warmth after Halloween is over!"
Price: 19.99

Aviator Brown Hat |
Fly in style! This Aviator Brown Hat is the perfect accessory for a vintage pilot costume. Just pick up some goggles to complete the look/
Price: 19.99

Adult Aviator Hat |
Keep your head and ears warm and toasty inside this Adult Aviator Hat. This 20th Century style bomber hat won ™t give you the power of flight but it will definitely make you look good. Fly high my friends.
Price: 19.99

Adult Chef Hat |
Channel your inner Chef Boyardee with this Adult Chef Hat. You may not be able to create a line of canned pasta that dates back to the 40s but you can dress like a chef and speak in a funny French accent. You know you're going to need the accent.
Price: 14.99

Royal King Hat |
"Modeled after the royal Crown Jewels of England, this Royal King Hat will proclaim to your subjects that you are the ruler of all that you survey! And once you have the power we urge you to use it wisely. Keep the peasant folk happy, and their hard work will help the crown earn more gold. Because it takes a lot of gold to party like a king!"
Price: 24.99

Red Royal King Hat |
"Commoners will bow at your feet once you ™ve dubbed yourself king of the world! Actually the Red Royal King Hat won ™t give you such powers but it ™s good to pretend right? But only pretend, you don't want to cause a lawsuit."
Price: 19.99

King Crown |
Hear-ye! Hear-ye! I need the attention of all the townspeople. I am introducing a new king. Bow down when you are in his presence for he is majestic and wonderous! You'll feel completely majestic when you wear this soft King Crown. It will make any King's costume totally epic.
Price: 14.99

Queen Crown |
"We know the golden rule about golden crowns: the higher the crown the closer you are to the heavens! And let us be the first to tell you, this Queen Crown is certainly heavenly! Wear it and feel royal."
Price: 14.99

Antler Crown |
"All hail King of the Elk! If you wear this Antler Crown, you will automatically rule over all the deer in the forest. Do you think you are up for the challenge? There's a lot of responsibility that goes along with being the Elk King, it's not all fun and reindeer games (ha ha!). You will have to keep the deer safe, and that means making sure they stay off the highway. Good luck with that one, King!"
Price: 11.99

Ridged Witch Hat |
"Even your magic skills aren't quite up to par, you can still look like the kind of witch that could cast a polymorph spell on anyone who looks at you wrong. All it takes is this furry witch hat, a bewitching stare and a laugh that will make anyone think twice about crossing you. That's how real witches do it anyways."
Price: 19.99

Grunge Witch Black Hat |
"This witch is a bit down on her luck, and her hat has seen better days. But that doesn't mean she doesn't know a thing or two about magic! Pair this hat with any of our witch costumes for a classic Halloween look."
Price: 11.99

Roman Soldier Hat |
You'll look just like Gerard Butler in 300 when you put on this Roman Soldier Hat. This hat is plush so you can feel free to head bang all night long. It looks great with all of our Roman soldier costumes!
Price: 24.99

Medusa Hat |
"Why isn ™t Medusa immune to her snakes? Think about it. If you have this evil force living and moving on top of your head, why would it want to hurt you? In essence it would be destroying itself. Luckily your Medusa Hat contains no real snakes."
Price: 29.99

Adult Spartan Helmet |
Do you really want us to say �this is Sparta �? I think that phrase died along with Gerard Butter ™s abs. Get the Adult Spartan Helmet and come up with your own catch phrase.
Price: 29.99
