Red Little Blue People Hat |
"Papa Smurf gives me the creeps. Sure he can ™t help that he ™s blue, but why is he so little? And doesn ™t he have magic powers. I don ™t know if I trust a small, blue magical creature to have my best interest at heart. The Smurfs should be a horror film don ™t you think? Do me a favor: come up with a different way to wear the Red Little Blue People Hat."
Price: 19.99

Robin Hood Hat Accessory |
"What ™s the deal with Robin Hood ™s Hat? I mean seriously why does it have a point at the end? Is he a wizard? I ™m thinking that be an interesting story, Robin Hood the Wizard �no one steal my idea instead wear the Robin Hood Hat Accessory."
Price: 19.99

Deluxe King Tut Headpiece |
Don ™t worry we won ™t mummify your body by pulling your brains through your nose. What we will do is send you this Deluxe King Tut Headpiece to help you complete your Egyptian costume. The mummification will happen when you least expect it.
Price: 24.99

Black Caribbean Pirate Hat |
"Sure I can make a bunch of puns about Johnny Depp or the devilishly handsome Orlando Bloom. I ™ll spare you and your gag reflexes. I will say however, with the Black Caribbean Pirate Hat you ™re step closer to looking like them."
Price: 19.99

Scallywag Blood Red Hat |
"It used to be that being a pirate required you to spend extended periods on the highs seas, plundering unlucky vessels and using your expert swordsmanship to intimidate anyone who might stand in your way. These days, it takes this scallywag tri-corn hat, a mean pirate face and a hearty, Arrrrrrrrrrrrr."
Price: 17.99

Governor Tricorn Pirate Hat |
"G ™day Gov ™ner! People will tip their hat in your favor once you ™ve slipped into this deluxe Governor Tricorn Pirate Hat. Why are they tipping their hat, we really don ™t know."
Price: 29.99

Lady Buccaneer Black Hat |
"Pirates never used to let the girls join in all the looting back in the 1600's, but that's probably only because the pirate girls of then didn't have a cute buccaneer hat like this one. If they had worn it with their pirate costume, you can bet those girls would have been swashbuckling at the forefront of all the action on the high seas."
Price: 24.99

Gothic Rose Top Hat |
"Though this Gothic Rose Top Hat is billed as Gothic, don't limit it to Goth or vampire costume ideas! The elegant black velvet hat with dark red satin band and rosebuds is an elegant topper to go with a showgirl or any Victorian-era costume."
Price: 19.99

Mens Sailor Captain Hat |
I wonder what a cruise ship captain would think of our Mens Sailor Captain Hat. My guess is he ™d think it looks pretty darn good. If he doesn't then chances are he's not a real captain.
Price: 11.99

White Rabbit Adult Hat |
"I personally think the reason the white rabbit is always late is he ™s a rabbit! Who ever heard of such a silly thing: a rabbit in a waist coast who could also keep the time? Do me and the universe a favor, wear the White Rabbit Adult Hat and actually act like a rabbit. Just give us a hop or two."
Price: 19.99

Mad Hatter Adult Hat |
Dear Hatter: At some point please come to your senses and explain why a raven is like a writing desk. I know you are technically mad but somewhere in your mind lies the answer. Perhaps it ™s under your Mad Hatter Adult hat. It would be lovely if you could check underneath it.
Price: 24.99

Adult March Hare Hat |
"Could someone explain how the March Hare went insane? I get that he ™s not as important at the Hatter but I ™m sure his story is equally interesting. There are only two rabbits in wonderland, why don't we get his? I'm sure no one will ask you these things once you're in the Adult March Hare Hat."
Price: 24.99

Alice Top Hat w/Collar |
"Why doesn ™t adult Alice remember going to Wonderland as a child? Was the event so traumatic she blocked it from memory? I suppose talking to animals and being nearly killed by a temperamental queen will do that. Do us a favor while dressing for your next adventure please remember the Alice Top Hat w/ Collar, you loved it the first time."
Price: 14.99

Werewolf Hat |
"That lousy full moon has been getting your way for years, but no more! No longer do you have to wait for it to transform into a werewolf! No more do you have to wait for it to indulge in your beastly inner desires! All you have to do is put on a werewolf hat and your transformation will become complete."
Price: 19.99

Sherlock Holmes Hat |
"Fun Sherlock Holmes fact: The phrase Elementary, my dear Watson does not appear anywhere in the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes's creator. It is a line from the 1929 movie The Return of Sherlock Holmes, spoken by actor Clive Brook in the title role. According to anecdotes the phrase MAY have also been used earlier, by actor/playwright William Gillette in an 1899 stage production of Sherlock Holmes, but there is no written evidence of that. Interesting, no?? These are the types of things you can tell people all Halloween long... and you can also keep an eye on that Dr. Moriarty and make sure he's not doing anything weird at the party like stealing lightbulbs or thumb tacks, that sort of thing."
Price: 14.99

Madhatter Ace Hat |
"This Madhatter Ace Hat is just the thing to wear when the Queen of Hearts invites you to join her for a croquet match in the royal rose garden! Wear it with a red or black suit. And be careful not to offend the queen, or she'll order your beheading!"
Price: 24.99

Trash 'Stache Trucker |
"There are plenty of ways to go redneck. One way is to buy a rusty truck with a gun rack on the back. Another way is with a trucker hat and some facial hair that makes you look like a real man. Since buying a truck is a pretty big investment, we suggest this accessory set, which does all the same work for your redneck image, without all the cost."
Price: 14.99

Beer Mug Hat |
How did German monks stumble upon beer? And what did early versions of giggle water taste like? Can you imagine a monk waking up face down on his cot having no memory of the night before? If you wake up face down with no memory of the next day just take off your Beer Mug Hat and it ™ll all come back to you.
Price: 19.99

Steampunk Driver Herringbone Hat |
"This Steampunk Driver Herringbone Hat gives you a great Victorian look, but you can also use it as a newsboy cap or wear it with a classic aviator costume. It will give a retro flair to any outfit!"
Price: 14.99

Giant Leprechaun Hat |
Wish everyone top o' the mornin' in this Giant Leprechaun Hat. The oversized top hat stands 14 high and has an 18 diameter at the brim. Perfect with any leprechaun costume!
Price: 24.99

Uncle Sam Hat |
"Get patriotic with it this Fourth of July with our wacky Uncle Sam Hat. Wear it your next BBQ, a fireworks display, or on a fun night out with friends. So go you flag-waver you, and embody the spirit of America."
Price: 19.99

Guitar Superstar Hat w/Hair |
"Take a trip to the 80s with this banging Guitar Superstar Hat w/ Hair. It ™s the only way to party like a rock star, without actually having musical skills. Fame, fortune, and chicks not included."
Price: 29.99

Springy Santa Hat |
Santa never looked so jolly until he wore this clever Springy Santa Hat. It ™s a unique way to fall into the Christmas season and is sure to give onlookers a lift. Bounce into the season with this unique hat!
Price: 8.99

Cat in the Hat Hat |
"I always knew cats were full of trouble, especially the ones that wear hats. A cat wearing a hat? That's pretty weird, and no good can come from it! Although, if the internet has taught us anything, cats are full of limitless possibilities like playing keyboards, stuffing themselves in the tiniest of boxes, and being extraordinarily grumpy. So, maybe this whole 'Cat in the Hat' thing isn't so odd after all."
Price: 15.99

Cat in the Hat Adult Hat |
Why is the emphasis on the cat in a HAT? Seriously I ™d be surprised that the cat was walking on two legs and talking and is intelligent enough to turn an entire house into disarray. The hat part isn ™t nearly as interesting. That doesn ™t mean you won ™t look fabulous in your Cat in the Hat Adult Hat.
Price: 12.99

Mad Hatter Hat w/Hair |
"Blur the line between kooky and deranged once you ™ve put on this Mad Hatter Hat w/ Hair. You can dance the futterwacken, rant about the jabberwocky, and make hats for the red queen. Just as long as you ™re hat er your head is on straight."
Price: 29.99
