Devil Horns and Teeth |
"Did you forget something? Your horns, perhaps? No devil can get by walking around hell without his horns. You'd better hope Satan doesn't catch you without them."
Price: 14.99

Marilyn Monroe Jewelry Set |
"Making your debut as the next big movie star icon is going to require some serious glitz. Unfortunately, spending a fortune on diamond necklaces just isn't a feasible option for everyone. For those people, this jewelry set comes in real handy."
Price: 12.99

Seaweed Boa |
"Fashion under the sea is just a little bit different than it is on dry land. Mermaids love adding a little seaweed to their ensemble, while the average model on land would probably shun the idea of wearing some. Of course, if you're Mermaid on land, it's perfect for bringing land style and under sea style together."
Price: 8.99

Deaths Dagger |
"Get with the times. Grim reapers aren't using scythes anymore. They've all upgraded, to this ghastly looking dagger, which is much more travel friendly than that giant farming tool"
Price: 9.99

Gladiator Combat Shield and Sword |
"If an ancient warrior was only as good as his equipment, this Gladiator Combat Shield and Sword will make you one of the best!"
Price: 12.99

Barbarian Combat Shield and Sword |
"Nothing like waking up to a battle in the morning. That's the kind of life you subscribe to when you decide to be a barbarian. This shield and sword set gives you the kind of tools needed to fight on to live another day. Without them, you're just waiting to be slain by some Viking named Sven."
Price: 12.99

Psycho Jester Cane |
"Any kind of crazy person who tells you that clowns aren't crazy just haven't had a chance to see something like this jester cane. After you've seen a skull faced clown wearing a jester hat, you just can't look at clowns the same."
Price: 19.99

Last Laugh Clown Mask |
"There are two types of people in life. The kind that know clowns are scary hideous creatures, spawned from the depths of the underworld, and the kind of sadistic crazy people who think they're hilarious. This clown mask puts the debate to rest. This thing is creepy - like, wet your pants and run away screaming like a school girl creepy. Also, it's advised that you have a change of pants ready if you decide to look in the mirror while wearing it."
Price: 28.99

Goin Ape Gorilla Mask |
"Eating a couple dozen bananas won't get you in touch with your inner ape. We tried it and it mostly just leave you feeling a little sick. Our solution? Just wear this gorilla mask, which has realistic ani-motion action, and you might just feel like beating your chest with your hands."
Price: 28.99

Dark Harvest Ani-Motion Mask |
"Ever wonder what happens to pumpkins that are kept out long after Halloween? Well, they turn into this...This is one frightening jack-o-lantern that wants nothing more than to make some mischief on All Hallow's Eve! This Dark Harvest Ani-Motion Mask really moves and opens its mouth and has snarling lips!"
Price: 34.99

Alien Visitor Ani-Motion Mask |
"Feeling a little like a space alien, like you're just not cut out for this planet? Well, that's pretty normal, especially when you're wearing one of these ani-motion alien masks. You may as way look the way you feel and turn yourself into a creature from outer space, bent on terrorizing all of human kind. At least, that's the way we feel on the inside most of the time."
Price: 28.99

Zombie Ani-Motion Mask |
"Do you want your face to look like a decrepit, rotting mess? Most people would think that's a kind of weird thing to want, but us? We'd just show you to this grotesque zombie mask. It's got the kind of bone chilling appearance that could fool the undead into thinking that you're one of them. In fact, wearing this thing is actually our plan for surviving when the zombie apocalypse happens. It's just a matter of time, so maybe it's time you got prepared."
Price: 28.99

Skeleton Cutlass |
"Combining the hack 'n slash action of a regular old cutlass with the frightening look of a skeleton might be the best idea since sliced bread! Of course, bread isn't that hard to slice, so this pirate sword, which manages to combine skulls and bones with a sword, might even be a better invention."
Price: 12.99

Gladiator Sword and Sheath |
"If you like skulls, violence and hitting things with a sword, then you've come to the right place. We can't sell you real weapons for liability reasons, but this toy sword still has a pretty satisfying feel to it when you swing it through the air. Make sure you're wearing some kind of warrior costume while doing it, otherwise you might look like a weirdo."
Price: 14.99

Fallen Angel Mask and Wings |
"Don't worry, we're sure dressing like death and going out on Halloween to frighten little children is a good thing. Everyone likes coming face to face with the picture of evil."
Price: 28.99

Vampire Cane |
"Sure, you want to drink blood, but how about being a little classy while doing it? Some might think it's impossible, but after trying it with this cane you won't be able to deny that it is sort of high class."
Price: 18.99

Egyptian Staff |
"If you're going to rule over the anicent lands of Egypt you'll need a staff to do so. Why would you need a staff? To point out where you want your pyramid to be built. Or to help you walk around your massive palace. But no matter what, this staff will complete your pharaoh look this Halloween!"
Price: 12.99

Spartan Shield and Sword |
"As a Spartan, you're bound to make an enemy or two, or in King Leonidas' case more like 300,000. Why do you think all those Roman soldiers carried swords and shields like these ones? Because they were fun? Well, okay, they are kind of fun to play with, but you really might need them if an army of Persian solders comes looking for a fight."
Price: 14.99

Blood Fiend Ani-Motion Mask |
"If sneaking through villages at night to suck the life out of unsuspecting victims sounds like your idea of a good time, then you're probably afflicted with vampirism. The cure? There is none, but you can always just wear this Blood Fiend mask and go on a rampage through the night!"
Price: 19.99

In Stitches Ripper Mask |
Some people fear the circus. It scares them more than anything else because they don't want to run into any clowns. Why wouldn't they want to run into any clowns? Because not all clowns are good... some are down right evil! Now you can become one of those evil clowns with this great scary mask!
Price: 28.99

Muckmouth Ripper Mask |
You better hide your face because he needs a new one and he's looking to rip yours off! This mean muckmouth ripper lurks around swamps and graveyards just waiting to attack his next victim. The Muckmouth Ripper Mask is a motion mask that really moves; his skin rips and he opens his mouth!
Price: 24.99

Stealth Ninja Weapons Belt |
Once someone has graduated ninja school a brand new ninja has to choose their weapon of choice. Some go with long swords while others go with wooden bows but a true ninja warrior would go with a small set of daggers. These are the perfect tool to take out someone in perfect stealth.
Price: 14.99

Devoured Hand Pack |
"Zombies really don't have any manners. It doesn't matter where they are, you always see them stuffing their face with leftover body parts like an animal, and they don't even care about wasting food. Just take a look at this leftover half devoured hand! Munched right down to bone, but they didn't bother to finish it. The good news is, now you can use it to play the part of a real zombie, without having to go through all that undead business."
Price: 9.99

Dungeon Dweller Ani-Motion Mask |
This monster has been silenced for far too long and now he has quite a bit to say! I bet the evil scientist wished the experiment didn't work out because now this botched Frankenstein won't stop chattering. This Dungeon Dweller Ani-Motion Mask really moves its mouth and snarls its lips!
Price: 32.99

Stealth Strike Spinning Ninja Blade |
"Real ninja skills that allow you to artfully twirl blades around takes a lot of time and effort. Why work harder, when you can be smarter? This spinning ninja blade does all the twirling work for you, so you can look like a disciplined ninja without all the years of turmoil, training under a hardcore ninja master."
Price: 8.99

Boys Tricorn Hat |
"While the Tricorn Hat has become synonymous with revolutionary war era style, few know that it had an immensely practical purpose. In rainy weather it both protected the wearer's face, and funneled water out of the back (over the wearer's shoulders). While rain gear has evolved since then, you can still procure this signature style for your child's historical themed costume!"
Price: 9.99
