Viking Lord Shield & Sword |
Want to be a true Viking warrior? This Viking Lord Shield and Sword set gives you the true Norse experience.
Price: 16.99

Stealth Ninja Battle Armor Kit |
"Ninjas are silent but deadly... especially when armed to the tee! If you should lose your katanas in battle, you can rest assured knowing that your armor has three concealed daggers to finish the job. Your opponent should have just stayed in bed today! Add this Battle Armor Kit to your Ninja Costume and be ready to go to battle!"
Price: 14.99

White Werewolf Ani-Motion Mask |
This White Werewolf Ani-Motion Mask is about the most realistic mask you'll find. The fur hood covers your whole head and the jaw actually moves!
Price: 28.99

Viking Dagger Belt |
"When the Vikings first pulled to shore of the lands they had chosen to raid, they were sure to dress themselves in a manner that would intimidate the common folks. With some of their elaborate wear, even full grown soldiers would be left quivering in their boots. This Belt is the perfect accessory for your Nordic costume. With two concealed daggers, there's no one that will stand in way of your spoils!"
Price: 9.99

Blade of the Damned Dagger |
"Strike for the heart with this Dagger! You can't reclaim all of the souls that have been claimed by your foe, but you can avenge them using the power of the damned! It's perfect for perilous trips through haunted castles, late night exorcisms, and for just hanging out during cosplay. It's the perfect addition to any macabre costume!"
Price: 9.99

Entombed Dagger |
"Got a problem with your corpses spontaneously reanimating? Yeah, that's totally the worst! We recommend outfitting your vampire gear with this frightening blade. Not only does it totally complement your lurid look, but it's perfect to have on hand when you have to battle unwanted opponents."
Price: 6.99

Witch's Broom |
Don't fly off just quite yet! Have you checked out the latest and most fashionable broom 'sweeping' through the witch community? This particular Witch's Broom is simply bewitching! Cast a spell over everyone you meet while you are flying on this cool broom.
Price: 14.99

Brown Werewolf Ani-Motion Mask |
You can tell by looking at this werewolf's toothy grin that he's up to no good. We are not quite sure what he did but we're guessing he either chowed down on a granny or munched on a hiker for lunch. This cool mask really moves when you move your mouth and lips. Practice your howling so you can
Price: 34.99

Blood Moon Ani-Motion Mask |
"Be the fiercest wolf or werewolf in the forest with this Blood Moon Ani-Motion Mask! As you move your jaw, the mask's mouth opens and closes for a very realistic look."
Price: 34.99

Gargoyle Ani-Motion Mask |
"When this gargoyle is snarling,stay far away. That means it's feeding time, and just check out those chompers. This Gargoyle Ani-Motion Mask actually moves, and will really scare the pants off of anyone who sees it."
Price: 28.99

Devil Ani-Motion Mask |
"Don't have the patience to age your skin by 1,00 years and get realistic horn implants? You might think this means your devil costume is ruined, but there's another option! This Devil Ani-Motion Mask has a frightening look, straight from the depths of the underworld! And you can just put it on and take it off whenever you like."
Price: 28.99

Dragon Lord Sword and Shield |
"We all know that being a Dragon Lord is kind of a big deal. Not only do you have to rule your subjects with all the decorum expected of a King, you also have to tend over your flock of dragons. And since it's known far and wide dragons are known to be a bit... we'll call it temperamental, it might not be the easiest task. But, it's totally cool. Because you have the strength, wisdom, experience and of course the tools of the trade. Namely, this Dragon Lord sword and shield. With these weapons at your side, no one's going to doubt that you are an authentic ruler of the dragon kingdom!"
Price: 16.99

Black Witch Wand |
"Are you looking to do some black magic? Maybe cast a spell that will make you enemies' hair fall out? Or are you looking to turn your teacher into a rat? Either way, you're going to have to use some black magic. Grab this Black Witch Wand and start cursing all the people that have done you wrong. Forget karma! You'll make everything right with a flick of the wrist."
Price: 4.99

Geeked Out Mask |
"Some masks make you cringe in fear, other make you smile. This mask kinda just makes us feel a little..weird. We giggle for awhile and then we just have to look away. If you are looking for a goofy nerdy look, don't alter your appearance, just wear this unique Geeked Out Mask. Stare at someone while you peer out from your calculator if you are going for the creepy/nerdy vibe."
Price: 7.99

Super Dude Mask |
Do you need more protection for your secret identity than the average eye-mask can handle? Does your chin have some sort of highly recognizable feature that gives you away right away? This Super Dude Mask gives you a prominent chin that will cover up your own while you do heroic works!
Price: 7.99

Steampunk Cane |
"Jules Verne or H.G. Wells might have loved a walking stick like this Steampunk Cane! After all, they inspired the genre that inspired it."
Price: 19.99

Divine Staff |
"Are you feeling rather divine? This Divine Staff has a look that let's you show off how you feel on the inside! It might not be blessed with any real holy auras and the only special power you'll receive from it is the ability to look like you're ready to give a sermon. But that, it does well!"
Price: 9.99

Shepherd Staff |
Are you looking for a prop that will make you look powerful? When you hold this Shepherd Staff in your hand you will feel like you could lead a pack of people to salvation.. or just a pack of sheep! Add this cool prop to your religious themed costume.
Price: 12.99

Leprechaun Hat w/Attached Beard |
"There's something so majestic about seeing a thick gingery beard! It's basically the next best thing to actually seeing a leprechaun. You'll make peoples' day when they see your beaming face surrounded by a beautiful bushy red beard! Plus, a cool hat is connected to it. It doesn't get much cooler than that!"
Price: 9.99

Super Size Mask |
"Are you thinking about doing the Big Mac diet? The Big Mac diet is when you only eat Big Mac cheeseburgers for 30 days straight. This is actually proven to be highly unhealthy and bad for you and we do not suggest it. However, if you want to look like you gained a few pounds (or many pounds) in a very short time, then get this Super Size Mask. You'll get the supersized look while still maintaining your health, but go ahead and indulge on those extra large french fries if you want to! This holiday is all about tasty snacks."
Price: 7.99

Sleepy Hollow Axe |
"You might think that since the Headless Horseman has made it all the way to the 21st century, he'd stop using his trusty old axe. Now he can use shotguns, Glocks and everything else modern technology. But just like a true old school villain, he still brings out his Sleepy Hollow Axe to do the job. Of course, we don't want you hurting anyone, so this one is just a toy replica, but you can use it to scare the pants off of your victims!"
Price: 14.99

Old World Sandals |
"These Old World Sandals look like something that your grandpa's grandpa would wear. Back in the day, Socrates would walk the streets of Athens wearing something like these. Noah used to kick back on the ark wearing a pair of these on those particularly hot days on the ocean. If that's the kind of look you're going for, these sandals are perfect!"
Price: 9.99

Pirate Captain Beard |
"Do you like being a pirate, but hate having to grow an itchy beard just to be a captain? This fake beard solves that little problem. You'll have a look so grizzled, even the neighborhood dog will be addressing you as captain!"
Price: 6.99

Rainbow Clown Mullet Wig |
"Finally, rednecks and clowns have something in common. Business in front, party in back, and rainbow all over - who could object to it?"
Price: 15.99

Black and Gold Disco Wig |
"Not a lot of people can put down gold tinsel as their natural hair color, but no one really has to know that your natural hair isn't filled with tinsel. This disco style afro wig should take care of that."
Price: 14.99

Snow White Fairytale Wig |
"In the original Grimm story, Snow White had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. If your own hair isn't as black as ebony, get this Snow White Fairytale Wig! It also works as part of a vampire or 1920s costume, too."
Price: 19.99
