Fine Foxy Fro Wig |
"We're living in a foxy world, and to stand out, you've got to be a foxy girl. Okay.. maybe those lyrics were inspired by a different decade, but hey! A sassy hair do never goes out of style! Stand out at the disco in this Fine Foxy Fro Wig."
Price: 9.99

Disco Mama Wig |
"Disco is back. Didn't you get the memo? Blonde feathered hair, disco balls, night clubs - they're all the in thing now. Especially blonde feathered hair. It's the only way you can get the disco studs to check you out."
Price: 12.99

Discorama Mama Wig |
Discorama mama. It's fun to say. Just try saying it a few times. Now imagine everyone calling you a discorama mama after you have a 70's hairstyle like the one provided with this redhead wig. Did you get goosebumps?
Price: 12.99

Country Western Diva Wig |
"We won't make any crazy guarantees that you'll rise through the country charts while wearing this blonde wig, but it could happen. It's got cowgirl sass, which is what any girl needs in order to sing country western tunes. Well, that and a sugary sweet voice, but you've already got that part down, right?"
Price: 11.99

Women's Short Vampire Wig |
"Fangs alone, do not a vampire make. Sure, they're a good start, but if you don't have the rest of the look down, you really can't call yourself a vampire. That's where this black wig comes in. It has the right mix of creepy and sexy for that sort of thing."
Price: 14.99

Indian Maiden Wig |
"Pocahontas certainly didn't head outside without having her hair done up in braids like these, so why should you? Okay, so maybe we weren't actually there and we don't know how Pocahontas really kept her hair, but we'd like to think one of the most famous women in Native American history had a pretty cool hairstyle."
Price: 13.99

Adult Wild Caveman Wig |
"Rules for Prehistoric Hair Care: 1) Never cut your hair. 2) Never comb your hair. 3) Wash your hair only when you can't help getting completely wet. The problem with that is that you don't live in prehistoric times--you live in the 21st century, and personal hygiene is considered a bit more important now. So if you want that authentic caveman look minus the greasy, smelly hair, get this Adult Wild Caveman Wig. You'll look just like you've faithfully followed those prehistoric instructions. And then you can take it off and go to work or to class the next day without having to schedule an appointment with your barber!"
Price: 16.99

Auburn Seductress Wig |
"Get ready for some lessons in the art of seduction. The first step is to put on this sexy wig with luscious auburn locks. The second step is to practice that smokey and sultry look in the mirror. The final step is to show off that look to your favorite guy. It all sounds pretty easy, but it it all starts with the hair. You'd better make sure you have that part down."
Price: 12.99

Blonde Seductress Wig |
"Some people just don't believe that blondes have more fun. Of course, those people probably never went to a party wearing this sexy wig. You probably don't even believe us. Just try it out and you'll see."
Price: 12.99

Sexy Brunette Wig |
"Bad hair days happen to everyone. Well, everyone who wasn't clever enough to get the right wig for the occasion. This particular one has a sultry brunette style for when you're feeling a bit saucy and you want something that will pair up with your pirate outfit."
Price: 14.99

Feathered and Flirty Blonde Wig |
"The perfect feathered look takes a lot of patience, product, and just the right technique. I don't know about you, but I hardly ever have time to get my hair perfectly done. Don't keep your friends or that disco ball waiting. You'll have the perfect 70s do in seconds with this Feathered and Flirty Blonde Wig."
Price: 18.99

Pin Up Girl Red Wig |
Become a fiery pin up girl with 50's style when you wear this Pin Up Girl Red Wig. Prove everybody wrong and let it be known that red heds actually have the most fun!
Price: 14.99

Seduction Wig |
"Seduction. Some think it's all about that wild look in your eyes as you gaze at your prey. Others think it's about the tantalizing outfit you choose. And then, there are others that know it's all about the sexy hair you bring to the evening. Those other things always help, but the hair is really where it all starts."
Price: 12.99

Black Flirty Flapper Wig |
"Some girls think that their generation invented sexy style, but one look at the 1920's and they'd realize that the flapper girls had it down. You'll know exactly what we're talking about when you put on this dark and mysterious flapper wig."
Price: 8.99

Athenian Goddess Wig |
"We weren't around during ancient Greek times to actually catch a glimpse of Athena to know what she looked like and that's probably a good thing since she blinded Tiresias for such a thing. This sultry goddess wig is sort of what we think her hair would have looked like, but like we said we weren't actually there."
Price: 14.99

Men's Beach Bum Wig |
"A job? Who's got time for that! You just wanna be at the beach all day, waiting for those righteous breaks so you can hang ten. If you want to rock that beach bum look, this Men's Beach Bum Wig is the perfect way to fit it with a SoCal crew. It's much, much easier than letting your hair grow out on its own!"
Price: 16.99

Classic Marilyn Costume Wig |
"It's me, Sugar. Before transforming into a blonde bombshell, Marilyn was a mousy dark blonde/light brown brunette. The blonde became her trademark (along with her beauty mark) for the rest of her life. Easily transform into the platinum icon with this Classic Marilyn Costume Wig."
Price: 12.99

Red Movie Star Wig |
"If you're trying to be the kind of movie star who can get a cartoon rabbit to propose to her, then there's one thing you definitely need. It's some long flowing red hair. There's just no way around it. If you weren't blessed with that kind of hair, it's all good. We have a movie star wig that will make you look good enough to be a cartoon babe."
Price: 19.99

Super Freakin Wig |
"Being the funkadelic dude that you are, you probably already have the kind of Jheri curl hairstyle that drives ladies wild. The kind of hair that lets everyone know that you're a super freak, looking for a very freaky girl. Just in case, though, we have this wig available to get you in a funkified mood."
Price: 16.99

Black Rocker Dude Wig |
"Everyone knows that bigger hair means better rock and roll. All the 80's metal bands knew it. That's why this wig has some wild teased hair, perfect for shredding guitar solos, or for trashing hotel rooms and hitting on groupies."
Price: 12.99

Musketeer Mustache and Chin Patch |
"Nothing complements swashbuckling adventure like some manly facial hair. Sometimes that can be downright itchy, so there's no shame in taking the easy route and just using this fake one. D'Artagnan himself wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. Pair it with a Musketeer sword and you'll be in business protecting the royal family in no time."
Price: 4.99

Cop Mustache |
"You poor, poor soul. Do you not have a handlebar mustache? Any cop that wants instant respect needs one. We get it though. You don't have the time to grow one (or maybe you just can't). That's what this synthetic one is for."
Price: 3.99

Biker Beard and Moustache |
"The wind blasts through your jet black hair. As it whips your long bearded hair about you get chills down your spine. This life is not for everybody. Life on the road, just you and your bike. It's 130 miles still to Tucson, to your favorite watering hole. Rumor has it the roadhouse has the best new band west of the Mississippi. It's good to be alive."
Price: 9.99

Auburn Supermodel Wig |
"Not content on being just a model, you need to be a supermodel. Normally, that takes an agent, professional headshots, a restrictive diet and a workout regimen that would make a Navy SEAL pass out. The other option is to wear this sexy wig and just call yourself a supermodel. We suggest the second option."
Price: 14.99

Voodoo Dreads Wig |
"One of the main requirements of being a witch doctor is having some wicked dreadlocks. They might not contain any magical powers, but they will make you look like you have the perfect voodoo doll ready for some sweet revenge."
Price: 19.99

Marie Antoinette Wig |
"French Revolution got you down? That shouldn't stop you from having the best hair in the kingdom. You're royalty after all. With a wig like this, it's pretty easy. Just place it on your head and you're ready! Just make sure you steer clear of any guillotines this Halloween..."
Price: 22.99
