Women's Sexy Indian Princess Wig |
Forget going to the salon to get the perfect look for your costume. This Women's Sexy Indian Princess Wig saves you a trip to the hairstylist and a very uncomfortable conversation about how your hair needs to look like a Native American's hair.
Price: 19.99

Girl's Vampire Wig |
"We know how it is. A young vampire heads out for a late night snack, but just doesn't have the time to do her hair before she steps outside her creepy castle. And finding a hairstylist available that late at night? Not going to happen. This Gothic style wig makes the whole situation moot, since all it takes is a few seconds to have great hair for a night of blood sucking."
Price: 11.99

Alice Wig |
"Although we haven't yet perfected the shrinking potion you need to find your way Wonderland, we have perfected a wig that gives you the hairstyle of Alice... with a bit of a twist. It's blonde, but it has hints of blue in it. We've heard that the Mad Hatter likes this look way better than plain blonde."
Price: 12.99

Mississippi Mud Flap Wig and Mustache |
"If you like gently caressing the Hemi V8 engine that you had installed into your pickup truck and sipping on some ice cold beer, all while listening to some Southern classic rock tunes, you probably already have a mullet and a handlebar mustache. If not, then we've come to help. This wig and mustache combo will have you set up with the hair needed to do your business up front with the party in the back, which coincidentally is exactly how your truck works."
Price: 19.99

Sexy Burgundy Wig |
"In need of an attitude adjustment? Red hair has the strange effect of pulling out the wild side in anyone. Word has it, that even Cleopatra prized red hair, and it's hard to argue with the most well known beauty in history."
Price: 16.99

Wavy Brunette Wig |
"What do daring, beautiful pirates and Medieval maidens have in common? They're both too busy going on adventures to worry about having the perfect hair. Luckily, with the help of this wavy brunette wig, it just takes a few seconds to get the perfect style."
Price: 16.99

Wavy Auburn Wig |
"A fiery attitude deserves a dose of fiery hair, and while lighting your hair on fire might look cool for a minute, it's dangerous and totally not worth it. This bright red wig on the other hand, is completely worth it and completely safe."
Price: 16.99

Wavy Blonde Wig |
"Blondes may not always have more fun, but why chance it when becoming a gorgeous blonde is as easy as putting on this wig? The look seems to work for Alice, Goldilocks and plenty of other famous girls."
Price: 16.99

Blonde Heavy Metal Wig |
"Your air guitar is pretty good, but it could be better. It's missing a little something in the hair department. All the best rockers have hair that has maximum rocking potential, which is exactly what this wig delivers - pure unadulterated rock."
Price: 16.99

Let's Get Physical Wig |
"Everyone loves getting physical. You know, working out! Lifting weights, cardio, aerobics. It's all part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you plan on getting physical, this wig will make your look! Complete with a pink headband and wristbands, you'll be ready to sweat it out in any era!"
Price: 19.99

Black Heavy Metal Wig |
"Getting hair like a real rocker means staying up for 6 days in a row, partying non-stop between gigs. At least, that used to be the only way to get hair like a rock star. This black wig takes away all the trouble and the pounding headaches of hangovers out of the equation and leaves you with pure rock and roll goodness."
Price: 16.99

Mississippi Mud Mullet & Mustache |
"Just in case you didn't get the memo, mullets are back. Business in the front and party in the back is something that everyone can enjoy - just like pickup trucks and beer. If don't have time to grow one yourself, just take the easy way and put a mullet wig on. That's how we do it."
Price: 19.99

Pop Angel Wig |
"So, you really want to make it as a pop star, but you're not ready to wear a dress made of meat or a giant bubble suit. This platinum wig is a start and certainly is less intimidating than those other choices."
Price: 14.99

Grunge Mens Blonde Wig |
"Feeling angsty? Throw on this Grunge Mens Blonde Wig and do your best Seattle rocker impression. All you need to do is mumble your lyrics, be really wobbly, kick over your amps, and then stage dive. Easy, right? Oh, and don't forget to be apathetic and raise your fists to corporations. Now you're certified grunge!"
Price: 12.99

Hollywood Rocker Wig |
"The will to rock is something you can learn through years of music. Unfortunately, your hair is something you are born with. Sometimes your hair just doesn't want to rock as hard as you, but this wig is always ready to rock and roll."
Price: 12.99

MC Poser Rapper Wig |
"Check it yo, there was a problem and we just solved it. You're gonna need this MC Poser Rapper Wig once the party gets jumping. No need to grab your nine, our wig's the perfect ten!"
Price: 14.99

True Colors 80s Wig |
"It's not too late for you to be an icon of the 1980's. Or wait, it actually is a couple decades too late. At least this rad pop star wig is still around to let you know what it would have felt like."
Price: 12.99

Rockin Soul Blonde Wig |
It's okay. We know your little secret. You secretly dream of selling out shows as the number one soul diva in music. We can help. This wig gives you the wild teased hair that will make you look like a real R&B star. All you have to do is work on your vocals. We suggest practicing at your local karaoke bar.
Price: 12.99

Pink Curly Hair Clips |
"Have you been dying to dye your hair pink, but certain people in your life just won't let you (we say certain people because there's a chance that person is here reading this with you and we don't want to get you in trouble). Well, we have an alternative that can make everyone happy. Hair clips that fit easily in and out of your hair without having to resort to dyes."
Price: 3.99

Red Curly Hair Clips |
"You have no excuse for not accessorizing your fiery attitude with some fiery hair. And we don't mean lighting your hair on fire, because that's just dangerous and irresponsible. What we do mean is something like these bright red curly clips that make your hair pop."
Price: 3.99

80s Brown Rock Mullet Wig |
"Never before has a hairstyle so perfectly captured the essence of life. It's wisdom carries on for ages to come. You keep all of your business in the front, allowing for a party around back. Sheer genius."
Price: 16.99

80s Blonde Rock Mullet Wig |
"Real men do their business in the front and their partying in the back. All the greatest people of the last century know this, so it's about time you get on board. With this wig, you really don't even have to wait for your hair to grow out."
Price: 19.99

Blonde Bombshell Wig |
"So, you want to be a foxy movie star, but you're just too smart and not blonde enough. We can fix the blonde hair part! Once you slip this bleach blonde wig on, you'll feel more blonde than you ever thought was possible. Unfortunately, you still might be too smart for the part you wanted..."
Price: 19.99

Medusa Wig |
"Heading down to the pet store to buy a bunch of snakes to wear on your head might not be the most well thought out plan for your Medusa outfit. They might look cool, but after they start squirming around and bite you, you'll wish you had just grabbed a cool wig, like this one, to finish your look."
Price: 19.99

Puppy Poacher Wig |
"Keep your pooches penned up because this wicked woman will pounce on them before you can even say the word 'puppies.' You see, she collects perfect pups and makes perfect coats out of them. She's a little loony, but jeez, her hair is magnificent, isn't it? Get this unique look when you wear this Puppy Poacher Wig."
Price: 14.99

Golden Goddess Wig |
"Not everyone can call Mt. Olympus home, but since everyone already calls you a goddess, you have a real chance at being one. All you need is this wig to make it official."
Price: 19.99
