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Python |
"? Python~Python Python Python Python 0 Python 1. Python 2. Python 3. Python 4. Python 56K 57 Yahoo Finance 2018"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Teknik Analiz Eitimi (Forex, Borsa Bitcoin ve Altcoin)" |
"Borsada yatrm yapyor ancak srekli kaybediyor musun?Byk umutlarla ilem ayor ve sonrasnda hayal krkl m yayorsun?Bunlar yayorsan yalnz deilsin. Borsada ilem yapanlarn %80inin kaybettiini biliyor muydun? Borsada al sat yapanlarn hepsinin tek bir amac vardr. Kar elde etmek ve para kazanmak. Borsada kazanlan parayla yaplacaklar dnlr ve hayaller kurulur. saman alevi gibi parlayan hayaller bir sre sonra tamamen sner. Bunlar tekrar tekrar yaayanlardan msn?Dier tarafta ise kazanan yatrmclar olan %20lik ksm bulunmaktadr. Bu yatrmclar ans eseri mi kazanmakta yoksa baz eyleri kaybedenlerden farkl yapt iin mi kazanmaktalar? Tahmin ettiin gibi. Kazananlar farkl eyler bildii ve yapt iin kazanmaktadr.Borsada yatrm yapan yatrmclarn sorunlarn grdm ve kazananlarn neler yaptn bildiim iin btn bilgilerimi sizlerle bu eitimde paylayorum.Eitime kayt olarak sende kazananlarn bildiklerini renebilir ve borsada kazananlardan olabilirsin.Teknik analiz eitimi piyasalarda ilem yaparken para kaybetmemizi nler ve para kazanmamz salar. bu nedenle forex, borsa ve bitcoin alm satm yapanlar mutlaka teknik analiz renmelidir. nasl ki yzme bilmeyen bir kii denizde boulma tehlikesiyle kar karya ise, teknik analiz bilmeyenlerde para kaybetme tehlikesiyle kar karyadr. Teknik analiz eitimini hazrlama amacm: insanlarn teknik analiz renmesini salamaktr. zor artlarda kazandklar paray bu piyasalarda ksa srede kaybetmelerini nlemek ve bu piyasalardan para kazanmalarn salamaktr.Forex, borsa ve kriptopara alm satm yapanlar, piyasaya girmeden nce mutlaka teknik analiz renmeli, olas kayplar nlemek iin en bandan nlem almaldr. Sizler iin eitimi en faydal ve anlalr ekilde hazrladm. trade srasnda ihtiya duyulan btn bilgileri bu eitimde bulacaksnz. kafa kartran, etkisiz ve gereksiz bilgilere ise kesinlikle yer vermedim. dolaysyla tm gerekli ve deerli bilgilerle, en doru ilemleri yaparak, maksimum kazanc elde etmeniz mmkn olacak. Eitim sana neler katacak?Teknik analiz yapmay reneceksin.Grafikleri tek bana yorumlamay reneceksin.Ykselecek grafikleri tespit ederek kar elde edeceksin.Hi kimseden sinyal ve tyo almaya ihtiyacn kalmayacak. (sinyal ve tyo piyasalarda en ok para kaybettiren etkenlerdendir.)Zararlarnn azalacakKarlarn artacakKarl ilemler yapmann pf noktalarn reneceksin.Bilinli olarak ksa, orta ve uzun vadeli yatrm yapmay reneceksin.Para kaybettiren ve para kazandran davranlar reneceksin.Sermayeni korumay ve sistemli olarak artrmay reneceksin.Stres ve kaygya neden olan durumlar reneceksin.Stresle ba etme yntemlerini reneceksin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kazandran TRADE STRATEJS: Forex, Borsa, Bitcoin" |
"Kazandran trade stratejisinin amac piyasadaki trendleri yakalayarak maksimum kar orann elde etmektir.Birok insan ilem yaparken bir analiz ve stratejiye dayanmadan rastgele ilem yapmaktadr. Malesef bu durum byk kayplara neden olmaktadr. Somut analiz ve stratejiye dayanmayan her trade kaybetmeye mahkumdur. Trade yaparak para kazanmak isteyen herkes mutlaka salam bir stratejiye sahip olmaldr. Aksi halde yaplan ilemler ans oyunundan farksz olur. Kazanmak iin ansa ihtiya duyulur. Ancak bu piyasalarda ans eseri, tesadfi paralar kazanlsa bile, ilerleyen zamanlarda ansszlklar st ste gelir ve kazanlan paradan daha fazlas kaybedilir. (Piyasalarda ilem yapan herkesin mutlaka karlat veya ileride karlaaca mutlak bir gerektir)Stratejimi kk risklerle byk karlar elde etmek zerine oluturdum. Piyasalarda en yksek karlar ise trend ynnde pozisyon aarak elde edilir.Eitimde anlattm strateji forex, borsa ve bitcoin'de ayn ekilde uygulanabilir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"7 Steps on the Path to Happiness" |
"Join me to learn some of the techniques that I have incorporated into my daily life which enable me to live a happy and fulfilled life every singleday. Knowthat happiness is your birthright and is just waiting for you to reclaim it!Don't wait for external factorsto bring happiness into your life - learn how to createhappiness for yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps to a Stress Free Mind and Body" |
"Learn some simple techniques which will help you to relax your mind and body thusenablingyou to cope better with the everyday stresses that life brings us.We can't avoid the external stresses, but we can learn to manage thestress response by training our minds and bodies to trigger the para-sympathetic nervous system whichreturns our biological systems to their natural, healing states."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CS Foundations in Python" |
"Learn to code in the popular and powerful language Python!Everything you need to know to get coding right away in easytofollow video lessons with access to course slides.Python is a great starting point for new programmers and an easy language to pick up for experienced and seasonedcoders."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Raliser un matte painting avec Blender et Photoshop" |
"Dans ce cours vous apprendrez crer un paysage en matte painting avec Blender et Photoshop.Modlisation du paysage.Utilisation des weight map et de modificateurs.Eclairage de la scene.Paramtrage des passes de rendu.Exportation et importation des passes sur Photoshop.Appliquer des textures sur Photoshop.Peindre un environnement.Utiliser le filtre camra raw.Finaliser le matte painting."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crer une intro de Journal Tlvis en motion design" |
"Un cours spcialement cre pourcelles et ceux qui souhaitent apprendre le motion design avec les outils de ce super logiciel qu'est Blender.A travers ce cours vous apprendrez utiliser les diffrents outils de Blender qui vous conduiront la ralisation d'un habillage de JT en animation.Ce que vous allez apprendre.Transformer un objet en courbes et le diviser pour obtenir des lments graphiquesAnimer les courbes pour crer un visuel en mouvement.Ce que sont les Drivers et comment on les utilise.Crer un systme de particules.Utiliser des modificateurs pour contrler la rpartition des particules.Gestion des cls d'animation et de la piste de temps.Utilisation de 2 camras et comment passer de l'une l'autre.Gestion des matriaux.Dformation et animation du texte.Paramtrage du rendu final.Amliorer le rendu l'aide des outils de compositing de Blender."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML and HTML5 - From 0- Zero To Hero" |
"Mastering the basics of HTML and HTML5 is a great skill to have whether you need to learn how to create web page structure, colors, graphics, links, or embed images, audio or videos.HTML :Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide WebSo it's time to Start Today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Occupational Health & Safety Training" |
"Demonstrate your commitment to ensuring optimum health and safety standards and your organisation will stand out from the crowd. Our Udemy Occupational Health and Safety course will provide youwith the competencies you need to ensure you are compliant with your legal obligations.Whatever your organisations size or activities, quality occupational health and safety training is vital to success, being a key component of first-class internal processes. Train and gain the confidence and skills necessary to eliminate health and safety and operational risks to yourstakeholders.This Occupational Health and Safety training provides an extensive range of situations and scenarios to enable your staff and managers to feel confident and competent in implementing your local health & safety legislation and best practices at work."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Communication Skills" |
"We communicate with each other all the time, yet we rarely think about it. We often communicate without being fully aware of the messages we are really sending to people. Success depends on being understood, understanding others and communicating well together. Building healthy working relationships is vital to our business success. A major part of this is understanding our own personal communicating style, how we can (and do!) influence other people, and how to use your style to create effective business relationship.Communication skills, like anything else, can be developed and improved with practice and with proper education. Improve your communication skills- in writing, face-to-face conversations, presentations, interviews, and more - by enrolling in thisonline course on Udemy. Learn to write more effectively, communicate with customers and employees, and craft compelling communication plans and proposals, as well as communication skills training for difficult situations, such as dealing & managing."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace" |
"Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one's own feelings. It also provides great insight on how emotion influences motivation and behavior. The concepts of Emotional Intelligence have been around since the early 20th century, but the term was first introduced by Wayne Payne in 1985.Research has shown our Emotional Intelligence is directly linked to our success, it is imperative that we are skilled in helping people discover and develop their own Emotional Intelligence, by doing this we help them to realise their full potential for accomplishments whether its for personal effectiveness or in the workplace.Emotional Intelligence is now recognized as being an essential component of success in todays competitive environment. Successful people have been shown to display higher levels of Emotional Intelligent behaviour combining strong interpersonal skills with their technical abilities. The core competencies of Emotional Intelligence provide the necessary knowledge to further develop your interpersonal skills.With our Emotional Intelligence course you will gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness. This in turn will give you better insight and control over your actions and emotions. With a greater understanding of emotions you will experience a positive impact on your professional and personal lives."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Problem Solving Skills" |
"Think of all the problems that you have encountered in your life. You found some way to deal with them and, on reflection you may feel that you dealt with some problems in a better way than others. When tackling a problem we all use some kind of structured approach but we dont always recognise what that approach is. Our approach is probably automatic and has developed by accident as a result of our work and life experiences. This automatic approach to problem solving saves thinking time but doesnt allow us to really understand why sometimes we are less successful than we would like to be. This Udemy course will help you understand the fundamentals of problem solving and will equip you with tested and effective techniques and strategies to solve various types of problems, whether in your personal or professional life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"17 Soft Skills You Need in the 21st Century" |
"Soft Skills (a vital portion of an individuals personality) is an intangible idea in which thequalities like attitude, ability, integrity, reliability, positivity, flexibility, dependability,punctuality, management, cooperation, habits and practices are combined proficiently tocapitalize on a persons work efficacy. Soft Skills do the work of combining all thesecomponents in accurate share into skills and shaping them into competencies.Companies opt for, maintain and prop up persons who are trustworthy, ingenious, principled and good communicators and who are prepared to work under stress. These lessons are developed with a view to create awareness of the importance of the soft skills and assist the learners to improve them.This Soft skill training coursehas beendeveloped with an objective to develop employees and managers andenhance professionalism. Our soft skill courselet the candidates take deep dive into different areas of communication including negotiation skills, presentation skills, leadership skills, time management, customer service and more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Top 5 Soft Skills of Highly Successful People" |
"In recent years, much business and leadership education has focused on the quantitative or ""hard"" skills necessary to be an effective manager orprofessional. Although the importance of technical skills like financial management cannot be understated, effective management also requires ""soft,"" or qualitative, characteristics that cannot be easily measured.While there are literally dozens of soft skills that comprise a great manager/professional, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and negotiation are some of the most important qualities.In this course you learn about the top 5 soft skills you need to be really successful in any career you choose to pursue.Communication Skills:Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills.Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. It may be vocally (using voice), written (using printed or digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails), visually (using logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally (using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of voice).How well this information can be transmitted and received is a measure of how good our communication skills are.Problem Solving Skills:Problems are at the centreof what many people do at work every day. Whether you're solving a problem for a client (internal or external), supporting those who are solving problems, or discovering new problems to solve, the problems you face can be large or small, simple or complex, and easy or difficult.A fundamental part of every manager's role is finding ways to solve them. So, being a confident problem solver is really important to your success.Critical Thinking Skills:Critical thinking is that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skilfully analysing, assessing, and reconstructing it. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities, as well as a commitment to overcome our native egocentrism and socio-centrism.Negotiation Skills:Negotiation Skills are required to negotiate superior deals in both your business and personal life. Negotiating Skills include methods of: communicating, persuading and influencing, planning, strategizing, employing tactics, techniques, tool-sets, systems & processes, and often teamwork.Decision Making Skills:In psychology,decision-makingis viewed as the cognitive processresulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities. Every decision-making process produces a final choice,which may or may not prompt action.Decision-making is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values, preferencesand beliefs of the decision-maker.This course will give practical ways on how to develop each of the key soft skills above."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Interviewing Skills For Hiring Managers & Human Resources" |
"The aim of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform effective interviews ensuring that the objectives of the organisation are met.ThisInterviewing Skills course is designed to direct participants through the differentstages of the selection processwhenrecruitingandimprove their skillswhen conducting and interview and/or when involved in the interviewing process.The course will ensure that participants have the ability toscore and evaluate candidates effectivelyand assist them inmaking confident recruitment decisions.The Course will cover the below topics:Questioning techniques:10 types of questions, when & how to ask themListening:Preparing to listen, listening barriers, non-interventional listening, interactive listening, mirroring, echoing, note-takingInterpreting body language:Para-linguistics, types of body language, hands, sitting, standing, eye contact, orientation, proximity, looks/appearance, expressions of emotionThe selection interview:Preparation, structure, evaluation, follow-upThe appraisal interview:Problems, principles, SOS +5 Approach, style, interview tipsThe discipline interview:The SNAP methodThe counselling interview:The nature of helping, the WRAF approachThe fact-finding interview:Questioning techniques"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sexual Harassment & Bullying in the Workplace" |
"It is the responsibility of employers to make surethat every employee has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to carry out their duties in an environment that is free from harassment, sexual harassment and bullying.Sexual harassment, harassment and bullying mustnot be tolerated withinorganizations and shouldlead to disciplinary action.Workplace bullying, harassment and sexual harassment undermine professional working relations and adversely affect the service(s) that businessesprovideas it can lower morale and result in stress and absenteeism. It also has a negative effect on other members who may not have been directly subjected to bullying, harassment or sexual harassment but who may have observed it or have been made aware of it.This courseis designed to teach employershow toprotect staff from harassment, sexual harassment and bullying whether it is carried out by a manager or a work colleague, a service provider or other business contact.Companies should becommitted to the development and maintenance of a positive working environment. An essential component of such an environment is treating colleagues with the respect and dignity they deserve.A positive working environment places obligations on management but also places responsibilities on all members to refrain from engaging in unacceptable behaviour and where it occurs to challenge and expose it. A positive working environment is not created merely through the introduction of policies on harassment, sexual harassment and bullying. Each individual has a responsibility to ensure that such policies have real effect in the workplace.Policieson harassment, sexual harassment and bullying areunderpinned by the following rights and responsibilities of all:"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Psychology 101" |
"This Introduction to Psychologycourse is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop an understanding of psychology and to explore its relevance to the individual, family, community and society.ThisIntroduction to Psychology introduces learners to the most widely recognised and popular topics in the field of psychology, and does so in an entertaining and intellectually stimulating way. The overall aim of the programme is to provide a lucid introduction to the area of psychology. The goals of the Certificate in Introduction to Psychology are to inspire an appreciation for an empirical approach to human behaviour, to produce intelligent consumers of psychological information and to address the role of psychology in promoting human welfare and solving social problems."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Personality Psychology" |
"Consider two brothers. One of these siblings will grow up to become a world leader. The other will struggle with alcohol and drugs, eventually spending time in jail. What about each of their personalities propelled them to take the path they did?On this course, youll examine the factors that influence something as complex as your personality. You will explore the work of Freud on the psychodynamic perspective of personality, and consider theories of behaviourism, humanism and personality traits, considering how personality is influenced by the culture of the society in which you were raised.You will also investigate models, theories and approaches of pioneers who contributed to our understanding of personality before examining personality tests to determine how they can be used to better understand our decision making process."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"English Street School" |
"English Street School uma nova forma de aprender Ingls. Idealizado pelo Professor Nelson Cores, o English Street School vai fazer voc falar pensando em Ingls, sem complicaes ou mistrios. Pelo prprio dinamismo do mtodo, voc vai ficar cada vez mais integrado com as palavras, frases e situaes do idioma Ingls, Chame seus amigos e todo mundo que voc conhece! Chegou English Street School. Um Jeito Diferente De Aprender Ingls."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Design of Experiments (DoE)" |
"Design of Experiments(DoE) is a fundamentally important branch of applied statistics that is used to increase the efficiency of a designby speeding up the design process, preventing late product changes and reducing the amount ofraw materials used in the manufacturing process. This course seeks topromote, develop and enhance knowledge levels and understanding of Designof Experiments, which is critically important in the laboratory, the pilot plant and full scale industrial production. The course is ideal forscientists, engineers, technicians, researchers and students involved in product development, process improvement, optimization, validation and quality assurance."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners Guide to Classic Portrait Photography" |
"If you are a beginner photographer or a more experienced photographer who would like to capture better classic portraits, this course is for you. Whether you are exploring a career in photography or would simply like to capture beautiful portraits, classic portraits are the starting point for furthering your creative skills. The Beginners Guide to Classic Portrait Photography is designed to provide you with all of the practical knowledge you need to create classic portraits. It is a gentle entry into the subject, beginningwith a primer on basic photography concepts andgear,and then movinginto specifics for portraiture, like gear choice, settings, editing, and working with your subject. In this course, you willDiscover the characteristics of a classic portrait, including the lighting, the posing and more.Develop your understanding of photography basics, like exposure, focusing and file types, and how to adjust each in your camera.Examine the gear that can be used for classic portraits - cameras and lenses, lighting, backgrounds and environments - including the benefits and drawbacks of each. This will allow you to determine what gear is right for you.Master specifics of working with your subject, including specific tips for building rapport, for posing, and for overcoming shyness.Identify how to set up a portrait studio, even if the studio is an outdoor location.Practice the basic edits that are typically expected in a classic portrait, and more advanced edits that can be done. Download a free trial of Adobe Lightroom Classic, a popular editing application.Suggestions for ways to practice your portrait photography.Discover how you can apply your own creativity and still retain the look and feel of a classic portrait.Classic portraits are fundamental for a portrait photographers portfolio, and they are a building block for more advanced portrait work. Master these, and you will have the know-how to expand your portrait photography with your creativity.In this course, you will also complete exercises that will help you build your photography knowledge and solidify your experience. As we work through classic portraits from start to finish, you will practice focusing and using different camera settings to see how they affect exposure. At several points in the course, you will be challenged to create a classic portrait of your own. As you move through the course, you will be able to see your improvement!Ive designed this course to be comprehensive but practical, with low-pressure exercises to help you on your journey to becoming a portrait photographer. Photography is truly an art form, and it should be treated as such. Once you learn the mechanics, your creativity can lead you beyond to create your own personal style of portraits. So join me! Enroll now to master classic portraits."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"5 Essential Questioning Strategies" |
"Effective questioning involves proven, observable methods of wording questions, teaching of response techniques, techniques for selectingresponders and strategies for confidence building. Learn about Cognitive Verbs in Questions, Simultaneity, Randomness, Wait Time and Coaching, and Cognitive Verbs in Praise Statements.This course will give you the tools you need to be effective with questioning in your classroom."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Quickbooks Online (QBO) Bookkeeping" |
"After 6 years of helping numerous companies, I decided to create this course to help even more. All that is need is your notebook, and the ability to rewind and watch multiple times as there is a lot of information crammed in these instructional videos. You will view my screen as I navigate through the software and set up different aspects of the software in preparation for entry of any transaction. This course covers the following: A) Introduction to invoicing including setting up specific income accounts and customer details B) Company settings in depth discussing why and how to set your preferences C) Setting up sales tax for Receiver General and Provincial Taxes, D) Setting up chart of accounts from Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, Cost of Goods Sold, and Expenses. Some of the oddities are recorded to also show you work-arounds to take care of keeping your accounting clean. If you have already set-up your own file and have started entering, watching these videos will help you investigate reporting that is very important and to understand where you put your transactions thus far. All the videos are downloadable. I appreciate any feedback. My next goal is to create a reconciling, reporting and sales tax filing course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building a complete ecommerce store without coding" |
"This course is intended to help students build a complete and a beautiful eCommerce website without learning coding. You only need access to a computer, internet and follow instructions to complete each assignment. You will be able to build a complete and a stunning eCommerce website that will look like amazon and eBay."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Math Class 9th Full Course with Solved Questions 334 Videos" |
"This course covers the following chapters:Number System + MCQ's to test yourself after studying all the videos in this sectionPolynomials +MCQ's to test yourself after studying all the videos in this sectionCoordinate GeometryLinear EquationsLines and Angles + MCQ's to test yourself after studying all the videos in this sectionTrianglesQuadrilateralsArea of Triangle and ParallelogramsCircleHeron's FormulaSurface Areas and VolumesStatisticsProbabilityThis section ofMathsphy provides unconventional and a better way of learning maths. It saves time and gives you ease of learning anytime anywhere at your convenience. It has more than 320videos for 9th grade students explaining topic concepts and then solving all the questions in a very professional language giving you the experience of personalized tutoring."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Math Class 10th Full Course with Solved Question 416 Videos" |
"This course covers the following topics through 415 videos:Real Numbers + Practice TestPolynomials + Practice TestQuadratic Equations + Practice QuizLinear Equations in two VariablesArithmetic ProgressionsTrianglesCoordinate Geometry + Practice QuizTrigonometryTrigonometry ApplicationsCirclesArea related to CirclesSurface Areas and VolumesStatisticsProbabilityIn each the chapters you will get concept explaining videos and then questions solving videos with detailed explanations. Key here is if you know how to solve the question, then solve on your own and just tally the answer, however if you do not know the solution then see the full video to understand the solution."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Math Class 11 Tough Practice Questions (7 topics) 119 Videos" |
"Questions in this Course are carefully picked and selected from 7 chapters of class 11th. There would be other chapters coming up shortly. Chapters covered are as following:Sets (Intermediate Level)Trigonometry (Most of the questions are tough except few to give you kick start)Linear Inequalities (Intermediate Level)Permutations and Combinations (Almost all are tough except few to give you kick start)Binomial Theorem ((Almost all are tough except few to give you kick start)Conic Sections(Almost all are tough except few to give you kick start)Straight Lines(Almost all are tough except few to give you kick start)"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"GMAT / GRE - Math - Practice Test - MCQ's (2 sets 340 Q)" |
"This course has 2 practice test (MCQ's) covering all the topics as per latest GMAT / GRE Math syallabus. These MCQ's will help to strengthen your grip on Math and help you to measure the areas to work upon. All these questions are great mixture of questions to practice and clear your understanding on different topics in Mathematics. Onlycorrect answer are available."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Permutations and Combinations - Math - GMAT/GRE/CAT (Tough)" |
"Basics of PermutationsExplanations and ExamplesWhat is Factorial NotationPractice QuizWhat is combinationsExplanations and ExamplesPractice QuizTough Questions picked andexplained in a way you can head on permutations and combinations in a big way after thisPermutations and Combinations are tested in almost every entrance examinations, students or professionals taking up this course must get benefit in solving those questions easily."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Geometry - Math - GMAT/GRE/SAT/ACT/CAT (Scratch to Expert)" |
"This course contains the following:Lines and Angles complete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.Triangles complete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.Triangles congruencycomplete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.Triangles Similaritycomplete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.Quadrilateralscomplete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.Circlecomplete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.Circle tangentcomplete with all the theorems and questions based on all the theorems for practice.This course has been designed in such a way that students get entire geometry and its concepts/ theorems at one place complete with all the questions based on them. This saves lot of time and makes you to practice while learning theorems."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |