Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Binomial Theorem - Concept and Questions Solutions - Math" |
"Learn the following:Understanding Binomial Theorem/ Pascal's TriangleHow to expand (a + b) ^ nFinding out general term/ middle term/ term free from xPractice tough questionsThis course has been designed with engineering entrance exam perspective. Anyone who finds difficulty in Binomial Theorem, this course is going to help them big time. This course requires understanding of ""Combination"". if you have any doubt in understanding Combination, I would suggest please take the course of Permutation and combination I have made available here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the Trigonometry - Math - Easiest way to Learn Trig" |
"This course covers the following:What is Sine/ Cos/ Tan/ Cot/ Cosec/ Sec and Cot ratiosQuestions on Basic Trig0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 deg angles in trigonometryQuestions based on those specific anglesTrigonometry ratios of complementary anglesQuestions based on complementary anglesTrigonometric identitiesQuestions based onTrigonometric identitiesWords problemsThis course has been designed to understand the trigonometry for those who are going to start trigonometry and needs good teaching on this subject. Those who are already familiar with trig however find difficulty in understanding should take up this course.This course would help them in many entrance examinations where trig problems are asked."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"No More Rent! - 4 Simple Steps To Saving Your House Deposit!" |
"Say Goodbye To House Deposit Overwhelm!Welcome to No More Rent! Saving a deposit for your first home can be incredibly overwhelming and for many, completely impossible.Yet owning your home is an achievement so many people want!In this course I take you through the absolute basics of getting all the information you need to know exactly how much you have to save, because its not just about the deposit. I also guide you through completing an in depth budget review and explore ways that you can save money or make cut backs. We also look at how to manage your bank accounts. I have also included a bonus module around vision boarding to complete lock in your mindset that owning your own home IS possible!The overall aim of this course is by the end of it, you are actively saving money for your first home and you mindset is complete switched on to making this happen!What are the requirements?PC and a PrinterNo existing knowledge on the subject needed.What am I going to get from this course?You will have locked down your exact and personal reasons why you want your first home and what you want from your first home......your WHY!You will know exactly the amount of money you need to save including all possible fees.You will have built connections with all the people relevant to your property journeyYou will know EXACTLY where your money goes and feel much more in control of your income and expenditure.You will have all your banking in alignment and have an account actively saving for a house deposit no matter how small the amount!You will be moving forward in your dream to own your first homeWhat is the target audience?People who are wanting to save to buy their first home but don't know where to start.Those who may be saving already but are not sure if they are maximising the amount they are saving.Complete beginners to the property journey who have no idea where to begin when thinking of buying their first homePLEASE NOTE: I am not a regulated financial advisor. The training given here is designed with everyone in mind and is not specialist financial planning. Should you wish to have more detailed financial advice please seek advice from a regulated financial professional."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lessons for Beginner Guitar Players" |
"Congratulationson checking outmy Beginner Guitar Course!Yes Isay ""congratulations"" because it means you are already taking initiative to pursue something you may have never tried before.That takes courage to go for something new and is very exciting!That's what this course is all about, diving into something new. New skills, new concepts, new terms and ""shop talk"", potential you never realized you had, and anoverall new discovery of the joy of playing music on the guitar!My goal in creating this course was to make it as easy and efficient and enjoyable as possible for a brand new beginner, or close to total beginner, to learn how to play the guitar. This course guides you through the fundamentals and techniques needed to play, as well as gives you the opportunity to put into practice those new skills with various exercises andjam trackvideos. As you develop these skills more and more, you will be ready to check out various songs you wish to learn in the online world through Ultimate Guitar, Youtube, etc. Iknow thistypically is the main goal of someone wanting to learn the guitar, so that's why the concepts taught equip you to learn any particular song you wish to learn at your respective level, and as you progress from this course into the next level of playing.One of the key things my instructor taught me was how to teach myself. This course is designed to prepare you with the knowledge neededto pursuewhatever direction you wish to go as you progress through the course andupon completion. Do you want to be able to play fun songs around a campfire with friends and family? You will learn many of the essential ""campfire"" and standard chords for this, as well as where to find great resources online for learning your favouritesongs (there are a tonne!). Do you want to become a lead guitar player and shred!? This course will give you the fundamental knowledge and basic skills to begin your journey to taking a killer,or gentle and sweet :),solo to win your way into the hearts of millions......or something like that right? :) But in all seriousness, whether I'm teaching the more campfire type material, which I start with, or the beginnings of more technical type material like scales and riffs, Imake sure to go very slow and take you through each concept step by step so that the general total beginner will be able to grasp the material being taught without feeling toooverwhelmed (note that Ido go into some theory (note names,scale degrees, etc)with some of the material,that you may wish, or not wish, to try and fully wrap your mind offence taken if not!). Of course you can always pause the video and rewind, etc, in order to camp out on a certain concept. I know I have to do that all the time when learning something new!The real key to success is to take a methodical approach to learning the guitar. This course is designed to do that! Surprise! And I'll even just tell you straight up right now, learning chords, scales, riffs (short solos), and songs at your respective level, will give you pretty muchall the skills you'll ever need to play the guitar and to learn how to progress in whatever genre you wish. Therefore, this course gets you started learning chords, scales and riffs, and teaches you how to then find songs to learn online and continue a snowball momentum of continuous learning the guitar with any and all of the great resources that are out there.BELIEVE you can accomplish playing the guitar and discover the joy of playing, because I believe you can!(Oh...and just so you'll get an introduction to playing the blues also! Cause what guitar player doesn't want to learn how to play the blues?!!?)Enjoy yourjourney learning one of the mostfuninstruments to play!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Crea una invitacin de cumpleaos infantil" |
"Crea una invitacin de cumpleaos infantil y aprende los conceptos bsicos del diseo grfico.Trabajaremos con vectores en Adobe Illustrator y aprenders:A llevar un proyecto a imprenta de manera correcta.A usar y a crear una paleta de colores.A trazar un elemento principal a partir de las formas bsicas que nos proporciona el mismo programa.A aadir textura de manera muy sencilla.A crear patrones, motivo o estampados"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crea Mandalas para colorear con Adobe Illustrator" |
"Curso de creacin de un Mandala para colorear posteriormente en el que los estudiantes aprendern los orgenes y los usos de este elemento, adems de saber crearlo mediante Adobe Illustrator. Conocern dos maneras sencillas de dibujar un Mandala gracias a las herramientas del propio programa.Temario:Descripcin, orgenes y sus de los mandalas.Creacin de un mandala usando su misma naturaleza concntrica.Creacin de un mandala usando herramientas especficas de Adobe Illustrator."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Business Builder For Rapid Wealth Generation" |
"Discover strategies modelled on revolutionary brands such as AirBNB, Dyson and Apple, to fast track your new product or service from Concept to Design, Creation and Sales in less that 30 days.Start, Grow & Scale an instant cash flowing business: Learn online to leverage a step by step formula for success."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administrao Empreendedora e Startups" |
"Este curso para voc :Que pretende criar um novo negcio;Tem um propsito de vida e investimento;Quer aprender a empreender no modelo das startups;Visa conhecer conceitos consolidados e emergentes de administrao empreendedora;Quer minimizar os riscos inerentes criao de uma empresa e aproveitar oportunidades de mercado;Precisa avaliar o que est mudando na forma de empreender dasstartups;Busca um projeto de transformao pessoal;Quer conhecer o ecossistema de empreendedorismo das startups;Que um entusiasta ou estudante de empreendedorismo;Cada vez mais o empreendedorismo torna-se a grande fora propulsora da economia nas sociedades modernas. Diante deste cenrio, os empreendedores so protagonistas indispensveis para crescimento econmico, gerao de trabalho e criao de riquezas em todos os Pases. Voc bem provavelmente j pensou em empreender, no mesmo? A possibilidade de criar uma empresa do zero, mudar seu padro de vida, ganhar dinheiro fazendo o que gosta e ainda impactar o ambiente social eeconmico onde est inserido uma possibilidade fascinante, que vem encantando pessoas das mais variadas faixas etrias e segmentos sociais.Mas, num ambiente de negcios complexo, competitivo,repleto de mudanas e incertezas, os desafios para os empreendedores no nadafcil. No Brasil, pesquisas indicam que mais de 60% dos novos negcios fecham suas portas antes de completar 3 anos de vida. No caso das Empresas StartUps, as estatsticas mundiais indicam que apenas 30% atingem o sucesso. Embora, fatores como elevada carga tributria, burocracia e dificuldade para levantar recursos financeiros sejam fatores que dificultam a vida dos empreendedores, a falta de conhecimentos bsicos em gesto e planejamento so aspectosdecisivos para assegurar a sustentabilidade de um novo negcio.Estas questes, por si s, j sinalizam o grande desafio de empreender e a importncia de buscar conhecimentos para alcanar seus objetivos de vida e investimento por meio da atividade empreendedora. Decidi produzir este curso porque acredito que o acesso conceitos e modelos simples de administrao e empreendedorismopodem fazer a diferena entre o fracasso e sucesso em um projeto de empreendimento. Assim, como tambm creioque as empresas StartUps esto transformando a forma de empreender em todos os setores. Procurei aliar minha experincia como professor universitrio nas reas de empreendedorismo, gesto e estratgia com minha trajetriaprtica de mentor em aceleradoras de empresas Startups, viabilizando a elaborao de um contedo simples, didtico e objetivopara a criao de novos negcios.Estou certo que a realizao deste curso ser uma experincia proveitosa em sua jornada como um potencial empreendedor de negcios tradicionais ou startups.Contem sempre comigo nesta jornada do conhecimento .Saudaes Empreendedoras!Marcelo"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Start your own business as a Pinterest Account Manager" |
"Social Media is fast moving and constantly changing. Small business owners are struggling to keep up and need yourhelp.Its becoming much harder to get posts seen amongst all the chatter, plus many people think they have to be present on every platform to make an impact. They're wrong.Pinterest is one of the few social media platforms that ticks all the boxes in relation toengagementdriving trafficbuilding client loyaltyOf course there are many more reasons why Pinterest is the stand out platform above all others and this course will show youwhyPinterest should be at the forefront of every business's social media marketing plan andhowyou, as a Pinterest Account Manager will do exactly that for each and every one of your clients.Social Media specialists are at the forefront of an emerging industry and business owners are slowly beginning to wake up to the fact they need professional help and, they are willing to invest to obtain that help.If you have been searching for a creative business that you can work from home or an office; that requires minimal set-up and that earns you a credible income that will support your family; working as a social media specialist is the perfect marriage for the creative entrepreneur.This course teaches you how to use Pinterest to maximise not only your own social media presence but that of your clients as well."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Excel Essential Training in Hindi" |
"This Course is for the absolute beginners who have never used Microsoft Excel before but you have basic or advanced excel knowledge already, this is for you also. You guys may learn something newafter taking this course for sure. This course is designed for those who reside in India or any country but have a knowledge of hindi language."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
", ,SPSS . SPSS . : .( (-- , , . . SPSS . 62 9 4.5 , . . SPSS"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"DETOX ZERO SUCRE pour arrter les craquages alimentaires" |
"Obtenez des rsultats durables et rapides avec cette formation!Ce cours est pour vous si :- vous tes fatigus et vous vous avez envie de sucre surtout le soir !- Vous vous sentez gonfle dans vos vtements- vous ne savez plus quoi faire pour vous dfaire du sucre- vous tes dprims et sans motivation- vous tes perduen lisant les tiquettes etvous ne savez plus quoi acheter en faisant vos coursesObjectifs du cours :Ce cours va vous apprendre vous rconcilier avec l'alimentation, vous ""sevrer"" du sucre grce une mthode simple et approuve par mes clients.Comprendre vos envies de sucre, apprendre grer votre alimentation motionnelle, retrouver de l'energie et perdrequelques kilos.Amliorer votre tat motionnel, savoir lire les tiquettes pour viter les piges des sucres cachs,Comment se droule la formation :Cette formation est compose de plusieursmodules vido accessible 7/7 et 24H/24H:comprendre votre relation au sucre et quel point il vous rend addict.comment s'installe la dpendance et pourquoi vous tes fatigus, gonfls, dprims.quels aliments privilgier et ceux supprimerles erreurs vitercomment garder une vie sociale active en dtoxla stratgie gagnante sur le long therme pour combattre la dpendance au sucrebonus : la liste de course simplifie et 7 jours de menus zro sucres anti fatigue, untest pour savoir si vous tes addict au sucre, un ebook de gestion du stress pour arrter de compenser par le sucre.<< Etes vous prts relever le dfi et changer votre vie de faon durable ?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dailymotion ile ok Pratik PARA KAZANMA Seti" |
"Bu kursta ; Dailymotion hakknda tamamen bilgi verilecek. Dailymotion'da sfrdan hesap alp partnerlik alnacak vealan bu hesaba video ykleyerek nasl para kazanlaca hakknda bilgiler verilecek. Ayrca yklediimiz videoyu herhangi bir internet sitesine gmerek de para kazanacaz. Dailymotion videolarnzn nasl daha fazla izlenebileceine dair somut rnekleri inceleyeceiz ve yaklak kazan hesaplama renkleri ile kursumuzu tamamlayacaz.Kurs bitiminde; Dailymotion'da ok pratik ekilde hesap aacak, partnerlik alacak ve bu hesaba yklediiniz videoyu her mecrada kullanarak para kazanabileceksiniz..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"From Caves to Cities: Prehistoric Art History" |
"Out of Africa and through Arabia to Europe is the trajectory which this course follows in its survey of Prehistoric artwork. We willintegratevery recentdiscoveries into a broad discussion of the development of images and, indeed, the earliest examples of what we label ""art."" We'll be looking at iconic artworks like the Venus of Willdendorf as well as delving into less-explored corners of Art History and even Magical Philosophyin this original lecture."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Gods and Kings: The Art History of Mesopotamia and Arabia" |
"In most Art History surveys, the earliest advanced civilizations which appeared in the region called Mesopotamia (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq) produced significant artwork which would set the tone for the history of art, literature, legal theory, and many aspects still-relevent in modern society. However, while these powerful kingdoms are well-studied by every student in an Art History 101 class, at the same time in Arabia, an analogous history was unfolding which is almost totally unknown. This course presents original research which illustrates how the epic kingdoms of ancient Arabia possessedclear ties to the model of divine kingship we see in Akkadian, Neo-Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian civilizations across the Persian Gulf. This course is a must for anyone who wants to learn about theart, architecture, and gloriesof the vanished, highly organized kingdoms of a much broader area of the Middle East than traditional art histories cover."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Egypt: Art, History, and Mystery" |
"This course explores the arc of Egyptian Art History from a fresh perspective that integrates traditional art history with some of the most controversial theories proposed by recent historians. Be prepared to learn about aspects of Egyptian art, religion, astronomy, and civilization which you won't find in any other survey!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Aegean Art History: Roots of Civilization" |
"This course covers the art history of four ancient Aegean civilizations: Neolithic Helladic, Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean. Already ""lost civilizations""by the time that Homer wrote down the oldest Greek epics, the art and culture which we look at in this course are the distant ancestors of Greek civilization. If you want to learn more about the Minoan Snake Goddess, the Treasury of Atreus, or the Mask of Agamemnon, this is the course for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Archaic Greece" |
"This course will familiarize students with the painted pottery, sculpture, and metalwork of Archaic Greece from the first millennium to the early fifth century B.C.E. During that stretch of time, this course covers the Dark Ages and the Submycenaean Period, the Geometric andOrientalizing styles of art, and the first Greek sculptures in stone."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Ancient Greek Architecture" |
"Greek Architecture came into being as far back as the Neolithic, but the transition to building in stone, which occurred after the seventh century B.C.E., resulted in permanent constructions that have been hugely influential on the history of architecture well through the present day. Familiarize yourself with the evolution of Greek Architecture, its terminology, and its major sites with this engaging course!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Classical Greek Sculpture" |
"This course covers the developments in Greek sculpture which emerged during the Classical Period, between the fifth and the fourth centuries B.C.E.,including the Contrapposto stance, the ""wet drapery"" effect, and the bringing down-to-earth even the loftiest of the Olympian gods' images. While covering the essential works of this new and highly-significant style of Greek sculpture, this course also features original research which relates Classical Greek sculpture forms to the little-known monumental bronzes of ancient Arabia. This course features a review of key vocabulary terms as its final lecture."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Going Greek: Hellenistic Art throughout the Ancient World" |
"In the fourth century B.C.E., Alexander the Great swept across Greece, Egypt, the Near East, Mesopotamia, Persia, and into north India. This military conquest changed the appearance of art and culture in antiquity and even in later ages. While on the one hand, Greek art forms were being introduced, on the other, Classical Greek art also absorbed many previously foreign elements into its canon. This distinctive fusion of cultures and traditions produced the style of artwork we know as the Hellenistic."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Etruscans in the Art History of Ancient Italy" |
"Before the Roman Empire, there was the Etruscan civilization on the Italian Peninsula which produced masterpieces of bronze, terra-cotta, sculpture, gold tablets, amazing rock-cut tombs, and long-gone wooden temples. This lecture is an overview of the distinct Etruscan civilization's works in the larger context of the Mediterranean Basin and Near Eastern civilizations."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Faces of Rome: Kingdom, Republic, and Empire" |
"The Roman Empire achieved the conquest of virtually all of the Western European continent by the first centuries of the first millennium C.E. Hand-in-hand with their extraordinary military and political history goes the use of images conscripted to serve their larger ambitions. This course takes a look at Roman portrait sculpture, as well as the Four Orders of Roman Wall painting, with the broad arch of Rome's fortunes from birth, to rise, and eventual decline."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Roman Architecture" |
"The Romans transformed Europe, North Africa, the Near East, and every place which became absorbed in their expansive empire. Roman rule was synonymous with Roman architecture; wherever they went, they built in conformity with a recognizably Roman style of architecture. This course explores the fundamentals of Roman building techniques and forms from Republic to Empire."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Art of the Late Roman Empire" |
"This course covers the shifts in content and appearance which characterized artworks of the Late Roman Empire. This history sees its share of decline and de-volutions from the former Hellenistic standard of naturalism, and it sets the tone for much of the course of later Latin Christian artwork well through the Renaissance."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Art of South Arabia: The Himyarite Kingdom of Yemen" |
"In most art history surveys, the civilizations of South Arabia are never mentioned, even though the rival the Mesopotamian, Greek, and Roman Empires for architectural, artistic, and technological sophistication for their time. At present however, this obscurity and general state of ignorance has helped the ongoing campaign of the Saudi-led coalition which has targeted historic Yemeni sites from 2013 through the present day as part of a war which has been decried as the worst humanitarian disaster of our century. This free lecture's aim is to spread awareness and education about the rich artistic and archaeological tradition of Yemenby including the Himyarite Kingdom for the first time among the broader narrative of ancient Art History."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Signs from Spirit" |
"You get messages from the universe, from your loved ones in Spirit, your guides and your own intuition every day. But life is hectic and it can be hard to tune in -- and to know what those messages mean when you get them, and if they're even real.In Signs from Spirit, you'll learn about the most common signs you receive messages through, why you're receiving them and how to tap into your own intuition so you know what they mean for you and why they're coming into to your life right then.What students say:""Loved this course. I've been having signs from Spirit for a while but wasn't sure if some were actual signs or not. This course shed light on my experiences and showed me I was indeed getting tons of confirmation from the other side."""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Healthy mediumship fundamentals" |
"Connecting with Spirit should feel goodConnecting with Spirit is supposed to be an enjoyable and rich experience. Dont let fear, hesitation or doubt about whats happening get in the way of your mediumship development.Spirit 101: Healthy mediumship fundamentals will get you started in your mediumship journey on the right foot. Learn how to be in control of your abilities, as you develop them safely. While having fun doing it!Whether youre just beginning your journey of development and unfolding, or have been studying for a while but dont feel like you quite have the basics down, by the end of this 4-session class, youll feel confident in how to develop your abilities in a grounded, healthy way.In this class, Rev. Joanna Bartlett shares her decade-plus of mediumship experience so you can get started on your journey.What students say about this courseYou covered a lot of material and made it very easy to understand and use in our everyday lives. I loved your delivery and energy that you bring to your class, it added some fun and excitement to mediumship that I havent felt in a while. Great job. CraigI liked the class and enjoyed the input from everyone. Your enthusiasm was certainly contagious and Im hoping this will inspire me to continue on my quest. Mary AnnIt was really awesome to learn about something I wasnt even really aware I was interested in and I feel it helped me a lot on my spiritual/life journey. Joanna is really knowledgeable, relatable, grounded, human and yet inquisitive and open.I loved it. The open connected feeling throughout. I feel more clear and in touch with my intuition. CharityBefore the class, I felt unsure and apprehensive about my intuitive mediumship abilities. The class was very positive, with easy tools to make the process organic. Ive been able to receive messages and relay them. Im feeling more confident and very excited to further my abilities. KimBefore I felt lost, unanchored. Now I feel more focused, understand so many things better about Spirit. And I enjoy meditating. I feel calmer because of this class and feel more open and sense the vibrations and light. PattyI knew my abilities were there, I just didnt know how to grow it. I loved sharing our experiences and learning from others. I truly needed the beginning steps. This was reinforced throughout the classes which I needed. My abilities are much stronger! Lauryn"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How To Meditate: Transcendental Theory & Guided Meditations" |
"LEARN TO MEDITATE, REDUCE STRESS AND EXPERIENCE INNERPEACE: 22 VIDEOS WITH TRANSCENDENTAL LESSONS & GUIDED MEDITATIONS FOR BEGINNERS!If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider tryingmeditation. Whether you are a newbie wanting to learn its basic principles oran experienced practitioner, the transcendental lessons and guided meditationscontained in this revealing course will help you experience increasing levelsof wellbeing and inner peace with only a few minutes of daily practice;improving your physical, mental, and spiritual life, and allowing you to reducestress and anxiety, enjoy mental calmness, and view life from a newperspective.THIS COURSE INCLUDES:*A total of twenty-two exclusive videos, includingseven transcendental lessons, seven instructive sessions, seven guided practices, plus a general introduction.*Downloadable guided meditation practices for your convenience.*Answers to your personal meditation doubts andquestions.*Lifetime access to all the lectures and courseresources.*Official Udemy certificate upon completion.BENEFITS OF MEDITATION PRACTICEMeditation is one of the worlds oldest spiritual practices and itsbenefits have been ratified by contemporary science, as stated by the TheWashington Post (10/04/2012): In recentyears, the wisdom of these ancient teachings has been confirmed by scientificstudies, which demonstrate that we can train our minds, change our brains,increase our well-being, and radically lessen such afflictive states of mind asanxiety and depression Other studies have shown that meditation may lower bloodpressure, slow the progression of HIV, reduce pain help break addictions, andeven ward off the effects of agingAccording to a recent Mayo Clinic Report, meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it innerpeace Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm andinner peace Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance thatbenefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. And thesebenefits don't end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help carryyou more calmly through your day and may improve certain medical conditionsThe Mayo Clinic Report states that meditation can improve certain medicalconditions, especially those that may be worsened by stress, mentioning the following emotional benefits of meditation:*Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations.*Building skills to manage your stress.*Increasing self-awareness.*Focusing on the present moment (mindfulness).*Reducing negative emotions, anxiety and depression.Regarding the effects of meditation on the process of aging, according to an independentstudy published in 2012, scientists at the University of California at LosAngeles, including the 2009 Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found that12 minutes of daily meditation for eight weeks increased an improvement of upto 43 percent in stress-induced aging.Start meditating today and experience the benefits ofone of the worlds most ancient practices!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Meditar: Meditacin Guiada y Teora Trascendental" |
"APRENDE A MEDITAR HOY, REDUCE TU ESTRS Y OBTN PAZ INTERIOR: 22 VIDEOS CON MEDITACIONES GUIADAS Y LECCIONES TRASCENDENTALESSi te sientes tenso, ansiosoo estresado, te invito a aprender a meditar.Las lecciones y meditaciones guiadas de este nuevo videocurso teensearn a meditar siguiendo simples pasos, permitindote desde ya a comenzara experimentar una vida ms plena y satisfactoria. A partir de hoy mismo, no solo comenzars a calmar tu mente sino tambin a combatir laansiedad y el estrs, permitindote realizar tus actividades diarias con mayorcalma y nuevos niveles de energa.CON ESTE CURSO APRENDERS*Por qu la mente humanasuele compararse con un animal salvaje.*Cmo nuestra mentecrea nuestro propio sufrimiento, dolor, rabia, preocupacin y desolacin.*Cmo calmar nuestramente y aquietar su perenne parloteo mental. *Cmo reconocer lanaturaleza ilusoria de nuestro ""falso yo"" *Cmo experimentar elsilencio interno, aumentando la quietud y paz interior *Cmo enfrentarsituaciones estresantes, evitar el exceso de preocupaciones y despejar la mentecuando las cosas no estn a tu favor.ESTE CURSO INCLUYE:*Un total de 22 videos exclusivos, incluyendo siete leccionestrascendentales, siete sesiones instructivas y siete prcticas guiadas, antecedidaspor una introduccin general.*Meditaciones guiadas descargables para tu conveniencia.*Respuestas a tus preguntas y dudas personales.*Acceso de por vida al curso y sus recurso.*Certificado Official de Udemy trascompletar el curso.BENEFICIOSDE LA MEDITACINDe acuerdo con recientes investigacionescientficas, la prctica diaria de meditacin proporciona nivelescrecientes de bienestar y paz interior, permitindonos ver la vida desde unanueva perspectiva y resolver nuestros problemas con mayor creatividad y calmafsica y mental.Segn un reciente informe de la ClnicaMayo, efectivamente ""la prctica diaria de meditacin es un arma efectivapara combatir y reducir el estrs, trayendo con ello paz interior... Si elestrs te mantiene ansioso, tenso y preocupado, la prctica de la meditacinpodr beneficiarte mental y emocionalmente, adems de mejorar tu salud engeneral. Dicho informe menciona los siguientes ""beneficios emocionales dela meditacin"":*Un mejor manejo de las situaciones estresantes*El desarrollo de habilidadespara controlar su estrs*Un aumento de laautoconciencia*Un mayor enfoque en elmomento presente*Una reduccin de lasemociones negativasEn relacin a losefectos de la meditacin sobre el proceso de ""envejecimiento"", unestudio independiente publicado en 2012, cientficos de la Universidad de California en Los ngeles y la ganadora del premio NobelElizabeth Blackburn arroj que 12 minutos de meditacin al da durante ochosemanas reduce el ""envejecimiento inducido por el estrs"" hasta en un43 por ciento.Aprendeya a meditar y comienza a disfrutar hoy mismo de una vida plena y saludable, aumentando tus niveles de energa, felicidad ypaz interior.SATISFACCIN GARANTIZADA O TE DEVOLVEMOS TU DINERO!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start an Etsy Business without any products or experience" |
"Want a simple work from home business thats easy to setup?Ever wanted to start an work from home business and not know where to begin?Do you want to earn extra cash on top of your 9 to 5 income?Do you want the freedom to spend more time with your friends and family?Probably... but do you have:- No technical or sales experience- Do you have zero money to invest - Maybe you have nothing to sell or any products ideas at all?I guess you've only got a limited amount of time to work on your new business each weekand youre probably worried about NOT knowing where to startWELL THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOU WITH ALL OF THE ABOVEfrom setting up your Etsy Store to outsourcing your product fulfilment im going to show from start to finish how to do it all"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |