Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introductory Screenwriting" |
"In this introductory course, students will be able to begin the process of writing their first screenplay. It will be based on the traditional 3-act structure which is used in all drama, comedy and feature films. You will be taken through the process of formulating believable and interesting characters, how to focus your screenplay on clear goals for your protagonist and the importance of creating challenging and equal antagonists. We will cover a short 3 to 5-page outline and a 10 to 15-page treatment that will be the blueprint for your first screenplay."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introductory Producing" |
"Welcome to Introductory Producing. Have you ever wondered, what does a producer do? Or, I want to be a producer as they seem to be the ones creating incredible content. Many directors are producers - so what would you have to learn to be a producer yourself?This course will take you through the initial steps necessary to understand and execute a proper business plan, a budget and schedule for a half hour drama, comedy or documentary. You will also be introduced to the concept of finding the underlying creative IP (Intellectual property) that any producer needs to create a project.Or, you may want to be the line producer - responsible for the day to day running of the set. Arranging for the crew, cameras, locations, transportation, meals and the myriad of details that go into every production regardless of the size of the budget."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer son site Internet avec Jekyll" |
"En suivant ce coursvous apprendrez utiliser Jekyll pour crer facilement votre propre site web statique ainsi que toutes les techniques ncessaire pour y arriver.On va s'initier au gnrateur de site Jekyll pourcomprendre comment a fonctionne. Puis on dcouvrirales avantages et inconvnients d'un site statique et comment les contourner.On apprendra ensuitecomment l'installer (surMac et Windows), crer des pages web, modifier le thme par dfautet en crer un pourpublier son propre site completsur Internet.Cette formation voluera dans le temps pour tre la plus clair, accessible et complte possible pour vous tous."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para a Certificao CompTIA CySA+ CS0-001" |
"Os simuladospara o exame CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) - CS0-001 tem como objetivo preparar e reforar o conhecimento dos candidatos para esta certificao. Voc encontrar no total deste simulado200 questes prticas que cobrem 100% os tpicos do exame e a explicao das respostas corretas em cada questo.Domnio 1 - Gerenciamento de Ameaas;Domnio2 - Gerenciamento de Vulnerabilidade;Domnio3 - Resposta ao Incidente Ciberntico;Domnio4 - Arquitetura de Segurana e Conjuntos de Ferramentas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Practice Exams" |
"The simulations for the CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) - CS0-001 exam aims to prepare and reinforce the knowledge of the candidates for this certification. You will find in the total of this simulation 200 practical questions covering 100% exam topics and explain the correct answers to each question.Domain 1 - Threat Management;Domain 2 - Vulnerability Management;Domain 3 - Cyber Incident Response;Domain 4 - Security Architecture and Tool Sets."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para a Certificao CompTIA Security+ SY0-501" |
"Os simulados para o exameCompTIA Security+ SY0-501tem como objetivo preparar e reforar o conhecimento dos candidatos para esta certificao. Voc encontrar no total deste simulado300 questes prticas que cobrem 100% os tpicos do examee a explicao das respostas corretas em cada questo.Domnio 1 - Ameaas, Ataques e Vulnerabilidades;Domnio 2 - Tecnologias e Ferramentas;Domnio 3 - Arquitetura e Design;Domnio 4 - Gerenciamento de Acesso e Identidade;Domnio 5 - Gerenciamento de Risco;Domnio 6 - Criptografia e PKI."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para el examen CompTIA CySA+ CS0-001" |
"Los simulados para el examen CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) - CS0-001 tienen como objetivo preparar y reforzar el conocimiento de los candidatos para esta certificacin. Usted encontrar en el total de este simulado 200 cuestiones prcticas que cubren 100% los temas del examen y la explicacin de las respuestas correctas en cada cuestin.Dominio 1 - Gestin de Amenazas;Dominio 2 - Gestin de Vulnerabilidad;Dominio 3 - Respuesta al Incidente Ciberntico;Dominio 4 - Arquitectura de Seguridad y Conjuntos de Herramientas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exams - SYS0-501" |
"The simulated for the CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 exam aims to prepare and reinforce the knowledge of the candidates for this certification. You will find in the total of this simulation 300 practical questions covering 100% exam topics and explaining the correct answers in each question.Domain 1 - Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities;Domain 2 - Technologies and Tools;Domain 3 - Architecture and Design;Domain 4 - Identity and Access Management;Domain 5 - Risk Management;Domain 6 - Cryptography and PKI."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para el examen CompTIA Security+ SY0-501" |
"Los simulados para el examen CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 tienen como objetivo preparar y reforzar el conocimiento de los candidatos para esta certificacin. Usted encontrar en el total de este simulado 300 preguntas prcticas que cubren 100% los temas del examen y la explicacin de las respuestas correctas en cada cuestin.Dominio 1 - Amenazas, Ataques y Vulnerabilidades;Dominio 2 - Tecnologas y herramientas;Dominio 3 - Arquitectura y Diseo;Dominio 4 - Gestin de Acceso e Identidad;Dominio 5 - Gestin de riesgos;Dominio 6 - Criptografa y PKI."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp" |
"This course will take you from complete beginner to expert in the Ardor system!By the end, you will be able to build amazing products, impress your friends, and execute your business ideas. Ardor is a cryptocurrency and complete blockchain product. You do NOT need any programming or technical skills for this class. You will be taught how to make your own cryptocurrency that you can immediately list on a decentralized exchange. You will be able to create stock shares in a company (called ""assets""). You will be able to upload/download files directly from a blockchain database. You will be able to sell and buy physical and digitalitems on a decentralized marketplace. You will be able to create a voting system for real-life elections and polls. Ardor is the premier Blockchain-as-a-Solution (BaaS) product, and this course will teach you everything you need to know in order to use it confidently!Great for fans of Bitcoin, Ethereum or EOSwho are interested in exploring other blockchain technologies! Ardor is a superb platform for blockchain development."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to give a Fantastic Massage" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn the skills you need to give someone you love a great massage? Would you like to help people feel relaxed, and free from pain and stress? Perhaps you want to learn new so you can start earning an income in the massage industry? Or maybe you are curious as to what giving a massage involves and would liketo learn from one of the leaders in the industry?If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions then this is the course for you!This simple step by step guide is the sequel Engelina's Introductory course on Setting up Your Own Massage Business, and gives you the practical easy to learn demonstrations ofhow to give a great massage. With over twenty years experience in the industry, in this course Engelina shares her passion, knowledge and genuine care in helping people feel greatwith her animated style and clear instructions. You will be guided through the basicstrokes, how to apply them, when they are used, andwhenand why to take care. You will also learn a simple formula on the sequence of massage strokes on each body part including a demonstration of how its all put together in a full body massage, plus much more.With full explanations, resources, close ups and extra informative and interesting insights, by the end of this course you will know all that you need, to be confident in giving anyone a fantastic experience and you will feel rewarded with the results!From basics such as draping procedures, how to recognise how much pressure to apply, right through to demonstrations on a variety of settings in which you can apply a basic massage, this course is the best overview you will find to satisfy all of your needs in learning how to give a Fantastic Massage!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
AI |
"AI1/411,251UdemyUdemy'Labor'12414401110Facebook!&30 'Work'"
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Confiance En Soi - 6 sances pour reconstruire sa Confiance" |
"Apprenez orienter vos ressources internes pour reconstruire votre confiance personnelle, en 6 sances d'hypnoseVOUS AVEZ PEUT ETRE DJ FAIT UN CONSTAT ESSENTIEL La confiance en soi est une ressources prcieuse dans de nombreuses situations : Pour communiquer avec les autres, parler de soi en entretien dembauche, convaincre un partenaire potentiel, prendre son tlphone pour demander ou proposer quelque chose mais avant tout pour amliorer votre qualit de vie personnelle, vous sentir en confiance avec vous mme .Vous l'avez sans doute ressenti dans un environnement spcifique ou en prsence de personnes qui vous rassurent !Lorsque vous savez que vous disposez des meilleures capacits, pour affronter une situation ou lorsque les actions dans lesquelles vous vous engagez vous semblent en harmonie avec vos valeurs, vos gots personnels.Eh bien, votre confiance en vous-mme se ractive instantanment !Mais ces moments sublimes ne sont pas assez frquents, pour vous permettre de stabiliser en profondeur votre confiance en vous, de faon globale.Et certains automatismes, certaines motions, la pression ou le stress reviennent vite vous imposer leurs rgles.La bonne nouvelle, cest que vous disposez dinfinies ressources internes !Et mieux : vous pouvez aisment, faire converger une partie de vos ressources afin daborder chaque situation sous un jour favorable.Apprendre utiliser votre mental pour dvelopper de la confiance, au lieu de renforcer votre incertitude.Vous avez mme la capacit dorienter votre plaisir, afin dapprcier les situations nouvelles qui vous permettent de vous rvler, et vous ouvrir de nouveaux horizons.Pour cela il suffit de recrer une communication conscient/inconscient harmonieuse pour mettre fin aux conflits internes, aux auto jugements, aux auto critiques blessantes, aux dialogues internes inquitants . Ensuite le cumul de vos expriences de plus en plus positives, et rgulires r installera naturellement votre confiance en vous-mme, en mode automatique. Lerreur que presque tout le monde fait (et que vous pouvez aujourdhui viter) REGARDEZ AUTOUR DE VOUS CE QUE FONT LA MAJORITE DES PERSONNES QUI MANQUENT DE CONFIANCE EN ELLES ..Elles tentent dviter des situations dans lesquelles, elles ne sont pas en parfaite scurit motionnelle.Vous avez peut-tre aussi essay ? Et constat au bout dun moment, que ltendue de votre zone de confort diminue. Que peu peu le manque de confiance en soi gagne du terrain. Pendant que la crainte de limprvu, et du regard des autres sinstalle.Parce que le fonctionnement de lvitement survalorise les processus inconscients de protection, au dtriment des processus cratifs, de curiosit, ou de conqute Lvitement a ne marche pas pour restaurer la confiance en soi !Si vous voulez restaurer votre confiance en vous, si vous voulez ressentir de la scurit intrieure, si vous voulez que votre organisme dans son ensemble, vous aide ressentir et mettre de la confiance .La chose la plus importante consiste redvelopper de la cohrence dans vos processus internes Aligner votre vision votre identit vos valeurs vos croyance vos comportements Vous disposez des capacits personnelles pour faire converger vos nergies positives (conscientes et inconscientes) dans la bonne direction. Vous saviez le faire durant votre enfance. Il vous suffit de les ractiver, pour retrouver plus de cohrenceEt cesser denvoyer votre partie inconsciente des messages limitants, ou confus qui lincite a adopter trop rgulirement des stratgies protectives. Comment restaurer sa confiance en soi en 6 sances dhypnose ? NOTRE PROGRAMME DE 6 SEANCES DHYPNOSE (SUGGESTIONS POSITIVES) POUR RETROUVER VOTRE CONFIANCE PERSONNELLE Comment Restaurer Sa Confiance En Soi en 6 sance dhypnoseEst un ensemble de suggestions positives inclues dans 6 sances dhypnose pour : Dvelopper un tat interne apais afin damorcer le dialogue conscient/inconscient. Dclencher avec rgularit les projections mentales vers un futur en confiance . Revaloriser vos communications internes pour affirmer et chrir votre vision, vos valeurs, vos capacits. Attnuer le pouvoir de certaines habitudes et croyances limitantes Activer les leviers de votre motivation personnelle Utiliser le fonctionnement dun mentor ou dun modle pour dvelopper votre recette personnelle de confiance en vous. Les sances agissent au niveau inconscient pour amliorer et stabiliser vos tats internes, mais aussi pour solliciter ces parties de vous qui sont cratives, innovantes afin dvaluer le cot positif de chaque situation, et mettre fin au rflexe du doute de soi.Chaque tape est cible pour que vous puissiez immdiatement commencer lever les freins inconscients qui vous empchent dobtenir les rsultats que vous attendez Et la meilleure partie ? Cest, que le travail se fait au niveau inconscient, lorsque vous coutez en position de relaxation les sances dhypnose.Puis tout simplement vous parviendrez oublier ces fonctionnements de doute qui ne seront plus ncessaires, nauront plus de raison dtre"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Test Of Intelligence for VLSI Beginners" |
"The Objective test is designed to test the basic fundamental in the area of VLSI for the beginners. The participants can test the fundamentals ofbasics of VLSIusing this test. The test can be useful for the beginners in the area of VLSI design and to the undergraduate engineers working in the area of computer science and VLSI!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test on Verilog & VHDL fundamentals for beginners" |
"The practice test consists ofthe objective questions in the RTL design domain. The participant can choose these objective tests to test their fundamentals in the area of RTLdesign using Verilog/VHDL. Each practice test consist of 30 questions!Practice Test 1: RTL Design using Verilog for beginners : Duration : 45 minutes Practice Test 2 : RTL Design using VHDL for beginners : Duration : 45 minutesThe test covers the objectivequestions on the RTL design, simulation and synthesis. The tests can be useful to beginners in the area of RTL design, beginners in the area of VLSIdesign."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"YouTube Thumbnails for Photoshop Newbies" |
"This course will help you learn the very basic tools in Photoshop needed for the creation of YouTube thumbnails for your channel. Three style ideas will be presented in the form of tutorials. After completing the course you will be able to not only create the shown styles but also mix and match using the design tools to make appropriate thumbnails for your own videos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jira for QA Engineers - How To + Real Examples" |
"In this course you will get to know the basics of the Jira management and tracking application as well as some useful real life examples of successful QA practices. You willgetto see a practical tutorial creating a real Scrum project in Jira and going through the main phases of a Software DevelopmentLifecycle particularly from the point of view of QA & QC Engineers regardless of their experience level.If you've never worked with Jira before and it is planned to happen sooner or later in your software development career - this will be a great starting course."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Swift 4 - To ng Dng Chat - Chat App" |
"Xy dng hon thin ng dng tr chuyn vi ngn ng Swift 4, vi cctnh nngging nh nhngng dng mng x hikhc,... i t nhng bc c bn n nng cao, c th dnh cho nhng lp trnh vin mi bt u,... Sau khi hon thin c th xut ng dng v a vo s dng,... Chc cc bn thnh cng!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simple iOs E-Commerce in Swift 4 & Firebase 5" |
"Pht trin ng dng bn hng trc tuyn(ng dng thng mi in t). Cch bn nhiu mc hng, tch hp h thng thanh ton trc tuyn an ton.Hng dn t c bn n nng cao, dnh cho nhng thnh vin mi pht trin ng dng hoc ang pht trin,...Chnh sa giao din p mt theo thch khch hng (hoc c nhn),..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Becoming A Twitch Streamer With OBS" |
"A fun and short course to get you started with OBSand Twitch. Teaching you how to get set up with your webcam, green screen, microphone, and software. This will get you ready to live the stream dream! Hopefully this will teach you everything that you need to know and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PowerShell - essential course with labs" |
"This course id designed for all those, who would like quickly to get some essential knowledge regarding PowerShell and want to put hands on job.The topics covered within that course will help you to understand the logic or way of thinking in PowerShell, while we dont concentrate on sophisticated topics related to some specific windows settings.In the course you will find only video materials, no PDF-s to read or web pages to go through. But what is great is that for every lesson there is a short QUIZ that allows you to quickly check if you understand the topic. There are alsoEXERCISES for you. You should be able to solve them on your own, but if you have problems no worries, there are SOLUTIONS available as well!Regarding the technical requirements, all you need is just a computer with Windows and PowerShell in at leastversion 3 installed and administrator privileges.If you dont knowPowerShell at all or just only a little, this course is for you. Maybe you have already downloaded a script fromInternet, maybe you have modified it thats great! But if you had problems with understanding why the code is written is such and not another way, this tutorial should help you.We start with basic information on how to start PowerShell console, how to execute commands, how to use help and step by step we come to more advanced topics.PowerShell is a programming language, so you need to know how to work with variables, how to build the if statement, how to execute a loop, format output,work with pipeline...So if you work with windows, you need or want to learn powershell quickly I recommend you this course.Thank you and have fun!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018" |
"Bu eitim Trke olarak hazrlanm olup, Sadece Oyun Kurgu/Montaj isteyen iin deil, video dzenlemek isteyen herkes iin Temel Seviyede anlatlmtr.Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 ile bir video montajna balamadan nce nasl bir n hazrlk yapmanz ve dzenli bir almann temellerinden de bahsetmi bulunmaktaym.Bu eitim ile birlikte videolarn dzenlemeyi, birletirmeyi ksayollar ile birlikte ok daha hzl ve pratik olarak yapabileceksiniz.Ayrca eitim ieriinin srekli gncelleneceini unutmaynz.Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 Film Montaj sektrnde lider bir yazlm olup, amatr kullanclar iinde renmesi ok kolay bir yazlmdr. Bu mkemmel editleme program ile Youtube vb. platformlar iin videolar hazrlayabilir, filmler dzenleyebilir, ses ekleyebilir, montaj yapabilir, beendiiniz filmlerde sahne ve sesleri alabilir ve kendi tasarmnzdakullanabilirsiniz.Web video ierikleri retebilecek ve Video CD'ler hazrlayabileceksiniz.Kursun Genel zellikleriDoru Yntemler ile Kurgu ncesi HazrlkSrekli Gncel erikYeni Derslercretsiz kullanabileceiniz gelerGeilersnflandrmaOverlay'lar ve ElementlerDaha Birok eySorularnz En Ksa Srede Cevaplama Szlk 100 kiiye zel indirim frsatndan sizde yararlannndirim Kodu:ILKYUZKISIYEOZEL"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"TESTING - Easy to understand" |
"In this class you will learn basicskills and concepts of Software Testing. This course will take you through thein's and outs ofTestingObjectives, TestingTechniques, Basic TestPrinciples, TestingApproaches and TestingLevels etc.If you plan to make a career in software testing, this is a MUST READ!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Statistical Data Analysis with SAS" |
"COURSE ABSTRACTThis course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the SAS analytic software for Windows. Through a mixture of lectures and in-class examples, quizzes, and take-home assignments, students will gain experience using the SAS system for data manipulation, management and analysis. You will alsoexpect A LOT of extracurricularlearning materials forself-pacelearning, treat it as a BONUS!Emphasis will be placed on the skills and techniques necessary for efficient data manipulation, management and analysis. It is designed for students with little to no background with SAS, and an understanding of the basic statistical concepts. This will be anexcellentchoice for your first SASintroduction course for your data analysiscareer.Plus, you will get a FREE course - SAS Data Issue Handling and Good Programming Practice (check out in the bonus lecture)!!!WHAT DO I EXPECT? A comprehensive course design from SAS basics to statistical analysisMany in-class examples, exercises and take-home assignment Master various techniques for dataimportingSolid understanding of variable attributes, and learn variouscharacter/numericfunctions IF-THEN/ELSE statements Do loop and counter variables Master DATA step with Concatenation, Merge,etc. Exposed to several useful PROC step (PRINT, SORT, TRANSPOSE, etc.). Descriptive statistics procedures (MEANS, UNIVARIATE, FREQ)Hypothesis testing (UNIVARIATE, TTEST, ANOVA) Correlations (CORR)Regression (REG)PREREQUISITE COURSES AND KNOWLEDGE:No SAS background required; Basic knowledge of statistics is preferred."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAS Log Issue Handling and Good Programming Practices" |
"COURSE ABSTRACTIam sure every single SAS programmer has been through hard time spending hoursto debug your SAS code and trying to fix the log issues. Sometimes it gets veryfrustrated after several attempts. I was there when I started my first job tooand have been through this painful learning process. After years of experience,I can resolve most errors nice and quick, and whats more important, I am ableto write code with less and less errors.To bring my know-how to morepeople, and make you spend less time to build up your experience, I decide toopen this course to share my experience.The entire course is split into two sections, the first one is about the log issues, their root cause and how to resolve them, and the second is about good programming practice.Inthis course, you will be first exposed to many common log issues that mostbeginners make, and you will learn to understand and troubleshoot them.This helps you create a mindset of keeping a clean log, which is crucial todeliver high quality of products.Goodprogramming practice as another important section, will then be introduced tohelp you prevent the issues beforehand. For beginners and intermediate SASusers, its very important to build up a good programming habit, which will bebeneficial in long term.For SAS working professionals, the coursematerials can be served as the SAS programming bible or cheat sheet if you maycall, to refer to in your daily job, which will be a very convenient source forlog check and good programming practice.WHAT DO I EXPECT?Spot, understand and solve the log issues like a big shot;Create a mindset to keep a clean log and focus on product quality;Prevent the problems upfront by implementing Good Programming Practices;Become an excellent SAS programmer.PREREQUISITE COURSES AND KNOWLEDGE:Beginner to intermediate SAS level preferred;Some SAS Base / Advance knowledge;SAS professionals who want to write better code;SAS users looking for improvement;Entry level SAS users are also welcome."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"15 Minute Fitness: Quick and Effective Bodyweight Workouts" |
"Don't have enough time to workout?Not sure which exercises are right for you?Intimidated by the gym environment?Need a new workout routine?Want to have FUNwhile you workout?If you answered ""yes""to ANYof those questions, this course is right for you!My name is Matt and I've been a personal trainer for over a decade!Iwant to share my knowledge and fun-filled fitness philosophy with you. You will learn why a gym is not necessary to creating the healthy body and mind you desire. You will learnsimple and efficientworkouts. You will throw on your workout gear and participate in two incredible REALTIME 15 minute workout routinesthat are challenging and fun!You will also learnaboutpre-workout nutrition, hydration, and warming up effectively.Everyone is busier than ever with work, families, pets, and so many other responsibilities. This course will teach you how to be incredibly effective in only 15 minutes by walking you through the exact exercises you can perform to get the best results. All exercises are performed and explained one-by-one before the real time 15 minute routinesareperformed. You will gain confidence after you've completed these 15 minute routines and since it doesn't take much time, these workouts will make it much easier to implementinto your daily life!WELCOME andENJOYthe simplest, most efficient, and most fun quick workouts ever!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"15 Minute Home Workouts: Abs and Core" |
"This course will help you learn and understand the best exercises for your abs and core. It doesn't matter if you have been working out a long time, or just starting out, this course will add value to your routine.Ihave been a personal trainer for over 10 years and willdescribe each exercise in detail, why it works, and how to perform the movement on your own. You will be able to complete two 15 minute workouts with me to build your confidence so you can do these exercise on your own in the future. Oh, and Imake the workouts FUN!Exercise doesn't have to be boring and repetitive. With these workouts, you will be smiling while also getting in an awesome workout!I'm excited to have you be a part of this course!WELCOME!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Apache Spark (Scala & Python)" |
"Python ve Scala ile big data zerinde data engineering, machine learning, data science ve Spark Streaming konularn uygulayarak renin!Verinin ba dndrc hzla oald gnmzde onu en iyi ekilde kullanmak ve yeni an sunduu bu frsattan maksimum derecede faydalanmak iin kullanlabilecek en iyi aralardan birisi phesiz Apache Spark'tr. Byk veri dnyasnn nc topluluu Apache tarafndan gelitirilen ve en gl ak kaynak yazlm topluluuna sahip Apache Spark byk veride harikalar yaratyor. Udemy'deki ilk Trke Spark eitimi sizlerle..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python & Excel: Easily migrate spreadsheets to a database" |
"Welcome!Learn to use Python for migrating your excel files in almost any format to a relational database.The first section of this course is a basic introduction to openpyxl:the ideas behind reading and writing data from and to Excel.In the second section we will see how to read from multiple Excel documents and save them to a database. The database could be any relational database, but for this section we will useSQLite, as it's fast to setup and easy to use.The third section is a more advanced case, where we will learn how to deal with a more 'messy' Excel document and with a more complex database structure using a foreign key.For the next sections, I like to hear from you what you would like! :-) At the moment I'm first thinking of some other kind of databases, like MySQL and PostgreSQL. But let me know"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Programmeren in Python Van A-tot-Z voor beginners" |
"Leer programmeren in Python! De filosofie van deze cursus is kort maar krachtig. Uit ervaring weet ik dat langdradige cursussen een recept zijn om snel af te haken. Uiteindelijk is het leukste om zo snel mogelijk zelf te kunnen gaan experimenteren. In deze cursus heb ik de essentie van programmeren (in Python) samengevat. Python is een van de meest gebruikte programmeertalen en zal de komende jaren alleen nog maar groter worden. Een groot voordeel is hoe begrijpelijk de code eruitziet. Daarnaast zijn er vele toepassingen, waaronder:Data scienceWeb developmentAutomatiseringMachine LearningAangezien iedereen er moet beginnen, begin je bij de basis. Hier krijg je een idee van alle concepten en weet je hoe je er mee uit de voeten kunt. Vervolgens gaan we door middel van projecten Python direct in de praktijk brengen. Hierbij leg ik vervolgens uit hoe je alle concepten die je voorbij hebt zien komen kunt gebruiken. Dus ook al snap je niet meteen alles in de secties waarin de basis wordt behandeld, dan zul je alles nogmaals voorbij zien komen in de projecten. Op deze manier wordt de leerweg minder langdradig en hopelijk leuker!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |