Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Basic accounting for small businesses" |
"I have seen and witnessed many businesses failing due to the lack of the implementation of proper accounting procedures. Many entrepreneurs, successfully set up businesses, they might have excellent skills in setting up businesses, marketing, maintain customer relationships and winning over excellent customers. But if they are not experienced and knowledgeable enough with various accounting systems for the business, getting the business off the ground is doubtful. As a business owner you will be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, therefore getting help in your areas where you have the weakness is extremely useful to become successful but as far as the financial side of the business is concerned it will not be ideal for you to completely depend on others. It is vital for you to have some knowledge in different types of accounts, like cash flow, budgeting, credit control, stock control, cash register, sales and purchase books as these are the important part of finances of a small business. I agree that an entrepreneur should not try to do everything that might have a chance to push the business to the ground and also due to the lack of finance knowledge will do the same. At the same time, if you get in-house help, freelancer's help or you outsource your work to an out sourcing company, things can go wrong if you do not know what to expect from these people who are helping you. Therefore, I have created this basic course in accounting with the intention to help the people who have interests in setting up a business, but also if you have the financial knowledge you can offer your help to other people to come out of their difficult financial issues or if they want to set up a home based bookkeeping business. This course can help students who want to proceed with accounting study along with working in the accounting field."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Give yourself a chance to be your own boss" |
"How to start a home business? I have created this course to help the people who want to start a home-based business. There are so many benefits you can have if you plan it very well. And also select a niche that you have the passion. Otherwise, you might not want to continue with your business in the long run. The home business will help you to achieve financial freedom, start it straight away. Say goodbye to your boss, do business globally, enjoy the travel anytime. Everyone is close to each other in a family, if the mom realizes that she is losing the family connection, she will start to look for ways to bring the bond back. I would suggest a family business is good so that everyone can get involved as fun which will lead to growing the business. A home business is beneficial to start compared to a shop or a store in a marketplace, as you will not incur extra costs at the start further have great hours, can change your hobby into a business. We all benefit from having business at home. You dont have to travel to work, relax & work in your night clothes and feel comfortable If you fail in your home business, you will not feel the weight of the loss as you have started the company with the minimum cost. Many people out there want to start a home-based business, but they feel reluctant, because of the fear of failure. When you are running your business, at some point, you might think not achieving your goal and feel disappointed. Then you will try and relax or sometimes might think of going for a change of project. Then you have to leave the project without seeking to complete the one that you already started. But is a wrong way of dealing with the achievement, it might not come in your way soon as you expected. But always remember hard work pays you well. This course tells you all about overcoming the fear and helps you to build the confidence to become an entrepreneur. Wiser to turn your hobby into a business at home. Train your family members to take over if you are not available You need discipline with your work set up at home for your home business. Dedicated office space for work and if your working conditions are a pleasant one, will help you achieve your goals. Further, keep away from the family distraction, prepare and follow a schedule to attend to your family matters and social events. Do not give up and continue to work towards the achievement of the belief in yourself; the win will be yours. You will also discover that there is no better feeling in the world than owning your own home business, and work for yourself."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Desenho para Iniciantes" |
"Uma das maiores frustraes que levam os aspirantes a desistir de aprender a desenhar, o fato de no terem as bases mais simples para se apoiarem. Isso pode ter acontecido comvoc, que j tentou por vrias vezes fazer aquele desenho que parecia to fcil, masmesmo assim no conseguiu chegar ao resultado esperado.E se eu te disser que desenhos simples e desenhos complexos possuem as mesmasbases? No importa o quo difcil um desenho possa parecer, TODOS OS DESENHOSPOSSUEM AS MESMAS BASES. E so essas bases que voc ir aprender comigo.Meu nome Jos Mianutti, e neste curso irei ensinar como voc pode criar desenhos demodo fcil, sem complicaes, mesmo que voc no possua nenhuma experincia anterior.Neste perodo voc ser familiarizado com materiais, tcnicas e exerccios prticos que lhepermitiro, em pouco tempo, fazer suas prprias criaes. Tambm darei exemplos decomo artistas famosos e j consagrados utilizavam essas tcnicas em suas obras.Mas quem sou eu para poder lhe ensinar isso?Sou artista plstico, formado em Artes Visuais pela Universidade Federal do Paran - UFPRe j participei de diversas exposies, inclusive no exterior. Tambm atuei como docente dadisciplina de Arte por 7 anos em vrias escolas. E desde criana esse mundo me fascina.Fiz meu primeiro curso de desenho e pintura quando tinha 12 anos, mas tenho desenhosguardados de quando tinha apenas 2.Ento, se voc tiver disciplina e fora de vontade como eu, em breve ter suas prpriasobras penduradas na parede e, quem sabe, at mesmo na casa de outras pessoas."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Aquarela para Iniciantes" |
"Inicialmente utilizada pelos pintores clssicos apenas para fazer esboos, com o tempo, a aquarela foi ganhando adeptos e hoje constitui um dos meios mais expressivos de pintura.De caracterstica suave e transparente, a aquarela um material muito verstil, permitindo os mais variados efeitos.O curso de aquarela para iniciantes, tem como objetivo ensinar as bases necessrias paraque voc d os seus primeiros passos no universo quase infinito de possibilidades que estematerial permite.Meu nome Jos Mianutti e conto commais de vinte anos de experincia no uso deste material.Voc aprender sobre os tipos de tinta, pincis, papis, misturas de cores e diversastcnicas fundamentais que lhe permitiro, em pouco tempo, fazer suas prprias obras.Acredite no artista que reside dentro de voc e venha descobrir que aprender a pintar comaquarela mais fcil do que voc imagina!!!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Como Usar Giz Pastel" |
"A palavra pastel passou linguagem cotidiana como sinnimo de cor clara e suave. Mas, na verdade, a pintura com pastis pode ser muito ousada e forte. Esse material permite incontveis possibilidades artsticas, e pode ser eficientemente usado para esboos rpidos ou para trabalhos mais acabados.Embora existam desde o sculo XVI, os pastis s comearam a ser usados em larga escala com os impressionistas, no final do sculo XIX.""Como Usar Giz Pastel"" um curso voltado para quem quer aprender do zero a utilizar esse material fascinante! Voc aprender sobre os tipos de pastis e suas diferenas, quais papis usar, tcnicas para criao de desenhos por meios de traos, hachuras e esfumados; mistura e sobreposio de cores e muito mais!Venha descobrir como este material super verstil pode fazer com que voc crie pinturas surpreendentes!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Learn & Meditate (Chakras, Mantras, Breath & Sound Healing)" |
"The course teaches you basics of meditation, and takes you on a spiritual journey to learn and experience variousMeditation & Healing techniques. You can easily incorporate these highly effective methodsinto your daily lives and benefit from them. And also teach others once you have fully experienced them deeply. You will learn about Mantras, Chakras, Sound Healing, and Breathing meditation. Each chapter has Guided Meditation as part of it, and the course makes you experience wellness, relaxation, healing and bliss. Practicing these techniques regularly helps remove stress, tension from the mind and eventually fromthe body."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Structure your Presentation" |
"It doesn't matter the topic, audience or duration, all presentations should be structured in a specific way in order for it to be effective, easy to follow and easy to deliver.In this short course, Hanieh Vidmar shows you how to structure a presentation in a few simple steps.Module 1discusses what to do before you start designing and writing your presentation.Module 2talks about the opening.Module 3talks about the middle/body.Module 4talks about the ending/conclusion.Module 5brings it all together and shows you how to put the opening, middle and conclusion into your presentation.You will find a PDF on the hooks you can use in your presentation in the supporting documents.Hanieh is an award winning speaker and trainer and she trains people to deliver more effective and confident presentations."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
englishpronunciationlevelup |
"12This course is designed for Japanese people who want to improve their English pronunciation.With more than 12 years experience teaching English to Japanese people, I understand why you have trouble with English pronunciation and I can show you some effective, practical techniques to reduce your katakana pronunciation and make your English more natural and easier to understand. The course includes lots of listening and speaking practise and looks at the points of English pronunciation that are often difficult for Japanese people and at some common mistakes that Japanese people make because of katakana.If your goal is to speak clear, natural English then this course is for you!"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Successful Grant Writing" |
"This course is designed for nonprofit leaders, grant writers, and professionalexecutives that want to improve their grant development by constructing successful proposals through a simple five step process. Thiscourse offers a comprehensive approach to developing grants for submission to foundations, andprivate/government entities. This introductory course includes proven grant writing strategies, professional tips, and previously funded grant samples, to assist you with the development a full grant proposal. The class lectures are designed to strengthen your understanding of the grant development process while helping you to achieve organizational readiness. By using real grant language and samples,this course offers tons of information to make your grant writing experience manageable, yet pleasurable."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla Videojuegos Profesionales con Unity [UPDATE2020]" |
"Este curso est especialmente diseado para que el estudiante pueda dominar los elementos de un videojuego 3D profesional tipo plataforma en Unity y con el lenguaje C#. Se abordar de manera prctica el trabajo con la interfaz de Unity, la metodologa de la programacin con C#, tipos de variables, funciones, estructuras de control, clases y la implementacin a dispositivo Android e insercin de Ads para monetizar tus videojuegos. Aprenders con la tcnica ""Aprende mientras creas"" y est dividido en secciones especficas para que el estudiante pueda aprender desde cero, o para que pueda localizar soluciones detalladas para aadir elementos profesionales a tus videojuegos. En el curso se explica detalladamente la creacin de niveles, el trabajo con modelos tridimensionales, la funcionalidad completa del Player, diferentes tipos de enemigos y su inteligencia artificial, animacin, navegacin entre pantallas, desarrollo de tems diversos, programacin de un en cinemtico en Unity, programacin del patrn de ataque con el jefe final y culmina con la implementacin en dispositivos Android.A su vez, el curso cuenta con todos los recursos necesarios para que el estudiante pueda desarrollar completamente el ejercicio, as como con retos para el estudiante para que pueda poner en prctica lo aprendido a travs de cada una de las secciones. El instructor cuenta con amplia experiencia en la enseanza de Desarrollo de videojuegos y animacin en Instituciones educativas y Universidades del norte de Mxico, as como certificado profesional en Autodesk Maya y como trainer certificado de Reallusion y estar brindndote apoyo en tu proceso de aprendizaje. "
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"Learn Autodesk Fusion 360 Part Modelling from scratch" |
"In this course you will be learning 3d modelling in Fusion 360. This course uses 2018 user interface of Fusion 360 which has been changed by Autodesk Fusion 360 in 2019 August. In case of any difficulty, please mail. We will be covering the concepts in part module except for form. This course is for beginners who want to learn 3d CAD design from scratch. I will be covering the basics like crosssections and parametric modeling. Most of the options are taught using the examples from the real world. This will give a clear idea on the application of tools. Exercises at the end of the model will be helpful in getting a grip about the subject. Please go through the lectures given below for better understanding the scope of this course. This course is not for experienced CAD designers who already know software like Solid Works, Creo and CATIA. The parts created have never been 3d printed. "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Anxiety, How to Defeat Panic Attacks the Natural Way?" |
"More than 20 Millions Americans suffer from Anxiety. We spend billions and billions of dollars on Anxiety and Panic Attacks treatment each year. But did you know there is a natural way to defeat Panic Attacks? Join me @ Dr. Frank Bid Solution in 49 Minutes and be free of Panic Attacks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Everyday Mindfulness" |
"This Course is for the everyday go-getter who knows meditation can help them improve their life but doesn't have time to find a cave or a mountaintop to do it.Most people give up after ""trying"" meditation the first time. This is mainly because of the misnomer that you can't think while meditating. They say, ""I'm still thinking, I guess I'm doing it wrong - this must not be for me...""THINK AGAIN.Everyday Mindfulnesspresents simple and straightforward techniques of breath work and an understanding of the mechanics of mindfulness. This Program is one of three cornerstones to the foundation of Spiritual Development.After completing this 3-Section Course, keep an eye out forTaming NegativityandLetting Go(Parts 2 and 3 - COMINGSOON) to complete Tier 1 of this amazing Spiritual Development Series.Welcome to the first stop on your journey inward"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Mentalphysics Initiate Group Course" |
"The Science of Mentalphysics is an ancient unique scientific Yoga system of Right Thinking, Breathing and Meditation, and Spiritual Understanding that literally renews your life and health! Thousands of years old, from the monasteries of Tibet, this system was developed to remove the root causes of illness and promote the Keys to Health, Success, and Transformation. In this method of Yoga and Philosophy, it is maintained that spiritual functions are related to physiological functions of the ductless (endocrine) glands. The role of meditation is emphasized in realizing the spiritual nature of a person and uses transformational exercises involving breathing to support and nurture related physiological ability. Blending these practices throughout the ORIGINAL 26 Initiate Course Lessons AND 8 Key Breath Exercises, the Teachings of Ding Le Mei create powerful transformational awareness shifts of reality to assist each person into tapping into the Universal Mind. As each person's connection to their Divine Intelligence is strengthened, he/she is guided firmly and gently where the subconscious mind is assigned the central role in bringing about physiological and spiritual transformation.The Science of Mentalphysics teaches that Prana or life energy, is a substance, a subtle form of energy that both animates life and carries intelligence. It is universally distributed and is what the Soul uses to communicate with. Using the mind-substance, as activated through the Breath of Life 8 Key Breaths, one is able to activate the creative powers within. Students are also instructed in meditation, which leads toward tapping universal wisdom and development as a mystic. As a mystic one understands truth, life, and one's potential through experience.Fees for this course will apply to creating additional resources and training for students of the Science of Mentalphysics. The knowledge, wisdom and understanding you will gain by studying the materials and practicing the Breathwork exercises far exceed the price of the course and will change your life if you do the work!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Soft Skills Improvement System - Complete Guide 2018" |
"NEW2018 Course! Updated information according to latest studies!over 400 students from 64 countries already enrolledcoached over 100 studentswith incredible resultsWhat does my TOPStudent say about this course?Bro, I am so grateful that you came into my life. I cant express myself. Youve changed it all for me!.- Benjamin StrusnikHe was one of the first students to have. I have also done FaceTime Coaching with him. Now, at only 18 he runs a successful marketing agency in Slovenia. He brought it to the next level with the help of connections he made by applying Social Skills techniques I taughthim!What is the secret to happiness and money?According to me and my students it means to make the right friends and develop your social skills in order to maintain them.Why me?For the past year I have been able to exponentially grow my businesses and to feel happier and enjoy life more.All these changes happened when Ive discovered the only thing that was keeping me from achieving greater success.I have stopped being me, and stopped connecting to other people. This wasn'tsomething obvious at first. So dont expect it to see it right off the gate in your situation. Rather it was more something of substanceAfter I have read books and took courses on this subject of social skills and communication, I made my own studies.I was the test subject. And I have succeeded.When Ive asked my closest friends their opinion on why do I enjoy more success now, 100% of them said something along the lines: Well, you are just natural when it comes to making friends and connections. You just ask people to help you out. And they do!Ive seen this work to me. So, I said, why not help millions of people discover what I did? It is so simple, yet so unusedYou get bonuses!After enrolling you get to enter our private Facebook Group with like-minded people (link in the first message)10 minute Free Skype/FaceTime Coaching with me(link in the first message)I can't wait to see you diving deep into the course!Remus"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Skills And Soft Skills Videos For Kids - School 2020" |
"NEW 2020 Course! Updated information according to latest studies and information!coached over 100 adults on Social Skills with incredible results!access to SECRET Facebook Group where you can get help from other teachers all around the world!Why this course? Why now?""Remus, I know you have a huge experience with coaching adults on Social Skills and how to improve their life. But there is a real need in my industry. Being a teacher is fun! But it is also very hard to find any video on Social Skills for Kids. Do you think you can do a short course?"" - Cara B.This is one of my good friends. She's a teacher at an elementary school in Northern California. She had to show her elementary kids some social skills videos. She found none. She knew I had previously coached adults on this topic, so she shoot me that message. She also asked me to keep it brief and to the point (videos of under 3 - 4 minutes). Challenge accepted!While I did my reasearch on the topic I did see that there is a huge demand for something like this in the industry. So I did exactly what Cara asked me to do...The rest is history...""You don't know how grateful I am! Everyone loved the course! The kids, the parents, the principal, the school board... They even called me 'Teacher Of The Year' for coming up with this innovative idea. In the end I am just very happy that I've learned the kids something new and helpful. That's my life passion. Thank you again Remus for everything"" - Cara B.The results speak for themselves. I love happy endings. I am also teaching in order to change the world. I am really happy that everyone surrounding Cara was ecstatic with the outcome. Now is your turn!Why me?As I have uncovered above, this course came to life because of my good friend, Cara. Below, I will talk a little more about myself, and how I became a Social Skills Coach...For the past year I have been able to exponentially grow my businesses and to feel happier and enjoy life more.All these changes happened when Ive discovered the only thing that was keeping me from achieving greater success. I have stopped being me, and stopped connecting to other people. This wasn't something obvious at first. So dont expect it to see it right off the gate in your situation. Rather it was more something of substanceAfter I have read books and took courses on this subject of social skills and communication, I made my own studies. I was the test subject. And I have succeeded.When Ive asked my closest friends their opinion on why do I enjoy more success now, 100% of them said something along the lines: Well, you are just natural when it comes to making friends and connections. You just ask people to help you out. And they do!Ive seen this work to me. So, I said, why not help millions of people discover what I did? It is so simple, yet so unusedYou get bonuses!After enrolling you get to enter our SECRET Facebook Group 10 minute Free Skype/FaceTime Coaching with me (link in the first message)I can't wait to see you diving deep into the course!-- Remus"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit (RPEB) Test" |
"Planning to give Your CFP^CM exams?Then, try out this test. It will help you in preparing for your Retirement Planning & Employee Benefit (RPEB)- Module II ExamBeneficial for students who are planning to become a Certified Financial Planner. This test will help you in clarifying your concepts on Retirement Planning along with brief you out with the practical examples.Will Upload more practice papers of other CFP Exam modules soon. Till then, keep enrolling and practice.As the more you practise, the better will be your result."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"RegioGraph fr Einsteiger" |
"Mit diesem RegioGraph Einsteiger Kurs lernst Du in kleinen Schritten, wie man:die ersten digitalen Landkarten erstellt und formatiertDaten importiert und visualisiertdigitale Landkarten exportiertDer Kurs dient dir als Schnelleinstieg in die Geomarketing Software RegioGraph und bietet sich an, falls Du noch keine Erfahrungen mit der Software gesammelt hast.Dabei ist es egal, ob Du die Version RegioGraph Analyse, RegioGraph Planung oder RegioGraph Strategie verwendest."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fun songs and chants to learn English for beginner students" |
"Singing is a great tool for learning a new language especially for beginners! It can help with vocabulary, rhythm, pronounciation and memory skills.In these short video tutorials - Students will have fun learning new vocabulary, starting with the basics like, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week, months, telling the time, introductions, alphabet, emotions and more!The classes are based on the LEBS teaching methology of Listening, Repetition and Singing to accelerate the English learning process"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project Management (PMP) Practice Test -1 (PMBOK 6th) 2018" |
"We are creating tests bases oneach Knowledge Area of PMBOK 6. You will not be able to find such a massive question bank anywhere else. These are real exam questions taken from PMI exams. So you will have clear idea that what kind of questions you will get in the test.Please study each knowledge area in the book and then take the test. Once you score over70%, you are ready to move on to the next chapter.score more than70% in all tests, you are ready for the exam and certification.Please note:Udemy has a limit that we can only create 6 tests under one course. So, this course only covers the following knowledge Areas: FrameworkIntegration ManagementScope ManagementSchedule ManagementCost ManagementResource ManagementFor rest of the knowledge Areas, we have created another course.Please Subscribe to that one too."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Project Management (PMP) Practice Test - 2 (PMBOK 6th) 2018" |
"We have touched every topiconeach Knowledge Area of PMBOK 6. You will not be able to find such a massive question bank anywhere else. These are real exam questions taken from PMI exams. So you will have clear idea that what kind of questions you will get in the test.Please study each knowledge area in the book and then take the tests. Once you score over70%, you are ready to move on to the next chapter.if you are able to score more than70% in all tests, then you are ready for the exam and certification.Please note: udemy has a limit that we can only create 6 tests under one course. So, this course only covers the following knowledge Areas:Communication Management Procurement Management Quality Management Stakeholder Management Risk ManagementFor rest of the knowledge Areas, please subscribe to our 1st PMP test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Native simply explained" |
"This course is for absolute beginners to mobile development and react native in specific. You will learn what is react native and how it works usingvisual funcontext. you will confidently start your development journey and master react native faster with all the fundamentals set in place .""Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."" that's what Abraham Lincoln the president of the United States said. preparing is the key to master everything. before you start chopping, you should prepare your axe.In your React Native journey you shouldn't jump into coding and syntax without digging into React Native truth. at least you should be able to answer two fundamental questions before you write down any line of code. The first is: What Is React Native?The second is: How does React Native work?There will be no coding or syntax lectures in this course,this will be your reference startingpointtoreact native. Lightweightfast introductory summary before you start your coding journey. You will learn new fundamentalconceptsandyou might want to come back and revisit this course from time to timeduring your development journey.In this course: You will learn about the mobile development ecosystem, what are your mobile development availableoptions, how they differand where does React Native belong, here you will find out if React Native it is what you need . You will learn the React theory, what react is, why Facebook team built it and what it does. You will learn React/React JSand React Nativerelationship. You will learn react components nature and their behavior. You will learn how to create react components and related terminologies like (JSX, Babel and ES6). You will learn what is declarative react."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RapidMiner Studio" |
"Neste curso, estaremos abordando uma parte da Cincia de Dados, que a construo de modelos preditivos de machine learning, utilizando um Software de mercado chamado RapidMiner Studio, no qual podemos criar esses modelos, sem necessidade de conhecimento em linguagens de programao, como por exemplo R e Python.Esse software bem intuitivo, do tipo arrastar e soltar, e sero abordados os seguintes temas:Instalao do SoftwareConhecendo o ambienteLeitura de Datasets e base de DadosPr-processamento de DadosCriao de Modelos de Machine LearningAvaliaoOtimizaoAlm de alguns materiais bnus para que o aluno possa adquirir mais conhecimentos na rea de Data Science e entrar em contato com algumas funcionalidades mais avanadas do RapidMiner.Sero disponibilizados ao aluno os25 arquivos deprocessos do RapidMiner em formato XML dos exerccios prticos abordadosnas aulas."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"How to Interview After Being Fired...And Get the Job!" |
"Getting fired is hard - and interviewing after being terminated is even harder. Learn how to get over the hurdle, answer interview questions effectively (including the dreaded ""Why Were You Fired"" question) and get the job you want. I leverage 20+ years of experience in compensation and talent management (specifically helping people who have been ""transitioned out of a firm"")to help you succeed. The coursewill go over 3 important steps for acing the interview after being fired:1. Rebuilding your confidence2. Preparing for the interview3. Answering the tough interview questions4. Recapping and succeeding"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vin Yon Pro Logo Designer" |
"Si ou bezwen gen plis konesans nan nan domn Graphic Design lan oswa ou vle konnen kman pou vin yon MASTER nan adobe illustrator oswa ou vle vin yon PRO LOGO DESIGNER, oswa ou vle rantre plis kb! Kou VIN YON PRO LOGO DESIGNER an se pou ou. Nan kou sa a, mwen pral montre w ki jan pou vin yon MASTER nan adobe illustrator nou ap touche pi f tools (zouti) yo e mwen pral moutre w kman ou ka kreye nenpt kalite konsepsyon logo sti nan etap zero jiskase ou vin yon profesyonl ou YON PRO LOGO DESIGNER.L ou fini aprann adobe illustrator ansanm avk mwen, nou pral travay sou 10 proj ansanm, nou pral REDESIGN 10 logo ansanm ki se 10 logo pi gwo konpani nan mond lan. Mwen pral pataje tout trik ak tout teknik kman pou design yon logo e mwen pral ba ou anpil konsy ki gen rap ak domn nan (Kman pou jwenn kliyan, kman pou vann tt ou sou mache a, konbyen pou chaje yon kliyan pou yon logo) ect Tout leson yo an kreyl!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"56+ Saat Cisco CCNA 200-301 Snav Rehberi 2020" |
"Tm dnya da yeni teknoloji trendleri ve gelitirilen inovatif rnler ile P2P, P2M, M2M zellikli internette haberleme yntemi hzla artyor. 2030 ylnda toplam 500 milyar nesnenin internette iletiim kuraca n grlyor. Kulaa ok lgn gelen bu haberin, IoE lisanl rnler ile aslnda teoride kalmayacan da gsteriyor. Dolaysyla kariyerine yn vermek isteyenlerin bunu bir kere daha dnmesi gerekir.Her geen gn iletiim kuran nesnelerin saysnn artmas, iletiim protokollerine hakim, davran ekillerini bilen network cihazlarn ynetebilen ve sorun giderebilen uzman ihtiyacn da beraberinde artryor. Trkiyede de her geen gn artan network uzman ihtiyac var. Bu nedenle;""Komple Uygulamal Cisco A Uzmanl Eitimi"" henz network'e adm atmam kullanclar da dnerek sizler iin zenle hazrladk.Toplam 12 blmden oluan kursumuz, tantm, hazrlk eitimi, a uzmanl eitimi ve kapan balklar altndasiz deerli katlmclar bekliyor.Kurulumlar, IP protokol, MAC adresi, Cisco Switch yaplandrma, Vlan-Trunk yaplandrma, OSPF-EIGRP-RIP gibi dinamik ynlendirme protokolleri konularmzn arasnda sadece bir kadr. Sizde kendinizi snava hazr hissedin diye, kursu ""Cisco 200-301"" snav sertifika program ile zde ekilde oluturuldu.Kursumuz sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar network uzmannn bilmesi gereken tm konularn yer ald, piyasadaki en kapsaml ve en gncel kurs olduunu bilmenizi isterim.Peki neden Cisco A Uzmanl Kursuna htiya Duyalm ;Ciddi i potansiyeline sahip olan bu alanda kendinizi gelitirip iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.Network'e dair ok farkl i tanmlar ile alabilirsiniz.Kurumsal bir firmada, bir lokasyonda, kk, orta, byk lekli networkleri ynetebilirsiniz"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"How I Gain 3000+ Instagram Followers in 30 Days (+Software)" |
"You know what I hate? Snake oil salesmen. But you are lucky, because I'm giving you all the knowledge you NEED to grow on Instagram. Guess what?It's complicated. Well, that's what they want you to think. In reality, it's more ""not-complicated"" than it is ""complicated""...get it? It will only take a few minutes of your life(watching this course) to start growing your brand/business like you've never experienced before."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Wellbeing and Motivation for Remote Working Teams" |
"The programme is designed for Team Leaders to support and lead their teams remotely. It also provides support for individuals who will be working independently of their co-workers for a prolonged period of time. Over the next few months there will be an enormous need for emotional wellbeing and motivation as individuals and teams adapt to working in different ways, both during the COVID-19 disruption and afterwards.WorkbookIn the first module of the programme we will explore Emotional Intelligence (EI, sometimes known as emotional quotient - EQ); its development, principles and practice. Unlike Intellectual Intelligence (IQ), EQ can be grown and developed as a social and business skill. This workbook will walk you through the process of growing the attributes of EQ through changing your self-awareness.Virtual Coffeehouse Conversations (VCC)We have been delivering Cafe Style virtual workshops for more than three years. Virtual Coffeehouse Conversations is a new concept to support scalable learning. Using Cafe Style activities, they evoke creative thinking, tacit knowledge sharing and innovation. As part of the programme, you can enjoy regular VCCs.Bite-size VideosThere are 20-25 videos as part of this programme, 4-5 in each module. They support what is in the workbooks, giving you another perspective of learning. They explain some concepts of neuroscience to help you to understand what we are doing to create psychologically safe teams to complement emotional wellbeing and motivation.Random Acts of LearningWe all need something to look forward to in these strange times. In addition to our initial offering on the 10-week programme we will put some extras in to keep it fun, creative and enlightening. We havent decided on everything yet! We will ask for some input and collaboration from you to make this learning circular for us all!Content Workbook One Becoming the Change Developing Self-AwarenessWorkbook Two Develop Emotional Self-RegulationWorkbook Three Develop a Collaborative TeamWorkbook Four Empower Your Team Through DisruptionWorkbook Five Inspiring and Motivating Your Team in a Digital WorkplaceBased on neuroscience, this programme has been designed by Fi Hills, the innovator of Cafe Style Coaching and Micro Mind Hack Videos personal development methodologies. Both methods are experiential, micro and bite-size and designed to accelerate habitual change. The multi-media content is designed to support transformation and includes:19 Bite-size Learning Videos6 Virtual Coffeehouse Conversations with the ExpertsPersonal Reflection Activities"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ejercita tu Felicidad" |
"Todas las personas tenemos el deseo innato de ser feliz y, sentirnos satisfechos y realizados No es un secreto que las personas ms felices obtienen muchos ms beneficios en todas las reas de su vida, que van desde el xito laboral hasta una mejor vida social, cuentan con una mejor salud, mejor calidad en las relaciones (con tu familia, amigos o trabajo)La intencin de este curso es presentarte herramientas que puedes aplicar de forma inmediata y con constancia, sin duda te harn sentir mucho mejor, ms conectados, incrementar tu satisfaccin y sobretodo tu felicidad Todo lo que vas a aprender proviene de investigaciones documentadas y publicadas por la ciencia de la Psicologa Positiva. Qu puedes perder? Inscribete al curso y toma accin Comeinza a reencontrarte con tu felicidad"
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Curso Microsoft Excel Completo - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Neste curso de Excel do bsico ao avanado, teremos vdeo aulas bem explicativas afim de passar os principais recursosdesta maravilhosa ferramenta. Desde planilhas bsicas as mais complexas, controle de estoque, boletim escolar, etc. Veremos as principais funes, entre elas: SE,SE ANINHADA, SOMA, SE+E, SE+OU, MDIA, CONT.SE, MENOR, MAIOR, MXIMO, MNIMO,O, PROCV, entre outras. O passo a passo de uma formatao de tabelas, tabelas e grficos dinmicos e tambm a criao de macros."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |