Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Beginner's guide to the Mac OS X Command Line (Terminal)" |
"In this course, you will be learning how to master the usage of Mac OS X Command line tool(Terminal) in an easy step by step video learning tutorials. This course in intended for those who are very new to programming and also to the one's who are just getting the hang of it.Here is a list of things you would learn:Basic commands and their usageHow to Navigate using simple commandsWorking with files and folder structuresConfiguring the look and feel of your Terminal promptSearching for files and foldersAdvanced commandsConditionals and loopsFunctionsTips and Tricks to be ahead of the competitionSome cool stuff =)What are you waiting for? lets Dive in and start learning the power of the Command line tool aka Terminal"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Acceleration with Visual Studio 2017 Community" |
"C# (CSharp) is the most popular programming language in the Microsoft Technology stack. It is a general-purpose language that can be used to write almost anything, from desktop applications, websites, web services to native mobile apps and even games. It is also a powerful, yet elegant language thanks to its well-thought-out design. On top of that, C# keeps getting new features added on a regular basis because it is backed by Microsoft. No wonder why C# is consistently among the most in-demand programming languages around the world for many years. In August 2018, it is at number 5 according to TIOBE and PYPL (websites that keep track of programming languages' popularity).So what is the catch? Although it is an awesome language to learn and will repay the investment, the learning curve can be steep. Sure, a person with no programming experience probably can create something using C# easily (thanks to out-of-the-box templates), but it is not necessarily done right. Therefore, to help you to properly learn C#, I have distilled all the most important aspects into this 5.5 hour course, which I have spent more than 600 hours to create. This is to assure you about the course's quality. What can you expect from this course?Exercises! Yes, there will be various exercises including quizzes, coding and even software design exercises to help consolidate and practice what you have learned. The best part? I will keep releasing new exercises on a regular basis. So, you will have access to additional content regularly without any extra cost!This course has the right mix of theory and practice. You can find plenty of practical examples throughout the course. You will find many tips and tricks that I have accumulated throughout my seven years of programming experience. You can then immediately apply that to build your own application more easily. You will see how I apply professional programming's best practices to build an application.I explain many important concepts in a very detailed manner to make sure you completely understand what needs to be understood. The course has high-quality production, both video, and audio (you should not take this for granted ;-)).It gets really fun in many places. Let's put it another way: I think this course will make you laugh! Last but not least, you can always reach me at for any question, feedback and even idea for my next course.After completing this course, you will have a crystal clear understanding about the fundamentals and important concepts in C#. You can confidently apply many techniques to create your first simple C# application professionally. If you are worried/challenged/daunted by the vast features of C# before and not sure how to start, I am 100% guarantee that it will come to an end after you finish this course."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Android App Development Course Stepwise-Classroom" |
"Learning in the classroom is well proven way of learning. By considering importance of classroom training;we have taken another approach while creatingthis series.These are simply screen recordingsofthe classroom lectureswhich are conducted really. We have tried to maintain authenticity classroom environment as much as possible and we hope you will love our way which is fusion of online and classroom training.We will teach youandroid app development as you learninclassroom, you will get to know each and every concept atverymuch deeper level.Just follow me and I will make you android expert in just 20 Hours.Check our Reviews before enrolling to the courseon Google or Facebook. We hope you will love our series and learn android app development.I am thanking in advance for enrolling for Android classroom course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Materialize CSS Framework + 1 Proyecto" |
"Bienvenido al curso Materialize CSS Framework + 1 Proyecto en el que vas aprender a crear sitios web en tiempo record y con diseos envidiables.Materialize CSS Framework es uno de los framework de diseo ms usados por los diseadores y programadores. *************************************************************************************************************""Me sirvi mucho ya que es el nico curso que hay en espaol."" Juan Camillo""Explicaciones precisas y una buena herramienta para comenzar."" Marcos Alexander L. Palma Valenzuela""buen curso y buena presentacin un 10/10 chavales #MASTERLUCH "" Luis Miguel""Hasta ahora muy bien, el instructor es claro en los ejemplos, es el unico curso de Materialize en espaol que encontre y cumple mis expectativas"" Carlos Goeznete a ms de 140 estudiantes que han aprendido a usar el Framework de Diseo creado por Google"" *************************************************************************************************************En este curso conoceremos el Marco Materialize CSS para desarrollo web FrontEnd, basado en el Material Design de Google, te facilita la construccin de aplicaciones web responsive y con aspecto elegante.Anmate! aprende el framework de google Materialize CSS FrameworkAl terminar el curso podrs:Crear sus propios diseos con MaterializeCrear sitios adaptables a todos los dispositivosCrear plantillas personalizadasCrear sitios web en tiempo recordCrear paginas web elegantesRegstrate en el curso Materialize CSS Framework + 1 Proyecto ,No dejes pasar el tiempo, inscrbete ya"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crear Documentos Pdf, Word, Excel en Php Generar Reportes" |
"Bienvenido al curso Crear Documentos Pdf, Word, Excel en Php7- Generar Reportes en el que vas a aprender a generar archivos y reportes en PDF, WORD, EXCEL en PHP y la librera DOMPDF.Vamos aprender a generar un documento PDF, WORD, EXCEL desde PHP con DOMPDF, una librera muy sencilla y til para esta tarea. *************************************************************************************************************""Muy interesante el curso, pues mis labores diarias debo realizar diferentes reportes, y gracias a este curso he podido comprender, cmo lo puedo optimizar mis labores diarias..."" Cristian Valencia""Muy buen curso, corto pero muy completo, desde lo mas bsico a lo mas practico. En lo personal me ayudo mucho en mis proyectos. Sigue asi."" Luis Molina Reinoso""E aprendido algo nuevo que no haba visto, me gusto el curso para poder crear mi pdf a mi gusto..... muchas gracias."" Gabriel Vazquez Morales""100% practico y listo para implementar en mis proyectos, Gracias."" Adrian Gilnete a ms de 1900 estudiantes que han aprendido a Crear reportes con DOMPDF"" *************************************************************************************************************Agrega mas conocimiento y habilidades a tu vida.DOMPDF es un conversor de HTML a PDF. Interpreta HTML y CSS para la generacin de documentos en PDF.Los temas que trataremos en este curso son:Instalar y utilizar DOMPDFGenerar PDFs con DOMPDF y PHPCrear archivos PDF con nombre personalizadoEstilos CSS en documentos PDFInsercin de imgenes en documentos PDFGenerar Documentos EXCEL con PHPGenerar Documentos WORD con PHPCreacin de formularioCreacin de base de datosAl terminar el curso podras Crear y generar documentos PDF, WORD, EXCEL con PHP7 de una manera sencilla y optima.Regstrate en el curso Crear y generar documentos PDF, WORD, EXCEL con PHP Generar Reportes ,No dejes pasar el tiempo.Te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Programacin, Algoritmos en 5 Lenguajes." |
"Este curso esta enfocado a usuarios que quieran aprender y reforzar sus conocimientos en los fundamentos de programacin donde veremos algoritmos en Python, Java, Php, Javascript con Jquery y C# , iniciamos desde las herramientas bsicas que necesita para iniciarse en el mundo de la programacin, adems de los conocimientos necesarios para hacerlo. *************************************************************************************************************""si es excelente porque puso un ejemplo y lo resolvi con nosotros, esto no lo hicieron en el curso anterior ""fundamentos de programacin"" que fue buen curso pero no hizo ningn ejercicio con nosotros."" Juan Carlos""me a gustado porque me ha ayudado con mis estudios"" Eliana Jaramillo Hoyos""Tenia algunos conocimientos previos, por eso entend el curso me refresco temas que vi en la universidad y aprend cosas nuevas y jquery que nunca haba hecho algoritmos con jquery.""Alejandra Guzman""En general para m un curso bien explicado con ejemplos de cada lenguaje propuesto, hace alusin al ttulo del curso. Me gust mucho adems que se ve html en los algoritmos con Jquery y PHP"" Diego Garcianete a ms de 300 estudiantes que han aprendido Algoritmos en Python, Java, Php, Javascript con Jquery y C#"" *************************************************************************************************************Yo se que es sumamente frustrante querer aprender algoritmos y que no puedas lograrlo. Con este curso de Fundamentos de Programacin y algoritmos agregars una habilidad ms y demostrars todas tus capacidades.Aprenders la sintaxis de Python, JavaScript con Jquery, PHP,Java, C# con ejemplos y retos para que practiquesAgrega nuevas habilidades y conocimientos a tu vida .Al terminar el curso aprenderas la sintaxis de 5 lenguajes a la vez de una manera sencilla y optima.Regstrate en el curso de Fundamentos de Programacin, algoritmos en 5 lenguajes, No dejes pasar el tiempo, inscrbete ya "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"() ' - 1o" |
"() 1 . . : . Tips, Quiz ( ) . , 1 video. . 1 : ( ) ( ) ; (text) video 1 Tips, ,Quiz (pdf) video. On-line ( / ) (Q&A) Udemy ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de AutoCAD 2018 - 2019 Projetista Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Curso de AutoCAD Online - Treinamento Completo do Bsico ao AvanadoCurso de AutoCAD Mdulo BsicoNesta etapa do curso de AutoCAD, voc aprender coisas, ferramentas bsicas de desenho como formas geomtricas noes de espao, rea de trabalho, tipos de arquivos do AutoCAD, ferramentas de edio de desenhos, camadas ou layesdo AutoCAD, criar e editar blocos, coordenadas de desenho, propriedades de desenhos, tipos de linha, hatch comandos de alinhamento dentre outros.Curso de AutoCAD Mdulo IntermedirioNesta etapa do curso de AutoCAD, voc aprender coisas como, criao de tabelas, personalizar comandos, todas as noes bsicas de impresso, criar uma moldura para projetos, configurar o arquivo de penas ctb do AutoCAD, atributos de blocos, dentre outros.Curso de AutoCAD Mdulo AvanadoNesta etapa do curso de AutoCAD, voc aprender coisas como, criao de blocos dinmicos ou blocos inteligentes no AutoCAD, filtros de seleo avanados, criar referencias externas ferramentas avanadas do express tools, criar macros no AutoCAD dentre outros."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Leitura e Interpretao de Projetos Eltricos" |
"Aprenda a ler e interpretar um Projeto Eltrico Residencial ou Predial, do incio ao fim. Entenda como funciona as plantas baixas, quadros de cargas, diagramas, unifilares, esquemas verticais, simbologia de projetos eltricos dentre outros.Mdulo nicoNeste curso online leitura e interpretao de projetos eltricos, voc aprender coisas como, o funcionamento de plantas baixas de projetos eltricos, conceitos sobre quadros de cargas, diagramas, unifilares, esquemas verticais, simbologia de projetos eltricos, como consultar legendas e detalhes de projetos eltricos dentre outros."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Projetos de Instalaes Eltricas Residenciais" |
"Curso de Projetos Eltricos Residenciais Seja um Projetista Completo de Projetos Eltricos Residenciais Neste curso voc aprender desde os fundamentos de um projeto eltrico como analise de arquitetura para o projeto, estrutura de arquivos e pastas para projetos eltricos. Aprender tambm os conceitos principais da NBR 5410 aplicada aos projetos eltricos residenciais. Aprender tudo que necessrio para elaborar um projeto eltrico seja ele de uma pequena residncia ou apartamento a uma grande residencial.Seja um projetista completo de projetos eltricos residenciais. Aprenda do bsico ao mais avanado. Normas, padres, clculos, processos de produo, norma NBR 5410, normas de concessionarias, quadro de cargas dentre outros.Aprenda agora a criar seus prprios projetos eltricos."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Elite Cashflow Building" |
"Elite Cashflow Building will guide you on your path towards your monthly income goals. Cashflow like many other aspects of your life can be refined and enhanced. The strategies and techniques I present in this class will allow you to build systems for learning new information and most importantly systems for developing new cashflow streams and refining the current cashflow that you have.Cashflow can be built and once that mindset is firmly in place, avenues for cashflow will be evident everywhere that you look! This course will challenge what you are thinking and what you have done. I will present strategies that at first may seen crazy or unworkable to everyday life. However, when coupled with other small changes there will beno limit to the monthly cashflow that you can attain. If your goal is $3,000 a month to cover your basic expenses thenthat is easily within your grasp. If $10,000, $12,000 or $15,000is you goal then the strategies I share with you will allow you to target that number and work towards building that amount! The only limit is the effort and attention that you put into building cashflow like the Elite in the world do!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ZEL SSTEM UZMANLII + IP Adresleri ve Bilgisayar Alar" |
"ETM LE LGL NEML BLGYE VE NDRM KUPONUNA WWW.BARANBiLGEHAN.COM WEB STESNDEN ULAABLRSNZ: ARKADALAR KUPON KULLANMAK NEDEN NEMLDR ? NDRM KUPONUYLA ETM SATIN ALIRSANIZ, UDEMY BENDEN %50 KOMSYON KESMEZ. Bu yzden ltfen eitime kaydolurken indirim kuponu kullanmanz rica ediyorum. ETM AIKLAMASI Udemy zerindeki ok zel eitimlerden bir tanesi ile kar karyasnz. IT kariyerinize henz balyorsanz, network ve bilgisayar alarna ok salam bir giri yapmak istiyorsanz, bu eitim sizin iin bulunmaz bir frsat. U ANA KADAR ETMDEN MEMNUN KALMAYAN OLMADI. erik ok gncel ve tm rnekler birebir gerek hayatlarnzdan yola karak oluturuldu. Eitimde her eyi uygulamal olarak anlatyor ve birebir gsteriyorum. Kesinlikle herhangi bir n bilgiye sahip olmanz gerekmiyor. Oturup anne babanzla bile izleyebileceiniz gncellikte bir eitim. IP adreslerinden ie balayacaz ve renip yapabileceklerinize aracaksnz. Memnun kalmadnz taktirde cretinizi annda geri iade alabilirsiniz. Eitimde nasl yetenekler mi kazanacaksnz eitim konu balklarna bakarak biraz fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz. Sadece bir kan sralayacak olsam unlar soyleyebilirim size.Dnyann herhangi bir yerindeki arkadanzn bilgisayarna ya da st komunuzun bilgisayarna bir rpda nasl balanabileceinizi reneceksiniz? Kendi bilgisayar anz kurabileceksiniz, IP ler konusunda bir sistem uzman kadar bilgi sahibi olacaksnz, dosya ya da klasrlerinizi bakalar iin ulalabilir yapabileceksiniz ? A balant sorunlarn tespit edebilecek ve zm gelitirebileceksiniz. nternette gezinirken zgr msnz ne kadar zgrsnz? Yaplan bir eylem sonucunda adresiniz nasl tespit ediliyor ? Internette iz brakmadan nasl gezineceksiniz vs daha bir ok sayda cevaplarn merak ettiiniz sorularn karl ile eitimim uzayp gidiyor. Sz daha fazla uzatmayarak sizi daha renebileceiniz ve kazanacanz ok sayda beceri ve bilgi iin eitimime kaydolmaya davet ediyorum. "
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"ETM LE LGL ""NEML BLGYE"" VE NDRM KUPONUNA WWW.BARANBiLGEHAN.COM WEB STESNDEN ULAABLRSNZ: **************************************************************************************** ARKADALAR KUPON KULLANMAK NEDEN NEMLDR ? NDRM KUPONUYLA ETM SATIN ALIRSANIZ, UDEMY ETMENDEN %50 KOMSYON KESMEZ. Bu yzden eitime kaydolurken indirim kuponu kullanmanz rica ediyorum. **************************************************************************************** Bu kursta tamamen sfrdan balayarak tm detaylaryla Sistem Yneticisi nasl olunur onu ileyeceiz. Bilgisayarlarmzda sanal irketler ve kurumlar oluturup birebir uygulamal tm her eyi sizlere rneklerle anlatacam. Bu zel eitim, kamu kurum ve kurulular ve zel sektrde Bilgi lem Departmanlarnda almak isteyen tm arkadalarn mutlaka ve kesinlikle almas gereken bir eitimdir ! Ayrca hedefiniz Microsoft sertifikasyonlar yolunda ilerlemek ve en nemli Microsoft sertifikasyonlardan MCSA ve MCSE sertifikasyonlarna hazrlanmak ise bu eitim sizin ilk admnz. MCSA ve MCSE eitimlerinde retilen tm konu ve kavramlar, bu kursun ana balklarndan ilerler. Bu kurs, bilgisayar alar konusunda ciddi bir kariyer plan dnenler Sistem yneticisi olmak isteyenler ve MCSE konusunda olduka salam bir temel oluturmak isteyenler iin zenle hazrland. almak iin gireceiniz bilgi ilem departmanlarnda tm sistemi nasl yneteceinizi bu kurs ile renecek ve herkesten bir adm nde olacaksnz. Bu zel kursta detayl olarak reneceiniz temel konu baslklar yukarda listelenmis halde var olmakla birlikte bu temel balklara ek olarak ok sayda rnek ve uygulamalarla derslerimizi ileyeceiz : Sfrdan bir domain kurup sistemdeki tm makinalar bu domaine kattktan sonra bir sistem yneticisinin domain zerindeki tm haklarn kazann ve bir sistem yneticisi olarak domaini tek basnza ynetebilecek seviyeye ulan. "
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Desktop apps with Angular, Firestore and Electron" |
"This course takes you on a developer journey where you'll be building a complete desktop application that runs on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) using your favorite Web Technologies.IngredientsAngular (By the time you read this, version 7 is probably out !!)Electron framework for building desktop Apps.Firebase (Firestore)RxJS (Not that much)Material 2What you'll get50 + videos on building the app step-by-step.Great insight on problem-solving and applying thought into app building.Ideas on No-SQL data modelling.Link to the repo of the code. (Note that, this will be updated over time)Link to download the actual app itself. (This again will improve as the codebase improves, and this would serve as a wonderful MVP, POC, college/school project)PrerequisitesBasic knowledge about Angular (Know what's a component, service etc.,)Imagination (Lots of it)Patience (Lots of it)Coffee."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Flutter from scratch" |
"Flutter is Google's new framework for building nativecross platform mobile apps that run on both iOS and Android phones. It uses the Dart Programming language which is simple and easy to pick up if you are already familiar with Object Oriented Programming concepts.This course is targeted towards absolute beginners and it helps them to understand how to create simple, beautiful apps in flutter. This course also touches upon some concepts of both Firebase's cloud Firestore and Firebase Authentication. i.e., how to integrate these backend services into your flutter apps so that you can provide a rich and seamless experience to the end-user.Whatyou willlearn: Bringing in different widgets into your app screen, the basics of flutter and building simple apps with what you have learnt. (Code included).Prerequisite: Nothing. You just need to have willingness to learn mobileapp development. I have made this course as short as possible, so that it covers only what's needed for the beginners to get started.What Next: This is a beginner's course. I am in the process of making an advanced course where we'll be building a full-fledged application with flutter. Stay tuned."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como crear una marca de ropa con pocos recursos." |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo que debes saber para comenzar tu marca de ropa con pocos recursos.- Aprenders a testear el mercado para saber si realmente tu producto es bien recibido por el mercado- Aprenders conceptos de Marketing esenciales que todo negocio debe tener en cuenta para aumentar su exito.- Los diferentes modelos comerciales que existen para empezar con una marca de ropa.- Las mejores pginas para empezar a vender tu ropa.- Temas legales respecto a marcas de ropa.- Donde encontrar tus primeros productos.- Encontrar y negociar con fabricantes.- Como crear el nombre perfecto para tu marca- Donde encontrar a los mejores diseadores y a muy buen precio.Acceso VIP a un grupo privado de facebook EXCLUSIVO para participantes del curso y donde estar yo.!Y mucho mas!Este es el primer curso de habla hispana referente a marcas de ropa y no solo te doy un curso, tambin te brindo mi experiencia.TE LO VAS A PERDER?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a hacer un Curriculum vitae de 0 a Experto." |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber para crear un buen currculum vitae atractivo y totalmente efectivo de una manera muy simle y al alcance de cualquier persona.No solo aprenders esto si no que te voy a ensear conceptos como ""Marca personal"" ""Encontrar trabajo sin experiencia"" etc..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start earning from home by giving Reviews on Apps & Websites" |
"This course teaches a step by step way approach onhow to earn online giving simple user feedback. It is ONLY for people fluent in English having a laptop or mobile and aged above 18. In this course you will learn step by step on how to earn money giving feedback and what constitutesa good feedback."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Launch your Business in 14 Days" |
"This is a step-by-step proventraining for success in launching your new business. You will have the ability to work at your own pace, and learn the most important foundation steps in just a couple minutes each day. Each training topic is short, concise, and all additional resources have been provided. You can access this course at any point during yourcareer if you ever need to hit the ""reset"" button."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Portugus bsico: questes comentadas." |
"Segundo opsiquiatra americano Willan Glasser, a nossa escala de aprendizagem pode ser representada por uma pirmide conhecidacomo a Pirmide de Aprendizado: 10% quando lemos; 20% quando escutamos; 30% quando observamos; 50% quando vemos e ouvimos; 70% quando discutimos com os outros;80%quando fazemos;95%quando ensinamos os outros.Os exerccios apresentados neste simulado foram pensados de forma a contribuir substancialmente na fixao deste importantecontedo de Lngua Portuguesa, utilizando vrios aspectos da pirmide do aprendizado. uma tima oportunidadepara voc, que j conhece o tema,tornar-se um verdadeiro Doutor no assunto.Portugus bsico: questes comentadas um questionrio contendo os principais assuntos de lngua portuguesa que formam a base necessria para o seu avano na matria e o entendimento de temas mais aprofundados cobrados nas provas de concurso e exames em geral.Muitas candidatos tm dificuldade em lngua portuguesa por no possuirem uma base firme, ou por que no tiveram um bom ensino ou porque no estudam h muito tempo.Mesmo quevoc ainda no tenha se atualizado, todas as questes contm comentrios que vo te ajudar a ficar por dentro das novidades.Alm disso, caso alguma questo no fique clara, voc pode mandar a sua dvida e ns responderemos com todo o prazer.O melhor de tudo: estaremos sempre te avisando de questes novas para que voc sempre se mantenha atualizado.Ento, vamos l?Espero voc no curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Portugus bsico para concursos" |
"Este curso foi pensado para atender aos candidatos a concursos pblicos.Com uma linguagem fcil, descontrada e sem rodeios, ns iremos estudar toda a base da sintaxe necessria para a sua prova. Essa base fundamental, no s para o avano nos conceitos gramaticais mais aprofundados, como tambm para resoluo de diversas questes de concursos.Ocurso , ainda, de grande utilidade para estudantes do ensino fundamental e mdio, que pretendam reforar os conceitos aprendidos na escola e, ao mesmo tempo, j ir construindo o conhecimento necessrio para enfrentar a crescente concorrncia dos dias de hoje.Responda a estas perguntas:1- Parou de estudar a muito tempo?2- Deseja voltar a estudar e aprender do zero?3- Tem dificuldade de acompanhar as suas aulas de portugus porque falta uma base slida?4- No sabe nem como comear a resolver as questes de prova?5- Precisa fazer uma reviso dos conceitos iniciais para no perder nenhum pontinho precioso da prova?Se voc disse SIM para uma ou mais perguntas, este curso para voc. Ento vamos l? A Lngua Portuguesa a sua lngua. Voc no pode perder a sua vaga to desejada ou qualquer outra oportunidade s porque no domina algo que voc j conhece desde que nasceu.Espero voc no curso. Abraos!SOS Portuga."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for IT Band Syndrome ITBS" |
"Who's it for?For thosewho sufferfrom or are susceptible to Iliotibial (IT)Band Syndrome (ITBS).Runners, walkers, cyclists,hikers, kayakers, etc.What is Iliotibial Band Syndrome?Commonly referred to as ITBand Syndrome,ITBS, or Friction SyndromeThe iliotibialband is a tendon thatruns from your hip to your kneealong the outside of your thigh. Sufferers of ITBS feelpain on the outside of their knee. Moving or putting weight on the area causes pain. The pain generally becomes more severe as the physical activity continues.TheCourseAs a previous sufferer of ITBS, Ifound that simplystretching the IT band was unsatisfactory. A'whole body' approach was required, particularly with attention to hip mobilisation.Laurence Cordonny designed this one hour sessionspecifically for sufferers ofITBS. To aid with learning the moves,thesession is broken down intothree 20 minute parts:Part 1 Core leg workPart 2 Spineand pelvic floorPart 3 Hip and spineFinally, the sessions above are combined:Part 4: All sessions above combined into a one hour sessionWill this yoga routine cure my ITBS?It depends on individual circumstances,what is causing your ITBS, and what activities you do. For instance you may have an injury that predisposes you to ITBS, in which case complete 'cure' is unlikely.Howeveryou may be able to achieveperiods ofcompleteabsence of ITBS symptoms while you practice a suitablephysical therapy (such as this course).In my case this yoga routineallowedme to resume sports (specifically walking, running, andhiking)without symptoms of ITBS.That enabled me tofocus on incorporatinghealthy body mechanics (particularly hipmobilisation) within the sports themselves(more on this in an upcoming video)."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"WordPress for Beginners-Step by Step Tutorial" |
"This Course is for anyone willing to learn WordPress.You will learn how to create beautiful websites within a short period by using a plug in called Elementor that makes it easy to design web pages.No experience is required as the course will take you through all the steps involved.This course will guide you through theinstallation processto the final website. I will show you how to install WordPress locally in your machine andsave money that would have been used for hosting."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A WordPress Website Using Elementor Page Builder" |
"In this course we willCreate a greatwebsite using WordPress and the bestpage builder Elementor! I will show you create the website from the beginning to the end and at the end you will be happy to have a website on your own.I will show you how to get a domain name and web hosting through a web hosting company. After getting that I will show you how to install and configure Wordpress.We will then get a free theme and use Elementor page builder to design beautiful pages.This is what other people say about me and my courses:""This is an excellent course for anyone just beginning to work with wordpress. Using the bitnami wordpress stack (free), a modern free theme and the Elementor page builder (also free), the instructor, Abdul, gently guides students thru a set of hands-on exercises to install a working copy of wordpress on the users machine. He then continues on thru all the steps needed to create a functional blog/website. The instructor is easy to understand, pleasant to listen to and does not waste time with any unnecessary blurbage. The only thing missing is how to migrate the site from one's computer to web hosting once you finish but that is easily a second course - although it would be great if it were part of this one. As a demonstration for those new to wordpress this is a top notch course.""""The course is very informative and the instructor knows what he is doing. Nice learning""""The instructor explains everything very well and never wastes time.All the explanations are clear and straight to the point.I learnt a lot in less than an hour!!!"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer un business e-commerce Shopify rentable, 4 cours en 1!" |
"Bienvenue dansce cours sur ""Crer un business e-commerce Shopify rentable, 4 cours en 1!""Je mappelle Elliot, Passionn entrepreneuriat, et notamment dans les domaines du e-commerce et du marketing. Je mefforce vous dvoiler les techniques utilises par les plus grands e-commerants du monde. Et jai dj plus de 9000 lves pour une moyenne de 4.3/5 toiles sur mes diffrents cours. Alors vous tes entre de bonnes-mains !***********************************************""Super cours, trs clair et didactique, je recommande"" 5 toiles""Ce cours est trs intressant et trs clair. Pour l'instant je suis plus que satisfait."" 4.5 toiles""C'est exactement ce que je cherchais merci"" 4,5 toiles""Excellent cours a va srement m'aider pour me lancer."" 5 toiles***********************************************Rejoignez lestudiants dj convaincus parmes cours (plus de 9000!), si vous souhaitez crer un business qui changera (je l'espre) votre vie.Ce cours est fait pour vous si:-Vous souhaitez arrondir vos fins de mois/engranger un salaire voir crer un empire e-commercesur internet,sans investirbeaucoup d'argent.-Vous souhaitez tre capable derentabiliser ce courspuissance 1000.-Vous voulez profiter d'un businesssans stocketsans risqueen pleine expansion.-Vous voulez profiter de mon expertise d'entrepreneur dans le dropshipping.-Vous souhaitez avoir un courscomplet comportant tous les domaines ncessaires la construction d'un business rentable.-Vous souhaitez toutconnatre, de la construction du site, au marketing via Facebook auxemails marketing, en passant par la gestion d'un point de vue juridique, et mme recevoir un bonus vous permettant d'amliorer votre marge.-Vous aussi vous souhaitez devenir unentrepreneurayant lecontrle de son revenuet de sontempset qui peutvivre et travailler n'importe o dans le monde?Alors ce cours est un parfait commencement vers une aventure qui peut vous offrir lalibert financire, temporelle et gographique!Je m'appelleElliotBoucher, et aprs plusieurs expriences d'entrepreneuriat,je souhaite vous partager mon exprience et mes connaissances afin que vous aussi puissiez russiren dropshipping.Ceux qui vont vous dire que vous pouvez russir facilement en dropshippingvous mentent. Non, vous n'allez pas travailler 2h par jour pendant une semaine et arriver des rsultats magiques vous permettant de vivre comme un roi. Nanmoins, il est effectivement possible de russir dans le dropshipping force detravail, de test et de persvrance.Je ne peux pas vous garantir de rsultats sur cetteformation.Cependant, je peux vous garantir que si vous suivez correctementma formationvous aurez au moins de suffisamment bons rsultats pour continuer vous amliorer et btir votreempire e-commerce.J'espre que vous apprcierez ce cours fait avec amour.-Elliot"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Chump Repellent: How To Become A Better You" |
"Discover the amazing success secrets that quadruple your productivity, eliminate your Inner Chump, supercharges your creativity and purges your vocabulary of excuses! And best of all, YOU will Discover EXACTLY what you need to do to be a Champion in life...Dear Friend: In all of my years as an athlete, a coach and a successful entrepreneur, I can honestly say that Ive experienced the same problems over and over again when it comes to success. To be completely honest with you, there are 5 Major Reasons why I have failed and failed miserably. The truth is, I let my Inner Chump take over.What Is The Inner Chump And Do I Have One?We all have a chump inside of us - called the Inner Chump. This inner chump rears its ugly head when things get tight, when we get fatigued, or when we get frustrated. We must repress this inner chump until it no longer seems like it exists. Basically you have to increase your inner chump resistance threshold.Marathon runners are great at this. When people start training for a marathon, their Inner Chump will come out around mile 5 or 6. As they train, their Inner Chump will show up around my 11 or 12. And as they get in shape, their Inner Chump will show up between miles 20-24. Sometimes they can get rid of the Inner Chump at this stage and sometimes they show up on race day knowing that they will meet their Inner Chump face to face at mile 23 and they will have to decide whether or not they want to be a Chump or a Champ.Because you DO UNDERSTAND that the difference between a CHAMP or a CHUMP is U.Honestly, the reason why 97% of you are having problems achieving the major breakthroughs you are looking for professionally, financially and personally is due to your inability to control your Inner Chump and the manifestation of Chump Moments in your life.Well, right now Im going to offer you the ability to repress these Chump Moments and a solution to repel your inner chump. Im going to offer you some Chump Repellent.I know, I know. Youve read everything, listened to everything. Youve gone to the preacher, the pastor, the groups, the meetings.. Hell, youve done everything that they told you to do and it hasnt worked. Some of you have tried to lose weight. You bought the equipment, the tapes, you signed up at the gym, you registered for the weight loss meeting group, YOU DID everything that your friends did, BUT it didnt work for you.Some of you have been trying to switch jobs, change careers and make more money. Youve revamped your resume, your CV, youve studied the how to interview books, youve looked at doing real estate as a side business, youve tried Amway, and every other start up company out there, only to get chewed up, spit out, dish-ragged and mishandled. It just didnt work for you.Some of you have been trying to make your relationships work. Youve gone to church, to counseling, to your friends, your loved ones, but thing just aint working out.Well, there are 5 Major Reasons Why 97% of People Fail And What You Need To Do In Order To Succeed. Im going to tell them to you right now and Im going to also give you a solution of how you can fix it. ""Insider-Secrets Exposed: Why 97% of People FAIL At Damn-Near Everything They Try""Here are 5 Major Reasons Why 97% of People FailReason #1: Getting In Your Own WayReason #1 is YOU! Believe it or not, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to get out of your own way. Your lack of belief and faith in what you are capable of stops you from being able to succeed. If you are too heavy, you think that, I can never lose any weight. If you are slow, you say, Ill never run as fast as them, Or maybe you tell yourself, Ill never have any money to do anything. Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. Henry FordWell youve defeated yourself before you started. So essentially YOU are the biggest part of your problem. This particular problem is the main thing that allows people to call you a Chump. You allow your Inner Chump to stop you from being a Champ. If this is one of the problems that you have, you are in luck. The Chump Repellent Audio CD Set will allow you to overcome this problem and achieve some remarkable breakthroughs in many areas of your life Reason #2: Excuses Have Become AcceptableReason #2 is that Excuses Have Become Acceptable. Thats right. You have made excuses a reasonable and plausible explanation for not getting things done or accomplishing objectives. You have essentially trained yourself to be a quitter and have allowed quitting by yourself and others to be acceptable. Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. George Washington Carver This point is one of the hardest to accept, because no one really and truly believes that they are a quitter, but if you look back at the last 10 years of your life and see the things which youve started, or have talked about starting, or have thought about starting and see those same things not finished, then you have and are very accomplished in the area of QUITTING!This makes you a Chump. Now we all have moments when we would like to quit stuff and things. That moment when we have that feeling is the initial manifestation of our Inner Chump. In order for us to kill it or repel these feelings, we need some type of Chump Repellent to thwart the growth of these types of thoughts and behaviors. I attribute my success to this:I never gave or took an excuse. - Florence NightingaleReason #3: Poor Choice of Friends and AcquaintancesReason #3 is that you have a very Poor Choice of Friends and Acquaintances. Quite frankly, your peer group SUCKS!! Heres the cold hard facts, the people that you are around are enablers. They are either enablers towards good quality behaviors or enablers towards chump-type behaviors. More often than not, if you take a good look at the people around you and the people with whom you are hanging you will find out why you are at the current achievement level which you are currently. In the latin culure they have a phrase which sums up this section that goes, Dime con quien andas y te dire que es. The translation is Tell me who you walk with and Ill tell you who you are! The bottom line is if you hang with Chumps, you will be a chump. And if you hang with people who exhibit Chump behavior, you will too. You NEED a tool so that you can keep these people out of your life. Chump Repellent is it!! Tell me who you walk with and Ill tell you who you are!Reason #4: Not Understanding The CostReason #4 is that you dont understand the Cost! I know youre saying, What cost? Well, thats just the problem. You dont understand the cost of winning and the cost of losing. More often than not, you refuse to invest in terms of your time and money in order to do the things that Champs do. And thus because you want to cut corners, you inevitably turn yourself into a Chump. Stop cutting corners. If youre the kind of person who doesnt go all the way through the line during sprints, or cheats on exams, or constantly plays the lottery or is always looking some way to get over then you are trying to circumvent the cost without knowing that you will pay more in the end. Just think about it. People who shoplift try to get something without paying. And sometimes they succeed, but the one moment that they dont what happens? Ill tell you what happens. They end up paying more than what the initial item which they were stealing cost. They pay in time and embarrassment. And the same thing happens when you try to short cut things in business, in sports and in life. Your Inner Chump speaks to you and tells you that you are saving, when in actuality you are costing yourself and putting yourself in debt. The equivalent is when youre running sprints in practice and youre trying to save yourself instead of going all out. If you train like this, you will pay a hefty price later. You must learn how to repel these types of thoughts. Chump Repellent was developed to ensure that you behave and govern yourself like a Champion.Reason #5: Refusing To Act Now!The fifth, but number one reason that many people fail is because they refuse to ACT!! Dale Carnegie, who was famous for his ability to get the most out of people and show them how to climb the ladder of success said this, Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.""An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Friedrich EngelsRight now you have the opportunity to obtain one of the most powerful products that you will ever own. You will undoubtedly receive a great deal of information from The Chump Repellent Package, but the question is this Will You Act Now? Will you? Will you complain about the investment? Will you call your friends to ask them what they think? Will you hesitate and wait for another opportunity while still having Chump Moments? Or will you act right now and acquire the information that YOU NEED in order to go to the next level in the various areas of your life.Please understand that YOU possess the power to make massive changes and improvements in your life in all areas. I just want to help you get what it is that you want. Both you and I know that you want more outta life than what youre getting right now, so lets not kid ourselves. Be honest. Mediocrity is not the way to go you know it and I know it. So dont have a Chump Moment right here, right now. Be a Champion and press forward and get your hands on The Chump Repellent Package Today.Right now I currently demand and get $450.00 per hour for my time in person or over the phone. And I know that it is more than worth it because Im more than very busy and the people who I help and helped have achieved phenomenal results in their sporting careers, business careers, personal lives and finances. Right now I want to provide you with some of the same advice that I provide to them at only a fraction of the price. Look, I know what it is that you need to succeed. Because Ive been where you are. I failed miserably to make an Olympic Team in 2000, I went from not having to having, Ive been on the operating table and had the doctor tell me that I wasnt going to make it back in time, but I did. I know what has to be done in order to be a Champ and Not Be a Chump. The question is Do You Want To Live Like A Champion Or Not? If your answer is yes, then you will have no problem investing a measly couple ah few bucks. (Heck, thats drop in the bucket. You spend more than that on a dinner and a movie).So, If you've come this far with me, one thing is for certain, you probably want to make some dramatic improvements in various areas of your life and you want to do all the things necessary to repel Chump Moments so that you can be a Champion. So heres what you need to do right now 1. Stop reading, surfing the net or watching television. This will do nothing for you and you will remain unsatisfied and unfulfilledAnd 2. Order Chump Repellent today and change your life for the better. An Irish proverb says, ""Just nodding your head won't row the boat."" Emblazon that message in your heart and get Chump Repellent TodaySincerely,Rhadi Ferguson, PhDOlympian4-Time National Judo ChampionStrength and Conditioning SpecialistMotivational Speaker"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Grind - The Insiders Information About Competitive Judo" |
"""How would you like to have an Olympian sitting in yourhome, gym, office, or dojo waiting, ""on call"", to leap toattention and give you his very best advice, answer, orstrategy any minute you need it, day or night?""Well, that is what you have in ""The Grind"".YOU have the answers to your questions. Look, ""The Grind"" is for everyone. If you have been grappling all of your life or if you are just starting out, then this collective work should be in your hands RIGHT NOW!If you are a parent or a club owner and you want to provide your kids with the information that is necessary to get to the Submission Wrestling World Championship, the Brazilian Jiujitsu World Championships or the Olympic Games - then this is for you.If you have coached, practiced or have just started judo, jiujitsu, sambo, submission wrestling, kurash, and other grappling sports - then you NEED this video seriesIf you could imagine how miserable it would feel to miss the one chance or opportunity that could have virtually kicked opened the door to your big breakthrough - then you WILL not pass up on this opportunityWelcome to the purchase page of The Grind.Discover an Olympian and a World Class Grappler's breakthrough competitive strategies and his PERSONAL philosophies, set-ups, and moves, responsible for his achieving extraordinary judo, jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling success...The Grind is the flagship product of Rhadi Ferguson. Here you can see Rhadi Ferguson in action through his competitive years. You will also get an in depth look at his strategy, tactics, move selection and newaza techniques on both the domestic and international levels.C'mon, be honest, how many times have you gotten a technical series, looked at it and haven't been able to pull one move off? Plenty!! And if you are a real student of the game, like I know you are then you already know that the secret to a move isn't the move itself but the setup!! And believe me when I tell you that nobody is showing you their setups.I mean really, I can show you how to do a move from a thousand different positions but if I don't show you the setup, you'll never be able to pull it off - NEVER.Listen, we've all had spaghetti before. So how do you know if spaghetti is good or bad? When you eat some spaghetti, you don't say that the spaghetti is good or bad based off of the taste of the noodles. You say that it is good or bad by the taste of the sauce. Well, the moves are the noodles, but the setups are the sauce. These people out here are faking you out, robbing you blind and taking your money by giving you spaghetti noodles. YOU NEED THE DOGGONE SAUCE!!!!!! That's what you deserve and that's what I'm going to give you.FACT: There are a lot of B.S. products, with B.S. moves but nobody has taken the time to show you how to ""put it all together"" from start to finish. From A to Z. They are hiding the MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT YOU NEED IN ORDER TO GET BETTER!!My friend, this day might be one of the most important days of your grappling career. Why?Because I'm going to basically hand you some of my most prized possessions, my intellectual property and my personal and highly guarded:set-upsphilosophical approachpersonal success principlestakedown secretsgroundwork tacticsgripping strategiesmatch strategiesmovement patternsmatch specific game plan andsecret ""back-pocket"" techniques . . .And my off-beat approach to grappling that catapulted me right to the Olympic Games and the toughest Submission Wrestling Tournament in the World - ""The Abu Dhabi Submission Wrestling World Championships""!!You will get EVERYTHING that has enabled me to be one of the most successful grapplers of all time and the only one to compete successfully at The Olympic Games, the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu World Championship and the Submission Wrestling World Championships in my new exclusive series - The Grind!What Is The Grind? THE GRIND IS ESSENTIALLY A MASTERY-LEVEL SEMINAR. IT IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE, EDUCATIONAL, INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINING COMPILATION EVERPUT TOGETHER FOR THE GRAPPLER BY A GRAPPLER.The Grind is essentially a Mastery-Level Seminar on ""Judo for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Players"" and ""BJJ for Judo Players"". The Grind is also an informative rich series that is currently revolutionizing grappling. The Grind is also an education on how to win matches!In today's grappling world, there's been a shift. In judo and Brazilian jiujitsu especially, DVDs, books and tapes have become commonplace, abundant, cheap and competitively irrelevant.Today, the most successful grapplers - the ones with the edge - are the ones with the best information. Yet most people still value ""things they can touch"" more than the knowledge of how to use the right stuff at the right time. Consequently, they remain ""stuck in the mud"" unable to move forward. Well, you can get ""out of the mud"" and never get stuck by obtaining - ""The Grind"".""The Grind"" is the most comprehensive, educational, informational and entertaining compilation ever put together for the grappler by a grappler. ""The Grind"" is an opportunity to see ""real"" techniques done in competition on the international and world class level. ""The Grind"" also allows you to get an inside fly-on-the-wall view of what Judo is like on the International level. It is most importantly an opportunity to see how Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Judo go together like milk and cookies!What Makes This Series So Different?Well, most series just teach you some moves but you never get to see the moves in action. Sometimes the moves look as if they just are or wont be effective. The Grind does not provide that. The Grind allows you to basically take a look inside of the mind of Rhadi Ferguson while he is competing. Allow me to further explain.Heres what you will get with The Grind: THE VIDEOSThe 2004 Pan Am Tour You will watch Rhadi Ferguson as he competes in the 2004 Pan American Tour through Puerto, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. Ferguson will also take you by the hand and show you the the living conditions while he was traveling (for those of you who think that competition trips are the equivalent to a vacation youve got another thing coming). You will see EXACTLY how including Brazilian Jiujitsu into your Judo training can really increase your submission game and make you extremely dangerous on the ground The 2004 Pan American Championships You could virtually call the part of the video serious ""The Road to the Olympics"". It is the 2004 Pan American Judo Championships held in La Isla Margarita, Venezuela. It was a tough tournament where Rhadi Ferguson had to employ some viscous gripping strategies and pull out every groundwork trick in the book (that I knew at the time). Fergusons ability to employ some good gripping strategies, sound tactics and non-stop groundwork really helped him secure a Bronze Medal here. You can see exactly how BJJ really helped his overall game. And you can see the importance of good coaching as you hear 1984 Olympic Bronze Medalist Eddie Liddie and former United States Judo Federation President, David Matsumoto coaching Rhadi through his matches. This is a superb piece of work due to the fact that you willl get to see in-detail how you must constantly attack that arms of your opponent on the ground, whether you hit the armbar or whether you miss it to build up an international, domestic or local reputation as someone who WILL WORK on the ground. Building up your reputation for your style is critical, especially when you need the referees to allow you to work on the mat. This is something that Rhadi Ferguson learned from 4-Time Olympian and 2-Time Olympic Bronze Medalist, Jimmy Pedro. In this part of the video series you will also be able to see how Rhadi Ferguson, effectively utilizes his version of the flying armbar for judo. You will also see his matches versus, Canada, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. What makes this video so amazing is that Rhadi Ferguson is fighting 7 months after a complete Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) rupture and reconstructive knee surgery and 2 weeks after tearing his quadriceps muscles. You can see the concentration in his gripping and gripfighting strategy. The Tre Torri International ChampionshipsThe Tre Torri International Tournament is one of the strongest tournaments in Europe. It is able to boast in having in its attendance many world champions, Olympic Medalists and European Medalists. This tournament is a very strong tournament and as a matter of fact I attended the tournament with 4-time Olympian Jimmy Pedro and 1996 Olympian Orlando Fuentes. Both who earned gold and bronze medals respectively. This tournament was the first European tournament in which I was able to get to the finals. I made my way through the grind of the day by using some of my favorite moves against my opponents and employing some good strategy. Unfortunately, the same strategy that allowed me to be successful during the day was the same strategy that cost me a victory in the finals. Here you can get a clear view of what happens when strategy selection goes wrong and why you need to have an alternative game plan if the one you are using isnt working. On this day, I made this mistake and took home a silver medal instead of a gold. I could have won, but didnt. However, I was able to secure some spectacular takedowns and submissions during the day. This is truly a great learning experience and an excellent case study video for those who would like to explore the role and benefits of Brazilian Jiujitsu; its advantages and shortcomings in the sport of judo. This is one bad @ss tournament!!!!The Grind Matches!!!!This portion of The Grind is absolutely spectacular. This video segment of The Grind includes the following: -The 25 minute, triple over time match between 2004 Judo Olympian Rhadi Ferguson and Multiple Time Submission Wrestling World Champion Jeff Monson at the worlds most feared and respected grappling tournament, the Abu Dhabi Submission Wrestling World Championships;- The match where Rhadi Ferguson almost loses in newaza against 2004 Olympian from the Dominican Republic - Jose ""El Toro"" Vasquez. Jose actually pinned Rhadi in this match until Rhadi whipped out the Brazilian Jiujitsu game and sealed the deal.- The rarely seen match of 2004 Olympian Rhadi Ferguson versus 2000 Olympian Ato Hand at the toughest Judo tournament on North American soil, the New York Open Judo Tournament. Before this fight Rhadi and Ato had fought each other two times with Rhadi winning one match and Ato winning one match - see the conclusion of the grudge match between two of the best 100 kilogram players in US Judo history. Inside The GrindIn the aforementioned videos you have the benefit of hearing the crowd, the directions from the coaches chairs, and the effect that the ambient has on the match, the players, and the referees. This is an important part of ""The Grind"" and it cannot be overlooked. Being able to ""eavesdrop"" in on the coach during a match is priceless. Also I wanted you to actually be ""there"" in the match with me in the first three discs. In the 5 part video portion of ""Inside The Grind"" Rhadi Ferguson wants you to understand, feel, and grasp, what is going on inside the mind of a fighter while he is in ""The Grind"". This part of ""The Grind"" is absolutely PRICELESS. Rhadi Ferguson literally takes you by the hand and walk you through every match, every exchange and every thought that he is having during the match. You will basically be able to grab a chair and take a seat inside of my mind. You can see, where Rhadi overcomes, where he mentally shuts down, when hes frustrated, pissed, and when Rhadi is just not his sharpest and when hes feeling like hes on the top of the world. Most athletes won't show this side in a video series, but I'm not here to lie to you and tell you that I'm invincible. I win and I lose. I'm here to provide you with the information, insight, and tools for you to be successful. Therefore, you will get every single match in The Grind with this feature on inside The Grind. Rhadi Ferguson will walk you through every single match and provide you with the details of what he was thinking, what he did and why he did it. Bonus Submissions & Throws This bonus section is truly one of excitement featuring lightening fast submissions and high amplitude throws. In this video you will see MMA Coach and superb former judo player David Camarillo, Olympic Bronze Medalist and mat work phenom Flavio Canto, one of the most respected people in the United States in the 73kg division Chuck Jefferson, sambo practitioner and expert Joshua Charette, the judo guy who has submitted many high level BJJ Black Belts David Ellis and many more. This video is a treat. Its like the icing on top of The Grind. The Audios (MP3s) The Audio portion of the The Grind IncludesThe 10 Things Every Brazilian Jiujitsu Player Must Know About Judo (3 parts)In Depth Interview with 2004 Olympian Rhadi Ferguson (3 Parts) In The Grind Audio portion of the program, I did a complete ""brain-dump"". In addition to everything on the videos I added these MP3 files to go beyond the instruction and education in the videos to ensure that your brain will explode from all of the information that is provided.Special note - I've been paid up to hundreds of dollars per hour for phone consultations and consultation services and in this package you literally have thousands of dollars worth of my work, experiences, and intellectual property which you can use to enhance your career and improve immediately.*** WARNING ***In The Grind Audio portion of the program you will literally be handed this critical and controversial information on a silver platter:The easy way to win matches by simply ""doing what the competition refuses to do""The simple trick that I've used to reduce the chances of being thrown by the competitionThe secret strategy for getting to the TOP of the medal stand and how you can lose and still ""win""How David Camarillo sets up his flying attacksThe one thing that you need in order to excel - and the shocking thing is, you can't get it on the mat!The secret ""first"" exercise that you have to do at the beginning of every dayMy personal pre-match strategies that allowed me to be successful and how you can do it too!How to increase your armbar submission rate, by using this one simple move (If a guy over 220 pounds can do it, you can too)How to throw as fast as lightning and make it sound like thunder without using any forceHow a Judo throw can actually end a fight!!How to learn judo in an injury free fashion, (I've made the mistakes so you don't have to)The secret information that was uncovered by me when I was in Brazil training with one of the best Judo players in the world. This one thing alone has improved my matwork and newaza exponentially!The importance of the ""transition phase""The keys to gripping and gripfighting in Judo and BJJDiscover the secret and never before discussed ""lock and key"" conceptHow you can laugh hysterically while you frustrate and piss off the competition and onlookers by constantly beating people that you should lose to!! (The match is won in the mind before its won on the mat)Get all of this and so much more!NOW LET ME TELL YOU 5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CRAWL NAKED OVER BROKEN GLASS IN ORDER TO GET YOUR HANDS ON ""THE GRIND""You will be shown actual real ""life"" examples of my most prized strategies and techniques at work.You'll be taken ""inside"" my personal modus operandi - (The only reason why I'm doing this is because I'm retired)You'll ""travel"" from A- to - Z with me, through my experiences, as no other audience has done before or will do in the future.You will get the synthesis of 27 years of expensive grappling experience and use it as your personal shortcut to your goals.You will receive a ""home-study-kit"" of Videos and MP3s, that reveal how you can use Brazilian Jiujitsu and Judo to your advantage and do it easily. Once you see me do it, youll see how easy it is to plug up the holes in your game.So get The Grind...... TODAY!Dr. Rhadi Ferguson2004 Olympian4-Time National Judo ChampionAuthor and creator of ""The Grind"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Situps From A to Z: The Exercise Secrets To Amazing Abs" |
"Dear Friend:Although you may have purchased one of my many DVDs or courses before, read some of my many blog posts, fingered through some of my articles in magazines or online, you probably have never really experienced what it is like to be coached by me or to have me injected into your life and provide you with quality, top-notch, and world class information that will immediately create an impact on your life and how you train and prepare. And to be honest with you.. I just CANNOT allow that situation to continue, soIn 1 hour I cover EVERYTHING that you need to know in order to train your abs properly, even if you dont think that you have ab muscles to begin with.With Your New Situps From A to Z course you will:Discover the BIGGEST mistake that most make (even personal trainers and coaches) when it comes to training the absLearn the EXACT same exercises that the pro boxers, pro fighters and pro athletes use and the EXACT same beginning progressions that YOU NEED TO FOLLOW so that you can one day do the same exercises (I will literally take you by the hand and take you from zero to hero when it comes to training your abs)Get the secrets to developing a firm, powerful, strong and also sexy midsection (lets admit it, we want to have a great functional core, but we wanna look good too!)Discover how to do situps so that they NEVER ever hurt your back (once you learn this little trick that you do with your chin, your back will never hurt again. This is the stuff that the infomercial people dont want you to know)Get your hands on the moves that every boxer, MMA fighter, judo player, BJJ athlete and grappler should know, but dont (if they arent smart enough to get this DVD, you will and you can get the ab strength that they are missing out on!)Perform the exercises that will also take your golf game to the next level. Do the same exercises that Tiger doesIf you play or coach softball or baseball, you already know how important the core is when it comes to kinetic linking (STOP placing yourself and/or your team at a disadvantage and get this DVD today)The Missing Link Never-Released Video and Exercises Guaranteed to Skyrocket Your Core Strength and PowerDiscover the exercises that many of the A-List Personal Trainers in Los Angeles and New York use to train their superstar clients (youll be surprised to know that many of these exercises come from the sport of boxing and out of the fighting culture)Find out the exact exercises that you can put into you boot camp class if you are a personal trainer or the exercises that you can do at home if you never want to go to your boot camp class again!See the [rarely-seen] partner abdominal exercises and learn how to do them from them properly by starting out SIMPLE firstBenefit from being able to see inside the mind of one of the best strength and conditioning coaches in the worldWatch, Listen and Pay Attention very carefully as Dr. Ferguson explains the secrets to training the core as youve never seen beforeThe Most Effective Exercises To Turn Your Mid-section Muffin Top into Midsection of MuscleThe Exercises That Provide The Abs With The Most Muscle Activation (so you can get the best bang for your buck)The Right Moves To Get Strong and RippedThe Best Functional Abdominal Exercises Known To ManThe Right Exercises To Do All The Way From The Coach Potato Level To The Elite Athlete LevelThe Fat DESTROYING Moves That Will Have Your Body 'beach ready' in no timeGet all this and much, much moreThis course is hands-down, THE BEST functional core training course everWhy? Because Dr. Ferguson, takes the time to EXPLAIN why things work and exactly why you should perform an exercise and if and when you should perform it based upon your ability to perform the previous exercise within the exercises progression from easy to difficult. This course was made for everyone. For the coach, the parent, the weekend warrior, the elite athlete, the golfer, the swimmer, the fighter, the I just wanna look good(er), and everyone in between. If you consider yourself to be a regular person or an athlete, this course is for you. It was created to be all-inclusive. And quite honestly, there are very few products that I make for the elite athlete. Most elite athletes need one-on-one personal training. That is why Im making both available with this offer.If functional, fit and firm abs are what you desire, you are in luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pushups From A to Z" |
"We've all gone through our stage when we walked in the gym and the first piece of equipment that we went to was the Bench Press.It was the measuring rod of ""strength"" back in the day and it was necessary if you wanted to answer the question - ""Whaddya Bench?""But now as we are older and wiser we know that there is more than one way to develop strength and power.If there is one thing that we accept as functionalist (people who believe in the concepts of functional training) its that there is more than one way to ""skin a cat"".But the question of the day is, ""Which one? Push Ups or Bench Press?""Well, we can tell you right now that the most inexpensive choice is the push up!! And let's be honest, more often than not, cost is the limiting factor of exercise selection. That is why bodyweight exercises are so popular.There is no one training modality that is THE GREATEST, but Bodyweight Training is hard to beat.And it is probably the best choice for anyone looking to get in some great shape.Why?When doing a push up you have an opportunity to use your abdominals and your core in a fashion that you just cannot do when you are bench pressing.And there are *tricks* to performing the bench and moving massive weight. There are no such *tricks* with the pushup.If you don't have a strong midsection, pushups will be difficult for you period.For the personal trainers.........How many times have you seen clients try to do a pushup and look like they are an inverted ""U"". Their back just sags down.The reasoning is a weak core.So if you want to save time, some money, and spice up your training. Throw the pushup in your training program and get Pushups From A to Z, TODAY!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Gold Mettle Plan" |
"The truth is stranger than fiction.Discover how you can skyrocket your chances to victory with The Gold Mettle Plan! A Completely Different Approach To Judo Took Me From Average To Great In Only A Few MonthsAnd Im Convinced That ANYONE Can Copy What Ive Done Once They Understand ItWhy would any sane person reveal this kind of secret if it was true? Read my message and find out.Dear Friend:You may have never heard of me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Rhadi Ferguson, Im a 4-Time National Judo Champion and a 2004 Olympian. I placed 16th in Athens, Greece and although I didnt win a Gold Medal, I did win.Why?Because 16th in the World was the best that I could do. See, often times people measure their success by what they see others do. Let me tell you a story about my friend Matt Marcinek. He is an unbelievable individual who has cerebral palsy.He competes week after week and although he may never compete at the World Championships, he is a champion in my WORLD! He understands that the key to winning is making sure that you leave every practice and every tournament better than when you arrived. Matt is one of the many people that Ive shared my secrets with. Ive essentially cracked the code and discovered what some call The Olympian Success Formula, I just call it The Gold Mettle Plan.Ive Cracked The Code And Im Going To Give It To You, So You Can Begin To Unlock And Unleash The Champion Inside Of You Today!!I found the secret ingredients that you need to possess if you want to increase your chances as becoming an Olympian. If youve IMMEDIATELY said to yourself just now that you dont have a chance or yeah, right then that is the number one reason YOU wont ever achieve your dreams.Making The Team begins with the belief that you CAN make the team. Its that simple. Just think. How many times have you looked at the brackets or the weight assignments and thought, Well, I cant win or at least I can pull out a second or Im just gonna go out and do my best or Im gonna shoot my shot. Well, heck no wonder you lose! You dont BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN WIN!!THEY ALL LAUGHED WHEN I SAID I WAS GOING TO BE AN OLYMPIAN, BUT THEIR LAUGHTER TURNED TO AMAZEMENT, WHEN I ENTERED INTO THE INNER REALM OF THE CHAMPIONS AND MY HAND WAS RAISED IN VICTORY!I believe that everyone has the ability to win and everyone has the ability to be mentally tough. When I was an up and comer in judo, after many matches that I fought I had one man come up to me and tell me one or two things. He either said, You fought tough today or he said, Youve got to fight tougher.That was all that he said.He didnt show me any fancy moves, no stunning uchimata, no grips NOTHING!! That mans name is Pat Burris. Even to this day, he preaches TOUGHNESS. Although ""skill"" is necessary, your will has to outweigh you skill. Training is necessary. Grip fighting is crucial. Conditioning is important. But if you have all of that without a hard nose plan to be tough and to do what is necessary to make sure that you can win then you are wasting your time. Dont waste you time get The Gold Mettle Plan and watch how having a plan puts victories into your career.Winning Requires More Than, Grips, Throws, Practices and Uchikomi. If Thats All It Took, Wed All Be World Champions!Let me take you by the hand and tell you exactly what you need to do in order to win. You CAN have the Gold Medal, but not without a plan The Gold Mettle Plan. In order to win, you need the three Ps. These three things will separate the winners from the losers in judo, in competition, in business and in life. These 3 things can only exist for you if you make the effort to put them there. I found out that all champions have these three things and if you want to be a champion you are going to need them too. These 3 things are a Plan, a Purpose, and PassionTHE GOLD METTLE PLAN PUTS THE BREAKTHROUGH EXPERIENCE IN YOUR PATH ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BREAKTHROUGHLet me tell you a storyIn 1998 I fought at the Senior Nationals in Chicago and I lost in the 1st round and then in the 3rd round. I came home empty handed, a loser. But I lost by choice, BECAUSE I DIDNT CHOOSE TO WIN that day. I remember sitting on the sideline talking to Wayne Dickinson from Massachusetts and he asked, How did it go today? I said, It was pretty easy. Not realizing that I was being disrespectful, Wayne reminded me by saying, Well, if it was so easy, why are you over here sitting with me? At that time I decided that I will no longer agree to lose. I had my breakthrough right there and that was the beginning of the formulation of my Gold Mettle Plan. Later on that year in October, I won a bronze medal at the US Open. THE GOLD METTLE PLAN CONTAINS THE EXACT SAME THINGS THAT I DID IN ORDER TO MAKE THE TEAM IN 2004My plan has been fine tuned and restructured in such a fashion that it is almost fool proof for those that follow it. It essentially puts wins in your career. If you follow The Gold Mettle Plan and do the EXACT things that I tell you to do your ability to win matches will increase and you will increase your chances of becoming an Olympian. Rhadi, enough already! What Is The Gold Mettle Plan?""About 2 to 3 times a month I perform seminars at various locations around the country for a decent amount of money and Im still paying off my credit cards from my judo career. I sprinkle the speaking engagements in with all of my phone consults, strength training sessions, private Judo and Jiujitsu lessons and running my own business. Needless to say, my time is very tight and I dont have time to waste nor for trivial matters, but as a former Judo player I know how tight money is and I dont think that it is fair nor right that you should not be able to get the same lessons or benefits as others just because you dont have the money. Because when I didnt have the money I needed someone to help me, so Im going to help you. You Should Not Be Deprived Of The Best Material Available Because Youre Not Rich!! Ill take the hit for your benefitThe same exact seminar material that Ive used and presented on that generally costs thousands of dollars to access is going to be made available to you at a fraction of the price. You deserve an opportunity to access the best information available. So heres what I did just for you. I essentially put on a seminar in my home just for you and packaged it so that you can, not only watch it and study it but play it over and over again to solidify and reinforce the powerful message in The Gold Mettle Plan presentation. Many people have walked out of my seminars after this presentation with a new attitude, a new outlook on life and a personal breakthrough experience. This learning experience in The Gold Mettle Plan will provide you with more than one or two eyebrow raising moments and you are guaranteed to get that AHA!!!! experience that you are looking for.If you want to achieve high levels of success on and off the mat and put yourself on the pathway to excellence, then you need to get on THE GOLD METTLE PLAN Today!!!If you dont believe me, just listen to what others have said,,,,,,,TESTIMONIAL Rhadi Ferguson is an amazing coach and instructor. He explains in great detail how to get the most out of your moves, and gives you insight into what it takes to beat the best in the game. My son and I have drastically improved.Brian SchaferTESTIMONIALI had the experience of listening to Rhadi Ferguson speak at a seminar. He is very knowledgeable in theory and in practice and has a way of effectively using analogies to make complex concepts seem simple and direct. Rhadi is the real-deal and his achievements show that he is someone who knows what hes talking about. As a participant, it was encouraging to learn from someone who genuinely shares his knowledge and experience in order to help others reach their own personal and professional goals. Jessica Oosting TESTIMONIALHaving such a supportive, encouraging and experienced coach in my corner who has coaching experience and expertise has not only increased my confidence in sport, but in life as well. Coach Fergusons coaching and visualization techniques helped me to achieve a personal record in the back squat (400lbs.) and the clean and jerk(286lbs.), something I have been unable to do since 1999. As a 9-Time National Champion, American Record Holder and 2000 Olympian I regret very little about my athletic career. After achieving the results that I have achieved after less than a year of incorporating his techniques into my training, my only regret is that I didnt meet him years ago. With Rhadi Fergusons Gold Mettle Plan, you too can get an advantage over your opponents and achieve the breakthrough that you need to win! Cara Heads2000 OlympianTESTIMONIALI appreciate all the guidance and assistance delivered by Coach Ferguson. His encouragement along the way helped me to stick with the program. I admit that I have digressed on occasion, but I know exactly what I must do to get back on track. I will be forever grateful to Coach Ferguson for the impact he made in my life. I pray God's many blessings upon him and his family.Janette RobertsTESTIMONIALCoach Ferguson has reinforced in me that if you truly want something bad enough you need to train and train HARD to get it. The lessons that Mr. Ferguson puts forth in this video are invaluable to any athlete who wishes to reach a championship level in his/her sport. Matt Marcinek"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Judo Success Secrets 2.0" |
"You may have watched his some of his DVDs, maybe you've seen him grace the covers of national magazines and newspapers or perhaps maybe you've attended one of his presentations.Now, One of the World's Most Accomplished & Respected Coaches, Rhadi Ferguson, is About toHand You His Elite Strategies, Techniques, Tactics, Training and Preparation Systems That Catapulted Him Right To The Top Of The Judo, Brazilian Jiujitsu and Grappling World In His Highly Anticipated Judo Success Secrets CourseDear Fellow Judoka: For those that don't know me, my name is Rhadi Ferguson. For those of you who don't know who I am my name is Rhadi Ferguson. I had the distinct privilege and pleasure of representing the United States at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece where I ended the day as one of the top 16 Judo Players in the world. I am also a 4-time National Judo Champion and an A Level Coach through USA Judo and one of the top Mixed Martial Arts trainers and coaches in the World having coached at both the Ultimate Fighting Championships and the PRIDE Fighting Championships. This past year alone, I held two sessions on training and coaching at the 2006 National Strength and Conditioning Conference, I've presented at the A Level Coaching Conference in Colorado Springs at the Olympic Training Center as well as serving on the US Open Coaching Camp Staff. I served as the Athlete's Advisory Council Representative for USA Judo to the United States Olympic Committee and I coach, train and mentor some of the top Judo players in our country and some of the top Mixed Martial Arts athletes in the world. As a matter of fact, I am THE ONLY Olympic Judo Player in America who has coached and cornered at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and the PRIDE Fighting Championships the two largest and most prestigious organizations Mixed Martial Arts. I also write for some of the top Mixed Martial Arts and Fighting Magazines in the country and I'm known as an authority on technical and tactical application of judo and functional strength and conditioning practices for today's modern gladiator.Just for the record, I want you to know that I wasnt always good, and contrary to the belief of many I am athletic but Im not a natural athlete Neither Michael Jordan, Yasuhiro Yamashita, Randy Couture, or Wayne Gretzky are natural athletes. There is no such-a-thing. If none of them prepared, practiced or planned, they would surely lose the big matches (and probably would drop some small ones too). I, like them, have put in hours upon hours of practice, study and trial-and-error to find out what works and what doesnt. You CAN Knock Years Off Of Your Learning Curve Today. I only wish that I had the opportunity to grab a hold of what Im offering you for absolutely free when I was competing. I woulda been unstoppable. By the time that I perfected the system that Ive clearly laid out for you on a silver platter, it was time for me to walk away from the sport.WARNING: The single biggest obstacle to you making it big judo or grappling as an athlete or coach is the wholly erroneous idea that you have no expertise to offer or that you are not qualified to do this. I will admit, my judo knowledge is vast now, but it wasnt back then. What was vast was my knowledge on how to prepare. READ THIS CAREFULLY AND CRITICALLY: In judo two individuals line up to compete but there are many laws at work. There is a chronological law the time, there are governance laws the rules, there are social networking laws the refs and side judges, there are communicative laws - the ability to get your point across to the various individuals within earshot, and a plethora of other things. Then there is the issue of strategy and the investment of your. And then there is the most important issue and that is an issue of resources and resource management. And Ive only scratched the surface on what Im going to give you. I havent even covered the ins-and-outs of how to win a match. The things that I cover in this magnificent course are remarkable. If you understand that Judo is a visceral battle fought from a philosophical framework, then you are ready for The Secrets of Judo Success.The Unorthodox and Off-Beat Techniques, Strategies and Secrets That Im Going To Give To You Took Me From Scratch All The Way To The Olympics In 6 years FlatAnd now you will be able to cut years off of your learning curve, circumvent the pitfalls, bypass the headaches and get on the path to a more successful martial arts career right now. You are just aclick awayIn your Judo Success Secrets Educational Course:I Will Reveal, Demonstrate and Explain the Vital Basics & Top-Shelf, Advanced Skills that make you sharp as a tack, focused as an eagle locked on its prey, and masterfully effective. I will provide you with my off-beat and unorthodox approach to judo which is a huge reason why I went from a nobody to one of the most respected judo players and coaches in the country You'll be virtually Coached & Critiqued on Your Application of My Secrets Live by following along in the hands-on, interactive 'small-group' environment. So you will gain applied experience! You will Discover How you can simply 'outsmart' the competition, and beat people who are better than you, and win matches you should honestly lose. You will UNcover tried and true theoretical and anecdotal practices for success You will DISCOVER my personal blueprint that allowed me to achieve high levels of success in record time and make the 2004 Olympic Team Im going to give it to youYou will understand How To Create a Road Map For Success In Practice and During The Match Understand The Secrets to Match and Tournament Architecture Discover a ""dirty little secret"" that I learned in chess and how its application can SKYROCKET your judo career as a player or coach Get the World Class Tactics, Strategies, Tips and Tools of the Trade... and.... Find Out Why These same tips, tactics and strategies can KILL YOUR DEVELOPMENT if introduced too early!!! And much more..BUT RHADI, WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IS THIS...THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR TECHNIQUE!!!! You are absolutely %100 Correct. But, understand just like there is more than one way to skin-a-cat - There a many ""types"" of techniques. Don't just get one and leave the other ones on the table. The one technique that you don't have may be the one that you need!!!I GUARANTEE that after you complete this course your game will be different than before and your eyes will be opened once you peek behind-the-curtain and see what the professionals in every other sport are doing and how these ""few"" tricks of the trade can catapult your judo career. Dont Make This Fatal Mistake:Dont discount the value of this course The information in this series can be worth a fortune to you or to one of your students. Just think how much money some of our elite athletes waste every year only to travel and come home empty handed.I know of one athlete who has been to Europe to compete and train and hasnt won a medal in Europe yet!! Im not sure if hes vacationing or competing?I wonder how much it would be worth to him to actually come home with a medal. Would you be willing to trade in thousands of dollars of dollars on a hope for hundreds on a sure thing? Youd be crazy, not to. Its almost like making yourself money by saving yourself money.Anybody Can Do This See, anyone can get a plane ticket, travel to a tournament and lose. Ive done it many times, so take it from me its easy to do. The hard part is finding someone that will tell you the secrets to success. Well, now you dont have to worry because with my Judo Success Secrets System you will learn How To Create A Winning Situation for Yourself and Your Team. This never-before released material is jam-packed with every detail youll need to easily and quickly start improving your judo career.This Educational Course Holds Nothing Back! You get every detail, trick and technique that I used and that you can implement and start immediately. In fact, the beautiful thing about this Educational Course set is that once youve got it youve got it for life.Here just a sample of the inside information youll discover in The Judo Success Secrets System Educational Course:How to stack the deck so virtually every match is yours to win or lose .. even if youre a beginner if you are an advanced player this is like cheatingHow to approach every match with the highest form of preparation possible to ensure the best possible outcomeHow to create a valuable and viable practice plan and strategic match plan so that you know exactly what to do during each chronological period of the match no more guessing which move you wanna do as you walk to the line!A little-known secret where you can get tons of FREE information about preparation, planning, strength and conditioning that will certainly increase your judo and grappling athletic and coaching successDiscover the right questions to ask yourself when youre structuring your SWOT analysis so that you leave no stone unturnedHow to literally and virtually make almost every referee work in your favor and thus tilt the match in your favorThe most prominent and utilized international strategic match framework models and why they are utilizedJump inside the mind of the referee so you know exactly when to throw and when to play for the shidoWhen YOU should and when you ABSOLTELY should not cross train and whyThe EXACT positions of the members of my team that I structured to make the 2004 Olympic Team and why I put those individuals in place and the KEY to making sure that your TEAM functions as a teamThe Coach/Athlete model which most individuals use which is a surefire way for failure and exactly how you can change it and why you should do so IMMEDIATELY! And you get much more. Youll learn what you need to do, how you need to do it and exactly what I did and the mistakes that I made. This never before released information has never been placed in the public domain by any other grappler or judo player EVER!! No one and I mean no one has taken the time to strategically and methodically put together and give away their plan and strategy of how they make the Olympic Team. Judo Success Secrets Is Like Steroids For Your Judo Game Its Virtually The Legal Way To CheatIf you are looking forward to becoming the best judo player and grappler and/or the best coach possible then this DVD Set is not an option Getting The Judo Success Secrets System Is MANDATORY!SO, What are you waiting for? YOU'VE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE!! If You Act Fast, You Can Get Judo Success Secrets For FREE And I WILL LITERALLY 'EXPOSE' YOU TO THE SAME STEP BY STEP ROADMAP THAT I USED TO MAKE THE 2004 OLYMPIC TEAM AND TELL YOU EXACTLY WHY I FELL SHORT IN 2000!!Are You Ready? If Your Answer is YES!!!! Then Scroll On Down The Page. If You Still Need To Be Convinced, then You Can ReadThe Testimonials From World Champions, National Champions, and Olympic Medalists.Testimonials Two Time Olympic Medalist Calls Rhadi Ferguson The Real Deal ""As a 2-Time Olympic Medalist, I know first class individuals and coaches when I see them. During and after the 2004 Olympic Games, I've had the opportunity to have several conversations with Rhadi about his coaching methods and about strength and conditioning. As a matter of fact, he provided me with some advice about my hamstring after I slightly tweaked it and it is the same exact thing that my Physical Therapist had me doing the next day in rehab. Rhadi Fergusons knowledgeable, professional and truly a top-notch coach. If you have the opportunity to get a hold of some of his time, his products or his advice - jump at the opportunity. He's the real deal."" 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist 2000 Olympic Silver Medalist 2004 Olympic Trials champion 2-Time World Indoor Champion 60 M Hurdles 2003 World Outdoor 110mH silver medalist; 3-time USA Indoor 60mH champion (00, 01, 06) 2002 USA Indoor 60m champion 6-time NCAA champion 1999 World University Games champion 14-Time All American - Terrence Trammell-------Former US Navy Seal and Brazilian Jiujitsu World Champion Reports That Rhadi Ferguson Is A Premiere Coach As a former Navy SEAL, I understand the realities of mission success that are measured by peak physical condition and proper planning/preparation. Focused on competing in the World Championships, I developed a plan to implement, carry out, and succeed at the mission at hand - the first order of business was to put together a team. One skill in particular that I became proficient at while in the SEAL teams was to use the asset of Teamwork! I needed to call on the best in the conditioning business an individual that shared the same driving mentality and commitment that I had been used to while serving I called on Rhadi Ferguson . Rhadi Ferguson understands intimately the reality of the combat arts, and the physical demands it places on its practitioners. The resume of Rhadi Ferguson speaks for itself, and I consider him a subject matter expert in his field - that said, I wanted them him my Team. The level of expertise of Rhadi Ferguson allowed me to fine-tune my existing workout sessions by creating functionality and specificity within the conditioning program. He thoroughly analyzed and assessed my the type of competition I was involved in and the format.--------- Adopting the newly designed program and approach of Rhadi Ferguson created a supercharged winning formula for success. The mental resolve that this provided was paramount there was no second-guessing myself. Rhadi understands what works on paper doesnt necessarily apply in reality - proper planning pays off. I went to the World Championships and executed the plan as it was written down. From the time I walked out onto the mat for the first time, to the last moment before I submitted the final opponent for the gold, I was able to impose my game without fear or doubt of my physical conditioning capabilities. Rhadi Ferguson is a premier strength and conditioning coach for those intent on taking their abilities to their maximum potential. His capacity to design a conditioning program with specificity and functionality, leaves no second-guessing and no hit or miss approach to contend with. Strategically applied science in its best form. As a new World Champion that is part of the Rhadi Ferguson family of athletes, Id like to say thank you to Rhadi for his dedication to the combat arts, and for providing state-of-the-art resources/consulting services. Im looking forward to our next mission planning session."" Best regards, Marco Gonzalez BJJ World Champion-----------If you want to be a champion - why not listen to one? Rhadi has taken the time out to share with you what has taken him an athletic lifetime to learn!! Take advantage of this great opportunity!Taylor Takata National Judo Champion Pan American Judo Champion 2-Time World Team Member------------ I think back fondly of Rhadi completing his first 6 AM wrestling practice, as a walk-on who was on FULL Football scholarship he could have still be sleeping, allowing his body to recover from a brutal football season. The commitment, drive and enthusiasm that I witnessed that morning was unmatched and was just a fraction of what was to come! I'm telling you right now that Rhadi will inspire you to reassess your goals and push yourself beyond yesterday's standards. I would highly recommend Rhadi to any young athlete and young coach who want a peek behind the finished product to get a better understanding of what it takes to get there.Paul Cotton, PhD, RD. Former Head Wrestling Coach Howard University 1983-2000------------- Trust me, I've seen these Rhadi Ferguson train in practice and he is as real as they come. What better way to learn than to see first hand how to train, what to watch for, and what is needed to become Number One? As a window into the world of superior athletes, this is a must-have for those striving to be the best in their sport. It doesn't get much better than this. You will receive quite literally, the simple truth about being a champion!Julia Van Helder 2004 USA Judo Nationals - Bronze Medalists-------------""His virtual coaching through teleseminars, phone calls, videos and emails has provided me with the necessary tools and plans to take my own game and training to the next level."" I first heard of Rhadi Ferguson from his many great accomplishments in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions. He is one of those people who you know will be a force in his division. What is it that takes him to this level? What is it that keeps him on the podium? After visiting his website I received some of those answers. Rhadi offers instrumental advice that has truly enhanced my training philosophies and daily routines. His virtual coaching through teleseminars, phone calls, videos and emails has provided me with the necessary tools and plans to take my own game and training to the next level. Rhadi has completely changed the way in which I view my sport. I used to simply train hard 5 or more times a week in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and that was it. I felt like that was enough, if not more than enough to reach my full potential. By developing a game plan for both the gym and the academy, I have been able to reach goals that I would have otherwise probably not even set. My mental focus during my training and the weeks leading up to competitions has been greatly altered by Rhadi's personal commitment and desire to helping me succeed. I continue to incorporate some of Rhadi's philosophies and strategies into my life and I am constantly excited to train hard and excel past goals that I have set and strive for new ones.Training hard is one thing, but training full of intensity with your goals in mind is another. Coach Ferguson's coaching clearly demonstrates that he knows exactly what it takes to be great and lead you on the path to greatness yourself. I already find myself focused on new goals and excited to train hard. PJ 'Primetime' O'Sullivan BJJ Purple Belt under Jean Jacques Machado 2001 GTA Grapplers' Challenge Superfight Champion 2003 Canadian Jiu Jitsu Champion 2003 Ontario Submission Wrestling Invitational Superfight Champion----------------- Rhadi Ferguson is providing an awesome service for American Judo. I have been implementing these principles into my coaching. I can see excitement in my competitors because we are now heading into new territory. Thank you Rhadi for this valuable information.Richard Wagner-----------------I was at this seminar and the stuff in this Educational Course is absolutely awesome. If you watch this seminar and don't feel motivated to change your game and become a champion go to the doctor and have him check your pulse cause chances are your dead or that you take up ballet because you are in the wrong sport.Matt Marcinek-------------- Youll see how to turn you judo and grappling career into a professional operation and youll discover how easy it is to improve and how you can increase your productivity and performance without even getting on the mat. Remember this: Judo matches are fought at the competition, Judo is practiced in the dojo But the matches are won through PROPER preparation!!Im going to show you EXACTLY how you can win more Judo Matches and have a more fulfilling Judo Career Period!So get The Judo Success Secrets Educational Course right now and youll also get my 100% Money-Back GuaranteeSo get your package today,"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |