Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Photoshop CS6 e CC criao e edio de imagens" |
"Nesse curso de Photoshop voc vai aprender como usar as principais ferramentas do programa, com os fundamentos do Design e sua criatividade pode criar trabalhos profissionais. possvel aprender usando qualquer verso recente do programa.Ocurso com Photoshop CS6em portugus e pra iniciantes isso ajuda muito,ate o nvel intermedirio indicado essas vdeo aulas. possveleditar fotos, criar imagens pra redes sociais Facebook, Youtube, layout de site, carto de visitas, etc.Esse curso foi editado pra oferecer mais qualidade ao aluno,possui zoom no vdeo aproximando em algumas ferramentas importantes, anotaes quefacilitam o aprendizado evoc pode assistir com facilidade em telas pequenas, por exemplo do seu Smartphone,tablet Android ou iPad. Assista a aula de apresentao e vejacomo simples utilizar asferramentas do Photoshop CS6. O curso ser sempre atualizado e trazendo novidades e correes para os alunos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mouse n Cheese - Learning to 3D Model in Blender" |
"So, are you interested in 3Dmodeling withBlender? The processcan be interesting, fun, and...frustrating. In this streamlined tutorial series, I will teach you everything you need to know to get started creating your own textured models that you can render in very high detail. We'll model a mouse, cheese, and environment from start to finish, using Blender's hair particle system to create fur. Then we'llcreatematerials and textures for them, which we will then set up for a final render.If you've never used Blender before, this course is built especially for you! Everything is explained each step of the way, and the project has been designed to provide a well-rounded set of skills and tricks for any beginner interested in 3Dmodeling. Furthermore, this series has been streamlined to take you from absolutely nothing to a finished, highly realistic-looking result in less than 2 hours.All you need to get started is a copy of Blender 2.79 or later, which can be downloaded for free at Blender's website.So, if you'd like to learn Blender by building an interesting project that teaches a wide array of skills, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificate in Blockchain Security Fundamentals" |
"Total cost of Cyber Breach is 100 Billion Dollars.Cyber crime damage costs to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021.The rapid growth and adoption of Blockchain Technology has open doors for many innovative solutions to make our life easier, but at the same time the bad guys are finding ways to breach into your systems.This Course will give you an apt understanding of Blockchain Security to protect your Enterprise from bad guys.I will begin with uncovering hard to digest blockchain concepts in a digestible way, then Iwill drive into Blockchain Security.Highlight of Topics:Section IIntroductionMoney,Legal Tender and BitcoinBitcoin and Silk RoadBlockchainAddressTimestampLedger and Distributed LedgerProof of Work (POW), Proof of Stake (POS), Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)Bitcoin, Blockchain Series of attackCryptographyCryptography : A Story of Corporate LoverSymmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography Hash FunctionHash DemoHash PropertiesProof of work (POW) Email ExampleDigital SignatureGenesis Block, Merkle TreeMiningBlockchain Security Topics OverviewSection II Blockchain Security: Access ControlBlockchain Node InteractionHardening of ServerFirewall and Server Security (Demo for Port Scan and Finding Running Processes using open source tool included)Network SecurityPermission ManagementRegulating Blockchain ParametersTarget time IntervalMining DifficultyMining DiversityBlockchain ParametersSecure Backup of KeysConsensus MechanismContingency Plan Policy Testing and BackupAuditing and Vulnerability ScanningIncident Response PlanData Security and Data PrivacySection IIIBlockchain AttacksBlockchain attacks typesSection IVSmart Contract Introduction and FeaturesSmart Contact Security VulnerabilitiesSmart Contract SecurityDemo to find Smart Contact Vulnerabilities3 Practice Cases Studies for self practice includedSection VICO Introduction and Brief HistoryICO Security20+ Awesome resources for you!**************************************************************************************************************Student Reviews:A unique first of it's kind course which wonderfully covers the Security aspects of Blockchain. A must watch for Enterprise driven Blockchain Developers, Enthusiast and Cyber security professionals.The presenter has in-depth knowledge of the subject and has explained it very well. The course extensively covers security from its very inception to modern cryptographically secured systems. Highly researched information's are shared smoothly in minimum required time. Highly recommended. - Vinod KGood course for start, thanks to Mr. Prakash. - Ferdi************************************************************************************************************** Do: Go through all video tutorials, supplementary resources and references Highlight Audio and Video Issues that may creep in. Suggestions welcome Leave Feedback and Rating Ask questions, just don't keep it to yourself Go through the FAQ Session and Discussion Forum Get in touch for any query, help or suggestions This course will be updated regularly, please go though the updates This course will give you a high level overview of Blockchain SecurityDon't: Enroll if you have issues with accent or have difficulty in understanding different accent Pirate this Course, Respect Handwork of Instructor If unwilling to ask questions and share feedback If you have difficulty with slight or unavoidable background noise If you are want to learn hands-on security If you learn security aspects of various Blockchain fabric This is not a programming course and doesn't teach you to secure your code There is no Lab Sessions or Practicals but few demos includedAwesome! :)Let's get started...."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
Economics |
"This course serves as a fresh look at what Economics is about, how economists approach topics,as well as introducing some of the main areas of study in economics. Useful as a first look into the realm of economics as a field of study, these videoscanhelp youprepare for further studies in economics, or just serve asa refresher for experienced students in economics that would like to better understand the framework for economic analysis that will be applied in the subject areas they may be studying.No previous knowledge in economics is necessary, although even experienced students in economics will benefit from the broad overview of economic methods and how they come together. In many schools, students dive directly into each subject area and are never introduced in a broad way to the tools of economic analysis or modelling. The consequence is that students are left to try to understand the different parts of economic models, when they have never been presented a broad overview of the structure of economic models or the meaning behind the equations they are studying.This course seeks to fill this important gap within the economics curriculum by introducing you to economic agents, and their place in economic models.Hopefully, the videos regarding the tools economists use will help motivate and guide your study of subjects like math and econometrics, whether or not the focus at your local school is the most appropriate.In a world where discussion is each day easier to seek out, we discuss the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to many economic subjects, and encourage you to have this as a goal throughout your career.By the end of this course, you will have a more mature perspective on how to approach your studies within economics, and, hopefully, the models and studies you will be acquainted to in further studies will make more sense."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pass your CCNA 200-125 in 5 hours" |
"This course will allow you to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to install, use and troubleshoot a medium-sized enterprise network, including the configuration of various switches and routers, and the implementation of security.Master LAN networks and you will be ready to configure and troubleshoot protocols: EIGRP, OSPF, RIP, BGP, HSRP, Access-List, VTP, Router on stick, VLAN, trunking protocols and the WAN technology protocols: Frame-Relay, PPP, GRE tunnel.To learn more quickly and efficiently, you will have the Cisco Packet Tracer file for each used topology.To make sure that you will successfully complete the CCNA R&S exam, we will work on 10 simular LABs for CCNA exam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"iOS 11 & Swift 4 ile Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme" |
"Teknoloji'nin gelimesiyle birlikte mobil telefonkullanmgn getike artmaktadr. Bu kullanmnn artmas ile birlikte kullanclarn kullanmas iinuygulama istekleri oluturmaktadr. Ve bu mobil cihazlarn byk ounluunu ise iPhone cihazlar tarafndanolumaktadr. Bu kurs ile birliktesizde uygulama iOS iletim sistemi iin uygulamalar gelitirebilirsiniz.Bu kurs ile birlikte uygulamalarnzn arayzn profesyonel ve efektifbir ekildedizayn edebileceksiniz.Eitimin ieriindeAutoLayout KullanmUIView KullanmLabel ve ButtonKullanmTabelView KullanmCollectionView KullanmScrollView Kullanm"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mandalas da Vida" |
"As mandalas so a base da organizao csmica e tambm a linguagem de organizao cerebral. Ao longo das eras ela encontrada em diversas culturas que descobriram seu potencial curativo, equilibrador e expansor.O curso Mandalas da Vida foi elaborado para proporcionar uma introduo ao universo mandlico como instrumento de autoconhecimento, meditao, desenvolvimento de solues, liberao da criatividade e equilbrio interior."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Curso de piano gospel" |
"Atravs das aulas de piano online ""pianoworship"", o sonho de tocar no louvor da sua igreja pode ser realizado. Voc tem vontade de tocar e ser integrante do ministrio de louvor e adorao? No sabe ler e interpretar as cifras? no faz ideia de como montar um acorde? cansou de cantar sem nenhum instrumento lhe acompanhando, quer ministrar os hinos no seu culto domstico? ou voc pode ser um pianista, sempre tocou sozinho, l as partituras mas no consegue se encaixar em uma banda de louvor? no consegue descifrar e formas os acordes contidos em uma cifra? ou no consegue fazer arranjos diferente das suas msicas? Nesse mdulo vamos aprender solar e a acompanhar o hino Grandioso s T, de duas formas, a primeira mais simples, apenas com trades e uma linha de baixo simples, na outra abordagem mais completa, com uma textura harmnica e rtmica mais completa. Hinos tradicionais que marcaram geraes, com arranjos bem elaborados e sofisticados, divididos em mdulos. O que voc aprender nesse curso:Tcnicas piansticas, tcnicas de arranjo, tcnicas de acompanhamento e solo no piano, ter a oportunidade de tocar dois arranjos lindos da mesma msica de duas formas diferentes, bsica e intermediria.Preo acessvel, todo o material disponvel em PDF e as partituras com dedilhados e a letra inclusas no hino.Vdeos com viso rea e com detalhes das partes das difceis.Analise terica dos elementos contidos nas partituras.Certificado de Concluso.* Necessrio nvel bsico de teoria."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Java, JUnit ve Mockito ile Unit Test Yazma Eitimi" |
"Her yazlm gelitiricinin sahip olmas gereken en nemli niteliklerden birisi olan unit test yazmay, Java projeleri iin en gncel ve en ok kullanlan unit test aralar ile bu ders'de reneceiz.Ders kapsamnda;Junit'in en son versiyonu olan JUnit5'in bir nceki versiyona gre hem platform olarak hem de developer'lara sunulan yetkinlikler olarak olduka farkllk gsteren, kod yazarken hayatmz daha da kolaylatran zelliklerini,Test kodlarmzda yaptmz geerlemelerin(assertions) bir makale gibi kolay bir ekilde okunmasn ve anlalmasn salayan AssertJ'i,Daha odakl daha iyi tasarlanm kodlar ve unit testler yazmamza olanak salayan Mockito'nun zelliklerini ok farkl senaryolarda nasl kullanabileceimizi,Dersin bandan sonuna kadar, dersin toplam sresinin byk bir ksmn da alan, tamamen pratik kod yazm rnekleri ile, gerek hayat uygulamalarna yakn olmas iin rnek bir proje domain'i zerinde reneceiz.Ayrca, Test-Driven Development (TDD) yntemi ile yazlm gelitirme dorudan bu ders'in kapsamnda olmamak ile birlikte ders'deki baz kodlama pratikleri TDD yntemi ile yazlmtr dolays ile TDD yntemi ile test'in ve kodun nasl bir birlerine paralel olarak gelitiini de bu ders'deki baz pratiklerde grebileceksiniz.Ders'de Kullanlan Yazlm Gelitirme AralarJava 10JUnit 5Mockito 2AssertJ 3Maven 3IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Adestramento de Ces: O Guia Completo" |
"O curso ""Adestramento de Ces: O Guia Completo"" vai lhe ensinar a resolver os problemas mais comuns com o seu co, como latidos, agressividade, puxar a guia no passeio, problemas de socializao com outros ces, necessidades fora do lugar, pular nas pessoas e muito mais. Todas essas mudanas podem ser conquistadas com apenas 15 minutos por dia.Este curso vai quebrar os principais mitos que as pessoas tm sobre como educar um cachorro. So mitos que esto impedindo voc de mudar o comportamento do seu co rapidamente e de modo definitivo. So crenas sobre punies e aes desnecessrias com o co. So essas crenas que podem estar limitando a qualidade do relacionamento com seu co, fazendo com que voc no tome a deciso de tornar seu amigo mais calmo e feliz.Alm disso, neste curso voc vai aprender como a mente do seu co funciona, e vai aprender os mais atualizados mtodos naturais e positivos de adestramento, que so a forma mais rpida, concreta e eficaz para tornar a vida do seu co muito mais feliz.Ao concluir este curso, voc vai saber o passo-a-passo exato para educar o seu cachorro com amor, sem nenhum tipo de violncia, melhorando a relao entre voc e seu co, compreendendo muito melhor seu amigo e transformando para muito melhor a vida desse ser extraordinrio."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"IT Certification - Study guide to pass at first attempt !" |
"Update 06 JAN 2019: New section about Risk Management and CRISC certification are online Update 18 OCT 2018: I have passed the ISACA CRISC certification at first attempt today I will update my guide soon I'm an IT professional with 15 years of experiences and I have passed more than 15 certifications in less than2 years at 1st attempt in various domains:Cyber Security: CISSP, CISM, Security+Risk Management: CRISCCloud Computing: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge v3 & v4, Cloud UProject Management: PMP, CAPM, PRINCE2 Foundation, ISMF, IPOFIT serviceManagement: ITIL Foundation (2011)QualityManagement: Six Sigma Yellow Belt ProfessionalGovernance: COBIT 5 Foundation Blockchain: Certified Blockchain Expert I will share with you my best tips and tricks to passed your certification at first attempt.I will review with you My study method Pros/cons comparison between major certifications Per certification best books, best online trainings, cost My exam experience to achieve your goal at first attempt.This training will provide you very valuable information about Top 5 paying certification of 2017CRISCCISMAWS Certified Solutions Architect AssociateCISSPPMP"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IT Certification - Guide pour russir au premier essai !" |
"Mise jour 05 Janvier 2019: La nouvelle section sur Risk Management et la certification CRISC sont en ligne Mise jour 18 Octobre 2018: Jai russi aujourdhui au premier essai la certification ISACA CRISC je vais prochainement mettre jour mon guide Je suis un professionel de l'IT depuis plus de 15 ans et j'ai russi plus de15 certifications en moins de 2 ans au premier essaidans les domaines suivant:Cyber Security: CISSP, CISM, Security+Risk Management: CRISCCloud Computing: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge v3 & v4, Cloud UProject Management: PMP, CAPM, PRINCE2 Foundation, ISMF, IPOFIT serviceManagement: ITIL Foundation (2011)QualityManagement: Six Sigma Yellow Belt ProfessionalGovernance: COBIT 5 Foundation Blockchain: Certified Blockchain Expert Je vais partager avec vous mes meilleurs trucs et astuces pour russir vos certification au premier essai.A travers les diffrents chapitre, je vais vous expliquer: Ma mthode d'tudeLes pour et les contres entre les principales certifications ITParcertification les meilleurs livres, formations en ligne et le prixMon exprience des examens pour vous permettre d'atteindre vos objectifs au premier essai.Cette formation vous fournira des informations haute valeur ajoutessur5 desTop 5 payingIT certification de2017CRISCCISMAWS Certified Solutions Architect AssociateCISSPPMP"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certification scurit Guide pour russir au premier essai !" |
"Mise jour 05 Janvier 2019: la nouvelle section Risk Management et la certification CRISC sont en ligne Mise jour 18 Octobre 2018: jai russi aujourdhui au premier essai la certification ISACA CRISC je vais prochainement mettre jour mon guide Je suis un professionel de l'IT depuis plus de 15 ans et j'ai russi plus de15 certifications en moins de 2 ans au premier essaidans les domaines suivant:Cyber Security: CISSP, CISM, Security+Risk Management: CRISCCloud Computing: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge v3 & v4, Cloud UProject Management: PMP, CAPM, PRINCE2 Foundation, ISMF, IPOFIT serviceManagement: ITIL Foundation (2011)QualityManagement: Six Sigma Yellow Belt ProfessionalGovernance: COBIT 5 Foundation Blockchain: Certified Blockchain Expert Je vais partager avec vousmes meilleurs trucs et astuces pour atteindre vosobjectifs.Je vais vous expliquer ma mthode d'tude, les pour et les contres entre les certifications de scuritet finalement parcertification (Security+,CISSP, CISM, CRISC, CCSK)les meilleurs livres, formations en ligne, le prix etmon exprience des examens pour vous permettre d'atteindre vos objectifs au premier essai."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gestion de projets - Guide pour russir au premier essai !" |
"J'ai russi plus de15 certifications en moins de 2 ans au premier essaidans les domaines suivant:Cyber Security: CISSP, CISM, Security+Risk Management: CRISCCloud Computing: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge v3 & v4, Cloud UProject Management: PMP, CAPM, PRINCE2 Foundation, ISMF, IPOFIT serviceManagement: ITIL Foundation (2011)QualityManagement: Six Sigma Yellow Belt ProfessionalGovernance: COBIT 5 Foundation Blockchain: Certified Blockchain Expert Je vais partager avec vousmes meilleurs trucs et astuces pour atteindre vosobjectifs.A travers les diffrents chapitre, je vais vous expliquer: Ma mthode d'tudeLes pour et les contres entre les principales certifications de gestion de projet (PMP, CAPM, PRINCE2, SCRUM) Parcertification les meilleurs livres, formations en ligne et le prixMon exprience des examens pour vous permettre d'atteindre vos objectifs au premier essai."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Objection Playbook Course" |
"This coursepromises practical & comprehensive guidance that every financial advisor needs.Ranging fromtarget setting to practical objection handling, this invaluable course will show you step by step on how to deal with the toughest questions from your prospect.Here's What You Can Expect To Learn:Understand the difference betweencold leads, warm leads and hot leads.Understand the process of how a lead become your client.Understand thefactors that contribute to customer objectionsLearn the37 types of common objectionface by financial adviser & step by step script on how you deal with it.Apply theuniversal objection circle(UOC) strategywhen dealing with objectionTurn negative objections into positive language.Be able to show empathy, getting the customer on your sideLearn about18 financial tipsthat you can value add your clientsLearn aboutretirement strategyand its technical aspect."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automate and Animate Your Holiday Lights Using RGB Pixels" |
"If youve ever passed by an engaging light display and thought, ""I wonder how they do that"" then this course is for you. The material is technical, but I know many people without technical backgrounds that have put beautiful displays together. If you can do some basic wiring, have andknow how to use a computer and have a little creativity, Ill show you how you can automate and animate your lights."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Make More Money From Property" |
"Are you a Landlord who is tired of the meagre profits youre making from your rental property? Do you have a spare bedroom youd like to make some extra income from? Are you an experienced Landlord with a large portfolio but youre looking for a way to increase your cashflow? Whatever your circumstances or experience, If youre looking to make more money from property then this Course will show you how.Through turning my first rental property into a Serviced Accommodation (SA) and making nearly four times more income from it, I have subsequently repeated this across a number of properties and I have put everything I have learned into this Course to help fellow Landlords and Investors like yourself.Ive put together this Course purely for the purpose of sharing the processes I use and the lessons Ive learned. The Course is split into the following 7 easy-to-follow Parts:Part 1: An Introduction.Part 2: Research.Part 3: Analysis.Part 4: Operations.Part 5: Guests.Part 6: Expanding and Streamlining.Part 7: Conclusion.I have put everything I have learned into this Course and I hope you find the information of value in helping you make more income from property. I wish you every success."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"OpenGL and GLSL fundamentals with C++ (practical course)" |
"Welcome to the OpenGL, GLSL and computer graphics course! It is practical and illustrated program, designed to give you a visual intuition and practical skills to program computer graphics using OpenGL, GLSL and C ++It is raw concentrated squeeze of OpenGL and GLSL knowledge (no ""water""! no long talks that make you fall asleep)The course is designed to start from fundamentals - and move to advanced topics like shaders, matrices, transformations, GLSL language, raster effects, texturing and shading.In fact, the course is very easy to master. Because it is practical, visually illustrated and has code samples and live coding sessions. It's created to help you develop the visual intuition about 3D programming models (so I developed some beautiful illustrations and visualizations - just to show you how things work ""under the hood"")It will help you to build the proper mental models, patterns, and coding skills - to grasp the underlying concepts and internal elegancy of OpenGL machinery, as well as 3D math (because they're tricky)There are live coding sessions and you get the full access to the source codeThe course covers all important topics of modern OpenGL, such as:- geometry, and buffers, VBOs and VAOs- transformations and matrices, matrix hierarchy- shaders and GLSL- procedural art (and GLSL shaders-generated images)- texturingSo feel free to explore it and I hope you'll enjoy it just as I did during its creation"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"PHP Interview Questions & Answers" |
"This is a tutorial series on PHP Interview Questions and Answers. This course is designed to help the students to learn and understand some of the basic and advanced concepts that are frequently ask to students at the time of interviews. This course will boost the confidence of students and they will be able to answer any question on PHP on interviews. After watching this complete course students will get the immense confidence and knowledge to answer interview questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trading Options Safely for Beginners" |
"Safe investment is not limited to buying and holding stocks. Nor setting aside a huge sum of money to invest in expensive properties.Options trading is the next alternative to investment. You can invest with small capital and profit with using time.This training aims to uncover the basic mechanism of Options trading; a versatile trading instrument which can profit from bull, bear or sideway market movement.learn what are Call and Put options.Learn how does Call and Put Options function at different strike pricesLearn how time is a consideration factor to options priceAnd many examples and practice to analyze how Options behaves at different market environmentThis training is the beginning for people who wish to invest using options. With these fundamental knowledge, you will be able to use more complex strategy for higher profits and better risk management."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Sketchup BASE per Architettura e Design" |
"Corso tenuto anche in forma diretta presso l'Ordine degli Ingegneri di Bologna!Il corso base di SketchUp si propone l'obiettivo di insegnare a tutti i neofiti cos come a tutte le persone che si sono avvicinate al software da autodidatta, a utilizzarlo con un corretto workflow e poter gi da subito iniziare a creare volumi e forme anche complesse e dettagliate pronte per una presentazione creativa e coinvolgente grazie agli strumenti installati all'interno del software stesso. In particolare per gli studenti di architettura cos come di design saranno molto utili le esercitazioni pratiche nella costruzione di un intero edificio, dal lotto ai singoli elementi come porte, finestre e scale. I materiali allegati e le domande di verifica dopo ogni lezione completano l'offerta aiutando a ripassare anche senza la possibilit di seguire i video di lezione ma continuando a migliorarsi nell'utilizzo degli strumenti.Per info, materiale supplementare e varie visitate la sezione Corsi e Formazione sul mio sito, trovate il link sul mio profilo insegnante qui su Udemy.Si chiede gentilmente di contattare l'insegnante solo tramite il messaggio diretto o la sezione D&R messe a disposizione sulla piattaforma."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Weight Loss tips for Women" |
"Are you sick and tired of yo-yo dieting?Have you tried ""everything"" but you still can't shake the weight?It's not your fault.In fact it's something so simple most people overlook it.Do you want to know?How would you feel if you knew your next attempt at weight loss would be your last?Here's the answer ...It's your THINKING.I know, crazy right? That's what I thought until I learned it wasn't WHAT I was doing that was ""wrong"", but how I was thinking about it.Hi, my name is Andrea Jones and not too long ago I was considerably heavier than I am now.And when I say ""considerably"" I mean 50+ Lbs heavier.I tried everything.Counting points. Watching weight. Fancy plans. Exercise.You name it ... I tried it.But it wasn't working for me. I was getting heavier and sicker.Something had to give, and if I didn't figure it out ... the thing that would ""give"" would be me!Fortunately I stumbled across a simple system that showed me how much of what we learned about diet and weight loss is just plain wrong.The moment I discovered this my life changed. Forever.In this course I'll reveal what I learned, how it works (for EVERY women) and how it will work for you too.With no restrictive plans, points or punitive lifestyle choices.You'll be amazed at how you'll feel and how quickly small changes make a big difference in your life.In fact I guarantee it.Follow my program for 30 days and if you're not feeling the best you've felt in ages, then you can get a refund - no questions asked.But you won't.Yes I'm THAT confident.Enrol today and let's get you started on losing the weight ... forever."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel Basics" |
"This course is designed for the Excel beginner or the Excel user looking for a refresher. In this course you'll learn how to work with text and numeric data, create basic Excel functions, build impactful charts, and construct basic PivotTables. You'll also learn a variety of tips and tricks to improve your productivity in Excel. The course is taught using Excel 2016, but much of the content is relevant for older versions."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency for Normal People" |
"There's a LOT to learn about buying, selling, trading, and securing cryptocurrencies before you dive in and start investing your hard earned cash.In this course, I'll teach you - with step-by-step demonstrations - exactly what you need to get started trading cryptocurrency.I will NOT be teaching you how to daytrade, how to do in-depth technical analysis, or how to find the next big ""10000x"" coin.Just the nuts and bolts of participating in the blockchain and cryptocurrency revolution.John DeLancey is not a financial adviser. Content provided is not legal, financial, or investment advice and is presented for informational purposes only. Investing in cryptocurrencies carries risk of loss. Consult your financial adviser before investing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Successful Aging!" |
"Do you know what the future has in store for you?Hi, Im Dr. Paul Falkowski, gerontologist, educator, author, and musician. For more than 25 years, I have been a student of aging and the aging process. Like many of you, before I started my journey, aging was some dark and scary subject to be avoided at all costs! But, I am here to tell you today that there is little to fear and so much to gain by learning about aging and how much power you have over how you will age!In this course, I will teach you what you can expect, and there is a lot of good news! Imagine being freed from the concerns about losing your memory, what you will look like, or your physical and mental health?What is Successful Aging?What can I do now to age successfully?What should I add to my life now? What should I avoid?Successful aging was a coined in the 80s to promote the idea that successful aging was:avoiding disease,maintaining your cognitive and physical health and,nurturing meaningful relationships.But guess what? Thats old news!We now know that Successful Aging is so much more than just avoiding or maintaining (that sounds so fearful and stagnate, doesnt it?)Successful aging is about living a meaningful life, knowing how to face change, understanding the realities of aging versus the myriad of misinformation about aging we hear and see every day. Its about resiliency and maximizing our opportunities for personal growth throughout every stage of life!But how do we do achieve these goals?We start by learning the truth about aging and what we can do now to lay a solid and informed foundation on which we can build our lives.By taking this course, you will:Change the way you think about yourself and your life,Gain the information you need to live a fuller and happier life,See yourself and others with new insight and,Learn how to embrace changes that come age and,Leave behind your fear about aging!By taking this course, you will discover:The myths and lies youve told from day one and likely continue to believe about aging and the aging process, The truth about the physical changes and psychological changes do take place and how to adapt to those changes, The social aspects of aging and the strategies you can put in place for nurturing and maintaining meaningful relationships and, Ways to adopt and continue to have a positive outlook on life.So, if you want to live without fearing the future, this course is for you!Enroll now and enjoy learning what Successful Aging is really all about!As your instructor, I will be with you every step of the way for your questions and feedback.Lets get started"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Piano Fastlane - From ZERO to HERO with Piano & Keyboard" |
"Piano Fastlane is THE biggest course online and brand new on the market!Did you ever sit in a restaurant and listened to a song or piano piece in the background that you wished to be able to play? This course makes it possible. And not within years, but WEEKS, without wasting much money, effort and time for piano lessons.Everything you need is included, so you don't have to waste time searching for material in the internet.Piano Fastlane was constructed to take you faster to an higher skill level, than any other course. You get to learn everything you need from hand holding and reading sheet music to playing by ear and expanding your repertoire.Whether you want to play Pop, Blues, Jazz, Classical, Ballads or to improvise, this course has it all.Everyone can learn piano & keyboard and this course proves that.How is the course constructed?Getting to know the keyboardSheet music and theoryPop piano basicsJazz/Blues piano & improvisation basicsHow to play by earLearn to play classical musicExpand your repertoireEnrolling in this course means you only pay one time. It's designed in an unique way, which allows YOU to follow every step without the need of buying ANY extra material!!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rotinas Automatizadas - Laravel Schedules" |
"Conhea a fundo o recurso de Schedule do Laravel, e aprenda a criar rotinas, commands, e formas incrveis de mudar a forma que sua aplicao funciona!Aprenda a criar rotinas em apenas alguns passos.ORecurso de Schedule trabalha lado a lado com o Crontab do Linux, e agora com o Laravel alm de ficar mais simples, ele se torna muito mais eficaz."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Laravel - Services Providers" |
"Ocurso deServices Providers foi feito pra voc que quer criar aplicaes de alto nvel,e com esse novo conceito voc vai conseguir criar servios e utiliza-los globalmente, e voc se surpreendera com a ampla opes de coisas que podem ser feitas utilizando osProviders.Comece agora mesmo, e torne-se um arteso Laravel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"recipe to eliminate your diseases and enjoy good health" |
"If you are sufferfrom anxiety, depression, Obesity , colon pain,And nervousness, Anddid not find the right solution for healing? some scientific studies show that many of the diseases that affect us in our lives is because of the lack of ahealthy diet, in this course I will give you healthy recipe to help you eliminate these diseases, Which will make you feel very comfortable in your stomach and therefore will work to eliminate the diseases that suffer from it, in addition, this recipe is good for you even if not suffering from these diseases and can be used, for example, athletes, fitness men and can be used by any person to get good health.and It work on:Help eliminate depressionHelps Eliminates anxiety Helps slimmingStrengthens the immune systemReduce cholesterol and treat the heartCure for cancer and delayed agingLaxative and soothing colonTreatment of high sugar and pressurewe meet in the course, bye"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gua completa de Trading: anlisis tcnico de los mercados" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para poder analizar los mercados financieros de manera lgica y usando herramientas de anlisis tcnico como: medias mviles, osciladores estocsticos, volumen, entre otros; dems de eso compartimos contigo una introduccin al anlisis fundamental para que tengas la posibilidad de combinar y extraer datos objetivos de economa y finanzas, y poder tomar decisiones ms precisas. Incluye una seccin completa dedicadaal psicotrading e ineligencia emocional, pilar fundamental delas inversiones. Te garantizamos que al finalizar el curso alcanzars las competencias necesarias para razonar de manera lgica, aplicar anlisis tcnico como un experto y tomar decisiones de inversin en los mercados para lograr grandes beneficios econmicos.Bienvenidos al curso ms completo de trading y anlisis tcnico!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design para social Media - Crie Design para Redes Socias" |
"O aluno vai aprender o que contedo e como produzir com foco em seu pblico e negcio. Vai ver exemplos de sucesso de como o contedo pode destacar sua marca nas mdias sociais a partir do entendimento do seu pblico e o que ele curte. E na prtica vai definir a persona e voz do seu contedo, criar um calendrio, estabelecer periodicidade, quantidade de posts para gerar contedo no dia a dia. A ideia que com planejamento de post seja possvel aproveitar oportunidades de real time mktd. E ao final vamos falar da interao e do acompanhamento dos resultados de performance de qual tipo de contedo engaja mais seus fs."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |