Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Easy way to learn software engineering" |
"HTML-DivElement(s) The <div>tagis nothing more than a container unit that encapsulates other page elements and divides theHTMLdocument into sections. Web developers use <div> elements to group togetherHTMLelements and apply CSS styles to many elements at once.In this Course student will able to learn about difference concept of software engineering like Coupling and cohesion in software engineering and water fall model Sessionsare a simple way to store data for individual users against a uniquesessionID. This can be used to persist state information between page requests.SessionIDs are normally sent to the browser viasessioncookies and the ID is used to retrieve existingsessiondata.ThePOSTmethod transfers information via HTTP headers. The information is encoded as described in case ofGETmethod and put into a header called QUERY_STRING. ThePOSTmethod does not have any restriction on data size to be sent. ThePOSTmethod can be used to send ASCII as well as binarydata.Introduction to Operating SystemsA computer system has many resources (hardware and software), which may be require to complete a task. The commonly required resources are input/output devices, memory, file storage space, CPU etc. The operating system acts as a manager of the above resources and allocates them to specific programs and users, whenever necessary to perform a particular task. Therefore operating system is the resource manager i.e. it can manage the resource of a computer system internally. The resources are processor, memory, files, and I/O devices.In simple terms, an operating system is the interface between the user and the machine. student enjoy and learn in new concept of software engineering"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Leer rpido con excelente comprensin" |
"El objetivo de steCursoes aprender y practicar los simples principiosde la Lectura Rpida, para trascender la lectura silbica* de unavez por todas. Mientras que convencionalmente alcanzamos velocidadesentre 150 y 300 palabras por minuto (ppm), con los principiosde Lectura Rpida podemos incluso cuadriplicar esas cifras o ms,con prctica y constancia.Reaprender a aprender, trascendiendo los lmites de nuestros procesos mentales,maximizando su velocidad:Abstraer informacin mediante tcnicas de lecturarpida, para llegar a velocidades de hasta 1,000palabras por minuto (Y con mucha prctica, hasta ms).Asociar prctica y placer al aprendizaje.1.Lectura Rpida Aprendizaje con las esferas de laMente consciente y la del consciente continuo, paraalcanzar velocidades de hasta 1,500 ppm.2 Gimnasia Cerebral (Formato breve) estimulacin dela neuroplasticidad y reacondicionamiento del sistemanervioso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Theoretical Introduction to IoT" |
"IoT is the latest development in technology. It is expected to grow by greater folds pretty quickly. Hence it becomes a mandatefor every professional or technologist to learn about it. This course is designed keeping beginners in mind. It will act as your guide & give all info regarding IoT. at beginners level.Vital start is always important and this course will provide you the exact same."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"BlockChain Career Guide" |
"This course is designed to explain complex subject in simplest manner. This course have good contentonBlock Chain fundamentals,use cases, hyper ledger fabric andhands-on labs. Most important part of this course is interview questions. We had collected frequently asked interview questions and tried to provide detailed explanation."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system" |
"ISO45001 occupational health and safety management systems explains the processes, strategies involved inachievinga safe workplace by eliminating and managing workplace related hazards.According to International Labour Organisation (ILO), about 2.78 million people die a year as a result of occupational illhealth and injuries. There is also increasing absenteeism and insurance premiums.ISO45001 is the first global standard on occupational health and safety, published by the International organisation for standardisation(ISO). It has been designed to be used by organisations irrespective of their sizes.The foundation of this standard follows the ShewhartDeming pdca cycle, i.e PLAN, DO, CHECK,ACT. This will guide the rubrics to this course as we will touch risk assessment, accident investigation, first aid, fire management."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Teradata- A Complete Course on Teradata" |
"The course covers the following Topics: Teradata Architecture, Space management and data protection, Data Distribution, Indexing and Explain Plan development, Teradata SQL, Performance turning and query optimization, Teradata utilities and best practices, The course covers teradata in detail with examples- Sessions are theoretical as well as practical. Examples used are from real life project scenarios. Animated and pictorial PPT slides for better understanding of concepts. Very Interactive sessions with best audio and screen sharing. Emphasis on teaching concepts, rather than just covering topics. Practical sessions are done by sharing the Teradata environment on trainers screen and showing the exact way of doing things in Teradata Client Software."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master PERL- A Complete Course on PERL Programming" |
"Our Course ""Master Perl-A Complete Course on PERL Programming"" provides basic and advanced concepts of Perl. This course on PERL Programmingis designed for beginners and professionals both.Perl is a cross-platform environment and library for running JavaScript applications which is used to create network and server-side applications.This Course includes all topics of Perl such as installation, example, operator, operator type, control statement, loop,comments, arrays, string, escaping characters, namespace, hashes, regular expressions, functions and subroutines, file handling, error handling. etcBefore learning Perl, you must have the basic knowledge of JavaScript and any programming language."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Become a Hadoop 2.x Administrator: Hadoop 2.x Administration" |
"""Become a Hadoop 2.x Administrator: Hadoop 2.x Administration"" courseprovides you with proficiency in all the steps required to operate and sustain a Hadoop Cluster which includes Planning, Installation, and Configuration through load balancing, Security, and Tuning. This coursewill provide hands-on preparation for the real-world challenges faced by Hadoop Administrators. The course curriculum follows Apache Hadoop distribution.""Become a Hadoop 2.x Administrator: Hadoop 2.x Administration"" will help you harness and sharpen all the Big Data skills required for you to become an industry level practitioner by providing you guidance from an industry level expert. Through exhaustive hands-on experience and industry level projects you will gain the following skills:Hadoop Architecture, HDFS, Hadoop Cluster and Hadoop Administrator's rolePlan and Deploy a Hadoop ClusterLoad Data and Run ApplicationsConfiguration and Performance TuningHow to Manage, Maintain, Monitor and Troubleshoot a Hadoop ClusterInsights on Hadoop 2.0, Name Node High Availability, HDFS Federation, YARN, MapReduce v2Set up of High Availability Hadoop 2.x Cluster."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master PouchDB: A Complete Guide on PouchDB" |
"""Master PouchDB: A Complete Guide on PouchDB"" Course has been prepared for beginners as well as for Professionals to help them understand everyconceptof PouchDB. It will aid you to build applications which will work offline and online alike using PouchDB and CouchDB.PouchDB is an open sourcein-browser database APIwritten in JavaScript. It is modelled after CouchDB a NoSQL database that powers npm. Using this API, we can build applications that work offline and online. PouchDB uses WebSQL and IndexedDB internally to store the data. ""Master PouchDB: A Complete Guide on PouchDB"" coursediscusses the basics of PouchDB along with relevant examples for easy understanding."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lua Programming: Become a Master of Lua" |
"Lua is an open source language built on top of C programming language. Lua has its value across multiple platforms ranging from large server systems to small mobile applications. This course covers various topics ranging from the basics of Lua to its scope in various applications. This course is designed for all those readers who are looking for a starting point to learn Lua. It has topics suitable for both beginners as well as advanced users. It is a self-contained course and you should be able to grasp the concepts easily even if you are a total beginner. However it would help if you have a basic understanding of working with a simple text editor and command line."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"videodan nesne kaldrma Mocha Pro" |
"Bu kursta 5 videoda profesyinel bir ekilde videolardan nesne kaldrma / yok etme ilemini reneceksiniz. En ufak ayrntlarna deinerek karlaacanz hatalar size syleyerek anlatyorum. Bunun sebebi ""videoda adam yapyor ama ben hata alyorum"" cmlesini sylettirmemek iin :) Ayrca bu programn ilk trke olarak anlatan kii benim dolaysyla rahatlkla anlayp kendi videolarnzda ilem yapabilirsiniz:)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
limphoto |
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Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Indonesian Video Lessons" |
"This Indonesian Language Learning Programis designed by using Comparative Method: Performing Comparison between English and Indonesian. Please Watch and Learn these Indonesian Video Lessons which are created and designed in Simple but Smart ways. The lessons in this course are planned to include Indonesian Grammar; Indonesian Vocabularies; and Indonesian Language Functions.This Indonesian Language Learning Program is useful and helpful for those who:- are interested in studying Indonesian Language- need to be able to understand and communicate with Indonesian Language- live in Indonesian as Expatriates- students who want to know more about Indonesian"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Foundation in Indian classical music" |
"It is about the basic concepts involved in Indian classical music.I have used my knowledge as a vocalist to discuss various basic elements of this music form.The course will prove to be a foundation for a vocalist as well as an instrumentalist of any genre but Indian classical music enthusiast in particular"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Success: Life Skills to Create an Amazing & Dynamic Life" |
"Life is hard.Its much more competitive and difficult these days andyou need practical life skills if you plan on being successful. Schools dont teach life skills. Until now, you would have to learn them the hard way. Spending years experiencing failure, missed opportunities, even heartbreak. Thats why I developed this course You will learn the fundamental skills you need to excel in life. So youdont have to endure years of frustration and disappointmentlearning these lessons the hard way. Ive spent over a decade mastering these skills. They helped me become asuccessful six-figure entrepreneur and a published author and Ive put together thefoundational lessons that took me more than 15 years to learnin order to be successful. All you have to do is take this course and fast-track your knowledge and success. Ive built this course from personal experience. Every lesson is road-tested and practical No theory here. The lessons are simple, fast and effective. Here are some of the skills youll walk away with after you complete this course: How tobuild your confidenceso you can act from your heart andbe authenticHow tohandle anger, anxiety and resentmentBasicTime Management skillsthat help you free up massive extra timeHow tosay goodbye to being a victimandovercome lifes challengesHow to transform your lifeand mold it into a life youll be proud ofHow toovercome rejectionand disappointmentFinancial basics (including how to start aretirement accountandhow loans work)How to quickly and radicallyimprove your memoryThe methods and shortcuts smart students use towhiz through schoolso you can too without spending hours a day studyingAnd more Register right now. Youll be able to learn and apply the lessons instantly and every lesson comes with a handout with specific action items to practice and apply. Jump in and get ready to create amazing opportunities in your life."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
modarebaonline |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to C++ Programming" |
"Keep in mind, this course is NOTfor everybody - only people who truly want to learn a new skill and improve their programming knowledge.In this course you will learn the fundamentals of C++ such as loops, variables, comments, if/else statements, switch statements, functions, pointers,and much much more!The best part is, you don't have to download anything!That's right, no complicated software, everything is online.By the end of this course, you will get the skills YOU need to get a job as a C++ Programmer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Java Programming" |
"In this course, you will master the fundamentals of Java, which will allow you to code your own programs with ease. This course unlocks many job opportunities right at your fingertips. On the completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which makes you stand out from others.Learn industry ""best practices"" in Java software development from a professional Java developer. Not only will you learn the Java syntax, you will learn about the different version of Java, and why they're still used to this very day. In addition, you will discover the different IDE (Integrated Development Environments) out there to pick and choose what works best for you and your operating system!And of course, how can we forget OOP (Object Oriented Programming?) This is a critical aspect that allows you to design challenging programs with ease. Don't be afraid about passing your job interviews anymore after taking this course. You will feel right at home and be able to go over and beyond any question that the interviewer asks you.Thank you very much for reading the course description! I believe you will learn a lot and have a lot of fun! I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende el verdadero origen del Vampirismo" |
"Si siempre quisiste saber de donde es la historia de un vampiro,aqu en este curso encontraras la respuesta al origen y en verdad cual es el significado a la palabra vampiro.En este curso haremos un recorrido por la historia del gran empalador Vlad Tepes en la poca del siglo XV y sus viajes a la guerra,tambin encontraras casos de vampirismos reales que han sucedido a lo largo del tiempo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Instagram 2018: Paso a paso hasta los 10.000 seguidores." |
"Crecer en Instagram es ms fcil de lo que crees, nicamente se necesita una pequea inversin de tiempo y puede tener unos retornos monetarios enormes.En este curso aprenderas a:Optimizar los ajustes de tu perfil para atraer a tu pblico.Publicar contenido de calidad, consistente con la temtica de tu cuenta, armnico con el resto de publicaciones y coherente con la personalidad de marca que quieres transmitir.Promocionar tu cuenta para aumentar tu exposicin y alcance mientras incrementas masivamente tu nmero de seguidores.Automatizar las tareas de mantenimiento para obtener los mximos resultados posibles empleando el menor tiempo posible."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Administracin y productividad personal" |
"La verdad es que la mayora de nosotros no tenemos suficiente tiempo a lo largo del da para hacer todo lo que nos gustara.En este curso aprenders estrategias, tcnicas y trucos para aumentar tu productividad y extraerle todo su jugo a tu tiempo.El curso comienza con un mdulo en el que te ensearaa varias de las razones por las cuales la gente no es productiva. Muchas de ellas son causas de nuestra naturaleza humana y de nuestro cerebro que no est completamenteadaptado al mundo en el que vivimos. Para vencer a tu enemigo primero has de conocerlo.El siguiente mdulo te ensea a aprovechar ms tu tiempo a partir del poder del cuando. Como siguiendo tu reloj biolgico puedes aprovechas la fluctuacin hormonal en tu cuerpo a lo largo del da para ejecutar cada tarea en el momento ptimo.A continuacin os enseare los pilares de la productividad y de la gestin del tiempo. Aquel conocimiento sin el cual todas las tcnicas, estrategias y trucos para aumentar vuestra productividad no serviran de nada.En el cuarto mdulo os enseo el sistema de establecimiento de metas ms efectivo y poderoso del mundo. Os enseare a liderar vuestra vida de acuerdo a vuestros principios para qu epodais vivir con propsito y perseguir vuestros objetivos vitales.Despus os ensear a como administrar vuestro tiempo de forma que le saqueis todo su rendimiento a partir de la planificacin de vuestros das.Por ltimo os instruir en tcnicas y sistemas que llevaran vuestra productividad personal al siguiente nivel."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing: A Secret System To Get More Paying Leads" |
"Are you struggling to get quality leads and sales on your website?Would you like to create a raving fanbase that gladly buys your products and supports your brand?Are you interested in knowing the simple system I use to create content consistently that has earned me a top 10 spot in the Apple App Store and increased leads by 500% multiple clients?I will teach you exactly how to do all of this and much more inside this course with over 1,000 happy students!IN THIS COURSE YOU'RE GOING TO KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO:Have the right mindset for content marketingPlace a set of rules around your content to create content FAST and have MAXIMUM appeal to your usersEdit content so it's PERFECT every timeFind the BEST mediums to host your contentUse my WORD FOR WORD TEMPLATES to reach out to influencers to share or link your contentOutsource the WHOLE PROCESS so you can continue to run your businessI want to share the system, and simple strategies that I learned in order to save you the countless amount of hours, effort and mistakes that I repetitively made. So I've put them together in thisunique step-by-step guide so that you can see the same results with your business and products!The Video presentation is unique. It is a very direct and clear presentation that most efficiently gets the knowledge from my brainto yours. It's broken into easy to learn sections that explains the conceptsand provides examples or in-depth explanation of why it works!If you are or thinking about creating content as a form of, I GUARANTEE you that this investment will be the best you can make.It will pay you back and continue to once you start applying these content marketing principles!I will also personally respond to all questions and queries (you can ask for my email if you like) so that yourjourney that much easier.Ihave content marketing to thank for having such great success in the App world and the SEO space for my clients. Ican't wait to help you!Looking forward to meeting you :-PCheers,Joe BP.S: This is a no brainer decision because I am happy to refund your investment if you're not getting results with my course. Just let me knowwhere you're having problems. if we can't fix them you can get your investment back. So you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Portugus - Gramtica essencial" |
"Curso de portugus para quem est iniciando os estudos ou para aqueles que gostariam de revisar o fundamental da gramtica de forma simplificada, com exemplos e sem complicaes. Aprenda os conceitos base da lnguaportuguesa para seguir em frente com contedos especficos, seja para concursos ou vestibulares em geral. Tudo isso de forma online!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Start Serving, Start Selling" |
"Being a restaurant server willallowed youto:Travel oftenHave a flexible scheduleMeet new peopleServe celebritiesLearn salesAre you tired of:Being held to making $30,000 a year.Hearing about how restaurant servers get to take their cash home daily.Not being able to change your schedule when you want to travel.Never having enough money to enjoy the things you want to do.Having to work overtime to have enough money to pay your bills.Being told you don't have restaurant experience.Being offered positions other than the restaurant server position you applied for.Feeling like you don't have enough experience to apply for restaurant server positions.Working a 9- 5 job.Hearing about others getting server jobs and you aren't.Did You Know That Restaurant ServersMake On Average$25Per Hour?In this course you'll learn:How tosuccessfullysell your work experience in your resume and during the interview process.The role andresponsibilitiesof a restaurant server.How tocreatea resume with no restaurant experience.Where and how toapplyfor restaurant server jobs.Improve yourconfidenceand know how to format your work experience so that it relates to the server position.You'll Get The Restaurant Server Job, Start Making More Money, And Create The Schedule You Want."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Cupcakes with Delicious Cupcake Recipes" |
"Course Update: New Assignment Added!Hey guys, thanks for tuning in to another Sweetn Small Cupcake Edition! Im Glad youve decided to join us in your first step towards becoming acupcake guru!Before taking this class theres a few things about cupcakes you already know. First, they make a delicious dessert for just about any occasion. We can most likely agree on that! We can also agree that if you go to your local pastry shop, buying cupcakes can be very expensive, especially if you are on a tight budget.There is a common misconception that making cupcakes at home is a dreadful, if not impossible task that requires years of baking experience. I mean look at all the intricate designs in the icing, thats gotta be pretty hard to do, right?? Wrong! Making cupcakes is enormously fun and easy to do, especially if you know how to use the right techniques. Yes, even if you have never baked before!In this course, we are going to show you how to make a variety of stunning cupcakes faster than you can eat them.Ok maybe not that fast, but you get the idea =). We start right from the basics, this includes gathering the materials and tools you will need to get started. And dont worry, we show you some really neat tricks to help you save money and start baking cupcakes without breaking the bank.In this course, well teach you how to make some of the most unique cupcake varieties out there.Were going to make:Vanilla Cupcakes with Vanilla Butter CreamAvocado Chocolate Cupcakes with Avocado Chocolate Butter Cream (Vegan)Lemon Blossom Cupcakes with Lemon Cream Cheese FrostingAfter we are finished baking, will show you how to apply icing like a seasoned pro, using many unique designs including swirls, blossoms, and roses!This course is perfect for beginners and experienced bakers alike. Even if you are a baking enthusiast looking to start your own cupcake business, this will be an essential first step. More importantly, we are always here to help once youve enrolled. Have questions? No problem, contact our support team and we will be happy to guide you through any cupcake excursion you embark on!So, what are you waiting for? Register now and join us on this exciting and tasty journey!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft SQL Server from scratch" |
"Learning SQL from scratch, is a key source to develop skills in database programming, the course will cover from installation of SQL Server till advance query writing and relationship management between data.below are the topics covered in this course:1. Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Introduction2. What is data and information?3. Create very first database and table4. Introduction to T-SQL Statements5. Clauses6. What is primary key and foreign key? (Relationships)7. What are SQL Constraints?8. What areSQL Joins?9. What are SQL Views?10. What are SQL Stored procedures?"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Object Oriented Programming with C#" |
"In this course you are going to get the following concepts deeply:1. Introduction To Programming2. Introduction To Object Oriented Programming with examples3. Pillars of OOP (Object Oriented Programming)4. Classes and objects5. Data Types and Attributes in C#6. Operators in C#7. Input/Output in C#8. Conditional Statements9. Control Flow Statements10. Arrays11. JUMP Statements12. Functions in C#13. Inheritance in C#14. Methods Overloading and Overriding15. Properties in C#"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Facebook Like Method (FB Ads For Complete Beginners)" |
"Want to get more Likes and Followers on your Facebook Page?Need more people to engage with your Posts?Let me show you how it's done (the 100% legit way).TheFacebook Like Methodis astep-by-step video coursethat will show you exactly how to get real Facebook Page likes for as little as $0.02 (yes, just 2 cents per like/follow!)How is this possible? With a Facebook ad campaign.(I'll show you exactly how to set it up)Don't make the mistake of buying ""packages"" of Likes/Followers!When you outright purchase Likes and Follows, you put your business at risk.Why buy Likes when you can get them thelegitimateway?heFacebook Like Methodwill show you exactly how to:Set up a targeted Facebook ad campaign inminutesIdentify usersmost likely to engagewith your PageGenerate real Page likesfor as little as 2 cents per likePromote FB Posts formaximum sharing and engagementWhat's included:5 lesson videos - each breaking down an important part about generating Likes on Facebook.The course will walk you through everything step by step (with real examples!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Facebook Ad System: A Complete Facebook Ads Masterclass" |
"No matter your marketing budget, learn how to set up profitable advertising campaigns thatturn prospects into customers.The Facebook Ad System is a premium step-by-step video training coursethat will turn you into a Facebook marketing pro in just a few hours.TheFacebook Ad Systemwill show you exactly how to:Advertise directly to theexact audienceinterested in your offerTest and tweak your campaign to make surenot a single dollar is wastedQuicklycreate powerful advertsthat grab attention, build desire, and sellSet up conversion tracking tomeasure your Return on InvestmentWHAT'SINCLUDED?Just under 8 hours of HD video become a Facebook marketing pro in a weekend!Each lesson breaks down an important concept of Facebook marketing (with REAL examples).Lecture 1:Before You Spend $1 On Facebook Ads...Lecture 2:Using the Facebook Ad InterfaceLecture 3:Choosing the Right Campaign ObjectiveLecture 4:Narrowing Down Your Audience and TargetingLecture 5:Choosing Images and Writing Powerful HeadlinesLecture 6:Analyzing Campaign PerformanceLecture 7:Tracking Conversions with the Facebook PixelLecture 8:Testing and Optimizing a Real CampaignLecture 9:Custom/Lookalike Audiences and RetargetingLecture 10:Generating Leads with Facebook Ads"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Financeira - Investimentos e Financiamentos." |
"Este um curso completo de Matemtica Financeira, a matemtica da anlise de deciso econmica acerca de investimentos e de financiamentos. Completo porque as frmulas utilizadas pelos modelos quantitativos no so simplesmente apresentadas e utilizadas. Todas as frmulas so deduzidas para que se entenda perfeitamente o ambiente de deciso que motivou a deduo de cada uma. O curso est estruturado em 4 sees. A primeira trata dos conceitos fundamentais, tais como o valor do dinheiro do tempo (o pilar sobre o qual a Matemtica Financeira est estruturada) e, umbilicalmente ligado a este, o conceito de equivalncia econmica. Sem dvida, o principal conceito, pois atravs desse que possvel lidar com fluxos de caixa em datas diferentes. A primeira seo ainda trata das taxas de juros nominais e efetivas, apontando as diferenas e as fraquezas das taxas nominais para serem utilizadas na anlise de deciso econmica. Indicaremos porque o setor bancrio declara tais taxa quando trata de financiamentos ao pblico. encerrada com a apresentao de inflao e como os modelos quantitativos de anlise lidam com o fenmeno quando se deseja incorpora-la explicitamente nos modelos. A segunda seo apresenta os modelos de capitalizao simples. Nestes, os juros calculados no so capitalizados, ou seja, no so incorporados ao principal para render juros. No h juros sobre juros. Entenderemos porque o setor bancrio costuma utilizar tais modelos nos financiamentos que oferece ao pblico. A terceira seo trata dos modelos de capitalizao composta, quando os juros calculados so incorporados ao principal e passam a render juros a partir do prximo perodo de capitalizao. Apresentar os modelos de clculo do (1) valor futuro de fluxo presente nico de caixa, (2) valor presente de fluxo futuro nico de caixa, (3) valor futuro de srie uniforme de fluxos de caixa, (4) fundo de renovao, (5) valor presente de srie uniforme de fluxos de caixa e (6) fundo de amortizao. E a quarta seo trata dos sistemas de amortizao de financiamentos: (1) sistema de amortizao constante, (2) sistema francs de amortizao ou tabela Price, (3) sistema americano de amortizao e (4) sistema de amortizao varivel. Ao longo de todo o curso so apresentados e resolvidos muitos exemplos envolvendo os modelos discutidos. Tambm so propostos exerccios para soluo."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Seja bem-vindo ao cursoAVANADOde Microsoft Excel 2016,o software de criao de planilhas eletrnicas desenvolvido pela Microsoft.Considerado um dos programas mais utilizados no mundo inteiro por empresas de grande e pequeno porte para gerenciamento e anlises de dados tabulares, clculos financeiros, anlises de dados e tomada de decises de negcios mais bem informadas, criao de frmulas para fazer clculos desses dados, organizao dinmica de dados e apresentao em diversos tipos de grficos.O Excel 2016 apresenta uma grande gama de funes, contemplando as mais diversas reas e necessidades, o que permite ao usurio aprimorar a capacidade de anlise e clculo de dados. Essas funes oferecem poderosas ferramentas, que possibilitam maior preciso em clculos, eficincia na tomada de deciso e anlises consistentes para situaes especficas.Existem vrias formas de resolver um mesmo problema no Excel e chegar mesma soluo. O meio utilizado vai depender do grau de conhecimento do software, das preferncias quanto utilizao de funes e comandos, da utilizao otimizada de procedimentos e de outros fatores.Dessa forma, dependendo do grau de conhecimento e da experincia em relao ao Excel, outros meios de soluo podem ser implementados.Ao dominar muitas das ferramentas, frmulas e funes do Excel, ficar cada vez mais fcil voc usar o seu conhecimento para desenvolver projetos de acordo com as suas demandas. Quando as planilhas se tornam muito complexas, mais dispendioso trabalhar sobre elas, at mesmo para simplesmente analis-las. Porm, ao conhecer os poderosos recursos do programa, toda vez que voc precisar realizar algo mais complexo, as ideias lhe viro cabea para que voc crie as melhores solues que demandem menos tempo e forneam os melhores resultados. por isso que estamos aqui. Este treinamento ir ajud-lo a ir alm e descobrir muitas coisas fascinantes e teis para fazer com o Excel."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |