Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Kaufvertrag - immer wissen wo Ihr Recht liegt" |
"Wenn Sie ein Geschft fhren, dann ist es notwendig mit den Grundlagen des Vertragsrechts auseinanderzusetzen.Ebenfalls zur Prfungsvorbereitung fr Kaufleute geeignet.Kurz und kompakt erhalten Sie alle Informationen, die Sie fr ein erfolgreiches, rechts sicheres, wirtschaftliches Handeln brauchen. Gleich wissen wo Sie stehen. Wo hren Verpflichtungen auf um wo beginnen Serviceleistungen.So knnen Sie sich immer ins richtige Licht setzen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Training-Learn By Doing Approach." |
"Microsoft excel is the mostly used spreadsheet package that can turn your data into insights. This is the learn by doing excel coursethat will help you to gain the skills in an interactive way. In this course everything is organised in such a way that will make your learning process effective and enjoyable without consuming overloaded information. You will get all the relevant exercise files and downloadable resources in the bonus section of this course that will help you to practice like a pro. Under the proper guidance and training methodology students will be able to learn the following core skills of Microsoft excel:In-depth understanding of excel menu system and ribbon.Working with formula.Mostly used excel functions in our day to day life.How to format properly.Adjusting worksheet layout properly.How to print from large data sources.How to create charts with in a single click.Know how the ""worksheet view"" works.How to create multiform workbook.Working with ""If"" functions.Vlookup function.How to implement security and proper protection on your excel workbook and worksheet.How to share the workbook with multiple users.Proper ways of managing data.Proper ways of managing data analysis.How to create pivot table.How use macros in excel.Learn from an excel pro with 6 years of experience in training on Microsoft excel. So lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Email Writing Fundamentals." |
"Email is the mostlyused communication tool in our day to day life. Every day we send and receive emails for personal and business purposes.Email is not email only. It represents the company culture, brand identity and our personality. The purpose of writing great email is to take actions by the receiver. So it needs some skillsand requires professionalism for the communication to be effective and efficient.You probably focus on a lot of the aspects involved in the business world, but we reckon you probably dont spend enough time considering how important email is in the world of business. Youve got to understand how important it is to craft wonderful emailsand look at how this can change things within the business. Email is a powerful marketing tool, and its important to understand why email still plays such a big role in the business world.For one thing, you need to consider the fact that business emails are a great way of communicating with clients and potential customers all over the world. Sometimes phone calls are not a viable form of communication due to language barriers and time zones. But emails allow you to connect with people across the world in a professional and concise fashion. Of course, you need to make sure the emails youre sending are of the highest quality they can possibly be, and that might mean a bit of work and hiring people to craft emails for you.Inthis course you will learn the fundamentals of writing great email. So lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arte Vetorial para Leigos: Affinity Designer" |
"curso bsico de desenho Vetorial com Affinity Designer.neste curso vamos aprender tcnicas simples para a confeco de desenhos em vetor no programa Affinity Designer.Ao final do curso ser possvel fazer desenhos simples como o utilizado nas explicaes e na capa do curso!OBS: todas as tcnicas ensinadas neste curso servem para outros programas, sejam eles pagos ou no!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Do Zero ao 3D" |
"Esse curso destinado a quem tem interesse emse tornar um designer 3D.O aluno aprender as tcnicas bsicas do Autodesk Maya, que o software mais utilizado na indstria de desenvolvimento 3d, e aplicado no desenvolvimento de videos, efeitos especiais para o cinema, designe de jias, indstria automotiva, arquitetura, vdeo-games, entre outras.O curso aborda os princpios bsicos da modelagem poligonal, sendo que o aluno NOprecisa nenhum conhecimento prvio em 3D para fazer este curso.Ao final, o aluno ter aprendido toda a pipeline bsica para criar o seu primeiro cubo em 3d e transform-lo em um objeto de design, com materiais e rendering realstico."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Instant Viral Traffic From Killer Viral Marketing Content" |
"Warning: Before you start using the strategies from this course, make sure that your website can handle the enormous flood of traffic and thousands of visitors coming to your website or blog as soon as you implement this.Structure of this course -SECTION 1: Introduction:Killer Viral Content Got 4,351 Shares And 45,867 VisitorsSECTION 2: The Important PsychologyBehind Viral Content Marketing and TitlesSECTION 3: How To Structure and Create Viral Content That Explodes OvernightSECTION 4: The Importance Of Using A Great Featured Image For Your Viral Marketing ContentSECTION 5: How To Find Viral Content That Has Gone Viral Before And You Can Piggyback FromSECTION 6: Promote Your Content Using Free and Paid Resources To Initiate Viral TrafficSECTION 7: How To Strategically Monetize Your Viral ContentSECTION 8: Get Started! Create Your First Viral Content To Go Viral In The Next 7 Days!This course is designed for both beginners as well as professionals.For this strategy to work for you, all you require is some basic knowledge about Wordpress, and there's nothing to buy or pay for to make it work. I do reveal some paid resources to speed up the process, but these are not nescessary.If you want to know all the strategies, tips and tricks required to go viral, then ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" and go viral in the next 7 days. Also, get response to all your questions quickly!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Basics You Have to Know" |
"Do you want the learn the fundamentals of marketing, but dont want to spend a lot of time? Then youve come to the right place! In this short course, we will talk about the most prominent concepts in marketing. Marketing skills are highly demanded in todays world, in almost any industry sector. This course offers you a short and concise overview of the most prominent concepts in marketing. No long and boring lectures, only the necessities, presented in an accessible and visualized way with multiple real-life examples! My intent is to teach the fundamentals and inspire you to dive more in-depth in the fascinating discipline of marketing! Moreover, I thrive to provide the best value possible at an accessible price point for literally everyone! What you will learn in this course: -Personal selling -Branding -Market segmentation -Forecasting -Pricing strategies -AND MUCH MORE!This is an awesome opportunity to start exploring the world of marketing! You are going to get:-1 hour of high resolution videos and supplementary resources-Quizzes to test your knowledge -Lifetime access to any of the course materials -FREE course updates and bonus lectures -Full support -get ALL your questions answered in no time! -30-day money back guarantee no questions asked -Certificate upon competitionYouve got nothing to lose- click the button in the upper right corner and lets start learning! Your interest and feedback mean the world to me and I hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Airspace and Charts for Part 107 UAS Drone Remote Pilots" |
"This course is designed to help RemotePilots (certified or currently studying) acquirea better understand of the National Airspace System and how to read information on Sectional Charts and Chart Supplements. This course is comprehensive and helps pilots accomplish the following:Identify which airspace their mission takes place in,Determine if the airspace requires permission,Become proficient at reading FAAchart and chart supplement to gather the maximum amount of data before a mission.This course is part of my UASRemote Pilot Certificate Test Prep course for Part 107 Exam, which can be found on my profile.There, you will find additional information about regulation, aviation weather, crew resource management, emergency procedures, aeronautical decision-making, physiologyand maintenance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo De Videojuegos con Unity C# (Proyecto completo)" |
"En este curso usaras Unity y c#, si tu objetivo es aprender a crear un juego desde cero y hacer todo tu mismo desde el principio hasta el final este curso es para ti,crearas un videojuego del tipo casual/puzzle, estilo Roll a Ball, tendras que hacer rodar una esfera para y tomar los diamantes necesarios en la plataforma para pasar el nivel e ir al siguiente, puedes encontrar el juego que desarrollaremos para versin androidMarble Challenge 3D . Debes conocer Unity por lo menos en un nivel bsico para hacerlo y adems todo el cdigo estar explicado a detalle, aprenders a usar metodologas agiles, crear documentos de diseo, documentacin general del proyecto, tcnicas de programacin para ordenar tu proyecto y tener un mejor control sobre el mismo, obteniendo de esta manera lo mejor en conocimientos universitarios y tcnicos sobre cmo desarrollar cualquier videojuego que te propongas a nivel profesional. Est orientado para que aprendas como las industrias de videojuegos planean y crean sus proyectos, hacer uso del In App Purcharse y ventas de los juegos en smartphones."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Instagram 0 a 2000" |
"Ol,Se voc pensa em criar um perfil no Instagram para divulgar seu contedo, empresa, produto, fazer seu marketing pessoal ou profissional ou mesmo voc que j possui um perfil mas no tem obtido xito, no tem conseguido crescer, ento este o curso certo pra voc!Lhe apresentamos o Curso INSTAGRAM 0 A2000 - Conquistando 2000 seguidores reais em 1 ms!O curso que mudar definitivamente sua trajetria no Instagram, dando uma alavancada em seu perfil rumo ao sucesso!Voc ir aprender conosco as mesmas estratgias, dicas e ferramentas que utilizamos no incio de nossa bem-sucedida trajetria e que nos levou a alcanar 2000 mil seguidores engajados e interessados em nosso contedo em menos de 1 ms e que, aps 14 meses nos renderam mais de 115 mil seguidores.O curso se desenvolver atravs de preciosas vdeoaulas onde explicaremos passo a passo cada detalhe que lhe conduzir ao sucesso.Seguindo risca cada tpico que ser ensinado, certamente voc ver o resultado que tanto tem almejado, ou seja, o crescimento de seu perfil no Instagram seja para divulgao de contedo, sua empresa, produto, marketing pessoal ou profissional.Esta a sua oportunidade e por um preo acessvelde lanamento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mente milionria como investir no tesouro direto/renda fixa" |
"Neste curso vou te ensinar comoinvestir nos melhores investimentos aser um investidor de sucesso do zero, vou te ensinarcomo investir com segurana, de como saber escolher os melhores investimentos para sua liberdade independncia financeira, vou te ensinar passo a passo do zero. Voc vai aprender :Voc vai aprender os segredos da mentalidade de um investidor de sucesso. Voc vai aprender sobre investimentos no tesouro direto como tambem titulos bancarios de sucesso, como CDB,LCI, LCA outros investimentos de renda fixa alem do tesouro direto. Voc vai aprender tudo sobre tesouro direto e renda fixa em geral. Voc vai aprender como investir do zero, e saber quais os melhores investimentos pra voc na pratica. Voc vai aprender como, porque onde voc deve investir, para se tornar um investidor de sucesso. Voc vai aprender a investir do zero com todos os segredos revelados dos grandes investidores.Voc vai aprender a investir com qualidade segurana.Voc vai aprender sobre varios tipos de investimentos como usufruir deles de forma estrategica.Voc vai aprender como conquistar a sua liberdade independncia financeira com investimentos Neste curso eu ensino os alunos como investir passo a passo do zero, vou ensinar como investir, onde porque investir, vou ensinar aos alunos a construrem riquezas com investimentos a conquistar a sua independncia financeira investindo , vou ensinar no curso a como fazer o dinheiro trabalhar pra voc como se tornar um investidor de sucesso do zero. Os alunos iro aprender a investir em tesouro direto e ttulos bancrios altamente lucrativos que muitos investidores escondem de voc. Todos os segredos dos grandes investidores sero revelados nesse curso. mesmo que voc no saiba nada, mesmo que seja leigo ,voc aprendera do zero passo a passo."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Worship Piano: Learn the Top Worship Songs Fast" |
"If you've been looking for a piano course that will teach you the top worship songs from start to finish, then Worship Piano: Learn the Top Contemporary Worship Songs Fast is for you!I will show you allthe basic major and minor chords.Don't worry, I wont leave you with the basic chords, I will also show you melody lines, patternsand advance chords to make you sound like the professionals.Ibreak down every single chord in an easy way for each person of skill level to go through and learn fast.I have had the opportunity to play at Awaken the Dawn in Washington D.C, for various speakers from Bethel Church in Redding California, as well as other top leading Christian musicians across the world.Through out this course you will learn chord for chord worship songs like ""Ever Be"" ""Build my Life"" Reckless Love"" ""Holy Spirit"" and many more.These tutorials will show you more than just the basics, and will help you take you're worship playing skills to higher levels."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revit 2019 Aprende a crear presentaciones." |
"Has escuchado a mucha gente decir que BIM no es para presentaciones? Que Autodesk Revit solo sirve para la documentacin?Aprenda con este cursoa crear presentaciones hermosas, profesionales y de alta calidad con sus modelos de informacin de edificios.Pasas horas desarrollando un modelo de informacin de construccin completamente detallado, por qu no mostrarlo?"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course: Learn How to Stock Trade in 1 Hour!" |
"Stock Trading Simplified:We make the learning process of trading stocksvery simple, and break down key principles and fundamentals for all our students to learn and benefit from the knowledge which is available to only the industry leaders. Our goal is to give you a simple explanation of how to make money in the stock market by trading stocks, not only do we make it easy to understand, but we are also straight to the point, teaching you the techniques and strategies you need to know, to secure profits, and reduce loss. A complete course with all the basic fundamentals and technical analysis and techniques to use, all in one simple guide. For all level of students to benefit from. Trading stocks can be risky, especially if you're not equipped with the proper knowledge to reduce the risks to a minimum, but successful stock traders have unique strategies and techniques in place to reduce loss and make consistent profits over time.Before jumping into the stock market and risking your hard earned money, what if there is a proper guideline of fundamentals and principles, which every successful stock trader implements and follows, and now you can learn them as well and avoid making emotional decisions which are costly.Not only do we simplify the entire learning process of trading stocks, but we cover the basics to advance level concepts, so there is something to learn whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level trader, you will attain investment and trading knowledge, which will benefit you for a lifetime.Regardless of how much money you want to start out with or make, the principles and fundamentals of finding, and executing a winning trade remain the same, we give you techniques and strategies that can be applied for different style of traders.With well over twenty topics covered in our course, its designed to provide the most value for the buck. We teach you actual stock trading techniques and strategies, which you can start using yourself to make money.Not only do we focus on the technical aspects of stock trading, but in this course, you will discover how to train yourself mentally, in the Psychology of trading. To be well prepared for negative and positive days. Ultimately learning to be prepared to reduce losses to a minimum, using mental and technical techniques."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cmo vender servicios digitales y trabajar remotamente?" |
"Aprenders sobre estrategia, principio bsico de neuromarketing para productos digitales, metodologas de Google, tcnicasde precios, micro interacciones,micro momentos, datos sobre el mercado de mviles en LATAM, datos sobre los tipos de anuncios, tipos de publicidad, paradigmas de los negocios digitales,tcnicas de Netflix, tcnicas de Google, tecnicas de Amazon y mucho mas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio Hardstyle Production Hard Dance Music Production" |
"I recommend to have already a basic knowledge about FLStudio, or any other DAW you are going to use to follow my tutorial.I won't focus on melody or music theory parts. This Tutorial is about sounddesign, layering leads, building up a structure of track, mixing leads and sounds together, using FL-Stock- or free-plugins to let your leads sound better.I am making the tutorial track from scratch.Ijust prepared the melody, chords and baselineYou will learn how to build up a track out of a melody. Started at the Intro and ending up into a climax.You will get my own Sylenth1 Soundbank and I will show you how to make screeches at sylenth1.You will get a Sample Pack filled with Claps, snares, uplifters, downlifters, fillers, atmosphere stuff and many more.You will get a Reverse Bass Sample and a full pitched Hardstyle Kick."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Simulator - Frequently Asked Questions" |
"Are you pursuing PMP?You have studied a lot, PMBOK 6, Rita, and so on... and watched a lot of videos, answered several questions in and around. It's all well and good. But, did you forget to test your exam readiness/score and schedule your exam to obtain PMP certification?With this exam simulator, you can test your readiness and, you can schedule the exam.What it contains?Situational questions; definition/ glossary questions; ITTOs questions; process flow questions; formulas questions; EXCEPT, NOT, BEST, NEXT questions; exam content outline question; code of ethics questions, Etc.What are the benefits:There are 2 exams; Each exam contains 200 Questions; a total of 400 questions; Questions are prepared professionally and very close to the real examRepeat this simulator exam until the scores reach up to 85%. Wish you good luck!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clinical Data Management (CDM) Online Course" |
"Clinical Data Management (CDM) is an importantstagein Clinical Research, which leads to generation of high-quality, reliable, and statistically sound data from clinical trials. Clinical data management helpscollection, integration and availability of data at appropriate quality and cost. It also supports the conduct, management and analysis of studies across the spectrum of clinical research.This program will help you to understand the technical part of Clinical Data Management process."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hip Hop and Urban English - Explore a new world!" |
"Do you love Hip hop or urban culture? Do you want to communicate, make like minded friends and understand the culture?You've came to the right place as this unique course will introduce you to the world of Hip Hop and urbanEnglish (The dialect of English used in Hip Hop music and within urban communities).Explore phrases, idioms, new vocabulary and even the grammar differences between standard English and Hip Hop English.Gain cultural insights into the world of Hip Hop.Learn how to make friends with similar music tastes and how to greet people in HipHop influenced environments.Easy to understandexplanationswith multiple examples.I've even included a Hip Hop and urban music list to help you on your way to exploring new and interesting genres!So what are you waiting for? It's time to begin your Hip Hop English journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wstp do programowania - JavaScript i HTML" |
"Chcesz zosta programist, ale nie wiesz od czego zacz? Chcesz nauczy si programowa, ale nie chcesz spdzi piciu lat w uniwersyteckiej bibliotece? Chcesz odmieni swoje ycie i zacz now karier programisty? Jeli tak to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Nauczysz si z niegopraktycznychpodstaw programowania, napiszesz pierwszy program i stworzysz swoj stron internetow. Ten kurs jest pierwszym z trzech kursw cieki ""Programowanie serwisw internetowych w JavaScripcie""Czego nauczysz si na kursiePodstaw dziaania Internetu i tworzenia stron internetowychJzyka Java ScriptTechnologi Vue.jsTworzenia stron internetowych przy uyciu platformy BootstrapObsugi narzdzi pomocnych w pracy programistyDowiesz si co to jest NodeJS i npmNapiszesz swoj pierwsz aplikacj serwerow oraz stworzysz pierwsz aplikacj webow.Co oferujemyMateria podzielony na 10 atwo przyswajalnych, tygodniowych lekcjiKilkadziesit lekcji wideo (ok 10 godzin)Dodatkowe materiay dostpne w formie elektronicznejZadania praktyczneQuizy sprawdzajce Twoj wiedzProjekt kocowyDostp do instruktorw poprzez komunikator Slack.Dla kogo jest ten kursDla kadego kto chce zosta programistCo musisz wiedzie przystpujc do kursuJak wczy komputerCo to jest Internet i jak uruchomi przegldarkJeli naprawd chcesz zosta programist, to jest Twj pierwszy krok."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js - tworzenie aplikacji webowych." |
"Vue.js to jeden z najpopularniejszych frameworkw jzyka JavaScript. Po ukoczeniu tego kursu:bdziesz potrafi tworzy nowoczesne i wydajne aplikacje internetowe,opanujesz podstawy oraz zaawansowane zagadnienia platformy.Kurs skada si z czci teoretycznej i praktycznej. Nasz instruktor krok po kroku pokae Ci, jak stworzy aplikacj od podstaw. Jak wyglda kurs?StartZaczniesz od instalacji oraz konfiguracji frameworka, nastpnie utworzysz obowizkowe Hello Vue, kolejno poznajc najwaniejsze dyrektywy, sposoby wywietlania danych oraz sposoby manipulowania nimi.KomponentyPo poznaniu podstaw dziaania Vue, nauczysz si podstaw dziaania komponentw oraz sposobw tworzenia swoich komponentw, z ktrych bdziesz korzysta wielokrotnie w swoich aplikacjach, tworzc kod tylko raz i wykorzystujc go wiele razy.StyleNastpnie, wykorzystujc dyrektywy Vue, nauczysz si pracy ze stylami atwego manipulowania wygldem elementw HTML.RouterKiedy ju dziaanie Vue bdzie dla Ciebie jasne i oczywiste, poznasz sposoby korzystania z biblioteki vue-router pozwalajcej na tworzenie penoprawnej aplikacji SPA (Single Page Application). W tym rozdziale dowiesz si, jak sterowa ciekami w swoich aplikacjach.VuexKiedy router nie bdzie mia ju przed Tob adnych tajemnic, poznasz architektur Flux oraz bibliotek Vuex pozwalajc na zarzdzanie centralnym stanem aplikacji w Twoich SPA-ch.ProjektNa koniec stworzysz wasn aplikacj suc do zarzdzania zgoszeniami, np. w dziale Help Desk. To bdzie projekt, w ktrym jeszcze raz powtrzymy wszystkie poznane do tej pory zagadnienia.BonusDodatkowo, tylko w naszym kursie, masz moliwo skorzystania z mini-kursw, ktre wprowadz Ci w wiat standardu ES2015(ES6) oraz pre-procesora SASS. Dziki temu bdziesz pisa aplikacje, wykorzystujc najnowoczeniejsze technologie."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Corso base per macOS" |
"Questo corso ti guider passo per passo alla scoperta delle funzioni e potenzialit del tuo Mac.Partendo dalle basi (configurazione e nomenclatura della tastiera), passeremo all'esame dei vari elementi e componenti, grafici e funzionali, di macOS e progrediremo nella conoscenza di questo fantastico sistema operativo.Pi tempo aspetti e pi tardi aumenterai la tua produttivit con il tuo Mac.Tiattendo online, a presto!Nicola Lomartiree, come diceva Steve Jobs,One More Thingsto continuando a registrare e ad aggiungere lezioni che saranno disponibili a vita per tutti gli acquirenti del corso!Pertanto, se durante lo studente avesse necessit o desiderio di approfondire un argomento in particolare, sar sufficiente segnalarlo con un messaggio e provveder a illustrare quel particolare argomento.E grazie in anticipo se ti iscriverai a questo corso!Nicola"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Se Prsenter en Anglais - Dbutant" |
"Grce ce cours, vous allez Apprendre ou rapprendre les Bases de l'Anglais !Au travers d'un parcours pdagogique logique, d'explications claires et d'exercices par dizaines, vous allez construire une base solide pour lapprentissage de cette nouvelle langue.Vous disposerez de plus de 15 sessions diffrentes tlchargeables pour que vous puissiez pratiquer partout !Une fois ce cours termin, la grammaire le vocabulaire, et mme la prononciation, n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous !A chaque session, est affilie au moins une fiche rcapitulative appele ""Fiche Recap"" rsumant toutes les informations importantes de la session. Elle sera souvent accompagne d'une fiche d'exercices, ainsi que d'une correction claire, vous permettant de comprendre vos erreurs et de les corriger.Il ne suffit plus de de vous armer de patience, et tous se passera bien !C'est parti !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create An Alexa Skill Flash Briefing Without Any Coding!" |
"""Amazon Alexa is a tech innovation that Im absolutely sure will transform how the world will consume content. Anyone building a personal brand needs to learn this fast, and early!"" - Gary Vaynerchuk""In my honest opinion, the easiest money right now for anyone 14 or older is digging in to be an expert in Amazon Alexa"" - Mark CubanThere's no doubt about it, Amazon Alexa will dominate the western world over the next few years. By 2020 voice commerce will be a $40 billion industry and over half of Americans will have a smart speaker in their homes.We are inthe early stages of the voice revolution and there is currentlyvery little competition for brandmarketers to reach themillions of people who own these devices.What is your brand doing to invest in this platform?This beginner's course takes you through the basics of what Alexa Flash Briefings are and how you can create one, with a focus onbusiness marketing purposes. It will take you through picking a niche that allows you to gain the most organic traction, through to what content to provide and how to develop it, and most importantly how to get it onto the Amazon Alexa devices without coding or specialist knowledge.From idea to execution, with this course you will be able to launch a Flash Briefing in just 2hour.Alexa Flash Briefings need to be updated daily. Thereare no charges for uploadingto Amazon Alexa for immediate publishing.However, mostbusiness owners do not find this practical. Luckily there is optional paidsoftware which can helpyou to schedule your audio recordings weeks in advance.With so little information available for creating a simple flash briefing skill for the average entrepreneur digital marketer, this course has been created with the pure intention of simplicity.No coding. No jargon. This is your simple step by step guide for forming your AmazonAlexa Audio Empire!** UNLIMITED LIFETIME COURSE ACCESS **** 30 DAYMONEY BACK GUARANTEE **** DIRECTINSTRUCTOR ACCESS **"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"7 Key Tools for Social Media Success Today (in fashion)" |
"This class provides you with the 7 key tools for social media success today. By following these teachings you will create a personalized social mediastrategy that works for your business and audience. This class puts you in control of yoursocial media strategy. No more focusing on how many likes or followers. From now on it's all about relationships, opportunities and more sales for your fashion business."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to Plan a Photo Shoot Collaboration (fashion)" |
"In this course you will learn the exact steps you need to take to put together a successful photo shoot collaboration and showcase your work, services or products. Work together with other professionals in the fashion industry and make your photo shoot a reality. The class includes videos, email templates, checklist and more."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Business Strategy Development: The Art of Differentiation" |
"Are you interested in learning why some business strategies are better than others?From Apple to Netflix, leading businesses and start-ups have all made their mark with a strategy that sets them apartThis course is all about learning how leading companies create successful strategies for growth - and then learning the tools and techniques to develop your own brilliant and profitable business strategiesDeveloping a strategy that can grow a business is an essential skill for any budding entrepreneur - whether as CEO, marketing professional, manager or consultant Easy-to-Follow GuideThis is your guide to learning business strategy in just a few minutes - with eye-opening yet pragmatic tools that can be put to work on Monday morningWith this course you'll get a clear understanding of what makes a winning business strategy, and learn the methods to help you attract devoted customers, but also, do so without having to compete on price all the timeMaster The Art of DifferentiationThis course teaches you the tools, tips and techniques to help you identify and increase your differentiation so you can successfully stand out and grow your companyIt's a valuable skill to learn and in this course you'll soon have it mastered. Strategic MentorTony Prouse is an enthusiastic and well-respected strategic mentor with over 30 years of hard-earned wisdom. Tony has worked closely with leading institutions such as the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge University and helped develop successful strategies for a wide range of organisations and startups all around the world. Learn QuicklyThis is a fun and practical course with plenty of examples which will show you the techniques to take any team, business model, idea, product or service to the next level.Ready? So, Where Do We Begin? It starts by identifying what your current competences are - and which ones will enable you to capture greater business. But its not just a case of knowing your strengths and weaknesses Tony will show you how some competences are more important than others!Create Value for Your Customers and BusinessIts also about understanding how we can create value for our customers - and who those customers should be. And it's the reason industry leaders have achieved excellent business development. In addition, Tony will explain the common mistakes, having worked with many businesses around the world for over 30 years - so you can learn from these too.Enrol now to learn how to:Define a successful business strategyAssess how well a business is currently differentiating itself Identify areas where you can improve your differentiation and innovationIncrease your value and move away from competing purely on price or basic feature Attract the right customers with a winning business strategyIdentify your core competences - which are often very different to what you currently believe! Avoid the common pitfalls of differentiation, business strategy and business developmentGrow a business in a long-lasting and fun way Identify potential disablers to your differentiation - and know which ones could be hurting youCreate value for your target customers for a brighter future This course also includes: 3 Downloadable Tools for Business Strategy to help you assess and build your differentiation and business strategyActivities + Quizzes to put your knowledge into action immediately Gain the skills and tools to ultimately improve your differentiation and develop your own successful business strategy - and most importantly, know where to start. This course is an exciting journey of business strategy discovery for those with the desire to grow.Lets get started!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Music Career You Dont Have Yet" |
"No matter where you are in your careerfrom unemployed beginner to seasoned professionalI can help you find the best jobs in the Music or Entertainment Industry right now.Maybe you have been unsuccessful getting a record label to sign you. It could be that no publishing company has licensed your songs. Perhaps you are not sure how to get a high-paying job instead of performing in seedy bars and clubs.Despite everythingI know I can help you.I will be happy to show you how to quit your job, become educated, and make money in the music business today. You can achieve happiness without having to work a second job at Starbucks or Uber.For nearly 40 years, I have had more than a dozen careers in the music and entertainment industries. Some of these jobs include:GRAMMY ProducerAFM Recording Engineer/MixerBMI Composer/Arranger/PublisherMusician/ EntrepreneurVice President of SalesRegional Marketing ManagerAdvertising Sales ManagerTechnical and Legal ConsultantInstructorLecturerMentor, andAuthorIn my course, I give you the secrets that provides you with an advantage through education, strategy and networking. You also receive a Proven, 10-Step System that reveals numerous careers that enabled me to earn more than $15,000 each and every month.Year after year.And no, I did not come from a family of musicians or industry professionals. I also did not have any friends who were connected to the music or entertainment business.I simply had some great teachers and mentors who shared their secrets and strategies with me.And now, I want to do share the same with you.This is not a get-rich-quick system.Its proven and it works whether your a vocalist, musician, singer-songwriter, lyricist, band, or performer. It doesnt matter if you are a seasoned professional or just starting out. I have personally used these strategies and have been hired time and again in many different cities in the United States for many, many types of jobs and careers.If I can do it, you can too.You can count on me to:Show you how to match your talents and goals with secret jobs that few people know about.Give you a proven system to research the best jobs and salaries that meet your objectives.Guide you when meeting, interviewing and negotiating the best employment agreement available.Also show you how to improve your career and stature in the industry long after you secure the job you want.After you take these lectures and applymy proven strategies, I am confident you could have great success like me.Within the lectures, I provide a free downloadable filesthat helps compliment the knowledge youll obtain and increase your chances of success. For example, you can:Learn how to work directly with me as your put 10-Step System to work. Whether it is in my book, online, or in real-time, I am happy to mentor you to get the job and career you want.Find out about hidden job offers and career announcements that I post on a monthly basis.Enter to win a 1-hour free mentoring session with me.Learn when the next course andbook in the MusiCareer'sEmployment Series becomes available.Participate in my social and professional networking website and meet other potential employers in the music and entertainment industries.So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"College Collapse" |
"This is my story of collapsing in college when I was searching for my answers there.As we all know when students are attending college, they will face many problems and obstacles. So, we decided to offer so many solutions for the many problems that students might have to face and overcome .And we collected all these solutions in college collapse."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beat Stress - Mindfulness Meditation Practice Using Doodles" |
"In this course we take a simple but affective meditation method and make it work for us in a simple and easy way, we take it one step furtherand put it into a method. If you are like me and triedso many meditations and read so many books this will be a real aha moment for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to prepare Moroccan Berber Tagine With Vegetables" |
"This clear and practicalcourse will teach you step by step how to prepare a delicious Moroccan Berber tagine with vegetables only. The course includesa lot ofdetails about how to light fire in a traditionalclay brazier, introduces all needed ingredients for your tagine, shows you how to peel and then slice vegetables, explains how to fill your tagine with sliced vegetables and shows you at the end how to cook and serve your tagine."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |