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"Este es un curso en formato de vdeo comprendido por diapositivas, fotografas y esquemas con narracin.Comprende 10 clases divididas en 3 secciones.En la primera seccin aprenderemos algunos conceptos bsicos de psicologa que son indispensables para el ejercicio de la entrevista En la segunda aprenderemos las conceptos mas importantes tiles para iniciar nuestro desarrollo como entrevistadores, como las modalidades de entrevista, estructura y planeacionPara la tercer seccin ya estas listo para aprenderlas tcnicas de entrevista, el desarrollo de una entrevista de seleccin, la reas de exploracin as como evitar los errores mas frecuentes"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
uhqdptyw |
"Proof of Work...etc"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in die japanische Sprache und Kultur" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Einsteiger, die neben Grundlagen der japanischen Sprache auch Einblicke in die japanische Kultur bekommenwollen.Jede Lektion ist einem Thema gewidmet (Aussprache, Selbstvorstellung auf Japanisch, Arbeit und Service in Japan...), das Ihnen hilft sich in Japan besser zurecht zu finden. Die einzelnen Themen werden anschaulich mit vielen Beispielen vermittelt und mit anschlieenden bungen vertieft. Sie lernen auerdem die wichtigsten Dinge der japanischen Kultur kennen, die Ihnen helfen werden besser mit Japanern zu kommunizieren."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Essen in Japan Im Restaurant und Spezialitten" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Leute, die sich nher mit der japanischen Esskultur auseinandersetzen wollen und schon immer mal wissen wollten wie man in einem japanischen Restaurant auf Japanisch bestellt oder wie man sich in einem solchen verhalten sollte.Jede Lektion ist einem Thema gewidmet (Bestellen im Restaurant, Verhaltensregeln im Restaurant, verschiedene japanische Gerichte...), das Ihnen hilft sich in Japan besser zurecht zu finden. Die einzelnen Themen werden anschaulich mit vielen Beispielen vermittelt und mit anschlieenden bungen vertieft. Sie lernen auerdem die wichtigsten Fettnpfchen kennen, die es bei einer Reise nach Japan zu vermeiden gilt."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"vegetarisches und veganes Essen in Japan" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Leute, die Vegetarier oder Veganer sind und wissen mchten, welche vegetarischen oder veganen Gerichte es in Japan gibt. Auerdem werden viele ntzliche Japanisch-Phrasen vermittelt, mit denen Sie sicherstellen knnen, dass das Essen im Restaurant auch wirklich keine Tierprodukte enthlt. Zudem werden Sie auch etwas ber die japanische Esskultur im allgemeinen erfahren und Tipps fr gnstiges und leckeres Essen mit auf den Weg bekommen.Jede Lektion ist einem Thema gewidmet (vegetarisches/veganes Essen, regionale Unterschiede im Essen, ntzliches Japanisch fr Vegetarier/Veganer... ), das Ihnen hilft sich in Japan besser zurecht zu finden. Die einzelnen Themen werden anschaulich mit vielen Beispielen vermittelt und mit anschlieenden bungen vertieft. Sie lernen auerdem die wichtigsten Dinge in Bezug auf veganes und vegetarisches japanisches Essen kennen, die es bei einer Japanreise zu beachten gilt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Verkehrsmittel in Japan - Mit Bus und Bahn durch Japan" |
"Praxisnah und zielorientiertIdeal fr Leute, die sich nhermit dem japanischen Verkehrssystem auseinandersetzen wollen und wissen mchten, wie man in Japan am besten mit Bus, Bahn und Taxi von A nach B kommt.Jede Lektion ist einem Thema gewidmet (Bahnticket kaufen, Ntzliches Japanisch im Bahnhof, Verhalten in der Bahn...), das Ihnen hilft sich in Japan besser zurecht zu finden. Die einzelnen Themen werden anschaulich mit vielen Beispielen vermittelt und mit anschlieenden bungen vertieft. Sie lernen auerdem die wichtigsten Dinge kennen, die Sie bei einer Bahn-, Bus- oder Taxifahrt wissen mssen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Networking Excellence - So werden Ihre Kunden Sie lieben" |
"Eines darf ich Ihnen versichern: Hier geht es ums Ganze! Der Wert einer wirklich guten Kundenbeziehung ist fast nicht in Worte und nicht in Euros zu fassen. Ohne Kunden und ohne Neukunden kann kein Unternehmen der Welt existieren.Wie wir alle wissen haben unsere Beziehungen zu unseren Kunden eine enorme Bedeutung. Lt. aktuellen Studien sind sie zum wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktor fr ein profitables Unternehmen geworden, noch vor Kosten- und Leistungsstruktur.Dauer-Kunden mit hohem Ertragswert und hohem Kundenwert sind das Ziel. Die entsprechende Anzahl von diesen sog. ""Starkunden"" zu haben ist vorteilhaft, denn sie bringen Freude, motivierte Mitarbeiter und gute Gewinnspannen fr unser Unternehmen.Doch was ist die einfachste Mglichkeit zu neuen Auftrgen zu kommen? Wir wissen es alle, oder? Die einfachste Mglichkeit sind neue Auftrge von Bestandskunden. Also wieder ist eine hervorragende Kundenbeziehung von enormer Bedeutung - denn sonst geht nichts. Die zweit-einfachste Mglichkeit sind, richtig, Empfehlungen. Die meisten Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer berlassen diese Art Neugeschft zu machen allerdings eher dem Zufall. Das ist schade, denn es geht dadurch viel verloren. Nicht nur, dass Unternehmer nicht ihre Kunden finden, sondern dass interessierte potenzielle Kunden auch keinen guten Anbieter oder Lieferanten finden.Was tun?In diesem Lehrgang verbinden wir beides: bestehende Kundenbeziehungen strken und gleichzeitig neue Kunden magnetisch anziehen - mit Spa und jeder Menge interessanter Entdeckungen. Fr Spannung ist also bestens gesorgt.MachenSie sich und Ihr Unternehmen zur unwiderstehlichen Drehscheibe in Ihrem Netzwerk.Das wnsche ich Ihnen von Herzen!Ihr Thomas W. AlbrechtTWAMentale Innovation GmbHPS: Dieser Lehrgang ist meinem langjhrigen Freund und GeschftspartnerDr. Clemens Widhalm (1968-2017)gewidmet, der leider viel zu frh verstorben ist. Danke Clemens fr Deine Untersttzung bei der Erstellung dieses Lehrgangs."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Autor independente.Torne-se editor dos seus livros." |
"Resumo:Esse curso permitir que voc seja um editor independente de contedos editoriais diversos. Voc ser um editor de livros e esse conhecimentoservir para editaros seus prprioslivros bem como para livros de outras pessoas interessadas. A edio de livros uma atividade remunerada e voc passa a controlar mais o processo editorial das suas publicaes. Voc quer se tornar um autor de livros e quer fazer isso com maior controle sobre a edio do seu prprio livro, esse curso para voc. Aprenderemos sobre organizao do contedo, uso de ferramentas on line para escrever o livro de forma simplificada alm disso voc poder receber a renda obtida pela venda dos seus livrosbem rpido e cedo. Nessa metodologia de publicao cedo e sempre, inova-se no tradicional processo editorial de autor-editor. Agora voc ser o Autor/editor e ter um outro tipo de relacionamento com seu pblico alvo e seus leitores. A metodologia LeanPub uma inovao no mercado editorial e voc aprender como utilizar toda essa nova metodologia inspiradasnas novas startup para se tornar um autor consagrado. No final do curso, voc ter um projeto s seu j pronto e j disponvel para receber receitas das vendas. Tambm chegar ao final do processo com a maior satisfao de j ver sua obra preparada para caminhar, crescer e se tornar uma publicao de sucesso.Ementa Geral: Capacitar autores a se tornarem editores independentes na publicao de livros a partir da metodologia LeanPub. Publicar cedo e sempre. Conhecer os fundamentos, a histria e filosofia da publicao leanPub. Conhecer a linguagem de estilo do livro markdown para organizao do contedo. Entender o que o ISBN e criar um nmero para publicao do aluno. Utilizar os sistemas on line como dropbox, leanpub para editar os livros.Publicar um livro on line. Entender aspectos de comercializao e marketing do livro editado.Responsvel:Professor Guilherme Ribeiro CamaraMdico, Professor universitrio, Presidente de Instituto Cultural Sadi Ribeiro ecoordenador de cineclube. Produtor cultural e criativo.Contedos das AulasSeo I - IntroduoAula 1. Introduo. Trabalho de concluso do curso.Aula 2. Histria e filosofia das publicaes LeanPubSeo II - Mos a obra. Ferramentas de baixa complexidade.Aula 3. Ferramentas. Dropbox. Editor de texto, Aula 4. markdownSeo iiI - Projeto do alunoAula 5. Projeto do alunoAula 6. Como utilizar a plataforma leanPub 1Aula 7. Como utilizar a plataforma leanPub 2Aula 8. Capa do livroAula 9. Nmero ISBNAula 10.Publicao do Livro e impressoObjetivosPublicar livros no sistema leanpub.Utilizar dropbox e editor texto para escrever o livro.Uso do markdown.Definir um ISBN.Como organizar a capa do livro.Pblico-alvo: autores de livro em geralMtodos de AvaliaoAo final de cada sesso sero propostas avaliaes, trabalho de concluso do curso com editorao de um livro do prprio aluno."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linux Command Line Fundamentals" |
"Everything runs on Linux these days, from the world's most powerful supercomputers, to your car and your fridge. It's the undisputed king of the server, and it's becoming a popular choice for your home computer as well.In the rapidly changing world of IT, there is probably no other skill that is both as useful, and as stable as knowing your way around Linux. Familiarity with Linux pays tremendous dividends for any type of software professional, and unlike many other tech skills (JSframeworks, I'm looking at you...), this is knowledge you're likely to put to good use throughout a long career - many of these concepts have been around since the 70s, and they're not going anywhere.This crash course takes you through the fundamentals of how to work with the Linux command line. We'll set up a Linux machine in the cloud (it's really simple), and we'll go through everything you need to know in order tobecome a comfortable user of Linux."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Wondershare Filmora Beginner To Pro Course" |
"If you're looking for some simplest-to-use but powerful video editing tools, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor should be the first choice!This course is a course of complete video editingwithWondershare Filmora.It will take you from the very beginning to Professional video editor.Open Wondershare Filmoravideo editing softwareand learnthe various panel windows to editclips together, creatingtitles, audio work, color correction advance video editing technique,exporting and much more!I personally use Wondershare Filmora for my video editing because it is easy & fast with user friendly interface. There is no complexity like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro & Adobe After Effects software.Why would you need this?Wondershare Filmora is a really Amazing and user friendly video editingsoftware.You will able to create YouTube Into, Lower Thirds easily using filmora video editing pre-made tools, Motion Graphics & templates.I will talk about everything you need to know in order for you to make your video unique.Express Your Creativity To The Next Level.Deliver Your Message with a BANG!Create Professional High Quality Video Presentations.Make Fantastic Videos for School, Home, Work, Sales, Office , Shows Suitable For All Industries!Who is the target audience?This Filmora video editing course is meant for beginners who want to learn how to edit. No prior video editing knowledge is requiredOnline MarketersSmall Business OwnersEveryone can take this course who want to learn video editing from sketchFreelancers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Success Guide 2018" |
"YOUTUBE MASTERCLASSIs a course that will give you all the knowledge you are required to get success on youtube . InthisMASTERCLASSi will share my 5 years ofyoutube knowledge with you. I will teach you everything from scratch on youtube ,FROM MAKING A CHANNEL TO GETTING VIEWS & SUBSCRIBERS . ................................................Make Money with YouTube for Beginners - Step by Step ProcessComplete guide to starting a YouTube channel, getting more views & subscribers, and building a brand with videos. You want to make money on YouTube? You want to get a lot of YouTube Subscribers and Audience to watch your amazing content?In this course,Make Money with YouTube for Beginners,I will show you each and everything related to creating viral videos on YouTube. I will show you how to create a clickable Thumbnails to get a lot of Views &Social Media Marketing.What will you be able to do after taking this course?You will learn how to create stunning videos for your YouTube channel.You will learn how to create a YouTubechannelI will Teach you how to create banner and logo for your channelI will help u finding a better niche/CategoryI will Show you my gadgets for creating YouTube Videos.I will Teach you how to connect your channel properly with google Adsense AccountYou will Learn how to write professional scripts for your YouTube videos.I will Show you free and paid software to edit your YouTube Videos.Iwill show you how to get thousands of views from Pinterest.I will Teach you about Reddit &Quora, which is very important for your YouTube Channel.I will teach you how to create a Facebookfan page and Run ads with it.You will learn Facebook Marketing Strategies Step by Step.You're here because you want to create a popular YouTube Channel, right?Maybe you're brand new to YouTube, or maybe you have some experience but need help growing your existing channel.YouTube is the perfect place to grow your own brand, drive traffic to your website, and earn money from YouTube ads and your product and service promotions.And this is the perfect course for you to jump-startyour YouTube Channel.Improve Your YouTube Channel, Get More Views & Subscribers, and Make More MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is or what type of camera you use, this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to launch a successful YouTube channel.Whether you want to make a channel to promote your business, teach a skill, or just share your life story through vlogs, by understanding what makes a YouTube channel successful, you can replicate and get more views, more subscribers, and make money on your own. This course shows you exactly how to do it.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to make money on youtubeAnyone who wants to learn about YouTube AdsAnyone who wants to make money online"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Studio Masterclass - APP DEVELOPMENT COURSE" |
"Welcome to the world's best Android app development course. This Android with Java course is based on our in-person app development bootcamp in London. We've perfected the curriculum over 4years of in-person teaching. So we know all your questions before you even ask them!Our complete app development courses teaches you how to code using Java andbuildbeautifulAndroid apps for phones and tablets.Even if you haveZEROprogramming experience.The course includes hours and hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge through making real world apps.By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Java and be ready to make your very own apps or start a freelancing job as an Android developer.From beginner to Android app developer using just one courseBy the end of the course you'll not just be familiar but completely understand:Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays, maps, and ArrayLists.Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.REMEMBER There is a full money back guarantee, just as long as you request it within 30 days of purchasing the course.So what are you waiting for?Click the buy it now button. Youve got nothing to lose (and access to the best Android app development course to gain)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Figma is a very powerful application that runs online. There are virtually no platform boundaries when it comes to using figma because you can design within a web browser or using their desktop application made for windows and macs. Figmais similar to Sketch and Adobe XD but is the more powerful of the three when it comes to team collaboration and responsive, fast paced design.Figma is often compared to Sketch, but with the addition of great collaborative functions for UI/UX designers. It is possible to undertake real time cooperation with several team members on one project and even see the changes implemented, live in the browser! This provides an opportunity for an ongoing discussion and remote, constructive feedback. Moreover, you may also make use of Libraries, where your team members will have access to all the design elements you have prepared beforehand! A change in one library element, eg. Style Guide, results in an update applied to all the projects.One of the latest features of Figma is developer handoff as well as creating rapid prototypes from the static screens. Those new features all add up to make Figma one of the most interesting tools to follow and learn as an UI/UX desiner!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Living Intentionally: Crafting Your Vision and Mission" |
"In todays hectic and demanding world many of us are moving at fast-break speeds. Although we are busier than ever, many of us have no idea where we are going. We can spend countless hours connected to technology. We are busy texting, reading blogs, watching television listening to the news or about our favorite celebrities, tweeting and checking Facebook. Most of us are not spending the same time developing and implementing a vision that gives our life direction. Youwould not get in a car or a cab and have no idea where we are wanting to go. When we get in that vehicle, we have an idea of our end destination. A Vision is that place we want to be. It creates a desire to grow and improve and embodies your hopes and dreams. It gives us a sense of purpose. In this course, we will walk you through creating a values-based vision that will inspire you to greatness. Once you write your vision statement, you will also create a mission statement which will provide you the guide to reaching your vision. We will provide you with a workbook which will walk you through exercises to help you form your statements.Included in this course:Workbook with 5 exercises to help you create a stronger statement"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Game Asset Creation With Houdini" |
"Create a game ready asset from start to finish in Houdini. Learn Houdini's powerful Digital Asset workflow to dramatically speed up your modelling process and create infinite variation quickly and consistently. Also covers UV mapping, texture baking and importing into the Unity Game Engine. This step by step guide is great for newcomers to Houdini or experienced 3D designers looking to experiment with Houdini's powerful procedural tools."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java Dilinin Temelleri ve Nesne Ynelimli Programlama" |
"Java Kursu, Java dili ve platformunun temel bilgilerini ve nesneye ynelik programlamann ilkelerini, rneklerle uygulamal olarak gstermektedir. Yalnzca temel ve giri dzeyinde konular gsterilmesi yerine, anlalmas ok kolay da olmayan ancak kesinlikle gerekli konular da aklanmaktadr. Baka bir deyile yalnzca giri dzeyinde deil derinlemesine anlatm yaplmaktadr.Bu kursa u 4 konunun anlalmas iin allmtr:- Nesne (Object)ve ekirdek (Bean)Kavram- Biriktiriler (Collections) ve Nesneleri Bir Arda Kullanma,Bileim (Composition)- Kaltm (Inhertiance), Arayz (Interface) ve Soyut Snf (Abstract Classs), ok Biimlikik (Polymorphism)- Temel Betiklikler (Libraries) : Girdi / kt (Input / Output), Sicim (String) lemleri, Yivler (Threads) gibi renilmesi baka konular iin de yararl olan ktphaneler.Godoro yaynclktan kan Zafer Teker'in Dorudan Java adl 2 kitabn ve nder Teker'in Derinlemesine Java kitaplarn neriyoruz. Dorudan Java kitaplarnn kursa balamadan nce veya kurs srerken, Derinlemesine Java kitabnn da kurs srerken ya da kurs bittikten sonra okunmas daha yararl olabilir. Sz konusu kitaplarda buradaki kursun tesinde ok sayda, yazlm gelitirme iin kullanlan konu ve teknoloji anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Veritaban Programlama" |
"Bu eitimin temel konusu SQL ile veritaban ilemleri yapmak iin kullanlan JDBC betikliinin kullanmdr. rnek olarak MySQL /MariaDBadl veritaban kullanlsa da anlatlanlarn %99'u aynen teki veritabanlar iin de geerlidir. Yalnzca temel JDBCkonularnn verilmesiyle yetinilmemi, her profesyonel gelitiricinin bildiiorta ve ileri dzey konular da anlatlmtr. JDBCbetikliinin dz kullanm dnda Varlk-Yneticisi (Entity-Manager)rntsne uygun olarak, ou gelitiricinin uygulad,daha nesne ynelimli veritaban kodlar gelitirilmesi de anlatlmtr. SQLve JDBCdnda XML dilinin ilenmesi iinJAXP, JSON gsteriminin ilenmesi iin de Java ktphaneleri anlatlmtr. HTTPprotokol ile veri alma ve nesne seriletirme (object serialization) konular, giri dzeyinde anlatlmtr. Java ile a (network)programlama ya da priz (socket) konusu da bir sohbet (chat) uygulamas, ok yivli (multi-threaded)olarakanlatlmaktadr.Java Giriim (Java Enterprise)uygulamalarnda youn olarak kullanlan ORM teknii ve onun standard JPAkonusunabir giri yaplmtr ki renci temel konularn tesindedireme (kalclk - persistence) gibi konulardada bilgi sahibi olabilsin."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java Masast Programlama" |
"Bu eitimin temel amac masast (desktop)programlar yaplmasnn retilmesidir. Ancak oyun programlama (game programming)iin de giri dzeyinde bilgilendirme yaplmaktadr. te yandan masast zerinde de olsa, veritaban zerinde ilem yapan uygulamalar anlatld iin yalnzca arayzde deil, uygulama gelitirmenin n-utan arka-uca kadar tm aamalarnn retilmesi amalanmaktadr. Bu ynyle bir programn ana yapsnn nasl kullanldn gstermektedir. Anlatlan konular dnda, yazlm gelitirme ve nesne-ynelimli programlamann temel ilkelerinin uygulamal gsterilmesi yoluna gidilmitir. Bu nedenle hi bir zaman masast programlama yapmayacak, yalnzca rn (web) ya da Android gibi ortamlarda yazlm gelitirecek kiilere de bu eitimi neriyoruz. nk soyut kavramlarn somut olarak, gzle grlr biimde uygulandn grmek rencinin taban dzeyinde konular daha iyi kavramasn salayabilmektedir. Java Enterprise ve Android eitimleri ve yaynlar teknoloji zerine younlatndan; her yerde gereken, genel bilgileri ounluklatemel dzeydeki ieriklere brakmaktadr. Bu da temel Java dilini renen bir kiinin birden bire ok gelimi bir uygulama gelitirme yntemiyle karlanca bocalamasna neden olmaktadr. Bu eitimde, uygulama gelitirmenin ana yapsgrsel programlama rneinde anlatld iin daha ileri konulara geii kolaylatrmaktadr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Web Programlama" |
"Bu eitimin temel amac rn (web)programlar yaplmasnn retilmesidir. Web zerinde de olsa, veritaban zerinde ilem yapan uygulamalar anlatld iin yalnzca arayzde deil, uygulama gelitirmenin n-utan arka-uca kadar tm aamalarnn retilmesi amalanmaktadr. Bu ynyle bir programn ana yapsnn nasl kullanldn gstermektedir. Anlatlan konular dnda, yazlm gelitirme ve nesne-ynelimli programlamann temel ilkelerinin uygulamal gsterilmesi yoluna gidilmitir. Bu eitim, uygulama gelitirmenin ana yapsgrsel programlama rneinde anlatld iin daha ileri konulara geii kolaylatrmaktadr. Java Giriim (Java Enterprise)ya da Kurumsal Java ad verilen JEE ya da Spring olarakgsterilen ileri programlama platformlariin bu eitim bir temel oluturur. Yazlm piyasasnda kullanlan gerek projelerin bir protipi rencilere anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Wordpress Website 2020 Tutorial - Elementor" |
"You will be able to create your very own website without having to write a single line of code.You will learn the ins and outs of Wordpress & Elementor within an hour!You won't have to waste weekstrying to learn how to set up and customize everything on your own.Everything is explained throughly and straight to the point.I will teach you the following:1. Setting up your Website Domain Name & Hosting2. Installing the necessary programto get started3. Setting up everything to start customizing your website4. Showcasing all the different options & templates to use5. Making everything step by step from start to finish6. Leaving you with the knowledge to create & customize your very own siteWhy should You even take this Course?You willLearn To Create AWordPressWebsite in Less Than 1 HourYourWordpressWebsite Will Be Fully Responsive (Ipad & Mobile Friendly)You willLearn To Create Custom Logos & IconsFor Free!We will be using a FREEWordpressthemeYou will be able toMaster Wordpress & ElementorYou will learn how to create & edit Blog Post on WordpressYou will save so much money learning it yourself, instead of hiring a web developerYou will beUsing the Most Up To Date Version of WordPress & ElementorWordpress & Elementor are so simple to use, that once you learn them you will be able to create beautiful websites.Whether you're a business owner, blogger, or someone who just wants to make a website,this course will be able to solve your problem. You will be able to customize your site to whatever you like!I will be adding bonus videos in the future as well!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling for business - ""The Scene Method""" |
"For a long period of time, I couldn't really understand the value of why storytelling is important for your business. Now I know it is crucial to make your business in a way that allows your leads and customers to connect with your product and brand.Storytelling is still something that many companies do not take advantage of therefore by learning this skill you are putting yourself on leading edge of business.The best like Nike, Apple, Pepsi use power of storytelling in their ads but also in different storytelling projects to get millions of views and give their brand a meaning. They stand for something that their stories represent, not only for their product.Implementing storytelling in your company might seem as an abstract idea at first, but that is why I took the time, done research and in the end created a logically structured method that you can use step by step to implement storytelling to your company - either for products or company strategy.You can do it yourself or do only parts of it; however, knowing the method you will know what are the steps and incidents for powerful storytelling experience for your leads and customers.The method I've created is called ""The Scene Method"" and it contains step by step formula of creating stories for ads, sales, branding and different business aspects. If you are interested, read more below.Apply storytelling in your business in order to:Increase lead generation-better ads attract more views, more views, more leadsHave more sales -more leads, equal more sales, using stories in your face to face communication, public speaking and other communication channelsalso increases the chances of saleGet more attention -your product brand can easily get more attention with good usage of storiesIn order to make you understand betterwhy The Scene Method product is right for you, consider these answers.Why listen to this trainerWhen I first wanted to understand the power of stories it wasn't easiest because different sources provided only general ideas. What I wanted, what I needed was A-Z method that would show me how to create stories from scratch. How to create them easily. I needed a method that was comprehensive. I couldn't really findsuch and that is why I created one. It is a result of research, learning and experience. I believe it is worth listening to me because I can save you a LOT of time if you consider applying storytelling methods to your business and I will also tell you HOW and WHY to do it.Why is the product special1. It is based onreverse engineering of storiesthat brought broadly understood success to companies. Either in sales, branding, marketing or strategy.2. It has acompletely new methodcreated by me, called ""The Scene Method"" which you will not find anywhere else on the web. Knowing it can give you a great advantage in applying storytelling to your business.3. I believe insimplicity, I wanted the program to be good for total beginners with the subject but also4. The product isfull of examples and analysis. You will get not only a theory but also examples how to adapt it and how it was done to get great results.Why I believe The Scene Method adds great deal of value1. When I was creating it I wanted it to becomprehensive but also adaptable. So you can use parts of it to create a quick story in 2-3 minutes or you can spend days to polish your business story for the ads.2.It consists of 5 partsand using all of them allows you to understand what can you do with the story, what options do you have, and also you will get a full structure to follow in creating plots for the story.3, It caninfluence your business in a positive waywhich is my final goal here.Is it right for youI believe product can benefit mainly, but not teams- learn how togenerate world-classvideo and textads and of coursegetmore leads. Have better, unique and attractive website content that is focused around story of your brand and company.2.sales teams- generate more sales, more leads. Learn how to put your ideas out better-using stories. Learn to connect better-using stories. Learn how to tell about your product using storytelling that doesn'tsound like you are selling!3.branding teams- you will learn how to connect the power of the brand with stories. In the program, you'll get practical advice how to add stories and increase brand exposure.4.directors, CEO, COO, CMO, company owners and strategists- after the program you'll get to know how to incorporate storytelling into your companies strategy and how you can benefit out of that. Connecting with customers, creating lasting relations with them. How to increase sales look from the strategic point of view."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Practical AutoLISP Programming - Beginner to Advanced" |
"You will understand and learn AutoLISP and how it is being used in AutoCADYou will have a deeper understanding of AutoCAD objects and how they can be manipulated by AutoLISP without even touching them.You will learn how to create your own AutoCAD Shortcut Commands and MacrosYou will be able to create simple to medium complexity Programs from scratch with the help of several exercises to reinforce what you learnBy the end of this course, you should be able to develop your own programs to increase your productivity. For example: start automating repetitive tasks develop programs that extracts drawing information and many moreAnd most importantly, you will become an AutoLISP programmer"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD VBA Programming - Beginner course" |
"This course will walk you through the VBAIntegrated Development Environment (IDE). You will also learn and understand the AutoCAD VBAObject Model through presentation and examples.We will cover the User Forms and Controls and explore AutoCADDatabase DictionaryConditions and Decision Structures will also be covered extensively.We will be writing actual applications using different VBADrawing techniques.You will also understand how to debug and handle errors in your program.By the end of the course, you should be able to develop your own small to medium complexity applications."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scale Your Business With Bitcoin" |
"Here's a list of the video titles included in this training:1. Introduction2. A Word About Bitcoin and Stripe3. Set Up with Bitpay4. Marketplaces5. Set Up with Your Cloud-Based Network6. Creating a Product7. Adding Your Autoresponder8. Adding Your Coupons and Upsells9. Adding Your Affiliate Program10. Set Up Alternative Cloud-Based Network11. Set Up Bitcoin in the 2nd Cloud-Based Network12. Add A Product in the 2nd Network13. Add A Pay Button for the 2nd Network14. Add Your Button to the Page In the 2nd Network15. Affiliate Marketing for the 2nd Network16. Coupons for the 2nd Network17. E-Mail Marketing for the 2nd Network18. Blacklisting Buyers in the 2nd Network19. Bitcoin on Wordpress20. ConclusionThe total video running time is about 1 hour. Just enough to keep your customers excited and take action so they get awesome results upon implementation.This is a very detailed20 step-by-step video seriestitled'Scale Your Business With Bitcoin'.These over-the-shoulder videos will help you and your clients to integrate bitcoin payments into their business and then be able to scale their business with it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Expert Masterclass - Boost your expert business" |
"TheExpert Masterclass shows you how to take ALL your KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, INFORMATION AND ADVICE andposition it, package it and promote itin such a way that you become widely known as an EXPERT and not just that but a HIGHLY PAID expert.This course was createdby Nisandeh Neta, a multimillionaire marketing expert that has cooperated with world class experts such us Sir Richard Branson,Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham and Rich Schefren.Important: Nisandeh is answering questions almost daily to help you keep growing your business.In order to be able to create more impact and charge more while doing it, you need to establish an expert position. Once this is done, you will be able to make more money, charge higher prices, and get better clients, more publicity & business opportunities.Simply put, once you establish yourself as an expert, business becomes easier and you can focus on what you love more: creating an impact in people's lives.This course, which was given during live events to 21000 participants, has been edited in order to be suitablefor online learning, and itwill take you step by step through the process you need to follow in order to position yourself as an expert by explaining:How to align your business with your life so that you can grow your business fasterHow to unlock your expertise's full potential, in order to be able to help more clientsThe expert business model and the 3 paths to becoming an expertHow to succeed by partnering with other expertsHow to turn prospects into buyers using a simple strategyHow to build your credibility as an expertThe Grand PlanBecoming and being perceived as an expert is one of the most effective ways to grow your business and Nisandeh will guide you through the process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Video Marketing Masterclass" |
"This course by Nisandeh Neta, a multimillionaire marketing expert that has cooperated with world class experts such us Sir Richard Branson, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham and Rich Schefren, is focused on boosting your coaching/consulting/expert business through video marketing.Video is a quick, freeand easy way to connect with your target market and really talk to them. Ive often heard that it can be a scary experience to record yourself or that it is hard to think of what exactly to record. In this course I will share with you 10 different kinds of video that you can start with right now to connect with your audience and to grow your business.The 10 most effective types of videosto grow your business What type of videos work on Facebook, on your website, on your landing pages, with case studiesThe most common mistakesto avoidWhat equipment to usethrough case studiesTips & Tricks to look awesomeon camera (from an expert videographer) How to easilyovercome the fearof standing in front to of the camera When and why to use each type of videoThe step-by-step action plan(what to do first and what to do later) without getting overwhelmedHow will it change your business?This course will make you aware of the various possibilities that you have when it comes to using videos to grow your business. It will help you tell apart the different type of video for each occasion andwhat suits best for each strategic marketing objective.Also, youlleasily overcome the reluctance of standing in front of a cameraand bring home an easy-to-implement action plan that will walk you through the steps and avoid becoming overwhelmed with unnecessary technicalities.After this course, you will be able tostart using videos with full confidencefor all your marketing campaigns and even get ready to wing it LIVE!Creating videos is one of the most powerful ways to grow your business. Through videos you can:-build your credibility as an expert, -attract the right clients easier,-get clients toclearly see how you are different from your competitors,-save yourself plenty of time trying to explain the same things to different people-build a stronger relationship with your potential clients and more.If you are looking for implementable strategies to grow your business, video might be the solution you were looking for.Important: Nisandeh is answering questions almost daily to help you keep growing your business.Ready to join?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Blogging Masterclass" |
"This course by Nisandeh Neta, a multimillionaire marketing expert that has cooperated with world class experts such us Sir Richard Branson, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham and Rich Schefren, is focused on giving you a way to boost your coaching business. Nisandeh has experienced success with his business blog and knows the impact that it can have on a business and customer relationships. A successful blog will help you to establish yourself as an expert in your field and build long-term relationships with your peers and your clientelle.This course, which was given to thousands of participants, has been edited in order to be suitable for online learning, and it will take you step by step through the process of creating a blog for your business by explaining:Why Blogging for Business.10 Biggest Blogging Mistakes that may be costing you clients.How to Create Relevant Content for your Blog so that your potential clients get to like you and trust you.How to Get Readers to your Blog in order to help potential clients know who you are.How to Get your Readers to Comment so that you can start a valuable and profitable dialog.How to Integrate your Blog into your MarketingBlogging PracticalitiesBlogging Implementation PlanImportant: Nisandeh is answering questions almost daily to help you keep growing your business.Through Nisandeh's knowledge and personal experience, you will be guidedthrough the process of content creation, promotion, and fostering interaction on your blog, which will in turn help you to grow your business."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Remarkable Product Masterclass" |
"This course was developedby Nisandeh Neta, a multimillionaire marketing expert that has worked side by side with world class experts such us Sir Richard Branson, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham and Rich Schefren. Nisandeh during almost three decades has taught more than 100 thousand coaches, consultants and small business owners how to grow their business by working smarter.Today, every category of products and services is overcrowded. To make matters worse, most products and services are virtually identical or at least replaceable. Considering this, you can understand the value and selling power of a remarkable product. But what makes a product/servicestand out in a way that people want it above all others?This course teaches you the secrets of developing a product or service that gives customers a WOW experience. You will learn how to exceed expectations with a product or service that is remarkable, desirable and, therefore, highly profitable.Important: Nisandeh is answering questions almost daily to help you keep growing your business.Learn how to:Deliver WOW in 12 different waysMeasure WOW experiencesBrand yourself as WOWApply 3 strategies to generate million dollar ideasIntegrate the 5 essential ingredients that make a remarkable productLeave your competition behindStop being perceived as a commodityRender price arguments obsoleteMake your product or service the obvious choice!Because people have far too many choices and too little time, a remarkable product/service is the easy, safe and obvious choice. A remarkable product/service practically sells itself, so you can charge a higher price for it. Therefore, it makes very good business sense to work hard to develop your own remarkable product. This course shows you what steps to take, how to think out of the box and develop a WOW product/service."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Break bad habits in 2020 (V 3.0 neuroplasticity formula)" |
"Youmust be struggling to eliminate a specific bad habit in your life that keeps you from having the life you want for yourself and for people you love. You are not alone with that! Just like you, I had enough of feeling guilt for not keeping new year promises to be a better and more successful person.This is a solution-based course! I know what you are looking for! I like achievingresultstoo!Theory is not my thing.I am a doctorand that needs so much patience, discipline and organization in my life.Few years earlier, I suffered from many bad habits, from eating junk food and procrastinating to being stressed all the time and not knowing what to do to stop it. I was so lost before deciding to take the big step to make my researches on neuroplasticity and bad habits.Studying psychology in medical school helped me combing neuroplasticity, psychology of habits,cognitivebehavioraltherapy and many personal development techniques to come up with the practical release to my suffering. The results are so great for me!Now,I am more successful because I know how to manipulate my habits to eliminate bad ones and implement successful ones. I am more disciplined in my studies, I eat healthier, I better manage my stress and anger and I am a successful entrepreneur. My friends who struggled with smoking and other unhealthy habits found this method useful for their problems too.I dont believe in rigid strategies, each brain is unique and each case is specific, thats why I bring you a flexible technique applicable to your case! You just need the core of the solution you will learn through this course andadd the specific elements you struggle with in your life to come up with the solutions that fit exactly your life conditions and obstacles. Dont panic! I will guide you through! I wont leave you until you are satisfy with the results you reach. I will guide along the journey to get rid of that bad habit. You will start with understanding psychological and organic aspects of habits and determining the loop of your own bad habit to manipulate its components and break it at the end by rewiring your plastic brain.To do that you will learn how to use WOOP concept and SMART goals technique. Also, I will help you define your own winning strategy to break your bad habit in a scientific way and I will bring your attention to the most common mistakes you may fall in through your journey! I wont leave you alone there, we will work together to rewire your brain to banish bad habits and control temptations forever with neuroplasticity. There are plenty of guided exercises and activities designed for you to module this solution for your case and to take the path towards the successful life you want:Over 15exercises to change brain activity to break your bad habitA detailed core blueprint to manipulate your bad habitSimply, I will teach you how to isolate, manipulate and break your bad habit, then to rewire your brain to control temptations and be a more successful person with a guilt-free 2.0 version of yourself."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Check your knowledge on Basics of Loadrunner" |
"Check your knowledge on Basics of Loadrunner using the Practice Tests on VUGen and Controller. The passing marks is kept at 80% and the questions are diligently designed to test your knowledge. Based on the outcome of this test, you can decide where your knowledge stands in Loadrunner. All the best!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aromaterapia para Iniciantes - Como Usar leos Essenciais" |
"Este um treinamento bsicosobreo que voc sempre quis saber sobre leos Essenciais e Aromaterapia.Aromaterapia uma nova forma de medicina alternativa.Elausa uma variedade de leos essenciais naturais para curar e melhorar o bem-estar geral e saudvel de uma pessoa.Aromaterapia refere-se simplesmente ao uso e aplicao de leos essenciais vegetais que so normalmente diludos em algum tipo de soluo para fornecer aplicao teraputica, ou usados aromaticamente.Estes leos essenciais so extrados da me natureza, que inclui folhas, casca, razes, resinase flores de plantas.Os tpicos abordados neste curso so:O que aromaterapia?A histria da aromaterapia e dos leos essenciaisMtodos de obtenoleos Essenciais x EssnciasNveis de atuao e ao dos leos essenciaisSinergiasSegurana dos leos essenciaisBenefcios e usos dos leos essenciais para:Alergias sazonais (respiratrias)Dores, fibromialgia, artritePerda de pesoDores de cabeaEquilbrio hormonalProblemas intestinaisDiabetesInsniaAnsiedadeCosmticos inteligentesNota: Este curso puramente um curso educacional para quem quer comear a utilizar os leos essenciais mas ainda no tem tempo, dinheiro ou nem quer no momentofazer um curso completo de aromaterapia. Neste curso voc vai aprender os princpios bsicosdosleos essenciais e como utilizar no seu dia a dia.Voc no precisa comprar nada para fazer este curso, embora, se voc j tiver alguns leos essenciais mo para examinar e usar durante as aulas, ser muito benfico!Comecea usar os leos essenciais no seu cotidiano e veja sua vida e sade se transformarem!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |