Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Apache Zookeeper Tutorial from Scratch" |
"Apache ZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applicationsIn this Apache Zookeeper course, we will learn the complete Apache Zookeeper concepts likeOverview of Apache ZookeeperApache Zookeeper important terms likeWhat is QuorumWhat is znodeWhat is sessionWhat is watcherInstalling ZookeeperSystem requirementRemotely Connecting to ZookeeperHow Zookeeper WorksConfiguration ConsiderationsWhat is Apache ZookeeperWhy we need Apache ZookeeperWhat is Distributed SystemWhy Coordination is a challenge ?Apache ZooKeeper Back groundApache Zookeeper ArchitectureImportant Components of Apache ZookeeperApache Zookeeper Data ModelApache Zookeeper ZNodesApache Zookeeper Sessions & WatchesPopular Applications/Companies using Apache ZookeeperBasic Apache Zookeeper CLI or Command Line OperationsAdvanced usage of ZookeeperHow to use Apache Zookeeper with Java - codingThis coursewill explore the complete concepts of Apache Zookeeper system, introduction to Coordination system, Distribution system concepts,Zookeeper installation, operations and then it will walk youthroughthe deployment of Kafka cluster in single node and multi node mode. Finally, we will conclude with thereal-time applications.The target audience would be the people who are willing toknow aboutApacheZookeeper, Znodes, CLI's.All thematerial which is usedin this course is attached and also provided the Usefulexternal Documentations or links which is helpful further.You can complete this course in 2hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and finally taught how to use the Zkin real time with an example.Thanks,TutorialDrive"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop for Beginners-First Step to Learn Image Editing" |
"Photoshop for Beginners-First Step to Learn Image EditingLearn to use Photoshop for Professional Image Editing & Take your Images to the Next LevelStart Learning the Basics of Photoshop for Professional Image EditingDo you want to learn the Photo Editing?Do you want to learn Photoshop?Do you want to learn the Most Important Tools in Photoshop?Do you want to learn how to get started in Photoshop?If answer to any of the question is Yes, then you are at the right place.Welcome to the Photoshop for Beginners Mini Course.In this course, you will learn the Basics of the Photoshop which would help you get started with the Most Powerful Image Editing Tool in the World at the moment.This is a mini course so you will learn some of the Basics of the Photoshop.These Basics are enough for you to get started with the Photoshop Software.So, What are you waiting for Go ahead and Join the course.Be among my70,000+ Students in 175 countries who are learning and Growing everyday!Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like a Pro+Free Presets" |
"Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like a Pro+ Free Premium-Cinematic Portrait Lightroom PresetsLearn Professional Image Retouching in Adobe Lightroom ClassicDo you want to Learn AdobeLightroom?Do you want to Learn Professional Image Retouching?Do you want to Learn Raw Image Processing?Do you want to Learn how to Organize Images Efficiently?Do you want to Learn Advanced Techniques to Add Metadata & Keywords to your Images?Do you want to Learn in-DepthLibrary Module and Develop Module in Adobe Lightroom Classic?If answer to any of the question is yes, then let me tell you that you are at the right place.Welcome to the course:-Adobe Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like a Pro!You definitive guide to Professional Image Retouching and Raw image Processing!After this course,You will be an expert in Adobe Lightroom Classic or Adobe LightroomYou will be an Expert in Raw Image Processingin Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Exert in Image Organisationin Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Expert in adding Metadata or Keywords to the Imagesin Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Expert in Importing and Exporting Images in Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Expert in Optimizing Images for Print, Web and Social Media in Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be able to use the Very Important Tools in Adobe Lightroom with full confidenceThis course comes with 30 Days full Money Back Guarantee which means you have Zero Risk Trying this Course!So, what are you waiting for?Go ahead and join this course now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fly Through English - Verb Tenses" |
"Hello and welcome to ""Fly Through English - Verb Tenses"". The aim of this course is to help you to understand and master the sixteen different tenses in English.Every sentence must contain a verb and you can change the meaning of a simple sentence by changing the tense of the verb. For example:I speak to George.I spoke to George.I will speak to George.I am speaking to George.I would have spoken to George.Each sentence above is the same except for the tense of the verb. In this course you will learn about each tense in depth, have ample opportunity for practising what you've learnt and you'll also look at the irregular verbs in each tense.I've split the course into videos of just three minutes in length. This allows even the busiest student to watch a video at least once a day without having to make a huge commitment.Once you have purchased the course, it's yours forever so you can come back and review the tenses whenever you like."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute Portuguese - Course 2 Lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Portuguese - Course 2 The aim of this course is to make Portuguese accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Portuguese - Course 1"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Portuguese is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Portuguese language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Portugal, Brazil or any other Portuguese speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Structures in German - Structure 2" |
"The whole of the German language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any German book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in German, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole German language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 2. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the German language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 2, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in German series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute German courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn German, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 2" |
"The whole of the Spanish language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any Spanish book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Spanish, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole Spanish language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 2. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Spanish language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 2, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in Spanish series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute Spanish courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn Spanish, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute Italian - Course 3 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Italian - Course 3 The aim of this course is to make Italian accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Italian Courses 1 and 2"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Italian is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Italian language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Italy or any other Italian speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute German - Course 3 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute German - Course 3 The aim of this course is to make German accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute German Courses 1 and 2"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching German is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the German language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Germany or any other German speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute French - Course 4 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute French - Course 4 The aim of this course is to make French accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute French Courses 1, 2 and 3"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching French is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the French language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to France or any other French speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Structures in French - Structure 3 French Grammar" |
"The whole of the French language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any French book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in French, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole French language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 3. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the French language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in French series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute French courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn French, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 3" |
"The whole of the Spanish language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any Spanishbook or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Spanish, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole Spanish language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 3. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Spanish language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in Spanish series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute Spanish courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn Spanish, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Structures in German - Structure 3" |
"The whole of the German language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any German book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in German, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole German language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 3. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the German language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in German series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute German courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn German, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"French Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1" |
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about French verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising French verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe impersonal verb ""il faut""the ""going"" futurethe present perfect tensethe present tense""French Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in French grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Spanish Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1" |
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about Spanish verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising Spanish verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe impersonal verb ""se puede""the ""going"" futurethe present perfect tensethe present tense""Spanish Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in Spanish grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"German Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1" |
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about German verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising German verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe special verb ""man kann""the future tensethe present perfect tensethe present tense""German Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in German grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute Spanish - Course 4 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Spanish - Course 4 The aim of this course is to make Spanish accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Spanish Courses 1, 2 and 3"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Spanish is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Spanish language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Spain or any other Spanish speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D - The Fundamentals of Applying Materials" |
"Welcome to this fundamentals of applying materials to objects in Blender 3D. This course is a beginners level course for those who have never created materials or textures in blender before or those who might find that they are struggling with the process. In 'Blender 3D - The Fundamentals of Applying Materials' we will be covering the core aspects of how the material process works in blender and how to apply any material to an object. This includes:Creating new materialsCreating data blocksChanging the base (diffuse colour)Naming materialsPreventing unused materials form being deletedHow to create UV maps with seams or the smart UV project toolApply an image texture to a material using both blender render and cycles render"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Southampton Sailing painting" |
"Learn how to bring colour, composition and techniques together to create a watercolour work of art!As we paint, we will review the basic information of watercolour paper, paints and brushes from previous courses.This course was especially made for novicestudents or seasoned artists to encourage them to try a new techniques such as creating dramatic skies, water, reflections, painting shadows and have fun by 'doing'. For those students 'terrified' to draw, a easy transfer method is explained early in the course.Students will begin developing theirown personal skills for future paintings.Teacher available for any questions during and after this course. She would love to see your original paintings.Students will receive2 hoursof video supported with written and verbal step-by-step instructions.At the end of this course, you will have a beautiful, final masterpiece ""Southampton Sailing"" to be proud of!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rapid Fat Loss Mastery." |
"Everyone knows how to lose weight, right? Burn more calories than you take in, workout 3 to 4 times weekly, and eat enough calories to stay out of starvation mode. But, how often does this work for people? Has it worked for you? Maybe it was but it was too hard and too long of a process? People still struggle with weight loss. It's still a huge problem for most people. The answer is weight loss should be fast. It should be so fast that you don't have time to bail on your diet. This solution has worked for me and people that I train. The cover pic is of me over a 2 month span, as Ilost over 30 pounds and got to 7 percent body fat. It can work for you too. Theabsolute fastest way to lose weight isin this curriculum. Not only is it fast, but you will maintain your muscle mass as you do so.You will literally watch the fat disappear overnight. What do you have to lose but unsightly fat???"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ten Steps Out of Debt Workshop" |
"This is the workbook that will show you how to get out of debt forever.Do you feel frustrated and trapped by your debt? Have you just given into the vicious cycle of debt? If so, this workbook will become the first step in your journey toward financial freedom. Whether you have gotten in debt with one bad decision or a series of poor choices, it is not too late to take steps in the right direction. This is not a self-help book that will just inspire you, but leave you wondering what steps to take. These ten actionable steps are designed to conquer your debt, and help you leave the cycle of debt behind forever.John Endris, a finance professional, lifelong investor, and MBA will show you how to switch from the cycle of debt to the debt free cycle. After this work book your will know how to:-Build your credit while paying off your worst debt.-Easily measure your progress.-Identify bad financial products and terms-Analyze which debt you need to pay off first-Target and eliminate your worst debt-Assess your personal risks and opportunity costs-Set fun milestones to zero out your credit accounts.And much, much more...Plus, there are action steps in every section, so you can immediately implement all of the debt free cycle steps. By doing so, you'll rediscover what it's like to be in control again. There is no catch, the world is better without bad debt. Get this workbook and escape your depressing cycle of debt forever."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PSD to HTML from Scratch - Complete Course" |
"Learn from my best video training tutorial ofPSD to HTML from Scratch- Complete Course. It is start from very beginning to advanced level. First, I created a Work Flow. After that I design my PSD web template in Photoshop. Then I converted it into HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap 4. PSD to HTMLCourse Outline Section One - Make aWork Flow Download 12 Columns Grid System Create Header Section add Logo & Navigation bar Main Section -Tow Columns Feature - Three Columns About Single FooterWidget Two Col Footer bar Section Two- Create Books PSD Web Template Header -Create logo Add Background color Add Menu-bar Main -Add Title Description Button & Thumbnail Feature - Add 3 Columns Thumbnail Description plus Button. Widget - Important Links & Contact Us Form Footer - Add copyright final text Section There- Convert into HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap 4 Get PSD template information like images,text size,colors etc. Software Installation - Nodejs - Atom - Git bash Manage contents Add Source code to index file Create Header section add navigation brand code Add row & columns code for main section Create Feature section with images & buttons Add About us with description in the html with style Create links and contact us form in the widget finalize it with footer section An Overview for PSD Web Template& Bootstrap 4 As you know that, there is a great demand for these technologies. After this course I am dam sure. You will definable able to create a template as well as convert it into bootstrap 4. Conclusion & Over view I hope you will enjoy very much. No doubt, you will learn many things from my course. I did my best to define everything clearly. My focus to improve the skills. As a result,you need toconduct allmy lectures carefully.Good Luck"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Life Coaching Course" |
"This training contains the same content as our internationally accredited live 7 day life coaching and NLP training. You can learn the skills of NLP and coaching in the comfort of your own home.The course is designed to teach people how to create success in all areas of your life. With real life demonstrations, you will learn the techniques and get a proper understanding of how and why they work. You can also come back to them over and over again as you work on your route to personal mastery. Whether business or personal life. Coaching is not about accumulating various qualifications. Pieces of paper dont make you a great coach. You do need skills and techniques to help your clients achieve their desired outcomes. Whatever you are already a coach, or brand new to the industry, this course is for you and empower you to start or grow your own coaching practice. This course will also assist you if you are a in house coach or manager that wants to learn how to get the most out of your staff. You will learn various techniques, methodologies, receive tools and templates etc, to assist you in your coaching journey. You can use these skills in education, business coaching, therapy, coaching, sales, sports coaching, parenting etc. Effectively learning how to communicate with yourself and others. You will learn how to change bad habits, be in charge of your state, and build confidence. Learn how to overcome limiting beliefs, gain motivation, set goals, and identify the strategies we unconsciously run in our daily lives. Both those that work and dont work for you. If you identify a persistent strategy that is not benefiting you, then you can change that to one that does. Coaching assists you to gain high performance in what you choose to do. Coaching is about creating forward momentum and achieving your desired outcomes. You can learn how to empower yourself and your clients to create the type of life that you want. Thousands of people around the world have already completed this training. Now it is available to you in the comfort of your own home. The course is packed full of techniques and resources to assist you in becoming the best coach that you can be. It is an incredible personal development course that will empower you in all areas of your life. It is a gift that you not only give yourself, but also all of the people that you interact with. As you learn how to get the best of the people you deal with. Not out of manipulation, but rather out of win- win interactions as you learn about your own values and what is important to other people. On completion of the course you will have a proper understanding of the core concepts of NLP and coaching. Being able to inspire, empower and motivate yourself and the clients you serve. On receipt of the completed test, you will receive a certificate of completion. If you would like to be certified as a NLP practitioner, coach and Time Line Therapy practitioner, then you can come attend one of the live training events. (You will even receive a discount for having done this online training.)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Disea en Canva Grficos Profesionales con Proyectos Reales" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a Dominar Canva con PROYECTOS REALES y con muchsimos trucos en el interior y as mejorar tu Negocio o marca.Te gustara crear tus propios grficos en Redes Sociales pero no sabes por donde empezar?Crees que no tienes imaginacin para crear tus propios grficos?Has dedicado mucho tiempo a ver tutoriales de diseo grfico pero no es exactamente lo que necesitas?No tienes presupuesto para mandar el trabajo a otra persona?Si has respondido ""si"" a alguna de estas preguntas , estas en el curso adecuado.S que te puedes frustrar al intentar crear imgenes y grficos para tu negocio o marca, lleva muchsimo tiempo crearlas y a veces no quedan como te gustara.Es por eso que he creado este curso para ensear a personas sin ningn conocimiento tcnico ni de diseo a dominar Canva y crear grficos PROFESIONALES.Vas a ver con proyectos Reales como creo las imgenes para tu poder replicarlo y adaptarlo a tu proyecto.Es un curso muy prctico y al grano , adems he introducido TRUCOSy TIPSpara hacerte el trabajo an ms fcil.Despus de apuntarte al curso obtendrs muchsimo contenido prctico para aplicarlo rpidamente y ver los resultados sin esperar .Mira lo que he incluido en el curso (adems lo ir actualizando y incluyendo videos interesantes):Tour Completo por CanvaDisear Portada de Fan PageDiseador Imgenes para Post en FacebookAnuncio en Facebook Ads (versin 1200*628)Anuncios en Facebook Ads (versin 800*800)Imagenes para tu BlogPortada de YouTubeMiniaturas para YouTubeCreacin de LogotiposPortadas para tu EbookCrear Portadas en 3D para tu LeadMagnetQuitar el fondo de las imgenes y prepararlas para el proyectoY mucho mas...En el camino te guiar y estar aqu para responder a cualquier pregunta. Nunca estars solo/aAl finalizar el curso obtendrs un certificado de Finalizacin!Cuentas con la GARANTA DE 30 DAS por si no quedas satisfecho/a! Sin preguntas , solo quiero dinero feliz.APNTATE AHORA !"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Iniciante de composio digital e efeitos visuais em Nuke" |
"Curso de criao e desenvolvimento de composio digital produzido com a utilizao das ferramentas existentes no software Nuke. Seu uso cresce a cada dia devido a fcil utilizao na realizao de tarefas onde a complexidade e prazos curtos so exigidos. Atualmente o Nuke muito utilizado nas grandes produes cinematogrficas onde o uso de efeitos visuais se faz necessrio."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Composio Digital em Nuke X - Intermedirio" |
"Curso Intermedirio de Composio Digital em NukeXNukeX um dos mais conhecidos e utilizados pelos maiores e mais renomados estdios de VFX do mercadoSe voc tem o sonho de trabalhar com VFX, composio ou edio de vdeo em geral nos maiores estdios de Hollywood; ou mesmo trabalharfreelancerpara projetos menores, o Nuke a soluo. Curso de composio digital com foco na utilizao das ferramentas de edio de imagens 2d e aplicao deefeitos 3d criando assim animaes com simulao tridimensional."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Composio e Efeitos Visuais em Nuke Studio - Avanado" |
"ONUKE um software que suporta uma ampla gama de formatos 2D, tanto para a leitura quanto para escrita. A gama inclui os formatos de imagem padro, tais como DPX, EXR, JPEG, MXF e Quicktime, alm de suporte para formatos de cmera RAW, como RED raw, ARRI raw, Sony Raw e muito mais.O NUKEs 2D Tracker permite que voc acompanhe e corrija objetos difceis com facilidade e preciso, o que lhe d controle rpido e poderoso sobre a funcionalidade de acompanhamento de keyframe. Essa funcionalidade de rastreamento permite lidar com problemas de ocluso difceis de forma rpida e fcil. Com o Nuke 2D Tracker, simples calcular a mdia de vrias faixas, lidar com variaes de luminosidade e auxiliar trabalhos em estreo.Poderoso e altamente escalvel, independente de resoluo, a linha multicanal do NUKE permite que voc leia e tenha sada para qualquer formato de imagem, gerenciando mais de 1.000 canais de 32 bits de cor de ponto flutuante definveis pelo usurio. Mesmo com um processamento de metragem de super alta resoluo ao mais alto ponto flutuante de preciso 32-bit em um hardware modesto, ele d um feedback rpido e resultados precisos com motor de renderizao baseado em linha de varredura multi-threaded do NUKE."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Composio e Efeitos Visuais em Houdini - Iniciante" |
"Curso iniciante de aprendizado na utilizao das ferramentas bsicas de composio digital e efeitos visuais utilizando o software SideFX Houdini.O Houdini por ser um software com uma ampla quantidade de ferramentas e por possuir uma interface simples e amigvel tem crescido muito atualmente entre os usurios interessados em desenvolver um portflio voltado produo de projetos em efeitos visuais."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Simulao e efeitos visuais em Houdini - Intermedirio" |
"Curso de criao e simulao de efeitos visuais com foco na utilizao da ferramenta de emisso de partculas simulando lquidos e sua interao com outros objetos aplicados uma determinada cena.O Houdini por ser um software com uma ampla quantidade de ferramentas e por possuir uma interface simples e amigvel tem crescido muito atualmente entre os usurios interessados em desenvolver um portflio voltado produo de projetos em efeitos visuais."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Dicas de Otimizao de Fluxo de Trabalhos em ZBrush" |
"Curso de Dicas de Otimizao de Fluxo de Trabalho e Novas Ferramentas em ZBrush 4R8Curso com foco na utilizao de ferramentas com a inteno de otimizar o fluxo de trabalho na produo de esculturas digitais e modelagens 3D para jogos eletrnicos juntamente com as novas ferramentas da nova verso do software ZBrush."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.76" |
"O Blender certamente a maior prova de que um software open source (ou seja, de cdigo aberto) pode ser to bom ou at mesmo melhor do que aplicativos comerciais feitos por empresas de renome.Trata-se de uma das ferramentas mais famosas da rea de computao grfica, amplamente utilizada por grandes estdios de animao e profissionais do setor de artes digitais. Alm de ser completamente gratuito, o Blender se destaca no mercado por oferecer uma interface simples e personalizvel, mais amigvel para utilizadores iniciantes ou estudantes em processo de aprendizado."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |