Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Criao de Vinhetas em After Effects e Cinema 4D" |
"Curso de After Effects Integrado com Cinema 4DCurso de criao e desenvolvimento de vinheta de abertura cinematogrfica e/ou televisiva com o uso da integrao dos softwares Adobe After Effects e Cinema 4D Lite onde elementos e formas tridimensionais so utilizadas em conjunto com outras ferramentas muito utilizadas em produes deste gnero."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2017 3D para Iniciante" |
"AutoCAD 3D para iniciantesDurante as 47 aulas o instrutor descreve de maneira simples e direta as principais ferramentas 3D do AutoCAD dentro do desenvolvimento de um projeto prtico. O curso capacita o aluno a utilizar os recursos fundamentais para criao, edio e renderizao de modelos, para criar, visualizar, editar e renderizar modelos tridimensionais, utilizando os comandos do AutoCAD 2017 Ao final do curso, o aluno ser capaz de: Utilizar os recursos fundamentais para visualizao, criao, edio de modelos 3D e inserir luzes, aplicar texturas, renderizar para obter imagens fotorrealistas."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"3Ds Max - 2018" |
"Curso de Autodesk 3DS Max 20183ds Max umprogramademodelagem tridimensionalque permiterenderizaodeimagenseanimaes. Sendo usado em produo de filmes de animao, criao de personagens dejogosem3D, vinhetas e comerciais para TV, maquetes eletrnicas e na criao de qualquer mundovirtual.Curso com foco na utilizao das novas ferramentas existentes na nova verso do software de modelagem e animao 3D da Autodesk chamado 3DS Max 2018 que inclui o novo renderizador Arnold que produz cenas extremamente realistas."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking" |
"Curso que aborda as principais tcnicas e aplicaes da metodologia do Design Thinking, para reas como design, administrao, entre outras. Aprenda como gerenciar seus projetos, exercitar o processo criativo e organizar melhor equipes de trabalho em prol da inovao. Aprenda tambm conceitos importantes como marketing, design social, design de interao dentre outros, vistos luz deste novo mtodo de pensamento. Torne-se voc tambm um design thinker!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Conceitos de Design" |
"Conceitos de DesignO curso de Conceitos de Design tem como objetivo transmitir de forma clara, objetiva e concisa, conceitos pertinentes s teorias do Design, abordando desde o significado do termo, at tcnicas de diagramao, conceitos de fotografia e criao de identidade visual, tudo isso explicado da teoria a pratica de forma simples e objetiva"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro CC" |
"Premiere Pro CC um dos softwares de edio mais utilizados no mundo, essencial para quem quer entrar na carreira profissional de editor de vdeo.Torne filmagens no editadas em perfeitas produes com o Premiere Pro CC, o software de edio de vdeos lder do setor. Iniciantes ou profissionais podem editar, ajustaras cores, refinar o udioe muito mais com um fluxo de trabalho integrado com perfeio."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC" |
"O After Effects um software de edio e ps-produo de vdeos poderoso e reconhecido no mundo inteiro, sendo utilizado at por produes de cinema, a riqueza de funes e efeitos prontos oferecidos pelo After Effects o tornam um aplicativo lder entre o seu nicho, que bastante especfico.Entenda a interpolao de frames e consiga controlar sua animao para que ela passe uma sensao orgnica"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Camera Raw" |
"O Adobe Camera Raw, que permite importar e aprimorar imagens raw, uma das ferramentas mais teis e prticas utilizadas por fotgrafos profissionais e amadoresOs aplicativos compatveis com o Adobe Camera Raw incluem Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, After Effects e Bridge. Alm disso, o Adobe Lightroom criado em cima da mesma tecnologia de processamento de imagem raw que alimenta o Adobe Camera Raw.Sabe aquelas fotos que ficam muito escuras ou claras e que voc geralmente apaga? Fotografando em RAW, isso some. Esse tipo de fotografia consegue captar todas as nuances e tons de iluminao de uma cena, mas depois preciso ""revelar"" o arquivo. a que o Camera Raw entra."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Indesign CC" |
"AdobeInDesign um software da Adobe Systems desenvolvido para diagramao e organizao de pginas,apresentando uma variedade de aprimoramentos, resultando em mais produtividade oaplicativo lder do setor em design e layout de pginas, permite criar, comprovar e publicar documentos para impresso e mdia digital. O InDesign CC tem tudo para criar psteres, livros, revistas digitais, eBooks, PDFs interativos e muito mais."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Zbrush 4r8 - Bsico" |
"ZBrush um software de modelagem tridimensional usado em filmes, e animaes.O ZBrush conhecido por sua simplicidade, criado inicialmente para fins ilustrativos, o ZBrush comea a chamar a ateno e abrir os olhos de desenvolvedores de games e animaes 3d.ZBrush uma ferramenta de escultura digital que combina modelagem 3D/2.5D, texturizao e pintura, ele usa uma tecnologia proprietria ""pixol""que armazena luz, cor, material e informaes detalhadas de todos os objetos na tela. A principal diferena entre ZBrush epacotes de modelagem tradicionais que ele se assemelha mais escultura."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D" |
"Cinema 4D uma aplicao 3D para retoque de filmes muito popular, devido a sua ferramenta 3D, Pintura de Corpos(BodyPaint), e igualmente popular na criao de filmes,paraMac OS X,Microsoft Windows, e Linux.Cinema 4D usa umalinguagem de script, chamadaCOFFEE, que muito similar forma deJavaScript, e uma moderna API paraC++com um extensivoSDKpara desenvolverpluginsindependentes da plataforma.O Cinema 4D usado nacomputao grfica 3Dque trabalha criando grupos devrticesque formam superfcies quando conectados. A iluso da terceira dimenso criada modelando objetos de mltiplas superfcies. Figuras,filmese ambientes dejogos eletrnicospodem ser criadas com essa tcnica."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Maya 2018 - Essencial" |
"Curso bsico com foco na utilizao das ferramentas existentes na verso mais recente do software de modelagem, animao e renderizao 3D da Autodesk chamado Maya 2018 que possui o novo renderizador Arnold, responsvel por reproduzir cenas extremamente realistas.Voltado para qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse em adquirir conhecimento em softwares do setor de criao e desenvolvimento de projetos que exijam ambientes tridimensionais como jogos eletrnicos e visualizao de produtos."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Iniciante de modelagem 3D em Blender 2018" |
"OBlender uma ferramenta que permite a criao de vastos contedos de3D. Oferece funcionalidades completas para modelagem, renderizao, animao, ps-produo, criao e visualizao de contedo3Dinterativo, com os benefcios singulares de portabilidade.Curso bsico com foco na utilizao das ferramentas existentes na verso mais recente de um dos softwares mais utilizados em projetos de modelagem, animao, texturizao e renderizao 3D, principalmente devido ao seu fcil acesso quanto aquisio gratuita e a sua interface amigvel."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Ilustrao de Moda com Adobe Illustrator" |
"Curso de ilustrao das principais peas de roupas com o uso de Adobe Illustrator.Aprenda a fazer, passo a passo e de forma simples saias, camisas, blazers, calas e ainda a personalizar smbolos e brushes.Com o curso voc ser capacitado a criar suas prprias peas e a otimizar seu tempo, dinamizandoo trabalho e tornando-o mais arrojado e profissional."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D r19 - Criao de vinheta 3D" |
"O Cinema 4D um programa em que voc pode construir cenrios em trs dimenses, para depois criar verdadeiros filmes de animao digital.Curso intermedirio com foco na criao e desenvolvimento de vinhetas 3D utilizando-se as ferramentas existentes no Maxon Cinema 4D R19, que um dos softwares mais completos e utilizados pelos profissionais do mercado da produo audiovisual."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2018" |
"Photoshop umsoftwarecaracterizado comoeditor de imagensbidimensionais (possuindo ainda algumas capacidades de edio tpicas dos editoresvectoriais). considerado o lder no mercado dos editores de imagem profissionais, o principal programapara edio profissional de imagens digitais e trabalhos depr-impresso.Sua mais recente verso apelidada comoAdobe Photoshop CC(sigla cujo significado Creative Cloud, correspondente sua dcima quarta edio desde seu lanamento), disponvel para os sistemas operativosMicrosoft WindowseMac OS X"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"English Made Simple: Vocabulary To Describe Appearances" |
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover new vocabulary and expressions with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 15 educational courses on Udemy with over 25,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new vocabulary course to help you talk about the world of business.Welcome to this fun and easy guide on vocabulary to describe appearances!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each word or expression. We learn and develop our vocabulary, because it helps us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers) and enjoy richer conversations.I don't need to study vocabulary, I already have the basic words!Learning more vocabulary can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using your new vocabulary and expressions.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English Made Simple: Small Talk & Conversational Skills" |
"Do you feel nervous when it comes to meeting new people at a party or in the office? Let me ask you another question..... Have you noticed how much English people love talking about the weather?Welcome to the most comprehensive guide to ESL small talk and conversation!Learn English from afully qualifiedESL TeacherSound morenaturalduring your English conversationsDiscover English small talk with the help ofreal examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 30,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course focusingon small talk! Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to the most popular small talk / conversation starters used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help you understand conversation starters in a real life situation. We learn small talk, because it can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study small talk, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as small talk (or idioms and slang) help us to take our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using small talk.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Made Simple: Vocabulary For TOEFL" |
"Are you ready to boost your TOEFL exam score?Developing strong TOEFL vocabulary skills can be one of the most challenging parts of studying for the exam but it's extremely important.Many TOEFL questions will ask you for the definition of a word or require you to have knowledge of certain words in order to answer a question correctly.With so many words in the English language, which are the ones you need to know?English Made Simple has a simple and easy solution!In this course you will find the most useful TOEFL words for you to learn. Each lecture provides you with simple examples and funny drawings to help you easily remember each word.By the end of the course, you will be have memorised 80 new pieces of English vocabulary. You will feel more confident and comfortable using these words in your everyday life and for the TOEFL examination.Improve your pronounciationEach video is narrated by me (Fred), a native English speaker. By hearing my voice and following the lectures you will understand how to pronounce each piece of vocabulary in the correct way.Don't hesitate, enroll in this course today and increase your TOEFL score!Join the thousands of other students who are using this easy course to grow and develop their English vocabulary. My 'English Made Simple' courses have received consistently high reviews, but of course if you're not completely satisfied, you can request a full refund."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn ESL Phrasal Verbs & Idioms" |
"*COURSE UPDATED WITH A BRAND NEW BONUS SECTION!* (8th June 2018)Short stories that will teach you over 50 new phrasal verbs and idioms!Have you noticed how much English speakers use phrasal verbs and idioms? They form an absolutely essential part of everyday conversations in any English speaking country. If you don't understand how to use phrasal verbs, then communicating in English can be very challenging.Welcome to a new and enjoyable way to learn ESL phrasal verbs & idioms!Learn English from afully qualifiedESL TeacherSound morenaturalduring your English conversationsDiscover English phrasal verbs & idioms with the help of short stories!Hi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 35,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new series of short stories! Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to the most popular phrasal verbs / idioms used in the English language!This course containsshort and funny storieswhich provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each phrasal verbs. We learn phrasal verbs and idioms, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study phrasal verbs or idioms, themost important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as phrasal verbs (or idioms, slang, prepositions) help us to take our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using phrasal verbs,Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Modern Productivity Superhuman Focus In A Distracted World" |
"Why does productivitymatter?We all have goals and ambitions, but most of us aren't on track to reach ourgoals because we're not taking the right action at the right time and with the right consistency.We live in a world that's constantly distracted. Everyone seems to be chasing short-term gratification over long-term achievement. And it's not necessarily their faultwe have people and companies competing for our attention during every single moment of our waking lives.The result is a global economy where focus and productivity areinfinitely more valuable than almost any other traitincluding talent and intelligence.In this course, we'll walk through a variety of strategies that you can implement to reclaim your focus, maximize your productivity, and achieve your goals.More specifically, here are some of the things we'll cover:How to adopt a productive mindsetHow to stay motivatedHow to develop strong self-discipline and use the power of habit to boost your productivityThe key differences between busy people and productive peopleHow to minimize thedistractions of modern lifeThe truth about multitaskingHow social media is KILLING your productivity (and what to do about it)The benefits of waking up early and how to become an early riser in less than a weekHow to set long-term goals and break those goals down into actionable tasksHow to conduct annual, quarterly, and weekly reviews to increase your productivity and improve your lifeHow to use a task manager to plan and organize your workHow to develop a strong work ethicA simple strategy you can use to stop procrastination in its tracksHow you can increase your efficiency with deadlinesHow to focus for longer periods of time while avoiding burnout by changing the way you workHow music impacts productivityBy the end of thecourse, you'll have all the tools you need to become the most productive version of yourselfit's just a matter of putting it all into action.This course is based on hundreds of hours of research, as well as my own personal experience in building two successful media companies. Thestrategies you'll find inside are used by some of the world's most productive and successful people to get things doneand it's all neatly packaged and presented in a format that makes it easy to digest and implement.So if you're ready to stop procrastinating and start bringing your most ambitiousgoals to life, get yourself enrolled and give these productivity strategiesa try. They've made a huge difference in my life, and I hope they'll do the same for you.I'm really confident that you'll love this course, andmy confidence is backed by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't love it, you get your money backno questions asked.With all ofthat in mind, I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing Masterclass: Create Content That Sells" |
"Welcome to the Content Marketing Masterclass, a complete guide to growing your business in the modern world using the power of digital content.I've spent more than a decade working at the intersection of business and media, which has provided me with a unique competitive advantage as we've entered this world where every company is expected to be a media company.In this course, you'll learn exactly what it takes to plan and execute a content marketing strategy that drives your business forward. By the end, you'll have all the tools you need to successfully market your products and services in the digital age.Here are some of the things we'll cover:Classic Marketing Fundamentals:Basic principles from the ""old world"" of marketing that you'll need to understand for this course. Beginners are welcome here!Content Marketing Essentials: What content marketing is, how it works,how to tell a compelling story, and how to create detailed buyer personas to guide your approach.Web Design: How to optimize your website for content marketing and build a well-oiled, lead-generating machine.Generating Content Ideas: Develop a system for getting to know your audience and consistently generating new content ideas.Copywriting: We'll discuss why effective writing is so important, and you'll learn all about headlines, structure, vocabulary, tone, calls-to-action, editing, as well as a number of tips to help you become a better writer overall.Types Of Content: Learn about the most effective types of content, andsee more than a dozen specific content ideas that you can steal and apply to your own strategy.Content Formats &Repurposing: Get familiar with various content formats and learn how to create an endless stream of freshcontent simply by repurposing what you've already created.SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Everything you need to know to optimize your site for search engines and drive free, organic search traffic to your content.Content Promotion: Learn to actively promote your content and drive traffic from a variety of sources.Email Marketing: Use valuable opt-in incentivesto grow your email list,bring people into your sales funnel, and build deeper relationships with your audience.External Marketing Channels: Learn how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can tie right into your overall content strategy.Measuring Your Results: Collect and analyze data to measure the results of your content marketing efforts, and ensure that you're always making progress toward your goals.As you can see, this course covers a lot of ground, and you shouldwalk away with a professional-level understanding of how to marketproducts and services in the modern world. You can apply this knowledge to growyour own business, or to boost your marketing career with your employer or clients.I think you're going to love this course, and my confidence is backed by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you get a full refundno questions asked.With all of that in mind, I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Master simile, metaphor and figurative language." |
"You use simile and metaphor in your writing all the time. You probably use it without realizing. And you probably make all sorts of unconscious errors, even when you are trying to use imagery to best effect.But even if you're already a master of the well-chosen image, this course will take your use of imagery to a whole new level; using the principle of coherence, you will learn how imagery can be assembled and fine-tuned to provideinstant immersion. To plunge readers deep into the world of your story, so they never want to leave, and will keep coming back for more. In other words, a mastery of imagery willhelp you sell more books.Heart of Imagery is the decade I've spent teaching and learning from authors, compressed into a few powerful lessons.In this course you will:acquire a working knowledge of the basics, and the terminology, of all types of figurative narrationlearn the three main ways that imagery is used, and how to use your understanding of the three ways to self-editrefresh and renew your understanding of simile and metaphor and take it beyond what you learned at High Schoolget to grips with Coherence through two different practical techniques that will change the way you think about imagery"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Story Hooks" |
"When you buy a book in a shop, you can open it to chapter one and start reading. If it doesn't grab you right away, you can put it straight back on the shelf.If you buy an e-book online, you can look at the first few pages for free, and decide in exactly the same way, if you want to read the rest.So as an author, how do you write the first few pages to ensure that the reader will buy your book?You have to make them want to read the rest.To do that, you have to hook them.In this short course Iwill show you the techniques Ihave been teaching to authors for a decade. Iwillshowyou not just how, butwhyhooking works, so that you won't need a formula, you won't need a clever or original idea.You'll know how to promise the reader exactly what they want, and never disappoint."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Cozy Mysteries" |
"""Mystery writing can be summed up as starting with the discovery that something is lost or that something is found; usually what's lost is a life and what's found is a corpse.""Cozy Mysteries are the ones where there's a body (usually in a library), a small group of suspects, each of whom has something to gain or something to lose, and a great detective who, by chance or by design, is there to solve the conundrum of... Whodunnit?Of course, today, writers are more diverse, and that once dominant format has flourished into wild variety. But underneath, it feeds the same appetites: for mystery, for suspense, for danger... but without the need for terror, gore, or pessimism.The cozy mystery is a special balancing act that forces the author to get really good at mystery - because the shock tactics of horror and the adrenaline of thriller is not available. This is a course designed to teach some of the core principles of storytelling, and teach you to focus on creating and delivering a strong mystery, by teaching you how to write a Cozy Mystery.In this course you will learn:What makes a Cozy cozyThe basic structure of a cozyThe various types and styles, andHow to put the types and styles into practiceHow to build stories around ""Revelation"" in a way that will satisfy readers... and be sure your story is classified as a Cozy Mystery, so that everyone who loves the genre will buy your book."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to win readers' respect and trust in you and your novel" |
"What is ""Author Authority?""There's more to a reader's involvement with a book and its author than just entertainment. So there's more to keeping readers reading than just drama and excitement.Creative writing is always about people, and for a reader, the most important people are the author and the reader. In this course you will learn:how NOTto exhaust and discourage your reader with an excess of pace, tension, excitement and dramahow to feed a reader's desire to learn while reading, to give a reader a richer and more satisfying experiencehow to communicate your thoughts and feelings to the reader without intruding on the reader's experience or breaking immersionhow to balance truth and untruth, fiction and reality, to give a reader an intense experiencethe true nature of dragons, and why you find them in almost all stories (not just in fairytales and fantasy!)As with all my courses, these are techniques that are not intended to provide you with a quick fix or a formula. This course will deepen your understanding of the relationship between the author and the reader, and provide you with practical tools and techniques to make use of, and to enrich, that relationship.This course comes with practice exercises that build on and add to what you will learn in the lessons."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Xy dng REST API Service vi Node v Express" |
"y l mt kha hc hng dn rt c bn, chi tit v y , ngn gn cc kin thc cc bn cn bit xy dng c mt RESTAPIservice. Thm vo , kha hc p dng cc c php Javascript ES6 mi cc bn c th nm c xu hng v k thut mi caJavascript trong nhng nm gn y c ng dng nh th no.Kt thc kha hc bn s xy dng cRESTAPI hon chnh trn nn Node v ExpressJS. Khng ch vy, kha hc cn em n cho bn nhiu k nng mi cn c b sung v pht huy trong qu trnh pht trin sn phm nh s dng cng c lp trnh mt cch nhy bn, hiu qu; hay qun l vic kim th cc Rest API mt cch gn gng v nhanh chng...Chc chn cc bn s cm thy thch th v hc hi c nhiu kinh nghim trong kha hc ny."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"A Gentle Intro To Game Development Using C# and MonoGame" |
"Video games are on our computers, our consoles and our phones! Lots of people play them and every year more people are making them.If you have ever played a computer game and thought, I wonder how they do that?or, better yet, I want to make something like that, then thiscoursewill get you started.Game development is what got many developers into programming. But how many of us actually ever learned how to create games? Creating games can be challenging, but it doesnt have to be that way! MonoGame is a cross platform gaming frameworkbased on Microsofts XNA framework thats extremely easy to learn. Best of all, games you build with MonoGame will run on iOS, Android, Mac OS X, tvOS, Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, and morewrite once, play anywhere.Theres no shortage of options when it comes to game development environments. From full-featured engines like Unity to comprehensive and complex multimedia APIs like DirectX, it can be hard to know where to start. MonoGame is a set of tools, with a level of complexity falling somewhere between a game engine and a grittier API like DirectX. It provides an easy-to-use content pipeline, and all the functionality required to create lightweight games that run on a wide variety of platforms. Best of all, MonoGame apps are written in pure C#, and you can distribute them quickly via the Microsoft Store or other similar distribution platforms.Our focus will be working with Visual Studio on Windows machines .Thiscourseassumes that youve done a little bit ofprogramming in C# butall the material starts at the most basic level. That means that anyone should be able to join inand work their way through the material. Thats the good news.The bad news is that programming is hard work, especially at first. If you truly want to learn how to program, youll need to write programs yourself and struggle through some rough spots before some topics really click for you. Just as you cant learn how to ride a bicycle by reading about it you have to actually do it, probably with some spills along the way you cant learn to program just by reading about it or watching a video. If you were hoping to watch andlearn how to program without doing any programming yourself, its not going to happen... But having said that don't feel you are alone, I will be available daily for extra help should you need it.Thiscourse isproject-based, so you will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resourcesHere's how I will help you to succeed:o Each lecture starts with a list of objectives/speaking noteso Every example covered in the lecture is available for download in the resources section including the objectives/speaking noteso Almost every lecture has a set of Practice problems with full solutions providedo My style of writing and teaching follows the KISS principle : Keep It Super Simple. I try to stay away from fancy computer terminology and try to teach like am speaking to a brand new user with little to no previous knowledge on the subject matter.... and I am always available for help replying most times within a day.... So are you ready to start making your first games ? Lets get started !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# in Depth: Puzzles, Gotchas, Questions at Interviews" |
"This is an advanced C# course.Build a solid foundation in C# learning odd cases related to how the language is designedThis course contains mostly practical puzzles learning which you get a better C# developer. You can find out on the Internet tons of impractical puzzles which dont make you a better C# developer. This is not about this course. Yes, of course, even impractical puzzles sometimes are helpful especially if youre preparing for a C# interview. However, I bet on puzzles which teach you the thing you absolutely need to understand. Indeed, this course deepens your understanding of C#. Apart from that, youll learn some very important things like the problem of types substitution. Youll learn about the fundamental problems related to processing date and time values. Believe me, youll be astonished! This course is built in a manner of a game. Ill show you code examples in Visual Studio and ask to answer the question related to that code example. Youll have some time to come up with your own answer and after that we continue. Puzzles, gotchas and cautionary tales are presented here to frighten and inspire you! Regardless of your current skills, youll remember things youve forgotten, learn things you didnt know and become a more robust programmer. So, this course is ""must see"" for anyone who wants to improve his knowledge of C#.Here is my Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.Take this course, and you will be satisfied.Content and Overview This course is aimed at all kind of developers. It provides solid theoretical base reinforced by the practical material. In short, this advanced C# course covers the following topics: The evilness of the mutable structures. Youll see several examples when mutable structures demonstrate the unexpected behavior. Generics and arrays including specializations, constraints on generics, variance and covariance, Liskov substitution principle and more The pitfalls in arithmetic: how floating-point numbers are implemented, how to compare them, how arithmetic overflow behaves with different types, how rounding works, the difference between decimal and money Collections and LINQ: how to alter an existing list, the deferred execution of LINQ expressions, the peculiarities of closures within for and foreach loops, list conversion Methods and Overloading: overloading base methods, method hiding, when to prefer property over method; the reasons on why to avoid optional parameters, implementing abstract classes Date and Time puzzles: concepts related to dates and times including how a computer stores time, UTC and GMT, time zones, global and local perspectives; time-zone related puzzles, roundtrips, arithmetic on dates, how to calculate the age. FAQ at C# Interviews: abstract classes versus interfaces, how to implement the Dispose pattern, what is the difference between encapsulation and information hiding, encapsulation in practice, strings interning, constant versus read-only fields, lock versus monitor, how to rethrow exceptions, when to use StringBuilder instead of string And yet a short section of miscellaneous puzzles Enroll and start an exciting journey learning C# puzzles!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Software Design: Functional Programming in C#" |
"Learn how to write C# code in a functional style. The Functional Programming in C# is for you if you want to improve your code, design and architecture. It means you are going to learn how to write code of the high quality: readable, understandable and reliable.Teaching Approach No fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.Take this course and you will be satisfied. Learn Functional Programming in the context of clean coding and building types of high quality. Get Deep Understanding of what is Functional Programming Learn how to design Immutable types in C# Apply new C# 6 and C# 7 features to write better code in a functional style Learn how to Extend and Compose any Types Handle Errors and Exceptions in a functional programming style Tackle the Problem of Null-Values by the means of functional programming Foundations of Functional Programming Despite the fact that C# is primarily an object-oriented language, it is very powerful on features which enable functional programming style. In fact, C# is one of the richest on features language among object-oriented languages in the world nowadays. But with great power comes great responsibility. It's challenging to use all those features in a right way. You probably have already heard the following well-known statement: most code sucks. Well, this course is all about how to produce code which doesn't suck. Owning skills of producing well-designed and well-implemented types with regards to functional programming principles. Content and Overview This course is aimed at all the C# developers, from beginners to seniors. Topics which are covered in the course are relevant for all kinds of C# developers since all developers design and implement types. The topics complexity is very different. There are plenty of very simple topics, and at the same time, there are topics which require from you a solid C# background. There are plenty of code examples throughout this course, so you will learn both theoretical and practical material. Were going to start with the theoretical foundations of the functional programming paradigm. Youll learn what is Functional Programming and what are the benefits of applying that paradigm.In the second section, were going to elaborate the core concepts of the functional programming. Youll learn more about immutability, purity, side effects and expressions.To write modern code in a functional style, you need to learn modern C# features appeared in C# 6 and C# 7.Were going to learn more about immutability in a separate section. This is a very important topic.Were going to learn how to extend types. Youll see practical cases, youll learn about general extensions needed for functional programming.After mastering the topic of types extending you will face the great problem of exceptions handling. Yep, it's a hard nut to crack. We will start from discussing a question of why we use exceptions as a mechanism of errors handling. And why C# team didn't invent any other mechanisms?In the end, we will look at how to fight with null values. As you may know, Tony Hoar said that the invention of a null value was his billion-dollar mistake.To sum up, the course covers the following topics: Theoretical Foundations of Functional Programming Core Concepts of Functional Programming Functional Features in C# Immutability in C# Extendibility in C# Dealing with Errors Dealing with Nulls ------------------------------------------------------------ Keywords related to the course: C# Clean Code C# Best Practices Functional Programming in C# C# Functional Programming Clean Code in C# tutorial"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master the Art of Writing Clean Code in C#" |
"Learn how to design and implement types in C# so that the other developers won't hate you when using one of the types developed by you. It means you are going to learn how to write code of the high quality: readable, understandable and reliable.Improve your knowledge in object-oriented programming in the context of clean coding and building types of high quality.Learn how to give the bestnames for API membersLearn all the tricks related to writing clean functionsAvoid common architectural smells.Get rid of unpleasant smellsApply principles of functional programming: achieve immutability, remove side effects, extend typesAvoid smells related to dependency injectionWrite cleaner unit testsPractice Test-Driven DevelopmentFoundations of building object-oriented infrastructuresDespitethe fact that C# is a very rich on features language, it's very common to see poorly designed and implemented types in a real world. In fact, C# is one of the richest on features language among object-oriented languages in the world nowadays. Butwith great power comes great responsibility.It's challengingto use all those features in a right way.You probably have already heard the following well-known statement:most code sucks.Well, this course is all about how to produce code which doesn't suck.Owning skills of producing a well-designed and well-implemented types is the prerequisite for the other developers to treat you as a real professional.Content and OverviewThis course is aimed at all the C# developers, from beginners to seniors. Topics which are covered in the course are relevant for all kinds of C# developerssince all developers design and implement APIs. The topics complexity is very different. There are plenty of very simple topics, and at the same time, there are topics which require from you a solid C# background. There are plenty of code examples throughout this course, so you will learn both theoretical and practical material.The course covers the following topics:Meta Principles: DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SoC, CQS, PoLA, EncapsulationHow to give better names for API members and what naming conventions exist in the .NET platform and suited for C#Common problems encountered by C# developers in the process of designing and implementing APIs: classes vs structures,creational patterns vs constructors, poor naming, excessively long methods, output parameters and so on.Common Architectural Design Smells such as Primitive Obsession, Hidden Dependencies, Violation of Law of Demeter and other.Functional Programming: immutability, temporal coupling, pipelining, extending IDisposable, Builder Design Pattern, abusing extension methods, dealing with errorsDI-related anti-patterns: control freak, hidden dependencies, temporal coupling, ambient context, facade service, bastard injection, cyclic dependenciesClean Unit Tests: singletons and static classes, excessive number of interfaces, testing trivial code, testing of a single concern, different best practicesPracticing TDD: definition, 3 laws, parsing roman numerals, continuous testing, implementing Tic-Tac-ToeThe list is far from being complete. The course covers a great number of topics. Enroll and start Mastering the Art of Writing Clean Code in C#!------------------------------------------------------------Keywords related to the course:C# Clean CodeC# Best PracticesAPIinC#Building API in C#Clean Code inC# tutorialRefactoring"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |