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"Swamped in books, websites and confusion?Reach your goal faster with a one-stop solution.A practical guideto whatIELTSexaminers are looking forandhow to deliver it.Follow thiscomprehensive courseand maximise your band score.This course includes guides and explanations for:How it Works: the format, instructions and scoringListening Skills: to help you through the audioQuestion Types: the variety of questions used6 Detailed Examples: how to deal with each question type"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Swamped in books, websites and confusion?Reach your goal faster with a one-stop solution.A practical guideto whatIELTSexaminers are looking forandhow to deliver it.Follow thiscomprehensive courseand maximise your band score.This course includes guides and explanations for:How it Works: the format, instructions and scoringReading Skills: to help you through the audioQuestion Types: the variety of questions used9 Detailed Examples: how to deal with each question type"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Swamped in books, websites and confusion?Reach your goal faster with a one-stop solution.A practical guideto whatIELTSexaminers are looking forandhow to deliver it.Follow thiscomprehensive courseand maximise your band score.This course includes guides and explanations for:How it Works: the format, instructions and gradingData Types: the variety of data types usedInterpret Data: interpret the data in each typeReport Skills: describe and compare data and trendsDetailed Examples: write the introduction and main paragraphs"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
money_management_efinschool |
"Money Management Basic Skill () ------------------------------------------------------- Money Management Auto Auto ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------. 10 Program efin Stock Pickup,eFin mobile ,eFin Trade plus efin school Auto Auto ------------------------------------------------------- Money Management ------------------------------------------------------- Money Management Money Management Risk Reward / Money Management / Money Management %Max Draw Down Money Management / Workshop Money Management Money Management / *** Workshop *** -------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 2000.00 ![]() |
"Big Cap" |
"SET50 Business Model ------------------------------------------------------- Big Cap Auto Auto ------------------------------------------------------- (Technical, Fund Flow, Fundamental) Stop Loss -------------------------------------------------------. 10 Program efin Stock Pickup,eFin mobile ,eFin Trade plus efin school Auto Auto ------------------------------------------------------- Business model ------------------------------------------------------- Big cap Big cap Set50 PE Fund Flow Set50 Big Cap Big Cap (Technical, Fund Flow, Fundamental) PE PBV Stop loss auto trade portfolio management efin trade plus-------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"React.js Redux" |
"ES6 ReactJavaScript JavaScript ECMAScript ( ES6 ) JavaScript ES6 React jQuery React.js jQuery DOM State of JS React.js 92React.js Facebook React.js Virtual DOM UI React Native Web iOS Android bug React FacebookAirbnbNetflix Redux React.js React.js Redux Redux 1-React2-Hello React AppNode.jsNode.jsnpmVisual Studio CodeVSCode3-ReactDOM TreeJavaScriptDOM TreeDOM TreeDOM Tree(Componetn Driven Development)DOM Tree (Virtual DOM Tree)DOM TreeReactDOM Tree4-ECMAScriptECMA ScriptES6varletES6ES6ES65-thisES6ES7ES66-7-ES68-this9-PromisePromisePromisePromisePromisePromise10-ES6BabelReactWebpack11-ReactJSXJSXReactReactReactReact12-App(Controllerd Input)13-ReactCSSCSSSASSCSSCSSstyled-componentsstyled-componentsstyled-componentsstyled-compoents(RWD)14-Single Page ApplicationMPASPAMPASPASPASPAAPP15-App SPAApp SPA16-React RouterReact RouterReact RouterBrowserRouterRouterLinkReact RouterApp SPA17-ReactMVCMVCFacebookFacebook Messenger Bug18-ReduxReactReduxReduxReduxActionAppActionReduxReducerAppReducerReducer19-ReactReduxJavascriptReducerImmutable DataReducer ReduxStoreStoreStoreActionReduxReactReduxConnectHigh Order Component(HOC)Decorator PatternApp20-ReactAPIAJAXXHRfetchfetchfetchRequestfetchHeaderfetchBodyfetchResponse21-ReduxReduxFat action, slim reducerActionAction creatrorActionReducerRedux MiddlewareMiddlewareES5ES6Middlewareredux-thunkredux-thunkActionredux-thunkAction22-23-ReactReactPureComponent24-Google Progreesive Web ApplicationGoogle PWAES7PWAPWA 25-Keystone. React Keystone 26-Immutable DataImmutable.jsFacebookImmutable.jsImmutable.js 27-ReactSEOSPASingle-page application"
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Desenvolvedor jnior level 1: fundamentos do desenvolvimento" |
"Este curso vai lhe ensinar efetivamente os fundamentos do desenvolvimento e lhe tornar um desenvolvedor jnior level 1.O objetivodeste curso no ir do nvel bsico ao avanado, mas ensinar o bsico de maneira profunda e detalhada. Ocurso representa um kit de conhecimentos que todo desenvolvedor tem que ter.Esse aprendizado feito com uma sequncia de 2cursos:1) Introduo s novas tecnologias interativas: 8 fases do absoluto zero at inovao tecnolgica (Realidade Aumentada, Realidade Virtual eHolografia).2) Fundamentos de programao: 8 fases que introduzem o desenvolvimento de software com fundamentos aplicveis para diferentes plataformas, porm o foco o desenvolvimento web.Alguns exemplos so feitos em linguagens comoC, C++, Javascript e PHP, alm de pseudocdigo. Temas relacionados Engenharia de Software, Linguagens de Programaoe Banco de Dados entram neste curso.Ao final do curso voc estar capacitado para ser um desenvolvedor jnior level 1 e conseguir acompanhar diversos cursos de desenvolvimento de forma muito mais eficiente, pois teruma forte base prtica e terica paraescolher um caminho deespecializao: web, mobile ou PC."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Realidade Aumentada, Realidade Virtual e Holografia level 1" |
"Este curso explica o que a tecnologia da Realidade Aumentada (AR), Realidade Virtual (VR) e Holografia. Para cada tecnologia apresentado o conceito, as possibilidades de interao e contedo, equipamentos e exemplos, alm de possveis kits de desenvolvimento de software (SDK) para usar essas tecnologias. Ocurso est organizado em duas sees. A primeira preparatria em termos de linguajar e conceitos e conta com22 plulas de conhecimento, que sovdeos rpidos e sequenciais. A segunda conta com 5 fases abordando as 3 tecnologias na primeira, a Realidade Aumentadanas fases 2 e 3, Realidade Virtual na fase 4 e Holografia na fase 5. Nesta ltima,existe um PDF com todas as referncias em vdeocitadas no curso. No deixe de baixar e bom proveito!Encontro voc no prximo curso, que ensina a desenvolver usandoessas tecnologias."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Especializaes em Computao Grfica: desenvolvedor 3D lvl1" |
"Este curso capacita uma pessoa que j sabe programar a evoluir com o desenvolvimento de software 3D. Ele abrange conhecimentos bsicos do espao tridimensional e avana at as tecnologias de Realidade Aumentada (AR)e Realidade Virtual (VR).Neste primeiro curso (level 1), o aluno aprender as diferenas de um software orientado a eventos, com formulrios, botes, fluxo de navegao em telas, para um software 3D,que desenha vrias vezes por segundo objetos em uma cena tridimensional. Alm disso, entender os fundamentos de computao grfica sob a tica de programao, comoquais so os principais objetos 3D que podemos desenhar, quais so as transformaes 3D e para que cada uma serve, o que interpolao e como ela usada para animar objetos via programao e vrios outros tpicos (noes de cmera virtual, iluminao, texturas etc).Como aplicaes dos fundamentos de computao grfica do cursoforam escolhidas as tecnologias da Realidade Aumentada (AR)e Realidade Virtual(VR)para demonstrao, mas o curso proporciona conhecimentos que permitem desenvolver um software 3D interativo sem usar essas tecnologias. Para as demonstraes, a game engine Unity 3D em sua verso gratuita foi selecionada, porm esse curso separa o que fundamento/teoria do que exemplo/prtica, de modo que possvelfazer os exemplos e misses em outragameengine,IDE e SDK(como fazemos no prximo curso, level 2)."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Programao na Unity: (requisito) desenvolvedor 3D level 1" |
"Originalmente, este curso no foi concebido para ser um curso parte. Seu objetivo prestar suporte ao curso avanado que ensina a desenvolver software 3D, chamado Especializaes em Computao Grfica:desenvolvedor 3D, disponvel aqui no Udemy. Este ltimo focado em mostrar a teoria de programao no espao 3D junto com prticas em diferentes ferramentas de desenvolvimento e plataformas. A game engine Unity 3D a primeira ferramenta utilizada, de modo que preciso saber como desenvolver com ela para acompanhar as prticas. Assim, surgiu este curso, que visa capacitar alunos(as) para trabalhar com programao dentro da Unity.No comeo o chamei de mini-curso algumas vezes. At que ele ficou com mais de 6 horas de durao e decidi o compartilhar gratuitamente como um curso, afinal o conhecimento nele apresentado apenas introdutrio para os mais avanados e muito til para pblicos distintos. No entanto, gosto de reforar:este curso uma iniciao em programaona game engine Unity 3D, de modo que no deve ser entendido como um treinamento ou curso completo sobre o assunto. Apesar da durao estendida, o foco a programao e no me preocupei com outros aspectos, como por exemplo, os visuais. Sendo assim, utilizei objetos 3D bsicos para demonstrao das prticas, como cpsula, esfera, cilindro, cubo, plano e outros.Por fim, quero destacar que este curso no ensina a programar e nem o bsico sobre C#. Considero esses conhecimentos como requisitos do curso, de modo que o classifiquei como Nvel Intermedirio por isso. Para quem gostaria de faz-lo, mas ainda no est capacitado, temos os cursos: Desenvolvedor Jnior level 1 e Skill level 1C#."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Java |
", , , Java, Java. Java, , , . Java , , , , , ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"12 Steps to build your own Website with WordPress" |
"Hi there! Welcome to this Course on 12 Steps to build your own Website with WordPress. As the name suggests this course is designed toreveal all the secrets that everyone uses to build a website with WordPress.This course is focused on helping you to watch and learn how a WordPress Website is build from scratch. There is no guess work or read stuff later.You will watch how Iperform 12 steps from buying a domain name to deploying the website. Entire buying process, configuration process and setup up is discussed and shown in detail. You just have to watch me do it and follow along the step.You can even download this 12 steps guide with all the step by step instructions pictures that can help for all your future projects. Consider this guide as your Cheat Sheet guide for any WordPress Site deployment.Watch out the Bonus Sections for more details.No missing steps orguessing work. All the steps used to build this website are captured in this course. All you have to do execute the steps that Ihave done and you will end up with a clean &professional website with solid security features.These are the 12 steps that you will learn in this courseSTEP 1: Register & Purchase a Domain NameSTEP 2: Register & Purchase Web Hosting SpaceSTEP 3: Map Domain Name with Web Hosting SpaceSTEP 4: Login & Install WordpressSTEP 5: Login and Logout to your SiteSTEP 6: Organize your New SiteSTEP 7: Install & Configure ThemeSTEP 8: Install & Configure Important PluginsSTEP 9: Sample Pages - Contact & AboutSTEP 10: Create Posts, Categories & Navigation MenuSTEP 11: Configure Widgets, Sidebars & LayoutSTEP 12: Secure your SiteThanks for your time and Iwill be here to help you to build your own website!See you in the Course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
kxhqdeqm |
".. (private , public , class , struct , static , weak , unowned , guard , guard let , optionals , optional chaining , defer , subscripts , set , typealias, extention) (Closure , capture List , Trailing closure , Completion handler , protocol Extension , The Delegate pattern , data Source Pattern , ARC , Delegate Retain Cycle , Escaping and autoclosures)"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Islam women and Western Feminism" |
"Discuss the topics1) Feminist approach towards religion2) Objectification of women and the Logic of Hijab3) Why do all the 48 Muslim majority countries allow women to drive?4) Illogical arguments behind the concept of equality5) 'Wage disparity, single parenthood, depressive illness' vs Islamic 'Formula of financial care for women'6) Social consequences of feminism7) The political and economic vision of feminism8) Primary role of men and women, natural differences9) Logic behind Muslim social arrangements10) Different kinds of approaches towards women (in the past and present)'Orthodox approach, feminist approach' vs 'Islamic approach'11) History and development of feminism, its major arguments12) Introduction to previous studies in the subjectFrom the beginning of the colonial period, there has been an effort to apply western standards across whole Globe. As a result, everything is judged on the basis of western logic. Muslim women's religious identity is represented in the West as a symbol of oppression, and it causes a clash between civilizations.Theres no denying that Muslim social arrangements (dressing, limited gender segregation, etc,) are slightly different from western Feminist norms. They are called irrelevant by the extreme liberals without even considering the fact that those arrangements have proven entirely successful in facilitating a happy family life, which is of course an excellent model for the West today, where the institution of family and marriage is almost on the verge of collapse.In addition to thetwo hour video lecture, The entire course is going to be soon available in written format in article section, alongwith the links toa collection of selected online resources in the field."
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners" |
"This Meditation for Beginners Course is perfect if you are looking to bring some relaxation and zen into your life. In this fast paced world we live in Meditation can be a fantastic tool to help avoid stress and the negative things that come from it. We will be looking at the benefits of meditation as well as some common misconceptions. You will discover a mindfulness exercise that you can practice daily as well as some fantastic breathing techniques to help you calm and relax wherever you are and whatever you are doing. We will also be discovering different types of Meditation so that you can find the practice that works best for you as well as looking at some recommendations that can help you create your meditation practice and continue it by creating a meditation habit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Using Crystals" |
"Learn how to choose, use and look after crystals for balance and healing in your everyday life.Based on my very popular workshop and using tried and tested techniques, discover the right crystals for you. Develop your intuition and increase your sense of wellbeing.You get out of your crystals what you put in and this course guides you every step of the way.With lifetime access, take everything at your own pace, access the course anywhere on your computer or mobile device. Easy to follow videos and information and worksheets to download, or print, and keep.Bring balance and healing into your life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
nxgastst |
"( ) .. ... ... .. ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Minecraft Mod using JAVA - for Kids and Beginners" |
"Students will learn how to create a Minecraft Mod using JAVAprogramming techniques,and design graphics using GIMP Editor. The course provides you all theinstallers in easy installation packages, and provide you several coding and graphic templates. The course consists of more than 60 lectures of learning content.Thelectures are clearly explained tohelp kids (7 or above), or any beginnersto start their journey in to software development. If you have any errors or problems, you can ask us a question on Udemy.I will get back to you as soon as possible."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Write a Short Story Using Tarot Cards" |
"If you've ever wanted to write a short story, now's your chance. Even if you've written hundreds of short stories, this course can be a lot of fun. Break out the tarot cards and learn how to plot, develop characters, pick settings and more. This course is a combination of lecturesand exercises using tarot cards or playing cards to write a short story."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"So You Want to Be a Horror Writer?" |
"Have you been thinking about breaking into the horror business but weren't sure where to begin?The horror genre and its players is constantly changing and can be daunting but I'll help you get started on your path to success.This course runs through the basics of building a horror writing career from picking a genre to writing the book and then getting the book into the hands of readers.This course will help you take that next step from hobby writer to professional horror author. Topics include What is Horror, How to Get an Agent, Should You Self-Publish? and more. Learn about the tropes and subgenres of horror through the ages and pick one that interests you. Determine which monsters you're going to put into your story! Discover your own voice for telling a scary story.A combination of video lectures and worksheets will guide you on your journey towards writing and publishing a horror novel in today's modern market."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to launch your agency in 30 days" |
"Have you always wanted to own your own home care agency? Well it's time to take part of this billion dollar industry! No experience required! Now you can start and operate your own agency with this step by step approach. We have made it simple to learn all you need to get your business running!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"BUSINESS BRANDING TOOLKIT Customer Attraction & Retention" |
"Many businesses (both in the products and services category) areignored or forgotten in possible usage situationsbecause theyareeither unknown or simply perceived as weak brands. The owners of thesebusinesses have not put enough effort into how their prospects will think oftheir brand, when they would think of it, where they would think of it, and howoften they would think of it.And since the extent to which a business is remembered andpatronized by customers is often determined by how well it is known, perceivedand trusted as a brand, I decided to create this course. The Business Branding Toolkit course willhelp you asanentrepreneur, business leaderormanagerto understandthe concept of branding as it applies to business growth and profitability,howyoucan use branding to properly positionyourbusinessto be able to attract the right customers, and howyoucan sustain the resulting goodwill.As a seasoned brand visibility specialist and expert in brandstrategy development, advertising, idea generation, creative writing(copywriting and content development), business strategy development andmarketing (offline and online), I have put together this course from a backdropof my experience working with top brands.Ive worked on different international brands likeKelloggs, Pringles, Wrigley, Johnnie Walker,Lipton, Infinix, MTN, and some national brands like Sterling Bank, Interswitch,Globe Motors, Konga, Wakanow, Bayelsa State, Quickteller, Minimee Chinchin,Roycoand others."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Self Study English Without A Teacher" |
"You can self study without having a teacher or without taking any courses from a school. You need to know how to study first and you need to have right material for yourself then start practicing. Pay attention to my suggestions and recommendations and keep practicing every single day. You need to be patient and should have some goals to reach and step by step you will achieve your target."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to double your sales with psychology! backed by research" |
"Welcome to this chance to increase and doubleyour sales using psychology and science. Quick question: What will you make extra in profit if you'd double your sales? In a month? In a year? It would be a lot right? I can help you with that, or rather, psychology and research can help you with that.Increase your salesIll teach you easy to apply principles from psychology that helpyou influence people way better and increase your sales! You can apply themin your sales pitch, (online) marketing for your business whether its services or products. I promise you it will have a dramatic effect.""Well you don't seem super rich, so why should I believe what you're saying?"" True, i'm a teacher, so i'm not a millionaire haha. But that's why I put an emphasize on psychology andresearch. So you'll know for a fact what you'll learn will work.What's in this course?- You will learn 10 principles to influence your customer better based onpsychology. You can apply,combine and use this to double your sales.- Ill even give easy to relate to examples and practice questions so you know you get it. You don't have to figure anything out for yourself, just follow the research :) - Practice questions with examples of every principle explained about increasing your sales- If you still have questions, you can ask them in the Q&A area. - If for any chance you don't like the course you can get your money back guaranteed- You will get discounts for my future coursesAction part1:Good luck with the learning I'd love to know how you will apply the knowledge (please let me know! also feedback is always appreciated)Action part2: Invest in your salesknowledge now! click on the button somewhere on the screen (must be somewhere, right? I just wrote that down :D)Teacher info:This is my first course here (so I really hope you like it, but i'm also still learning in the digital department haha) but I have been a teacher for many years. Before that I was in marketing and sales and I really liked the psychology part of it, but I also wanted to do something more socially involved, so I started teaching. Nowadays I teach all kinds of students (ranging from secondary vocational education to university students) and teachers most of the week, but recently I also founded my part-time company where I apply the research I did (I graduated suma cum laude / with special honours with research onhow to help students study more effectively)to train students in how to ace their study :)Action part3:Enough about me, it's all about you (if you saw the introvideo, you're reading double stuff anyway)the more interesting stuff is in the course ;)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sap2000: Calculo y diseo de estructuras en steel framing." |
"Con este curso aprendersde forma adecuadael proceso en el que se puede llevar acabo el calculo y diseode la estructura en steel framingde una vivienda dedos plantas en SAP2000 Por medio del softwarey nuestro criterio podremos obtener todo lo referente al calculo estructural como reacciones internas y externas y diseos de perfilera ptimos y tambin teniendo en cuenta cargas ssmicas y de viento."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Chakras" |
"Understanding Chakras, learn about the energy flow and how it can affect your health both mentally and physically. We have added in a meditation for clearing your chakras. Learn how becoming more conscious of yourself, your well-being can improve your life, your relationships and ultimately change the way your live your life by finding more contentment, understanding and peace from within."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Hypnotherapy" |
"Thisis a workshop on the theory of the mind and how we can work with the conscious and subconscious mind. How Hypnotherapy can access memories from our childhood and connect to our root cause issues. This workshop will cover the Limbic system, fight and flight and briefly explain the theory of the mind and how Hypnotherapy can help to release the emotions that are connected to our memories which have an emotional triggering effect on our behaviors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding the Vicious Circle" |
"Understanding our behavior and our triggers from our childhood development is imperative to begin to change our patterns of behavior. In order to change our patterns we must understand why we stay in the vicious circle and continue to bring the same people, things, careers into our lives. If we want to change we must begin to change our habits."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Gutenberg Blocks for Beginners." |
"This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to build Gutenberg blocks from scratch. Are you a WordPress theme developer? Are you a WordPress plugin developer? Do you build WordPress websites? Then you really need to check this course out.In the not so distant future WordPress is going to be releasing a new editor codenamed Gutenberg. This new editor will replace the existing TinyMCE wysiwyg editor with the goal of making it easy to create rich page and post layouts.What the heck is a Gutenberg block? Great question! These new rich page and post layouts will be built using a collection of blocks. A Gutenberg block is then just a piece of a website. A block could be as simple as a button. Or a button with different customization options. Or a button with a form to subscribe to a newsletter. Or a header with a customizable background image. Get it?!In this course we walk you through every step of creating a block, from setting up your local development environment to installing WordPress, building your first block in development, and finally preparing your your block plugin for production with lots of opportunities to get really comfortable with the command line and other modern javascript dependencies such as webpack and the Node.js package manager NPM.We teach you everything you need, and nothing you don't."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Create a successful film business online!" |
"Iwanted to share my filmmaking training & experiences with everyone who wants to learn how to create their own film production company.In this course I've built acustom educational platform from the ground up showing you the steps that I've taken to become a full time independent filmmaker.Stop working that job you hate, and start a career in film production!Its online film school for everyone, everywhere!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidad Fcil de Aprender" |
"[2018] Contabilidad Fcil de AprenderTe cuesta comprenderlos conceptosy operacionescontables? En este curso encontrars una manera fcil de aprender y colocar a prueba todas tus capacidadesen el desempeo de actividadescontables como: registros yasientos contables, estados financieros, entre otros aspectos fundamentales para el funcionamiento correcto de una empresa.La contabilidad va ms all de sumas y restas. Es el buen registro de todas aquellas actividades diarias que se realizan comercialmente en una organizacin y que son susceptibles al comportamiento financiero del ente econmico del que esta hace parte.Ques esperas para tomarlo?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |