Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hayatnda Duygusal ve Sosyal Zeka" |
"Zamanmzn byk bir ksmn alarak i ortamndageiyoruz. Bizlerinmutlu ve olumlu duygu durumlar hissettiimiz kadar fke, sinir krizleri, anlalamama, empati eksiklii, anlayszlk, hogr eksiklii gibi problemler ile sklkla karlayoruz. Olas deiimlerekarlk tutarl bir davran sergileyerek evremiz ile olumlu bir iletiim kurabilir, ortak vizyon gelitirebiliriz.alma hayatndabaarnn temeli olan ynetim becerisi, kiinin kendisi ile ilikisiylebalar.Kii kendini, kendi duygu ve dncelerini kontrol altna alabildii takdirde bakalarn olumlu ynde etkisi altna alabilir, etkiledii kiileri ise ynetebilme becerisine sahip olabilir. alma hayatnda baar iin duygularn ynetebilen, zorluklar karsnda kendini gl klabilen bir kii olabilmek, hedeflerinize ulamanzda size fayda salayacaktr.Duygu ve dncelerimizin doru tanmlanabilmesi ve doru ynetilebilmesi iin kendi iimize ynelerek gelitirebilme frsatlarn deerlendirmek, i hayatnda almas zor bilinen zorluklar kolaylkla gememize yardmc olacaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"5-Minutes Memory and Brain Training Origami for Better Focus" |
"The 5-Minute Origami Memory & Brain Training course is specially designed for people who work for example in business or travel a lot, have a tight schedule and are modern-day go getters. Faster Thinking, Better Concentration and Creative Problem-solving skills affects every area of our lives among other things such as work, success, motivation, learning and self-confidence. Practicing Origami is easy way to train and improve your Creativity skills, Focus and Concentration. Around the world, origami is growing in popularity. Ancient Origami folding technique is now also applied to the field of space, science, architecture, car factory in addition to math, art and design. Start with easy steps and models - test different versions and sizes. Daily practice keep your brain sharp and active. Origami can be folded anywhere, anytime. It only takes 5-Minutes and only what you need is a piece of paper.How folding an Origami Benefit You:Practicing origami activates both hemispheres of your brainHelp to improve your focus and creativity skillsHelp to keep your brain sharp and activeHelp to improve your ability with problem solvingHelp to improve eye-hand co-ordinationFolding Origami Improve your memoryEnhances the ability to be aware of what is in the momentHelp to improve mathematical reasoningHelp to improve concentration & relive stress Learning A New Skill Is Good Way To Keep Your Memory & Brain Active. Start Now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Huvitavad Origamid laste loovuse arendamiseks" |
"Origami meisterdamisetehnika aitab kaasa muuhulgasloovuse arendamiseleArendab matemaatilist ja loogilist mtlemist. Tnapeval onOrigami meisterdamise tehnikaid kasutuselniteksinsenerikoolituses ja kosmoseteaduses.Treenib mlu ja parandab aju eri osade koostd.Stimuleerib uute ideede sndimistja nende teostamist.Aitab arendada keskendumisvimet,silma-ktekordinatsiooni japeenmotoorikat.Viimasel onsuur positiivne mju kognitiivsetevimetearengule.Pshholoogid toovad ra veel meisterdamisega liituvadkasuteguridnagu revuse vhenemine,rahunemineja teadveloleku-seisundi saavutamine. PI.ARENE.AVASTA.Kodus, reisil, klas, loodusesKoos sbragaIga ilmaga, igal poolProovi, katseta, leiutaMitmeklgne ja arendavhobi kogu eluks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Concentration with Daily 5-Minute Origami" |
"Learning A New Skill Is Good Way To Keep Your Memory & Brain Active!The 5-Minute Memory and Brain Training Origami course is designed for people who are interested improving themselves in everyday life. Not only at home but also in coffeeshops or with company of a friend. Just like your body, your brain needs to exercise as well. It only takes 5-Minutes and only what you need is a piece of paper. While there are many different kinds of brain exercises, it is even better if you choose a brain exercise that is also fun, exciting, and productive! Expert studies conclude that brain exercises cause significant improvement also to a persons memory. Origami Benefits & How folding an Origami Can Benefit You?Practising origami activates both hemispheres of your brainHelp to improve your creativity skillsHelp to keep your brain sharp and activeHelp to improve your ability with problem solvingHelp to improve eye-hand coordinationImprove your memoryEnhances the ability to be aware in the momentHelp to improve mathematical reasoningHelp to improve concentration & relivestress StartNow!CREATIVITY. INTELLIGENCE. INSPIRATION."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Improve Children's Creativity and Focus With Easy Origami" |
"Online Origami Training for Adults gives the skills and a way to improve Childrens Creativity.The course is a great mind and motor exercise for children and it is also a perfect opportunity for parent-child bonding! It is even more fun as children can learn how to make origami toys that they can play with while improving their creativity and their fine motor skills!The course includes 9 differentmodules to wake up inspiration the new way. After thecourse you can teach and make Origami with kids.Benefits of Folding skillsInspires Children's CreativityTrain Memory and BrainworkBetter Motivation, UpliftsMoodImprove Childrens Self-ConfidenceOrigami is excellent creativity improvement technique for all ages from kids to older adults. Figures can be fold in all shapes and sizes and has been known to helpbrain function and development, as well as improving memory and other cognitive functions.Start Now and Enjoy the Course!LEARN. EXPLORE. GROW."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Creativity with Exciting Origami" |
"Creativity and Logical reasoning affects every area of our lives among other things our learning, work, success, motivation, self-confidence.Ancient Origami folding technique is now also applied to the field of space, science, architecture, medicine in addition to math, art and design.This course is specially designed for students who want to improve creativity skills, mathematical and logical reasoning.5 Reasons Why Origami Help to Improve Students SkillsOrigami has applications in the modern-day classroom for teaching geometry and thinking skills, fractions, problem solving, and fun science.This art form engages students and sneakily enhances their skills - including improved spatial perception and logical and sequential thinking.Origami Benefits & How folding an Origami Benefit YouPracticing origami activates both hemispheres of your brainHelp to improve your creativity skillsHelp to keep your brain sharp and activeHelp to improve your ability with problem solvingHelp to improve eye-hand co-ordinationImprove your memoryEnhances the ability to be aware of what is in the momentHelp to improve mathematical reasoningHelp to improve concentration & relive stress Variety of mentally challenging tasks strengthen our brain, challenge our mind and abilities.Folding origami is excellent creativity improvement technique for all ages from children to older adults.Learning A New Skill Is Good Way To Keep Your Memory & Brain Active aswell. Start Today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Productivity With Qigong" |
"Qigong is a 4000+ year old practicethat brings aboutoneness of body, mind and spirit. Though it hasorigins in China, techniques that used Qi (life-force energy) were practiced inIndia, Japan and other Asian countries as well. Over the years, these proven methods that use meditation, mindfulness, andmovement, have come to be replaced by technology, medicine and religious dogmas. But since human consciousness has remained unchanged at the root, these techniques and practices are just as relevant today- if not more in this age of increased stress and detachment from nature.Qigong results in enhanced productivity of the individual and increased harmony in teams. The habit of working with Qi puts the individual in partnership with the ""universal energy"" that surrounds us all. Which in turnmanifests as higher efficiency and effectiveness. Since the physical level is the most tangible one we operate on, the effects of Qigong practice can be seen in one's health almost immediately. Ailments, whether commonplaceor chronic, can be overcome with the use of energy.A greater sense of calm and peacefulnessabides at the mental level. And relationships improve through the understanding of energy interplay.In this course, Sandeep Nath givesparticipants a deep dive into the fundamentals so that they are able to connect different ""energy fads"" to tread a usable pathway contextualized for them. He also provides a Qigong workout that anyone can do every day. Coming from a corporate background himself, Sandeep speaks about""workplace issues"" and ""productivity"" as an insider. Since he has had the benefit of learning from masters from across India, China, Tibet and Japan, he brings into this course an unmatchedblend of foundational knowledgeand practical application. Check out the videos to be surefor yourself."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"50.000 Fs no Facebook: Como Crescer Sua Pgina Fcilmente" |
"Muita gente no sabe exatamente como criar uma audincia pra valer no Facebook. A maioria, sofre uma batalha constante pra conseguir atrair novos fs qualificados e interessados no seu contedo. Todos os meses a mesma dificuldade. Tentam de um jeito, experimentam de outro, mas nada parece funcionar de verdade. E todos os meses se esforam para postarem contedo interessante que pouca gente acaba vendo.Resolva esse problema de uma vez por todas!Em um dos meus primeiros projetos online, eu estava atraindo mais de 1.400 novos fs POR DIA no Facebook. Eu estava crescendo minha pgina num ritmo absurdo mesmo. E isso s no estava custando o olho da cara, porque em um curto espao de tempo, eu consegui fazer ajustes nos anncios e reduzir meu custo por f em 85%! Entenda o poder essa reduo de custo nos anncios, eu estava atraindo quase 7 vezes mais fs com o MESMO INVESTIMENTO!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Commas and Quotation Marks" |
"This is a basic course on the appropriate use of commas & quotation marks in the written English language for the emerging learners, primary/ elementary pupils, matured non-English speaking adults who would like to get a firmer grasp of the written word for daily communication. It begins with a motivational clip on how a pair of listless horses can be transformed into racing horses within seconds!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fractals in Mandelbulb 3D: Generation and Rendering" |
"Have you ever wonderedabout the complex, organic shapes in nature?Do you want tocreateandexploreincredible,breathtaking designsthat surpass the limits of conventional software by addinginfinityandalgorithmsto the mixture?Welcome to the world of fractals!With this course, you will understand the keyfeatures ofMandelbulb 3D, a free software for generating fractals.It is important to mention thatthis course doesn't require a mathematical background.It isfocused on the visual sideof fractals, and there areexamples for allthe topics. The course is based on video lectures, some of them with additional downloadable materials for you to practice. There are also quizzes for you to review what you learned.What is a fractal?A fractal is a geometrical object that presents characteristics as branching and self-similarity. These objects are used among mathematicians to study and model natural &irregular shapes such as trees and snowflakes. Fractals have also been used by artists and visual designersin the last century to generate abstract and unique designs that surpass the limits ofimagination.So, what can youdo with them?With all what you'll learn from this course, you will be able to use them to create:Artistic, breathtaking digital artwork in no timeObjects and scenarios for videogames and animationsModels for 3D printingSpecial effects for movies (there are popular movies that use them!)Infinite virtualworldsIf you're new to fractals,you willfind all what you need to generate amazing fractal images, 3D modelsand even animations!If you have experience,you'll get a chance to refresh and update your knowledge and learn new things.I invite you to join the amazing adventure of fractals. I assure you that you will be amazed when you navigate your creations."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Anlise Tcnica: Curso para Day Trade e Swing Trade" |
"Voc esta pensando em iniciar no mercado de aes oucriptomoedas? Esse curso para vocqueesta iniciando no mercado e queriniciar como Trader nesse universo.No Curso para DayTrade e Analise Tcnicavamos lhe ensinar as fazer anlise grfica tcnica utilizando uma ferramenta gratuita de anlise grfica.No se preocupe, no so necessrios conhecimentos bsicos iniciais.Voc receber dicas fundamentais em um ambiente muito descontrado.O Curso para DayTrade e Analise Tcnica extremamente objetivo e ir lhe mostrar as principais dicas em anlise tcnica e tambm apresentar excelentes estratgias de trade, sem perda de tempo e indo direto ao ponto nos ensinamentos."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"SIEMENS SCADA WINCC Basic Training Course Urdu Hindi Languge" |
"WINCCExplorer IntroductionWINCCExplorer Internal TagsWINCCExplorer External TagsWINCCExplorer Simulation Tag Logging and Creating Trend Display in WINCCAlarm Logging Multiple screens in WINCCObjects Tags and Motor TagsConnection of PLCSIMand WINCCusing TIAand WINCCExplorer Tags to the ON/OFFButton Tags management What is OPCand Connection of WINCCExplorer using OPCProject creation in TIAPORTALWINCCTag Simulator"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fearless Public Speaking" |
"Did you know the number one fear of North Americans, according to a New York Times survey, is to speak in front of a room full of people. In this course, I will help you not only walk into a room with confidence, but teach you how to deliver a dynamic speech with confidence."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Trigonometrie |
"Lerne Seiten und Winkel in Dreiecken zu berechnen. Dieser Kurs zeigtwie es geht mit drei Arbeitsblttern.Zuerst in rechtwinkligen Dreiecken, dann in beliebigen Dreiecken.Beide Male lernt man zuerst die Basics bezglich Gleichungen kennen (das Werkzeug quasi)unddanach Standardaufgaben gefolgt von Textaufgaben.Beste Vorbereitung auf eine Arbeit oder Abschlussprfung in diesem Thema."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Direito Contratual Aplicado" |
"Tenha contato com os principais aspectos da teoria geral do direito contratuale aprendaa colocar tais conhecimentos em prtica nos maisdiversos tipos de contratos.Neste curso bsico de prtica contratual voc aprender opasso a passo para a elaborao dos principais contratos comerciais, imobilirios e relacionados prestao de servios.No deixe para amanh o que voc pode aprender hoje!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Premium Handmade Dinosaur Tutorials-Triceratops" |
"For over millions of years, dinosaurs managed to survive in all kinds of harsh, hostile environments. That is, until 65 million years ago, when a massive asteroid collided with the Earth and wiped them out. Yet even now, scientists continue to tell their story, with the help of the fossilized skeletons thatstill remain.Now, you can learn how to make your own easy-to-make dinosaur toy/model, with materials found in the comfort of your own home. Some materials can also be found wherever arts and crafts products are sold. Results may vary."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Premium Handmade Dinosaur Tutorials-Tyrannosaurus Rex" |
"For over millions of years, dinosaurs managed to survive in all kinds of harsh, hostile environments. That is, until 65 million years ago, when a massive asteroid collided with the Earth and wiped them out. Yet even now, scientists continue to tell their story, with the help of the fossilized skeletons thatstill remain.Now, you can learn how to make your own easy-to-make dinosaur toy/model, with recyclable materials found in the comfort of your own home. Some materials can also be found wherever arts and crafts products are sold. Results may vary."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pro beauty retouching" |
"First of all, this course is designed for photographers and retouchers who want to improve their skills in hi-end retouching.And also it will be useful to all other photographers, because retouch techniques used in the course are suitable for any images where skin retouching is required.Due to the Frequency separation you can do hi -end retouching on beautyphotos or fix minor flaws in family or any other photos.Also I will show you a few tricks that can help you achieve better results and save your time. At your disposal 6 hours of video material and layered psd files of lessons."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Protheus Por Dentro 1.0 - Configurador" |
"OCurso Protheus por Dentro 1.0 ensinar voc a instalar do ZERO o sistemaProtheus, mesmo nosendo cliente TOTVS.Voc aprender na prtica todo aestrutura por dentro de umdos maioressistemas de ERP (gesto empresarial) do Brasil e do Mundo.Atravs do curso Protheus Por Dentro 1.0- Configurador, o aluno ser capaz de instalar passo a passoo sistema Protheus.Aprender a utilizaras principais ferramentas de apoio para poder manipular as configuraes bsicas do sistema.Ferramentas como: configurador (SIGACFG), APDSU, Query analyser.Saber interagir com a base de dados de forma simples e rpida sem precisar acessar o SQLServer ou outra ferramenta de bancode dados.Este curso mais um dasrie ""Protheus do ZERO a Ninja""para tornar voc um ninja da programao em apenas 01 anoaprendendo tudo sobre ADVPL desde lgica de programao at MVC, workflow, webservices.Aqui voc dar mais um passo para se tornar um NINJA da Programao ADVPL.."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"ADVPL Para Leigos 1.0" |
"ADVPL Para Leigos para voc que quer aprender o bsico da linguagem ADVPL que linguagem prpria do sistema Protheus,Um dos maiores sistemas de ERP (gesto empresarial) do Brasil e do Mundo.Este curso te levar a entender os conceitos bsicos da programao ADVPL atravs de um mtodo criado por mim que faremos um projeto do ZERO aplicando na prtica todo o conhecimento adquirido neste curso.Aqui voc dar mais um passo para se tornar um NINJA da Programao ADVPL."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Lgica de Programao em ADVPL 1.0" |
"Curso de lgica de programao com introduo a linguagem ADVPL da TOTVS focada no sistema de ERP Protheus.Voc aprender em simples passos a entender de uma vez por todas sobre lgica de programao e conseguir resolver qualquer problema de lgica.Atravs de uma metodologia criada por mim, com mais de 20 anos de experincia, voc ter total domnio sobre lgica de programao em ADVPL e poder aplicar tudo que aprendeu nos prximos cursos ministrados por mim.Te vejo dentro do curso."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to Teach English Online and Get Paid" |
"Hi there,If you are wondering how to teach English online and get paid, this course is all you need.This is a comprehensive step-by-step course as to How to Become an Online English Tutor and earn at least $3,000 per month from the comfort of your own home.How to teach English online and get paid course is for you if:you want to make money teaching English onlineyou are a TEFL qualified English Teacher (or planning to get qualified)you would like to teach English as a second languageyou would like to have control over your teaching, your students, and your incomeyou don't want to depend on online English schools for bookingsyou want to learn other ways to make money using your knowledge and experienceIn How to Teach English Online and Get Paid Course you will learn:basic equipment and setup needs to get you started teaching English via Skypeways to market yourself and obtain ESL studentshow to plan online English lessons in a meaningful wayhow to maintain good financial recordsthe dos and don'ts of teaching English as a second language online~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What else will you get?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 4 English Lesson Plans (available to download in PDF)- 30 days money-back guarantee- Personal contact with me, your course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Downloadable Materials- Future UpdatesWith 4 Lesson Plans you will be able to start you online teaching straight away. I will be here to support you in any way you need! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to message me.So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and learn how to teach English online and get paid. Be your own boss!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Prepare for a Job Interview - Practical Tips" |
"Dear Student,How to Prepare for a Job Interview Course is taught by me, Henry Cassidy, and it is full of Job interview Tips and Tricks for Jobseekers. In How to Prepare for a Job Interview course you will learn:what to wear to job interviewwhat not to say in a job interviewhow to make an impression in a job interviewhow do you sell yourself in a job interviewhow to act during a job interviewhow to write a successful CV (resume)Also includes:Useful tips for job interview preparation to help you improve your interview techniquesInterview preparation questions And best answers to give in an interview At the end of this Job Interview Preparation course, you will knowhow to prepare for a job interview in English properly and you will have all the keys to a successful job interview. You will be familiar withcommon types of job interview questions:how do you like to be managedwhat are your strengths and weaknesseswhat skills can you bring to the jobwhy should we hire youwhat can you tell me about yourselfYou will know the best possible answers to give during your job interview as well as the questions youshould ask your potential employer. We will also go through common interview mistakes and nuances of the job interview over the phone or Skype.Job interview is one of the fundamentalelements of the job search process. Knowing how to nail a job interview is a skill.As with any other skill, thourough job interviewpreparation is the key to do well in your interview and that dream job.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What else will you get?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 30 days money back guarantee- Personal contact with me, your course tutor- List of Action Verbs in PDF- Information Technology (IT) Vocabulary of Terms and Processes in PDF- Resignation Letter Template in Word- CV Template in Word- Lifetime access to course materials- Downloadable MP3s- Future UpdatesJob Interview Preparation course will be particularly useful for Non-native English Speakers preparing for a job interview in English.***If you have any questions about this course, please don't hesitate to message me***"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate WordPress Course For Beginners!" |
"WordPress for Beginners Master WordPress TODAY!No Experience Required!Its never been easier to build a stunning, eye-catching, responsive website that looks great on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. You can learn WordPress WITHOUThaving to buy web hosting or a domain name. However, understanding your right to own your intellectual property will help you as you grow your business and/or blog.I'll show you how you can setup, build & launch it all from your own computer using tools. The principalgoal of this course is to teach those who feel they are technologically challenged, even acomplete beginner, the tools to become atodays WordPress authorityin one weekend, without coding. I give you my word that after taking this courseyou'll have the knowledge you need to build an eye catching, stunning website with the latest version of WordPress.By the time you are done, not only will you know more than 95% of WordPress users out there, but youll be well equipped to possibly offer your own assistance in helping others build their own blog or website. About the Course This course will direct you through each step from installation to finished website. It will show you how installing Wordpress can be done with ease. Once you've successfully installed Wordpress, you will then be guided on how to grow andrun a successful, beautiful, responsive blog/website you can be proud of. After we walk you thoroughly through the main options in Wordpress, you receive a checklist that clarifies what each one does and how you set it up. Each video gives you an over the shoulder view on building an actual website. Your Wordpress website! Within my own blog, I use it as an affiliate site as well. As a mom and wife my goal is to retire my husband off my passive income. We will do more of this later, stay tuned! Before you start the course, you will find an attachment(s) with information for the best web hosting and domain purchase and your CRM. Once your hosting and domain has been purchased, you'll be ready to start building & mastering Wordpress. Make sure you grab your notebook, pen or pencil and prepare to take notes and have a look around to acquaint ourselves with the core areas of the Wordpress Dashboard. With each video we will be navigating around each new tool, we'll go through the main features you will need as you create your site, including: Installing WordPress Settings - Tools - Comments Choosing A Theme Updating WordPress Plugins Creating Pages Creating Posts Inserting Photos & Videos Categories & Tags Creating Menus & Navigation Sidebars, Widgets, and Customized Home Page Creating & Installing Customized Headers The Media Library, this is where you manage all your media content. (i.e., images, videos, sound files and other media you want to share on your site). Wordpress Settings, well walk you step by step to set those up just right. You will also receive a checklist for each video, PLUS - the following workbooks: Welcome To WordPress - 10 Things to Do Right Away Make Sure Your Website + Blog Are Making A Good First Impression 10 Things Every Website + Blog Need Plugins To Help Power Your Website + Blog 10 Things To Do AFTER Your Website + Blog Are Set Up By the end of this course, you will have a website that you are truly proud of!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Top 5 Business Models To Create A Profitable Online Business" |
"Have you spent months trying to figure out how others are making fortunes on the internet and find a way to replicate the process; but failed! Lets close the gap to failure for good! In this course, we will explore 5 business models that do not require a lot of investment and therefore have very little chances of failure, if done right, of course. Dont worry, you not only learn what these business models are but also why these models are so successful and how you can get started and gain success as well. We are using our years of experience from corporate America, as digital marketers and online entrepreneurs to create a course that has proven methods. The goal of this course is to put you on a workable track that will enable you to start getting tangible results within days. Our idea behind this course is to provide you with 5 super successful business models that have made thousands of online business owners billions and continue to make them more. You must learn the concepts in this course, imitate what we explain and how each business model works, and there is no way you can fail again. This course is not a one time event sort of gig with instant money solutions; we are talking business here. These business models, when applied the right way not only make you money but will keep making you money, repeatedly. By taking this course, you will have good insight into 5 brilliant business models to make money online. You will also know how each of these business models are working in real world and making money. Are you ready to make 2018 the year of your success and possibly grow more than one super thriving online business, while enjoying a freedom-based lifestyle? Great! See you on the inside!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"English for IT Professionals" |
"The course is for learners of English who work in IT orstudyinformation technology orrelated subjects.It contains about 140 IT words and phrases and 8 carefully chosen grammar topics to help you speak more confident at workand about work. The course is well-organized and divided into small lectures with lots of materials to study from. If you are looking for a fast and convenient way toimproveyour IT English,enroll to thiscourse and you will definitely enjoy!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn Technical Trading Strategies with ROC Indicator" |
"Elearnmarkets is glad to present "" Technical Trading Strategies with ROC Indicator"":the first in a series of courses on techncial indicators and their use in developing technical trading strategiesRate of Change Indicator (or ROC) is a momentum oscillator, which measures the percentage change between the current price and the n period past price.This technical indicator is used to identify general trend, oversold, overbought conditions as well as divergences.This course will enable the participants to develop thorough knowledge on the basics of ROC and then it gives you Seven Model Strategies (Five end of the day and Two intra-day strategies) using ROC indicator in combination with other indicator."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"PMP Exam- PMBOK Guide 6 -150 High Quality Real PMP Questions" |
"This practice test is based on PMBOK Guide 6 Edition.If you are looking for real PMP exam question with detail explanation, this is the course which will help you to know your knowledge gapso that you can clear you PMP in your first attempt.To help you more we divided the question in 3 practice tests with 50 high quality real PMP exam question in each test. So that you can know your knowledge gap and revise and then give the another test.NOTE:- You must score more than 90% in these 3 practice test before go for real PMP exam to clear it in your first attempt. Understand the concept behind each question and the thought process. If you are not scoring more than 90% in these practice test, then revise more and more, Otherwise you won't be able to make it in your first attempt.At the last, if you like these practice tests and getting benefit from it, then pleaseRate,ReviewandRecommend, So that other can take benefit from this course and clear their PMP exam in their first attempt.Wish You All The Best."
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Android: Build Voting App using SMS and SQLite (English)" |
"This course will guide you (step by step) to build an Android app which uses SQLite database and SMS sending and reception features.The capstoneproject consists in building a fully functionnalVoting App which contains different Android techniques such as Custom List View, SQLite, SMS, Design and Runtime permissions, Broadcast Receiver and so on.It's divided into five sections: Android BasicsAndroid and SQLiteAndroid and SMSBuild Voting App (step by step)New Security ModelThis course is useful for IT Developers, Students or any interested person in the web development field.This course is translated from arabic to english by the members of The Creative Team."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Public Speaking" |
"Nella vita privata e in quella professionale imparare a parlare nel modo giusto, ad esprimersi pi correttamente,da pi sicurezza e tipone, agli occhi degli altri, in modo sicuramente diverso. Non serve essere per forza attori o presentatori tv per imparare a comunicare, basta essere curiosi e avere tanta voglia di migliorarsi. Con questo corso ti porteremo al livello ottimale per iniziare una nuova strada."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Curso Profesional de Trading en FOREX" |
"En este curso vamos a adentrarnos en el apasionante mundo del trading como nunca antes habas hecho, haremos un barrido de 0 a 100 repasando todos lo necesario para ser un trader exitosoy que puedas disfrutar de este fantstico trabajo que se encuentra al alcance de unos pocos.Contenido y enfoqueNos vamos a enfocar principalmente en el mercado de FOREX, aunque los conocimientos que adquirirs pueden hacerse extensibles al resto de mercados, el objetivo de este curso ser que aprendas a interpretar la informacin que nos provee un grfico de bolsa y a como utilizarla para sacarle un provecho.Es importante entender el trading como un mtodo cientfico por lo que durante el curso os recomiendo encarecidamente que tomis apuntes en vuestra libreta y que llevis un blog de notas dnde anotis las pruebas que vais realizando y los resultados de las mismas, es importante que hagis un seguimiento a vuestra evolucin.Metatrader 4 (MT4) Metatrader (MT) es un software que se utiliza para realizar transacciones financieras y es el ms utilizado hoy en da, ha sido creado por la empresa Metaquotes y actualmente cuenta con la versin 4 (MT4) y 5 (MT5).Nosotros utilizaremos MT4 porque es la versin que utilizan prcticamente todos los brokers del mundo, la versin 5 no aporta ninguna ventaja significativa y todava hay muchos brokers que no la soportan por lo que de momento no la tocaremos, sin embargo ambas versiones son muy similares por lo que todo lo que aprendamos en el curso nos servir para utilizar MT5 sin problemas.MT4 dispone de una versin de escritorio para ordenador que podris descargar desde su sitio web y otra versin para dispositivos mviles que podis instalar desde Play Store o App Store, por lo que os recomiendo instalar ambas en vuestros dispositivos para poder estar siempre conectados a la cuenta de vuestro broker. Propiedad del curso y profesorEste curso pertenece a la empresa Infibon la cual se encarga de formar a traders competentes en los mercados financieros.El profesorque ha realizado el curso se llama Miguel Angel, el profesional dispone de un reconocimiento internacional por su trabajo y dedicacin, cuenta con ms de 20 aos de experiencia entrading,ademsha trabajado en brokers y entidades financieras por lo que en el curso vamos a veruna visin completa del mercado para entender como funciona, actualmente se gana la vida exclusivamente de la gestin de cuentas y formacin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |