Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"10 Sessions To Self- Mastery: Unlock The Power Within" |
"TIME TO UNLEASH THE POWER WITHINThis Course is Designed for those that are still having problems recognizing their potential or their greatness. We begin with that simple interrogation: How To Identify your potential?This is the question that we will be answering step by step with proven techniques that have been tested by the best coaches and Self development experts in the world. We've gathered these knowledge and make it available to you in a single package to help you reach the power within and use it to attract health, wealth , happiness and success as mentioned above"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ilustrao de personagens com Mypaint" |
"Voc aprender a baixar o software, conhecer a interface do programa, conceitos, tcnicas e boas prticas de ilustrao digital, alm de organizar seus projetos. para um desempenho profissional. O Mypaint livre de licenas, assim voc poder baixar e trabalhar com o programa para atender seus clientes ou mesmo em seus prprios projetos. Como personalizar a sua prpria paleta de cores? Como fazer bom uso de referncias? Qual a finalidade de um model sheet? Essas e outras respostas sero consideradas no nosso contedo."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Rubber Band Origami" |
"Are you a parent, wanting to teach your kids the alphabets, numbers and shapes in a fun and interesting way?Are you a teacher wanting to make learning alphabets, numbers and shapes fun and interesting?Are you a lover finding ways express your love in unique ways?Or, are you someone just wanting to learn something new and something creative?Then, this course is for you.Hi, my name is Salman and I will be showing you how to make the English alphabets, numbers, geometric shapes, mathematical signs and a host of other fun and interesting thing with just one rubber band.The only thing you will require is a rubber band and some patience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UX & UI Design Bootcamp: Gestalte Apps & Websites mit Erfolg" |
"UXund UI-Design fr den Erfolg deines ProjektsDas Design deiner Appoderdeiner Website bestimmt den Erfolg deines Produkts grundlegend mit. In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du eine perfekte User Experience erreichst und der Besucher zu deinem Stammkunden wird. Du lernst die durchdachte Verwendung von HTML,CSSund Javascript. Mit genialem, aber simplem Web Design kannst du jede Webseite und App mit wichtigen UI- &UX-Funktionen versehen.Eine durchdacht gestaltete Benutzeroberflche (User Interface) fr Webseite oder App verleiht deinem Projekt eine guteUser Experience. In diesem Kurs lernst du alles ber diese zwei Themen, wofr Sie gebraucht werden,wie du Sie erfolgreich umsetzt und vieles mehr."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Crash Course - Enroll Today & Build Your Site" |
"We made very easy for you with this course so that you can have a functioningwordpress website easily and fast.By the way, we answer questions daily!In this course you'll learn how to:Get a domain nameCreate a wordpress siteFind and leveragea wordpress themeCreate and edit your pagesCreate a contact formSet the top menus and footerAs a bonus we will also introduce you to some Analytics, SEO, Lead generation and eCommerce.Get started and build a great WordPress website today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Beginner & FREE eBook on Excel Shortcuts" |
"Microsoft Excel is the program which is considered the foundation of effective record keeping, planning and data analysis. The majority of companies use Excel so you will be a great asset if you have the skills in this program to set you apart from the rest!RequirementsA laptop or PCMicrosoft Excel 2010, 2013 or 2016Can do attitude!Why this course?Structure: Lecture, live demonstration then recap1 - 3 different ways of learning rolled into one video!Short and effective videos on each topic to avoid you losing focus and optimize your learning potentialMuch more convenient then watching hours upon hours of videos from other coursesBroken down by topic so you can pick and choose which specific areas you want to learn within ExcelWe are available 24/7 to answer any question around Excel or even career advice!1 on 1 instructor supportTarget Audience?This course is ideal is you are think about getting involve with data or analytics in generalAnyone wanting to refresh their Excel skillsAnyone who wants to improve their Excel skills in order to improve performance within their jobThis is suitable for people who want a career change alsoWhat will you learn by the end of this course?You will learn how to manipulate cells effectively - this includes cell formatting and mergingYou will learn a variety of shortcuts so that you can work your way around spreadsheets quicklyYou will become comfortable in creating and building formulasYou will become familiar with number and text formatting options*** Lifetime access and warranty - Love the course or we will buy it back from you, no questions asked! ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento Pessoal com o Business Model You" |
"Um curso do tipo mo-na-massa para quem deseja assumir o controle desua vidae concretizar seus projetos pessoais e profissionais.Aprenda a definirseu propsito, seus valores pessoas, seus objetivos e metas, adesenhar seu Modelo de Negcios Pessoal e a traarum planopara colocar sua vida em ao.No um curso terico, mas um guia prtico, com metodologias e ferramentas para quem deseja sair da zona de conforto e se reinventar."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tutorial Pemrograman C# Bahasa Indonesia" |
"Perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi dunia pun banyak mencari developer-developer yang menguasai pemrograman ini karena banyak kelebihan yang disuguhkan bahasa pemrograman C#.Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut antara lain adalah Intel, Amazon, Dell, dll. Materi pada tutorial ini dibuat agar cepat dipahami karena menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang mudah dimengerti. Instruktur juga memahami kebutuhan teknologi yang terus berkembang, untuk itu dengan video ini tidak perlu membutuhkan waktu lama untuk menguasai C#."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Transformation via Free-Form Movement & Dance" |
"Do you love to dance, move and shake your booty?Have you heard of or are part of Conscious Dance?OrWould you like some Hacks to making contact with the opposite sex on the dancefloor or the club/bar easier, and appropriately?Then you will want to join us for this exciting, fun-filled Conscious Dance Orientation, hosted by Movement Medicine. This simple workshop will educate you on what Conscious Dance even is - thengive you tools soyou canwalk onto any Conscious Dance floor, Club or Barfeeling well-equipped to keep yourself safe while letting go and having fun. You will alsolearnsome basics on how and whento connect safely and appropriately with others, even the opposite sex - and yes I am talking about physical contact!For those curious or new to Conscious Dancing, you will learn:* What Conscious Dance is* The basics of most Conscious DancespacesFor new and seasoned dancers you will:* Create more awareness around what creates a safe dance floor* Gain applicable insight into reading & interpreting Non-Verbal Cues* See & move through demonstrations of how to connect appropriately with others* Learn more about accessing your ""No"" and speaking it firmly with your body languageSome promises from me to you if you completethis course:*Feel educated,empowered and confident walking into any Conscious Dance space*Learn how to spot those tiny - or not so tiny cues - that they want to connect with you*Take responsibility for your ownsafety, knowing how tosay ""NO"" non-verbally* Build deeper, lasting connection with your Self &OthersWHY DO YOU NEED THIS WORKSHOP?Dance is the language of the Soul and can be a deeply moving, therapeutic and even spiritual experience. However, in our society, most of us feel many restraints into letting loose into Dance without the use of drugs and alcohol. Yet, these substances can and do lead to many unwanted, unsafe connections and events unfolding.Conscious Dance spaces have surfaced from a desire to provide space to allow people to do what they love dance without the unwanted stuff they dont want. These spaces can provide a happy medium where one can drop into a more spiritual, yogic type environment.The question is:How do you step into one of these dance floors, get past the voices in your head about how ridiculous you look to let loose and feel safe doing so at the same time?The Answer:Body Language 101 for Conscious DanceIn this fun, interactive and well-designed course, you will learn all about what you might expect to find in a Conscious Dance setting, how you can best keep yourself safe while finding ways to let go and have fun. You will learnways to start getting into a dance mindset, how to safely and appropriately connect with others as well as how to say No and be heard.Finally you can enjoy Dancing in the way it was always meant to be enjoyed!As a bonus after completing this course, you will also be able to take the tools and tips into any bar, club or other social situation to improve your ability to connect - and/or keep yourself safe.This easy and fun class fulfills the 1x Requirement for any Movement Medicine Dance.The6 Modules include:1)Introduction: What Conscious Dance is2)Basics of Conscious Dance Spaces3)The Structure &Details of Movement Medicine Dance4)Use Body Language to Free Your Dance5)An Introduction to Human Energetics6)Departing Thoughts &Bonus Exercise"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo: Aprende Adobe premiere pro cc 2018 muy fcil" |
"En un mundo cada vez mas competitivo, es muy importante mantenerse a la vanguardia en todo aspecto. Si lo tuyo es la edicin de video profesional, adobe premiere pro, la mejor herramienta para dicha tarea, te llevar a crear videos impresionantes escapandotepor mucho, de lo comn, este curso, te servir tanto si tienes ciertos conocimientos sobre edicin, como tambin si vas a empezar desde cero. Anmate, el aprendizaje de este potente programa est esperando por ti, y por supuesto, qu mejor que hacerlo, en la versin mas reciente a la fecha."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"From Inspiration to Fruition" |
"This is a course for those with creative minds who have lots of inspired ideas but have some difficulty with bringing them to life and turning them into outcomes. Whatever the domain of your inspired ideas and creative impulses is, be it arts, music, cooking, parenting, relationships, social science, activism, personal development, business, writing, sawing, gardening, teaching or anything else... If sometimes you lack focus and have difficulty bringing your projects to fruition If you would like to share your creations with others but you are unsure about what, how and with whom If you are considering turning your creative projects into a business but you are overthinking it and doubting yourself If you would like to be more connected to the creative flow If you would like to stop procrastinating and stop stopping yourself If you would like to bring more joy and freedom to your creative process, play more and overthink less If sometimes you feel overwhelmed when you think of going ahead with your creative projects If you have lots of creative impulses but are unsure about what to focus on next If you would like to move from an inspired idea to completion with greater ease and focus If you are ready to get the creative ideas out of your head and into the world This program might be just what you need to open your wings and fly. The program consists of 11 video lectures divided into 2 sections. There are also 3 simple assignments that will help you move into action. By the end of the program you will have chosen a creative project you feel inspired by and are ready to commit to and you will have created a roadmap. You will have clarity on what your next steps are. You will also gain insights into fundamental principles of original, inspired, easy flowing and successful creations. The approach I use is sometimes called Subtractive Psychology. I am not adding new self management tools and techniques that require you to work hard on yourself. Instead, we are subtracting all that is not necessary and creates mental noise. I am pointing you back to what is essential and allows you to come back to the natural creative flow, curiosity, confidence and effortless productivity.I will be your companion in your creative journey and you will have a chance to interact with me, ask me questions and share your insights, challenges and successes. I hope to see you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Optimizacin de Carteras de Inversin con Excel" |
"Quieres aprender a optimizar carteras de inversin? El ptimo media-varianza de Markowitz te parece complicado? El CVaR crees que es algo muy complejo? El MaxDrawDown te suena a chino?En este curso aprenders que todo esto, y ms, lo puedes resolver con la herramienta de optimizacin de Excel (solver)!Tambin te comentar el porqu debes realizar estos clculos con los retornos aproximados por los logaritmos naturales y al finalizar el curso sers capaz de implementar otras funciones objetivo de optimizacin de carteras (como por ejemplo, Risk Parity, entre otros)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Train The Trainer: Teamwork and Team Building" |
"This is a resource rich program. HR prosand trainers can download the resources and run teamwork and teambuilding programs for organization.There are 15activities described with supporting resources. And all of them will help you building concept through all four stages of team development.The concept and activity around Six thinking hats, slip method will help your participants build a strong team management practice."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life" |
"Are youamongthe 55% of people that are looking for a new job or career?We help people build a bridge to a new vision, without burning the ships or taking big risks. For the past ten years, Adam Markel has been studying the art and science of change, innovation and reinvention, and teaching entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders how to breakout of mediocrity to create greater fulfillment, peace and profit. His Pivot Process provides people with tangible tools and skills to create even better results in business and life.Here's what's included in The PivotIncubator:6 Video Training Modules Delivered Completely OnlineAdam walks you step-by-step through the Pivot Principles and leads you in powerful processes, strategies, rituals and practices to learn the material and apply it right away in your business and life. Everything is done online, so there's no travel required and you can learn at a pace that works for you!($997 Value)Worksheets, Templates & Exercisesto accompany each training module in the program. These follow along resources are specifically designed to help keep you on track, moving forward and implementing the things you're learning. These downloadable tools will help you stay accountable, focused and taking action.($197 Value)Lifetime Access To The Training You can access your training materials at anytime, from anywhere, at your own leisure. You will also have lifetime access to all video recordings and group calls that we do for future classes, that way you can continue to come back and reconnect with the material, the Pivot Team and Adam for ongoing support.($997 Value)Access to the Private Pivot Incubator Communitywhereyoull get exclusive weekly business and lifestyle trainings from Adam, have accountability from other members of the Incubator and have daily support on reaching your specific goals for the program and beyond.($397 Value)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Flexible Dieting" |
"Are you tired of following diets that set you up to fail right from the start? Do hate depriving yourself of delicious foods only to gain the weight right back? Do you think that dieting has to be miserable or else you're doing something wrong?Here's the deal:The flexible diet will quickly and easily solve all of these issues for you. And the best part is that you'll loseweight all while enjoying your favorite foods. It won't seem fair, and it doesn't feel like things should work this way, but eating ""junk food"" isessential for weight loss!From now on, you'll no longer have to make the choice of starving and depriving yourself or not looking the way you want to. The flexible diet is the easiest diet to follow and lose weight with.It'll also allow you to keep the weight off for good so you'll never have to worry about starting another diet ever again. This course will give you all of the info you need to know in order to get started with flexible dieting right away:You'll learn how your body actually works in regards to weight loss.You'll discover what macros are.How many calories you need to eat to lose weight.What the best ratio of carbs, protein, and fat you should be eating is.How to use the flexible diet to build muscle.What to do once you reach your goal bodyweight (nearly everyone messes this up!)What kinds of foods you should be eating on this diet plan.And much more!Imagine finally having a body that your proud of. Think about how much more energy you'll have and how great you'll feel.And best of all, imagine being able to achieve all of this without having to give up your favorite foods.Well now this can all be yours with the simplicity of the flexible diet!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Photography 101: Composition from a different perspective" |
"I'm challenging you to a different mindset on how to perceive the visual world around you. We're in an inflation of images today, so how can you make a difference?What won't be part of the course is yet another discussion about the camera and technical specs. It won't be about rules and techniques, how to use the camera and all that blah-blah, because you already know that.We're going to talk about your position in Photography. How to not only to evaluate yourself, but to use instinct and your cultural background in order to take photographers that MATTER. Ibelieve THEORYis more important than PRACTICE at this point.On the completion of this course you will be able to:Create a relationship with your subject (from a person to a landscape, it can be anything)Know when is the right time to press the shutter and whyHow to stop the overthinking and start seeing the world around youHow getting closer to the subject make your photographs aliveThe harmful effect of laws and composition rules and how to create your own rulesUnderstand how to analyzephotographsGet into the right mindsetWe'll start knowing more about photography without the camera. That's right!Whatmakes a good photograph and why?This seems to be the most important question mostphotographers don't know how to answer. I'll show you how simple it isto understand the process and it use for any future photograph you see or take.You will get to know what photography actually is. We will study the studium and the punctum and how they influence our perception, how to train the mind to work without the camera, how to know when is the right moment to take the photograph, and how rules block you from finding your own personal style.This theoretical course iscooperative.Meaning thatIpropose you a different way of thinking as an exercise, and then you apply it by using your intuition and see what results you get. And then we move on until you start to see the difference.Support materials:Two of the best books on photography (on which the course is based)Photographs (of course)Since we're here...A bit about myselfI believe a place can reveal more than itself. It can revealsomething aboutyou.It can be about amoodor anaction. It can bestillor areaction. I'm talking about the images which stop time. Images that absorb you.Every place in this world has a story, but how will we decide to tell it?I'm NorbertFodor, a romanian cinematographer currently based in Asia. I've graduated my BA and MA in Cinema and worked on national and international projects, TVC, Fiction, Music Videos, Ads.I've always been interested in images and got my first camera when Iwas seven.Since then I couldn't forget about it, so it became more than justaprofession.It becamea way of thinking and living. My love for cinema and photography is eternal, and Iam constantly trying to deconstruct it and see what makes it alive and ticking.Apersonal note on this courseThe internet is an inflation of information. That's how Igot lost and that's how you probably did too.On thisjourney Ifound that the most rewarding experience is showing the secrets and mechanismstopeople who are searching to ride through it. Ihope you will find this information useful and use it toteachothers too.Norbert.Photography, Composition, Camera, Canon, Nikon, dslr, beginner, editing, photoshop, lightroom, portrait, headshot, wedding, nature, budoir, course, digital, family, art, painting, free, bootcamp, guide, nikon, canon, fujifilm, fuji, sony, a7r, a7s, stock, outdoor, real estate, street photography."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Kindle |
"KDPKindleKindleKindleKindleKindlekindle unlimitedkindle unlimitedKDPKindleKindleKindleKindleKindleKindleKindleKindleKindle"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Armas Prehistoricas para Video Juegos Vol. 1" |
"Este curso esta enfocado en la creacin de armas o props para vdeo juegos 3D utilizando las herramientas Maya, ZBrush, 3D Coat y Substance Painter, con las ultimas tendencias para juegos AAA o juegos Indie y al finalizar este curso podrs presentar tu prop o arma en un ""render beauty"" para tu portafolio o pagina web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Self Confidence" |
"Everyone deserves to live a confident life. We are all unique and we all contribute our own gifts.This course is made to help you on your journey. It is made to help you find your inner and authentic Confidence so you can live your life as best as possible.The courseoffers acombination of helpful insights, self reflection exercises and tips, tricks and methods to get to know yourself better and to help you live a confident life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to get more Likes to your Facebook Business Page" |
"If you've grown a Facebook page to 500 or 1,000 likes and now you're wondering how get it to 10,000 and beyond then this course isfor you. [I've been able to grow one of our businesspagesbased in ourcity to 21,000+ fans and use it as a funnel to market our e-mail newsletter and advertising services].You'll learn what it takes to build a large community of followers on your page with tactics that work in 2018.Follow my proven step-by-step formula that's easy to implement.I will show you over12tacticsyou can start using today to continue growing your Facebook page.The larger you can grow your following on Facebook and social media, the more sales that you can make.Build Your Facebook Fans in orderto Drive More EngagementandBoost your Profits and Learn:Why you need to think outside the box (destroy it even) with the way you run your pageProven andtested system to build a fanbase that wants to follow you and get your contentProcess andformula to get thousands of highly targeted fansBy the time you go through mytraining, you will have mastered the most efficient method to get thousands of Facebook fans with concentrated efficienteffort.Click on ""Take This Course""and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Get a Career in Digital Marketing" |
"This course will provide you with a clear understanding of digital marketing, the sector and key market trends.You will understand exactly what digital marketers do and why you should consider joining them. You will also receive a full insight into the different jobs available in digital marketing and the skills that are required.Where to begin, how to gain experience and where to look for opportunities will be illustrated and you will be provided with interview tips and learn what is required to secure a job in your chosen industry.Ultimately, you will leave this course with the knowledge and confidence to begin your career within this dynamic, growing industry and you will have the necessary tools that will set you apart from the competition."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Become a Microbiology Laboratory Technician" |
"** Updated July 2020: Added videos on viral diagnosis. Given that both bacteria and viruses can be detected using the same methods, some of the content may seem redundant but the context is different when analyzing both so I highly recommend going through the full course!What would happen if diseases and illness could not be diagnosed? We wouldnt even want to imagine that scenario. Have you ever wondered what kind of research goes into finding the root cause your illness? Microbiology provides the required skills and techniques to help diagnose diseases.Microbiology Lab Technicians are responsible for analyzing microorganisms not visible to the naked eye to identify and diagnose the root cause of diseases. They utilize a Microscope, various instruments/devices and techniques to run several tests on specimen collected from patients to identify diseases and what medicines/antibiotics will cure them. This course will provide all the essential resources and training to help you become a Microbiology Lab Technician. This profession has a very low barrier to entry as the minimum requirement to pursue this as a career is a high school diploma. So, this course is either for new graduates evaluating which career to choose or existing medical professions who want to learn more about what Lab Technicians do. This course will also provide you with information on additional certifications you can take to get more knowledge on this subject as well as guidelines on how to find a job in this field."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cajon for Beginners" |
"This course is about getting to know the cajon and playing it. Matthias has given literally thousands of workshops all over the world and and has been working ondevelopingthe cajon since its earliest beginnings as a manufactured instrument. It is debatable if there is another person on the planet who has smacked a cajon more often than Matthias Philipzen.Hands on playing experience and grooving with your instrument is what learning cajon is about. In this course you learn the proper and best hand techniques for creating agood sound on your instrument. As well assolid grooves and fills for all popular styles of music.The concept of the videos is to create flow and continuousdevelopment.This course was designed to be as close as one can get to a real private lesson with Matthias. Here you will get a close, intense look and feel at all the fundaments, the techniques and all the possibilities of the Cajon. You will also learn a lotabout rhythm and music in general.All you need is a cajon and some time!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Pragmatic Junior" |
"""I find it hard to build a portfolio on GitHub when I have zero ideas for things to build...""Have a senior developer hold your hand while building a professional, clean and sharp project, ready to put at the top of your GitHub profile.Remember the last time you started a project of your own?You knew you have to build something to get confident and gain experience.But what should it be? You got frustrated even when thinking about the project, let alone doing it. So you went with something boring, just to see how it goes.You probably forced yourself to sit and codeeven when you didn't want to. But often felt lost and wasn't sure if you're doing it right.Meanwhile, you kept reading about programmers working remotely from sunny, exotic beaches around the world.Ugh, it's like, almost everyone is like that these days. How do they do it?Discouraged and exhausted, you either started shooting resumes at various job offershoping to get a lucky call, even when underqualified. Or, what's worse, procrastinated and gave up finding a job for ""later"".Job invitations are rare if you have nothing to offer as a portfolio. And nowadays, any kid with a laptop in India is competition. How are you supposed to keep up?""And how do you get experience if nobody will hire a developer with no experience?""Compare the person above to you:Next week you're invited to an interview.You confidently walk in and take a seat. The interviewer asks about your experiencewhile already looking at your first repo on GitHub.He notices how calm and competent you sound while explaining the AI algorithm you've implemented.Wow, nice...he wants to hear more. So you go over the OOP and SOLID principles in the projectwhile literally showing them in the code.What was supposed to be a trivial 10-minute question turns into a passionate half an hour talk.And, you're clearly up for it. By that time, he's 90% convinced he likes you and you know your stuff. He wants to work with you!And now, compound that five times every month, over the next six months.Is it about time you found a well-paid job? You do the math.Introducing The Pragmatic JuniorThe practical video training for aspiring junior developers who want to get noticed and get hired.Once you enroll The Pragmatic Junior you get:Step by step instructionsabout a professional, fully-functional and ready to present project.An implementation of AI's MiniMax algorithm, OOP and SOLID principles in a command line game of Tic-Tac-Toe.The AI plays perfectlytherefore it's unbeatable.A sample implementation of the project written in Rubyan easy to read and follow language, close to plain English. You will do an exact copy of that implementation, using your own programming language.A detailed explanation of each function in the videos.Exact scripts about how to present the projectduring an interview, in GitHub, LinkedIn and in your resume.Q&A of potential topics you might get askedabout the project, including heuristics to improve the algorithm.Get lifetime access to the Pragmatic Junior now.This product comes with a six-month money-back guarantee:if for any reason you feel like you didn't get your money's worth out of our product, we will send you your money back.Plus: You get specific guides on how to use the product even if you don't write one line of codeby using the example Ruby implementation in your portfolio. See below for details on how to do this (you should not claim you wrote it)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Amazing Upper Body Strength - Master the Pull Up" |
"Chances are, you've always wanted to be able to perform pull ups at the drop of a hat. After all, how many people do you see do them well?Let's be honest,there are few more satisfying things to perform in the gym (or outside!) than the ability to pull your own body weight.As well as the satisfaction that comes with the ability, there are other serious benefits:- Physique development: Have you ever seen the body of a gymnast? Exactly. This is the starting point for that kind of development.- Physical Health: No damaging machines.- Easily accessible (and low cost!) asLittle equipment is needed (Tree branches are the perfect free option!)- The Gateway to higher skills, such as muscle ups.Learn the right way, with a proven methodology and see just how muchyou can achieve."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"React Native le Sfrdan IOS ve Android Uygulama Gelitirme" |
"Bu eitimde sizlerle birlikte React Native ile her ynyle IOS ve Android iin nasl mobil uygulama gelitirilir onlar ele alacaz.Sade bir anlatmdan ziyade rneklerle anlatm yaparak sizlerin IOS ve Android iin React Native'i kullanarak naslmobil uygulama gelitirebileceinizigstermeye altm.Ders konularn zenle seerek bir mobil uygulamada kullanabilecek tm yntemleri sizlere anlatmaya altm. Bunlar basit olarak veri ekip veri eklemek yada yelik ilemleri deil!React Native de style zelliklerini daha iyi kavrayabilmeniz iin her rneimizin tasarmn sfrdan gerekletirdik!Sadece style ile yetinmeyip uygulamanzn UX deneyimini artrabilmeniz iinanimasyonlar zelliklerinden uzun uzun bahsettim.Oluturduumuz Instagram Clone uygulamasyla;Facebook LoginFilm Rulosu EriimiKamera Eriimi ve Fotoraf ekmekFotoraflar Sunucuya Gnderme veDier Kullanclara Gsterme lemleriFarkl Yaz Fontlarn Uygulamamza Dahil Etme ve KullanmaGnderilere Yorum YapmakLike Animasyon EfektiBildirim Gnderme gibiilemlerle uygulamamz IOS ve Android iin gelitirdik.Yaptmz bu uygulamay AppStore ve Google Play Store da yaynlama ilemlerinden bahsettik.Bu eitimin sonunda sizlerde mobil uygulama gelitirerek ilgili marketlere gnderebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Master iOS User Interface Elements in iOS 11 and Swift 4" |
"If you are new to iOS development or have some hands on and want to learn how to give beautiful color and apperance to most widely used interface elemets via Xcode interferface builder and swift code, then you have landed on right place. In this course you are going to learn the usage and customization of user interface elements in real mobile application during iOS Development. No matter if you are just starting your iOS development career or have some hands on mobile application development, you will need to use these following entitites frequently ,1) How to use interface builder for drawing UI elemets on View controllers 2) How to customize UI buttons and functionality3) Handling bahavior and look of text fields4) Change font, color , size of UIlabels5) How to beautify Segment control.6) Role and usage of progress bar by giving desired shape7) What are activity indicator and how to make them colorful8) Difference between static and dynamic UITables9) How to design different types of UITables 10) When to use UICollectionview controller.11) How to control navigations"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HR Course - Agile PeopleOps Framework (APF) : Foundation" |
"This foundation course has been structured to help you understand the importance of Agile in todays turbulent business environment, the need for Agile in Human Resources, a basic introduction to the concept of Agile PeopleOps Framework (APF) and APF Manifesto, Values and Principles. By attending this course, you will learn what Agile is and why it is so important, understand Agile Manifesto Values and Principles, understand the need for Agile in Human Resources, learn what Agile PeopleOps Framework is, understand and learn new concepts of leadership, mindset, and organizational culture, explain what APF Manifesto, APF Values and APF Principles are, and why they are at the core of APF implementation. "
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Drop Shipping: From Beginner to Advanced (2019)" |
"Drop shipping is one of the greatest online business ventures you can start to either supplement your income or do full time. My name is Eric Smith and I am a successful, seven-figure drop shipper with multiple stores presently under my direct management. I am also an internet marketer, who is presently co-managing a successful digital marketing agency specializing in e-commerce marketing. Over the course of 15 years working in this industry, I have witnessed many changes and advancements in online retail that have completely transformed consumer behavior. As a result, opportunities to make money online have increased tenfold.Unfortunately, many online scams packaged as drop shipping courses have become ubiquitous on social media platforms like Facebook, and Youtube. Drop Shipping: From Beginner To Advanced is a course that comprehensively teaches you the best practices of drop shipping. This course covers everything from building a store from scratch, choosing the right suppliers, to placing paid advertisements on Facebook and Google Adwords. No stone was left unturned in the making of this course. Extensive research was done to ensure that all of thelatest technologies in drop shipping are thoroughlydiscussed in lectures, to give you a competitors edge.It is my sincere hope that after taking this course, that you exit with the knowledge to establish successfule-stores across multiple niches. I look forward to guiding you on the journey to success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data-Driven Content Marketing for Startups: 90-Day Strategy" |
"In this 7 module course, Ill walk you through building and launching a 90-day, data-driven content marketing strategy for your startup. You'll learn how to increase conversions up to 25%, boost unique traffic up to 8X, and do it all for 2/3 less.Here's what you'll be learning:Module One: Meet the InstructorModule Two: Why Content Marketing?In this module, you'll learn what content marketing is, why its an important investment, and what your timeline for success looks like. Module Three: Building a 90 Day Data-Driven StrategyIn this module, you'll learn how to define & document goals and objectives and reverse engineer a strategy accordingly. Well walk through the importance of data-collection and research in setting the stage for your content marketing program and putting your plan in writing. At the end of this section, youll have the framework for a successful content marketing program. Module Four: Creating Content to Add Value & Optimizing ContentIn this module, you'll learn end-to-end systems and processes to efficiently create high-quality content that boosts organic traffic and converts. Youll also discover the best ways to schedule and organize content, streamline coordination among teams (internal & external), and keep your content fresh and flowing. Well also walk you through best practices for optimizing your content. Module Five: Optimizing Content Promotion & DistributionIn this module, you'll learn how to get your high-quality content in front of the right eyes at the right time. Well walk you through the most effective content distribution and promotion methods and tactics, so your content gets the broadest possible reach in a targeted manner. Youll also get tips on how to extend the lifecycle of your content and repurpose for alternative channels. Module Six: Lead Generation In this module, you'll get expert tips on using lead magnets to generate new leads. Well walk you through the best ways to leverage your content to capture contact info from your most desirable prospects. Youll also learn how to create a killer landing page and how to nurture leads. Module Seven: Analyze, Tweak, Repeat & ScaleIn this final module, you'll learn how to track and measure your content marketing program, benchmark your results, and pivot where needed. Well also show you how to take the systems and processes youve learned in this course and use them to scale the program and amplify your results. BONUS: You'll also get access to TEN resources guides, including EIGHT detailed checklists that get you on the path to success in the fastest way possible. Double bonus: A special worksheet to help you map out your content marketing goals. Great tool for getting executive buy-in!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing: Launch Jacking" |
"This course is all about LaunchJacking. Once you learn the basics to begin and master this skill, you have the neccessary steps to achieve anything when it comes to marketing online. In order to launchjack affiliate promotions, you need the skills to use all of the tools and resources that are required for nay type of marketing. That's why this course is the best start for you if you have decided to jump into affiliate marketing. I look forward to holding your hand through this process and be there for you every step of the way. I'm not going anywhere. See you on the other side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |