Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Muscular System Anatomy" |
"This course can be used asan introduction or as a review for muscles of the scalp, face, and anterior neck. The main goal is to be able to identify each muscle by visualizing it. The other goal is to learn and understand its function. Ultimately, this course is designed to help you learn all this information in little time and in a less overwhelming manner. The course also has many opportunities to test your knowledge, which is crucial when learning anatomy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Model a Stylized Aircraft in Maya 2018" |
"This course covers alternative modeling techniques that can be used for constructing hard surface objects and environment assets. Students will gain primary knowledge to both new and traditional modeling tools found within Maya 2018 to produce virtually any 3D objects imagined. This course is for the ""advanced beginner"" a very basic understanding of Maya's modeling menu is required. Audio ""Reflections Across the Sky"" by Scott Holmes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Paint Tool SAI Drawing Guide: Learn SAI Fast!" |
"Are you aware of the popular software Paint Tool SAI? Are you wondering if youshould join the Paint Tool SAI artist community? You're in the right place!This course will allow you to jump right in to learning the basics of digital art with SAI and learning tips and expert input that you won't find anywhere else. Don't just walk in blindfolded get personal, easy, convenient,and one-of-a-kind SAI instruction that can't be found anywhere else in this format!What is Paint Tool SAI?Paint Tool SAI is a design software that is popular for its lightweight and easy to use nature. Many successful online artists use Paint Tool SAI. It is preferred due to its accessibility. Unlike other software, like Photoshop, SAI is not expensive or hard to tackle. Unlike other beginner software like MS Paint or FireAlpaca, Paint Tool SAI comes with a variety of tools and customizable features to help any artist adapt.Why Should I Take This Course?In this course, not only will you learn how to comprehensively use Paint Tool SAI, you also learn how to avoid the common pitfalls and improve quickly.An intermediate level of art knowledge is highlyrecommended before taking this course, as Iwill not be covering any art basics, but will jump right into drawing with SAI's features.Along with the basics, you will learn how to use SAI's tools to create your best digital works andhow to avoid SAI newcomer mistakes.What Will I Learn?The basics and featuresof Paint Tool SAIHow you can use these features to make great artIn-depth, detailed,bonus materialHow to avoid thecommon mistakes of SAI beginnersWho Will Benefit?This course takes you on a comprehensive guide through all of Paint Tool SAI's most lucrative features you will not learn about anywhere else. The explanations are easy to follow and rewarding. The course practically pays for itself after you find your style and gain Paint Tool SAI skills that will lend you a leg up in marketing yourself and getting noticedinthe online art community."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Animateur Cours de Qi Gong pour Enfants (N1)" |
"Ce cours est la premire sance cl en main pour conduire une sance d'initiation au Qi GONG avecles enfants (de 4 14 ans environ).Il comporte 5 mouvements de Qi Gong + des activits prparatoires (Expression corporelle, Conte, discussion) + notions de Mdecine Chinoise (points et mridiens d'acupuncture).Ce cours s'adressent la fois des enseignants qui veulent ajouter le Qi Gong leurs comptences, ou des pratiquants de Qi Gong qui veulent un cadre pdagogique leur permettant de s'adresser un public d'enfant. Dbutants bienvenus.15 sances sont dj disponibles et 15 autres en cours de cration."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide To Lucid Dreaming" |
"Hey! IGETIT, you've seen a lot of lucid dreaming courses, read a lot of articles, and bought a lot of products:You WANT to lucid dream more than anything, but nothing you've been doing seems to work. There's lots of information out there and most of it is confusing, misleading or just wrong.This course is different, and I've packed into this course the things I know for a fact work every time. This is what I've been teaching my students for years, and it's been refined into this course that you're seeing today.I'm an expert lucid dreamer with a passion for sharing what I know, and you may or may not know me from my YouTube channel or website (HowToLucid). This course is a fascinating insight into lucid dreams and shows you many secrets and techniques I've not actually revealed ANYWHERE else.Here's a small intro:By learning to lucid dream you can overcome nightmares, sleep better, feel better, and wake up with beautiful memories of the impossible things you've just experienced. It feels very real and you wake up feeling more energised and more confident. The problem is, it's HARD to get started and it can be confusing knowing what to practice.A large number of people, probably something like 90% start trying to lucid dream and practice the WRONG things for months on end, and they wonder why they can't lucid dream! Sometimes I'll suggest one or two key concepts and people will start lucid dreaming THATWEEK...Here's why you should listen to me:I'm Stefan, and I've been teaching the world to lucid dream for about 5 years or more, and now you can learn everything I know in one compact course! I've published over 10 books on the subject (and over 200 videos)but on this course you'll learn everything I've ever taught, PLUS things I've never taught. It's all here, from beginner techniques, right up to advanced mind hacking and lucid dreaming 'cheat codes'.Look, I get it:This is a huge course with lots of content, and I know it can seem almost overwhelming, but I promise you that I've laid it out and presented it in a very easy to understand way, so you can take it step by step. You WILL be able to understand and practice the things taught in this course, and unlike other courses, it's not just 'nonsense' speak; I teach ACTUAL practical real life things you can do every day to get closer to lucid dreaming.In fact, I've made all my videos and content super concise, so that in each lecture you only learn what you really need to learn, no waffle! This is based on years of my experience, and a summary of what I've been teaching people through my websites, videos and ebooks for years.I should mention the price of this course, now I understand that Udemy usually offers discounts and coupons, but this really is a high value course that really will be sold for over $150 on my main website.I wanted to bring it here first to open it up to more people and get lucid dreaming more publicity. I've put it on here at a huge discount for the first few weeks so this is your chance!Not to mention that inside, you'll find 2-3 of my best selling lucid dreaming ebooks just included as FREEbonuses! The current free bonuses included are 'Lucid Dreaming Superpowers' (which normally sells for $30) and '100 Things to Do In Lucid Dreams' (which normally sells for $14.99) plus a few extra bonuses as well that I won't reveal, as they're a secret until you become a student!Take the leap now, invest in your mind and your potential and let me personally teach you how to lucid dream, the right way. I have LOTS to talk about with you and lots of experience and knowledge to share, so get started now!See you on the other side..."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Impara Linux: dalle basi alla certificazione LPI - Exam 101" |
"Grazie a questo corso pratico imparerai tutto ci che c' da sapere su Linux ed il suo ecosistema, tramite spiegazioni ed esempi concreti di utilizzo.Al termine, se vorrai, potrai anche affrontare i due esami LPI e conseguire una certificazione professionale riconosciuta internazionalmente.Questo corso relativo al primo esame di certificazione LPIC-1 (Exam 101)Il programma del corso pensato per imparare Linux dalle basi e conoscere ogni suo aspetto: dalla diagnostica dei problemi pi comuni all'amministrazione / gestione di Server Linux e PC Desktop; apprenderai le conoscenze necessarie per comprendere e personalizzare ogni aspetto del sistema Linux. Una dispensa completa ed indispensabile per chiunque voglia avvicinarsi al mondo Linux con consapevolezza e farsi solide basi.NB: Il programma del corso aggiornato agli ultimi obiettivi d'esame (v5.0)Per maggiori informazioni sul programma, consulta il curriculum qui sotto, o visita il sito lpi [punto] orgPer maggiori informazioni e FAQ sui miei corsi, visita il mio sito morrolinux [punto] it"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design Mastery Course" |
"Do you have the passion of becoming a World-Class logo designer creating amazing logo for national and international clients?Are you looking for a skill that add extra profit to your income?Here in this wonderful pack I have put together a 10 days logo design mastery course for you.Each course is broken down into lessons and this will make it easier for you to accomplish tasks.You will learn how to design and become a professional logo designer but just following the simple steps and instructions in this course.If you want to start creating logo for big companies and business, you will need this course. In this course you will be guided on how to fetch ideas and the sources for inspirational.This course will allow you to practice what you have learned after each lesson. You will learn various CorelDraw techniques to create high-quality andbeautiful logos. After enrolling, you can post your work to the discussion board for critique as you build your logo design portfolio. Gain valuable insight on logo design and Coreldraw by learning from Onuoha UI, who has: Taught logo design and CorelDraw at offline schools for 11 years.Done graphic design for over 100 clients.Is chief designer at AlchemyPro :: Learning Community. This course is totally different form any Logo Design Course you have taken on Udemy. There is no much talk but actions to make you qualifies and ready for business. It is an opportunity to master logo design today. After this course you will be able to build your portfolio and client list. You will be able to design your own logos for your brand or for others. Understand how to use colors, the relevant typography for logo, tools that will enhance your design and design principles to create an awe-inspiring and distinct logo design portfolio. You can become a logo Alchemist today! 30-day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied with it after enrolling."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Cavaquinho (Iniciante) NVEL 01" |
"O Curso De Cavaquinho Inciante Prtico e Objetivo, Criado Para Quem Esta Comeando Ou Ainda No Sabe Nada Sobre o Cavaquinho. O Material Muito Didtico e Dinmico, Com Aulas Tericas e Prticas.Sobre;...O Universo Musical,Conhecendo o Cavaquinho, Pedagogia Braodo Cavaco, Afinao,Posio Das Mos,Escalas Maiores Naturais, Escalas MenoresMenores Naturais,Solos Fceis, Exerccios Para Os Dedos Etc.Tudo Isso Passo a Passo,Para Que Voc Aprenda e Evolua Corretamente Em Curto Tempo. Toda Caminhada Se Inicia Com Os Primeiros Passos...Bora Comear?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Sing Effortlessly" |
"This course is for beginners who want to learn how to sing without getting to technicalas well as intermediate singers who want to brush up on their technique.Thesebasic yet powerful concepts will help you get started and or back on track.If you apply these techniques and keep at it, you'll see great results quickly."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Calming Anxiety" |
"We can develop a healthy, strong, resilient mind and body. Using mindfulness practices, we notice anxiety when it is at a lower level and practice effective, science-backed practices to calm our nervous system, self-regulate emotions and enjoy a happier life.This is what we cover in the course:The root causes of anxietyHow anxiety shows up in our body, breath and thoughtsTools to let your past be in the pastDevelop a more accurate perception of threat, coming down from hyper-vigilance and red alertTwo simple ways to stop catastrophic and compulsive thinkingSocial anxietyFear of flyingHow to leave panic attacks behindYou may feel the grey half-life of low level anxiety or you might be experiencing extreme anxiety or PTSD. You might be on medication. The understanding and practices in this course will support you and are complementary to other treatments.This course is for youYou are sick of being stressed out and being hijacked by the pastYou want to know how you got here and how you can help yourselfYou are willing to try these simple proven techniques and toolsCalm your stress and anxiety. Gain resilience and strength. Watch the preview and sign up for this course.I know it is possible for you to heal."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Fsica dos Buracos Negros" |
"Este curso apresenta as propriedades fsicas dos buracos negros, os conceitos bsicos e a formulao da Relatividade Geral, a soluo das equaes de Einstein e uma breve introduo Evoluo Estelar e Colapso Gravitacional levando formao de buracos negros. Forte nfase dada na construo da teoria, passo a passo, a matemtica necessria, conceitos, diagramas e figuras esclarecem os pontos conceituais e quantitativos. O uso de ferramentas computacionais apresentado."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"O JEITO CERTO DE COMEAR.Como Encontrar Corretamente Sua Motivao Para Dirigir E Transformar O Sonho Em Vontade2CONHECIMENTO E HABILIDADES.Como Reconhecer Os Recursos Que J Tem e No Sabe Para Conquistar Seu Objetivo De Dirigir3DESCUBRA O QUE PODE EST TE PARALISANDO.O Que So E Como Identificar Valores E Crenas Que Vo Te Ajudar A Superar O Medo De Dirigir4INTELIGNCIA E FOCO.Como Trabalhar Sua Emoes Para Alcanar O Controle do seu carro.5CICLO DE APRENDIZAGEMComo O Ciclo De Aprendizagem De Direo Pode Te Ajudar A Dominar Seu Volante"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Beginner SSH Secure Shell - Hands on!" |
"SSH Secure Shell is must know for every IT professional - you won't avoid SSH. Servers are in cloud and you need SSH to configure them, deploy applications, update data or maintain running services.This course is focused on practice, but you'll also get to learn how things actually work. Who is this course for?Software developers without much DevOps experienceStudents of Information TechnologiesAnyone keen to learn about SSH and LinuxWhat will you do in this course?Create linux serverGet familiar with linuxLearn SSH !!!What do Ineed to start this course?Any computer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"In 3 Schritten vom Seminar-Konzept zum Web-Seminar" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Trainer und Dozenten, die Seminarinhalte per Webinar vermitteln sollen. In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du, was Web-Seminare sind Du erkennst wo die Unterschiede zu deinem Seminar liegen Du lernst welche Herausforderungen Du als Trainer hier meistern musst Du erfhrst, wie Du die Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration deiner Teilnehmer erhlst Du erarbeitest Dir einen Methodenkoffer und ein Toolset fr die Inhaltliche interaktive Gestaltung von Webinaren Wir erarbeiten gemeinsam, wie Du dein Seminarkonzept ins Webinar bertragen und damit ein echtes Web-Seminar halten kannst."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Figure drawing the Next Level" |
"Figure drawing is one of the most thought after skill in art but it is also one of the most difficult subject matter to tackle. This course is aimed to help you move pass just the basics of figure drawing and really help set you on your way to being creative with your figure. We will first review some of the basic fundamentals such as basic forms, line of action and weight shift. Than we will move on to more creative concepts such a rhythm and form interconnectivity. Finally I will show you how we can apply all these concepts in a figure drawing from imagination."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Shut Up! Experience the Power" |
"Don't be a door mat for people to wipe their feet on. This course grew from my work with inmates in the state prison system. They needed a simple and yet powerful way to take more control in their lives. I am delighted to bring this experience to Udemy and share it with you. This course Is gruff but loving. Provides a free PDF copy of the book: Over 101 Ways to Shut Up and Make Your World a Better Place Shows you how not to take the bait and get drawn into a pointless argument. Shows you how to turn inner chatter into inner support. Shows you how to appear much wiser than you might be (cool trick). Reveals a simple way to improve relationships. Supports you as a Life Coach, Counselor, or Minister. Can be downloaded for offline use. Provides downloads in both PDF and RTF formats so that you may edit and use as you desire. Does NOT promise to magically cure all the problems of life (I'm not that good, sorry). Believes that together we can make a difference. If you desire to gain leverage in your life, then this course has something worth looking into. I'm not promising that it is a fit for your personally, so watch the previews and then you will know if there if value here for you. Wishing You the BestClarence W. Fell"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crypto-monnaies : Investir sur Kraken, Binance et Huobi." |
"MISE A JOUR JUIN 2020 : GAGNER DES CRYPTOMONNAIESJ'ai rajout une nouvelle section pour vous donner une astuce pour gagner des cryptomonnaies en utilisant une stratgie mise en oeuvre par les dveloppeurs de ces projets pour les promouvoir : ils vous offrent des cryptomonnaies en change d'un peu de votre temps que vous passerez vous intresser et vous former ces projets.Pour vous c'est un gros avantage car cela vous permet de possder un petit nombre de cryptomonnaies sans avoir investir d'argent et donc sans risquer votre capital.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE JANVIER 2019 : APPRENEZ A UTILISER BINANCE ET HUOBI.J'ai rajout des explications sur ces deux plateformes car elles sont aussi trs populaires. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser leurs applications mobiles pour passer vos ordres directement depuis votre smartphone.A la fin de ce cours, vous saurez o et comment constituer votre premier portefeuille en crypto-monnaies.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cette formation s'adresse vous si :Vous souhaitez diversifier vos investissement ;Vous vous intressez aux crypto-monnaies ;Vous ne savez pas ni o ni comment en acheter ;Vous trouvez que les plateformes d'achat sont complexes d'utilisation.Cette formation aidera les dbutants qui souhaitent tre guids tapes par tapes dans l'utilisation des plateformes comme Kraken, Binance, Huobi ou Cryptopia.Je vous montre tout en cran partag pour que vous puissiez me suivre en temps rel :Crez et scuriser de votre compte ;Faites vos premiers virements ;Transfrez vos bitcoins ou vous ethereum d'une plateforme l'autre ;Passez vos premiers ordres d'achat ;Constituez un portefeuille de crypto-monnaies.Quand j'ai commenc m'intresser au bitcoin , je me suis heurt certaines difficults et il m'a fallu du temps pour bien comprendre le fonctionnement de ce type de plateformes. J'ai mme fait certaines erreurs mes dbuts. Aujourd'hui, je maitrise les fonctions de base de kraken et cryptopia, j'ai pu diversifier mes investissements et je possde un portefeuille de plusieurs cryptomonnaies. J'ai dcid de crer cette formation pour vous faciliter la tche. Elle s'adresse toute personne qui dbute dans cet univers. J'ai compris force d'entendre des gens autour de moi me demander o j'achetais mes cryptomonnaies, comment est-ce que j'utilisais les plateformes d'changes etc. que beaucoup de gens taient probablement freins au moment de se lancer. J'espre que ce cours vous facilitera la vie et qu'il vous sera utile ! Je me suis intress aux plateformes kraken et cryptopia et je vous vous montrer comment les utiliser pour acqurir un premier portefeuille et pourquoi pas du bitcoin. Acheter des cryptomonnaies n'est pas si compliqu. Dans cette formation, vous serez guid pas pas, je partage mon cran chaque tape : cration de votre compte, scurisation de compte avec la double-authentification, transfert de bitcoin etc. Vous apprendrez comment acheter diffrentes cryptomonnaies dont bitcoin, eos, ripple, ethereum et autres sur kraken, binance, huobi et cryptopia. Soyez en possession d'un portefeuille en cryptomonnaies la fin de ce cours en suivant les diffrentes vidos et exercices. Ce cours s'adresse vous si vous souhaitez savoir comment acheter des cryptomonnaies, si vous avez envie de diversifier votre portefeuille d'investisseur, si vous souhaitez acqurir du bitcoin ou n'importe quelle cryptomonnaies. Attention : je ne donne aucun conseil financier dans ce cours et ne vous indique pas de cryptomonnaies acheter. Je n'ai pas l'expertise ni la lgitimit pour le faire. En revanche, je vous apprends tape par tape comment le faire et comment utiliser kraken et cryptopia (je n'aborde pas d'autres plateformes). "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
mirayurveda |
", , . . . , . . . , , , , .. , .. . , 21 , , . . , , ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Divi Module development from start to finish" |
"In this course you will learn every secret of how to become a successful Divi Module developer. In simple lessons you will explore every detail to become a professional. Starting with the simplest project of all, a hello world module, the course will go over all the possibilities you have to create great Modules for the Divi Builder. I share all my knowledge and all the secrets which I taught myself over the last few month.But not only that, you will also learn how to successfully sell the modules you create to earn real money. Whether if you are a student who just wants to make some additional money in your free time, if you want to improve your own Divi installation, if you are a web developer whose clients use Divi and needs customisationsor if you want to become a full-time developer, making a living fromselling your extension - this course is for everyone who wants to start improving the worlds most popular premium WordPress theme."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a invertir en la bolsa con bajo riesgo." |
"Te gustara aprender a invertir correctamente tu dinero y que al hacerlo no sea nicamente sea obteniendo buenas rentabilidades, sino que ademas los riesgos por hacerlo sean muy bajos?Este es un curso es un entrenamiento completo para aprender y entender los distintosmercados burstilesbolsa de valores, forex, e incluso el mercado y la tecnologa que ha convertido a muchos en millonario, las criptomonedas como Bitcoin. Al entender realmente como funcionan los instrumentos financieros (mercados) podemos empezar aprender como desarrollar una estrategia personalizada y rentable, es decir, una estrategia de inversiones que funcione, que se adapte a tus necesidades, estilo de vida, riesgos,objetivos y tu SER, de esta manera el trading se vuelve ms divertido, efectivo y placentero ya que se convierte en lo que realmente quieres.Este entrenamiento tiene como enfoque principal tu SER INVERSIONISTA, ya que si nos brincamos esto JAMS seramos capaces de realmente disfrutar y tener grandes GANANCIAS, entiendo esto, sin importar como cambie y/o evolucione en cada momento los distintos mercados SERS CAPAZ DE ADAPTARTE Y GANAR EN CUALQUIER SITUACIN.Matando los tabs sobre las inversiones y los mercados desde el 2015!"
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Packet Tracer LAB" |
"Network Cert. CCNA CCNA R&S 600 . Cet. CCNA- - Cert. CCNA- Network Engineer What are the requirements? Protocol , OSI Model , IPv4 What am I going to get from this course? Cert. CCNA What is the target audience? Cert.CCNA"
Price: 1800.00 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Investment: A Beginner's Guide" |
"Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology are revolutionary and will bring about financial inclusion and technological innovation on a global scale. The course outlines what cryptocurrencies are, the basics of blockchain technology, how to purchase cryptocurrency and liquidate back into fiat currency,how to secure yourcryptocurrencies,where to obtain information about cryptocurrency,specific coins/tokens will be referencedand lastly, what aspects of a cryptocurrency project a student should researchbefore making an investment into a particular cryptocurrency. This introductory coursealso provides various useful websites that can be utilized as an individual continues their journey into the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, a byproduct of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Students will learn the history of cryptocurrency:Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dashand NEO will all be referenced in this course. Let financial inclusion reign supremeand this paradigm shift into afinancially inclusive globaleconomybegins with cryptocurrency and the blockchain."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web - HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery,HTML5CSS3" |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Pessoal para o Sucesso Profissional" |
"Este curso online muito prtico consiste em 4 mdulos, que tm uma durao entre 30 e 40 minutos com um total de aprox. 7 horas (com os exerccios includos). Os mdulos so subdivididos em vrios passos de forma a aprender e pousar quando quiser.O processo de personal branding, ou seja a criao de uma marca pessoal forte ajuda-o a mostrar de forma clara como pode ajudar os seus (potenciais) clientes com aquilo que sabe fazer bem e de forma singular. Saber a sua marca pessoal facilita a chegar aos clientes ou empregadores com os quais quer trabalhar, que partilham os mesmos valores que voc e que o valorizam da forma como quer ser valorizado. Isto s possvel com um profundo autoconhecimento e uma comunicao eficaz para o seu grupo alvo. Isto tambm significa que saber melhor para onde evoluir com base nas tendncias do seu mercado e ao nvel global num mundo que est a ficar cada vez mais digital. Por exemplo eu no adevinhava uns anos atrs que estaria neste momento a elaborar um curso online, apesar de saber que era uma das tendncias. Achava que no seria necessrio to rpido mas no verdade. A tecnologia est presente em todo o lado e neg-la significa prejudicar o seu prprio crescimento ou mesmo pr em causa o seu trabalho ou negcio.Na primeira parte do curso vai conhecer-se melhor a si mesmo. Com exerccios que pretendem aumentar o seu autoconhecimento, criamos as razes, o fundamento no qual a sua marca pessoal vai florescer. A seguir, quando temos bem claro a sua essncia e o seu factor de diferenciao, iremos descobrir como pode comunicar a sua marca pessoal de forma autntica e com impacto atravs dos vrios meios que existem. Iremos abordar os temas de comunicao verbal, no verbal, online e a imagem pessoal. Por fim, na quarta parte, ir ver como pode continuar a crescer e aumentar a sua visibilidade atravs de uma avaliao contnua."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook para Corretores de Imveis - 2018" |
"Neste curso apresento os conceitos bsicos do Facebook com objetivo do Corretor de Imveis obter o maior desempenho e engajamento dos seus clientes. Vamos ver o que so Perfis, Fan Page, Grupos, como usa-los de maneira estratgica e como cri-los. O objetivo deste curso que no final voc, Corretor de Imveis, saiba usar de maneira estratgica e eficiente o Facebook, tornado-o o seu maior Captador de Clientes e de Imveis. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Invading the Future - Your How to Guide" |
"Want to Win the Innovation War?Invade the Future First.Disruption. Digital Transformation. Innovation. Artificial Intelligence. Digitilisation. Mobile first. Buzzword overload?What is really happening? We are automating the world. Everything is becoming part of the global production, distribution and service platform - energy, entertainment, transport, agriculture, education everything. The crux to surviving and thriving? Organisations and their knowledge workers invading the future together at speed and scale.To make it you must move from instructions to missions, from knowing to learning, from monitoring to mentoring, from controlling to enabling.This course teaches you the leadership and execution concepts, skills, tools and techniques required to succeed, covering:the big picture - how to frame the societal change that is taking placemilitary strategy and tactics and how they apply to invading the future at speed and scaleMinimal Viable Products what are they, how to determine yours and launch itprioritising between futures to invadeadapting your plans to the cut and thrust of battlestrategy, tactics and execution in the face of constant uncertaintyThe course covers a diverse range of topics: digital transformation, strategy, responsive organisations, Lean, motivation, tactics, teamwork, DevOps, co-ordination, culture, risk management, feedback, adaptation etc.Let us show you how to craft and lead a fearsome army of motivated knowledge workers that conquer the future for you. Kickstart your invasion right now!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"IOS 11 SWIFT 4: Sviluppa un'app per iPhone da zero allo store" |
"Benvenuto al corso iOS 11 SWIFT 4: Sviluppa app da zero allo store dove imparerai a realizzare applicazioni in completa autonomia. Impareremo le basi della programmazione ad oggetti, il linguaggio Swift 4 e vedremo: Tipi, Costrutto if, Costrutto Switch, Cicli, Funzioni, Classi, Array, DictionaryVedremo UIKit e Inteface Builder per la realizzazione della parte grafica con: UITextField, UILabel, UIButton, UITableView, UIScrollView, Autolayout, UIPickerView, UISegmentedControll, UISwitch, UINavigationController, UIImageViewSvilupperemo insieme, passo passo, alcune applicazioni tra cui: - SommaApp: unapp per calcolare la somma- ListApp: unapp con una lista e un dettaglio- TrisApp: unapp con il gioco del tris- MapApp: unapp dove utilizzeremo le mappeVedremo, infine, tutte le operazioni necessarie per la creazione dei certificati e la pubblicazione su App Store"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer un plan de vida" |
"La mayora de personas no tiene metas personales y anda por la vida sin saber qu es lo que realmente quiere ni para donde va. Y si no saben para donde van, no pueden liderar a otros.En este curso aprenders a desarrollar tus metas de vida y descubrir tus pasiones y talentos para que tengas una direccin clara y un plan para alcanzarlas.Define tus metas de vidaDescubre tus habilidades y enfcate en tus fortalezasDesarrolla un plan estratgico personalSigue un plan de accin para ser ms productivo y disciplinadoAprende a tener una mentalidad de xito para alcanzar tus metas"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Audio Guide for Video Editors [Premiere Pro]" |
"____________________________________________________________________________________Student Reviews:""GOT WHAT I NEEDED! The course lives up to its title. You cannot find these tip and tricks in youtube. Just section 3 and 4 on music and sound design is worth more than the price of the course. The tutor is a Pro and you will be happy to spend time with him. A hidden gem amidst the sea of Udemy courses. Very happy on the purchase."" - Koveanthan P.""I knew the basics of sound in Premiere Pro, but this added a lot of knowledge. The pacing was great and the examples were good."" - Bruce L.""This course was great, so clear and to the point. Jason also has a really clean way of working with audio, making everything that he's saying really easy to follow :)"" - Heidi-Charlotte M.____________________________________________________________________________________If you are looking to learn more about sound in videos, you came to the right place. This course goes in depth about all facets of audio and sound editing for video creators, using Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Not only will we cover the basics of how to actually edit audio, but we'll explore the psychology behind using music and sound to move your audience. Additionally, we'll demystify the amazing tools inside Premiere that will have you mixing like a pro in no time.Organization, shortcuts, and effects.Set yourself up for success with industry standard organization structures, and be efficient with tried-and-true shortcuts and effects.DialogueLearn how to handle any type of voice over or field recordings without breaking a sweat. Synchronization, leveling, dead space, essential sound panel, it's all in the course.MusicUnderstanding song structure and composition creates an editing blueprint. Discover where to find great music, how to fit music to your edits, edit to the beat, transition between multiple tracks, and even mix instrumentals and vocal tracks together.Sound DesignMaster expert techniques that are easy to accomplish directly in Premiere. You'll be able to intelligently add sound effects that perfectly complement the music and visuals.Tools Understand the fancy tools that are built-in to Premiere. No longer will you fear the Equalizer, Compressor, Limiter, Noise Removal, or Loudness Standardization! MixingLearn how to get professional sounding mixes directly in Premiere using master compression, the audio track mixer, loudness radar, and more! We'll also go over industry standards for sharing audio projects between editors and sound mixers.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Jason, and I've been editing videos and making music for over 13 years. Beginning with an old beat-up Stratocaster guitar, I soon started recording music and creating music digitally using all different types of software. After a quick pit stop to get my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Television, Film, and New Media, my background led fluidly into a career as a full-time video editor, where I continuously use audio as a springboard to approach video creation. I've spent years learning from great editors and audio engineers, and have also developed my own unique methods for achieving high quality sound in Premiere. This course will give you both industry standard workflows as well as my personal tips and tricks to easily improve your sound."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como usar millis en Arduino (en menos de 90 minutos)" |
"Tu programa no funciona usando delay? Quieres aprender cmo usar la funcin millis de Arduino para terminar tu proyecto? O para empezarlo? En este curso aprenders a crear temporizadores (timers) de forma sencilla, como iniciarlos y configurarlos ms rpido de lo que imaginas. En menos de 90 minutos te enseare cmo usar las funciones delay y millis correctamente para que definitivamente domines el control de tiempo en Arduino.Comenzaremos con un breve repaso de los conceptos ms bsicos, para luego examinar detenidamente cmo usar las funciones delay y millis. Y luego analizando algunos ejemplos, veras que fcil es medir el tiempo de forma correcta. Durante el desarrollo del curso te propondr varios ejercicios que te ayudaran a poner en practica inmediatamente lo que has aprendido, he iremos paulatinamente analizando ejercicios cada vez ms complejos, para que al final del curso puedas sustituir cualquier delay en tus programas con temporizadores (usando la funcin millis). Como estudiante tendrs acceso a todos los programas utilizados en el curso, y a las respuestas de todos los ejercicios propuestos. Este curso est pensado para principiantes que tienen conocimientos bsicos de Arduino, y para los ya que tienen alguna experiencia, pero quieren mejorar sus habilidades de programacin. Este curso no es apropiado para ti si eres totalmente nuevo en Arduino.No te ensear los conceptos bsicos del Arduino, como el uso del Arduino IDE, como hacer un LED parpadear o a hacer programas y circuito simples."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Fluency with Debates: Express Yourself Clearly" |
"Learn English Fluency with Debates: Express Yourself Clearly is an English Language Course designed to help English learners with their English fluency, and their English speaking skills and confidence.Imagine that the next time you really want to express yourself... you really can.-----------Praise for Learn English Fluency with Debates: Express Yourself Clearly""I really enjoyed the course, and I have learned a great deal about English fluency and clarity. I thank you for your method of teaching ... I just love this training course!!!""~ Brunnel Milard""Outstanding course! Very valuable discussion around structuring what you want to say and the use of discourse markers.""~ Leroy Yancey-----------Learning English is a journey. Becoming a fluent English language speaker is a journey. Speaking English fluently is a journey.And sometimes, that journey to learn English fluency can feel frustrating. There's nothing more frustrating than wanting to express a strong opinion but not having the right English language to make people understand exactly what your opinion is. Or not having the English fluency to really have that great English conversation. Or lacking the confidence to speak English because you don't want to be misunderstood... That's more than frustrating. It means that right now, you're stuck.This course will give you the language - and the confidence - to speak up when you have something to say, and even more importantly... to be listened to by others. People will listen to you because you will know how to to grab their attention and make yourself clearly understood in the English language. This course helps you to end your frustration and finally give you that freedom of speech.This is an English language course unlike any others you will find anywhere else. ... How so?Because most courses expect you to stay motivated by your own real-life goals for hours while you listen to rules or example sentences, often without much context. Have you noticed that this doesn't work? Have you ever wondered why? I mean, you were so excited to learn how to speak English fluently, right? So why do you lose that excitement and motivation before reaching the end of the course?The truth is: it's because your brain doesn't work that way.Your brain needs two kinds of motivators to stay on the learning path to speak fluent English.You could be extremely motivated to learn English fluency, but to your brain this is only a long-term motivator. This is important. But all brains work best when there are also short-term motivators. This is the key to deep learning.This course is designed to keep you engaged and motivated with both long-term motivators and short-term motivators. The long-term benefits are that you will be able to express yourself fluently in many ways. And the short-term benefits?This course guides you in how to be fluent in English with five fun debates that continue to develop and grow over the whole course. Your hungry short-term brain is satisfied by the continuous feeding of quick wins and small victories by using the language to interact with the debates that continue through the course. You aren't just repeating sentences and phrases - you are deciding how you want to reply, and learning to reply. Quickly.For each part of the course:(1) You will listen to different arguments in the ongoing debates.(2) You will learn the English language the speakers use as well as the communication skills that really give you the English fluency to express yourself clearly.(3) You will learn which mistakes you MUST avoid.(4) You will PRACTICE the best English language and English fluency skills to participate in these debates yourself. Yes - YOU actually use the English language while taking this course!(5) You will even get responses to what you say!I've put a lot of effort into making sure that this course really helps you this time to stop feeling like you can't express yourself. This course can, once and for all, give you the keys to unlocking one of the greatest parts of your life: your self-expression. Don't waste another day of your potential to speak English fluently."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |