Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
media_literacy001 |
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"How to Do Yoga for Breakfast: 21 Days of Yoga in 7 minutes" |
"7 Minutes of Yoga Daily + Gentle, mindful instructionto truly feel the effects+Body areafocused,expanding from your core out+ Modify to suit you level with household props+ Get the benefits of yoga from homeI would so love to help you toEnjoy moving your body and feel the gorgeous benefits of feeling more mobile, fit and strongFeel you can fit in your exercise without having to leave the house or wear certainclothes or already be fitFind out what you want to achieve and create a plan just for youFeel supported and motivated to get on the mat every day!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ARCore and Sceneform for Android Augmented Reality (Java)" |
"ARCore is Google's Augmented Reality Platform for Android!It allows developers to create augmented reality apps for over 100 million devices.This revolutionary technology will allow you to breakthrough in an industry worth over $100 billion.We will go through theory for important ARCore concepts such as Sceneform, Augmented Images and Cloud Anchors (coming soon). After which, we will build hands on projects that will be stellar additions to your portfolio.Use Sceneform to overlay 3Dgraphics on top of the real worldUseMotion Trackingto track your objectsAugmented Images to detect Images and overlay graphics on themCloud Anchors to build shared ARexperiencesSource code will be provided for the projects and this course will be regularly updated to incorporate latest technology. Support will be actively provided on the Q&Aarea.If you want to save time on learning ARfor Android and learn how to build practical applications, this is your best investment!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Effectief Studeren" |
"In deze cursus leer je hoe je super effectief kunt studeren, gebaseerd op de beste wetenschappelijk bewezen studievaardigheden.Concreet leer je:Je motivatie terug krijgenPlanningen maken die je haaltStoppen met uitstellenMinder maar de juiste delen lezenAantekeningen maken die doen begrijpen en onthoudenOp tijd en goed herhalenMindmappenHoe je geconcentreerd blijftHoe in 30 seconden veel meer uit een les of college kunt halen"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Marketing para Empreendedor" |
"No curso de Marketing para Empreendedor, voc vai aprender a utilizar ferramentas de planejamento de marketing aomximo, conseguindo criar ideias de negciosbem estruturadas, com foco nos desejos e necessidades dos seus clientes, alm de criar um roteiro para vender mais.Todas as aulas possuem uma apresentao de contedo, mais uma apresentao explorando um pouco mais o assunto, alm de ferramentas que esto disponveis para download e preenchimento.Esse curso essencial para aqueles que desejam empreender ou aqueles que j possuemum negcio e precisam se diferenciar no mercado.Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de:Identificar solues e oferta de valor para perfis distintosde clientes que queira atingir;Utilizar um modelo de negcios enxuto com foco na identificao de soluo atravs de propostas de empreendedorismo;Desenvolver diferenciais competitivos para sua empresa;Ser capaz de montar um roteiro de vendas, com foco na superao de objees.Sucesso no seu empreendimento!"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Criptovalute: Corso Pratico" |
"Allorasei pronto per iniziare la tua avventura nel mondo dellecriptovalute?Iosi sono eccitatissimo, sono felicissimo di portarti con me in questomeraviglioso nuovo mondo.Primadi tutto mi presento, sono donald titoldini e gestisco il sito webfreedom, dove settimanalmente pubblico notizie riguardanti il mondodella blockchain in pi gestisco canali per poter usare praticamentetutte le nozioni sia teoriche sia pratiche che vi dar durantequesto ebook.Lamia esperienza iniziata sei anni fa, quando ancora nessuno sapevacos'erano le criptovalute, ne esistevano veramente poche e quasitutte nate da hard fork di bitcoin, all'ora re incontrastato diquesto mondo.Homosso i miei primi passi tra moltissimi errori e tante gioie, mihanno letteralmente cambiato la vita.Riuscirea prendere una nuova rivoluzione quando in fase embrionale un'esperienza unica.Mala cosa che adoro di questo mondo che possibile veramente atutti usarlo e sfruttarlo a proprio favore.Perahim la maggior parte delle informazioni sono quasi tutte ininglese e la maggior parte delle volte totalmente teoriche quindi poipassare alla pratica risulta totalmente impossibile.Daqui mi venuta l'idea di creare questo corsocontenente tutta lamia esperienza, cos da accompagnarvi passo passo senza farvicommettere i miei stessi errori, cos da risparmiare diversecentinaia di euro.Sonoveramente fiero che avete scelto me come vostra guida, perch nonvedo l'ora di farvi conoscere le criptovalute e tutta la rivoluzioneche sta arrivando grazie a loro, la si pu paragonare all'avvento diinternet.Sietepronti ad iniziare? Iosi, andiamooo!!!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Women in Mixed Media" |
"Join me on the journey of portraying elegant women using a few different mediums. All of the materials used are affordable materials and you will not need the top brand names if you do not want to make the investment. In this course I break down every step with examples, handouts, demonstrations and feedback."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Design Responsivo com HTML5 e CSS3" |
"O curso de Web Design Responsivo com HTML5 e CSS3 ensina do zero a criar um site profissional e responsivo, utilizando HTML5 e CSS3, alm de noes de Bootstrap e metodologia BEM e o editor de texto Sublime Text.Ele dividido em sete captulos prticos que mostram inicialmente a teoria aplicada a pequenos exemplos e depois, passo a passo, construo do site profissional proposto no curso."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn em Ao 2020 - O Futuro das Oportunidades" |
"O Linkedin conhecido por ser a maior rede social profissional do mundo, e se bem utilizado pode se tornar a porta de entrada para novas oportunidades.Seja voc um profissional que est buscando utilizar o Linkedin para vendas ou em busca de recolocao no mercado de trabalho, esse curso ir te ajudar a colocar a mo na massa para conquistar novas oportunidades. Ao final do curso voc estar apto a responder as seguintes questes:Por onde comear a utilizar o Linkedin?Como construir um perfil alinhado as objetivos profissionais?Como usar o Linkedin para obter novas oportunidades em sua carreira ou empresa?Quais so as boas prticas que um profissional deve seguir para se apresentar digitalmente para o mercado, conquistar boas conexes, e criar novas oportunidades?Como implementar itens que aumentam sua visibilidade profissional?Quais as estratgias para ampliar qualitativamente sua rede de contatos atravs do Linkedin?Como se aproximar de empresas-alvo e pessoas-chave?Espero que voc possa usufruir ao mximo de todo o conhecimento passado neste curso e qualquer dvida/sugesto, nos envie para"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Upholstery Guide: Recovering Dining Room Chairs" |
"Join me and start gaining the re-upholstery skills you've always wanted.The Ultimate Guide to Recovering Dining Room Chairswill give youskills that will stand up toprofessional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of re-upholstery or your money backThe course is your track to obtaining re-upholstery skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to re-upholster for other people.This course will take you from having little knowledge of upholstery to re-covering your own pieces and having a better understanding of upholstery fundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Ill show you how to re-upholster three different styles of dining room chairs and in the process, transform your skill level.Youll gain instant access to all 6 sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through, step by step, the process of re-upholstering three different chairs of different styles andwill equip you with the knowledge to create stunning pieces of furniture!Dont believe me? I offera full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Within the 6 sections of the course you will obtainthe fundamentals of upholstery from the ground up. The course is supported with over 4.5 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.Ill walk you through the tools youll need throughout the course.Ill show you where to find and how to choose a chair with good bones.Ill teach you the tricks of the trade as we disassemble your chair and help you keep track of your pieces.Then well make a full assessment of your chair; going over whatcomponents can be reused and what supplies you will need.Ill go over what your options are for refinishing or just touching up those exposed wooden portions.Ill discuss what kinds of fabrics you will need and how much you should get.Well discuss fabric textures, what a napis and why it's important, and Ill even show you how to determine how much fabric you will need for each chair.And then finally Ill walk you through step by step the process of re-upholstering your chairs.What else will you get?Lifetime access to course materialsUnderstanding of how professional upholstery is createdQuizzes and check listsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your world today!Who is the target audience?Students wanting to learn how to re-upholsterStudents willing to put in a couple hours per chairto learn how to re-upholsterStudents willing to take action and start creating their own beautiful pieces of furnitureStudents wanting to add another skill to their tool belt."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ready, Set, Married - (Marriage Preparation)" |
"A great marriage is not automatic and many engaged couples find this especially unbelievable, because of the love they are feeling! A great, strong and healthy marriage is possible, even if it is not automatic. In this course Peter and Teresa walk couples through preparation to thrive and not survive. You will find yourself being biblically equipped for success in all of the most common and challenging areas to be navigated when entering this exciting season of marriage!Make your marriage great, by investing and preparing to thrive!This Course will also be of great benefit for marriages who are needing marriage help, wives and husbands who want to grow, married couples who are struggling and all those who are looking for marriage counselling."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to ADSENSE ARBITRAGE : Adsense Traffic Arbitrage Course, easiest way to make money online. You don't have to make any sales or any conversion. Just send traffic from facebook ads for very very cheap price(0.01$ per click) and get paid at end of the day with this adsense arbitrage. Over the duration of this course, I will teach you on how to do this and I will show you my results from one of my Google Adsense account.What you will learn: FB AdTwist+ AdSenseHow to create your own viral website.CASE STUDY : On How I made more than $250 on one Article.Best places to put your ads to increase your CTR on Adsense.How to use Native ad Networks to increase your ROI. How to monitor Everything (Google Analytics & Adsense report) with my REAL RESULTSHow to scale your Facebook Ads (0.01$ - 0.02$ Per Click).Breaking down the 2018 way of Doing traffic arbitrage (with Mobile Traffic) How You Can Set UpAs Many Simple Passive Adsense Machines facebook Ads (With As Little As 15 Minutes Per Day) But Since Last Year, A LotsChanged. So WeveCOMPLETELY UpdatedThis WINNING Method.!The System IsEasier, Faster & More ProfitableThan Before & And Even More Customers Are MakingMOREMoney With It.Since 2015, Everyone Thought Adsense WasDead. Good.MOREProfits For Us and Less competition Guys!.Most people follow outdated traffic methodssuch as SEO, setting up backlinks, buying ranking fiverr gigs and creating special SEO Friendly Content.And then after doing all that, they MAYBE get 20- 50 visitors if theyre lucky. Visitors that DONT convert and if thats not enough, Google wakes up one day & slaps your website and all your backlinks and when that happens,you lose everything.Withoutdepending on SEO, without creating Articles and without spending a lot of money or time.Thank you see you on inside ;>"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"RECRUITMENT ENGINEERING: Talent Sourcing Guide of 2020" |
"Todays labour market is a tough and nasty place especially for staffing professionals. Due to the low unemployment rates and demographical curvecompanies and recruiters have to face the reality of the passive talent market.This state of the market puts a burden on the head of every talent sourcer, recruiter or HR professional who needs to use the latest outbound recruitment techniques onLinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Github, Dribbble, job boards databasesor elsewhere in the online matrix.Recruitment Engineering Liteis an up-to-dateonline training in talent sourcing. Joss main mantra is Get practical! and that is the main feature of this digital training. All the techniques are covered hands-on with the real-world examples in a live environment.Is this for you?Frankly, if you want to:increase the efficiency of your sourcing & recruitment activities,massively boost the volume of reachable candidates and their response rate,learn to significantly cut costs on hiring of new employees,adapt new technical procedures into your daily hiring routine,and simply create a better competitive advantage in todays recruitment,then you should avoid putting this into your recruitment arsenal only at your peril. Take a glimpse at whats inside.Main topics covered?Job Market Situation Turmoil: Never Get Romantic About How You Hire Your EmployeesCandidate Searching and Targeting: Hunt Them Down Before Your Competition DoesCandidate Approaching: How to Approach Anybody and Get a Response Every TimeVideo Sourcing: Skyrocket your Candidate Response Rate up to 100%HR Marketing for Outbound Recruitment: Personal Branding as the Latest Business ToolLive Sourcing Sessions: Let's Get PracticalThe Future is Now: What's the Next Big Thing in HR Tech?Not persuaded?Watch the free chapters of this training to get a taste for the added value in store for you.Still not convinced?See the rave of reviews by respected talent acquisition managers, CEOs and HR professionals and 100+ attendee reviews onJos's LinkedIn profile!Recruitment Engineering is the most comprehensive digital headhunting training available. It was created by Josef ""jos"" Kadlec, the author of the well-known book about talent sourcing, People as Merchandise. The fact that Jos and his partners have built a company with 140+ employees in 3.5 years serves as the clearest proof that his recruitment techniques work! Be prepared for his unique unorthodox techniques such as Video Sourcing or LinkedIn Onion Searching.- David E. Perry, Bestselling Author ofGuerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0, Hiring GreatnessandExecutive Recruiting for DummiesExcited to see Josef Kadlec and his team expand their information share and desire to educate the recruitment industry through Recruitment Academy. It's been great to work with Josef, understanding and following his passion for training about up-to-date practices and new technology. It's wonderful to see RA grow and become a go-to resource for recruiters and hiring professionals who want to reach the peak of their careers and then stay there by continually learning and evolving with the industry and its supporting technologies.""- Rayanne Thorn, HR and Recruiting Tech Enthusiast and Marketer - Dovetail Software and creator / host of the podcast HR Latte""In order to stand out from the crowd and excel you must double down on your strengths. If you bet on your recruitment skills, the Recruitment Engineering training programme should be a part of your daily work toolkit. Period.""- Jan Mhlfeit, former Chairman at Microsoft Europe, Chairman of the Recruitment Academy Board and the Best-selling Author of The Positive Leader""Recruitment Engineering online training, crafted by Jos Kadlec, offers insider insight into various talent sourcing techniques that you can easily apply to your daily recruitment routine regardless of whether you're in Romania, Czech Republic, Ireland or Canada. You will especially appreciate the focus on maximum practicality.- Lenka Rezacova, HR Business Partner at Deloitte""Jose is both an entrepreneur and a pragmatic innovator constantly looking for the next thing in sourcing that just works. It does not matter if you're new to the club, a seasoned sourcer or a recruitment executive looking to bring a new sets of skills to your team - this training delivers on keeping you at the top of the game.""- Ondrej Prochazka, Tech Sourcer at Facebook"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Algoritma ve Programlama Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs mhendislik rencileri iin en temelden orta dzeye kadar bol altrma ve rneklere sahip geni bir rehberdir. Yazlm gelitirmekiin trmanmanz gereken en nemli basamak algoritmadr.Bu eitimde ise en temel bilgisayar yapsndan balayarak yazlmn ne olduunu nasl gelitirilebileceini gerek hayattan rnekler ve altrmalarlabulacak, yazlm gelitirmeninzevkine varacaksnz.Sizde uygulayarak renip kendi geleceinizi yazabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Plan Your Wedding Like a Pro" |
"Are you recently engaged?Do you have an idea in your head of what your dream wedding looks like, but you just aren't quite sure how to execute that vision?In this course, you will be taken step-by-step through the wedding planning process by a professional event planner, who will explain exactly how to make your dream wedding a reality -and even show you how to save money along the way! Here's what you will learn about:Wedding Planning Timeline- find out just how long you should wait to book certain vendors Vendors- learn more about what vendors are needed for today's wedding Budget- tips for keeping this uncomfortable subject streamlined, as well as a free budgeting tool downloadWedding Website- step-by-step guide to building your own wedding website Attire- learn how to build a cohesive bridal party attire that matches your themeColor Palette/Theme- learn how to create a vision board and figure out what you want for your overall aesthetic Stationary- tips for saving money on stationary like Save-the-Dates, Invitations and more Choosing an Officiant- all your questions answered and a guide to having someone ordained Choosing a Venue- the questions you should be asking your venue manager Choosing Your Wedding Party- tips from a planner's perspective Details- find out how to bring your theme to life with small details, and where to find them online Day-Of Coordination- what it is and why you need it This is the course I*wish*Ihad before planning my own wedding back in 2011- Iam sharing all of my professional secrets to save you time, money and STRESS!Anyone can plan their own wedding, as long as they have the right tools in their back pocket, and this course will provide you with exactly that."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"the complete guide to visit Marrakech, Morocco" |
"This course was created to help people who wanna visit Marrakech to benefit more from their visit and save their time and money.Well, according to my experience in selling products at a handicraft exhibition, I have met a lots of tourist and I was asking about their trips and they were complaining about things such as the highest prices, the deception of drivers, and sellers scams etc. Thats why I was thinking about avoiding these problems and helping others enjoying their trips. And at the end of the day I found out that I have to create this course for the following reasons:_Giving you some information and tricks about Marrakech that you cannot find online._Help you to be your own tour guide for more enjoyment._Help you make the best decision that can save your time and money.In short, in this course Im not gonna tell you where to reserve or where to eat, Im just gonna help you make your own decision and reduce your cost as much as possible, without any advertisement.But if I want to talk to you about a service that only one company that offers that service in Marrakech Im ganna tell you its name and address neutrally without ads and the final decision is up to you.And if you want a specific research or information about Marrakech that is not in this course dont hesitate to leave a message for me."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como formar frases em Ingls 1" |
"O curso ensina o aluno(a) iniciante no aprendizagem de Ingls a formar frases relacionadas a atividades do diaadia dele, no presente, no passado, no presente contnuo, e no futuro. Como o curso e direcionado aos iniciantes, as frases so formadas em Portugus e em Ingls para facilitar o aprendizagem. A formao de frases comea com explicao de atividades do diaadia tanto em Portugus quanto em Ingls."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Create a WordPress photography website IN NO TIME" |
"WordPress for absolute beginners! In this course you will learn to create a Website without any prior coding experience. This course is ideal for someone who is looking to practice without having to buy a domain.It is a follow along course that consists of easy to understand screen recordings that will take you step by step through the process of making a Photographywebsite.It is ideal for someone that is looking to showcase their portfolio online but people who are looking to start working with wordpress can benefit from it as well, of course!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to become more Happy, Confident & Motivated!" |
"Do you want to be able to better cope with stress, frustration, self doubt, anxiety, depression? This course is for you if you have been down, stuck and feeling lost. It will also help you take your life and goals to the next level.This course includes all of the top information & activities that have been most helpful for 100s of my clients. Its essentially the best of therapyin a course!We will work on things like: Identifying and changing your negative self talkCorrectly creating and using affirmationsIdentifying your values and where you spend/should be spending your energyUnderstanding and adjusting your boundariesAssessing your relationshipsAll of this will lead to a happier, healthier more confident version of you. You will be better able to cope with what comes at you and better manage your frustrations and struggles."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Japons para Principiantes: Idioma y Cultura" |
"En este curso logrars aprender muchas cosas bsicas sobre el idioma japons, como sus alfabetos, su escritura y sus frases ms comunes para que logres dominarlo de la manera ms sencilla y eficaz posible. Adems de eso podrs descubrir algunos datos curiosos sobre este pas que seguro te parecern interesantes."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"SQL Query Writing for Beginners" |
"SQL is one of the most in demand skills a person can have. Learning SQLcan mean more money and more marketability. Who doesn't want that? If this wasn't enough, understanding how to useSQL gives you power because it allows you to get at information in ways those who do not know SQL cannot.It allows you to understand data in an entirely new and mind expanding way.So now that we covered ""Why SQL?"" let's talk ""Why ThisCourse?"" This course is for you if don't necessarily consider yourself a techie person, but are interested in getting involved in one of the biggest, most in-demand industries in a fun way. This course is also for you if you aren't a fan of boring textbooks but are a fan of whimsy.Throughout this course, you will be taken into the Fairy Tale world where you will help Cinderella and her kingdom use data in all sorts of cool ways.I have the strongest desire to make this class so fun and magical that you learn one of the top skills around in a completely pain free and delightful way.One additional differentiation about this course is there are no barriers to entry. You can start this course right away without downloading a lot of programs.You can simply watch the videos and complete the activity sheets and at the end of the course, you will be well on your way to becoming a SQL query writing pro.Many SQL courses and books will select a specific SQL program.Youll spend the first few lessons downloading all of these tools and be exhausted by the time you actually get to the course content.I didnt want to waste any of our time doing that in the start because this course is focused on the big concepts of SQL query writing and data retrieval. Once you get these big ideas down, understanding the slight variations in the various SQL programs are minor.At the end of the course I have some recommendations on where to go next, but I wanted you to be able to take this course with nothing but a notepad or a word doc. Ready to get to your SQLquery writing mastery?Great! Let's do this!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Guitar" |
"This course is set up to help you understand and develop the skills that you need to start playing guitar today! I cover basic terminology, Open Chords and Power Chords along with strumming techniques, basic exercises to help you progress a bit quicker, a solid practice plan and over 55 Common Chord Progressions! Many of which are the backbone to the music that you enjoy listening to!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How Your Singing Voice Works - No More Confusion!" |
"STUDENT REVIEW:""Awesome course with a lot of valuable information on how the singing voice works. Thank you."" - Bobbie SmithIf you want to teach yourself to sing and build confidence in your voice then you need to know at least what a vocal coach would know...Makes sense right?Well every vocal coach knows how your singing voice works. They use this knowledge to help them build your singing voice correctly and efficientlyIf you want to build your singing voice and confidence the way that a professional vocal coach would then you too need to start that process by learning how the singing voice works FIRSTThis course will teach you that critical information you need to know before you start to teach yourself to sing (the information that every vocal coach knows)...Think of it like this your voice is an instrument and to get the most out of an instrument you need to understand how it works.** WHAT THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU: **Learn about air flow: understand how your body takes air flow and turns it into sound this will help you problem solve your voice correctly making sure you build your voice the right way, the first time, confidently.Discover the anatomy of the singing voice so you can quickly isolate problem areas, fix them and get back to what you love... singing.Find out how the parts of your voice work together (Physiology) so you can cherry-pick the right exercises to build your voice quickly saving you wasted time doing the wrong exercises.You learn about the breathing system: this is the foundation of all singing and must be understood.You learn about the Vibratory system: the next part in the big picture.You learn about the Resonance System: And a powerful trick to instantly improve your singingYou learn about the Articulation System: and its crucial role in being heard.You learn about the Nervous System: the final but most important systemThe key to understanding how your singing voice works: Explained on this course.Learn a valuable tip to monitor your breathing system (a tool that my students and I use everyday).Secret of how the resonance system can increase your volume for no extra effort.The best way to make your voice sound nicer: There is nothing worse than not liking the sound of your own voice (I explain the remedy)And much much more on the course...I will break down, and simplify the whole process so by the end of this course you will be confident on how your singing voice worksNot only that you will have a clear framework in your mind that you can use to move forward as you build your singing voiceI wish someone had sat me down and gone through all the information that you'll find on this course before I had wasted any time going down the wrong road with my singingYou of course dont need to worry at all...youve found this courseThis course is backed by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee (I am also a udemy student and can testify to how efficient, clean and hassil free this process was).So there is no risk to you at all, only if you dont take the course and miss out on some crucial information that would help you to build your voice the right waySo what have you got to lose, from where Im sitting you can only winA clearer more confident understanding of your voice a waitsEnrol now to start building that confidenceI will see you on the course...P.S.I normally teach this to my students over 2 lessons (costing $100 in total) you are getting the same knowledge for far less, and you can come back to it whenever you want with your lifetime access."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Quesos y cremas Raw & Vegan" |
"La comida Raw es una comida viva llena de enzimas y fitonutrientes. Su preparacin est basada en plantas, semillas y nueces con las cuales podrs crear platillos crudos y fermentados, sin qumicos ni alteraciones. Al consumir este tipo de alimentos tendrs un cambio radical de salud, tu sistema inmunolgico se ver totalmente beneficiado y mantendrs tu cuerpo en un estado alcalino, obtendrs como resultado la sensacin de ligereza. La alcalinidad te har sentir tranquilo, alegre y de buen humor.Tendrs al alcance de tus manos, un plan de recetas nutritivas a cargo de La Chef Patricia Villarreal, quien te mostrar cmo hacer paso a paso deliciosas variedades de quesos sin lcteos y fermentados. Te sorprender lo fcil que es hacer tus propios alimentos saludables.Ten la confianza que obtendrs resultados honestos, porque al denominar Raw a nuestros quesos, hablamos de como estn hechos y el proceso que se utiliza para elaborarlos. Lo que llevars a tu boca ser altamente inofensivo, sabroso y saludable.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Testimonios Felicidades eres una gran Chef, un gran ser humano, una gran amiga que siempre se ocupa y preocupa por la salud de los dems, derramando pasin en todo lo que haces. En hora buena!, mucho por compartir con la humanidad. Que afortunada soy por conocerte, teniendo una vida altamente saludable. Gracias a tu generosidad en todo mi proceso de sanacin en cncer de mama. Eres extraordinaria, bendecida seas. -Mara Montalvo, Locutora y Conferencista.Sal sanada del cncer hoy, gracias a mi Padre amado y a todos los involucrados en mi salud y sanacin, una de ellas eres t Chef Paty con la nutricin trofolgica orgnica. Vive ligero, vive Raw!. -Mara Montalvo, Locutora y Conferencista.Muchsimas felicidades Patricia Villarreal por ser tan profesional en tu pasin por la alimentacin sana. Estuvo genial el curso como siempre tan abundante y generosa en tus conocimientos y degustaciones en cada receta. Dios te bendiga y multiplique en salud, felicidad, conocimientos por siempre amiga. -Mara Montalvo, Locutora y Conferencista.De lo mejor! Por andar cenando muy pesado, cosa que no estoy acostumbrada, se me ocurre comer el queso de la Chef Patricia Villarreal me regal, y cranme, no pasaron ni 10 minutos y desapareci todo el malestar que en mi estmago tena. Esos probiticos y la fermentacin me ayud mucho en la digestin. Lo comparto, no solo porque es sabroso, es el beneficio que podemos obtener al adquirir unos quesos de la Chef Paty. -Mima de BaldwinInfinitamente gracias por todo lo compartido Patricia Villarreal, todo sper nutritivo y deliciosas recetas. -Blanca Peyrano de Gaytn Excelente curso muy bien explicado, ser muy provechoso. -Homero AguileraGracias por compartir tus conocimientos y experiencia, altamente recomendable y riqusimo todo. -Carolina Flores DezMil gracias Paty! Disfrute cada momento y bocado, las combinaciones riqusimas, fue una gran explosin de sabores. Bendiciones.-Carolina Flores DezMil gracias Paty, estuvo genial el taller, cada bocado fue una delicia, ya quiero que sea un nuevo taller Para cundo es el siguiente? Bendiciones! -Carolina Flores DezPaty gracias por compartir tus conocimientos con nosotros, es una bendicin para nuestra salud. -Rosy RomeroEstuvo muy padre y aprend mucho, adems toda la degustacin exquisita, gracias!-Elsa Villarreal Mil gracias Paty, excelente curso y todo muy delicioso. -Perla GuevaraTodo increble y delicioso, gracias! -Tania Ramrez Muchas gracias por ensearnos tanto Patricia Villarreal. -Tania RamrezDisfrut cada segundo y cada bocado, gracias mil Paty, aprend mucho. -Mara Eugenia MaderoEstupendo tu curso Paty. -Mara Eugenia MaderoGracias Patricia Villarreal, excelente curso y bello compartir, muchas gracias.-Alejandra Pozo MarginGracias a ti Paty por compartir tus conocimientos con nosotros. Todo sper rico. -Carolina Zapata.Que delicia compartes siempre Patricia Villarreal. -Samara Garza.Ya los queremos a la venta en Pueblo Orgnico Paty. -Elas Ferrara.Son quedadas vegetales paridas por las diosas del Olimpo. -Guillermo Seplveda Villarreal Queda prohibido copiar, reproducir, distribuir, publicar, transmitir, difundir, o en cualquier otro modo, explotar cualquier parte de este servicio sin la autorizacin previa por escrito dePatricia Villarrealo de los titulares correspondientes.Sin embargo, usted podr bajar material a su computadora para uso exclusivamente personal o educacional y no comercial."
Price: 2370.00 ![]() |
"Inner peace through meditation: Beginner Level" |
"You can be free of unhappiness.You can master stress, tension, and anxietyYou can experience deep peace and joyand all you need is 10 minutes a day.This is a 7 day, beginner level course in meditation which can help you - Improve your focus, and concentration - Reduce stress, anxiety, and distraction - Eliminate negative self talk and anger - and in time experience deep peace and joyI have been practicing meditation for the last 23 years and I have seen it transform my life as well as the lives of the people I have worked with. I have had an intense, deep transformational experience of peace and bliss. Ever since that time, I've worked to deepen and polish my techniques, my understanding of the subject, and my bliss.I will show you how to meditate and together we will meditate for 5 to 10 minutes each day. I will also explain to you - What meditation is and how to prepare for meditation - The history and benefits of meditation - The two styles of meditation - How to apply meditation techniques in your daily lifeThis course consists of 2 hours of video and a downloadable meditation mp3 file."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crystal Healing for the Practitioner" |
"This course will enable you to practice Crystal Healing in a Natural Health Practitioner setting. Working to strengthen the Chakra System and healing the Auric body brings holistic benefits to the Body, Mind and Spirit. This course talks about the History of Crystal Healing, The Chakra System and how to prepare Crystals for healing sessions. You will also learn which crystals are used for healing and their metaphysical properties as well as different types of crystal grids that are used. As well as how to make crystal essences and prepare space clearance remedies and incorporate crystal essences in natural health products. This course also discusses how to set up a therapy room and how to market Crystal Healing benefits at Mind, Body and Spirit venues."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Business and Data Analysis with SQL" |
"Have you thought about working with big data but don't know where to start? In this course, you will learn the skills of what it takes to become a data and business analyst. What we will cover:1) Database and datawarehouse design2) How to write queries in SQL (Structured Query Language)3) How to build interactive dashboards and reports4) Tips and techniques on how to run your own big data project from start to finishMy name is Geoffrey Devitt and I have been working with Big Data and Databases for the past 20+ years. In this course, I will share with you an overview of the skills I have learnt over the years of working on numerous data driven projects. As a data and business analyst, I have had the privilege of working in many different industry sectors, including financial banking, online gaming, eCommerce retail, insurance and telecoms.With the knowledge you will gain from this tailored course, you will be able to fit into any industry and be in a position to start adding value to your team from day one."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to dance with 'Colourform'" |
"I love music. Ilove how it makes me feel and Ilove how it brings people together. No one should ever feel like they can't be a part of it. That's why I created the Colourform learn-to-dance program - the ultimate gateway for absolute beginners to learn how to dance to nearly any genre of music! The pedagogy is galvanised by custom-made music and a fascinating science flare, all wrapped up in a lighthearted 'gamified' experience.Each video has been maticulously designed to be no longer than 5-10 minutes. You'll learn one idea per lesson and instantly be able to put it into practice through 'drills' and simple 'homework' tasks.In Module 1 you'll learn:how to use colour to map out parts of the body how these colours match different elements in a piece of music how to Groove, Sync, and MoveIn Module 2 you'll learn:a basic dance vocabulary to a variety of popular music genresIn Module 3 you'll learn:advanced movement combinations, genre adaptation, weight transfer, contrast and freestylingColourform is a fun new way of thinking about dance education. It's a language designed to help bring you closer to the music and to the people around you. Ican't wait to share it with you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"5 Minutes to Less Stress" |
"Are you frazzled, anxious, frustrated easily, stressed, or overwhelmed? Do you sometimes say things or do things where, after you've calmed down, you wish you could have a do over?This class teaches meditation and stress release methods for beginners that can help you begin to get a handle on your emotions, to put YOU (not your emotions) back in the driver's seat of your life.This course teaches the science behind how stress works, what science can teach us about the benefits of meditation, and provides video instruction on how to practice different types of meditation and other stress release practices that can be done in 5 minutes or less and can help you to stress less."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Magic - The art of marketing in the digital age" |
"A course for the digital age, Marketing Magic, distills 20+ years of global hands on experience at the highest level of the industry into a user friendly, powerful playbook that will give you the knowledge and confidence to develop cleverly conceived, beautifully crafted and contagiously impactful communications plans that are infused with creative thinking and deliver return on investment. Be it personal branding, launching a new business, product or service, getting ahead in your career or getting a job in the industry. This course will give you the marketing in a digital age knowhow that will give you the advantage over your competition. You will learn how to interrogate a brand, truly empathise and engage with your targeted audience, construct Consumer Journeys & Experiences, develop communication strategies, all the way to launching your initiatives in a way that cuts through the noise and spreads like a contagious virus turning your prospects into loyal customers and advocates of your brand."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Guitarra do Zero em 45 Dias, com Mauricio Alabama" |
"Nos dias de hoje, as pessoas no tem muito tempo disponvel para o lazer. As pessoas no querem ""tentar"" algo. Apenas comeam projetos/atividades quando tem certeza de que podem termin-los.O curso ""Aprenda Guitarra do Zero em 45 Dias"" foi elaborado pensando nisso. Naqueles que nunca quiseram aprender a tocar guitarra porque tinham medo ou receio de tomar horas, dias, meses estudando e estudando, mas nunca conseguir tocar o instrumento. Este curso vai levar 45 dias para voc obter os conhecimentos bsicos da guitarra, onde voc poder pegar o instrumento e tocar as msicas que sempre teve vontade de tocar.Voc pode perguntar""Isso quer dizer que vou ter que tocar e estudar diariamentedurante 45 dias?"". No necessariamente. Seria timo, mas voc no precisa estudar os 45 dias consecutivos. Pode colocar um ou dois dias entre uma aula ou outra, mas muito importante que voc apenas comece a aula seguinte depois de realmente ter assimilado os conhecimentos da aula. Tudo est explicado na aula ""Como Estudar"", onde apresento a metodologia de estudo que utilizo no meu instituto.Junte-se a ns! Se tiver alguma dvida ou sugesto de algum tema no abordado no curso, fale conosco, pois certamente vamos tirar suas dvidasou at criar novas aulas no tema sugerido, se acharmos que beneficiar outros alunos.Te esperamos l dentro!Abraos,Mauricio Alabama e Rob Lopes"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |