Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Emagrecer em Casa com Now Hiit 1.0" |
"Programa de Emagrecimento Now Hiit 1.0 para ser feito em qualquer espao, at mesmo em um apartamento. Com o Now Hiit voc poder treinar na sua casa com poucos minutos e emagrecer. Isso porque os treinos Hiit so os que mais queimam calorias, at 9x mais, e queimam muita gordura. Os estudos mais recentes comprovam que para um emagrecimento eficaz o melhor utilizar de exerccios intervalados e de alta intensidade.o Now Hiit traz o que h de mais eficaz para voc emagrecer e entrar em forma. Se torne uma maquina de queimar gordura!O Now Hiit 1.0 oferece 6 treinos diferentes, combinando eles durante sua semana, voc ver resultados em UM MS. No importa seu condicionamento, quanto mais condicionado mais intenso far os exerccios e manter a sua eficcia.CHEGA DE DESCULPAS, COMECE AGORA MESMO!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Java Multithreading, Concurrency & Performance Optimization" |
"DescriptionIf you had your own jet plane, would you drive it to the grocery store, or fly it on a tour around the world?Today every computer and phone comes with immense computing power and multiple cores that allow for full parallelism. In this course you will go on a journey to learn all the fundamental tools you need to become a confident and successful multithreaded application developer. Using multithreading and concurrency we will learn to get the most out of our computer to truly make it fly!Teaching PhilosophyThe course is designed to teach you ""how to fish"". Instead of memorizing classes, libraries or Java APIs, we will learn the fundamentals of multithreaded programming, starting from the complete basics, all the way to the very advanced topics in multithreading.All lectures include the right theory and are accompanied by practical examples from relevant fields such as: User Interface applications Image ProcessingWeb ApplicationsComputational programs And othersIt's a practical course that is meant to save you time. Instead of filling hours of material, I hand picked the most important topics based on my practical experience.Target Student for this CourseStudents who already have some experience and basic knowledge in programming in Java.Students who want to acquire multithreaded, parallel programming and concurrency skills, in a short period of time.Students who are interested in performance optimizations and getting good foundation in the above mentioned topics. Students who want to take their career to the next level. Whether you are aNewly graduate and you're looking to land a dream job. A professional engineer who wants to become a better programmer and improve your skillset.A freelancer who wants to develop his/her own project and is looking to learn how to write efficient multithreaded code. Then this course is for YOU!Short BioMy passion towards multithreading and concurrency started in college where Iworked on a highly scalable, distributed, B+ Tree research project, sponsored by IBM. Later I worked as a Computer Architecture Engineer at Intel Corporation and as a Software Engineer in other companies where Ideveloped many applications and features involving efficient and optimized multithreaded code to deliver real time video, audio and data - in education, healthcare, augmented reality and Ad Tech.Today I am a Principal Software Engineer and Software Architect. Training and mentoring engineers on all levels is both my job and my passion.We will learn Operating Systems fundamentals and motivation for multithreading and concurrency.The basics of multithreading - how to create threads in Java as well as communicate between threads in Java.Performance considerations and design patterns of multithreaded and parallel applications. Optimizing for latency or throughput.Data sharing between threads in Java. All the pitfalls and challenges as well as the solutions and best practices.Advanced lock-free algorithms and data structures for increased responsiveness and performance.By the End of the CourseYou will be able to Write correct, responsive, and performant multithreaded applications in Java, for any purpose and scale.Apply best practices to architect multithreaded applications, algorithms and libraries.Become knowledgable in concurrency & parallel programming, which will help you in job interviews, in your daily work as an engineer, as well as in your personal projects.Become an expert in Java Multithreading, Concurrency and Performance optimization today!FAQs - ""Will the course help me with interview questions?"" Yes! The course is focused on helping you become proficient in multithreading and concurrency in general, and also master multithreading in Java in particular. You will learn all you need about threads in Java as well as common topics in interview questions involving locking, synchronization in Java, heap and stack memory organization and so on. Although the course is not focused on interview questions specifically, and there's no way to predict what you will be asked during an interview question, the knowledge you will get will definitely set you apart from other candidates.- ""Does the course cover all threading classes and APIs in Java?""""No.There are many books and expensive academic courses which cover EVERY single class and API which would take months to finish. In addition, Oracle provides excellent Java Docs that cover and explain every single Java multithreading APIand class. This course is different! Based on years of experience in the field, Ihave carefully designed a short curriculum that teaches you all the essentials in a short amount of time. No fillers! No more wasting time learning things you could read yourself in 5 minutes or don't ever need!This course will build the foundation for you to become an expert in multithreading and concurrency. And also be able to successfully and easily, extend your own knowledge in the future. - ""What if I don't understand something during the course and I have a question, what do Ido?""Not a problem! I am here to help you succeed! Multithreading, is not an easy topic and no one is expected to get it all, right away. Each lecture has a Q&A section where students can ask questions about the lecture or any follow-up questions about the topic in general. I (the instructor)will answer all the questions in a timely manner and make sure you have all the tools for success.- ""Does the course cover interprocess communication and distributed Systems?""No. Although those are really interesting and important topics that involve concurrency. They are not directly related to Java multithreading, which is the main topic of the course. We do mention those topics during the course but they are out of scope and deserve their own course. The concepts, use-cases and challenges are very different than the ones we encounter while optimizing the performance of a single multithreaded Java application, algorithm or library, so we will not cover them here.- ""Why do Ineed a separate course for concurrent programming?""Concurrent programming is fundamentally different than the transitional sequential programming. As in every engineering decision, there's always a tradeoff. Parallel and Concurrent programming can have tremendous positive impact on the application's performance and responsiveness but is a lot harder to get it right. In this course we will learn all the caveats, techniques and best practices to get the most out of multithreaded applications in Java."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Setting up a project in ProjectLibre" |
"Prepare a Professional Project Schedule or Project Plan in ProjectLibre for Windows (version: 1.9.2 or version 1.9.1)Course OutcomeYou will have the necessary skills to interpret and prepare a professional project schedule or project plan by using ProjectLibre, and you will also understand,when to set what Task Type, i.e. fixed work, fixed duration, and fixed units,how Effort Driven scheduling influence the project,what is Total Float/Slack, and Free Float/Slack,what is Constraints and Deadline Dates,what is Leads and Lags, and the different Task Dependencies,how to identify Overallocated Resources.Practical Course ExampleYou will be guided throughout the course with a practical course example, ""Building a House"", and will be taught how to use ProjectLibre to do the following,Set the ProjectLibre currency for a specific country.Create a new project in ProjectLibre.Create a list of project tasks in ProjectLibre.Create dependencies (incl. leads and lags) between project tasks in ProjectLibre.Add task constraints and deadline dates in ProjectLibre.Set task types and effort driven scheduling in ProjectLibre.Display the total slack/float and free slack/float in ProjectLibre.Create a resource sheet in ProjectLibre.Assign resources (both work and material resources) to tasks in ProjectLibre.Identify overallocated resources, and remove the overallocation.Display the project cost.Save the project baseline in ProjectLibre.Course Handouts to DownloadCourse overview (1 page summary showing the course Sections and Lectures).Course example, ""Building a House"", and question memorandums.ProjectLibre file (*.pod) to download for each section to practice what you have learned from each section."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Italian for travellers 'Andy di Glasgow in Italia' (Part 1)" |
"This course is for everyone who:always wanted to visit Italy;has never learnt the Italian language before;is in love with Italian culture and cuisine;wants to learn guided by an experienced tutor;expects the high-quality voice registration;wishes to listen and repeat a native speaker voice;already got a ticket for the trip to Italy.At my course you will learn:A short story about the Italian language and Italy,How English and Italian are similar,Italian pronunciation (vowels, consonants),Using the verbs in the present tense,How to identify the nouns, articles, adjectives, numbers, adverbs and prepositions,How to read, write & speak in Italian shortly and directly,Greeting people and introducing yourself (informal and formal language),Agreeing/disagreeing,Asking where someone lives and where you live,Asking how you are and say thank you,Asking about nationalities and country of origin,Asking about the job or the studies,Saying what is your marital status and asking about it,Asking someone the age and giving yours,Talking on the phone,Talking about weather and seasons,Telling dates,Expressing desires, preferences, enthusiasm,Ordering something in a cafe/bar,Asking and saying the price,Talking about your family and your work,Describing daily routine and activities,Asking for and telling the time,Asking and saying what time something happensHow to book the plane, train or hotel?How to pass passport control?Polite expressions, getting someones attention,Apologising and thanking,Talking about the means of transport (planes, trains, ecc.),Asking for and giving travel information."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Resume Writing - The Ultimate Guide to Writing Your Resume" |
"Resume Writing - The Ultimate Resume Writing guide is your step-by-step beginners guide to writing your ultimate Resume from Scratch.Whether you have never written a Resume before, or had no guidance on how to write a Resume or whether you have an existing Resume that isn't getting you anywhere this course will hold your hand and talk you through every single step of the way.By the end of this course you will have written your own ultimate Resume using insider secrets and key information that will amaze hirers and recruiters and will help you in your journey to landing your dream job.The course is so simple anyone can do it!In this course you will; Create the right mindset and attitude to writing your Resume. Beat recruitment algorithms to get your Resume in front of hirers. Use insider secrets to make your Resume stand out. Know what power verbs are and how to use them. Learn how to structure your Resume perfectly. Know the huge mistakes 90% of people make and how to avoid them.As a bonus section you will also receive a downloadable example Resume that will be fully talked through in detail for you to adapt to your own.Backed by Udemy's no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee we are confident you will love this course.So, if you are unhappy in your job right now or want a change of career path hit buy now to receive instant lifetime access to all content, all bonus documents and access to all future lectures and start your journey to land your dream job today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hadoop installationInstall Hadoop on your own system" |
"Its a no-theory Hadoop installation program which is highly emphasized on Practical description. Throughout practical demonstration is the solid foundation of this course. This course is made in a way that the audience will learn the best possible and easiest way of installation. A practically dedicated course that helps you to understand the installation of Hadoop from scratch along with its sub-projects like Hive, Pig, HBase, Spark, SQOOP, Flume, HBase on your own system.Hive: Hive works on structured and semi-structured data sets and gives Hadoop the capabilities so that it can work like SQLPIG: Apache pig is one of the versatile tools which can work on all most every-kind of data structured, unstructured, and semi-structured. PIG utilizes pig-Latin, which is very easy to learn and incorporate.SQOOP: SQOOP is made-up of two words; SQL+Hadoop. SQOOP helps the user to fetch big data, to HDFS system from any RDBMS. Hence SQOOP can fetch only structured data.FLUME: Flume is the tool which can use to fetch any kind of data from any storage device to HDFS except RDBMs.HBASE: HBase is one of the NO-SQL Database which is the part of the Hadoop ecosystem and help in storing any kind of data in HDFSSPARK: Spark is one of the fastest data processing tool available very much like Hadoop, It works on distributed computing and utilizes in-memory processing techniques.As people struggle to understand the theory and sometimes get confused to acquire, implement the correct guidelines. This course reduces the learning time when major parts of program practically tell you what system resource you need, where to get the software from and how to connect this everything gradually, As it includes the direct links from where you can get Cloudera, VMware player, Ubantu, Apache, Spark, etc.The entire focus of this course is on complete Hadoop installation, not on the Hadoop administration. Although you will pick up some administration aids along the way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Resolvendo Problemas de Logstica usando o Solver do Excel" |
"Se voc busca um curso de Logstica que te ajude a obter solues de problemas de otimizao importantes, como transportes e distribuio, transbordo e localizao de instalaes, dentro da Cadeia de Suprimentos, usando o Excel, esse um curso para voc!Para cada um destes problemas, vamos:- Desenhar a rede, identificando os dados relevantes de cada problema logstico (como a tomada de deciso e as limitaes existentes), - Organizar esses dados em uma planilha do Excel e finalmente,- Usar o add-in Solver para resolver problemas de otimizao na logstica de transportes, obtendo uma soluo mais eficiente.Ao final de cada seo, vamos fornecer um resumo com os principais pontos do problema logstico estudado. E, na ltima seo do curso, sero apresentadas 5 armadilhas que voc deve evitar.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conhea tambm meus outros cursos:* Criando Dashboards com KPIs que geram Insights* Medindo os KPIs e a Eficincia em Organizaes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Node.js Microservices for beginners" |
"Microservices are a architecture pattern in software development, where independent process or functionalities are composed together in a loosely coupled manner.This way we can design applications and entire systems that keep reliable and failure proof even when one part of the application goes down.This pattern is perfect for software/products that should scale vertically as well as horizontally!For exactly those reason the skill of being able to design and implement microservices is a huge advantage in the labor market!And by the way.. it's super cool building microservices ;)Node.js as an incredibly flexible and, due to its asynchronous nature, performant runtime is a perfect tool to implement huge parts of any application designed with the microservice approach in mind!Because of use cases including but not limited to:Scalable API Gateways to handle millions and millions of requestsDatabase connectors (Mongoose + Mongo)Communication Interfaces to other services like REST API's, GraphQL API's...Isomorphic JavaScript for server-side-rendering...In this course we will explore the fundamentals of designing and implementing Microservices using Node.jsWhere does the need for microservices come from?What need's to be done to develop them?What challenges will one face when designing microservice approaches?Why is it worth using them?This course is entirely hands-on and is focused on coding rather than plain theory.Let's get started enhancing your skills as a professional software engineer!Let's get started augmenting your horizon as a JS lover!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HP Prime" |
"Voc quer aprender a mexer nas principais funcionalidades disponveis na HP Prime? Gostaria de aprender vrias funcionalidade que ir te ajudar na sua graduao ou at mesmo no dia a dia no trabalho? Se voc respondeu sim para essas perguntas, voc est no curso certo!Seja bem-vindo(a) ao Curso HP Prime! A HP Prime a calculadora mais tecnolgica disponvel no mercado atualmente, com seu design elegante e seu display touch. O que interessante ao pegar a HP Prime pela primeira vez se sentir um pouco perdido, devido ao grande nmero de comandos, aplicativos e teclas. Se voc se identificou, saiba que eu tambm presenciei esse fato. Mas como eu sabia que ela poderia ser uma grande aliada na minha Graduao, eu resolvi estuda-l. Como fiquei muito bom em utilizar suas funcionalidade, as pessoas pediram pra que eu criasse esse curso. Ento, esse curso foi criado apresentando as principais funcionalidades da HP Prime, utilizando apenas os aplicativos nativos, que so suficientes para te ajudar no dia a dia. Entre os assuntos abordados temos: Resoluo de Integrais, Derivadas, Limites, rea de Figuras Geomtricas, Sistemas Lineares, Matrizes, e etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inicia tu carrera en Fotografa de Bodas: Gua completa." |
"Este es un Master Class uno a uno, en linea que te ayudara a crear un negocio de bodas desde cero. Sin gastar dinero con equipo costoso y sin tener experiencia en el ramo de la fotografa de bodas. Al mismo tiempo tambin esta diseado para aquellos que ya se dedican a la fotografa de bodas pero tienen problemas consiguiendo mas clientes. Este es un sitema GARANTIZADO que si sigues paso a paso y en el orden que aqui te presento, podras empezar a ver los resultados en menos de un mes! Este no es un curso como los demas en el cual de dan el material y despues ni se acuerdan de ti. Este curso es personalizado por que yo te ayudare en vivo y en persona teniendo video/llamadas en persona conmigo para resolver todas tus preguntas. Solamente te pido que te comprometas a seguir los pasos, ver todas las clases y reservar tu video/llamada en vivo conmigo para personalizar tu crecimiento. Bienvenido!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin organizacional" |
"Descubre cmo fortalecer e incrementar el impacto estratgico que tiene la comunicacin en las organizaciones.Adquiere los conocimientos para mejorar tus habilidades de comunicacin, conoce las tcnicas y mejores prcticas utilizadas en la industria, lo cual te permitir desarrollar estrategias de comunicacin ms efectivas.En la actualidad las empresas tienen necesidad de mejorar procesos y la productividad de su personal, gran parte de los esfuerzos se concentran en la parte operativa y habilidades tcnicas. Pero el problema tiene un trasfondo, si solo damos instrucciones, supervisamos o informamos noticas, eso no ser suficiente. El personal tiene necesidades y dudas que deber el superior atender para evitar o prevenir conflictos dentro de la organizacin.Si no conocemos a nuestro personal no podremos transmitir adecuadamente los objetivos de la empresa, es indispensable desarrollar esas habilidades de comunicacin y mtodos que nos permitan esa interaccin con el personal.Para ello en este curso trataremos temas como:Comunicacin ascendenteComunicacin ascendenteComunicacin informalComunicacin horizontalAdems de una gua de comunicacin interna la que nos permitir entender a nuestro personal y las herramientas que debemos utilizar."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Meditao em 12 Passos" |
"O mtodo Meditao em 12 Passos demorou 18 anos para ficar pronto foi desenvolvido aps mais de 19 anos de pesquisa e mais de 4.600 alunos meditantes. simples e prtico.Foi feito para ser prazeroso e simples, fortalecendo a prtica de quem j pratica e iniciando quem ainda no conhece o mtodo.Ele baseado na pausa cronometrada. Livre de dogmas religiosos trata a meditao como capacidade humana.D direito a que?1 O curso d direito 12 Passos e contm 12 exerccios .2 Acesso ilimitado ao curso para repetir quando quiser.3 01 tapete de yoga de 05 mm de espessura e 2 metros de altura4 01 Pomodoro (instrumento de medio de tempo para meditar) a ser entregue em sua residncia via correio no prazo de 30 dias aps a compra.5 Acesso ao email pessoal da Marcela Maia para perguntas e informaes.O que isso gera?A meditao ECONOMIZA ERROS porque nos faz:Organizar o pensamento confusoChecar onde estamos indoDesenvolver a capacidade de concentrao no focoDiminuir os nveis de cortisol (hormnio do stress)Aprender a administrar os pensamentosAumentar a serotonina (hormnio do bem-estar)Compreender o valor real de 15 minutosComo funciona?Passo 1 Como ter mais tempo?Exerccio 1 Como ter mais tempo?Passo 2 O Software Integrado Mente HumanaExerccio 2 Conhecendo o Software Integrado Mente HumanaPasso 3 Diminuindo a Ansi-edadeExerccio 3 Diminuindo a Ansi-edadePasso 4 Spa Relax em sua casaExerccio 4 Spa Relax em sua casa!Passo 5 Insights na meditaoExerccio 5 Como aflorar Insights na meditaoPasso 6 Administrando Lixo InternoExerccio 6 Administrando Lixo Interno e Jejuns EstratgicosPasso 7 Voc com VocExerccio 7 Vencendo o medo da solidoPasso 8 Campo Sutil em si, no outro e nos ambientesExerccio 8 Campo Sutil em si, no outro e nos ambientesPasso 9 Aguentar no compaixo Gerando PacinciaExerccio 9 Aguentar no compaixo Gerando PacinciaPasso 10 Sade com meditao casos comprovadosExerccio 10 Meditao sade e doenasPasso 11 Meditao, muito, mas muito prazerExerccio 11 Gerando prazer pra meditarPasso 12 Sonhar a si mesmoExerccio 12 Consolidando sua prtica diriaSobre a instrutora Marcela Maia professora de Yoga e Meditao h 9 anos em So Paulo , musicista compositora h 19 anos formada em percusso corporal pela ULM com diversos cursos na rea, tem 2 discos gravados facilitadora certificada no mtodo Crculo do Som, formada em Administrao de Empresas pela FMU hoje dedica-se a trazer bem-estar grupos empresariais levando qualidade de vida e expanso de potencial para grupos."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Programacin Bsica de Pruebas de Laboratorio(MINDRAY BS200)" |
"Nociones bsicasLectura bsica de insertosProgramacin Bsica de pruebas de laboratorio en equipos automatizados.Programacin de calibradores y controles de calidadEl personal que adquiera estos conocimientos les servirn para programar cualquier prueba en cualquier equipo automatizado. Cualquier diferencia puede ser leda en los manuales de usuario de cada equipo automatizado. Cada equipo tiene sus configuraciones diferentes pero todos tienen los mismos fundamentos de calibracin y programacin.Espero sea de su agrado el curso y puedan disfrutarlo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 : A problem solution guide" |
"This course introduces students to the basics of programming in Python 3, the course starts by an introduction to the general concepts of programming and computing, and it continues to solve problems related to numbers and texts. Finally, GUIprogramming in tkinter module of python is addressed with real world software package writing."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"KNW rklub 1. - Karakterbemutats" |
"Minden trtnetnek vannak szerepli. Nlad hogyan bukkan fel egy-egy j szerepl? Csak megemlted? A nevt megmondod? Szerinted fontos a haja szne? Le kell ezt rni, amikor az olvas elszr tallkozik ezzel a karakterrel? Ez a foglalkozs arrl szl, hogyan hozd be a szereplidet gy, hogy az olvask ezt rdekesnek talljk s ksbb emlkezzenek a karakterekre - nemcsak az olvass sorn, hanem vekkel ksbb is!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Costura -Aprender a Costurar" |
"Voc gostaria de aprender a costurar do ZERO mesmo que no tenha experincia alguma, tenha apenas a vontade e uma mquina para comear?Voc j se imaginou fazendo suas prprias roupas, reformas, customizaes...Podendo fazer disso uma renda extra inclusive?Ento esse curso para voc.Voc vai conseguir colocar em prtica todos os projeto que sempre quiz e no sabia como."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional: Sanacin y Coaching" |
"Desarrollars las habilidades para una mayor inteligencia emocional. Entenders los procesos mentales y emocionales, y cmo aplicarlos a los problemas de tu vida. Sanar aquello que limita tu presente y manejar de forma equilibrada tus emociones para una vida ms placentera y dichosa. Aplicar herramientas psicolgicas, teraputicas y de coaching en tu vida."
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"What They Don't Tell You About Your Music Career" |
"We want to welcome you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking a minute to check out our course. There are many ""music business courses"" out there, some from qualified people. However, when Draven and I investigated what was out there for people like you, we were disappointed. Sure, there may be some decent, slightly vague tactical information (""set up a Facebook fan page!"" or ""make YouTube videos!"" or ""create a buzz!""), but we soon realized that many if not all of them were missing some of the most important components: the mental game and the relationship building methodology that can mean the difference between real success or a lack of response in your music career.Our goal for this course is to help you hear what your fans are saying, and how to speak so they will listen. We show you how to discover what your fans need and how meeting those needs can impact their lives in powerful ways. We show the ropes and take you through the step-by-step process of planning out your musical act's strategy. We go beyond the theoretical and have you workshop actual plans to get you from where you are to where you want to be.We begin by showing you how to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Then, we show you how to attract fans, execute unforgettable live shows and provide just what your fans are asking for. When it's all said and done, you'll have a system that you can plug into time and time again to take your career to the next level and ensure you will always be able to support yourself with your music.We live in a time where it's possible for anyone who is willing to do the work to have a meaningful and fulfilling music career on their terms. Your success is based on your knowledge, your determination, your grit, and above all, your passion for your music and your fans. This course intends to give you a road map for making your dreams a reality.We want to thank you deeply for taking the time to investigate this course. Your time is an invaluable resource, and we believe that investing in this course will be well worth every minute of it.We have spent years developing the knowledge and lessons that appear in this course in the most honest way possible, with real world experience. Everything we talk about doing here, we have both done and currently do in our personal and professional musical lives.We hope that you're excited, because we can't wait for you to join us!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Blender |
"3DCG3DBlender3DCG3D3DUnreal Engine 4UE4Blender3DCGUE43D3DUE43D3DBlenderFBXUE4BlenderUE4BlenderUE4UE4"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Game Development professionale con Unity 3D e C#" |
"Il corso ideato per persone che si approcciano per la prima volta a Unity 3D e C# oppure per chi vuole incrementare le proprie conoscenze in materia. Le 5 sezioni contenute permettono di acquisire ottime nozioni teoriche e pratiche grazie alle quali possibile autonomamente creare le proprie applicazioni. Le prime 2 sezioni sono teoriche e permettono all'utente di familiarizzare ed interagire con le varie parti dell'engine e di approcciare il mondo della programmazione C# partendo dalle basi.Le rimanenti 3 sezioni contengono progetti completi e studiati per contenere argomenti a difficolt crescente.Protagonista di tali progetti ""Nutty"", una mascotte che, grazie agli asset 2D e 3D forniti e creati appositamente per rendere unico questo corso, prender vita per mano dell'utente. Oltre a questo, al termine di ogni sezione saranno suggeriti modi per approfondire, caratterizzare e continuare l'applicativo per pubblicarne una propria versione sugli store.""Nutty 2D"" il primo progetto completo presentato e consiste in un gioco di logica mnemonico. Obiettivo dare da bere un numero finito di bottiglie di colore diverso a Nutty senza mai oltrepassare il limite impostato. Ovviamente il numero delle bottiglie bevute non viene mostrato in modo che il giocatore debba ricordarsi quante ne ha gi utilizzate. In questo progetto vengono introdotti concetti 2D come quello di Canvas e Sprite Renderer, la creazione dei Men di gioco e di interfaccia, il Manager ""Singleton"" per gestire tutte le fasi principali attraverso le Coroutine ed anche le prime animazioni e l'audio.Il progetto successivo chiamato ""Nuttygotchi"" e come dice il nome un tributo al mitico Tamagotchi degli anni '90. In questo progetto 3D per Android verr creata la logica per dar vita a Nutty. Tre bisogni principali (fame, divertimento e dormire) devono essere soddisfatti ogni tot tempo per mantenere in vita il protagonista, inoltre attraverso un ""SaveAndLoad"" Manager verr mostrato come possibile salvare e recuperare gli stati della partita alla chiusura ed all'apertura dell'app in modo che i bisogni aumentino anche quando non si sta giocando, proprio come un vero tamagotchi.Infine, per riprendere un celebre videogame per psx (""Kula world"") Nutty sar protagonista di ""Kula Kula"", un vero e proprio platform game 3D. Il focus qui sulla creazione del movimento del player che dovr essere capace di muoversi e ruotare in modo preciso su un labirinto, raccogliere oggetti ed evitare trappole.Ad ogni sezione allegato tutto il materiale necessario per completarla ed inoltre noi insegnanti siamo sempre a disposizione per ogni chiarimento.Periodicamente verranno rilasciati approfondimenti e nuove funzionalit basate sulle tematiche pi interessanti oltre ad una sezione contenente un progetto completo.Per scoprirne di pi, ""Nutty"" vi aspetta per cominciare!Songs Credits:""Summer"" - ""Royalty Free Music from Bensound"" ""A New Beginning"" - ""Royalty Free Music from Bensound"" ""Straight"" - ""Royalty Free Music from Bensound"" ""Funky-Element"" - ""Royalty Free Music from Bensound"" Songs from ""BausicProductions"" Youtube Channel"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Develop Fast & Free Lead List" |
"Tired of Purchasing Email List, or Spending Hundreds of Dollars on Facebook Ads. Learn to Build Massive Email List in Minutes. This is my business! I farm email list for a living, I sell these email list to my clients for hundreds and thousands of dollars per week!In my 1-hour training, I promise to give you all the tools you need to start building massive email lists that are cleaned and verified. My Students use these to Make Money byEmail Marketing Getting Ad Clients Affiliate Marketing Creating Lookalike Audiences for Facebook adsTelemarketingSelling Your Own Products and Selling theses Lists to Others Who doesn't need more Leads?Imagine having unlimited Leads! Oh, and after you use these lead list you can sell them they still have huge value! No Brainer! (Its completely legal)This training teaches anyone how to farm email list, for any business niche in any City, State or Country (Access to over a Billion Businesses WorldwideI teach you not 1 but 4 free ways to farm these List!Then I teach you how to clean and verify these list to get them ready to work for you!I teach you to build lists that include the following informationBusiness Name Owner NameAddress and Phone Number Web AddressEmail AddressSocial Media ProfilesYou get all this info and you can build list every day with my Training!This is the Hour that will Change your life & Business! No More Waiting for Opt-ins and Facebook ad spend"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"O Coaching tem como principal objetivodesenvolver pessoas, levando-as rapidamente aresultados altamente positivos.Alm do alcance de metas, o processo pode proporcionar de acordo com as necessidades de cada indivduo uma srie de benefcios, como:Aumenta e estimula o autoconhecimentoDesenvolve competncias e potencializa o crescimento pessoal e profissionalIdentificao e eliminao de bloqueiosAumento da autoestima e da autoconfianaExpanso do potencial criativoEstmulo intelectualDiminuio dos nveis de estresseMaior clareza para definir metas e traar objetivosMaior discernimento e capacidade para tomada de decisesMelhoria significativa nos relacionamentos interpessoaisAumento na capacidade de gerenciar conflitosDesenvolvimento da inteligncia emocionalMelhora na comunicao e na capacidade de influenciar pessoasReduo de resistncia mudanasSatisfao pessoal e aumento no nvel de determinao e vitalidadeMelhor equilbrio entre a vida pessoal e a vida profissionalMelhoria na qualidade de vidaReparou como aformao em Coaching tem como objetivopotencializar e estimular o seu sucesso ."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Making 2D games in unity" |
"You will be taken through making games in an easy to understand and pick up course. I will teach you everything you need to know to grow into a developer that will be able to make games professionally. You won't need to wait for me to teach you how to make a lame game where you stop a rolling ball, or play a simple text game. We will dive right in to making a full game that will be fun to play. I will hold your hand and take you into the deep end. I'll show you what makes things work, and won't assume you don't understand what I'm talking about.You will start with a simple space shooter, and then make a plat former. This will show you the essentials for making 2D games in unity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la Panadera" |
"Este curso presenta una introduccin a la panadera. Iniciaremos explicndote sobre la levadura y la fermentacin, y sobre los utensilios que se utilizan comnmente. Despus aprenders cmo elaborar una variedad depanes salados:Pan de cajaPan rsticoBaguettePan integralFocaccia y panes dulces:Pasta briochePan de eloteRoles de canelaConchas (pan tpico mexicano)Rosca de ReyesPan de muertoNuestros chefs, Montse Castro, Adriana Lavn y Humberto Ordaz,te presentarndeliciosas recetas, dndote consejos para que encuentres tu propio estilo.No necesitas conocer de cocina para participar. Basta con que tengas el deseo de aprender y te animes a hornear con nosotros."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
vocabulary |
"? ?TOEFL ? ! . 10 . , . . ! . ! . TOEFL . . .Snowballing Method :1 : 1.1 2 : 1.1 1.2 1.2 3 : 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 "" "" . ! . & !* # 1 * 8 ! . . .* # 2 * 10 . .4 :10 3 2 * # 3 * . ."
Price: 22000.00 ![]() |
"Die Sprache der Fotografie" |
"Die fotografischen Eigenschaften der Kamera und ihre Anwendung sind ""das Wesen der Fotografie"".Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, die visuelle Sprache der Fotografie zu erlernen und zu verstehen, wie sich die Realitt vor unserem Auge in tolle Fotos verwandeln lt. Lerne das Sehen und lass dich inspirieren! Es ist nicht wichtig, mit welcher Kamera du fotografierst. Wichtig ist, dass du deine Kamera beherrschst und nicht deine Kamera dich. Nicht die neuen, immer besseren Kameras mach die guten Bilder, sondern wir mssen lernen bescheiden, neugierig, geduldig, kreativ, lernwillig und menschlich zu bleiben, umBilder mit ""Seele"" zu machen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"What Now? A Guide to the Right Education and Career for You" |
"Career and education planning has probably not been the first thing to pop to mind over the last few months as weve dealt with the impact of COVID-19 and the growing global protest movement, but these events have highlighted some really important things about education, work, and what kinds of occupations we cannot do without; they may evolve, but they are unlikely to become obsolete in our lifetimes.Think about the people who couldnt self-isolate because they had to go to work and provide ways for people to get groceries and other essentials, including grocery store workers, truck drivers and delivery people. Dont forget about the people who coordinate their routes, mail carriers, health care workers, first responders, people who repair things that are important/essential to our daily lives, people who provide emergency services, waste management, and more.Think about the types of jobs that could be done from a home office at least as effectively as from a corporate location but without the commute, meal-planning, or water cooler interactions. There are upsides and downsides to both situations. Remember that one persons positive could be anothers drawback.Think about the jobs that disappeared in the blink of an eye. Think about the occupations that may not encompass the values we expected them to, or whose job descriptions are different than we thought they were. Think about the politicians who have served their constituents well and those who have let voters down.The footage of the protests and the response to protestors shows a side of policing that may not be the first thing to come to mind when considering a career in law enforcement. Current events are offering insight into the world of work that we dont normally get. Notice how we are receiving information, how resources are being provided, what changes may be afoot as a result of the global demand for change along with the battle against COVID-19. Existing occupations may undergo big changes and entirely new careers will likely arise out of this time.If you already have a plan for your education and career, how will it fit into our evolving society?As you observe whats happening around us, are you noticing occupations that involve work that resonates with you?Education is also changing in the face of COVID-19. Schools were abruptly closed from Pre-K to post-secondary and many universities have announced plans for dramatically reduced on-campus offerings for the fall, expecting to provide the majority of instruction online. This changes the availability of education and could be beneficial for students who work and/or have children. Online class discussion is different from in-class interaction and this could be a real drawback to online offerings, particularly for students who dont have reliable internet access.On the other hand, for students who dont thrive in a classroom environment, online learning could be a boon and a real relief. It means not necessarily having to find housing close to campus or dealing with transit or parking, which could also mean not having to give up a job to go to school and some commuting for those with on-campus labs, etc.Online post-secondary learning has typically not been considered to be on the same level as on-campus learning, but with so many traditional schools making the transition to online courses even if only temporarily established online institutions seem poised to level up, particularly since their remote programming and supports are already in place and they are experienced in virtual education. Additionally, it seems likely that traditional schools will embrace a hybrid approach to learning in the post-COVID era (whenever that starts) and offer both online and on-campus options for applicable courses.Change is afoot all around us. We can all adapt and grow with it. A step by step guide to recognizing your interests and deciding how to incorporate them into your future, What Now? A Guide to the Right Education and Career for You provides you with the tools you need to choose a career path and plan your education. Where to go, what to take, gap years, questions to ask, how to know if you're doing the right thing, and so much more is covered in this informative and efficient course. A must for anyone seeking post-secondary guidance or looking for a career change!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Total Quality Management" |
"The Total Quality management course will focus on the following topics-Quality definition-The concept of needs-Difference between the quality of a product and the quality of a service-Quality pioneers-The importance of top management commitment-Investments in quality-Porter five forces-The importance of customers-Designing Quality products and services-Understanding perceptions and expectations-Using quality tools-six sigma-Implementing a quality management system"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Working with constraints in Maya" |
"Constraints are an important part of rigging in any 3D software. In this series of videos, we will see an overview of the various constraints available in Maya, and how they are used in a practical context. We will also see some examples of using constraints in typical production scenarios to understand the process better."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Zero Point Yoga: Access Infinite Cosmic Power For Healing" |
"How would you like to begin enjoying more and more energy, and increasingly higher levels of vitality and inner power each and every day?! The ancient yogic science of mastering prana shakti, as presented in this 3D animated video course, teaches you to develop a heightened sensitivity to the bioenergetic field within and all around you, so you can conserve, multiply, and even consciously direct pranic energy!I am serious about seeing you succeed in learning this technique; so, in this new set of 8 videos I have included a PDF workbook and an mp3 audio companion for each session, so youll have all the tools and resources you need to start your own personal practice and quickly master the science of prana for yourself.Benefits:Learn an authentic yogic mediation style!Naturally triple your vitality levels!Encounter your own Atma Shakti (spiritual power)!Learn to heal your self and others with prana!Increase your natural energy levels, charisma, wit and magnetic appeal!Personally connect directly to the Unified Field of infinite power!Have more energy for higher awareness and to manifest the life of your dreams!Enjoy an authentic and high quality exotic yoga meditation course!There is no other course like this on the Internet! Guaranteed! That's because I personally designed, produced and edited this entire video series single-handedly (even learning 3D animation software)! I did this because I wanted to ensure that the quality and authenticity of the final product was top notch, and (most importantly) true to the authentic source.You see, I learned these techniques while living in a very remote and austere yoga ashram in northern India, where these very secret techniques have been passed down in an unbroken oral tradition since ancient times. I have done my best to present you with these techniques in their original and true form, just as countless others have learned them in millennia past.Now you can learn these previously hidden and very secret yogic techniques for your self!I am very excited and extremely honored to be able to offer my audience this set of very rare and potent yogic techniques and meditations to give you a powerful first hand personal experience of cosmic power and Universal Energy.Prana shakti is similar to the fuel in a rocket; the rocket can only go as high and as afar as it has the fuel to propel it. By increasing your own vital power you are able to have more consciousness, awareness and wakefulness; allowing you to learn, grow, evolve and interact with life on a much more deep and fulfilling level.With more Cosmic Energy you can quickly notice the opportunities all around you, as well as more easily remain proactive and effortlessly overcome procrastination. Your energetic reserves are turbocharged! Others will become instantaneously attracted to your higher energy levels, like moths are attracted to light, and will find them selves desperately craving what you have on a very deep subconscious level.This course teaches you how to quickly master the ancient yogic science of prana, vital life force energy.From the moment you begin learning these techniques spiritual experiences begin to occur with greater frequency and intensity. Now spirituality is no longer limited to only intellectual concepts and ideas, but has now become a vivid, living and breathing aspect of your personal life.Each video in this series builds upon the previous one, gradually leading you towards developing awareness of prana, storing prana within your subtle body, increasing and multiplying your prana, channeling and directing prana for healing, as well as empowering yourself and others with Cosmic Energy for spiritual awakening.In this course, you are presented with a complete systematic path for spiritual awakening.The yogic science of prana is a complete path for spiritual awakening. As the prana shakti is awakening and amplified, the causal creative force which lies dormant in the human body is awakened and begins ascending and spiritualizing, healing and rejuvenating the entire body/mind complex.There is no aspect of your life that learning this complete ancient form of knowledge cannot enrich. Just imagine how much you can accomplish with 3 times more energy!What if you could rapidly increase the rate of healing and recovery for your self and loved ones, no matter what their illness? Even illnesses for which there are no known cures. This course teaches you exactly how to achieve this, so you can heal others with your own touch.Prana works on the subtle energy body which is the template of the physical body. By sending pure pranic energy to a certain organ, or body part, you are revitalizing the subtle energy template and correcting any distortions or stagnated energy that is at the root of any illness, injury or disease in the physical body.Do your self this favor by starting the 8-Part Zero Point Yoga Video Course NOW and enjoy this rare opportunity to learn an authentic and extremely powerful ancient spiritual science with only the click of a button!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Preparation for CDCS exam" |
"Certification examination conducted by London Institute of Banking and Finance Useful for bankers, trade finance specialists. The course covers all the chapters required for the CDCS (Certified Documentary Credit Specialist) examination. All the Articles of UCP 600 are included with complete explanation. It covers ISBP (International Standard Banking Practice) ISP 98 for Stand by LC and INCOTERMS ."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |