Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The birth of the Netherlands the eighty year war part 1" |
"Hi! Welcome to The birth of the Netherlands the eighty year war, the best course to learn about the Dutch Rebellion/ the eighty year war. There are different courses on the Eighty year war on the market, this one is different and the best. Here is why:Taught by an instructor that went to many of the sites himselfGoes beyond the official teaching of the Eighty year warYou get to know the main characters and a flavour of their personal livesLectures give access Dutch history books in an easy waySee as well the bonus materialWhen learning history most courses focus on the main events like, battles, wars and global events. In this course you will get to know as well the common folk living through the main events where ever possible. The course is setup in such a way its accessible for the complete beginner and more advanced students on both history and particular Dutch history. If you have any questions dont hesitate to contact me as I love helping students to learn more about the exiting history which made the Netherlands as it is today. Sign up today and enjoy this course with me as we follow one of the most interesting rebellions in human history!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lets talk , write & understand Arabic Language" |
"This language means a lot is amazing language but need effort to be professional..if you learn step by will be a professional learner ...Focus at every letter we talk & repeat after me to collect the most of technique .This language is the language of Quran & if you want understand it or caring you must know about Arabic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking The Web - Ethical Web Hacking fr Einsteiger" |
"In diesem Kurs fr Einsteiger lernst du wie man gngige Sicherheitslcken in Web-Anwendungen findet und wie du diese in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden ausnutzen kannst. Auerdem kennst du nach dem Kurs verschiedene Methoden, um dieSchwachstellen zu schlieen und kannst somit unsichere Web-Anwendungen und Web-Server besser schtzen.Der Kurs wird anhand von Praxisbeispielen durchgefhrt, bei denen du jede Schwachstelle auch selbst ausnutzen darfst und auch sollst, denn nur so bleibt das Gelernte auch hngen. Als Grundlage dafr verwenden wird die freie Linux Distribution ""KaliLinux"", den Intercepting Proxy ""OWASPZAP"" und die unsichere Web-Anwendung ""DVWA"", die einige Schwachstellen aufweist.Wenn du nicht weit, wie diese Programme zu installieren und zu benutzen sind, keine Sorge, das wird alles im ersten Abschnitt des Kurses durchgenommen. Anschlieend werden wir gemeinsam ber eine SQL-Injection Schwachstelle Logindaten aus einer Datenbank stehlen, mit Hilfe von File-Inclusion unseren eigenen Code einschleusen, die Kontrolle ber den Webserver bernehmen und vieles mehr."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
thehospitalfirstaid |
" "
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Acoustic Guitar 101: Essentials for Beginners" |
"This class is designed for complete beginners to guitar. We cover EVERYTHING you need to know to play along with all your favorite radio hits. Itruly believe this is the BESTbeginner acoustic guitar course on Udemy. 30-day money back guarantee!In the course we cover:Guitar AnatomyTuningKeysChord TheoryStrummingRhythmPracticingG Shape ChordsC Shape ChordsE Shape ChordsThe CapoBy enrolling in the course, you not only get access to the course materials, but Iam here to help you along the way! Reach out to me with any questions or anything you think I've missed. Iwant to make this course the best it can be. I am here to empower you to take your next step as a musician."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Supervivencia para dibujar." |
"Este es un curso para fortalecer los principios bsicos que se usan en todas las tcnicas de dibujo, Ya sea digital, tradicional, pintura concept art etc. Los fundamentos son los mismos: La perspectiva, La luz y sombra, El color y la figura Humana.Si te est costando tanto aprender a dibujar y sientes que no avanzas, puede ser por la falta de estos conocimientos. Los trminos ms sencillos y bsicos sobre los temas que mencion anteriormente deben ser dominados por el aspirante a dibujar. Yo perd aos en conocimientos ms complejos evitando lo ms simple por considerarlo fcil, pero hasta que no hice una pausa y decid empezar de cero es que mejor rpidamente."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Learn HMI Programming of Schneider Electric's Vijeo Designer" |
"From basic to heavy industrial engineering projects hmi programming all needful components details explained.Schneider electric's software VIJEO DESIGNER is one of the leading brand's hmi programming and designing software and hardware.It cover also basic step like downloading and installation so you don't need to worry about downloading and installation.Whole software environment explain so you will learn every single tool , feature, and option.Most important tag creation also known as variable in fully detail explanation like BOOL,INTEGER,REAL,FLOAT,ASCII etc.Short tricks in the software programming also is covered so you will learn fast programming and smart programming of hmi.switch and buttons explains which is soul of any hmi program and designing.Hardware is also explain in real hmi so you will learn in real time programming too.In very easy language and HD video course so every thing is learning very fast.Meters and different bar graphs also explain which are so useful in dairy ,tank ,it cover tank filling and and run time graphs which explain the status of production and machine stage.All type of animation which include move ,rotate, invisible,blinking,filing,color change,size etc.Recipe explanation which is most important in any dairy automation or any other automation.user based level Security with password also you will learn in very interesting manner.Alarm making and pop-up also explains.Detail explanation of every features with available simulation tool which help a lot without need of hmi hardware you can learn online experience on real hmi."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Qigong for Backache" |
"This comprehensive Qigong workout provides an effective method of preventing and managing backache. There are 20 Qigong movements which are taught in detail, step by step. At the end of each group of movements there is a Flow sequence to help you remember and create your daily Qigong practice. We will also be covering Mindfulness for stress, a simple but extremely effective breathing exercise that reduces tension, a joint loosening workout and a Body Scan meditation."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Play Piano in 15 Minutes A Day!" |
"This course is designed to help you learn how to play piano in about 15 minutes a day. Throughout this course, you will learn the basics of piano and gain a foundation in music theory. By the end of the course, you will have several pieces you can play, be able to recognize notes on the staff, and play piano with both hands at the same time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Go |
"Go Go"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"As an Award Winning Broadway Credited Voice Coach for nearly 20 years, I always found it fascinating when my foreign students would be able to sing a standard American song with NO accent. Somehow, singing completely eliminated their accent. Since that discovery, I have created a proven, groundbreaking, easy to understand, result oriented approach to reduce, and in some cases eliminate the foreign accent completely (don't worry, it doesn't involve you singing LOL!).Welcome to the AMERICAN ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION: Accent Reduction Made Easy GYM! The ONLY way we can master the American Accent with flued American English Conversation and Pronunciation is to retrain our tongue and soft palette muscles to create these American English pronunciation sounds and rhythms that your body is just not used to making. I will be providing you with specific exercises focusing on the sound and feel of specific American English conversation ""Targeted"" sounds and how they link to each and every consonant. In addition, I will share specific singing techniques to help create reliable muscle memory that you can call upon instantly. This technique has helped so may of my accent reduction students master the American Accent a lot faster. By the end of this course you would have gone through every possible combination of sounds. There will be nothing you will come across that we haven't covered in your practice. Our goal is to make sure these improvements are retained, so you can call upon them when you need them. That will involve practicing on your end. If you commit to the practice exercises you will improve your American English Pronunciation skills much more rapidly. Take the first step to propel your career to the next level together!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction au Dveloppement d'applications avec Qt" |
"Ce cours ""Dveloppez vos applications avec Qt"" a pour objectif de vous apprendre les bases du dveloppement d'interfaces graphiques en C++. Il est tourn vers l'essentiel, et donc vous permet de dmarrer rapidement. Si vous apprenez le C++ depuis maintenant quelques temps, et que vous souhaitez dj commencer raliser des choses intressantes tout en poursuivant votre apprentissage, alors ce cours est fait pour vous."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a tocar bateria: do zero s primeiras msicas" |
"Neste curso voc poder apreender os primeiros passos na bateria e os principais rudimentos.Aqui voc ir apreender ler partitura e tocar com metrnomo. H exerccios dos principais fundamentos que voc pode praticar na bateria convencional ou at mesmo na bateria eletrnica. Com o aprendizado deste curso, voc poder comear a tocar!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Client Attraction Zone" |
"In this short and powerful program you are going to experience and integrate 4 Mindset Shifts to Upgrade your Self-Image that will create your unique Client Attraction Zone where you approach, connect and engage with potential clients with unshakeable inner confidence that will shine through in all your conversations.That piece that when youre about to approach a client, you pull back:No, they wont want to hear from me. They have access to so many wonderful people. Who am I that they want to talk to me?Once my website is updated with my new message, then Ill be ready.I cant get clients. They dont want what I am selling.We are going to change this to:Theyll be lucky to have me.They do have access to wonderful people who can help them and I am one of them.Getting my website 100% up to date is an ongoing journey and has become a comfort zone. No more excuses.My websites cannot replace ME. I am the goose who lays the golden eggs. Not my website!I can work all of it out its not a train smash.We are going from concept to practical implementation. We are creating a recipe for a ritual and add to it over the next 5 modules and you can work through this at your own pace. I suggest that you do the modules at least 3 days apart so that you can add to the practices and integrate them all.This is all about MINDSET that result in your ENERGY VIBRATION that either attract or repel clients. Doing Mindset and Energy work is a process and for it to work it needs to be experienced in your body and integrated. In other words, it needs to be embodied."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Cartoon Style Mixtape Cover Art" |
"Cover Art Design : Photoshop Cartoon Portrait Effect : Photoshop EssentialsUse Photoshop to easily draw cartoon portraits, objects, and text, combining these elements to create eye-catching cover art designs. Learn how you can create vibrant cartoon portraits and drawings, so you can make unique and artistic cover art designs that sets you apart from other graphic designers. This course is ideal for anyone looking to start drawing cartoons in PhotoShop, or a graphic design vet looking to pick up a new style of cover art design. These skills can be applied to make cover art, cartoon portraits, flyers, & more!!All of which can help you build clientele, and grow your graphic design business. Included is a section on how you can grow your brand, and earn more with your cover art designs. I Guarantee you will come out of this course knowing a new technique on how to knock out quality cartoon style designs in PhotoShop. #photoshop #coverart #cartoon #portrait"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Gua prctica para escribir tu libro" |
"Sobre qu es este curso?En este curso aprends no solo cmo escribir un libro, sino tambin cules son las trabas mentales que te impidieron no hacerlo hasta ahora.Adems, te brinda ideas sobre qu gnero de la literatura elegir y qu recursos online existen para cuando dudes al escribir.En sntesis, es una suma de trucos que harn que sentarte a redactar tu libro deje de ser un sueo y se convierta en una realidad.Qu clase de materiales incluye?Primero, tens acceso a todos los 26 videos que Nahuel Garca Buscemi y Ricardo Palmieri grabaron para vos, y en los que ves mucho ms que la simple lectura de los slides.Segundo: hay ejercicios para que te animes a ir escribiendo como quien da los primeros pasos al aprender a caminar.Tercero: hay ejercicios introspectivos para que puedas atravesar tus miedos y obstculos internos como escritor.Cunto tiempo te toma completar el curso?La duracin depende de las horas que le dediques. De todos modos, no se trata de hacerlo a toda velocidad sino de completarlo absorbiendo bien cada concepto.Aproximadamente, ver los videos, efectuar los ejercicios y escuchar los audios te tomar unas 3 o 4 horas.Cmo est estructurado el curso?El curso est estructurado desde los pensamientos y miedos ms profundos que el escrito tiene, hasta los aspectos tcnicos y con los que suele quedar empantanado.As, en el curso se explica tanto cules son los motivos ntimos para crear una obra escrita, como la tcnica para confeccionar un ndice, entre otras.Por qu tomar el curso?Por varios motivos. Uno: porque ya es el momento de pasar a la accin: vos y tu libro no deben estar separados ms tiempo.Dos: un curso a distancia y grabado es un modo moderno, y prctico, de empezar, por fin, a escribir tu libro. No por nada las universidades de todo el mundo hoy dictan materias e incluso carreras totalmente online.Tres: ste es el momento de hacerlo. Como deca el escritor espaol Len Daud: Solo es capaz de realizar los sueos el que, cuando llega la hora, sabe estar despierto. Cuatro: los autores, Nahuel Garca Buscemi y Ricardo Palmieri, volcaron en el curso toda su experiencia como dictantes de talleres para escribir libros. Y su intensa experiencia como autores -de manera independiente y en coautora-, de 11 libros -al momento de grabar esta capacitacin-.ste no es un curso ms: es el curso definitivo que te pondr en accin para, pronto, ver tu nombre y apellido en la portada de tu libro!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beguiner's guide to speak moroccan Arrabic" |
"My Course is strongly recommended for people interested in speaking Moroccan Arabic in a short span of time.You may find it difficult to learn and speak Moroccan Arabic language in the absence of right guidance. So this is the Course you need. This book will offer the practical vocabulary to you in odred to learn Moroccan Arabic and will cover different aspects: Moroccan Arabic pronunciation, GRAMMAR, Moroccan culture and usefull vocabulary to use In the city, In the shop ... etc"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to manufacture products in China" |
"Have you got a brilliant idea for a product that you strongly believe should exist in the World but don't have the knowledge of how to manufacture the product? If the answer is yes, then this course is for you! Most people have heard a horror story about the risks of manufacturing a product in China. While I myself have had challenges I strongly believe this is because there were no courses or experts I could go to for advice. One of the motivations behind creating this course was to help people avoid making the mistakes that I have. This course is extremely practical with at least one activity in each section so that as you are learning you are also taking the necessary steps required to getting your product made."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gerencia tu proyecto con Microsoft Project (Curso completo)" |
"MICROSOFT PROJECT es una de las herramientas ms utilizada a nivel mundial para gestionar proyectos. En este curso vas a conocer de forma fcil cmo utilizarla enmarcada en los lineamiento de Gerencia de Proyecto del cuerpo del conocimiento internacional PMBOK. En 26 videos, que incluyen algunas definiciones tericas necesarias en gerencia de proyectos, aprenders con entusiasmo la herramienta. Adems, te dar un ejercicio en Excel para que lo desarrollemos, en conjunto, completamente en MS Project COMENTARIOS DE ALGUNOS ESTUDIANTES:OGEl curso es muy directo y conciso, va al grano, se los recomiendo mucho ya que si apenas estn aprendiendo el manejo de Project, este curso es para ti. GraciasETMe gust mucho el curso, aprend nuevos tips sobre el manejo de MS Project que no te ensean en otro lado. Me parece un curso profesional bien cimentado en la forma de gerenciar en base a la metodologa del Project Management (PMI).A.J.P. Excelente curso y excelente instructora. El curso me llev a entender, paso a paso, no solo cmo funciona Microsoft Project sino como implementarlo para gestionar cualquier tipo de proyecto. Gracias UDEMY! Es justo lo que buscaba!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HTML basic" |
"To get a brief understanding of HTML, elements, tags, attributes, how to inspect elements of web page, learn about accessibility, create basic styling and get hands on experience with a small coding exercise. After this course you will be become familiar with the jargon used in front end web development and will feel more confident as you move forward in your career of web development. It is highly encouraged to go through the course by referring to the additional references given, going through the practice quiz, and practicing more and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tap to Heal- Learn EFT" |
"This course is designed to help you to understand what EFT is, why and most importantly how you can use it in your life. You will gain confidence in using EFT by yourself in all sorts of situations (acute and chronic). The work sheets and videos will give you the knowledge and motivation to go forward and use it by yourself and at home. EFT is one of the simplest and quickest ways to enhance your emotional and physical health. Use it to help you to achieve goals you never thought possible and be the person you have always wanted to be.Try it today and begin to heal. Isn't it time to feel and think more positive and energised. Keep tapping."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Business Plan como toda un GIRLBOSS" |
"Tu intuicin te dic que estas lista para hacer mucho ms de lo que hoy estas haciendo?Ni siquiera sabes por dnde empezar?Te sientes abrumada con tanta informacin que no tienes una idea clara de cul es el siguiente paso?Cansado de acciones que no te llevan a ninguna parte?No te preocupes te tengo cubiertaSi deseas:Establecer planes de accinTener claridad en tu oferta, mercado y entornoTener una visn clara de hacia donde vasTener ms estructura en la idea o en tu negocio.Esta clase de 1 hora tiene lo necesario para que tu tengas orden y una visin clara para hacer realidad tus sueos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Enfrentando a crise como Auxiliar Administrativo" |
"No curso Enfrentando a crise como Auxiliar Administrativo, atravs de aulas curtas ediretas, falaremossobre aformade trabalho atuale suas tarefas, a melhoria docomportamento empresarial, novas exigncias do mercado, tarefas ligadas a tecnologia,processos financeiros e setores da empresa,atendimento, organizaoe o funcionamento de uma empresa.O Curso busca ajudarvoc a seatualizar na sua funo e nas suas tarefas, pois com as novas tecnologias e termos utilizados, necessrio focar em voc e na sua carreira.Aempresa passa a notar esta mudana, e voc tem uma chance maior de reconhecimento na sua carreira profissional.O Curso tambm vai ajudar casovoc preciseentrar no mercado de trabalho, pois lhe trar novos conhecimentos e umanova chance em entrevistas de emprego.Afinal, um candidatosem experincia, mas com um curso que o ajude a entender as tarefas, ganhatempo para a empresa,e torna-seum profissional mais qualificado. Por issomaior apossibilidade de ser contratado."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain, smart contract e ICO" |
"Il corso fornisce una conoscenza ampia e pratica sul funzionamento delle criptovalute e degli smart contract inclusi: Perch Bitcoin un'invenzione che rivoluzioner il concetto di denaroLa crittografia e firme digitali come elementi abilitantiCome possibile che le criptovalute funzionino senza le bancheA cosa serve la blockchainCosa sono gli smart contractToken, standard ERC20 e ICOAl termine del corso gli allievi saranno in grado di analizzare le principali blockchain e comprendere le differenze, i pro e i contro di ogni soluzione. Saranno in grado di valutare meglio la bont di un progetto basato su blockchain o di una ICO. Avranno essi stessi le basi per lanciare nuovi progetti nel campo delle criptovalute, degli smart contract e ICO e avranno unidea molto chiara di quali altre competenze dovranno acquisire"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Neste curso o aluno ser capaz de aprender o funcionamento das ferramentas mais utilizadas no Solidworks. Ser capaz tambm de evoluir com o modelamento do nvel bsico ao nvel avanado.Aprender como utilizar superfcies e chapas metlicas em situaes reais. um curso para quem no sabe nada do software e deseja evoluir at o nvel avanado."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Mente Proativa - Metodologia Coaching" |
"O curso Mente Proativa foi cuidadosamente elaborado para conduzir qualquer pessoa a aprender rapidamente aeliminar de uma vez por todasos diversos bloqueios que impedem seus avanos.Aprender com este Mtodo dar passos de gigante edominar a arte de chegar a conquista de seus objetivos em um menor espao de tempoCada uma das aulas equivale a meses de contedo ofertado pelos cursos tradicionais na rea da performance humana, pois foca no que realmente importa:Como dizero que voc precisa fazerparaUsar Mente e atitude em prol de resultados.Neste Curso, o aluno no precisa ter nenhum tipo de conhecimento na rea, pois ele aprende a se desenvolver do zero e passa rapidamente a compreender o porqu de pensar como pensa, de agir como age e o que deve comear a fazer para potencializar seu nvel de proao cerebral atravs de aes que levem a criao de foco, estratgia, automotivao e efetividade.Em nosso ambiente online, alm do contedo em vdeo, eu disponibilizo testes, textos e materiais de apoio, tudo em sequncia para que voc Assuma o controle da sua vida com o poder proativo da Mente!Faa agora mesmo a sua inscrio e comece essa incrvel jornada de acreditar em si mesmo! Aqui voc tem tudo o que precisa para jamais ficar pelo caminho se culpando por perdas e comear a ter sucesso ainda hoje!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Change your clothes, change your life." |
"A good first impression, is a good reputation which leads to successful business deals and increase an entrepreneurs possibilities to build a strong networking, improve social skills and become more influential. A good first impression is achieved with a good outfit which creates a winning attitude. Based on enclothed cognition our clothes have an impact in our psychological processes, which means what we wear can influence our body posture, our emotional statement and our thinking. A suit can increase our nagiotizaotons skills, while a causal outfit can make us more creative.My name is Linda Mata and I am a marketing graduate from the Panteion University of Athens, with experience in social media marketing and image making. In this courses you will learn why clothes have an impact in our body posture, emotional statement and logical thinking, what is enclothed cognition and neuroplasticity, how these things work together and influence our behaviour, mood and decision making and most important how you will change your entire mindset if you start dress with powerful outfits. Change your clothes , change your mindset. A different lifestyle is a just another outfit away."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Data Analysis Bootcamp with SQL 2020" |
"This course will teach you the four building blocks of data analysis in a very structured way* We will first learn about databases and database management systems with the focus of data accessibility. Our preferred DBMS will be MYSQL.* We will then learn the foundation of Data modeling for relational DBMS and gain knowledge about how data is related and how the design of data models help in capturing business use cases. * We will take a deep dive in learning SQL; from writing simple scripts to advance analytical functions to gain insight.* The last section will focus on data visualization and we will use Tableau software as our data visualization tool with many examples to showcase our story telling skills. By taking this course you will gain experience in designing data solutions which will make you more marketable and competitive in the job market.I will try my best to keep this course up to date by adding more relevant lectures and lab exercises."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Interactive English Grammar" |
"A complete guide to using English Grammar Effortlessly You can learn english and it is possible. This course is an introduction to English Grammar. English grammar will help you to speak English-language perfectly.English speaking is about knowing the rules of English Grammar. This introductory course is to help you correct grammatical errors in a simple way. In this course all the grammatical errors have been identified and corrected. You can start correcting your errors at once and in a simple way.Other courses will be created on the different grammar components. In this course, you will learn with a 4-structured system which I have used to train a group of adults who were not able to use their English Grammar fluently. This is more than just creating a course: 1.You will correct English grammatical errors easily. 2.You will also learn how to perfect your tenses. 3.You will learn how to use your verbs and parts of speech in different ways to make English interesting. 4.This course will help you to be happy again because you will learn ways of using english grammar. 5.It will help you pass all your English examinations (TOEFL) These are the major challenges students face as far as English Language and Grammar is concerned: 1.They treat English as a subject, rather than a life skill, with global ramifications. 2. They do not realize that English language acquisition entails five critical skills sets: Reading, Writing, Thinking, Speaking and Listening. If you are wondering if this course is for you One of my adult students of the adult literacy class used this course to be able to speak and write English fluently to get a promotion at her workplace and church. This course has helped a lot of students to use English grammar effortlessly than before. The 4-system structure in the course helped a lot of students because it was interactive. Even if you are already good at your English grammar, you are going to learn much valuable information here that will help you be more fluent and help you pass all your English examinations. Complete satisfaction or your money back I am reminding you that when you buy this course, your purchase is RISK-FREE. You are assured of your 30 day money back guarantee. By the way, I am convinced that this is the best course on English grammar to help you correct all the major errors when speaking, writing and reading. This is a prove course I made for adult literacy class (a class where these adults speak with a lot of grammatical errors). Who is the right target audience? Take this course: If you are an English student and a beginner in English Grammar. If you are not comfortable with your English grammar.If you want to upgrade your speaking and listening skills in English.If you want to master English grammar and take your English to the next level. If you want to pass all your English grammar examinations successfully. It is for everyone. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Small Business Digital Marketing (15 fast track modules)" |
"In this carefully structured masterclass, you get to learn the essentials of digital marketing and get to grips with the powerful digital tools at your disposal and how to make the most of them. This is not only a 'how to do it' course, there is also a wealth of useful information and insights that will help you to gain a much deeper understanding and equip you with the confidence and know how that's required to effectively promote and grow your business online.The course is comprised of the following 12 basic modules (updated for 2020) along with 3 bonus sections for additional learning:Introduction: setting the stage, what's digital marketing?Taking your business onlineWhat's a digital presence and how to achieve itHow to do content marketingHow to do social media marketingHow to do email CRMHow to do search marketingWhat's the digital customerHow to develop a great customer experienceWhat's digital analyticsE-commerce marketingBusiness Models in a digital worldModule 13 is a bonus lecture on digital planning aimed at the more advanced user (which is worth checking out)In module 14. you have 15 useful digital marketing tools in a spreadsheet format for you to fill in and play around with. These can save you valuable time!New Module 15 recently added in August 2020 has over an hour of inspirational ideas for you to think about with case study examples.There's a self-test quiz at the end of each of the essentials modules to help check your progress.Included are downloadable notes (containing all the slides) that accompany each of the 12 essential modules."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar en C desde cero - Principiantes" |
"Bienvenidos y bienvenidas! En este curso vas a aprender las bases de la programacin, fundamental para aprender cualquier otro lenguaje.Muchas veces, al querer empezar a programar resulta un poco abrumador por tanta informacin que hay en Internet, y terminamos dndonos por vencido. En este curso te ofrezco todas las bases de la programacin de manera ordenada, listo para que empieces a programar.Aprenders especficamente sobre:Variables.Estructuras de seleccin simple.Estructuras de seleccin doble.Estructuras de repeticin (While... Do While... For).Punteros.Arreglos unidimensionales.Arreglos bidimensionales.Cadena de caracteres.Funciones (que retornan valor y que no retornan valor).Libreras.Registros.Trabajo Practico (Men)Archivos de textoSintaxis del lenguaje C.Como veras el objetivo de todo este curso es que aprendas sobre las bases de la programacin.Vas a ir aprendiendo desde 0 todos estos temas, para que puedas alcanzar ese sueo de aprender a programar."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |