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"Freelancing: How to Do Freelancing Like a Pro" |
"Would you like to make at least a million dollars with nothing but freelancing? By trading your time for the skills you already have? By working diligently with clients all over the world? You can. I Know. Because I did. Entrepreneurship is one those things most people like to do, but very few do. It is, however, the core of capitalism. Entrepreneurs are capitalists -- they seek opportunities, create jobs, run the economy, and contribute to the growth of this country.Small or big, it won't matter. What matters is YOU.But then, things changed. Entrepreneurship is no longer limited by Industry scope, capital investment caps, government restrictions, or even your own capacity to start a business, run it well, and scale it up.The new age entrepreneurship is all about doing business, the new way. It's about leveragingInternetas a new medium, it's about tapping into what's available for you today.Perhaps, being self-employed is all you wanted to do?Maybe you need cash to fund your travels or to purchase your dream gadget?Or maybe you wanted to start a business but you don't have the ""idea"", the ""capital"", or maybe you find that ""hiring people"" and investing in ""office space"" is an expensive affair?It is. Thankfully, that's not how businesses should be run anyway.While you are wondering (and possibly studying, working, and running traditional businesses or busy raising a family) times have changed. So much that just keeping up with the change, regardless of how businesses are run, could be a lifetimeendeavour.New Age Entrepreneurship is Flexi-EntrepreneurshipIt'd be nice to work from anywhere, doing work anytime you want. It's called""Freelancing"". Oh yes, you might know about it already. Heck, you might have even worked for a while.If I know the Industry any better, you either burned yourself out, woreyourselfthin, and probably gave up.But, you didn't have to...The future of work is online. eCommerce is worth billions of dollars today and that's not the best part yet. The striking truth is that YOU can tap into its potential. The trouble is that there's too much of false information floating around.Don't get scammed. Keep your guard.If you have the skills and if you know what to do, all you need is an Internet connection and a laptop to make money.You'll need skills. You already have everything it takes. If you don't, these skills are easy to acquire.You'll need an entrepreneurial mindset (According to Ben Casanocha and Reid Hoffman who wrote the book ""Startup of You"", we are all entrepreneurial. Over time, for some of us, that part of us just died.You'll need management skills (They don't teach this in B-Schools, though)How do you do this? Is it even possible?Make $3000 to $45,000 a month? (It took me 7 years of trial and error to make $3000 a month. So, don't buy that B.S).Everyone promises you instant millions (there's no such thing).Absolutely no investment? (That's not entirely true)All you need is to know computers and to ""type ads"" (No one pays money for such low-skilled work).Would you like it if:1. I'll show you exactly how you could start your own, Location-Independent business?2. Leverage your skills. Become self-employed and have the ability to work from anywhere in the world?3. Tap into the raging success of eCommerce and earn much more than what you do today?Who should attend:-- You are a student, homemaker, business owner, or possibly anyone with a need to make money online.-- You are already running a business, or are self-employed but you need some cash flow to pay your bills.-- You are looking to start a business but you don't want to invest anything upfront.-- You are tired of the bullshit that's on the Internet already and you really need to know the truth.What's covered:Preparing for online work and FreelancingThe mindset, understanding online work, and things you should know about projects and clients.Simple tips to avoid freelancing scams online.What you need to get started: basics, tools, websites to sign-up with and other specific information.Begin freelancing How to find projects, how to place proposals or apply for projects, and many other aspects you need to know (and no one tells you).Manage Clients Get tips and Insights regarding various opportunities available for you. It's your life. Change it today.FAQWho the heck am I and why should you listen to me in the first place?I am Ashwin Satyanarayana (Ash). I am an Internet marketing consultant, blogger, content strategist, and an entrepreneur. I have been working online for the last 17 years and built a business that's completely Internet-based. As of today, I've had numerous clients for my consulting business.I've made a million dollars just by freelancing and I was debt free by the time I was 34.If I can, anyone can. I am passionate about the web and the innate potential the medium has for small, medium and large business. My core skills are content development, content marketing, and Social Media.I am a marketer at heart, and for years, I've been consulting, writing, and marketing for various clients all over the world.Why isn't the course Free?Because I spent my time trying to create a course.Time is Money :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Asianfusion Cooking Class 1" |
"This course aims to share Asian home recipes and cooking tips for Asians or non-Asians that loves Asian foods and are living abroad. Some recipes are easy to make while some have ingredients that are difficult to get hold of. Hence, fusion has been created. You can explore, experiment or even improve the taste according to your preference. Recipes includes, Filipino and Korean. Instructions are easy to follow, so enjoy cooking !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WAS WIRST DU LERNEN?In diesem Buch wirst du lernen, wie du noch glcklicher und erfolgreicher leben kannst. Zudem wirst du dich noch intensiver entdecken und verstehen, wer du bist und warum du bist.Lerne, dir deine eigenen Ziele zu setzen und erfolgreich zu erreichen.Erkenne, wie du dein Leben zum grten Geschenk umwandelst, das du jemals erhalten hast.Werde zum Meister und Kapitn deines Lebens!Wie alles andere auf dieser Welt sind auch Glck und Erfolg an geistige Naturgesetze gekoppelt.Du wirst diese Gesetze kennenlernen und analysieren, sodass du sie in deinem Leben erfolgreich anwenden kannst.In meinem KursLebe glcklich! Lebe erfolgreich! lernst du dich selbst kennen und findest heraus, wer du bist, wie du wirklich bist und warum du bist ob es dir gefllt oder nicht.Wenn dir die Ergebnisse nicht gefallen sollten, dann ndere sie. Ich zeige dir hier, wie du die notwendigen nderungen in deinem Leben vornimmst.Lerne, die Situationen und Eigenschaften zu akzeptieren, die du nicht ndern kannst. Wenn du morgens im Berufsverkehr steckst, dann kannst du das nicht direkt ndern. Somit musst du einen anderen Weg finden, um diese Situation zu meistern. Wie wre es mit einer Gelassenheitsbung, um ruhiger zu bleiben?Bist mit deinem Krper unzufrieden? Deine Gre ist zwar genetisch festgelegt, aber du kannst trainieren und deine Essgewohnheiten ndern, um fitter und gesnder zu werden.All das, was programmiert wurde, kann auch wieder umprogrammiert werden. Der Unterschied ist, dass jetzt du der Programmierer bist und nicht mehr die anderen.Lebe deine Trume, und lebe dein Leben! Jeder Moment zhlt, denn jeder Moment ist einzigartig und kommt niemals zurck. Was war, das war wir sind im Hier und Jetzt. In diesem Moment lebst du in vollem Bewusstsein und stellst die Weichen fr deine Zukunft. Jeder Gedanke und jede Entscheidung beeinflussen deine Zukunft ob es die nchsten Sekunden sind oder die nchsten Jahre. Im Hier und Jetzt hast du die Kontrolle und die Macht, dein Leben zu gestalten, wie du es dir ertrumst.All das, was du siehst, war einmal ein Gedanke. Deine Gedanken gestalten dein Leben. Ob du groe oder kleine Trume hast: Es hngt alles von dir ab. Ich rate dir, groe Trume und Gedanken zu erschaffen, denn es kostet dich den gleichen Aufwand, wie wenn du dir kleine Ziele setzen wrdest.Leben oder existieren?Das ist hier die Frage.Herzliche Gre!Siegbert TillGlobal Coach & Consultant"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kinematics & Motion (AP Physics 7.0 hrs 63 lessons)" |
"How can you become really good at topics like Vectors and mechanics of motion in 1,2 and 3 dimension in physics? With over 2700 enrollments these 63 lessons will help and guide you to become good at these topicsThis topic covers the concept of mechanics, vectors, displacement and velocity and acceleration in two and three dimensions. Projectile motion and circular motion is explored in depth. Motion in 2 and 3 Dimension requires use of vectors to describe the motion of the bodies. Vector notation is used in most places to understand and appreciate the close dependence of this kind of motion on vectors.Like most topics in Physics, this too requires deep understanding of concepts to make sense of numerical problems and their solutions. Learn physics faster and better - It is not difficult! It just requires a some time, focus and a good teacher :)Once you are enrolled in the course, all you need a note book and a pen to get cracking on these topicsWhat are Vectors and ScalarsVector Components and Unit vectors (I,j and k)Dot Product and Cross ProductWhat are Position and Displacement VectorsVelocity, speed and displacementInstantaneous Velocity and Acceleration3 Equations of motionArea under a velocity -time curveProjectile Motion: Why Vertical Velocity changes, Horizontal does notProjectile Motion: Why a Parabolic Path? Why Max Range at 45 degreeCircular Motion: What is Centripetal ForceWhats different about my courses:When I create content for the lessons, I think deeply around the areas where students struggle and feel confused. My lessons tackle these parts in depth. Also, I believe visual representation of various ideas makes a lot of impact. The lessons have visuals and animations that are thought through quite deeplyAnd most importantly, I make myself available personally to answer questions that a student who has enrolled may haveMy students wrote this to meBobbie Smith: Amazing explanations, I really learned a lot. Thank you. Satyam Jha: amazing!! i could not understand vectors in my class but here it is very easy to understand Thanks a lot!! Csaba: I learned new ideas of approaches. I'm looking to try them in my professional practice as a teacher.Thanks! :) Fernando P. Radaza: It help me a lot to understand better about Physics of Work, Power & Energy.Chamara Dilshan: it's good, explaining every small thing ,it's good to start physics beginners Onofrio : The lessons given by the teacher are very interesting! Excellent course! Simaran: Very deep understanding of the subject Shiva Very knowledgeable and sounds very nice and helpfulGallina: Excellent the lessons held by the teacher with exhaustive explanations and well illustrated. Well done course! Smith: Great course.The presentation is very clear. Thank you. Pawan Kumar: The way to teaching us is amazing with all diagrams Samit This course has a lot of good content and very well presented. Thank youDani: It was concise and consequent. The exercises were good exposed and explained. Simply excellent. I promise, that i will use some ideas in my every day practice in my classroom. I'm also teaching physics, but in Hingarian. I finished this course to improve my skills, first of all in interesting approaches, and foreign language skills as well. This course was exactly what I expected!Remember - you get a lot more than you thinkYou get lifetime access to this courseYou can write to me for any supportA certificate of completion from Udemy money back guarantee (valid within 30 days)Lets start a conversation! go ahead and enroll!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Physics of Rotation, Rolling & Torque: 4.5 hrs 45 lessons" |
"How can you becomereally good at Rotation, Rolling, Torque and Momentum? With over 1300 enrollments and 4.7 star rating, these 45 lessons will help and guide you to become good at this topicThis course covers rotational motion, rolling , angular momentum and torque. Lesson 1 to 9 covers Rotation. There are several examples of motion in daily life that are rotational in nature, like a merry-go round, a golf ball spinning about its axis or you trying to open the door of your house. Through the lessons included in this module, understand what are rotational variables and how we caninterconnect themto make sense of what is happening. The course also delves into more nuanced parts of rotation that are parallel axis theorem and moment of inertia. From Lesson 10 to 15, we cover rolling motion, torque and angular momentum. The angular variables of such motion, when studied, explain a lot of real life situations in a beautiful way. As an example, the linear velocity of a point on top of a wheel of a bicycle has twice the velocity of that of the center of mass and the bottom of the wheel has zero velocity. It seems unbelievable but make sense as you read the last 6 lessons.These are fantastic concepts that will lay a strong theoretical foundation for you and help you with AP Physics, Physics 1 or competitive exams like IITJEEor NEET. The course makes use of calculus in certain places"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Physics of Newton's Laws of Motion, momentum & COM (5 hrs)" |
"How can you become really good at Newton's Laws of Motion, center of mass, linear momentum and collisions? With over 1000 enrollments and 4.6 star rating, these 50 lessons will help and guide you to become good at this topicIf Newton's third law is true then how does a horse pull a cart. The cart should pull the horse back with the same force.Well, when the horse pulls the cart, it is true the the cart also pulls the horse with the same force. However, the dynamics are a little more complex. Well does not mean that the force that the horse exerts on the cart has got cancelled. The cart will continue to to experience the pull and so would the horse from the cart being pulled. In a way they are 2 separate forces, each acting on separate object.This is the reason problems around Newtons laws of motion are solved by using free body diagrams. So if you see the horse in isolation, the horse is pulled in the direction of the cart (say right ), the horse itself is also applying a force towards the left. As a result, the net force (force vector to the left and force vector to the right) produce a net force vector that makes the horse and the system moveNewton's laws of motion include three laws Newton's first law, Newton's second law, Newton's third law, that in conjunction are rock bed of classical mechanics. So you can see in the above example, how they help us understand the relationship between a mass or a body and the forces acting upon it and the motion in response to those forces. The second part of this course introduces you to the following concepts- 1. Center of mass (com) for a system of particles , 2.The velocity and acceleration of the center of mass and 3. Linear momentum for a single particle and a system of particles We will learn how center of mass of a system of masses can represent the system as a point. We also discuss the principle of conservation of linear momentum. We will also use the concept of conservation of linear momentum to study collisions in one and two dimensions and understand how momentum of rockets and the exhaust gases changes with timeSome of the most interesting problems in Physics are found in Mechanics. Most of these problems are around inclined planes, falling objects, frictional forces (static friction and dynamic friction), mass acceleration, velocity etc. Section 2 of this course is a compilation of such interesting problems and how they can be solved using Newton's laws of motion. The course makes use of calculus in certain placesWhats different about my courses:When I create content for the lessons, I think deeply around the areas where students struggle and feel confused. My lessons tackle these parts in depth. Also, I believe visual representation of various ideas makes a lot of impact. The lessons have visuals and animations that are thought through quite deeplyAnd most importantly, I make myself available personally to answer questions that a student who has enrolled may haveMy students wrote this to meBobbie Smith: Amazing explanations, I really learned a lot. Thank you. Satyam Jha: amazing!! i could not understand vectors in my class but here it is very easy to understand Thanks a lot!! Csaba: I learned new ideas of approaches. I'm looking to try them in my professional practice as a teacher.Thanks! :) Fernando P. Radaza: It help me a lot to understand better about Physics of Work, Power & Energy.Chamara Dilshan: it's good, explaining every small thing ,it's good to start physics beginners Onofrio : The lessons given by the teacher are very interesting! Excellent course! Simaran: Very deep understanding of the subject Shiva Very knowledgeable and sounds very nice and helpfulGallina: Excellent the lessons held by the teacher with exhaustive explanations and well illustrated. Well done course! Smith: Great course.The presentation is very clear. Thank you. Pawan Kumar: The way to teaching us is amazing with all diagrams Samit This course has a lot of good content and very well presented. Thank youDani: It was concise and consequent. The exercises were good exposed and explained. Simply excellent. I promise, that i will use some ideas in my every day practice in my classroom. I'm also teaching physics, but in Hingarian. I finished this course to improve my skills, first of all in interesting approaches, and foreign language skills as well. This course was exactly what I expected!Remember - you get a lot more than you thinkYou get lifetime access to this courseYou can write to me for any supportA certificate of completion from Udemy money back guarantee (valid within 30 days)Lets start a conversation! go ahead and enroll!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"25 lessons on Physics of Work, Power & Energy (AP Physics)" |
"Physics is not difficult, it just needs some time, focus and a good teacher This course includes 25 videos totaling 2.5 hours of run time that you can learn online. Get a deep understanding of physics of-Work done by a force - In physics, work and energy can get confusing if not understood at a conceptual level. This lesson introduces you to this in a very simple way and lays foundation of this topicWhat exactly is negative and positive work - Is it confusing to find when is work done by a force negative or positive? It indeed can be. Learn in this chapter how the dot product of force and displacement can give you the value of work done by the force and also if it is negative or positive.Work kinetic energy theorem - Change in kinetic energy can be equated with the work done on the body. This is often expressed as the work kinetic energy theorem and is one of the most popular theorems in physics. Watch this lesson to understand how you can use this theorem to solve a lot of numerical problems.Work done by gravitational force and spring force - What is the work done by gravitational force on a body? The simple answer is the dot product of force and displacement. This physics video lecture explains how this force actually does work on a body, negative or positive. The lesson also explores the work done when a mass is lifted up and brought down. This is explanation has been done using work energy theorem. It also explains why using this theorem is better than using Newton's laws of motion (often used in physics) in solving certain kinematic problemsWork done by a variable force - spring force is a good example of defining what is work done by a variable force. For this spring this force F = -kx where the force varies as a linear function of displacement x. So far you have been finding work done by a force as a dot product of force and displacement where the force is constant. So this is an interesting lesson in the sense that here we will be dealing with forces that are variable in nature and how we can find work done by this variable force when it displaces a mass. We use differential calculus and integral calculus to establish this formula of physicsWhat is average power and instantaneous power - The formula for work done = dot product of force and displacement. However, this assumes a constant force F on a particle. What then is work done by a variable force. Watch this lesson to understand how integral calculus can help us find the work done when the force acting in a particle is variable. You may like to draw comparison with an earlier physics lesson on velocity and instantaneous velocityWhat are conservative forces - What is a conservative force and how do you determine the work done by it, is an interesting relation between the work done by such a force and the potential energy and kinetic energy of a particleWhats different about my courses:When I create content for lessons, I think deeply around the areas where students struggle and feel confused. My lessons tackle these parts in depth. Also, I believe visual representation of various ideas makes a lot of impact. The lessons have visuals and animations that are thought through quite deeplyAnd most importantly, I make myself available personally to answer questions that a student who has enrolled may have...and this is what my students wrote to meCsaba: I learned new ideas of approaches. I'm looking to try them in my professional practice as a teacher.Thanks! :) Bobbie Smith: Amazing explanations, I really learned a lot. Thank you. Satyam Jha: amazing!! i could not understand vectors in my class but here it is very easy to understand Thanks a lot!! Fernando P. Radaza: It help me a lot to understand better about Physics of Work, Power & Energy.Chamara Dilshan: it's good, explaining every small thing ,it's good to start physics beginners Onofrio : The lessons given by the teacher are very interesting! Excellent course! Simaran: Very deep understanding of the subject Shiva: Very knowledgeable and sounds very nice and helpfulGallina: Excellent the lessons held by the teacher with exhaustive explanations and well illustrated. Well done course! Smith: Great course.The presentation is very clear. Thank you. Pawan Kumar: The way to teaching us is amazing with all diagrams Samit This course has a lot of good content and very well presented. Thank youDani: It was concise and consequent. The exercises were good exposed and explained. Simply excellent. I promise, . that i will use some ideas in my every day practice in my classroom. I'm also teaching physics, but in Hingarian. . I finished this course to improve my skills, first of all in interesting approaches, and foreign language skills as . well. This course was exactly what I expected!Well, you get a lot more than you thinkYou get lifetime access to this courseYou can write to me for any supportA certificate of completion from Udemy money back guarantee (valid within 30 days)"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Premiere Pro CC: Editing with Premiere" |
"Learn the building blocks ofAdobe Premiere Pro CC!Video, audio, color correction, and more! This course will help you begin laying the foundation for your personal or professional video editing needs.Whether you're stuck in a class at school, want a new and better video editing program, or just want to learn a new skill, this class is right for you!I go over all the basic editing skills that lay the foundation forAdobePremiere Pro CCto help you get started!User friendly!Access to me as the teacher (lucky you)!Try it out. Ask questions. Learn. Grow. Do it! You know you can!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"React Native - Der Einstieg in die Entwicklung mobiler Apps" |
"Du wolltest schon immer mal eine App fr dein Smartphone entwickeln, wusstest aber nicht wo du anfangen solltest? Du konntest dich nicht entscheiden, ob du eine Android-App mit Java oder Kotlin programmieren sollst? Dich hat es abgeschreckt, komplexe Tools wie Android Studio oder XCode zu installieren und zu erlernen?Dann ist dieser Kurs wie fr dich gemacht!In diesem Kurs wirst du mit React Native in kurzer Zeit in die Lage versetzt, echte native Apps sowohl fr Android-Smartphones als auch fr das iPhone zu entwickeln. In wenigen Minuten wirst du deine erste App auf deinem Handy testen knnen ohne aufwndige Installationen. Verwende deinen gewohnten Editor, um mit JavaScript eine Code-Basis fr plattformbergreifende Apps zu programmieren! Dieser Kurs ermglicht dir den schnellen und unkomplizierten Einstieg in die App-Entwicklung mit React Native. Wir besprechen folgende Inhalte anhand konkreter Beispiel-Apps:Neue Features von JavaScript und die Grundlagen von ReactGestaltung von Apps mit der StyleSheet-APILayout fr verschiedene Displaygren mit FlexBoxDie wichtigsten Komponenten von React Native wie TextInput und Listen (FlatList, SectionList) Lokale Datenspeicherung mit AsyncStorage und SQLite Daten in der Cloud mit Firebase speichernNavigation zwischen mehreren Screens mit React Navigation (react-navigation v5)Einbindung von Daten aus WebservicesMit Expo Apps fr das iPhone ohne Mac entwickelnu.v.a.m.Mit diesem Kurs wirst du schnell deine eigenen App-Ideen umsetzen knnen!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"A Countdown to Mindfulness - 30 days to perfect wellbeing." |
"30 x 30 minute Relaxational Hypnotic Meditations.Take a session every day for 30 days straight - and experience the power of your inner self.It is very easy to lose yourselves in the day to day strain of life. This stress occurs when we have too much on our minds and can't concentrate on a specific thing, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed. We all experience this at some point in our lives.Guided hypnosis/meditation on a regular basis can help take you to the next chapter in your life. Relaxing and releasing you from the struggles you are going through at this time.With EnTrance guided hypnosis/meditation tracks, you can break the barriers in your mind that can sometimes hold us back. It can bring you improved self control, empowered behavior and improved choices, and allow you to tune into your deeper, inner resources. Listen in now, and experience for yourself the power of Trance.Trance is a completely natural state of deep relaxation and focused attention, where positive suggestions will be more easily accepted by our subconscious minds. Often in Trance you will drift into Sleep. However you experience EnTrance is fine.For several years before production we studied the unique qualities, scripting, production techniques and/or effectiveness of products by: Paul Mckenna, Glen Harrold, Ormand McGill, Dave Hill, Michael Sealey, Steve G Jones, Darren Marks, Jason Stephenson and many more...Bespoke psychology research, neuroscience publications , combined with hypnotherapy techniques and advanced broadcast audio techniques were all tested to come up with our final preferred format, which includes; paraliminal metaphoric matrix, isochronic and binaural beats and world sound FX.Please do not hesitate in asking any questions you may have."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simplifying Grants Fundraising in the Arts" |
"As independent artists or leaders of small organizations, your time is precious. I'm sure you have Board members saying you should apply for grants! But where to start?And how to fit it into your very full schedule as a creator?This series walks you through finding the right grants for you, writing those grants in a way that makes the most of your limited time, and simple methods of cultivating funder relationships for the future. We break down the process into very easy steps, cutting away at the misinformation out there to make sure you're spending your time in the RIGHT way. Each module is short - just 5 to 15 minutes - so you can fit these into your busy schedule!At Benvenuti Arts, we're about making the most of your time with efficient fundraising, not adding to your list of tasks. This workshop is just one of many resources - including simple guides around all kinds of fundraising and administrative work, consultancies, and a free 30 minute call - made with the smallest and mightiest of arts organizations in mind. We know it'll be worth your time and make this process easier and more successful for you!""I attended all three of Sarah Benvenuti's workshops, Grants, Budgeting and Fundraising. Every workshop was super informative. I walked away with more homework but a better sense of the nonprofit development landscape. Her wealth of knowledge is ENDLESS! I highly recommend attending one of her workshops."" -Rachel Berger,Executive Director, The Artist Co-opSarah was great at summarizing the vast information that is out there about grant writing and focusing attendees on the tools and techniques that will be most useful to them and their organisations. -MaraVlatkovic,Young Professionals in the Arts"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Das Geheimnis zum schnellen Lernen mit Spa" |
"Hast Du schon einmal stumpf pauken mssen um dir irgend etwas Sinnloses zu merken? Bist du bereit ab sofort nur noch leicht und mit Spa zu lernen?Dieser Kurs zeigt dir das Geheimnis, wie du hoch motiviert wieder Spa in dein Lernen bringst und du wirst berrascht sein, wie viel du dann von den Inhalten automatisch anwendest.Viel Spa!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-366 Networking Fundamentals Cert Prep 2018" |
"What Will I Learn?After completing this course, students will be able to: Understand network infrastructures Understand network hardware Understand protocols and servicesRequirements Basic Information technology knowledgeDescription The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is Microsofts newest suite of technology certification exams that validate fundamental knowledge needed to begin building a career using Microsoft technologies. This program provides an appropriate entry point to a future career in technology and assumes some hands-on experience or training but does not assume on-the-job experience. Quizzes are included at the end of each section to provide individual assessments of the knowledge presented in each lesson.Skills measured: Understanding network infrastructures (3035%) Understanding network hardware (2025%) Understanding protocols and services (45-50%)Note: This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed above. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.Benefits For those who are considering entering into an IT career and need to learn the basics, gainingMTA certificationcan be highly beneficial.According to Microsoft, 86% of managers state that IT certifications are important when they are considering candidates and 91% say that a certification is essential when they are hiring. Per Microsoft, 64% of managers thought that certifications had high value when it came to validating the skills of job candidates and that certification, experience and training were some of the most important characteristics when selecting a employee. Perhaps the best news of all is that in a survey of nearly 700 IT professionals, 60% stated that getting a certification led to them securing a new job.An MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) certification supplies the expertise and knowledge needed for a specific technology or product and is the recommended starting point for the Microsoft certifications. It provides a solid foundation and with just one exam you earn a certification that will allow you to take your first step towards a career in IT.For those hoping to improve employability, having a world recognized qualification could be key to raising your profile. So impress future employees and feel confident when you go to your next interview knowing that you have a certification and the skills that will enable a successful IT career.Course Outline Lesson 1 Understanding Local Area Networking Lesson 2 Defining Networks with the OSI Model Lesson 3 Understanding Wired and Wireless Networks Lesson 4 Understanding Internet Protocol Lesson 5 Implementing TCP-IP in the Command Line Lesson 6 Working with Networking Services Lesson 7 Understanding Wide Area Networks Lesson 8 Defining Network Infrastructure and Security"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Master Drools - Turn Complex Logic into Simple to Read Rules" |
"We learn Drools DSL(Drools programming language) and see what kind of problems Drools works best with.This course comes with a Java project that has all the code we look throughout this course. You are encouraged to run the code yourself to get better understanding.We also cover some of the best practises when building rule engine like Drools.After completing this course you are confident when to youse Drools in a project and how to write business rules in Drools DSL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Research Proposal Workshop for Dental Students" |
"This course takes you on a journey in developing your research proposal. You have ten short lectures that have embedded activities. Completion of the activities helps you learn research proposal development skills. A word file template is provided in the resources to help you complete the activities and send me for feedback (more information is in the file). The various sections are introduction, research problem, hypothesis, research question, methodology, variables, data management, ethics, budget and timelines."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Eletrnica |
"Eletrnica na Prtica :Conceitos Tenso Resistncia e Corrente ( uso de papel e caneta)Cdigo de Cor de ResistoresAssociao de Resistores Lei de OhmKirchhoff Aprenda Eletrnica montando circuitos prticos:Curso ideal para aprendiz de fim de semana, estudantes de eltrica e eletrnica.Montagem: Minha Primeira Fonte de Alimentao:TransformadoresDiodosCapacitor funcionamentoReguladores de TensoLed: Conceitos e Teste"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel i Visual Basic (VBA) - automatyzacja pracy z Excelem" |
"Kurs pozwoli Ciniesamowicie przyspieszy swoj prac z Excelem, a take innymi programami w MS Office.Jest przeznaczony dla zwykych uytkownikw Excela. Jasne przykady i przejrzyste instrukcje pozwol kademu na opanowanie materiau. Nie jest konieczna umiejtno programowania. Kurs moe by take przydatny dla programistw, ktrzy naucz si w wyrafinowany sposb wykorzysta moliwoci Visual Basic. Kady skorzysta na swj indywidualny sposb. Wielu ludzi zachwycio si jakie to proste i wcigno si w modelowanie i usprawnianie swojej pracy. Szczeglnie skorzystaj wszyscy wykorzystujcy Excel do oblicze ekonomicznych, finansowych, tworzenia planw, budetw i zestawie sprzeday. Umiejtno korzystania z makr i Visual Basic oszczdza nasz cenny czas!Zapraszam na kurs -Zbigniew Kasprzycki"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Formularze Google - ankiety, gosowania, testy, quizy" |
"Ankiety, gosowania, testy w Google. Proste sposoby na szybkie 'socjologiczne' badania. Zbieranie informacji przez formularze, przeprowadzanie testw na punkty, quizy.Wymagane jest tylko posiadanie konta w Google, wystarczy konto pocztowe. Wszystko jest wytumaczone najprociej jak to moliwe. Uczestnik kursu bdzie potrafi sprawnie przygotowa nawet bardzo zoone formularze, zamieci je w internecie oraz analizowa dane zebrane za pomoc formularzy."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Education 101: Hassle Free Classroom Management Strategies" |
"Have you ever prepared an amazing lesson, spent hours making sure every detail was in place, but at the beginning of the lesson, one of your students completely wrecked it with one interruption that snowballed out of proportion?How would you react towards that student? How can we save our derailed class?The truth is that many of the methods used today in schools, are still better suited for teaching in the 19th century, when the teacher was second only to The Almighty, and students weren't meant to have views and opinions, they were supposed to listen to the knowledge spouting from the teacher and hope to maintain as much of it as possible.Do we expect students in the 21st century to act in the same way? Are teachers' jobs the same? Well most students don't they expect their feelings to be taken into consideration, and teachers aren't google, they are live role models who help make sense out of the abundance of knowledge that exists in the world.So let's go back to our student at the very early stages of the interruption. You're teaching about civil rights and he's discussing with his neighbor about the football game last night.Calling out on him will call attention to him, derail your train of thought and distract the rest of the students, while also potentially embarrassing him or empowering behavior you'd like to discourage all with little chance of this student really reconnecting to the lesson. The ROI (return on investment) seems extremely small.Instead you might walk over to his seat and hand over a personal note, letting him know you believe in him, without stopping the lesson once. We call it a ""reconnecting note"". The student's dignity was kept, the class wasn't interrupted, it didn't erupt into an aggressive match and what's even better is that you gave him an opportunity to rejoin the lesson without feeling like he lost.This is only one tip of many we'd be happy to share with you in our course Hassle free classroom management strategies, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Here at The Freedom to Teach we believe that the way to get a student to do anything in the 21st century is through inner motivation not animal training and that is why we created a series of courses that have helped tens of thousands of teachers create a systematic method with which you too could enter the classroom.In this course we will discuss three seemingly separate classroom related topics that are actually intrinsically related - discipline, the essence of learning and how to begin a lesson. The common thread between these three points is that all of them are essential to Hassle Free Classroom Management.Looking forward to seeing you at our first lesson!The Freedom to Teach"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Turn Your Talent Into a Profitable Singing Career In 90 Days" |
"True, I could start out by telling you all about my career todayThat Im earning an average of between $4,000 and $8,000 every monthwithout having to perform every single night(and thats while being a busy mom, very active and important in my two young childrens lives)That over the last 15 years, Ive performed all over the world, participated in international music competitions, won many prizes, including first place, and taken part in dozens of different projects as a singerBut no.I actually want to start out with the fact that before I had all this stability, I had only one thing, or perhaps actually two: unpolished talentand desire!These two things managed to help me accomplish for myself what I want to teach you to accomplish.I didnt have a mentor showing me the way, taking me by the hand and shortening the process, saving me from all the failures and mistakes, or lifting me back up onto my feet when I lost hope and motivation.And thats one of the reasons it took me so long to get to this stable point.But it doesnt have to take you as long as it took me why?Because you have me.Ive spent my whole life around lots of musicians and talented people. Many are also personal friends, which is why it hurts so much to see so lots of them unable to succeed in turning their talent into a stable occupation or livelihoodunable to actualize their potential in the field and maybe not even sure where to beginAfter a while, it hurt me enough that I needed to get up and do something about it.So I got up and took all the knowledge Id accumulated, all the years of personal experience, and bundled it all up into methods that are efficient, simple, and practical, with support tools Ive created offering courses for other musicians.I offer these courses for musicians and singers so I can teach them how to accomplish just that-how to actualize their own potential through music, building a profitable, stable career from singing. So that theyll be able to sing, perform, bask in all that applause, greet every day with more heart, to entertain, to build emotion, becoming a personal example to everyone they know, and calling it my job with so much pride.So that theyll have what I was missing. So they wont be alone for even a moment, but instead reach their goals faster, letting them show other musicians who might face the same challenges that they did it, providing inspiration and motivation for others.Since I created these courses, Ive taught hundreds of people how to create a stable livelihood from singing, some of whom Im still in touch with personally, thrilled at their incredible results. Ive seen more than a few of them quit their jobs, change their positions, realize their old childhood dreams and upgrade their happiness level along with their walleteven if theyre parents, inexperienced young students, talented people nearing retirement age, or just fifty-year-olds Ive seen a lot of everything.And in my courses, I can teach you how to get the same results.This is a basic course.Its the first piece in the puzzle, an abridged version of the underlying framework of the complete system.It explains the principle of the five steps which will help you build a stable singing career and shows you the way to reach them.So lets start by taking the first step,So that you, too, can realize your potential and turn your singing talent into an exciting income.Cant wait to meet you inside!Hila."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"O Mercado e a Prtica da Traduo" |
"Em 2011, no ltimo levantamento feito pelo SEBRAE-BR, o setor de traduo movimentava18 milhes de dolres por ano. Segundo aCommon Sense Advisory as atividades desta rea continuam crescendo a uma mdia de5,52% ao anono Brasil.A globalizao e o avano tecnolgico exigem muito do mercado de traduo. Empresas internacionais cada vez mais tm procuradoprofissionais de traduopara adaptar seu contedo para o Brasil.Esse mercado tem muitas vantagens e ainda pouco explorado!Conhea os caminhos que podero levar voc s empresas internacionais que esto precisando desolues em traduo.O cursoO Mercado e a Prtica da Traduovai possibilitar a voc entender o comportamento dos contratantes deste tipo de servio e todo o processo de venda e execuo de projetos de traduo.Como se comporta o mercado de traduoQuem so os potenciais clientesComo funciona um negcio de traduoQuais so as melhores tecnologias e ferramentas para atuar neste mercadoNo curso voc vai:Conhecer os conceitos bsicos da atividade de traduoAprender, em detalhes, como funciona o mercado mundialAprender a conseguir novos clientesVer na prtica como utilizar ferramentas de traduoSaber como se destacar nesse mercadoCinco motivos para voc investir neste curso:J no primeiro trabalho, voc consegue receber de volta o investimento feitoO mercado de traduo pouco explorado e demanda muitos profissionaisNo necessrio ter diploma ou graduao para atuarOportunidades de receber em moedas de outros pasesO trabalho de traduo flexvel e pode ser feito de qualquer local de casa ou do escritrioVoc vai aprender como conquistar um mercado remunerado em dlar!Entenda como funciona o mercado de traduoAprenda como colocar em prtica o trabalho de traduoDescubra como captar clientes e conseguir novos contratosConquiste um mercado internacional"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Creating Digital Portraits with Style" |
"In this course you will learn how to use a frame layout to create a digital portrait with out loosing your own personal style. This will help keep your art work looking original but professional. You will learn how to draw the different parts of the face before you try designing a portrait so that you can have a full understanding of what you're creating. This course is design to keep you entertained."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Foodcamp 2 weken challenge" |
"Een gestructureerde aanpak is nodig om je voedingspatroon voor eens en altijd aan te passen. Ik heb in de afgelopen 12 jaar een plan ontwikkeld wat bij 99% van mijn deelnemers werkt.Stap voor stap, van het elimineren van de suikers tot het eten van voldoende vetzuren, ga ik je meenemen in de wereld van de gezonde voeding. Een gezonde voeding om je gezondheid te herstellen, af te vallen en energieker te worden."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SDET Training: Selenium WebDriver, Java Project & Code Tests" |
"Why its important for you to take this course:Learn from a Real-time engineer with hands-on experience in Software Development & Automation Testing. Most of the other courses teach you with some typical examples you commonly find in the books.But I'm going to teach you with Practical and Real-world Examples and Scenarios as part of Automation TestingIf youre targeting a SDET (or) Automation/Performance Engineer role, this is the right course for you. I was in your shoes before where I had to go to multiple places to learn the concepts, practical examples, coding tests and interview questions from. But for you, just this course should keep the ball rolling for all those things.Course covers an Automation Project towards the end and available to download from GitLab. The project makes you think in real life terms. Say if an interviewer asks you about the difference between an interface and a class, a practical example would be 'GetCrossBrowserAccount' is an interface while 'GetSauceLabsAccount' and 'GetBrowserStackAccount' can be the implementation classes (in contrast to popular book example that an animal is an interface while cat and dog are the implementation classes). The course includes Coding Tests from Actual interviews including the questions I have personally faced and asked in the interviewsThe lectures are To the point with Clear explanations. I don't want you to get lost in the lectures or spend time listening to any unnecessary things, your spending time is most important to me and you learn something quantitatively from each lecture. Unique course in Software Testing Engineering Interview. This is a unique course on Udemy platform for SDET from preparation to interview with a range of topics packed inside a single course.For any of your queries, I will Respond in 24 hours. Just shoot me a message on the Q&A board and I'll respond to you with all the information you need. I have personally trained manual/functional QA to get Automation Engineer/ SDET Jobs. New course Videos will be added from time-to-time. If you see any topic is missing, expect it to be added very soon. Just see what my students have to say:Focused on practical skills with examples. JosephThis course was amazing. I personally learned a lot and very hands-on experience. -MohammedI managed to get a SDET job thanks to this course and assistance from Shaan. -JerichoIt is amazing and it covers lots of the interview questions which I missed in the past. -RohitIt is good info for those who want to polish the SDLC and roles and responsibilities of Testers in an organization. -PrashantIt's the best software testing tutorial that I watched so far! -JohnYes it was a good match for me and the explanations were clear and direct to the point. -NicholasFollowing Topics and Q&A are covered in this SDET course and Project Training classes:Software Test environments and Agile Testing : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersCommon 4-tier deployment environment?Components within each environment?What are the typical environment issues?Whom testers need to collaborate with while testing?Typical working day of a software tester?Challenges faced by a software tester on a day-to-day basis?What is Waterfall model and its drawbacks?What is Agile and how does it address the waterfall drawbacks?What is Agile Testing and its challenges?What is Scrum and scrum's roles, artifacts and events?What is Sprint in scrum and sprint from testers standpoint?How Jira supports sprint, sprintbacklog etc?How the Requirement changes are handled in Agile?Java : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersCompile time vs Run time in Java?Compile time errors vs Run time errors?What are Local, Instance and Class variables?Difference between Pass by value and Pass by reference?Difference between Stack and Heap memory in Java?Java keywords static, final, abstract and super usage in a project?Access modifiers public, private and projected usage in a project?Debugging a java application?Project configuration files and what goes into them?Reading the configuration files into java properties object?Java Datastructures : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersDifference between Array vs Arraylist and coding challenge?Finding duplicates using Set and coding challenge?Storing key-value pairs using Map and coding challenge?What is Stack and coding challenge?How to reverse a LinkedList?Selenium WebDriver: Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Selenium WebDriver?How the Selenium WebDriver Language bindings and binary executables work?Setup of Firefox and Chrome drivers?Setup and behavior of Safari driver executable?Internet Explorer driver specific issues and configuration?Options object vs DesiredCapabilities?Methods to find web elements in Selenium WebDriver?How to choose between different element Locater techniques and XPath vs CSS?What are Dynamic elements on a web page?How to Locate the dynamic web elements in Selenium?What is Absolute XPath and Relative XPath?XPath Functions and Axes and using them to locate dynamic elements?How to use XPath combinators?What is Page Object Model and how its implemented in a project?How to use Driver Factory?Singleton and Factory Design Patterns?Coding example to login using Selenium webdriver and logout?Maven and Log4j : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersExplain Maven Convention over Configuration and Dependency Management?What is Super POM in Maven?How the Local and Remote repositories work in Maven?What are different Maven phases and goals?How to create Maven Parent project and Modules under it?Maven configuration file settings.xml and how private repositories like JFrog or Nexus can be configured in it?How to install an artifact into the Local repository?Benefit of Logging and configuring Log4j?What is RollingFileAppender and its policies?Different Logging Levels in Log4j and how to log in Dev/QA environment vs Production environment?GIT : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Distributed Version Control system?Difference between Git and SubVersion?Project repositories and branches in Git?Describe the Git branching model and release cycles in realtime?What is HEAD reference?Explain Git workflow Local, Staging and Workspace?How to clone a Git repository?Working with branches?How to stage the files and commit?How to shelve the changes and restore using Git stash?How to sync with remote repository using Git push and pull?Difference between fetch vs pullSourceTree client for Git?API Testing : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersDescribe REST (Representational State Transfer) service?Explain primary HTTP Request methods used in Rest web services?How to use functional API testing tools for API (Curl, Postman)?How to use RestAssured class library for API Automation testing?HTTP Request and Response headers like content-type, authorization etc?Http Response codes like 200, 403 etc?Data Driven Testing : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Yaml format?Parsing from Yaml to Java collection and iterating over collection?Yaml vs Excel for data driven testing?TestNG : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersTestNG annotations?Write Tests using TestNG and Selenium WebDriver?Parallel Testing in TestNG?Running TestNG tests through Maven?Maven surefire plugin?Docker : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Docker and how to install/setup docker?How to work with the docker container?How to run Jenkins as a docker container?How to run Selenium Hub and nodes as docker containers?VNC viewer to remotely connect and look at the live testsHow to trigger the tests in Selenium Grid?Jenkins : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Jenkins pipeline and how to create a pipeline?Running the tests from JenkinsJenkins manage plugins and setup credentialsBlue Ocean plugin/interfaceSauceLabs : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Cross-Browser testing and need for it?How SauceLabs Automated testing platform helps in Cross-browser/Platform testing?How to configure SauceLabs hub/endpoint and environment variables?SauceLabs On-demand plugin for Jenkins integration?Jenkins builds for different SauceLabs configuration?Parallel testing in SauceLabs?What is Browser stack and comparision?Blazemeter : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Blazemeter load testing platform?Blazemeter supports JMeter?How to Record and Rung tests in Blazemeter?How to use Taurus DSL(Domain specific language)?TestNG executor for Blazemeter?New Relic APM : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersWhat is Application Performance Management/Monitoring?How to install and configure New Relic APM agent?APM controller and agent architecture?App agent vs machine agents?What is Instrumentation in APM?Custom instrumentation in New Relic UI?How to install and configure AppDynamics agent?Running AppDynamics machine agent?Amazon Web Services (AWS) : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersHow to create Users and Roles in IAM (Identify and Access Management)?Launching EC2 instances and working with init script and in-bound rules?How to create an S3 bucket and attaching policies to the bucket?How to use Code Deploy service to create and application and deploy it?AWS code deploy plugin for Jenkins?Using code deploy plugin to upload the project to AWS S3 bucket?SQL : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersIllustrate different SQL Joins?Create a SQL schema?Solve a SQL query challenge using Inner Join?Solve a SQL query challenge using Left Outer Join?Solve a SQL query challenge using Right Outer Join?Linux : Covered Topics + Interview Questions and AnswersHow to connect to a remote server/computer using ssh?Locating the files and filtering them, say Log files or by timestamp?Printing the file content and monitor the logs in realtime?How to view and edit the contents of files?***** There's no better day than today to start some practical learning, remember there's always 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy in the worst case *****.Thanks and Good Luck!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Arabic Language through Stories" |
"The Arabic text contain Tashkeel (Vowel markings or Short vowels), which can make pronunciation easy for non native speakers. Interesting stories from the book ""hearts love tender"" by the writer Hassan Shamsi to help develop your listening, reading, and comprehension skills, they are interesting even if you only read them in English. The vocabulary involves words that are commonly used in everyday language and you have a vocabulary list ahead of stories. This Course uses vocabulary that is practical and much of it is repeated in various ways to allow you to really learn it. Original Arabic (original as in MSA) With English translationThe side by side text provides enough information for beginner/intermediate learners to engage material, improve reading speed, and gain cultural knowledge. This course is very helpful to gain fluency in Arabic reading and listening comprehension. Play it every day will help you with pronunciation and be able to read Arabic words. Why you must try learn Arabic using stories? Storytelling is the absolute best way to feel the texture of the language you seek. Specially when you have Arabic on one side, English translation on the other and the arabic text include short vowels (Tashkiil). Your Arabic will improve quickly by reading the stories in both languages.the side by side comparisons in translation really help to understand the meanings of each word which is amazing. I'm reading the short stories with you. Then, you must read them aloud on your own. The more you repeat them, the more fluent you become. This is a great way to learn more about the culture through reading practice. The stories are short and simple enough that after reading the English translation you are able to follow and understand the text while listening! A great way to build up vocabulary, especially if you happen to love stories. This way you build your vocabulary naturally. This collection of stories offers great advice on overcoming the obstacles of life, sharing with you valuable lessons you can apply to your contemporary existence. The accompanying Audio helps you develop and enhance listening comprehension. This style of teaching makes learning a pleasure."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to develop HRM in your Org.-" |
": . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Just the Basics of Product Management" |
"Lesson Concepts :1. Why does any company need a Product Manager?2. What is Product Management? Who is a Product Manager?3. What is Product Development Life Cycle? Introduction toProduct Strategy & Roadmap. 4. A Day in the life of a Product Manager.5. Traits of a Delightful Product Manager vs. Mediocre Product Manager. 6. Using Agile & Scrum in your daily life as a Product Owner.7. Artifacts & Tools required as a PM.8. ITJob Search & Preparation for an Interview."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Contemporary Tools for Wellbeing & Performance" |
"This course will present an insightful Model of the Mind, considering the functions of the conscious mind, that part we are aware of, as well as the deeper subconscious functions that guide and influence our behaviour, decisions and performance, based on the information that we have perceived, filtered and stored. While the purpose of these automatised functions is to make things flow more easily for us, as well as to provide a rapid protective response when we need it, sometimes we respond to outdated, unhelpful or negative information that we have gathered over the years. This course will help you to become more aware of when these unhelpful processes are at play, and to utilise your understanding to guide your own internal resources in the direction that is best for you now.At the end of the course you will be provided with contemporary therapeutic tools from Goal Setting, Self-Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy, evidence-based psychological approaches, to help you make positive developmental changes across all areas of your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular + NodeJS + PostgreSQL + Sequelize" |
"El curso cuenta con 31 vdeos explicados al detalle que le dan un total aproximado de ms de 10 horas de duracin.El curso est dividido en dos grandes secciones:Primera parteDesarrollaremos una aplicacin back-end desde cero con NodeJS, PostgreSQL y Sequelize.Iniciaremos con la creacin del servidor con NodeJS.Instalaremos todas las dependencias necesarias.Instalacin de Sequelize, configuracin y generacin de la estructura base.Crearemos cada uno de los modelos necesarios comenzando con el Login para la creacin y envo de un Token de acceso.Crearemos uno a uno los servicios necesarios y el acceso a los mismos.Le daremos seguridad a cada servicio creado mediante JWT.Utilizaremos los verbos ms comunes en la realizacin de nuestros servicios GET, POST, PUT.Crearemos un mtodo para subir imgenes al servidor.Probaremos cada uno de los servicios en POSTMAN.Segunda ParteDesarrollaremos una aplicacin front-end con Angular.Instalaremos las dependencias necesarias.Crearemos nuestra aplicacin base con Angular/CLI.Crearemos cada uno de los componentes necesarios tanto pblicos como privados y las rutas de acceso respectivas.Mediante servicios enviaremos peticiones http a nuestra aplicacin back-end para la obtencin y persistencia de datos.Maquetaremos cada una de las vistas generadas y les daremos movimiento utilizando animaciones propias de Angular.Crearemos una seccin de administracin con acceso mediante usuario y contrasea para poder administrar los datos de nuestra aplicacin.Utilizaremos los componentes de Angular Material en toda la aplicacin para un diseo mucho ms profesional."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop : effet dispersion, incrustation, animation & 3D" |
"Ce logiciel est si vaste qu'il convient la plupart des graphistes. Il est aussi bien utilis par des professionnels que par des dbutants, ce qui en fait l'outil le plus clbre et le plus abordable.Dans ce cours, nous aborderons diffrents outils tel que la slection, le mode animation, le dtourage de personnage et nous crerons ensemble un effet tendance et graphique : l'effet dispersion.Avec ces exercices pratiques, vous apprendrez votre rythme, les techniques de professionnels pour raliser vos propres visuels.Ainsi votre crativit pourra s'exprimer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Lgica de Programao - direto ao ponto" |
"O curso de Lgica de Programao utiliza algoritmos e fluxogramas para propiciar ao aluno iniciante o aprendizado dos conceitos programao concentrando-se na lgica, sem ter que lidar com os detalhes de uma linguagem especfica. Voc vai aprender a programar utilizando elementos grficos e testando seu algoritmo usando um software simples e divertido. Uma vez aprendida a lgica fica fcil aprender qualquer linguagem de programao."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |