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"The Art of Being Found - Can your Dream Job Find You?" |
"Looking for work and securing employment has changed drastically in the last 10 years. In this course, Rolf Kramer will help you walk a mile in the shoes of the modern recruiter and hiring manager. You'll get practical tips on how to be found easily and present a personal brand that entices conversations with potential employers and recruiters, giving you a leg up on your competition for the role. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Best Mandarin learning course for serious beginners - HSK 1" |
"Detailly made videos that have formal but not boring course for beginners, which contain: review, new words of the lesson, texts, grammar rules, practice and homework exercises with mp3, listening materials that you can read together with me, also writing lesson in which I wrote myself and explain the same time. Everything is conducted in a systematic way, so you will learn all the knowledge step by step. Please remember always do the review and repeat what you have learned. Practice makes perfect! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Nr 1 Sales Skill For Salesprofessionals." |
"In this course you will learn the number 1 most important and basic sales skills that you simply cant do without when you want to become a target hitting SalesProfessional. By the end of this course you will know exactly how to break down any Sales Pitch into 5 simple steps."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"2019 Clickfunnels Training" |
"The 2 Comma Club is what ClickFunnel offers to their users when producing more than 1 Million Dollars With Just One Funnel.Ive been fortunate enough to receive that award myself and the way I found is the best to give back to the community, is to offer a course ( that will be updated weekly ) with the newest and most in depth strategies of using this awesome platform.What are the secrets that all internet gurus are using to generate more sales & passive income?Sales funnels.ClickFunnels is a great tool that gives entrepreneurs and small business owners the power to build insanely convertible sales funnel without having to spend a fortune or hire a full-time marketing team!Its given me the ability to create a Multi-Multi-Million Dollar Business without any previous experience.ClickFunnels is the real deal!If you have ever wondered how to create the highest converting opt in pages for your business, then this course is for you!Here's just a little bit of what you're going to learn on the inside:What Is A Sales Funnel & Clickfunnels OverviewThe Clickfunnels Editor (Elements, Rows, and Sections Tutorial!)How To Add Digital Assets ( Make Your Funnels Look Professional )How to Process Payments Inside of ClickfunnelsClickfunnels & Zapier: Automation To Another LevelCustom DomainsEmail Integration - How To Send Emails To Your CF SubscribersComing up: How to Optimize for Mobile Devices, One Click Up-sells, Downsells (OTO's) and Order Bumps!, How to Install Your Fb & Google Pixel, How To Create Your Own Course, Webinar Funnels, Build Your Email List, How To Get Clickfunnels For $19.00, Bonusses:Because I remember how difficult it was when I first got started, I want to help you succeed in the online world.If you want one on one coaching directly from me, come join us in our Fb community: Personal Branding FunnelsI will be Including some powerful tools & funnels that I think you will find incredibly valuable. Ive invested a lot of money in these templates and I will giving them away for free to all my students.You will have FREE access to Funnels that have made me or other partners & friends of mine MILLIONS! You can adjust these templates to fit any business!It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner, funnel builder, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course is for you.Cant wait to see you on the inside!Cheers,Marian Esanu"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Power System Harmonics" |
"Harmonics create pollution in our power system just like carbon dioxide and other gases create air pollution. It has adverse effects directly or indirectly on equipment like motors, transformers, induction heaters, etc. It leads to energy loss due to poor power factor. This course is intended to create awareness regarding power system harmonics. The course is designed for industry professionals who are associated with operation and maintenance, engineering students, and even for design engineers.Following content has been covered:- The definition of harmonics is briefly interpreted. - Factors that are responsible for harmonics current generation is discussed. - Devices producing harmonics and how they produce are discussed.- Harmonics analysis is explained with the help of Matlab where required.- Effects of the harmonics current on various equipment used in the power system.- Interpretation of IEEE Std. 519-1992, 2014.- Know how to find harmonics current and where to look for them.- Know the various mitigation techniques to limit harmonics current in the power system.After completion of this course students can be able to:- Identify harmonics distortion sources in the power system.- Recognize the symptoms of harmonics presence by knowing the effects of harmonics on various equipment like transformers, motors, power cables, and electronics devices, etc.- Select the suitable harmonics analysis technique.- Provide a suitable solution for harmonics reduction and mitigation.Ultimately students can be able to connect the dots of understanding related to harmonics. "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Excel Focado para o Ambiente Empresarial-Bsico ao Avanado!" |
"Aprenda como aplicar os conceitos da administrao e matemtica financeira, no Excel! Do bsico ao avanado, incluindo Macros!!O foco do curso est no ambiente empresarial. Ser tratado a teoria com elementos prticos, do dia-a-dia de qualquer empresa.Criar grficos, frmulas avanadas, grficos dinmicos e tabelas dinmicas sero o foco! Depois deste curso, suas planilhas sero verdadeiros dashboards com estilizao profissional e contedo inteligente!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SIMPLE Awesome Quantum Energy Healing Techniques Part 1" |
"From Arram Kong's 22 years experience in the Energy Healing Field, he founded ""Arram Kong Healing Academy"". This course is created by him and aimed at those who desire to live a Stress and Emotional FREE existence . If you are a NEWBIE , you will be fascinated with these techniques , it will be magic to you. For the seasoned therapist, there are techniques in the course you have never come across before and will be useful in your additional tools for your practice.This powerful course is designed to allow youto have a stress free, joyous, peaceful and abundant life. It allows you a greater understanding to what the purpose of life is. These simple powerful techniques created by Arram are to serve you in every area of your life. Arram's easy to learn modules include:Introduction. We are Energy Vibrational Beings first, having a Physical experience.What the 10 Spiritual laws are and how it is applicable to every area of our existence. What is the purpose of us being in the physical worldReality is meaningless waiting for you to give it your meaning and it becomes our reality.Learning to live in the present MOMENT. The past and future are illusionsHow to systemically resolve all past traumas that have been holding us prisonersNobody can upset you except you.How to beat your addictions. e,g, smoking, shopping, drugs, gambling, porn, binge eating & drinking plus any excessive behaviour, Every word carries frequencies and you are taught to catch yourself and change into a positive wordAll videos are live session, you get to see how Arram work."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
beginner-share-market-course-in-marathi |
". . , , . . - , , demat . - , , candlesticks, , , , . . ."
Price: 7040.00 ![]() |
"Excel para el anlisis: tablas dinmicas, powerquery y pivot" |
"En este curso te traigo un trozo de mis ms de 10 aos de experiencia en entornos altamente competitivos, con l aprenders a manejar desde el enfoque hasta el resultado de la forma ms eficiente para poder gestionar desde pequeos a grandes volmenes de datos en Microsoft Excel y puedas expresar sus conclusiones en un Cuadro de Mando. A lo largo del programa descubriremos tcnicas de eficiencia, as como el manejo de herramientas como Power Pivot o Power Query, pasando, por supuesto por manejos avanzados de frmulas, tablas dinmicas o soluciones avanzadas. Como extra, el contenido que veamos te ser en gran medida de utilidad para conocer las bases de Microsoft Power BI, al final encontrars una clase para poder integrar ambos sistemas.Te animas a dar el salto de nivel?"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Excel para Profissionais da Sade" |
"O Curso Excel traz uma abordagem simples e direta as principais necessidades dos profissionais de sade que buscam relatrios a partir de um banco de dados. Com uma linguagem simples e exemplos prticos, com este curso voc ir aprimorar a forma como elabora seus relatrios, cria infogrficos e at um painel de informaes conhecido como dashboard.J viu planilhas que atualizam os dados automaticamente a partir de um banco de dados? Achou que parecia mgica? Entre neste curso e descubra vrias dicas de como se aprimorar atravs de recursos disponveis no Excel."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Lightroom Classic CC course taught by a pro" |
"Let's start at the very beginning, with setting up a Lightroom library and importing some images. It's really not difficult....I promise.Step by step, in bite size chunks, Iwill then take you through every panel of every section of Lightroom Classic CC. You can work your way through the course in order, or jump to the specific section you want to know about.I've included all of the images from the course, so that we can work through the course together. Just like being with me as I work on the images and explaining what I'm doing and why.By the end of the course you will know everything you need in order to import, sort, rate, organise, post produce and export your files.Let's get stuck in, and do this together.See you inside.Matt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma - Yellow Belt" |
"Yellow Belt o que ?Yellow Belt um dos treinamentos disponveis de melhoria contnua para profissionais que esto iniciando a jornada para conhecimento dos conceitos, mtodos e ferramentas Lean Six Sigma.Tambm um treinamento onde o mtodo DMAIC usado para desenvolver profissionais que estejam querendo aprender atravs de instrutores com forte domnio terico, e que trabalham em empresas nacionais e multinacionais a mais de 20 anos entregando resultados consistentes.O que tem no Yellow Belt?Este treinamento o segundo do ciclo de melhoria contnua da GRADUS, e conta com conceitos e ferramentas novas para seu desenvolvimento, como:Anlise de KanoIniciao ao software estatstico Minitab 18Priorizao de causas razes atravs da Matriz de Priorizao e Matriz de Causa e EfeitoAplicao do FMEA (Anlise de Erros e Falhas).Estes so alguns dos novos itens do yellow belt, que associados a mais de 100 exerccios/exemplos, e um estudo de caso, propiciaro que voc seja capaz de atuar em projetos de melhoria, e d mais um passo na sua jornada de desenvolvimento profissional.O treinamento tem um total de 28 horas onde esto inclusos 05 mdulos em vdeo, exerccios, case e exame final.Por que fazer o Yellow Belt na GRADUS?A GRADUS pode e vai lhe ajudar com instrutores formados com a melhor preparao terica internacional (formao pela George Group), e com vivncia prtica real atendendo empresas e alunos dentro e fora do pas.Todos os treinamentos de melhoria contnua da GRADUS, inclusive este de yellow belt, so acreditados pelo conselho internacional CSSC (Council for Six Sigma Certification) e contemplam todo o contedo recomendado pela ASQ (American Society for Quality), inclusive o alinhamento com a ISO 13053 Six Sigma.Alinhamos a teoria com a aplicao prtica nas empresas e organizaes, e como dito acima, este treinamento faz parte de um ciclo de melhoria contnua:White BeltYellow BeltGreen BeltBlack BeltMaster Black BeltResumo do cursoO treinamento iniciar com definies de Lean e Six Sigma de empresas consagradas como Toyota e General Eletric, e se desenvolver atravs de um total de 5 mdulos para abranger a metodologia DMAIC que tem por objetivo o melhoramento dos processos, produtos e servios por meio da identificao de causas razes e implantao de controles eficazes de melhoria.A diferena entre o treinamento White Belt e este reside no maior compartilhamento de experincias e conceitos, associado a novas ferramentas e maior quantidade de exerccios de fixao, pois quanto mais se avana em direo ao treinamento de Master Black Belt, h um aprofundamento maior nos itens mencionados e, por consequncia, no seu desenvolvimento profissional.Com este treinamento voc ser capaz de estruturar um projeto de melhoria contnua, atravs das fases, conceitos e ferramentas da metodologia DMAIC, e tambm acompanhar o desenvolvimento de um projeto prtico ao longo da evoluo dos mdulos.Contedo programtico- Mdulo 1Neste mdulo a principal meta detalhar a Fase Definir, discutindo a relevncia da voz do cliente, sua importncia e como usar conceitos, mtodos e ferramentas para colher a voz do cliente, prioriz-la e identificar o que mais crtico na viso dele para ser melhorado.Tambm sero tratados outros assuntos como Certificao, origem do lean six sigma, dentre outros, alm de exerccios de fixao para assegurar a reteno do conhecimento.TPICOS:CertificaoLean e Six SigmaResponsabilidadesIdentificao de ProjetosMetodologia DMAICFase Definir e FerramentasFixao de Conhecimento- Mdulo 2Com as necessidades do cliente colhidas, identificadas e priorizadas no Mdulo 1, este mdulo descrever como medi-las, aplicando conceitos, mtodos e ferramentas.O software estatstico Minitab18 ser introduzido a voc, pois esta ferramenta muito usada e difundida no mercado hoje. Esta iniciao ao Minitab18 importante para o aprendizado contnuo em Lean Six Sigma, e neste contexto voc aprender tambm como fazer um grfico sequencial usando o Minitab.Itens como Anlise do Sistema de Medio R&R, Distribuio Normal e Grficos Bsicos sero conceituados e discutidos.TPICOS:Fase Medir e FerramentasEstatstica Descritiva e InferencialMinitab Software EstatsticoGrficos BsicosDistribuio NormalAnlise Sistema Medio (R&R)VSM / Kaizen / 5SFixao de Conhecimento- Mdulo 3Concluda a fase de medio (Mdulo 2), a anlise das causas razes vital para se entender onde os esforos precisaro ser colocados para prover os resultados esperados.O FMEA (Failure Mode Error Analysis), que uma ferramenta para anlise de modos de falha e de erro ser estudada em detalhes para garantir que o aluno a compreenda e a aplique nos projetos, uma vez que uma maneira efetiva de detectar falhas, as causas razes e possibilitar a identificao de solues apropriadas.Por que tanta importncia ao FMEA? Porque alm de ainda ser usado pela marinha dos Estados Unidos, toda a indstria automobilstica mundial a usa nos dias atuais, o que representa uma confiana nos resultados que sero alcanados.Melhores prticas sobre o FMEA sero discutidas com o aluno pelos nossos consultores, trazendo um enriquecimento sobre o tema com fatos reais.TPICOS:Fase Analisar e FerramentasFMEATestes de Hipteses2 Sample TAnovaFixao de conhecimento- Mdulo 4Com as causas razes identificadas e priorizadas (Mdulo 3) este mdulo tratar das possveis solues para resolv-las, alm de testar as melhores solues e planejar sua implementao total.Ferramentas como 5W2H, capabilidade, e outras, so cruciais para facilitar a entrega da fase Melhorar e garantir que as principais solues sejam avaliadas e que as melhorias sejam entregues.Com o que foi descrito acima, e mais os exerccios de fixao, voc certamente ficar melhor posicionado para entregar solues robustas e eficazes.TPICOS:Fase Melhorar e FerramentasPlano de Ao 5W2HCapabilidadeMatriz de Causa e EfeitoFixao de Conhecimento- Mdulo 5As solues a serem implantadas definidas no Mdulo 4, precisam ser robustas, ou seja, no podem deixar que o que foi resolvido regrida. Neste aspecto o este mdulo 5 crucial para que isto seja garantido, ou seja, estamos falando da Fase Controlar, que sem dvida alguma uma das mais difceis.Por este motivo que a GRADUS apresentar ao aluno um processo para que o controlar funcione adequadamente, sendo uma das ferramentas deste processo o plano de controle.O plano de controle tem um conceito muito simples: o que eu tenho que CONTROLAR para evitar que algo afete o que eu melhorei. Trazendo isto para nossa vida cotidiana, pense no carro e em uma multa por velocidade: para no ter multas preciso CONTROLAR a velocidade.Simples no!? Sim, simples quando se sabe como implantar um processo de controle, e isto o que o aluno aprender.TPICOS:Fase Controlar e FerramentasPlanejamento do ControlarProcedimento OperacionalPoka-yokePlano de ControleFixao de ConhecimentoSobre o Instrutor:Marcello Soares tem 20 anos de carreira em melhoria contnua em multinacionais.Master Black Belt treinado e certificado em Dallas pela Accenture (George Group), responsvel por treinamentos, certificaes e desenvolvimento de pessoas para o negcio (Master Black Belts, Black Belts, Greem Belts, Yellow Belts e White Belts) dentro e fora de multinacionais.Realizaes:Entrega de resultado de US$ 30 Milhes via projetos advindos da implantao de melhoria contnua no grupo Aditya Birla Group Amrica do Sul, abrangendo o desdobramento de Objetivos desde a Presidncia at o cho-de-fbrica, para garantir as metas definidas e a entrega esperada.Gerao de US$ 13 Milhes/ano atravs do desenvolvimento e implantao do Sistema de Operao Global para suportar a qualidade, financeiro e outras reas importantes das regies da Amrica do Sul, Norte, sia e Europa do grupo Aditya Birla Group, simplificando e padronizando processos e servios.Atuao forte como Master Black Belt, tendo desenvolvido 250 profissionais como Green Belts e 40 como Black Belts, obtendo atravs destes 660 projetos Lean Six Sigma & processos Kaizen concludos, com US$ 54 Milhes/ano de resultado.Slida vivncia na transformao da gesto atravs da excelncia operacional e gerenciamento da Gesto da Rotina baseados nos fundamentos do Instituto Falconi/INDG (PDCA/SDCA), trazendo previsibilidade, foco e superao constante de metas.Sucesso na criao e implantao de planos estratgicos, definindo e administrando budgets, e desenvolvendo processos de melhoria para alcanar os objetivos de curto e longo prazo do negcio.Vivncia internacional liderando e trabalhando com times nos Estados Unidos, Europa, Coria e Amrica do Sul, em todos os nveis hierrquicos, buscando continuamente melhores sinergias, implantando sistemas de gesto e criando valor para o negcio.Carreira de sucesso em melhoria contnua e excelncia operacional, desenvolvida em diversas reas de empresas multinacionais como desenvolvimento de produto/processo, operaes, qualidade, comercial, supply chain, finanas e reas de suporte.PREMIAES INTERNACIONAISPrmio Rio Tinto VIA Awards 2007 e 2008.Lucro: US$ 1.3 Milhes Projeto Can Body Stock Non-Round (reduo do custo de demurrage)Prmio Rio Tinto VIA 2009 Awards Especial MentionLucro: US$ 4 Milhes/ano e capacidade produtiva aumentada em 13.000 toneladas/ano. Projeto CES 4 Passes (novo processo para tampas de latas de alumnio).*Como fao para obter o Certificado com Acreditao Internacional na GRADUS?I) Obter o certificado da Udemy;II) Ter um projeto Yellow Belt( utilizando cases ou um projeto real) aprovado pela GRADUS.At uma semana depois da aprovao do projeto, voc receber seu certificado com a acreditao internacional da CSSC via e-mail (sem custo adicional)."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan SketchUp" |
"Bu 29 blmden oluur. Toplamda 4,5 saatlik bir video sunumudur. stediiniz zaman istediiniz dersi tekrar edebilir. Soru sorabilirsiniz.3 Boyutlu yazclar hayatmza girdi. Kendi evinizdeki mobilyalarn yerlerini deitirmek istiyorsunuz ama aklnzdaki nasl yanstacaksnz. Ya da mimarlk, i mimarlk ve tasarm blmlerinden birini isteyen bir rencisiniz. Bu gerekten kolay yazlm renmek istiyorsunuz. Youtube gibi yerlerdeki dersler ok kark srayla. Anlatanlar uzman deiller. Alt tarafta reklamlar geliyor, bilimsel bir renim sreci olsa daha iyi olur. Kursa gitmeye de gerek yok. te bu dersler zevkle size 3 boyutlu modelleme dnyasna adm atmanz salayabilir.7 blmlk tam takm SketchUp dersidir. Bunlar biliyorsanz herhangi bir tasarm brosunda SketchUp kullanabilirim diyebilirsiniz.Ders SketchUp'n bedava srm ve web browser zerinde kullanlan zerinde gemekte. sterseniz bilgisayarnzda ykl olan halini de kullanabilirsiniz.Sizi temin ederiz ki olduka kapsaml ve skmayan formattadr.Trkiye'deki ilk ve tek SketchUp kitabnn yazarndan (u anda 3. basks piyasada) SketchUp dersi aln. Overloku ayanza gelmemi olsa bile Cumartesi ve Pazarnz garip bir dersanede sabahn krnde kalkp heba etmenize gerek yok. :-)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tecniche base di Matte Painting con Photoshop - I parte" |
"Fin dalla nascita del Cinema stato necessario creare un'alternativa efficace ed economica alle bellissime quanto costose scenografie dei set. Il Matte Painting stato il primo Effetto Visivo convincente: una tecnica pittorica in grado di realizzare meravigliosi sfondi con citt del futuro o del passato, castelli e pianeti avveniristici. Film come Ben-Hur e Via col Vento, Guerre Stellari e Titanic erano pieni di scenografie virtuali dipinte su vetro o cartone che ci hanno piacevolmente ""ingannato"". Il matte painting permette di riprendere gli attori davanti ad ambientazioni che sarebbero troppo costose, o troppo difficili, o addirittura impossibili da realizzare.Dagli albori di questa tecnica fino agli anni '90, per diventare matte painter occorreva essere abili pittori specializzati nella creazione di viste panoramiche, dettagliate e realistiche. Con la rivoluzione digitale, il matte painting diventato ancora pi importante in quanto offre soluzioni a problemi altrimenti impossibili come scenografie scomposte in piani di profondit o che seguono i movimenti della camera da presa, per ora non si dipinge pi: si usano tecniche di photomanipulation e photoediting per comporre collage di foto in alta risoluzione fino ad ottenere un tutt'uno credibile e fotorealistico. Dunque il mestiere di digital matte painter ha smesso di essere riservato a pittori talentuosi: chiunque abbia una preparazione base di Photoshop e sufficiente tenacia e voglia di imparare pu ""assaggiare"" questo meraviglioso mestiere, purch sia pronto a unire lo studio di Photoshop con quello delle regole base della pittura. Inoltre l'uso del matte painting si esteso alle serie TV e al gaming, rendendolo cos un mestiere moderno e in continua evoluzione.Ho diviso il mio Programma in 6 Corsi, ognuno dei quali affronta una tecnica cruciale. consigliabile avere una preparazione base di Photoshop, anche se fornisco una descrizione sintetica di ogni strumento a cui accenno nelle Lezioni. Alcune Lezioni sono basate su immagini o altri materiali che possono essere scaricati gratuitamente dall'apposito link. In questo primo Corso affronto un problema cruciale: saper scontornare oggetti complessi come un albero."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Google Spreadsheet in hindi with full details," |
"This course will give you you everything you need to know about Google Spreadsheets.From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this class you will be able to use Spreadsheets like a MASTER. Pretty soon, you'll be using Spreadsheets better than most people can use Excel... and be able to take advantage of the super useful features that only Google Spreadsheets has to offer.In this course, you will learn all of the following about Google Spreadsheets: Learn how to navigate around Spreadsheets Learn how to adjust the way data and information are displayed Learn how to write formulas quickly and easily with the point-and-click method Learn how to create powerful calculations Learn how to visually represent your data with charts and graphs Learn how to use data tools like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering Learn how to automate tasks with time-saving scripts and addons Learn Spreadsheets secrets and shortcuts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dein Einstieg in Node.js: Professionell und komplett" |
"Dieser Kurs wurde speziell erstellt fr Entwickler, die einen fundierten Einstieg in Node.js wollen und nicht die Zeit haben, sich durch Dutzende Tutorials zu whlen. Von Grundlagen bis zu fortgeschrittenen Konzepten wird alles abgedeckt, was man fr die moderne Softwareentwicklung mit Node.js braucht. JavaScript ist die meistgenutzte Programmiersprache der Welt. Sie luft nicht nur in jedem Browser und auf fast jeder Website, sondern sie ist mit Node.js auch auf dem Server angekommen und wird heute fr alle Arten von Applikationen eingesetzt. Deshalb sind gute Node-Entwickler gefragt wie nie und bekommen Gehlter angeboten, die frher eher Java- oder C#-Experten vorbehalten waren.Dennoch fllt vielen der Einstieg oder Umstieg zu Node.js nicht leicht. Dafr gibt es Grnde: JavaScript unterscheidet sich von vielen anderen Programmiersprachen dadurch, dass es ereignisbasiert ist und man asynchron denken muss. Die JavaScript- und Node-Landschaft verndert sich in einem Tempo, das es schwer macht, auf dem laufenden zu bleiben. Jede Woche kommen neue Frameworks, npm-Pakete und Tutorials heraus. Diese sind eventuell ntzlich, aber nicht immer. Node.js und seine Tools waren lange Zeit eher instabil und sorgten fr viel Frustration nicht nur bei Einsteigern, sondern sogar bei erfahrenen Entwicklern. Manche Entwickler denken flschlicherweise, sie mssten bei einem Umstieg auf Node alle ihre vertrauten Tools hinter sich lassen, z.B. relationale Datenbanken wie MySQL oder Postgres. Hier schafft dieser Kurs Klarheit:Wir schauen uns genau an, wie sich synchrone und asynchrone Programmierung unterscheiden und lernen die Bausteine der asynchronen Programmierung - Callbacks, Promises und async/await - genau kennen. Wir schaffen uns ein stabiles Fundament an Grundlagen von JavaScript und Node.js, so dass Absolventen dieses Kurses selber beurteilen knnen, welche Trends es zu verfolgen gilt und was nur vorbergehender Hype ist. Der Kurs erklrt Schritt fr Schritt den Umgang mit unentbehrlichen Entwicklertools wie Visual Studio Code, npm, yarn, nodemon, Postman, Prettier und git. Nach der Teilnahme an diesem Kurs weit du, wie du fremde oder eigene APIs aufrufst und die gesendeten Daten verarbeitest. Du kannst sowohl Konsolen- als auch Webanwendungen und APIs entwickeln, ob mit oder ohne Framework. Du kannst eine mittlere oder auch groe Webanwendung mit Express entwickeln und so strukturieren, dass sie bersichtlich und wartbar bleibt. Du weit bescheid ber moderne JavaScript-Sprachkonstrukte wie async/await, Promises, arrow functions, den Spread-Operator, Destrukturierung und viele mehr. Du beherrschst die Kommunikation zwischen Node.js und einer SQL-Datenbank. Achtung: Der Kurs deckt ausdrcklich keine NoSQL-Datenbanken wie MongoDB oder CouchDB ab, sondern zeigt die Arbeit mit einer produktionsreifen SQL-Datenbank. Aber ich habe keinerlei Vorkenntnisse in Node! Das macht nichts! Der Kurs geht nicht davon aus, dass du Node.js schon einmal benutzt hast. Er richtet sich an Node-Einsteiger und auch Fortgeschrittene, die schon einmal JavaScript geschrieben haben. Dabei musst du kein Experte in JavaScript sein, aber z.B. wissen, wie man eine Funktion schreibt oder aufruft, und die grundlegenden Datentypen kennen (Zahlen, Booleans, Strings, Arrays, Objekte). Ich komme eher aus der PHP- / Ruby- / Python- / Java-Ecke und habe schon lange kein JavaScript mehr geschrieben. Keine Sorge: So lange du die Grundzge von JavaScript nicht vllig vergessen hast, solltest du problemlos hier einsteigen knnen. Es gibt sogar eine Gegenberstellung eines JavaScript-Programms und eines PHP-Programms, die das Gleiche tun. Auerdem werden neuere Sprachbestandteile (ES2015 und aufwrts) immer ausfhrlich erklrt, wenn sie zum ersten Mal benutzt werden. Es gibt viele Kurse. Wieso sollte ich diesen belegen?"" Dieser Kurs geht sorgsam mit dem wertvollsten um, was du hast: Mit deiner Zeit. Obwohl alle Konzepte und Prinzipien fundiert erklrt werden, kommen die Lektionen immer zgig zum Punkt und blhen den Stoff nicht unntig auf. So kannst du in kurzen Einheiten (zwischen 3 und 20 Minuten) auch mal zwischendurch lernen. Fr jedes Video wird der aktuelle Stand im Code mitgeliefert, so dass du direkt mitprogrammieren kannst. Belege jetzt diesen Node.js-Kurs und gib deiner Entwicklung als Software-Profi einen entscheidenden Impuls! Dein Erfolg ist mein Ziel!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MCDM Program le AHP ve TOPSIS Yntemleri" |
"Kendi gelitirmi olduum MCDM (multi criteria decision making) program ile AHP ve TOPSISyntemlerinin analizini rahatlka yapabilecek dzeye geleceksiniz. Bu kursta rendikleriniz sayesinde makale veya tez uygulamanzda rahatlkla analiz yapabilecek dzeye gelebileceksiniz. Bu kursta;Analitik Hiyerari Prosesi (AHP)yntemi ve TOPSISyntemi hakknda teorik bilgiAnalitik Hiyerari Prosesi (AHP) ile kriter arlklandrmasDorudan arlklandrmaKarar matrisinin oluturulmasArlklandrlm normalize matrisideal ve negatif ideal uzaklklarn bulunmasdeal ve negatif ideal uzaklklarn hesaplanmasBelirlenen kriter ve alternatiflere gre en uygun zmkonularn rahatlkla renebilecek ve yorumlayabilecek kvama geleceksiniz.Kursu satn alan arkadalara program cretsiz olarak verilecektir."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking Crashkurs Der Mensch im Innovationsprozess" |
"Willst Du ein neues Produkt entwickeln, deine Webseite berarbeiten oder ein bestehendes Konzept optimieren? Design Thinking ist ein Ansatz, welcher dich mit Hilfe zahlreicher Methoden untersttzen wird, marktfhige Lsungen fr bestehende Herausforderungen zu finden.Die Einzigartigkeit dabei besteht darin, dass der Mensch im Fokus der Innovationsarbeit steht und sich Deine Produkte und Dienstleistungen direkt an seinen Bedrfnissen und Wnschen orientieren. So werden Lsungen entwickelt, die von Deiner Zielgruppe tatschlich gebraucht werden und dadurch erfolgreich sind.In diesem Crashkurs wirst du erste Methoden kennenlernen, um u.a. folgende Fragen beantworten zu knnen:Wer ist meine Zielgruppe, wie kann ich sie definieren und welche Wnsche, Probleme und Bedrfnisse haben sie?Wie kann ich mein Problem identifizieren, um gezielte Lsungen zu entwickeln? Welche Techniken kann ich einsetzen, um innovative Ideen zu kreieren?Wie kann ich einen Prototypen bauen und testen?Lerne dafr folgende Methoden kennen wie:Persona-KonzeptMethodische Triangulation LeitfadeninterviewsHow Might We... ?Brainstorming / Brainwriting6-3-5 MethodeScamperWebsite-PrototypingCaf TestA/B Testing....und vieles mehr"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Formation au Reiki" |
"Ce cours concis, mais complet s'adresse toutes personnes souhaitant se former rapidement et tre initi au Reiki niveau 1.Vous recevrez distance, les initiations Reiki niveau 1, par un matre Reiki enseignant.Cette formation au Reiki , vous permettra de faire des traitements de Reiki pour vous-mme, vos proches, vos animaux, vos vgtaux et autre...Je vous montrerai comment :- vous connecter au Reiki- effectuer un auto-traitement de Reiki- faire un traitement de Reiki vos prochesJe vous enseignerai galement faire un auto-traitement rapide (relativement apprciable lorsque vous avez peu de temps). Ainsi que l'histoire, l'thique et l'hygine de vie du Reiki.Une fois initi si vous l'utilisez, le Reiki se rvlera tre un prcieux alli pour vous aider ainsi que vos proches dans de nombreux domaines. (Stress, fatigue, confiance en soi, dveloppement personnel, etc. )Vous aurez galement accs votre diplme de praticien en Reiki 1, dans la partie bonus, que vous pourrez tlcharger et imprimer."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de piano" |
"Este curso est diseado para iniciar el estudio del piano, con un enfoque Cristiano.Aprenders a ejecutar los himnos del Himnario.No se necesitan conocimientos previos, aprenderemos la teora bsica fundamental para iniciar en la lectura de notas. Es un mtodo completo pues incluye el aprendizaje de acompaamiento con acordes y de esa forma ejercitar el odo musical.Aprenderemos las notas do re mi fa sol, con la mano derecha, con la mano izquierda las notas sol la si y do. Despus conoceremos las armaduras de Sol y Fa. Las alteraciones y acompaamiento de una meloda con acordes de grado I, IV y V con la mano izquierda. Este curso es de iniciacin y es para prepararnos para cualquier curso de piano de nivel I o grado I."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Practical Machine Learning by Example in Python" |
"Are you a developer interested in building machine learning and deep learning models? Do you want to be proficient in the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence? One of the fastest and easiest ways to learn these skills is by working through practical hands-on examples.LinkedIn released it's annual ""Emerging Jobs"" list, which ranks the fastest growing job categories. The top role is Artificial Intelligence Specialist, which is any role related to machine learning. Hiring for this role has grown 74% in the past few years!In this course, you will work through several practical, machine learning examples, such as image recognition, sentiment analysis, fraud detection, and more. In the process, you will learn how to use modern frameworks, such as Tensorflow 2/Keras, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. You will also learn how use powerful and free development environments in the cloud, like Google Colab.Each example is independent and follows a consistent structure, so you can work through examples in any order. In each example, you will learn:The nature of the problemHow to analyze and visualize dataHow to choose a suitable modelHow to prepare data for training and testingHow to build, test, and improve a machine learning modelAnswers to common questionsWhat to do nextOf course, there are some required foundations you will need for each example. Foundation sections are presented as needed. You can learn what interests you, in the order you want to learn it, on your own schedule.Why choose me as your instructor?Practical experience. I actively develop real world machine learning systems. I bring that experience to each course.Teaching experience. I've been writing and teaching for over 20 years.Commitment to quality. I am constantly updating my courses with improvements and new material. Ongoing support. Ask me anything! I'm here to help. I answer every question or concern promptly.Selected Reviewsclear the point and no jargon..neat presentation of notebooks with's a step by step guide on creating machine learning models using Google colab..the models explained here are basic and thus perfect for beginners ,to understand how machine learning models are created based on the given problem and about techniques used to improve the accuracy..with the resources shared and Mr.Madhu's immediate response to messages/QA,one can learn more about a topic..highly recommended to all machine learning enthusiasts. - Ashraf UIThe cours is easy to understand and well presented, same thing for the practical examples Using google colab was a very good idea to present the course and to do the exercices , we can easily test a function or a line of code. The last three sections are very intresting, they are practical exercices for deep learning well presented and commented - Iheb GANDOUZThe way it is explained is really cool. I used to be bored after an hour during lectures, but the guide somehow makes it very interesting.... - Anu Priya JJanuary 2020 updates:New mathematics and machine learning foundation section includingLogistic regression, loss and cost functions, gradient descent, and backpropagationAll examples updated to use Tensorflow 2 (Tensorflow 1 examples are available also)Jupyter note introductionPython quick startBasic linear algebraMarch 2020 updates:A sentiment and natural language processing sectionThis includes a modern BERT classification model with surprisingly high accuracyApril/May 2020 updates:Numerous assignment improvements, e.g. self-paced or guided approachAdd lectures on Google Colab, Python quick start, classify your own images and more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Arduino usando o simulador Tinkercad" |
"O Arduino uma plataforma muito popular atualmente. Criada inicialmente para facilitar a programao de microcontroladores, hoje usada em diversas reas tanto para prototipagem quanto para pesquisas.Apesar de ter uma grande quantidade de bibliotecas, que facilitam em muito o desenvolvimento de projetos, os primeiros passos podem ser um poucos frustrantes se voc no tiver habituado na programao em linguagem C/C++ ou programao de microcontroladores.Esse curso foi criado para ajudar os iniciantes na plataforma Arduino a quebrarem as barreiras iniciais na plataforma.O uso de uma plataforma de simulao gratuita lhe ajudar a entender os fundamentos essenciais da plataforma Arduino. Assim, quando voc for usar a placa fsica e criar seus prprios projetos, j ter uma base slida de conhecimento.Outro ponto, que voc no precisa se preocupar em comprar materiais para iniciar o curso. Dessa forma pode ir comprando aos poucos para a construo dos seus projetos.Caso voc j tenha kits Arduino, poder reproduzir os cdigos criados durante o curso em sua placa fsica.Aproveite o curso e use a plataforma da Udemy para tirar suas duvidas comigo quando precisar.Te espero no curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP UI5 passo a passo para desenvolvimento Fiori [2020]" |
"Com vdeos explicativos totalmente em portugus e arquivos fonte para download de cada aula, aprenda em cerca de 1 hora a utilizar o framework JavaScript mais requisitado no ecossistema da gigante alem de software corporativo SAP. Siga as instrues do passo a passo para iniciantes, desde a criao de uma aplicao do zero at listagens utilizando dados em um arquivo no formato JSON simulando um back-end, passando por como deixar sua aplicao suportando dispositivos mveis (responsiva)Aprenda a tecnologia UI5 que utilizada para implementar aplicativos usando o Design system SAP Fiori.* atualizado em abril de 2020."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corel DRAW 2020 Seus primeiros passos" |
"Aprenda novas tcnicas de vetorizao, crie desenhos e mascotes e aprenda a ilustrar seus prprios desenhos com a ferramenta Corel Draw. O curso tambm serve para os que j conhecem sobre a ferramenta e querem adquirir mais conhecimento sobre suas configuraes.Adquira agora mesmo o curso e obtenha todas as tcnicas de vetorizao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para Certificao EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation" |
"Bem-vind@ ao simulados para o exame EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation, desenvolvidopor Ren Chiari.Voc est pronto para passar com segurana no exameEXIN Cloud Computing Foundation? Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no exame testando seu conhecimento com est nova oferta na Udemy.Cada um dos 4 simulados completos deste pacote fornece um conjunto completo de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide seu conhecimento sobre os tpicos e permitindo que voc aumente a sua confiana para fazer o exameEXIN Cloud Computing FoundationOs ambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas e respectivas justificativas. Voc tambm poder ver o seu desempenho separado por reas de conhecimento (tpicos do exame), permitindo que voc entenda exatamente em quais tpicos do exame voc precisa melhorar.Este pacote de simulados cobre todos os tpicos do exame EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation:Os principios de Cloud ComputingImplementacao e gerenciamento de Cloud ComputingUso de Cloud ComputingSeguranca e conformidadeAvaliacao de Cloud ComputingGaranta que voc est pronto para passar no exame EXIN Cloud Computing Foundationutilizando estes simulados, desenvolvidos com base no exame real."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cracking Python code for Newbies" |
"This is Python language course for the beginner. Throughout this course you will learn all necessary Python concepts and its syntax. You will encounter lots of coding exercises as well as a plenty of lectures to horn your Python skills. After you finish this course, you will be able to write a code in Python with great confidence."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
water-treatment-sand-multimedia-filters-design-build-start-up |
" . . . 90% ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Install a Wordpress Blog From Scratch and Start Making Money" |
"**Zero coding required****So easy my 72 yearold grandmother can do it****Instructor with years of blogging experience and thousands of dollars made**In this course Itake you from a clueless passenger to full blownoperator of your own onlinemoney train. If you wantto create passive income, blogging is still one of the most effective paths to do so. Imagine, waking up everyday seeing the money you made while you were sleeping!This is the reality bloggers like myself live everyday. And yes, you can make money blogging. The work you put into your blogging projects andhow serious you are about learning the skills in this course willdetermine how successful you will be.This course guides you through the entire process of setting up a Wordpress blog - from start to finish.By the end of the course you'll have a complete Wordpress blog fully configured and optimized to get traffic and make money.I cover all the bases and arm you with a wealth of knowledge andskills:Choosing aprofitable bloggingtopic(how to know what to blog about)Deep dive overview of exactly how bloggers make moneyBuying a domain and setting up hostingSecuring your site with SSL securityInstalling WordpressOptimizing Wordpress for SEO and securityNavigating The Wordpress softwareUploading mediaCreating your first postEnroll today and begin your journey away from your soul crushing 9-5 job."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Swift AND Objective-C iOS Mega Course - Build Over 30 Apps" |
"Who better to learn how to build iOSapps than from a seasoned teacher and accomplished real world app developer. In this course, we take your existing programming knowledge and move into the world of apps. We get right into the meat and potatoes and start building apps step by step. Don't waste your time with other courses. The materials here are based on our live courses taught to students who have paid thousands of dollars to be there so you're not getting second rated material and you will retain everything as we reinforce the material into you.Sure anyone can teach you to build an app, but will your app satisfy Apple's rules and allow you to get published. Don't waste your valuable time learning lessons and designs that Apple may reject.We made the mistakes in the past so that you don't have to in the future!Other courses just teach you Swift, however, 2/3's of the apps out there have some or lots of Objective-C in their source. So learning both languages will give you that edge if a prospective employer has to choose between you and someone who only knows Swift.What you will get:The experience of building tons of apps while satisfying Apple's design guidelines.Take your basic or intermediate or expert programming experience and turn it into expert Swift AND Objective-C development.Learn 2 languages instead of 1.Learn not just app development for the iPhone and iPad, but also for the Watch and AppleTV.Learn to build key features in the Apple ecosystem including fun maps, gaming, remote databases, local databases, JSON parsing, and so on.Learn the basics of app design - we give you tips and tricks on how to make your app look beautiful so that your future users will enjoy your eye-candy.What are you waiting for? Get started today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch - For Every Internet User" |
"Welcome to the ethical hacking course for beginners and every internet user.My name is Deepak Jagtap and I am Certified Ethical Hacker.As an Ethical Hacker, I see nowadays everyone is using mobile, laptop and internet. Every day lots of people's Bank Account, Credit Card Details, Facebook, Important Files, Videos, Web Cam get hacked and they lose a lot of Money and sometimes very confidential data.These happen because of missing basic knowledge about safety. So I feel every Mobile, Computer, Laptop and Internet User should have all Basic Theory and Practical knowledge of Ethical Hacking.In this course, we are going to learn about all the basic knowledge of Ethical Hacking with Practical. Where we will cover Topics like Introduction to ethical hacking, Windows Password Hacking and Getting Access, Steganography Theory and Practical, SoftwareCracking Theory and Practical, Viruses and Worms Theory and Practical, Network and Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux Introduction and Tools, Phishing Attack Page Creation, Google Hacking, Hacking Tips and Tricks and Many More.I am going to cover practically everything in a very simple way so you can repeat and the main thing is I am going to post new lectures for lifetime which will cover Hacking Tips and Tricks, Updates about Ethical Hacking Industry, New Hacking Tools, How to stay secure always while using mobile, laptop or internet.So if you are searching to learn Ethical Hacking then you are at right place, purchase this awesome course and get support directly from me while learning all the time."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Video Dzenlemeyi/Montaj Yapmay renin" |
"Bu kursumuzda sizlere temel dzeyde/orta seviyede video dzenleme konusunda bilgiler verip sizi gelitimeye alacaz. Bu kursun sonundavideo kesme, farkl videolar birbirleri ile birletirme, ses ve mzik efektlerini ekleme,videodan ses karma, videoya ses ekleme, videoya grsel ekleme,bir ekranda birden fazla video oynatma intro hazrlama,videonun iinden istediimiz sesi karma,yeil perde kullanmn renme,dip ses kaldrmay, altyaz eklemeyi,fligran eklemeyi, videoyu hzlandrmay ve yavalatmayhazrlam olduunuz almalar istediiniz video zelliklerine gre (Full HD vb.) render alma ve ok daha fazlasn reneceksiniz.KUPONKODUisteyen Mesaj atabilir.Sorularnz mail adresimden veya sosyal medya hesaplarmdan da veya"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |