Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de ASP .NET Core MVC - Criando um Site do Zero" |
"Este curso apresenta os principais conceitos da ASP .NET Core MVC aplicados na criao de um site para vendas de lanches funcional. Voc vai criar do zero um site web dinmico e aprender diversos conceitos relacionados ao desenvolvimento web usando a tecnologia ASP .NET Core MVC e o Entity Framework Core.Com os conceitos aprendidos voc estar apto a criar seus prprios sites usando os principais recursos da ASP .NET Core MVC a tecnologia mais moderna e atual da Microsoft para desenvolvimento web."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Invertir y trading en bolsas financieras con etoro" |
"Gua de usuario de etoro & acciones: Invertir sin experiencia es posible copiando a un experto con un solo clic. Una plataforma registrada en Londres y regulada en Europa. Conctese con otros inversores, discuta estrategias y use las tecnologas CopyTrader y CopyPortafolios patentadas por etoro. Una red social de Inversiones. Para personas que quiera ganar ms por su dinero, tener el control y olvidarse de la banca tradicional. Una gua para obtener ganancias espectaculares con la plataforma financiera ms innovadora y disruptiva.Etoro tiene ms de 9 millones de usuarios en 140 pases, en 16 idiomas. Tres conceptos que estn cambiando el mundo de los mercados financieros: SocialTrading; CopyTrader y CopyPortafolio.Invierte como un profesional. Las plataformas de Social Trading le permite Copiar Portafolios y Aprender"" de los expertos con un clic del mouse.La plataforma tiene una cuenta virtual de 100 mil dlares para aprender sin riesgos, 100% funcional y gratuita. Algo realmente increble de aprender sin exponer su dinero.Esta gua permitir a millones de personas aprender el uso de una plataforma con el objetivo de obtener rendimientos nunca antes soados por su dinero. La gua comienza con un ejercicio prctico para implementar la cuenta virtual."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Statistik mit PSPP/PSPPIRE" |
"Der Kurs ist fr dich hilfreich, wenn du Daten statistisch analysieren mchtest. Ichbegleite dich dabei, die wichtigsten Prozeduren auszufhrenund zeige dir diekonkreten Schritte in PSPP, einerOpen-Source Statistik-Anwendung.Ich diesem Kurs zeige ich dir...- ...die Grundlagen von PSPP/PSPPIRE, wie zum Beispiel die Installation bzw. die Benutzeroberflche.- ...wie man Daten in PSPP/PSPPIRE manipuliert und fr die weiteren Analysen aufbereitet.- ...wie du groe Mengen an Daten mit nur wenigen Klicks einfach und klar darstellen kannst.- ...wie du Unterschiedshypothesen statistisch in PSPP/PSPPIRE testest.- ...wie du Zusammenhangshypothesen statistisch in PSPP/PSPPIRE testest.- ...wie du Skalen bildest und deren Qualitt berprfen kannst. Neben den Inhalten bekommst du mit deiner Teilnahme-persnlichen Kontaktzu mir, falls du spezifische Fragen hast,-lebenslangen Zugriffauf alle Materialien im Kurs,- ein30-Tage Rckgaberecht,-bungsaufgabenzur Vertiefung deines Wissens,- Bonusmaterial zur Erstellung von Umfragenund- meine persnliche Zusicherung, dass ich den Kursin regelmigen Abstnden aktualisiere.Der Kurs ist insbesonder fr dich sehr gut geeignet, wenn du noch wenig Erfahrung in der Statistik allgemein hast. Wenn du bereits theoretisches Wissen hast, aber einen schnellen berblick ber PSPP/PSPPIRE bekommen mchtest, bist du hier ebenfalls richtig!Klingt das gut?Na dann bis gleich im Kurs!- DominikPS: Du brauchst noch mehr Details?Gerne: In diesem Kurs...- ...biete ich dir alle bentigten Datenstze fr die bungen des Kurses an. Auerdem findest du einen Link zu weiteren Datenstzen fr das selbststndige ben.- ...zeige ich dir, wo du PSPP herunterladen und installieren kannst.- ...lernst du, wie du Daten in PSPP ffnest bzw. importierst.- ...erklre ich dir, wie die Benutzeroberflche von PSPP aufgebaut ist. Wenn du schon SPSS kennst, wird dir hier einiges bekannt vorkommen.- ...zeige ich dir, wie man das Codebook anzeigen kann.- ...lernst du die verschiedenen Einstellungsmglichkeiten in PSPP kennen.- ...zeige ich dir, wie du einzelne Flle bzw. Variablen einfgen bzw. Lschen kannst.- ...zeige ich dir, wie du in PSPP Flle sortierst.- ...lernst du, wie du Daten in PSPP aggregierst.- ...lernst du, wie du Datenstze mit PSPP komfortabel aufteilen kannst.- ...erklre ich dir, wie du Variablen in umkodieren kannsteine sehr wichtige Funktion, die du in vielen Projekten brauchen kannst.- ...zeige ich dir, wie du in PSPP ganz einfach neue Variablen berechnen kannst.- ...zeige ich dir, wie du deskriptive Informationen aus deinen Daten herausholst und darstellen kannst.- ...erklre ich dir, wie du einen t-Test bei einer Stichprobe durchfhrst und interpretierst.- ...erklre ich dir, wie du einen t-Test bei unabhngigen Stichproben durchfhrst und interpretierst.- ...erklre ich dir, wie du einen t-Test bei gepaarten Stichproben durchfhrst und interpretierst.- ...erklre ich dir, wie du eine Varianzanalyse (ANOVA) durchfhrst und interpretierst. Dabei fhre ich dich auch etwas in den Syntax von PSPP ein.- ...zeige ich dir nichparametrische Tests, um Unterschiedshypothesen zu testen.... und vieles, vieles mehr!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Eine gute Forschungsfrage finden und entwickeln" |
"In diesem Kurs fhre ich durch mehrere Workshops, um ein fr dich relevantes Thema fr eine Abschlussarbeit zu finden und daraus eineprzise Forschungsfrage zu entwickeln. Dabei klren wir auch die Kriterien, die einThema und eine gute Forschungsfrage zu erfllen haben. Ich gehe auch auf Fragen ein, die mir im Laufe meiner Lehrttigkeit einfach immer und immer wieder gestellt werden. So hast du von Anfang an alle Informationen und kommst schnell zum Ziel!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wissenschaftliche Texte in R Markdown schreiben" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du produktiv (wissenschaftliche)Texte mit R Markdown erzeugen kannst! Ich fhre dich dabei in alle wichtigenFunktionen von RMarkdown ein und gebe dir gute Grnde, wieso RMarkdown eine gute Wahl ist (und besser ist als Textverarbeitungsprogramme wie Word oder Textsatzprogramme wie LaTeX).Kurz gesagt:RMarkdown ist sehr einfacheinfacher geht es eigentlich gar nicht mehr. Und genau das wird dir dabei helfen, dich auf das Schreiben zu konzentrieren (ohne, dass du auf wissenschaftliche Funktionen wie zumBeispieldas einfache Erstellen von Referenzen, Querverweisen oder Funoten verzichten musst) und superproduktiv zu werden!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit strukturieren" |
"In diesem Kurs teile ich meine Erfahrung als wissenschaftlicher Autor und zeige dir, wie du deine Texte einfach und trotzdem klar strukturieren kannst. Warum ist das berhauptrelevant? Eine gute Struktur macht deinen Text nicht nur besser lesbar, sondern ist auch ein super Tool fr deine eigene Planung!Wenn du also in der nchsten Zeit an einem wissenschaftlichen Text arbeitestegal ob Seminararbeit, Abschlussarbeit oder einem Beitrag in einer internationalen, akademischenZeitschriftdieser Kurs hilft dir dabei. Ich begleite dich bei der Strukturierung auf allen Ebene, von ganz grob bis ganz granular.Neben den Inhalten bekommst du mit deiner Teilnahme-persnlichen Kontaktzu mir, falls du spezifische Fragen hast,-lebenslangen Zugriffauf alle Materialien im Kurs,- ein30-Tage Rckgaberecht,- Vorlagen fr Microsoft Word und Libre Office Writer, die du sofort anwenden kannst,- ein eigens erstelltes Worksheet, um deine Struktur noch besser und konsistenter zu machen,- meine persnliche Zusicherung, dass ich den Kursin regelmigen Abstnden aktualisiere."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn PHP" |
"This course teaches you how to code. PHP is a great language to learn how to code in! This course doesn't move at a million miles per hour, rather at a slow rate tailored for beginners to go from zero to PHP-hero in no time! ""Simple"" concepts described at length to ensure students are maximizing their learning efforts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ABC of Python For Everyone" |
"1.Want to learn coding.2.Want to get into data science stream.3.Want to increase your job opportunities.4. Want to get a good salary hike.This all can be yours if you learn python. Do not worry what people around you say. Believe me-Programming is very easy, only if you learn it the right way. There are tons of courses out there, who teach python for all sorts of levels. And some are good (not all). This course will 1.Teach you from grass-root level, 2.Clear your any preexisting concepts and 3.Give you a great foundation for your coding future. 4.Help you to develop fast and smooth coding logic. No other course teaches you to develop this logic. You can follow any course and get certificates but it is of no use if you cannot write your new code for a new problem. This course is purposefully made small and short, but I assure you, if you follow sincerely till the end, you will find a good coding logic developed in you. Along the course you will be provided with tricks and tips that are used by advanced coders.This is a very compactly designed course, there would no course currently available in the market that is so compact and this effective. Every lecture is designed so that viewers get most of it. There will be small tests, embedded in the course to check your understanding. If you are stuck, see previous videos and attempt the test again (still stuck view the solutions provided). There is a final challenge test, if you sincerely follow along with me, no one can stop you from cracking the final test.As soon as you crack the final test, be ready to update your new skill in your resume and LinkedIn profile.NOTE 1- You can Google the test questions and get answers, but this will not help you in fully knowing the language and your hard earned money spent on this course will be a waste.NOTE 2- Do not be afraid to Google the concepts, to know more ways to use them.This course will not be at same price is it now. Do not wait more, and enroll now. If you are unsatisfied do-not worry there is 30 days money back guarantee."
Price: 6720.00 ![]() |
"How to cook morrocan marrakeshi Tanjia in a pressure cooker" |
"helloI think you're curious about this Exclusivecoursein udemy.-Do you want to know how to cook Moroccan tanjia...-Do you want to know morrocan cooking secrets...You are in the right course+In this course you will learn :How to cook morrocan marrakesh tanjia just in a pressure cooker.Cook a moroccan marrakesh tanjia by the traditional way.flavors of Morocco.Moroccan cooking secrets.5 secrets of Moroccan marrakesh tanjia cookingthe benefits of spices and their sources"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Violin Karate: Beginner to Black Belt" |
"Hello, and welcome to Violin Karate! If you've never played violin before but you'd like to learn, you're in the right place! This course will set you up well to continue your studies of classical violin, fiddle, pop, rock, jazz or any style of violin you'd like to play.With over 125 bite-sized lessons and example videos, you can level up your violin skills in just a few, fun minutes a day! Acclaimed multi-style violin and fiddle teacher Caroline McCaskey has decades of experiences starting beginners of all ages in a fun and engaging way, and setting them up for success in a lifetime of music making. Her background and training in the Suzuki method, teaching students ages 2 to 85, means she knows what WORKS. Rather than inundate you with absolutely everything there is to know, Caroline shows you only what you need to get you up and running. Violin can be difficult - why make it confusing by showing you stuff you don't need? (Of course if you have questions, be sure to ask!)**There are no filler lectures or boring exercises in this course - learn everything you need to know by playing songs!** If you look forward to practicing, you're more likely to do it!This course is great if you: - Have never played the violin before, and want to make sure you're getting the best possible start with a seasoned, certified, yet FUN teacher! - Already play a little bit, and are looking for a bunch of fun songs to play that are appropriate for your level - Have always wanted to play the violin, but decided lessons were too expensive. (Private lessons with Caroline or other experienced teachers are $80/hour or more - this course is a bargain!)Disclaimer: please note, this course is not designed to teach you how to do karate with your instrument. (We do not condone violin violence.) The belt system is used here simply as a fun framework to measure all the progress you'll be making!Let's start playing today! See you inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Women in the Hebrew Bible: Genesis" |
"In this course, Dr. Meyer will help you get better acquainted with some of the named women in the book of Genesis. You will focus on the text for their stories, skipping over a lot of text that interrupts their narratives. Dr. Meyer will point out some of the problems with translations of the Hebrew into English and point out many of the ways that women are pawns in the narrative or, in some cases, how they freaking rock!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Thea Render- Learn to Master Creating Realistic Renderings" |
"Using Thea Render software for SketchUp, you will learn to create photo-realistic renderings and animations. You will walk away from this course feeling confident to produce awesome renderings using the affordable Thea Render software. Thea Render will help you provide amazing presentations, setting your design project ahead. We will go through the basics of the program like understanding the interface to more advanced topics like creating your own materials and making animations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia - Direo de Casais / Na prtica!" |
"Esse um curso de fotografia que vai alm da criao de imagens. Nele vamos aprender sobre comportamento humano, noes de luz e composio voltadas para a direo de casais, leitura corporal, tipos de luz e modificadores, composio, empatia, edio das fotos da prtica, um ensaio completo gravado exemplificando todas as tcnicas e muitas outras coisas que deixaro voc um especialista na arte de fotografar pessoas."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"How to Sew a Hexi Quilt Top By Hand" |
"There is something so special about a hand stitched hexi quilt, nearly everyone that you speak to recalls someone in their family creating one and the heirloom quilt then gets passed down the generations.Do you want to be the person in your family to create it?Let me show you how.So, what is a Hexi Quilt?A Hexi Quilt is constructed from lots of fabric pieces that have been crafted into a hexagon shape, which all fit together perfectly to make a beautiful hand crafted piece of fabric that can be used as the top layer of your quilt.I will walk you through, step by step, how to cut out and hand sew each individual Hexi, I will then show you how to stitch them together to create your quilt top.Choose beautiful fabrics that compliment each other perfectly to create your own work of art.I love to sew and love to help other people to learn how to sew even more, be sure to follow me for future lessons that I will be adding very soon."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lean Negotiations" |
"This is a unique opportunity for students who are interested in making their negotiations in business and personal life better, faster and more cost effective.We use our product Leaner Six Sigma (LrSS) to simplify tools used in Lean and Six Sigma Methodology that directly relate to the art and science of negotiating. These easy tools can make you a better negotiator overnight! Many of the tools are also great for critical thinking and problem-solving.Workshop Highlights Include:A Quick Primer or Refresher on Lean Six Sigma BasicsIdentifying and Conquering ResistanceCreative CollaborationDealing with Difficult Decision MakersTips, Tricks, Tools and Templates to Create a Powerful Negotiation Message!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Amazon S3 Mastery Bootcamp" |
"AWS Skills are Hot and Amazon S3 is a Foundational Building Block!AWS skills are highly desired by many employers and Amazon S3 is one of the core skills you need to master. Many other AWS services rely on and interact heavily with Amazon S3. Mastering AWS Amazon S3 sets a solid foundation for you to continue to build on. Don't be let down by out of date content! AWS Is Continously Changing! AWS services are continually changing. This course is one of the most up to date and comprehensive courses available for Amazon S3. By taking this course you will be getting fresh, up to date content on the tools and features that are available to you.See what others are saying5 stars - ""This is the only course on advanced S3 on Udemy. Outstanding course."" - John R.5 stars - ""I like clarity of the presentations, both slides and verbal, and the level of the subject coverage. Videos are direct and exceptionally clear."" - Mark M.Take advantage of affordable, highly scale-able storage in your own projectsWhether you need a place to back up information or host a blazing fast static website, Amazon S3 can deliver. This course will give you the know-how to take advantage of the scale-ability, redundancy, and bandwidth that is backed by Amazon's global infrastructure. Gain in depth knowledge The goal of this course is to give you and in depth knowledge of Amazon S3 and hands on practice using it so you can use it in your own projects or organization. This course covers the basics as well as the more advanced parts that sometimes get left out such as command line commands and detailed security policy examples. Master the AWS command line interface for S3Become an S3 command line guru. With over 10 lectures dedicated to learning the command through hands-on examples, you will learn how to move data around effectively and efficiently with the command line skills you will add to your tool belt.Break through the confusion that often surrounds Amazon S3 security policiesOften with AWS there is more than one way to accomplish the same thing. Permissions and security is one of those areas that often gets confusing. I teach security through hands on example scenarios so you can be confident you are properly securing your data. I hope you will find that the security section brings clarity to how IAM Users, IAM Groups, IAM Policies, Bucket Policies, and ACLs all fit in to implementing solid security.Have a reference to fall back to when you need itI hope you will also find this course helpful as an ongoing reference. Forgot how to upload files from the command line? Well, hop back to that lecture and in less than 5 minutes you've accomplished your task. Or, maybe you don't remember how to setup that security policy. Jump to that security lecture and download the example policy document and save time searching Google for it."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Filmmaking Masterclass" |
"What if you could pick up any camera and instantly shoot short films that leave your audiences breathless giving you the confidence to shoot bigger and more profitable projects?Let me ask you a questionDo you feel that making a short film is just not possible ?If only you could figure out a way to access actors, technicians and writers - your short film would come alive.Wouldnt it be great if you could learn filmmaking instantly?Hi, My name is Abhishek Padmanabhan, and those are the questions I used to struggle with as well.Just imagine if you had the ability to turn stories in your mind into reality in just a few hours. What would you do with that ability. What kind of films would you make?What is that one piece of knowledge that will fast track your short film.Unfortunately, the way the system is run now - if you want to become a filmmaker - you either;Assist A Director for three years and use his knowledge on making your first short filmOr you spend approximately Rs 25 Lakhs and three years of your time at an overpriced Film School.and then make your-first-short-film.Or.You could attend my Online Filmmaking Workshop that will teach you field-tested-guerilla-Filmmaking-Secrets that will turn-you-into-an-OverNight-Filmmaker.I used to dream about making short films.Everywhere I went - all i saw was angles, shots and sequences.But I couldnt express this filmmaker in meWhy? Im glad you asked You see - I had a story - I had the shots in my mind - but.I didnt have the confidence needed to just pick up a camera and start filming.Then one day - I discovered a bookThe book gave the much needed confidence to make my first short film.One year later and six short films down - Id like to offer you something called the Ninety minute film schoolIts called - How to become a filmmaker in 90 Minutes.Here's what youll learn in this courseMODULE 1 : Cinematography 101The four different types of shots that you will use to tell your story.How to create cinematography that moves the audience with your story ( Some of these cinematography techniques have been used in movies like American Hustle and Mission Impossible )4 Camera exercises performed for just 4 minutes a day that will help you become your own cinematographerMODULE 2 : Direction 101How to direct your actors using this 3 step system to eliciting mind blowing performancesHow to choreograph the performance of your actors using a technique called Video Storyboarding.How to use cinematography to establish a power struggle between your actors in the scene ( Note : This is key in keeping audiences glued to their screen ).MODULE 3 : Skriptwriting 101The Caveman Story BuilderThe one secret to writing a story with a heros journey that keeps your audience spellbound and hooked to their screens - and how you can figure out this transformation by deciding if your cavemen drawings are happy or sad.Why you should always decide what the starting and ending of the story are before writing the script.The 60 Minute Scriptwriting TemplateHow to lay out the plot of your entire filmHow to determine the middle point of your story - this will help you figure out the whole script.How to spice up your script by making the heros life extremely difficult and making it look like he'll never achieve his goal.How add a slight glimmer of hope - helping the hero achieve his goal.The Directors Manual To Turning Scripts Into Shootable ShotsHow to use shots to break down each part of your storyHow to break these story points down into a shot by shot execution plan that will help you shoot your short film fast.Just like you I struggled to make my first short film - until I realized thatYou get more answers from shooting the short film than from thinking about shooting the short filmAt my last live workshop, one-of-my-students, Rakesh was hesitant about his ability to become a Filmmaker in ninety minutes - until I revealed some of the secrets of this workshop.Then in a few hours - he shot his first short film - with me as the hero.What happened next shocked me. People were begging me to teach them these overnight-filmmaking-secrets.others were really skeptical that it was even possible.So I gave them a challenge...the SAME challenge Im going to give you right now. Pay me ten thousand rupees, and I guarantee youll become a filmmaker in just 90 Minutes...and from that point forward, for the rest of your life, youll have a skill that will help you make short films at will.And if youre skeptical..then dont worry after Ive personally trained you and have turned you into a filmmaker once youve watched the entire video tutorial - send me an email telling me if this course has worked for you.AND..If I havent turned you into a film-maker.ask for an immediate refund. Does that seem fair? We'll call this Abhishek Padmanabhans , 90 Minute Filmmaking Challenge.And so far.Ive never lost. So I set up a special video course for you..If you watch this video Kourse.I will turn you into a filmmaker in 90 minutes.Heres what I want you to do for you.If I dont deliver, or you dont think the information was worth the price, just send me an email and I'll Process your no-questions-asked-immediate-refundDoes that sound fair?Its kind of like going to a movie, and if you hate it...then you pay NOTHING..So now its your turn to decide.Say yes, and let me prove that my system works.You will just need to click the link below and pay the course fee and you get instant access to the How To Become An Overnight Filmmaker Kourse.Youve got nothing to lose by giving this a try.If theres even a chance that this could completely change your life.isnt it worth checking out?Just click the button below, and get instant access to this life changing Filmmaking Kourse. I promise it will be worth it"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Comic Master Class Volume 1" |
"In this Course I will Teach you how to make comics from start to finish, I will focused more in ""BLACK AND WHITE"" since even if it's black and white you can still publish your comics. I created these simple system that will guide you to make your production more easier and will save you more time. I will talk about some of the technique that pros doesn't want you to know and reveal some of my tricks to make your process more easier and utilize your time to do more work. I've been in comic industry for quite some time now and I actually look for some tutorial and course about making comics. But unfortunately I seen none, comics is hard to do and it will take most of your time. You'll see bunch of tutorial about ""how to draw body figure, face, head, proportion, how to draw hands and feet."" But you will be surprise that you will not see a how to draw comics that will provide you an extensive amount information. I put my heart and soul in this course giving you most of the important detail as well as my process of making my own comics make sure to not just skip and rush the whole process have the ability to sit back and relax while absorbing all information. One of the problem now a days is people want to rush everything and just skip all, let me walk you through MY WHOLE PROCESS. Its like watching me making my own comics and learn from what I do cuz in reality if you go apprenticeship its gonna be the same. I hope that you'll like this course and you will enjoy the process. I'm hoping that you already have Prior knowledge in anatomy perspective and such. to get better understanding. This Course is Beginner friendly but more suitable to people with advance or intermediate knowledge making regardsPlan Fenellere"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AHA-VTS: Cisco CCNA Lab F.L.I.C." |
"Welcome to AHA-VTS dot com CCNA Lab F.L.I.C.. This lab is designed to provide assistance in your understanding for Cisco routers and switches. The lab is geared toward Beginners to the world of networking to Intermediate Technicians who have worked in the IT/Networking field for a minimum of 2 to 2 years with hands on experience.The topics covered are what you might except on the CCNA exam. Although Ciscos CCNA exam is not Lab orientated; some questions assume that you have been on actual devices whether virtually, remotely, or physically.This CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. consists of 5 to 6 sections, each varies in time from about 30 45mins, based on your knowledge of the subject and how fast you can type. Ultimately, the lab is designed to take between 5 to 8 hours in total time.The syllabus consists of:- Pre-Lab- Layer 2 Switching- Layer 3 IP addressing and Routing- Security- MiscellaneousIn an effort to make the CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. available for immediate use it is designed to be used in GNS3. The design consists of 6 routers and 3 switches[1]:- 4 2691 routers- 2 7200vxr router- 3 3725 router with ESM moduleRefer to the accompanied diagram; AHA-VTS dot com CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. diagram, for physical connectivity, Layer 2, and Layer 3 schemes.NOTE: A valid Cisco CCO is required to download IOS used in this lab.Of course the CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. can also be implemented on real cisco hardware. Some cost effective routers and switches that can be used with this lab are:- Cisco 815W- Cisco 2500 series- Cisco 3600 series- Cisco 2621XM- Cisco 3725- Cisco 1900 series- Cat 3560- Cat 3550 EMI- Cisco 3570- Cisco 2950/2960You can also search the Internet on websites, such as eBay, to find great deals on Cisco routers, switches, and/or fully equipped racks.I truly hope you enjoy this lab and I look forward to assisting you in your future Cisco endeavors.Happy Configuring!!AHA-VTS dot com"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Teaching ELL newcomers" |
"This course breaks down the many components of a great lesson for language learners.Writing objectivesCreating dialoguesTeaching the alphabetWorking with sight wordsTeaching the best vocabularyExploring a guided reading lessonThe forgotten component of writing.Each of these separate components will help your language learners be successful in the classroom and help you, the teacher, be more confident with creating proper instruction to help them develop their language and academic skills in English."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"React Native Foundation With Firebase & Redux(Updated Hooks)" |
"In less than 5 hours not only will you have a solid foundation in react native but you'll also be able to :1. Create a robust navigation flow with react navigation v3 and v52. Integrate firebase for authentication, database management and uploading images3. Integrate redux to for app wide state management4. Learn how to use react hooks!All while building a practical cross platform application from scratch without having any prior knowledge in mobile app development."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Take your Forex Trading & Investment skill to the next level" |
"Dear Traders and Investors, Have you ever struggled to become a successful Trader or Investor in any of the financial markets? Forex, Options, Stocks... If you are looking to master trading and change your life forever, look no-where else than here.During this course you will learn my most important tips and tools in order to eventually become an independent and profitable Technical analyzer of any of the financial markets especially FOREX!Everyone can benefit from this course, however it will be most suitable for the Beginner to Intermediate level who have some prior basic knowledge of Financial markets and Technical analysis."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PERL Programming" |
"The Perl Programming course is a comprehensive course that explains the Perl programming language, from basic through advanced syntax. This course is aimed at a wide range of job roles, including Programmers, System Administrators, Web Authors, and Operators. The course provides the fundamentals needed to use the Perl programming language to write quick yet powerful scripts for a range of purposes, as well as provides an overview of Common Gateway Interface Programming, Object-Oriented Perl and Perl Debugging.The course is taught on the CentOS, Solaris and WindowsOperating System. However, the material is suitable for any operating system, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows.Learn To:Describe the Perl Programming Language.Implement Scalars.List Control Structures.Implement Arrays.Describe Hashes.Implement Basic I/O and Regular Expressions.Describe Subroutines and Modules.Manipulate Files and Directories.Implement Perl.Benefits To YouThe Perl Programming course provides students with the fundamentals to create functional Perl scripts. The course introduces students to data structures, flow control mechanisms, regular expressions, and subroutines and modules in the form of example scripts and lab scripts. The course concludes with an overview of implementing Perl with regard to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Programming, Object-Oriented Perl and Perl Debugging. This course however, does not cover the construct of the Perl Programming Language itself or complex Perl functions used for high-level programming. Rather, it focuses mainly on the implementation of the language to create simple and functional Perl scripts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Metas e Objetivos - SejaMelhor" |
"Voc j estabeleceu pra si alguma meta ou objetivo e no conseguiu alcanar?Voc j tentou aplicar estratgias de produtividade que no deram certo?Voc entra ano e sai ano sem conseguir atingir as metas de ano novo que criou?E se voc descobrisse uma metodologia cientificamente baseada que aumentasse significativamente suas chances de alcanar essas metas?Este curso foi criado com base num compilado de estratgias e conceitos que possuem algum embasamento cientifico para que funcionem. So coisas retiradas dos estudo do professor Richard Wiseman, coisas retiradas do trabalho de coaches renomados e estudiosos no campo do aperfeioamento pessoal.Este curso resultado de anos de estudos e pesquisas no assunto e foi o primeiro curso criado pelo Sejamelhor.Colocando em prtica estes ensinamentos consegui realizar meu sonho de comprar meu carro conversvel e o sonho de conhecer a Disney. Espero sinceramente que essas dicas e ensinamentos te faam chegar mais perto da vida que voc almeja."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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"1- introduction to win 71- Computer Component 2- Entry to Computer 3- New Folder,Copy, Paste 4 -Desktop, Start menu 5 - Windows Features 6 -Pictures , Background 7- Paint , Print Screen 8- Shutdown, Restart, Lock, Log off 9- Games, Control Panel ,Notepad , Wordpad 10- Speed computer, defragment , startup , visualization 2- Microsoft office11- Download Install Office 201012- Microsoft Word 113- Microsoft Word 214- Microsoft Power Point 115- Microsoft power point 216- Microsoft power point 317- Microsoft Excel 118- Microsoft Excel 23- Programs19- Web Browsers , IDM 20- Videos Programs 21- Adobe Reader PDF 22- Winrar , Format Factor 23- AntiVirus Program Avira 24- Avast Kaspersky 25- Last Anti Virus 26- Power Iso 27- Install Win 7 728- Partition Master 29- Typing Master 30- Windows Movie Maker 4- Security31- Hide , Encrypt Folders and Partitions 32- Folder Lock Programs 33- BitLocker 34- Create User Account , Parent Control 35- User Account , Password reset disk 36- properties Security Permissions 37- Group Policy I 38- Group Policy II 39- Group Policy III 40- system restore point 5- Internet41- Sites , Search Engine 42- Firefox ,Chrome 43- Safari , Opera 44- Google 45- Google Picture , Translation 46 - Download Books,Sound files 47- Wikipedia , Newspapers 48- Create Email 49- Send ,Receive Email 50- Mediafire ,OneDrive,GoogleDrive 51- - YouTube IDM 52- - youtube idm 53 - Free youtube Download 54 - Torrent Download 55- Drivers 56 - Google Earth , Google Maps 57- Remote Connection and Wireless 58- Online Learning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El Mtodo de Guitarra Acstica Percusiva" |
"No importa cual sea tu nivel o tu estilo preferido, disfrutars de tu guitarra como nunca antes lo habas hecho. Basado en canciones de dificultad progresiva, es un mtodo imprescindible para guitarristas principiantes y avanzados. En este mtodo, el reconocido guitarrista y profesor Miguel Rivera te guiar paso a paso por algunas de las tcnicas ms vanguardistas: slap, golpe de caja, golpe de bombo, golpe en la tapa, armnicos naturales, armnicos de arpa. No importa cual sea tu nivel o estilo preferido, este mtodo abrir nuevos horizontes para que disfrutes al mximo del apasionante mundo de la guitarra."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python OpenCV Based GUI Application Development using PyQt5" |
"In this course, we will learn how to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) for processing images as well as processing real-time webcam video feeds or video files. You will learn how to quickly acquire an image from your camera using OpenCV and then use PyQt5 library to build the user interface.You may find many instructional videos about how to use Python for everyday tasks, but actually finding a detailed guide about how to build a desktop application using Python is quite difficult. Building GUIs aren't so complicated, what actually makes them complex are the factors you need to consider that will let your user interact with the program.Upon completion, this course will provide you a better comprehensive overview of how to design a GUI-application framework, splitting important elements into modules. You'll also learn building applications completely from scratch and also learn about making professional look-alike apps using PyQt5 library. Every step will be provided with detailed instructions in this course. So get ready to build your first image processing GUI application."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Web Development with Python and Django Course" |
"Do you want to learn how to create websites and web apps? Do you have an idea for a web app that you want to create, but don't know where to start?Maybe you just want to learn a new skill.This class will cover everything you need to know to start creating functional websites and web apps. Although this course is focused for beginners, it will culminate in creating a blog from scratch. You do not need to have any programming knowledge in order to complete this class.Some of the topics we will cover include:HTMLCSSResponsive Web DesignBootstrapPythonDjangoFront End vs. Back End DevelopmentDatabasesModel, View, Template (MVT) structureSelf described as the ""The Web Framework for Perfectionists with Deadlines,""Django is one of the most widely used frameworks for building websites and web apps. It is built using Python, which is also one of the most popular programming languages today. It has a wide variety of applications, including web development, data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence.This course focuses only on the topics you need to know in order to get a web app up and running."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"* * * * *"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Accessibility Testing - Selenium,BDD,Axe,Pa11y,JAWS,NVDA" |
"Professional web accessibility testing course to learn 'most wanted' accessibility testing techniques using screen readers such as NVDA, JAWS and perform audio testing (screen reader based testing), write accessibility testcases, high contrast testing, table a11y testing, visual accessibility and keyboard testing, colour contrast testing, Images TurnOff Testing, Animation Testing, ZoomText Testing, Accessibility Automation Testing, Axe Code Scan, Pa11y Accessibility Audit, BDD based automation accessibility testing, Requirements Accessibility Testing and many more real time testing techniques in just 2 hours 5 min!Web Accessibility Testing is an emerging field in I.T industry and both front end engineers and quality engineers need to know how to build and test applications defect free? Many jobs across USA,UK,Australia are listed with accessibility as a 'required skillset' in job descriptions hence learning web accessibility testing is important for manual,automation testers,front end engineers and anybody working on software engineering/information technology field!This course is recommended for QA,Test Managers,Developers,BA,Product Owners,Design Engineers and anyone involved in (customer facing)software development projects.Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'Note: Recommended to enable captions while accessing the course since screen readers used across this course and read the trainer instructions from caption to understand the techniques.Captions: English,German,Hindi,Polish,Portuguese ,Russian,Spanish and Tamil (Recommended to enable CAPTIONS throughout the course for better learning since some of the videos are provided with screen reader automated voice testing)What is Web Accessibility?Users with disabilities such as visually impaired or physically challenged (term used in this section as special users) are required accessible web applications for ease of use. This has been suggested as part of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG)/General Services Administration Section 508 Standards(known as Section 508) in detail. Providing proper text for each section of the page and facilitating best user experience on the web pages are very important while providing accessibility features to web applications.Note: Visually impaired has classification specified by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and it is not the only reason for performing accessibility tests. Accessibility ensures the special users with disabilities can access the same web pages what normal users access. In this course, selenium based BDD scripts are explained using Javascript as a programming language hence knowing Javascript is essential for this section; This is not a automation or selenium focused training but purely focusing on accessibility testing. This is an amazing course to learn and perform web accessibility verification through manual and automation tests using selenium,pa11y,axe,zoomtext and web accessibility toolbar!What is WCAG?The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are part of a series of web accessibility guidelines published by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium, the main international standards organization for the Internet.Instructor: Endorsed by TechNation as 'Exceptional Talent of UK' in Digital TechnologyCourse Language: English (Indian Accent)Requirements: Computer with Windows Operating System and Internet Explorer/Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers (Reason: Tools such as NVDA and JAWS can be installed in Windows OS only)FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ):Why trainer voice overlapping with system voice in some of the videos?JAWS and NVDA are screen reading software and they read the content from any website. While explaining about the steps involved in performing accessibility testing, it is possible that the voice from trainer overlap with screen reader voice. Hence requesting you to enable to captions to watch the instructions to understand the type of testing and the necessary steps involved in using those screen readers.Short Note: Overlapping (2 different audio output playing at once.) is a known challenge while teaching accessibility with screen readers.Is this an interesting topic or a boring subject since it involves lot of screen readers to perform testing?Honestly it is a boring topic for many and it wont interest very much unless you are inspired to get the website tested to help your customers (who are disabled in some sort). It is a well paid job but It can not be learnt over night with just a theory preparation.Do I need to use screen readers to practice accessibility testing or just learning from this course is good enough to start working as accessibility testing engineer?Theory will give some basics such as WCAG background but practising screen readers such as JAWS or NVDA will give you good insights and complexities to understand accessibility needs.When can i become an accessibility tester after learning from this course?This course just takes 2 hours 2 minutes to complete all the sections but it takes three weeks to six weeks to practice those screenreaders (assuming that you spend min. two hours daily to access websites) hence it would make you comfortable to perform accessibility testing against WCAG standards. Unfortunately completing this course alone won't give you 100% confidence since it is a practical job oriented concept. Why JAWS and NVDA commentary are used in this course?Screen readers such as JAWS,NVDA are used by people with disabilities while accessing websites hence they are used in this course to explain the need of the screen readers in testing accessibility. But entire commentary of these tools are not explained in this course since it is not a course to teach about screen readers. It is a course about QA who can use screen reader to test websites against WCAG standards.Why some videos are monotonous?Teaching accessibility is extremely hard since it involves screen readers and testing those challenging areas of users with disabilities. So the course focus on finding those pain points of differently abled users while accessing websites. So it is not at all a joyful or entertaining course. It will be dull, tedious, and repetitious especially in screen reader related videos. Is this course suitable for viewing from desktop,laptop,tablet and mobile devices?It is highly recommended to use a laptop or desktop to learn this course since the power point presentations are made compatible to laptop (screen size) only. Udemy do not support to download the section based attachments from mobile or handheld devices. Participants can view the course from Udemy app or mobile browser. But the experience is really good with a laptop or desktop screen. Even if you attempt to complete the course from udemy app or mobile browser, please watch it once from laptop/desktop for any attachments to download for your preparations.How the course is structured in different sections?P.O.U.R is a way of approaching web accessibility: Perceivable,Operable,Understandable and Robust. These four focus areas are provided in four different testing modules/sections in the course:Web Accessibility Testing-Screen Reader TestingVisual Accessibility and Keyboard TestingAutomation Accessibility TestingRequirements Accessibility TestingWhy automation is not a main focus in this course?Performing 100% automation tests in accessibility is not possible or not recommended since the testing is to identify user difficulties when accessibility is needed. After first few iterations of accessibility testing, few accessibility tests can be automated upto 30%. Note that performing accessibility audit using tools such as Axe,Attest and pa11y are not fully automated accessibility tests-they are meant to scan the pages for accessibility issues. Writing automated code with accessibility assertions in tools such as selenium,cypressio,tosca,UFT would be a right fit into automation accessibility based on the team's maturity level.Reviews:""This course gave me some knowledge about accessibility testing and some tips on using tools""Tools:JAWS For Windows is a computer screen reader for people who are blind and visually impaired -from Freedom ScientificNVDA -NonVisual Desktop Access is a free, open-source, portable screen reader for Microsoft Windows from NV AccessPa11y - A command-line interface which loads web pages and highlights any accessibility issuesAxe-The axe accessibility checker for Chrome is a fast, lightweight accessibility testing tool from Deque LabsDISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn American English Online" |
"Welcome to English on the Street!This 8-week onlineclass is designed to help you understand how American English speakers talk. In this course, you will:1.) Understand common phrases by native English speakers.2.) Learn how to say words and phrases when you go places.3.) Increase your English vocabulary and word usage.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Words and Phrases in American English that are NOT in your typical textbook, but are frequently used by native English speakers.English to help you understand American English speakers.A few cultural tips and practical advice for living in the U.S.WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DO AFTER THIS CLASS?Understand and use some shopping vocabulary.Order Food at Restaurants and How to Order at a Subway.Banking Words and How to Open a Bank Account Online.How to express feelings and emotions in English.Order Coffee at a Starbucks.How to use the Post Office.How to book a hotel and plan for travel in the U.S. (Yellowstone National Park)How to read and understand road signs and some travel directions.I look forward to serving you and helping you improve your English language skills!Kind Regards,Alex BrickerESL With Purpose, LLC"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |