Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Algorithm & Programming in Java (Indonesian Version)" |
"Topik ini membahas tentang dasaralgoritmadan mengimplementasikannyamenggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java. Hal ini memungkinkan siswa untuk memiliki dasar algoritma yang kuat untuk membangun sebuahaplikasi dengan menggunakan konsep dan strukturpemograman dalam Java. Topikini terdiri dari 10 sesi.Pengenalan Algoritma dan Pemograman JavaTipe data danInput / OutputClass dan Operasi AritmatikaLogika & Operasi Relasional dan SeleksiStatement IterasiOperasi Jumpdanexception HandlingStatic danDynamic ArrayMethodSortingBacadanTulisFile"
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Instrumentao Industrial" |
"Este curso de extrema importncia para todos que trabalham ou esto iniciando na rea de Automao e Instrumentao Industrial.Aprenda sobre CLP, como usar o comunicador Hart-475 e calibradores como: Fluke-754, Ca-150, Isocal, PC-507, Fluke-100G, Bomba Comparativa e bomba manual de presso. Aprenda Calibrar: Transmissores de Vazo, Presso, Nvel e Temperatura, Termopares, Pt100, Vlvula de Controle, Pressostatos, Termostato, Chave de Nvel, Chave de Vazo, Solenide, etc.OBS: Todos os equipmentos do curso tem a parte terica e a parte prtica.Ao decorrer do tempo sero postados mais videos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning in Healthcare (no coding required!)" |
"This course will teach you how to work with health data, using machine learning models to find actionable insights. Through a step-by-step guided case study, you will learn practical skills that you can apply immediately!We will use a case study: Opioid Abuse Prediction for a clinicTopics we will cover:Health Data (sources, types, features, error handling)Logistics of machine learningWhat predictive model features are, and how to create themA statistical primer, highlighting key machine learning models and conceptsBuild a decision tree, logistic regression and random forest throughOpioid abuse prediction case studyKNIME (a free machine learning software, no coding required!)Assess model performanceOutput presentation and implementation"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Online Copywriting: How to Write Persuasive Product Pages" |
"THIS COURSE IS ALSO INCLUDED IN MY NEW MASTERCLASS ON UDEMY. TAKE IT HERE AS A STAND-ALONE COURSE, OR ENJOY IT ALONG WITH 20 HOURS OF OTHER CONTENT. MY MASTERCLASS ON UDEMY IS CALLED: Alan Sharpe's 20-Hour Copywriting MasterclassYou face three challenges when selling products online:1. The sales process starts long before buyers land on your product page2. Potential customers can't handle your product3. Potential customers can't talk to a salesperson (the way they do in a store) before they buyTo meet these three challenges, you need to start selling on Google. You need to write copy on your product pages knowing that this copy will show up in search results. You need to write product descriptions that work with product images, and choose product images that work with your copy. And you need to anticipate the most common (and pressing) objections and questions that your potential buyers have, and meet these head-on in your copy.To be successful writing copy for online product pages, you also need to master the essential parts of each product page, namely:page title tagspage description tagsshort product descriptionslong product descriptionsimage alt tagsoffersupsellsguaranteesThis course teaches you how to write copy that sells products online. You learn dozens of online copywriting tips that help you craft effective copy for shopping carts and online store pages."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Online Copywriting: How to Write a Profitable Landing Page" |
"THIS COURSE IS ALSO INCLUDED IN MY NEW MASTERCLASS ON UDEMY. TAKE IT HERE AS A STAND-ALONE COURSE, OR ENJOY IT ALONG WITH 20 HOURS OF OTHER CONTENT. MY MASTERCLASS ON UDEMY IS CALLED: Alan Sharpe's 20-Hour Copywriting MasterclassA whopping ninety-six percent of people who visit your website are not ready to buy anything during their first visit. If you want them to come back a second time, you need to capture their names and email addresses.But there's your challenge. Most website visitors don't want to give you their name and email address. Website visitors are the online equivalent of retail shoppers who are approached by a salesperson. Offline, the salesperson asks, ""May I help you?"" And how do you reply? ""No thanks, I'm just looking.""Online, those infuriating pop-up ads ask you for your name and email address, and what do you do? You say, ""I don't think so."" And you click away. This is where lead magnets come in. A lead magnet is something of value that you offer your website visitors in exchange for their contact details. They get the lead magnet. You get the lead. But ONLY if your landing page is effective.Welcome to my course, How to Write a Landing Page for a Lead Magnet. I've been writing direct-response copy since 1989. I've written in all of the channels: offline, online, outdoor, mobile, radio, television, video and social. On Udemy, I teach copywriting to over fourteen thousand students from one hundred and forty-two countries. I'm one of the top-rated instructors in the copywriting niche on Udemy.Learn How to Generate Leads with a Landing Page MagnetThis course teaches you how to use direct-response copywriting tactics to write landing pages for lead magnets. Landing pages are different from other types of web pages. And landing pages for lead magnets are different from other types of landing pages. At the end of this course, youll know how to write a landing page that persuades visitors to give you their name and email address. In other words, you'll know how to write direct-response copy that generates online sales leads.This course is divided into ten essential lessons. YOUR EFFECTIVENESS: During lesson one, you learn the four things that you must get right to create an effective landing page for a lead magnet. YOUR AUDIENCE: Lesson two is all about your target audience. I tell you the questions you need to ask about your potential customers, and where to find the answers to your questions. YOUR PACKAGING: In lesson three, we examine how to ""package"" your lead magnet. You can have the best lead magnet in the world, but if you don't present it properly, it won't convert many visitors into leads. YOUR CONTEXT: Lesson four is about context. Before you write a word of copy, you need to understand where your visitor has come from, what they are going to see on your landing page besides your copy, and where they are headed next in the sales funnel after they leave your landing page. YOUR HEADLINE: In lesson five, I teach you how to grab interest with headlines and subheadsheadlines and subheads that compel your landing-page visitors to give you their names and email address in exchange for your lead magnet. YOUR PITCH: Lesson six is about how to ""describe"" your lead magnet. Too many landing pages make one fatal mistake they dont describe exactly what the lead magnet ""is."" I teach you what you need to know to turn generalities into specifics. YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION: In lesson seven, we discuss features, benefits and value propositions. Every lead magnet is a value proposition. You are offering something of value to your lead in exchange for something of value to you. We look at the key things that make your value propositions effective. YOUR TWO MOTIVATORS: In lesson eight, we look at the two great motivators of consumer behaviourpain and pleasure. Consumers avoid pain, and seek pleasure. I teach you how to harness these two great motivators in your direct-response copy so that your landing pages turn more visitors into leads. YOUR CALL TO ACTION: In lesson nine, you learn how to push buttonscall to action buttons, that is. The words you put on your call to action button are vital. I show you five ways to compel visitors to push your buttons. YOUR FINAL STEP: Lesson ten isn't about copywriting as much as it is about revising and editing and proofreading your copy. I show you the four steps you must take to improve your landing page copy before you go live. Practical, Specific, EffectiveEvery one of these lessons is filled with practical, step-by-step advice. I give you the tools, tips and tricks that I've learned over the decades as a direct-response copywriter. I use dozens of examples from the real world of landing pages for lead magnets. I describe what works, what doesn't, and why.Is this Course for You?I designed this course for copywriters who need to write landing-page copy that converts visitors into leads. In other words, copywriters who need to use direct-response techniques to generate online leads.Learn more about the course by reviewing the course curriculum. Watch the free preview lessons. Read the reviews from my satisfied students. Then enroll today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Treino Mental e Meditao com o Estado Alfa" |
"Treine sua mente para a Alta PerformanceO primeiro Programa de treinos mentais para Alta Performance e bem-estar utilizando com exclusividade o mtodo Treino Mental Alfa.Por que este Programa diferente de tudo que voc j viu...1 - VOC APRENDER COMO FUNCIONA SUA MENTE E DESENVOLVER TODA A SUA CAPACIDADE MENTALNo ser apenas uma receita de bolo para voc seguir. Voc vai entender o funcionamento da sua mente e aprender como desenvolver os fundamentos da Alta Performance no seu ritmo, onde voc estiver, de acordo com o seu estilo. Aprender a aperfeioar diversas competncias e novos comportamentos s com o treino mental!2 - VOC CONSEGUIR RELAXAR E SE ENERGIZAR A QUALQUER MOMENTO DO DIAAlm de desenvolver diversas habilidades para a alta performance voc tambm conseguir experimentar muito prazer e bem-estar ao praticar diariamente o treino mental alfa.3 - VOC CRIAR UMA ROTINA DE TREINOS MENTAIS ADAPTADA SUA REALIDADEVoc vai aprender como montar uma rotina de treinos que possa se adequar sua realidade, ao seu estilo e a sua agenda e exercitar o que realmente for necessrio para sua Alta Performance. Voc vai aprender a gostar de treinar sua mente.4- VOC CONSEGUIR MELHORAR EM TODAS AS REAS DE SUA VIDATalvez este seja o maior benefcio que voc levar deste Programa. Aprender a tornar sua mente uma aliada de forma que ao invs de pensamentos negativos e tenso voc conseguir desenvolver novas competncias e comportamentos que traro mais empolgao, prazer e sucesso na sua vida."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"O curso visa dar um panorama bblico das doutrinas constantes nos cinco primeiros livros chamados o Pentateuco usando as bases da Teologia Bblica. Com linguagem acessvel porm combastante contedo, pode ser acompanhado por qualquer aluno iniciante e tambm pessoas que tenham formao teolgica. Cada aula composta de quatro vdeos de 20 minutos, uma material em PDF para baixar e estudar e um questionrio mltipla escolha sobre o assunto do vdeo."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Excel na Prtica > Abordagem Financeira" |
"O curso abrange tcnicas para otimizao deplanilhas,conjugadas com funes e frmulas financeiras. No transcorrer das aulas, como tema de fundo, desenvolvido um aplicativotil e funcional para clculo de atualizao financeira de fluxos de recebimentos e pagamentos, adotando alternadamente tanto os juros simples quanto os juros compostos. Para estas duas formas de clculo so apresentados os respectivosconceitos, com uso de exemplos comparativos e disponibilizadas planilhas especficas sobre os mesmos e sobre outros contedos abordados.Na construo desse aplicativo, passo a passo, foram utilizadas ferramentas fundamentais como: ""Validao de Dados"", ""Controle de Formulrio"", ""Manipulao de Textos"", ""Formatao Condicional"", ""Atingir Meta"", ""SOMASE"" e ""Lgica SE"". Almdestes e outros recursos nativos, foram criadasmacros para automatizar o projeto, com o cuidado de usar cdigos que no requeiram conhecimento profundo de programao em VBA. Tambm h um captulo especial para explicar a Funo DESLOCe sua aplicao em grficos, para torn-los dinmicos.Fico feliz em poder proporcionar um curso que tem obtido alto grau de satisfao perante os alunos.Grato pelo oportunidade."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling for Business Results" |
"Whether you realize it or not, everyone in business is involved in public speaking and business storytelling. You use public speaking and storytelling skills everyday to win customers, grow your business, and energize your teams. We're here to help you elevate those skills to achieve the results you want.Weve all been there. You have a colleague whos a poised speaker, always closes the deal, motivates people to act, and stands out as a leader. Youre thinking, it must be nice to be born with such abilities. The fact is, its something you can learn. Here's how. We've created a gym for your personal training and professional development fitness. It's called Elevate Your Public Speaking by Building Your Storytelling Muscles. We've designed a proprietary 5-station circuit that takes just under an hour to complete. It's divided into 3-5 minute micro learning bursts. You can learn online, on the go, on your own terms. No hassle. Low commitment. High return. High reward. Our only question is: are you ready? COURSE HIGHLIGHTS:Youll gain insight into the neuroscience behind storytelling.Youll learn how to make data interesting and relatable.Youll discover the most important trait you need to captivate your audience.Youll master the tactics for grabbing and keeping people's attention. You'll learn to speak the language of leadership."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects: Tips and Tricks" |
"There are numerous examples of courses for people who have no prior experience in After Effects, but very little for those who already have some basic knowledge and want to dive deeper to become a professional. This course stands out with a focus on the theory and techniques required for every AE artist."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Reflexology Head to Toe: Tapping the Fountain of Youth" |
"Students will learn to use acupressure and reflexology for both prevention and treatment. We begin our journey focusing on the face and how to keep the skin glowing and vibrant to prevent or soften wrinkles. I have studied healing modalities from China and India that have contributed to my own intuitive approach and I have incorporate techniques from all into this course.All healing patterns are 1 to 5 minutes long and are shown on charts and with a live model for step-by-step directions to perfect the techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Self-love: Healing Mind & Emotions" |
"Self-love is necessary to bring in desired transformation in one self & one's life. This course is designed to help you enhance your Self -love with the help of mind & emotions techniques. Self-love can happen only when you can forgive & accept yourself completely & unconditionally. This course will enable you to do this easily. Moreover, this uniquely designed course will erase painful memories from your life & empower you to eliminate patterns of stress, depression & anxiety . Thus, you will live & enjoy a life full of happiness, peace & wellness.Furthermore, this course will help you to attract a life you love by aligning your inner world with your life goals & bringing in advantageous inner self transformation. The SEVENmost powerful & effective mind & emotions tools will take you to the next level of life."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin - Made Easy (First Timer's Guide)" |
"With technologies moving fast into the future, we should also start our education and take part in this amazing new digital technology revolution.People that have reached financial success always do 3 things:1. Research new business ventures and investment possibilities,2. Stay on top of what is happening on the market,3. Predict where the future is heading in terms of technologies and innovations.So if you want answers to the following:What are CryptocurrenciesWhy should I learn about it?How does it affect me?How can I make money from it?What is mining how do I mine these digital currenciesHow to storecryptocurrenciessafelyHow to invest in ICOs and AltcoinsThe role and views of regulators, auditors and legal expertsHow to avoid potential pitfallsLearn where the future is heading,Join this course, where we will be exploring those subjects and going into depth of Cryptocurrency."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Altcoins - Investing In Altcoins & ICOs!" |
"I truly believe Cryptocurrency is the opportunity of a lifetime to participate in wealth redistribution. It is the time that anyone; no matter your level of knowledge or investment; to generate incredible returns with your own money, whilst investing in projects that fits with your values.I also strongly believe that Blockchain - the technology that underpins Cryptocurrencies will radically change our lives for the better in ways no one can fathom. Furthermore, I want to be the person to help you experience this new reality.That is why I have continued to study, learn, teach and create products that reveals the truths you need to participate in this new movement. This better news is that this industry is at its infancy stage therefore it is the best time to jump in! So if you want to start dipping your toes in the investment pool, let me hold your hands through the process.This Altcoins - Investing In Altcoins & ICOs! Cryptocurrency Training is just what you need. On April 28th 2013 one Bitcoin was priced at $135.30 (about 100) - today April 23rd, that same coin is priced at $8,794.39! - (coinmarketcap)What is interesting is that there was a time when one Bitcoin was only about 10p! If you invested 1000 (80 per month) in 2013 you will be sitting on a nest egg of over $80,000Before you kick yourself and wonder where you were in 2013; let me assure you that the party is not over. The DJ is still spinning the music and so; you can dance.There is now a new wave of opportunities to invest even as little as 10 a month in Cryptocurrencies and that is why I have designed this course so that whatever your level of investment you can participate in this dynamic global currencies.In this No Fluff, Actionable, StrategiesCryptocurrency Training Course you will:- Learn how Cryptocurrency works- Open your Cryptocurrency exchange accounts,- Buy Altcoins,- Learn how to pick good (Initial Coin Offering) ICOs,- Set your investment strategies.So lets get started.Thank you for the opportunity for allowing me to teach you all I know!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Reinforced Concrete IV: Design of Columns" |
"Make sure you know Reinforced Concrete Theory and How to design Reinforced Concrete beams before taking this course.about the course:Inthe previous courses, you have been introduced to the philosophy of Reinforced Concrete Design, Design of Beams, and Design of Slabs. This course 'Design of Reinforced Concrete Column' gives you detailed understanding, explanations and procedures for the design of RCColumns. What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to Design RC Short Columns without Eccentricity, Understand Interaction Diagrams, Practicality Considerations, and Mathematical Derivations of Formulas in the Design. Students completing the course will have full understanding of the design of RC Column.Assignment is given at the end."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Beginner To Advance Forex Course (2020)" |
"Interested in Forex Trading? Then this course is for you!Take this course now and learn with aForex traderwith more thanthreeyears of experience, who willhelp you learn complex theory,analysisand Forex strategiesin a simple and practical way. I will walk you step-by-step into the world of trading currencies. With every lectureyou will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative field of Forex trading.This course was created in a way toenable students to actually start trading foreign currency as soon as they finish the course. The best part of this course is the mentorship opportunity, where you will be able to receive signals, advice and guidance which will transform you into a profitable Forex trader.This course will cover:1.Introduction Forex Trading2.Forex Terminology3.Types of Orders4.Trading Platforms5.Different Types of Forex Trading6.Forex Fundamental Analysis7.Forex Technical Analysis8.Forex Trading Indicators9.Risk Management10.Forex Trading Plan11.Psychology in Trading12.AnswersTo Frequently Asked Forex Questions13.Bonus! Free Signal Telegram Group14.MentorshipAt the end of this course you will receive my personal email address where I will be able to provide Mentorship to you and help guide you in becoming a successful Forex trader. You will also receive a yearworth of signals, forex ebooks and indicatorsall for freea monthafter you join this course.I aim to continuously improve this course by adding new content at no extra cost to you at all until it is the best go toForex course in the world. Satisfaction for me is seeingsuccess from my students results.Thank you for viewing this course and I do hope that you enroll."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Metasploit |
", . . , . . ? : () Windows Linux, Windows 7/8/8.1/10 , : . Windows , . Metasploit. Metasploit, . . . - . / , , () . . . . , . , :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automating Instagram with InstaPy - The Official Guide" |
"InstaPy is the biggest and most popular Instagram automation tool available for free. Its incredible range of features makes it the number one tooling to grow your account and target your core audience in the best possible manner.By simulating human behaviour it is not only safer than most paid tools out there while being extremely efficient when it comes to reaching new people and accounts on Instagram. It can like, comment, follow, and many more interactions you would have to do yourself to reach a bigger audience. Please note that this course is outdated and is no longer being updated!Any purchase of this course will support me in my past and future efforts of creating tooling such as InstaPy.Thank you!You can get the watch the full course on my Youtube Channel: Tim Gromann(Link in last lecture)This is the official course to get you started with InstaPy, the biggest and most popular free open-source Instagram bot.With nearly 300.000 views on the Medium article, this automation tool is ubiquitous when it comes to Instagram automation.You will learn how toOrganically grow your account with real followersGet more real engagement on your contentImprove your posts and techniques for better growthUse the methods professional growth hacking companies useUse a code editor and python to create your very own botWe'll start from scratch with an introduction of the installation process on different platforms. Once we've installed everything and made sure the bot is working, we will first look at the basic features to get a feeling for what the bot can do. We will talk about some of the limitations and make sure that we pick the right numbers.Later in the course, we will also look at more complex logic that gives you even more power and allows you to really boost your account.If you should encounter any problems along the way, there are dozens of people in the GitHub issues section of the InstaPy project that can help you in no time. The most common problems have already been reported so you can also search a huge list of already solved problems to fix yours.After this course you will know how toSet up InstaPy on any popular platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, RaspberryPi)Write a nicely performing bot that organically grows your accountSmartly target your core audienceBecome an Influencer (Nano/Micro/Macro) with your content in your selected area of expertiseUse basic Python to setup your bot"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Realidade Aumentada com AR.JS" |
"Descrio: Durante o curso voc vai adquirir os conhecimento e as habilidades necessrias para construo de experiencias em realidade aumentada. Tambm vai desenvolver projetos para construo de um portflio profissional.Resultado esperado: adquirir habilidade para construo de experiencias WebAR com contedos em imagens, videos e modelos 3D utilizando marcadores padro hiro, bar code e imagem personalizada. Ao final do curso voc vai ser capaz de oferecer produtos e servios relacionados a realidade aumentada. Benefcios:Crie ilimitadas experiencias em realidade aumentadaSem marca de programas ou terceirosSem pagamento de licena de softwareHospedagem gratuitaProjetos desenvolvidos:Web View 3D AR para loja virtual.Player de Video em Realidade AumentadaPalavras-chave: Habilidades do Futuro, Realidade Aumentada, AR.JS, Glitch."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Sell to Survive: Become a Sales Machine" |
"I made this course during a time of absolutely DESPERATE need.This course has one goal in mind: To Train You To Become an Absolute SALES HERO.This course is going to help you make FAR more money than you've ever imagined possible.Yes, I mean you.The same process used herein was used to sell over $2.5 million dollars worth of Roofing services in the year 2019 alone.Not only that, I cover the stories of two different gentleman....One who went from being completely broke, evicted, with 50 cents to his name.... to becoming a Billionaire ( yup... with a B) by the time he turned 26. Sound impossible? Get this... he started with nothing... and now owns over 43,000 hotels in India. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT!?!?And, another gentleman who went from $500,000 in debt - 500,000!! - to a multi-millionaire!That's just about.... wait?... It was done therefore.... Ahhhhhhh... Let's see here... therein lies the rub.You are going to sell more product and service than you have EVER sold before with this training program in your hands, heart and mind.Get yourself a copy of this course and know that you will never be the same person again. You are about to become: A Sales Machine.To Your Health, Wealth, Success and Happiness,Alexander Javad"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"50 Point SEO Audit For Your Site Or As Freelancer In 2020" |
"Learn to perform an SEO audit with my comprehensive 50-point checklist. You will be able to not only identify problems on your site, but I'll show you how to fix them on your own.My goal is for you to be able to find and fix SEO problems on your site. You will only need to hire freelancers to do the intermediate to advanced technical work that is beyond SEO. Sometimes you will encounter SEO issues that can be fixed by a software engineer or a network engineer. In those cases, I recommend that you hire a freelancer. But in most cases, I show you how to fix the SEO problems on your own.AFTER THE SEO AUDIT, YOU WILL HAVE:After performing the audit, you'll have a list of improvements and an ability to implement:Making your site mobileImproving site load speedContent qualityOptimal content strategy with full site crawling, indexing, and ranking potentialSELL SEO AUDIT SERVICES AS A FREELANCER OR AGENCY SERVICESEO audits are a popular service to provide. After this course, you'll be able to impress potential clients that you will give them an impressive and comprehensive site audit with many actionable items they can implement. After that, you will be able to implement most of those action items and make more revenue from that.SEO AUDIT BETTER THAN FREELANCERS CAN DO FOR YOUThere are many freelancers who offer to do an SEO audit. But they won't do an SEO audit as thorough as the SEO audit you can do by following this course. The 50-point SEO audit in this course is one of the most thorough you'll see.USE THE GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLEThe Google Search Console (formerly known as Webmaster Tools) is free. It gives you information about your site indexing, crawling, and ranking of many of your pages for various keywords. We use the Google Search Console extensively in this course. It is a very helpful tool during an SEO audit.Invest in your future! Enroll today, perform your own SEO audit, and find ways to rank your website higher. Or make money by performing SEO audits for clients."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Design your own wedding bands" |
"Why not 3d print your own wedding bands? It's quick and easy and you it's the best way to get a perfect fit. Besides, you can 3d print them in a much wider variety of options than you local jeweller.This course covers every step of the way. No previous experience needed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
chatbot-profi |
"- . -? - 2018. : - ? - .- , , (Facebook Messenger, Telegram, ) ? . Facebook Messenger -1.3+ !Telegram -600 ! ( ), . , . . - . , . 2 Telegram Facebook. -. . -. . . .: ? - -, , . , , , , : - - 5 - :- - - - - -- 60 . , - -"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin No Verbal en la Empresa y los Negocios" |
"Descubre las tcnicas no verbales ms avanzadas para aumentar tu liderazgo e influencia. Este curso de lenguaje no verbal permitir a las personas utilizar herramientas prcticas que les permitan ascender en la empresa, tener un mejor empleo, comunicarse correctamente, influenciar en los dems, persuadir con mayor eficacia, mejorar su imagen ante los dems y desarrollar su liderazgo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Phonics 4 Parents" |
"Reading is an ESSENTIAL life skill, children are expected to be confident, fluent readers by the age of 7. Phonics provides children with a method for decoding a vast majority of English words. This is in contrast to the old-fashioned approach of memorising words based on their shape or initial letter. Children learn to read much faster if they can decode words rather than relying on memory. Decoding provides children with skills so that they can work out how to say and spell new words, rapidly extending their literacy skills.Have you ever heard of a phoneme? What about a grapheme or a digraph? Chances are you have never encountered these terms before, but that is about to change. This course will provide you with a full understanding of letter sounds and how to use these to kick start your childs reading abilities.In just 1 hour, with the aid of PDF books and resources worth over 49.99 euros you will be able to:1. Help your child recognise letter sounds.2. Help your child to recognise letter shapes that go with letter sounds.3. Recognise and teach, your child, the difference between long and short vowel sounds.4. Know the difference between consonant blends and digraphs.5. Be able to use the resource pack supplied in a fun interactive way.6. Help your child to read three-letter words."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gereki izim Yapma Kursu" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar;mr Boyu Profesyonel Eitmeniniz Olmaya Hazrm...Gereki izim Yapmak Aslnda Zor Deil. Sadece Sistemin Nasl Yrmesi Gerektiini rendikten Sonra Basit El Teknikleri ile Bunlar Baarabileceksiniz...Gereki izim Yapmay reneceksiniz. Bylelikle Artk Sizlerde Hayallerinize Yaklam Olacaksnz.Artk Sizlerde Bakalarna izim Yapmay + Gereki izim Yapmay retebileceksiniz.Zaman ve Sabr Birleince nann ki Yapamayacanz izim Kalmayacaktr.Resim izmek Elenceli ve Kolaydr.Obje, Portre, Manzara Konusu veya Kurgunuz Ne Olursa Olsun Vereceim Bilgiler Sizlere Yol Gsterecek ve Baaracaksnz.Adm Adm izim Yapmann Her Detayn reneceksiniz.Benim Sanat Anlaym ve Sevdiim Geliimime Yardmlar Dokunmu Sanatlar reneceksiniz.Mziin Sanat zerindeki Etkisi Byktr ve Kantlanm Bir Gerektir. Hangi Mzikleri Dinlemelisiniz Bu Bilgiye Sahip Olacaksnz.Gzlemleme Yapmann Ne Kadar inize Yarayacan reneceksiniz.izgiden, Glge Eitimine Kadar Basit Ama leri Seviye Bilgiye Sahip Olacaksnz.Perspektifin nemini reneceksiniz.3D izim Nasl Yaplr... Glge, Ik Mantn Boyu Aldnz Kursumu Ben Her Yeni Eitim Videosu Eklediimde Tekrardan cret demeden zleyebileceksiniz.Zaman Dur Durak Bilmeden Akp Gitmekte nmzdeki Ay Balarm Seneye Balarm Demek Ksaca leriye telemek izim Yapmanz Engel Olacaktr... Durup Dnmek veya Ertelemek Sizleri Baarya Gtrmez. Ben Neyi Baardysam Az Dnp Yapmaya Balayarak ve Yaparken Daha ok Dnerek, abalayarak, Pes Etmeyerek, Sistemi zerek, nanarak Baardm Sizlere Kursumun erisinde rencim Olduunuz Vakit Bu Bilgi Birikimi Paylam Olacam imdiden yi Dersler Dilerim...nemli Bilgi: (Bu Gereki izim yapma kursunu indirip oaltan veya paylaan kiiler hakknda yasal ilem balatlacaktr. Korsan ekilde izlettii kii saysnca cret talep edilecektir!)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Trigonometry for Academics and Competition" |
"This course is for the students who want to learn Trignometery at basic level as well as at advanced level. All efforts are made to make course easy to understand for students. Students will find it easy to understand every topic. Extra practice questions are also provided for concept building and ways to tackle questions is also taught. FOR ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT EMAIL ME -"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Einfach Malen, kleine Dinge Schritt fr Schritt erklrt" |
"Der Kurs ist in mehrere Abschnitte geteilt und zu jedem Abschnitt gibt es Erklrungen zum Anleiten von bungen. Die einzelnen Videos sind ""kurz"" gehalten, was zu einen besseren berblick fhrt. Der Kurs ist eine Zusammenfassung von Grundlagen, zum Erlernen der handwerklichen Fhigkeiten, mit Farben und Pinseln umzugehen. Und das schrittweise heranfhren mit vielen praktischen bungen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering The Complete Agile Scrum Master Workshop" |
"UPDATE FOR 2020 & 2021 with Tanmay's latest knowledge on Agile Scrum Master Certification!This course is about learning the latest Agile Scrum Methodology for the Software Development field. In this course, you will learn all other Agile methodologies along with detailed information on Scrum.This course helps the students in understanding the fundamental principles that form the foundation of Agile. The course also explores the Scrum framework in deep detail and also blends an overview of the key practices for Agile. The course starts off with an introduction to the most frequently used agile framework with over 70% of agile projects using Scrum in one form or another, then it goes on to the real-world examples to enable the students to apply the knowledge to solve real problems.Scrum is the agile development process that allows teams to deliver usable software periodically throughout the life of the project, dynamically absorbing change and new requirements as the project proceeds. The course covers the Agile Scrum Master Certification curriculum in detail and enables the students to clear the exam.By this course, experienced project managers can grow in their careers and get the next level of opportunity as an Agile Scrum Master and the junior team members can learn the process of the Agile Scrum methodology.This course will give insight necessary to achieve the Agile Scrum Master roles along with the fundamentals of Agile Scrum Master methodology for you to adopt into your organization. Also, you will be able to gain a 100% understanding of how to apply SCRUM by understanding Product Backlog, Epics, Story Points, Sprints, SCRUM lifecycle, Roles of Scrum Team/Product Owner and Scrum Master.By this course, you will be an effective servant leader and Scrum Master.The biggest target audience is at any experience level who wants to learn Agile Scrum in detail and apply in the career to grow or in the organization to grow!!!Course ValueAs a project management professional, you can derive value from this course in multiple waysYou learn best practices for Scrum and other Agile methodsYou will gain deep insight into Scrum and discover new ways of leading project management teams and delivering values to customersYou will receive practical guidance on how to implement these practices within your organization and how to maximize their valueIt positions you well to be an evangelist and champion in the Agile adoption journey for your organizationTopics Covered in this CourseThese are the topics covered in the courseWe will define what Agile is. Review the Agile manifesto, 12 supporting principles in Agile. We will also explore the journey as a successful Agile and Scrum adoption.We will cover the Waterfall project management approach as well as becoming familiar with a number of other agile frameworks including Lean, XP, Kanban, Crystal, and DSDM. We will also cover how DevOps as an engineering discipline compliments Agile by accelerating the delivery and deployment of valuable software. Furthermore, we will review how agile should be linked with IT service management.We will cover scrum value, scrum pillar, scrum lifecycle, and scrum ceremony including sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint reviews, and spring retrospectives. We will also cover various scrum artifacts including the product backlog, sprint backlog, and release backlog.We will cover scrum roles. A product owner, the scrum master, and the development team. We will focus more on the scrum master role including some of the dos and donts.We will cover the user stories, epics, and user story part. We will talk about the product roadmap as well as the release and sprint plan. We will also cover the estimation techniques including story points and ideal time. We discuss planning poker and affinity estimates. Will talk about information radiator and communicating project progress and status including burndown chart, burn-up charts, and other information radiators. We will also talk about a scrum team that stays in control of the project work by making form decisions in a collaborative way with key stakeholders.We are going to explore some of the common challenges and counters while scaling agile for use in large projects. To explain the scrum of scrum works and as well how product co-ordination teams and feature teams co-ordinate the work of multiple teams working on a single project. Will explain how scrum is implemented in a distributed environment. We will talk about the SAFe framework and how to scale agile. Will talk about system thinking and determining when agile should be used and when it should not be. Will cover how tools can be used in Scrum to improve performance."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access SQL: SQL from Absolute Beginners To Expert" |
"'This Course covers Microsoft Access SQL with real-time examples and Project which is a real-world application' but you can apply these SQL queries in Oracle, MySql, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, and DB2'.""Welcome to the Most In-Depth and Quality Course on Microsoft Access SQL (MS Access SQL) from an Expert""The Course is full of quality content which you will not find anywhere on the InternetLearn from an expert who has a passion for trainingThe Course covers Real Training with the aim to provide knowledge that is similar to corporate training.======================================================================================Join this course which is the best ""Microsoft Access SQL"" course. I will show all the syntax of SQL with multiple examples along the way!!!Want to master the SQL with no previous coding experience and are confused about joining which course on SQL to understand from the basics to an advanced level?You have come to the right place. This is the most complete and in-depth Course on SQL in UDEMY. If you do not believe me, Please have a look at the Course content carefully and ask a few questions from yourself?Is the Course taught by a real-time expert? I have more than 15 years of experience as an Instructor and more than 10 years of experience in SQL. I firmly believe that if an Instructor does not have a good experience, he/she will flood the course with poor content.Is the Course content clear and Precise? I bet you will not get a better Course content than this. Please have a look at all the courses and choose wisely.Will the Course be In-depth? The Course covers In-Depth knowledge of SQL). The amount of Knowledge which is covered in this course is great.How is the quality of the Content? In MS Access SQL(Microsoft Access SQL), there is a lot of low-quality content that is spread throughout the internet. Be wise in choosing the course which has the best content which is presented in a good way to provide maximum output.The course assumes no prior knowledge on MS Access SQL(Microsoft Access SQL) and teaches you from scratch to advanced levelOnce you Enroll for this Course, you get lifetime access to this course and you will get all the future updates. you also get a Certification of Completion once you complete the Course.It helps to learn T-SQL also.This will also help you to get Microsoft certification.This Course is not for DBA(Database Administration) but certainly, helps you to become better.If you plan to work with Microsoft SQL, it will be extremely helpful.In short, using this course you can be an expert in any SQL database for beginners to Expert.This course is useful for Database design as well. I have covered the Naming convention as well.PHP uses MySQL mostly while Python uses PostgreSQL most of the time. Startups and small organizations might use Microsoft Access SQL.Microsoft Access is the cheapest database management tool and you will gain mastery in SQL queries using MS Access 2019.The SQL queries presented in this course can be used with any database with little changes here and there.If you are a data scientist or willing to become a data scientist, then SQL is a must and this course helps in data analytics.Do you want to start on SQL but have no experience with SQL? If you have some prior knowledge on SQL or if you are a complete fresher, you are at the right place. The Course teaches you to complete SQL right from Scratch to Advanced level.Theres no risk involved in taking this Course!This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure that this is the best course on SQL and you can compare the content which is provided in this course against any SQL Course and I guarantee you that you will not get such good structured content anywhere. Still, if you are not completely satisfied with the course, please let us know and we will provide a refund without asking any question.What if you are stuck?I personally answer all the questions which are asked here. If you are stuck anywhere, ask a question or you can message me directly and I will answer all your doubts.Are you getting updated content?Yes, I keep updating the content always to make sure, I provide all the information to my students.Once you enroll for this course-1) Selecting Records from Table - SELECT statement in SQL2) Filtering the Records - Using WHERE clause in SQL3) Sorting Records - Using ORDER BY clause4) Limiting the result of the result - Using TOP keyword5) Grouping data - using GROUP BY clause6) complete guide with examples of all the Functions - All aggregate functions covered7) Creating simple and advanced Tables - with constraints and without constraints8) Keys, Index - PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE INDEX9) Inserting records(loading) - with INSERT Statement10) Updating the records of a Table - Using UPDATE statement11) Combining multiple tables - Using UNIONS12) Joining multiple columns of different tables - Using JOINs13) Modify table properties - ALTER statement14) Deleting records from the table - DELETE statement15) Removing tables from the database permanently - DROP statementNote: This course helps to master SQL using Microsoft Access but it will also help to master SQL if you want to learn Oracle SQL, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a usar sketchup pro 2020 (arquitecto instructor)" |
"Aprenders a ser autonomo dentro del entorno del software,crear objetosy potenciar tus proyectos escolares o profesionales. El programa te ayudara a proyectar mejor tus ideas para que cualquier persona lo pueda entender, podrs trabajar desde cero o a partir de un plano de autocad y en poco tiempo mejorar la calidad de tus presentaciones."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |