Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Davud Hoca ile PHP 7" |
"20 yl nce Rasmus Lerdorf tarafndan yaratlan ve daha sonra PHP topluluu tarafndan gelitirilmesi devam eden PHPnin 2004 ylndan bugne en kapsaml gelitirilmelerinin yapld yeni srm PHP 7 yaynland. PHP 7, dier bir adyla PHPNG (PHP Next Generation) uzun sredir yazlm gelitiricilerinin bekledii kapsaml bir srmd.Beta srecinde gelitiricilere alan bu srmde performans gzle grlr bir ekilde artma benziyor. PHP 5den sonra PHP 6nn yaynlanmas bekleniyordu fakat karlalan unicode problemleri ve dier bir ok komplikasyonlar, PHP 6nn baarsz bir srm olarak gelitirilmesinin durdurulmasna neden oldu.Facebookun da kulland; kendine zel hack yntemleriyle PHPye performans art sunan HHVM de son testlere gre PHP 7 ile ayn seviyelerde grnyor. HHVM kullanmak istemeyen ama ayn performansa erimek isteyen php gelitiricileri iin PHP 7 yeterli grnyor. Aslnda bu srm sadece gelitiricileri ilgilendiren bir konu da deil. Bu; PHP dili ile hizmet sunan internet uygulamalarnn daha az kaynak tketimi sayesinde ayn sistem ve donanm zerinden daha fazla kiiye ulamas demek.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin PHP Eitimine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Kripto Borsalar" |
"Kripto Para Nedir?Kripto para kavramn anlamak iin ncelikle kriptografinin ne olduunu bilmek gerekiyor. Kriptografi; gizlilik, kimlik denetimi, btnlk gibi bilgi gvenlii kavramlarn salamak iin alan matematiksel yntemler btndr. Bu yntemler, bir bilginin iletimi esnasnda karlalabilecek aktif ya da pasif ataklardan bilgiyi, dolaysyla bilgi ile beraber bilginin gndericisi ve alcsn da koruma amac gder. Bir baka deyile kriptografi, okunabilir durumdaki bir bilginin istenmeyen taraflarca okunamayacak bir hale dntrlmesinde kullanlan tekniklerin tm olarak da gsterilir.Kriptografi biliminin gelimesiyle birlikte internet zerinde transferi yaplan bilgilerin gvenlii de artmaya balamtr. Bu gelimeler kripto parann bir yazlm olarak ortaya kmasn salamtr. lk olarak ortaya kan Bitcoin bu mantkla alan bir kripto paradr ve kripto paralar ierisinde en popler olandr.Kripto para, gerek paradan farkl olarak elle tutulan, deri bir czdanda tanan bir deer deildir. Merkezi olmayan bir sistem ile gelitii iin, bu paralarn retiminde hibir devlet ya da zel kuruluun sz hakk yoktur. Klasik anlamda kullandmz tm paralar devletler tarafndan retilen ve arkasnda devlet destei olduu iin belirli bir deeri olan cisimlerdir. Ancak yeni gelien kripto para teknolojisi hibir devlet destei olmakszn dnyann her yerindeki bireysel kullanclar tarafndan retilerek belirli bir deer edinmitir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Bitcoin" |
"Bitcoin bildiiniz veya dndnzn tesinde bir eydir.Bir ok kavram ilk defa duyacaksnz.Balinalar, Borsa Kartelleri vb.Borsaya para yatrma, ordan Yabanc borsalara para gnderme, coin alma, coin satma.Trendler vb bir ok ey iin bu eitimi hazrladk.Eer kripto dnyasnda yeniyseniz bu kurs ile doru balang yapacaksnz.Eer bu dnyada yeni deilseniz ve zarar ediyorsanz sizin iin deiim ans olacak"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Kripto Say Bilgilendirme, Analiz ve Haberler" |
"Kriptopara dnyas bildiiniz gibi almayan bir dnyadr.Speklasyonlar, yalan haberler, aldatmacalar, PUMP'Lar DUMP'lar yksek oynaklk, srekli yeniliklerin takibi ve bir ok noktada zorluklarla doludur.nsanlar daha ne olduunu bilmedii KriptoPara Trlerine binlerce lira yatrmaktadrlar.Bitcoin'e ise baktmzda bu alann ncs ama yeterince biliiyor mu ? Hayr, daha renilecek ok ey var.te bu kurs Kriptopara dnyasnda gncel kalmanz iin hazrlanmtr.Herkese Faydal olmas ve Kayplarn mimimize ederek, kazananlar dnyasna adm atmas umuduylayi renmeler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kids Yoga - YogiFit Space Adventure!" |
"In this YogiFit course with Miss Jessica kids will learn to grow into a tree, practice healthy decisions by making a salad, and go on a Space Adventure in the 30 minute class! Kids will learn our poem that we start every class with to teach them what yoga is all about! Our other short videos in this course teach them and you other yoga mudra poses to practice on a day to day basis when you have some time! They include imagery to help with relaxation and introduce children to meditation. Those include: Kalesvara Anjali Pran & Shaakini Mudras In the 30 minute class we move through fun, imaginative yoga poses where kids can pretend they are flying high in the sky, growing into a tree, and traveling in outer space with their hula hoop! This class teaches children many common yoga poses in a fun way to keep them engaged. Children will learn some sanskrit words like Namaste. They will learn the words for peace and love in another poem that helps them build compassion. Class ends with relaxation so children can learn to rest their bodies, still their mind and breathe deeper. Relaxation also helps children to have a few moments without stimulation to explore how they are feeling internally. Class ends with our rest poem to help children understand why they are relaxing. YogiDance is a yoga-based exercise program for kids. We combine yoga, hula hooping and teach relaxation in every class for the following reasons: Yoga improves balance, flexibility, and patience Breath training develops healthy minds and improves focus and relaxation Hula hooping and games burn calories and strengthen the abdomen Non-competitive atmosphere Increases resilience and stress-coping capabilities YogiDance provides children with a nurturing environment to build self-confidence where no one loses and creativity is encouraged! Expect your child to finish, happy, relaxed and ready for anything! Miss Jessica teaches the class in this video, and there are no children in the video. Children should not do yoga at least an hour after eating, and should wait 30 minutes after the class to eat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vinyasa Yoga to strengthen your core!" |
"This class is a slow-flow yoga workshop that was taped live. Feel like you're part of a class and benefit from insightful questions from students and a fun atmosphere.The poses I carefully selected to tone and strengthen your legs. In the class you'll do sun salutations, and many other balancing, stretching and strengthening poses. Slow-flow means that poses are held briefly to help build strength.I've included a separately recorded savasana at the end for maximum relaxation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Platform: Cloud Architect Practice Questions V2" |
"Hello Welcome !DO Not Subscribe directly without coupon.. This is practice questions for Google Cloud Platform: Cloud Architect Certifications. Get Confidence before spending full amount on Certification Exam. This is FREE course who subscribed to our other course ""Google Cloud Platform Certification - Cloud Architect (GCP)"". Please go through private message to understand - how you can get it for free. We have 6 timed Questions Dont be in hurry to provide your review - Please do that once you complete exam and that will be real justice to review. - Thank You Case Studies covers more then 50% contribution in Actual Exam. We have covered all 4 below case studies in questions. JencoMart - Removed by Google and Hence removed from question setMountkirk Games Dress4Win TerramEarthYou will be able to gain confidence on Google Cloud Platform Services which is foundation for your Certifications Exam.Some of important points 1. Not all the questions are considered for final result - hence we have put 80% for passing the exam. 2. Contains 50 questions for 120 min. If you have not done training - Please join our training at Google Cloud Platform Certification - Cloud Architect (GCP) Please provide rating after your exam and Rate for content in terms of how its useful for your exam. Thank You. GCP Gurus !Seattle "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Masterclass: Your Complete Beginner to Advanced Class" |
"*******HTML5, the latest markup language standard for the World Wide Web(WWW).*******Why learn HTML5?If you want to design and code the front-end of web apps or mobile apps or email templates, you need to use HTML5.What's new in HTML5?New semantic elementsAudio elementVideo elementAPIsCanvas ElementSVGUsing HTML5you can build :Web AppsMobile AppsEmail TemplateGamesIt is likely possible to build more complex browser based games in the future using Canvas element.If you know HTML5well, there's plenty of opportunity to find a job as a designer, especially since you'd have the advantage of being able to code what you've designed, reducing a lot of back and forth and also allowing you to have control over your own work.As a skill, HTML5is also useful for online marketers, since you won't have to always get company developers to help you fix something like the email template design if you can do it yourself.If you'd like to consider becoming a front-end web developer or UX engineer, you must learn HTML5well.Why should take this course?Anyone who wants to create a website,mobile apps,email template or develop a game then they have to learn HTML5.It is the future of web and in this course I covered every single topic from scratch.This course is for everyone who wants to learn HTML5 from beginnerlevel to advanced level.This course is based on the latest W3Cspecs.Note :In this course I covered only HTML5 from scratch, I didn't mixed CSS or JavaScript in this course because I want to make this course simple and easy to understand.I'm making separate HTML5 (DOM,SVG,Canvas,APIs),CSS and JavaScript courses like this course only. Soyou can learn CSS and JavaScript also from beginner level to advanced level.So, what are you waiting for?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SHOPIFY: Open your own online store with Aliexpress products" |
"Why this course?In this course, I will show you how to launch a free Shopify storeand create a lasting business relationship with your AliExpress vendors. In this course Iwill be teaching you how you can make literally ZERO dollars to 1k in 7 days period. We willcreate a lasting business relationship with your AliExpress vendors while making goodincome.I am going to be showing you how to get your webstore started and everything thing you need to start making sales with your Shopify store.I will be giving you instructions that you willcopy the EXACT same way on your computer. I will show you what to do everyday (within 7 days) on how you can make a successful dropshipping business with no knowledge.We will be going over:Set up a webstoreMake your website look presentableInstagram InfluencersFacebook MarketingNiche SelectionE-mail marketingSet-up shippingAttract customersInstructor:My name is Malik, and but also running an automated online business by using different sources online, such as Shopify Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, running multiple instagram pages online andworking a 9-5 job. I hope you can join me and I can teach you how run a automated website on its own.This is a no-BS course,I'm going to show everything and step-by-step guide on whatyou actually need to know in order to start earning somemoney and get richwith Shopify dropshipping."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Este um curso prtico e objetivo que tem o objetivo de fazer voc multiplicar seus resultados de vendas. uma verdadeira consultoria de vendas. Sero abordados os temas: abordagem de vendas, vencer objees, saber vender e oferecer o produto, perfil dos clientes, potencial do mercado, potencial da sua carteira de clientes, formao de preo motivao e treinamento da equipe de vendas e muito mais."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization in Python for Machine Learning Engineers" |
"Welcome toData Visualization in Python for Machine learning engineers.This is thethird course in a seriesdesigned to prepare you forbecoming a machine learning engineer.I'll keep this updated and listonlythe coursesthat are live.Here is a list of the courses that can betaken right now.Please take them in order.Theknowledgebuilds fromcourse to course.The Complete PythonCourse for Machine Learning EngineersData Wrangling in Pandas for Machine Learning EngineersData Visualization in Python for Machine Learning Engineers(This one)The second course in the series is about Data Wrangling. Please take the courses in order. Theknowledge buildsfrom course to course in aserial nature.Withoutthe first course many students might struggle with this one. Thank you!! In this course we are going to focus on data visualization and in Python that means we are going to be learning matplotlib and seaborn. Matplotlib is a Python package for 2D plotting that generates production-quality graphs. Matplotlib tries to make easy things easy and hard things possible. You can generate plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, errorcharts, scatterplots, etc., with just a few lines of code. Seaborn is a Python visualization library based on matplotlib. Most developers will use seaborn if the same functionally exists in both matplotlib and seaborn. This course focuses onvisualizing.Here area few thingsyou'lllearnin thecourse. A complete understanding of data visualization vernacular. Matplotlib from A-Z. The ability to craft usable charts and graphs for all your machine learning needs. Lab integrated. Please don't justwatch. Learning is an interactive event. Go over every lab in detail. Real world Interviews Questions. **Five Reasons to Take this Course**1) You Want to be a Machine Learning EngineerIt's one of the most sought after careers in the world. The growth potential career wise is second to none. You want the freedom to move anywhere you'd like. You want to be compensated for your efforts. You want to be able to work remotely. The list of benefits goes on. Without a solid understanding of data wrangling in Python you'll have a hard time of securing a position as a machine learning engineer.2)Data Visualization is a Core Component of Machine LearningData visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. It enables decision makers to see analytics presented visually, so they can grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns.Because of the way the human brain processes information, using charts or graphs to visualize large amounts of complex data is easier than poring over spreadsheets or reports. Data visualization is a quick, easy way to convey concepts in a universal manner and you can experiment with different scenarios by making slight adjustments.3)The Growth of Data is InsaneNinety percent of all the world's data has been created in the last two years. Business around the world generate approximately 450 billion transactions a day. The amount of data collected by all organizations is approximately 2.5 exabytes a day. That number doubles every month. Almost all real world machine learning is supervised. That means you point your machine learning models at clean tabular data.4) Machine Learning in Plain EnglishMachine learning is one of the hottest careers on the planet and understanding the basics is required to attaining a job as a data engineer. Google expects data engineers and their machine learning engineersto be able to build machine learning models.5) You want to be ahead of the CurveThe data engineer and machine learning engineer rolesarefairly new. While youre learning, building your skills andbecoming certified you arealso the first to be part of this burgeoning field. You know that the first to be certified meansthe first to be hired and first to receive the top compensation package.Thanks for interest inData Visualization in Python for Machine learning engineers.See you in the course!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Associate Levels Practice Test : Be An AWS Certified" |
"In this today's world, every company is moving their infrastructure into cloud. Therefore, understanding ins and out of extremely important. This course is specially designed for those who are planning to get theAWS Associate lavel certification to show case your skill on AWSCloud Computing. Throughout the course, lots of question will be highlighted that might come on your exam. By going through those questions, you can deep dive into AWS cloud.Throughout the course, following AWSservices will be highlighted:Identity &Access Management(IAM)Simple Storage Service (S3)Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2)Virtual Private Networking (VPC)Route53Elastic BeanstalkCloudFormationCloudWatchElastic Block Store(EBS)Elastic File System (EFS)LambdaSimple Notification Service(SNS)Simple Queue Service (SQS)Simple Workflow Service (SWF)APIGateway.... and many more"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"PMI-RMP Exam Preparation" |
". . . . . Risk Strategy and PlanningDevelop risk assessment processes and tools that quantify stakeholder risk tolerancesUpdate risk policies and procedures using information such as lessons learned from projects and outputs of risk auditsDevelop and recommend project risk strategy based on project objectivesProduce risk management plan for the project on the basis of inputs such as project information, external factors, stakeholder inputs, and industry policies and procedures.Establish evaluation criteria for risk management processes based on project baselines and objectives.Stakeholder EngagementPromote a common understanding of the value of risk management by using interpersonal skills.Train, coach, and educate stakeholders in risk principles and processesCoach Project team members in implementing risk processesAssess stakeholder risk tolerance using processes and tools such as interviewing stakeholders and reviewing historical stakeholder behaviours.Identify stakeholder risk attitudes and cognitive biases using stakeholder analysis techniques.Engage stakeholders on risk prioritization process based on stakeholder risk tolerance and other relevant criteria.Provide risk-related recommendations to stakeholders regarding risk strategy and planning, risk process facilitation, risk reporting, and specialized risk tasks by using effective communication techniques.Promote risk ownership by proactively communicating roles and responsibilities and engaging project team members in the development of risk responses.Liaise with stakeholders of other projects by using effective communication techniques and sharing information on project risk performance.Risk Process FacilitationApply risk assessment processes and tools .Facilitate risk identification using a variety of techniques.Facilitate the project teams evaluation of the identified risks attributes using qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques.Facilitate the development of an aligned risk response strategy and related risk actions by risk owners from the information gathered during risk analysis.Facilitate the formulation of project contingency reserve based on the risk exposure of the project.Provide risk data to cost and schedule analysts/estimators to ensure that project risk is properly reflected in cost and schedule estimates for the project.Use scenarios to validate potential risk responses and evaluate key dependencies and requirements.Risk Monitoring and ReportingDocument and periodically update project risk information using standard tools (including but not limited to risk register, risk database) and techniques.Coordinate with project manager using communication techniques.Create periodic standard and custom reports using risk-related metrics as specified in the risk management plan.Monitor risk response metrics by analyzing risk response performance information, and present to key stakeholders.Analyze risk process performance against established metrics.Update the project risk management plan using relevant internal and external inputs.Capture risk lessons learned through comprehensive review of the project risk management plan, risk register, risk audits, risk process performance reports, and other associated reports.Perform Specialized Risk AnalysesEvaluate the attributes of identified risks using advanced quantitative tools and specialized qualitative techniques.Analyze risk data produced during the project using statistical analyses and expert judgment.Perform specialized risk analysis using advanced tools and techniques."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
", (PDUs 12)" |
"video slides are in Arabic / English, and explanations in Arabic/English.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre la langue russe pour les dbutants 2020" |
"vous voulez apprendre le russe ?vous tes le bienvenus(e) vous allez apprendre le russe facilementPremire leon : -alphabet russe et pronoms personnelsDeuxime leon: -prononciationTroisime leon : -amlioration du vocabulaire russe - connaitre les pronoms possessifs - connaitre les verbes russesQuatrime leon : - savoir le fminin et le masculin et le -neutre dans la langue russe - connaitre les exceptions desterminaisons - les terminaisons et des exemples. Cinquimeleon : - conjugaison des verbes importants - des dialogues pour s'habituer au verbes russes - texte en russe pour comprendre. - nouveau vocabulaire.Septime leon : - le pluriel des mots russes - le fminin - le masculin et le neutre - plus des exemples. -nouveau vocabulaire.Huitime leon : - les adjectifs qualificatifs russes - des exemples explicatifsNeuvime leon : - dialogue russe - prononciation des mots russes"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Picasa et Windows Movie Maker pour les dbutants 2020" |
"Picasa est un programme d'dition et de retouches. c'est facile et j'aime bien car il vous donne du plaisir diter vos photos .grce ela vous pouvez faire des vidos en toute simplicitSauvegardez vos photos retouches ensuite partagez-les avec vos amis .-->Inscrivez-vous maintenant et commencez amliorer vos images , vous serez surpris des rsultats.Windows Movie Maker est une application pour crer vos propres vidos partir de fichiers vido et photo.--> avantages : - Superposition de son - Ajout d'effets spciaux -Crer des transitions diffrentes.La vido est cresans votre participation ,des photos, des fichiers audio et vido, ainsi que des effets spciaux et des pistes musicales sont utiliss. Il peut tre sauvegard et mis sur Internet. tudier l'interface du programme-->Inscrivez-vous maintenant et commencez amliorer vos images , vous serez surpris des rsultats.Bonne Chance)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Living 101: Nutrition, Yoga, Meditation & Self Love" |
"Healthy Living 101is the perfectcourse for those who know they need to make BIG changes in their life, but dont know where to begin. It's specially designed with beginners in mind and breaks down confusing health topics so everything is easier to digest.In this course you will learn how tocreate a healthy, balanced lifestyle by overhauling your eating habits, movement, mindset and daily routines. We'll take this one step at a time so you won't get overwhelmed. This healthy livingcourse is a vehicle of change that empowers individuals to take responsibility for not only their health, but their life experience as a whole. It's loaded with helpful health information and practical tips, tricks, and tools to enable students to take action and really change their lives one step at a time!Your instructor,Gillian a self-care teacher, helping to empower people to take responsibility for their health and create a better life. She shares her message of holistic health through coaching, workshops, travel retreats, and her online courses. With an intent to inspire positive change in as many people as possible, Gillian has been featured on MindBodyGreen, David Wolfe, RogersTV, CHCH, CityLine, BodyRock, and Elephant Journal.In This Healthy Living 101 Course You're Going To Learn:How to grocery shop and prepare high-quality food for you and your family.How to reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals and detoxify your body.How to live a mindful life.How to get the best sleep EVER.How to start listening to your your body so you can give it what it needs.How to find your groove with incorporating regular movement / activity.Tons of quick and easy recipes to put into your regular rotation.This course contains 13 VideoLessons, along with actionable PDF workbooks (that you can print out if you like).I'm so happy that you've found my course and I couldnt be more excited to support you on your journey to a better life!-Gillian B.Enroll today to make big changes in your health!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Painting Pictures In Your Imagination-Creative German Course" |
"Hi there, good to see you!Are you a German learner who is looking for a little challenge and something new to try out to improve your language skills? Then, welcome! I have prepared a little journey for you where you will listen to descriptions of beautiful paintings first with your eyes closed, and then the painting will be revealed to you and you will see how much you got right!This is a perfect exercise to do when you are a little stressed out in regards to your German studies and just want to do something that is calming and fun rather than causing you more stress! All you need to do is kick back and listen, and then you can check yourself to see if you understood it right. While you are getting to know some beautiful artworks you will also learn new words that are commonly used in the German language.I made sure that this course is also suitable for those who are not very advanced in German - there is a short vocabulary section before each picture description so that you can familiarize yourself with the new words to make listening easier - if you want to! If you think you are ready for it and want a challenge, you can also just jump right into the picture description."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"An introduction to Citrix Hypervisor" |
"This course will introduce you to the basics of Citrix Hypervisor virtualization. You will learn how to install and configure the server, how to create virtual machines, how to add or remove storage and how to create Server pools. Besides that you will also learn how to create snapshots and how to migrate VM's from one server to another.This course will talk about resource pools and networking within a Xencenter infrastructure. Learning Xnecenter will be an entry point for you to learn a suite of products from Citrix like XenApp and Xen Desktop.The fact that all of the software we will use in this course are freely available and easy to download and install will make it very easy for you to learn at your own convenience and at your own pace.I will be providing how to documents and howtos and faqs for students to get more in depth knowledge of the subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Business: How to Make Money from Music" |
"Students say: 'Eve is a joy to listen to and she's consolidated her knowledge and research in a very practical way that makes me feel like I can go out and follow her advice with visible results. Thanks for this brilliant overview, Eve!'Dom, Udemy student'It is definitely very realistic, and upfront. I love the way the instructor addresses herself. She is right on point, professional. She looks very experienced, and I like her vibe! So far, I am enjoying the course very much! 'Waldo Diaz, Udemy student'So much information for the real world. I will re-listen to many different areas. Excellent course! Thank you!'Will Lucas, Udemy studentWould you like to earn money from music? Have you been earning money but would like to increase your income from music? Would you like to venture into new music related income streams? If you would like to make a full time or part time living from music, this is the course for you.In this course you will learn how to make money from music. This is not as daunting or as complex as it seems: we look at several different income streams which are easily accessible to musicians at any point in their careers, even if you do not yet have a huge following. The lectures are very practical and you will be able to put what you learn into practice quickly.Have you been feeling frustrated that your dedication to music hasn't been paying off financially? At last there is practical, actionable information that will help you start seeing the results you want from your music.After leaving my 'sensible day job' due to a serious health condition, I signed a music publishing contract and have been earning money exclusively from music ever since. Not only have I earned money, I have worked with acclaimed and lovely people, travelled extensively and grown as a person. My music business is also a way of life! Many of me students tell em that they find this course practical and 'real world friendly' because online some other courses on this topic it doesn't require you to have an in depth knowledge of business or relate only to working with massive corporations (although a few of those are in here, too!). If you have never run your own business, all the steps you need to put into place to start making income in a self employed capacity are here.WORKING A PORTFOLIOMost pro musicians work a portfolio, meaning they make money from several different sources. In this course you will learn how to make money from several income streams in the music industry for a sustainable music career, including:Live performanceSelling CDs and merchandiseSession workTeachingSongwriting and music publishingMusic Licensing (placing your music in film, TV, games etc)Streaming and selling digital contentThis course will help you find the right combination for you of these areas of work to make an income. We also look at practical things such as which organisations to sign up to so you are paid royalties, places to go for professional development and contracts that make sure you are paid fairly.We will also look at writing a music business plan and building your professional profile. The course includes information on the going rate for specific music industry services and should help you to set up your own small music business.You will have my personal support as you do so: I love to be asked questions and give feedback on students' music.My Music Press:'Eve has established herself as an artist of considerable sophistication, recognised for her powerful toplines and moving lyrics.'-The Musician MagazineNamed One to Watch Twice by Nashville Songwriters AssociationIf you are excited to start a new chapter of your musical story, enrol now and I look forward to working with you!Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee so you can buy the course with confidence.'It's like being with a trusted friend in your own front room - there's no over-the-top promises about becoming a millionaire overnight, just warm, reasoned-out guidance that I've found really helpful.'Andy Brice, Udemy StudentINCLUDES A SONGWRITING MP3 MINI COURSE AND BONUS VIDEO WITH ADVICE FROM PRO MUSICIANS SIGNED TO UNIVERSAL, GOLDEN GATE AND OUT OF THE WOODS ON HOW THEY DEVELOPED THEIR CAREERS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to start JavaScript career in couple of months" |
"This is video is a compilation of good advices for JavaScript career jump-start. It's a result of communication with over 200 people from different countries. Curious, butbehavior patterns and mistakes are quite similar. Frequently people dive into number of courses and bootcamps to start career, spending a lot of money and time. I wanted to uncover some ideas about learning process itself because many people use academic stye. But it's not working well for development, the approach for this area is totally different. It's a place where you can build whatever you want, build things, test, crash it hundreds times per day. You don't need to make things right, you just need to play with them. As far as you understand it, you'll be able to learn any technology quite fast."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Practice Exams - 6 Exams (New CCNA Exam - 2020)" |
"Updated in 2020 for the new 200-301 CCNA - Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) exam.We all know that the Cisco CCNA is one of the most sought after certifications in IT. It's also one of the hardest testing your knowledge and hands-on experience configuring and troubleshooting topics such as:IPv6 addressingConfiguring VLANsApplying IPv4 access listsConfiguring OSPF and static routesUnderstanding Cloud Computing modelsSecuring routers and switchesConfiguring DHCP, DNS and NTPUnderstanding WAN technologiesConfigure Wireless LANsUnderstand Quality of Service (QoS)Explain Network Automation concepts such as APIs and CRUDIn order to pass the exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.The CCNA exam currently costs around $300. It consists of around 50 multiple choice questions as well as several hands-on lab scenarios. The pass mark is around 85%. The pass rate is only 50% which means that half of the students taking it walk out of the exam feeling dejected and of course $300 worse off.If you combine practice exams with reading and hands-on lab time you greatly increase your chances of passing the exam. Let me help you by testing you on all the latest CCNA exam topics. I hit you with subjects from all exam areas and for many of the questions I give you explanations and tips to increase your understanding.There are six practice exams in total, broken into various CCNA syllabus topics. There are over 430 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing. I've been prepping students for their CCNA exams since 2002, let me help you too.See you on the inside.Paul Browning"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# ve DevExpress ile Gelimi n Muhasebe Yazlm (Blm-3)" |
"Projemiz 4 blmden olumaktadr. C# ve Devexpressin gcn birletirerek grsel anlamda gl bir n muhasebe program yazacaz. Bu kursta C# dilinin inceliklerine olabildiince deinmeye altm. Az kod ok i mant ile yazdmz yazlm sizlere C# dili ile neler yapabileceiniz konusunda bir fikir verecektir. Piyasada 1500-2000 TL fiyatlara satlan n muhasebe programlarnn nasl yapldn renip belki de rendiklerinizin stne bir eyler katp ok dahagelimi yazlmlar gelitirebileceksiniz. Bu konuda sizden tek isteim azim ve takldnz her yerde soru sormak olacak. Sizin iin zenle hazrladm kursumun sizlere faydal olmasn diliyorum.Not:Projenin kaynak kodlarnn paylam yoktur. Projeyi en batan en sona videolar zerinde yapyoruz. Yani videolar izleyerek yaplan iinmantn grpuygulamay ayn ekilde yapabilirsiniz.Kursu sadece kaynak kodlar iin satn almak isteyen arkadalar ltfen almasn. Burada temel amacm eitimdir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Contrle de Gestion: Notions de base avec tudes de cas" |
"Cours complet qui traite le contrle de gestion en tant que module de gestion mais aussi en tant que mtier . Vous allez dcouvrir la fin de ce cours une tude de cas complte pour laborer un tableau de bord performant de A Z.A l'achat de ce cours, le participant bnficiera d'une sance de formation gratuite via Skype pour rpondre aux questions particulires."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Criando um Curso Online do Zero" |
"Neste curso voc desenvolver competncias para criar seu curso online do zero, de maneira prtica, podendo desenvolver seu projeto real durante a sua formao!Os contedos so super didticos e orientaram voc sobre cada etapa a ser cumprida, com vrias dicas, melhores estratgias e formulrios que poder baixar para desenvolver cada item do seu curso online.Os contedos que ter acesso so:Mdulo 1: Como Funcionam os Cursos Online?Mdulo 2: Como Criar Cursos Online?Mdulo 3: Como Desenvolver Contedos e Recursos para seus Cursos Online?Mdulo 4: Como Vender seu Curso Online?Ao longo dos mdulos voc baixar e-books, materiais complementares, formulrios que te ajudaram a definir o escopo do seu curso, realizar a anlise do pblico-alvo, planejar e desenvolver os contedos, roteirizar as videoaulas e traar suas estratgias de marketing para divulgar o seu curso!E tudo isso com um canal ativo para tirar dvidas e falar do seu projeto!Dicas para calcular carga horria de curso online"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C# ve DevExpress ile Gelimi n Muhasebe Yazlm (Blm-2)" |
"Projemiz 4 blmden olumaktadr. C# ve Devexpressin gcn birletirerek grsel anlamda gl bir n muhasebe program yazacaz. Bu kursta C# dilinin inceliklerine olabildiince deinmeye altm. Az kod ok i mant ile yazdmz yazlm sizlere C# dili ile neler yapabileceiniz konusunda bir fikir verecektir. Piyasada 1500-2000 TL fiyatlara satlan n muhasebe programlarnn nasl yapldn renip belki de rendiklerinizin stne bir eyler katp ok dahagelimi yazlmlar gelitirebileceksiniz. Bu konuda sizden tek isteim azim ve takldnz her yerde soru sormak olacak. Sizin iin zenle hazrladm kursumun sizlere faydal olmasn diliyorum.Not:Projenin kaynak kodlarnn paylam yoktur. Projeyi en batan en sona videolar zerinde yapyoruz. Yani videolar izleyerek yaplan iinmantn grpuygulamay ayn ekilde yapabilirsiniz.Kursu sadece kaynak kodlar iin satn almak isteyen arkadalar ltfen almasn. Burada temel amacm eitimdir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding in the Gaming Space" |
"If you are a competitive player or streamer inthe gaming industry, chances areone of your ultimate goals is to besponsoredby a well-known, brand name company like Corsair, Razer, etc. If you are wondering how to obtain a sponsorship or just looking to see how you can get moreinvolved in the gaming space, you are in the right place!In this Personal Branding course, you will learnwhat it takes to get a sponsorship as well as a deeper understanding ofhow the gaming industry works, and how to market yourself within it. In addition, you will also learn career paths within the industry. The topics we'll cover in this course are: Basic Personal Branding Discovering Yourself Researching Competitors Building Your Brand Importance of Social Media Presence Twitter, Facebook, Reddit Discord Gaming Industry / Networking Attending Events Networking Online Joining a Community Obtaining Sponsorship Basic Dos / Donts Approaching a Sponsor Career Opportunities Types of Jobs Resume BuildingJonas CM_Valgard Schurmann, has been working in the gaming industry for over 6 years with extensive experience as a marketer, sponsorship manager, and community manger. Jonas currently work as a community manager for MSI, one of the most well-known PC companies in the gaming industry. In the past, he has worked for other gaming companies likeGame Forge and Gigabyte. Throughout Jonas 6 years ofexperience, he has given streamers, gamers, and eSports players a handful of sponsorships. However, Jonas has also rejected many applicants. Jonas will share with you what sponsors look for so you can increase your chances of getting your dream sponsorship. If you want to obtain sponsorship or further your career in the gaming industry, we'll give you all the information you need to successfully build your brand and network yourself. Enroll today!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance: How to Take Control of Your Finances" |
"Updated 22/02/2019THIS COURSEWILLTEACHYOUHOWTOBEASUCCESSFUL PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGERNo boring theories. All the strategies mentioned here in the course are tried and tested with the instructor who started his financial journey with nothing (actually 1,000,000 in student loans living in a shared apartment in UK) to building an EMERGENCYFUNDandSAVINGS FUNDwith no more Debt's to repay. No Shortcuts to achieving them, pure strategy and application of real life working principles which could be replicated for your own personal situation.No ""Get Rich Quick"" Schemes or selling of Consulting Services, This course has a single mission and that is to provide your with my experience and sharing of all the strategies I've implemented and testedfrom reading 35+ Self-Help books in one year. I do not share any information which I do not believe in or haven't tested it by implementing in my own life.In this course, You'll learn about:1) Can you measure your financial success and feel rewarded in crossing a financialmilestone? (Repaying debt's, Building an emergency fund, Building you savings, Starting to invest)2) How to categorize your personal finance to achieve financial freedom? (From Debt,Savings to Retirement Savings, Children's College Fund)3) Understanding your purpose in achieving financial success.4) Key strategies you can use in Investing and Finding out what works for you(Investment Allocation Suggestions - Value Investing, Growth Investment and more).5) How to easily repay your debt by consistent repayment of additional principle repayment without any hiccups?6) How to easily evaluate your current financial situation? (A tool to calculate your currentfinancial situation)7) Actual mechanics behind how the economic system works and how to use it to build your wealth.8) Techniques to consistently reduce risk while Saving and Investing.9) How Emergency Fund helps you move out of your circle of misery (Financially speaking).10) Techniques to reduce the over all cost, fees and tax while investing and using the investment tools to build a home for yourself.11) Externalfactors influencing your financial successand how to influence it to work with you(Your partner for example).12) Demonstration of how your investments could be better off by diverting them to proper vessels designed with you (customers) in mind.13) How to take advantage of government rules designed to reduce tax burdens for investors.14) Actionable goals to implement the principles learned in this course to make a difference in your financial life.This is an awesome front runner course, This means you will get:Actionable, measurable goals to aim for no matter how in debt you are / how rich you are.Clear NO BULLS*** strategy which actually works if you stick to it(One strategy each for debt, income, savings and investment with blueprint).A questionnaire to help you find the reason behind your motivation to save, get out of debt and become financially free.Ask questions directly to the instructor- You can ask me any questions related to this course and will be glad to answer everyone of them.30-days Money Back Guarantee - Love the course? Keep it / If you don't ask Udemy for a refund, No questions asked.Lifetime accessto the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Disclaimer Note - This course is for educational and instructional use only. Although some investment vessels are mentioned in this course, Please ensure if it is a right choice of investment for you as the risk tolerance and investment volatility tolerance is different for every individual. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss.Investing your time and moneyon building your personal financial success can be fun when you do it really well!Indecision can cost you a lot more than what you think. Let me help you build your personal finance, This is the only course covering the four pillars of finance - Debt, Income Management, Savings and Investment in one course. Don't delay! The sooner you start working on your finances the better it is!Please click the ADDTOCART button in the top right cornerto get started!Regards,Ihope to see you in the course.-Nagarjun Nagesh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA7 : Entranez vous russir l'examen Cisco CCNA 200-301" |
"Le parcours de formation CCNA pour russir la certification Cisco CCNA 200-301 se compose de 7 cours CCNA.+ d'infos dans la liste de mes coursVOS COMPTENCES ENFIN RECONNUES AVEC LA CERTIFICATION CCNA !Que diriez-vous de pouvoir attester professionnellement de votre expertise dans le domaine du rseau informatique ?De pouvoir vous perfectionner et vous spcialiser sur un march trs demandeur ? Tout a avec une certification reconnue la cl !La certification CCNA est un puissant levier professionnel qui permet de :valoriser son CVScuriser son emploiCertifier ses comptencesMais se faire reconnatre comme administrateur rseau, et dcrocher son ID Cisco est un vrai parcours du combattant.VOICI LE PROBLME AVEC LE PROGRAMME CCNALe programme CCNA compte officiellement plus de 280 heures de cours thorique, dont 60 h de pratique. Or, cest tout fait impossible tenir dans une simple formation de type prsentiel qui dure gnralement 2 semaines.ET EN PLUS, il ny a aucune prparation lexamen.Cette frustration je la comprends trs bien, car jtais moi-mme dans cette situation, et ai rat 2 fois lexamen officielET POURTANT, IL EXISTE UNE SOLUTIONJe mappelle Damien et je suis formateur rseau IT sur les certifications Cisco.Quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification CCNA, je partais de ZRO, car je venais du monde des tlcoms. Un monde qui ntait pas encore coupl linformatique.Aprs avoir suivi 3 formations en prsentiel, toutes identiques et aprs avoir chou 2 fois lexamen CCNA, jai compris que je devais revoir mon processus dapprentissage.Jai investi dans de nombreux outils et formations en e-learning avant de dcrocher enfin mon CCNA.Ce qui reprsente au total + de 5 annes.5 ans pour arriver russir mon CCNA et obtenir mon numro Cisco.Alors issue de ma propre exprience et pour aider ceux qui veulent russir dans cette voie, jai cr le parcours de formation CCNA en 15 coursCe parcours a t conu pour vous offrir toutes les comptences techniques et professionnelles indispensables tout administrateur rseau.Que vous soyez technicien support, administrateur rseau ou en reconversion professionnelle, cette formation en ligne est un puissant levier professionnel qui vous ouvrira les portes dopportunits de carrire.La formation intgralement en ligne contient des outils digitaux et des mthodes pdagogiques la pointe des tendances actuelles, rendant ainsi votre apprentissage bien plus efficace.Je suis galement le formateur francophone n1 sur les produits Cisco de la plateforme Udemy. Cela reprsente plus de 5 000 participants dans 110 pays. Tous prpars lexamen Cisco.VOICI QUELQUES-UNS DE LEURS TMOIGNAGES :Merci votre soutien au long de ma prparation au CCNA. J'ai commenc de zro, et je vois le rseau d'une toute autre manire prsent et ces connaissances vont m'tre extrmement bnfiques dans mon parcours professionnel.Encore merci pour tout et bravo pour la richesse et la qualit des cours ainsi que pour les changes.Olivier.GSi vous avez zro base d'informatique rseau comme moi, cette formation est faite pour vous.Le formateur a une trs bonne pdagogieThierry.CAlors est-ce que cela changerait votre vie ?Vous pouvez dvelopper ces connaissances techniques hautement utiles et recherches dans le monde professionnel informatique en suivant le parcours de formationCette formation prpare pas pas, votre rythme, la certification Cisco CCNA.Et vous savez que cest important dattester de vos comptences pour ce mtier o il nexiste aucun diplme !Mon principal objectif est que vous russissiez votre CCNA ! Jai conu ce programme limage de celui que jaurais aim avoir, quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification Cisco, ce qui maurait vit davoir 2 checs lexamenEt je lai cr, pour quil soit motivant, dynamique, et quil vous aide progresser.La voie Express vers la Certification Cisco CCNA Le parcours CCNA est la voie express vers la certification Cisco, en apprenant pas--pas, devenir administrateur rseau.Jaime interagir avec mes participants, nhsitez donc pas poser des questions ! De plus, le cours dispose d'une garantie satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours. la demande de plusieurs participants, qui ont des difficults d'internet, j'ai activ le tlchargement de la formation sur l'ensemble de mes cours. Je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances avec vous et vous souhaite un max de succs !LA CERTIFICATION CISCO N'A JAMAIS T SI PROCHE DE VOUS !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Most Common Chinese Conversations Used" |
"Are you new to the Chinese language? Gain an introduction to Chinese conversation with this fun and interactive course. In this course, you will learn useful words and expressions that will help you navigate your way through China.You will cover greetings and introductions as well as basic tasks like asking for directions and ordering meals. You will also build your knowledge of traditional and popular Chinese culture. By the end of this course, you will have learned the ways to converse and ""survive"" in the Chinese environment that will help you with more advanced Chinese language courses in the future.What topics will you cover?Chinese Conversations Used at the Airport & In-flightYou will learn the conversations for Boarding, In-Flight, Going through Immigration, Baggage Reclaim and Baggage Lost, Exchange Money, Out of Airport, Meeting at AirportChinese Conversations Used at the HotelYou will learn the conversations while you are at the hotel, including check-in, check out, booking, room service.Chinese Conversations for Taking a TaxiYou will learn the conversations when you are taking a taxi. The topic will cover about taking a taxi, booking a taxi and using the appAsking & Giving Directions in ChineseYou will learn Chinese conversations when you asking or giving directions.Chinese Conversations Used at the RestaurantYou will learn the conversations when you are in a restaurant. The topic will cover making a reservation, on the table, checking out.Chinese Conversations for ShoppingYou will learn the conversations for shopping, including Before Shopping, Inquiry and Answer, Choosing and Buying, Price, and Bargain, check Refund and Exchange"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"python for beginners, starting from scratch" |
"Working on python 3 basics, includes coding examples.This course is about Basics of Python programming language, Includes setting up code editor, concepts building, understanding of concepts like loops, conditionals, variables, operators, functions like range(), set, Lists and many more. There are coding examples and tasks for students so that they can have better understanding.Basics of python course is for students who want to learn programming specially using Python, but most of the concepts explained in this course are used in other languages as well and by taking this course students will have strong base of programming.For a good programming start this course on Basic of python 3 is best to start with."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |