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"Kompetenz ausstrahlen und in jeder Situation berzeugen." |
"In diesem Videokurs lernst du, wie du in jeder Situation als kompetente Person war genommen wirst und andere Menschen fr dich gewinnst und dich besser verkaufst.Dieser Online- Kurs fr Kompetenz istideal fr diejenigen, die sich benachteiligt fhlen, obwohl sie dasFachwissen haben bergangen werden, von Kollegen mit wenigerFhigkeiten. Menschen, die professionell an ihrer beruflichenLaufbahn arbeiten wollen um das Bestmgliche fr ihre Zukunft zuerreichen. Es gibt viele praktische Beispiele, die Du sofortanwenden kannst.Der Dozent Uwe Klenner ist auch Dozent und Trainer in demrenommierten Management Institut Ruhleder und war Jahrzehnteselbststndiger Unternehmer und wei aus der Praxis, was geht undwie wichtig es ist, andere Menschen von den eigenen Fhigkeiten zuberzeugen. Auszug aus den Kerninhaltendieses Kurses:1. Krpersprache und ihre Anwendung2. Stimme und Ausdrucksweise der Sprache3. Positiv beeinflussende Faktoren 4. Die Erwartungen des Gegenber und die eigenen nutzen5. Negative Situationen professionell positiv Darstellen6. Wie ideal schmeicheln7. Bekanntheit von anderen positiv nutzen8. Gute oder schlechte Nachrichten berbringen undpositiv nutzen9. Viele weitere Informationen.Warum solltest Du diesen Online-Kurs unbedingt machen? Ganzeinfach: Du lernst von einem Profi, der sowohl die Arbeitnehmer- alsauch die Arbeitgeberperspektive kennt und daher genau wei, wieman sich ideal in Szene setzt, um andere Menschen fr sich zugewinnen und diese von der eigenen Kompetenz zu berzeugen!Egal ob Du im gerade frisch in der Arbeitswelt bist, oder schoneinige Jahre an Erfahrung hast. test: Das hier ermittelte Wissen istein absolutes Muss fr jeden, der professionell von seiner Personberzeugen will!Also! Gleich anmelden! Du kannst es morgen evtl. schongebrauchen!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Yapay Zeka ve Derin renme A-Z: Tensorflow" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kursta gnmzde ok heyecan verici gelimelerin yaand, yapay zeka alannda yaplan almalarn byk bir ksmn oluturan derin renmeyi yani yapay sinir alarn anlatyorum. Son yllarda yapay zekann patlamasnn sebebi de zaten yapay sinir alar alannda yaplan almalardr. Kursta Google'n kendi projelerinde kulland ve aktif olarak gelitirdii Tensorflow ktphanesini kullanarak farkl trlerde yapay sinir alar gelitireceiz. ncelikle yapay sinir alarnn mantn, bu konu ile ilgili terimleri, kavramlar sizlere aklayacam ve daha sonra sinir alarn kodlamaya geeceiz. Kodlamay Python'da yapyoruz. Eer Python bilginiz yoksa da endielenmenize gerek yok. Python ok basit bir dil olduu iin farkl bir dil bilseniz bile Python'a almanz ok kolay olacaktr. Programlama bilginiz yoksa ncesinde en azndan temel programlama bilgisi edinmenizi tavsiye ederim. Bununla ilgili benim dier kurslarma bakabilirsiniz.Baarlar.Kurs KapsamMakine reniminin TemelleriYapay Sinir AlarKatmanlarAktivasyonFonksiyonlarOptimizasyon AlgoritmalarBackpropogationOverfittingKonvolsyonel Sinir AlarMNIST ,CIFAR-10 ve ImageNETDatasetleriTransfer LearningDeep DreamRNNLSTMTensorboardKeras"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Let's Encrypt ile cretsiz HTTPS En Gncel SEO Teknikleri" |
"- cretsiz, otomatize edilmi ve ak kaynak kodlu sertifika otoritesi olan Let's Encrypt'i tanmak- Let's Encrypt destekleyen majr firmalar- SSL sertifikalar- Ayn anda 2 Alan Ad iin Sertifika Edinme-CSR Certificate Signing Request Edinme- Let's Encrypt ile Shared Hosting zerindecretsiz SSLSertifikas Edinme- Let's Encrypt ile edinilenSSL Sertifikasn Web Sitesine Ykleme- HtAccess ile HTTPS ynlendirmeleri yapmak-Modern SEO Teknikleri Hakknda Bilgi Edinme"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bilgisayar Gr ile Yz ve Nesne Tanma R-CNN, SSD, GANs" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bilgisayar gr kursumuza hogeldiniz. Bu kursta sfrdan yz tanma, nesne tanma ve GANs gelitireceiz. Tm bu konular hi bilmeyen bir kiinin anlayabilmesi iin batan sona ayrntlaryla anlatlmtr. Nesne tanma yaparken kullanacamz algoritmalarn temelinde derin renme yatyor. Ayrca GANs'de tamamen bir derin renme konusudur. Derin renme bilmeyenler iin kursun sonuna ek ders eklenmitir. Bu ek ders ile derin renmeyi anladktan sonra nesne tanma ve GANs anlayabileceksiniz.Herkese Baarlar."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Veri Analizi ve Makine renimi iin Python A-Z" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar,Bu kursta veri analizi ve makine renimi iin olmazsa olmaz ktphaneleri greceksiniz. Kursa ncelikle en temelinden Python anlatarak baladm iin yeni balayanlara uygundur. Python' anlattktan sonra srasyla Numpy, Pandas ve Matplotlib ktphaneleri anlatlmaktadr. Her blmn sonundaki egzersizlerle beraber bu konular iyi bir seviyede reneceksiniz. Kursu tamamladktan sonra veri analizi,makine renimi gibi konulara hazr olacaksnz.Herkese baarlar dilerim."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scala Advanced, Part 1 - The Scala Type System" |
"Scala Advanced, Part 1The Escalate Software Scala Advanced course is intended for experienced Scala developers looking to improve their skills, particularly for library and API design and development. It covers topics needed to be effective in producing high quality, correct, powerful and flexible Scala libraries that are still easy to use by others.Part 1 provides in depth knowledge of the Scala type system, an important precursor to any library development. We start off with a look at the dangers, and safe use, of mutable shared state in Scala, covering properties and caching. From there we delve into the Scala type system including:GenericsCo- and Contra-VarianceUpper and Lower BoundsType InferenceType Parameters and Type MembersPath Dependent TypesRefinement TypesStructural TypesRecursive TypesF-bounded PolymorphismThe final two modules then move on to the secondary Implicits type system that augments the regular Scala type system, covering:Simple Implicit ParametersType ClassesImplicit classes, objects and methodsType Class CompositionImplicit Constraints=:= and <:<Implicit Class and Type TagsImplicit Conversionsextends AnyValAnd more.Parts 2 and 3 (available separately) cover topics like best practices, idioms, patterns, advanced functional programming, asynchronous programming, parser-combinators, macros,performance profiling and optimization, and much more. These parts rely on information presented during this advanced part 1 course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scala Advanced, Part 2 - Best Practices, Async, Serializing" |
"The Escalate Software Scala Advanced course is intended for experienced Scala developers looking to improve their skills, particularly for library and API design and development. It covers topics needed to be effective in producing high quality, correct, powerful and flexible Scala libraries that are still easy to use by others.Part 2provides advice on best practices and patterns drawn from many years of real-world experience in Scala programming. In addition, strategies for compile-time verified dependency injection are covered, then XML and JSONserialization and deserialization, the use of custom extractors for pattern matching, and finally the very popular and important topic of asynchronous programming using Scala Futures:Dependency InjectionIdioms and Best Practice advicePatterns - Gang of FourScala specific patternsXML literals and featuresJSONlibraries and type-classesCustom extractors in pattern matchingFuturesFuture functions and combinatorsPatterns with FuturesIt is recommended that you complete Scala Advanced part 1 before taking this part. While not strictly necessary, we may assume knowledge from part 1 in some of the explanations that could be hard to follow unless you know the material.Part 3 (following this)builds on the information in these first two parts of the advanced course and moves into more advanced functional programming topics, along with performance optimization and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Qualitative Data Analysis using MAXQDA: Scratch to Advanced" |
"Welcome to Qualitative Data Analysis using MAXQDA. There are two main types of researches: quantitative research and qualitative research. If you look at the most of the researchers around yourself, their skills are often limited to quantitative research tools. This is mainly because qualitative researchers are still not part of the curriculum of many universities and institutions around the world. In case qualitative researchers are taught at masters or doctoral level they are presented in a very complex and esoteric manner making it very difficult for the students to comprehend the method of qualitative research. Research is all about methods and innovative ideas. You will always feel handicapped unless and until you learn the techniques on your own by right guidance and constant practice. Often in the name of qualitative research, many people analyze their data in a vague and subjective manner. My method is to use qualitative software for teaching qualitative analysis. This is because software are based on logical steps and any analysis learned through them makes the learning clear and concrete. MAXQDA is the most comprehensive software for doing mixed method research. So if you have been trying to learn qualitative analysis but you felt lost in philosophical discourses and complex terminologies of your books and course material then this course is for you. The course is developed in such a way that you will be able to plan and initiate your qualitative project from scratch without any external support. However, I always recommend reading as it broadens our mind. Youll find this course useful if: You are looking to enrich yourself data analysis skills by mastering both qualitative and quantitative methods. Your research skills are incomplete unless you master both qualitative and quantitative analysis. You want to use mixed method research in your thesis, project, article or assignment. MAXQDA is the only qualitative software that offers the facility of mixed method research. You want to publish a high impact journals You want to teach qualitative research methodology to yourself or your students with utmost objectivity and clarity. LifelongSupport from the Instructor: With this course, you get lifetime access and support in case you face any problem with your qualitative data analysis. I am very quick and supportive to the problems of my students. I myself have been researchers from past 10 years so I understand the pain of being a researcher. One Months Refund Guarantee: Moreover, Udemy offers you an unconditional One Months Refund Guarantee in case you wish to take your money back. No questions asked. Free Updates at No Extra Cost: I love building few courses which are self-contained in a sense you dont need to look at multiple sources or take many courses for the same. However, Rome was not built in a day, and so a good course evolves and not built in a single stint. Excellence is always a marathon. So, I keep on updating my courses by adding additional material as per new developments, student queries and time. I never split my courses for revenue or anything. You will get free access to all updates and new materials in future added to this course without paying anything extra. It is Your Moment of Action: Your time is precious, so look no further and dont waste it on learning qualitative analysis in bits and pieces from random YouTube videos or difficult to digest voluminous books. I have distilled all the relevant concepts that you require to carry out your analysis is an easy to understand language as much possible with a lot of examples, practice and free datasets. So, Join this course now and gift yourself the power of qualitative analysis using MAXQDA."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Academic Writing: Learn to Publish in High Impact Journals" |
"Hi!Welcome to this course on How to publish in High Impact Journals? which I have created primarily based on the demand of my students who are enrolled in other courses. However, I believe this course will be extremely for anyone who is looking to master the art and science of scholarly writing. Writing and Publishing is an art as well as science. But if you are a researcher, PhD Student, academician, editor or budding author then you know how rigorous and challenging the process of writing and publishing. Good Journals/publishers have a very high rejection rate. But if you take care of some fundamentals and avoidable pitfalls you will save lot of your precious time and get good results early. Many scholars and writers suffer because they do not receive good guidance. But thanks to Udemy it gives us a platform to exchange our knowledge and problems so as a learner can reach to his/her goals. I have build this course so as to distill all major steps, dos and donts that I learned in my research career of around 10 years into a single course that will help you in publishing with renowned publishers and in high impact journals. Here is why joining this course will be a vital decision in your research career: This course will help you avoid doing mistakes that most of researchers, especially early stage researchers, do and end us getting their manuscript rejected or publishing in poor quality journals. It will help you in publication process from concept to completion. It will teach you the right method that you need to follow for your study. It discusses latest software tools and technologies used by researchers to enhance their productivity. I constantly update my courses so you always benefit with new information and latest happenings without bothering to join any new course. I reply to all students query generally within 24 hours or earlier, so if you are stuck at any stage of your research you will find me there.Its your moment to impact the world through your writings!! Take the next step!! Click on the Sign Up Button Now!! Best Regards Sanjay Singh, Ph.D."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA ile Trkiye'den Sat" |
"Kendi deneyimlerime dayanarak hazrladm bu kurs, en byk sat hacmine sahip olan Amazon platformunda sata balamak ve gelir elde etmek iin sizlere yardmc olacaktr. Bunun ncesinde size en ok gereken ey ise giriimci ruhunuzun ve cesaretinizin olmas.- Amazon'da Sat - Amazon FBA nedir?- Amazon'da Sat iin yaplmas ve yaplmamas gerekenler?-Amazon'da Sat Stratejileri nelerdir?-Amazon'da Sat iin rn nasl seer, kime ve nasl rettirebiliriz?- rnn bizemaliyetini, elde edeceimiz geliri ve bize kalan kar nasl hesaplar ve tahsil ederiz?gibi sorularn cevaplarn bu kursta alacaksnz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"GMAT - Ratios & Percents - Review of Concepts & Exercises" |
"I created this course for anyonelooking to excel in the GMAT Percents & Ratios exercises. This course covers all the important concepts tested in the Ratios & Percents exercises of the GMAT and gives you the opportunity to put those learnings into practice in basic and complexexercises followed by a step-by-step solution.Whether you're just beginning studying for the GMAT or you're about to take it, this course will surely be helpful for you!Furthermore, you will learn strategies to approach the Quant section from someone who just recently went through all this process.Knowing how tough the entire study process can be, I will happily answer any questions that you have regarding the GMAT, this course, Ratios & Percents exercises, and even business schools! :)I'm sure that by the end of this courseyou will be ready to successfully solve any Ratios & Percents exercise that might appear to you in the GMAT!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stock Options Investing Fundamentals - The Basics" |
"Options trading has gotten a bad rap. From the ""talkingheads"" on TV to folks whoclaim to have lost money, many bemoan options as financial instruments of mass destruction. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! In fact, options can protect a portfolio, as well as generate a consistent income. But they do require some knowledge.With correct information, anyone can learn the basics of options, and decide for him- or herself whether to put this financial instrument to good use.In this course specifically on PUT OPTIONS,directed at the newbie, several concepts will be covered, including:-Portfolio Protection-Married Puts -Naked Puts -Put Spreads -PUTLEAPS"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Unlock Your Productivity and Growth Using 4 Powerful Keys" |
"Whether you are in the early stages of your career or business, or you have significant experience, Amazon best-selling author Arpan Roy shares 4 key insights on how you can boost your productivity and thereby achieve high-impact growth that positions you as a leader in your organisation and industry.In this course, Arpan teaches how you can connect with your purpose, craft your vision, make resourceful decisions and set yourself to play a bigger game and become a trendsetter in your space. These are vital skills for anyone who aspires to gain personal effectiveness and become a key person of influence. Arpans powerful insights as well as practical, hands-on exercises creates an empowering learning experience, that meets your need for growth.If you are wondering how you can take your results to the next level and achieve more, this course is just for you! Along the way, you will notice that your leadership skills get enhanced and you not only drive your growth, but motivate others too.Embark on a journey of growth with Powerful strategiesGet clear on the results you want to achieveDiscover strategies and practical exercises that support and empower you on a day-to-day basisBoost your credibility and influenceIdentify and tap into opportunities for personal and professional growthBoost your leadership credentials by enabling your team based on your learnings from the courseWho is the target audience?Individuals looking for career growthIndividuals looking to develop their leadership skillsBusiness Owners who are committed to growing their business"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain & Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum) Essentials" |
"Learn about everything there is to know about Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin to Ethereum to Ripple. A step by step process is used to show explain every facet of these topics.Gain a good understanding of the following concepts with this course:What Blockchain is?How Blockchain works?What is Bitcoin?What is Ethereum?What are Cryptocurrencies?How Cryptocurrencies work?Alternative cryptocurrenciesCryptography basicsBlockchain and Cryptocurrencies are fast becoming a worldwide Tour De Force that is taking all markets and industries by storm. This course will ensure you are not left behind in what is the greatest revolution and evolution in technology and economics of our time and maybe even of all time.You will receive all the knowledge to use and leverage the powerful technology behind these amazing and wonderful platforms.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cocos2d-x v3 JavaScript - Game Development Series" |
"Learn how to make cross platformgames using the immensely successful game engine Cocos2d-x. A step by step process is used to show everything from project setupto essential game design techniqueGain a good understanding of the following concepts:JavaScript Game ProgrammingVideo Game LogicCocos2d-x Game ProgrammingGame MechanicsGame developmentGame designMobile developmentMobile designCross platform developmentCocos2d-x is one of the easiest game frameworks in the worldand will provide you with a solid foundation for your gamedevelopment journey. The gaming industry is bigger than Hollywood and is constantly growing, start your journey now.You will be provided with the full source code to aid in development during and after this course. The source code and artworkis free to use in as many projects as you wish.Cocos2d-x is a free open source game engine used by indie developers and companies such as Bandai Namco and Zynga.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Create Ethereum & Blockchain Applications Using Solidity" |
"LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT FROM $199.99 TO $99.99. WON'T LAST LONG. GET IT WHILST IT'S HOT!!!Learn about everything there is to know aboutEthereumandBlockchain Based Applicationsand How To Program Them. A step by step process is used to show explain every facet of these topics.Gain a good understanding of the following concepts with this course:What Solidity Is?How To Create Blockchain Applications?What Blockchain is?How Blockchain works?What is Bitcoin?What is Ethereum?Programming Blockchain ProgramsWhat are Cryptocurrencies?How Cryptocurrencies work?Alternative cryptocurrenciesCryptography basicsBlockchain and Cryptocurrencies are fast becoming a worldwideTour De Forcethat is taking all markets and industries by storm. This course will ensure you are not left behind in what is the greatest revolution and evolution in technology and economics of our time and maybe even of all time. This course will teach your everything about programming Decentralised Applications.You will receive all the knowledge to use and leverage the powerful technology behind these amazing and wonderful platforms.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming Bible Networking, GUI, Email, XML, CGI" |
"Learn about everything there is to know about Python ApplicationsandHow To Program Them. A step by step process is used to show explain every facet of these topics.Gain a good understanding of the following concepts with this course:What Python is?How to program in the Python languageFeatures of the Python programming languageCoding semanticsWebsite programmingDesign practises of applicationsApplication programmingGUI programmingCGI programmingNetwork programmingEmail programmingXML programmingPython isfast becoming a worldwideTour De Forcethat is requested by all companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. This course will ensure you are not left as more and more companies request this awesome language. This course will teach your everything about programming Python applications and websites.You will receive all the knowledge to use and leverage the powerful technology behind these amazing and wonderful platforms.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Day Intro to Meditation Course" |
"Have you ever thought about starting a meditation practice but didn't know where to start? In this course you will learn how to meditate and leave feeling comfortable to meditate on a regular basis on your own.This 7 day meditation course is designed to teach you how to sit comfortably, as well as how tomeditate for different lengths of time. We will work from a short 5 minute meditation all the way up to a 20 minute meditation,focusing on different themes and mantras each day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mailchimp & Mailerlite for authors" |
"Do you struggle with using MailChimp or Mailerliteto communicate with your readers? Do you want to learn to use this Email Marketing System like a pro? Look no further!The Nuts and Bolts of MailChimp...and a little bit of Mailerliteis unique in the industry. It serves as a step-by-step guide to all aspects of the program with information that is easily transferrable to other Email Marketing Services.Technical Trainer Barb Drozdowich has spent many hours patiently guiding authors just like you through the technical aspects of being a published author. She is responsible for 75 author newsletters and is very familiar with most newsletter services.This latest coursesets its sights on twoof the most popular Email Marketing Services available toauthors wanting to communicate with their readers. The Nuts and Bolts of MailChimp...and a little bit of Mailerlitehelps you:Open an account with MailChimp and/or Mailerliteunderstanding why various steps need to be takenCreate a segmented list of readersCreate and send an optimized newsletter to your readersUnderstand and set up a series of automated notes to members of your mailing listUnderstand how the reporting system can guide your actionsLetThe Nuts and Bolts of MailChimp...and a little bit of Mailerliteset you on the path to creating successful newsletters and better communication with your readers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Author's Guide to Goodreads" |
"Now that youre a published author, youve surely sent a copy of your book to all of your friends and family. But once you exhaust your personal network, you need to start attracting new readers and building a fanbase. Goodreads is one of the best ways to do that, giving you access to 50 million readers and thousands of book clubs. In An Author's Guide to Goodreads, youll find out why Goodreads is a great platform for getting your book into the hands of new readers and how to optimize your time on the website.Your instructor is Barb Drozdowich, an author and consultant who has published 18 of her own books, including one on the same topic as this course. Barb has been teaching writers for more than two decades, and her consulting business focuses specifically on helping writers with their blogs and social media.When you sign up for An Author's Guide to Goodreads, youll gain instant access to 23 videos that cover all aspects of using Goodreads, starting with the basics:Setting up your account Crafting a compelling personal profile that encourages readers to check out your bookNavigating the websiteClaiming your author statusUsing the bookshelvesOnce you have that down, youll move on to more advanced topics, such as:Networking with readers and other authorsSetting up an eventHosting a giveawayAdding widgets to your websiteIf youre ready to take your book marketing to the next level, sign up for this course and get started today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project: MS Project 2013, 2016 &2019 comp./ 8 pdus" |
"Microsoft Project for Project Management Mastery - Provides 8 pdus!THIS IS NOT A ""This feature does this"", ""This function enables this"" COURSE. YOU WILL LEARN STEP BY STEP CREATION OF A PROJECT PLAN THROUGH A REAL PROJECT EXAMPLE.Welcome to the most comprehensive Microsoft Project Course! BEGINNER TO EXPERT!Create a real-life project planLearn the practical implications of MS Project 2013, 2016 and 20198+ Hours of Comprehensive ContentLearn Project Management needed to use Microsoft ProjectNote that, this course provides:Lifetime access30 Days FULL REFUND of your money is guaranteed if you will not be satisfied with this courseBy enrolling in this course, you will be able to:Create your project plans in MS Project 2013, 2016 and 2019 STEP-BY-STEPLearn how to create a project plan through a real-world project exampleGet prompt answer & support from the instructorLearn what you should have before creating your project plan in MS ProjectEarn 8 PDUs if you are a PMP alreadyEarn 8 Contact Hours if you are a PMP candidateThis course is for professionals who want to use Microsoft Project 2013, 2016 and 2019. Microsoft Project has several features to discover. In this course, you will learn all of these features.We will create a realistic project plan from beginning to the end. While creating the project plan, we will also talk about scenarios that you may face in real life. This course is planned to have a gradual structure from basic features to more advanced ones; this structure will help you to understand every detail inside the program. Therefore, you dont need to know anything about Microsoft Project or Project Management. This course covers everything you should know while using Microsoft Project. For example, We will explain the Critical Path Method in detail so that you understand the logic behind the Microsoft Projects calculations. At the end of the course, we will have a bonus section about Earned Value Analysis. Doing Earned Value Calculations in Microsoft Project is very easy, but understanding the meaning of the numbers we get from these calculations is very important. If you dont know anything about Earned Value Analysis, after this course, you will learn every concept in detail. If you are already familiar with Microsoft Project, you can benefit from the more advanced lectures in the course. For those who are familiar with Microsoft Project, the first few lectures might be basic. Yet, I recommend you to attend these lectures to refresh your memory. You may find some details that you have missed."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Protect Your Google Adsense Account in 2018" |
"We all know that Google AdSense is a great income source for web publishers. Many publishers register for the program and immediately start earning. However records shows that every year many publishers lose their precious Google AdSense accounts due to various kinds of policy violations. More importantly many who lost their accounts were long term AdSense publishers with great records of earnings. In this course, youll learn how to protect your Google AdSense account without breaching the program policy. Having a good understanding about the AdSense policy is very important to keep a good standing with Google. I tech you all the necessary steps that you should follow to safeguard your AdSense account. Some of those techniques I used for the past 10 years to keep my AdSense account safe will be explained to you step by step, so youll be able to use those methods to keep your account in good standing. Who is the target audience? Current AdSense publishers Newbies to AdSense program Anyone who is interested in AdSense program Those who willing to get start with AdSense (not registered yet)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Virtuosic technique of piano play in 12 minutes a day" |
"This course contains my techniques of finger speed development, which surpasses in efficiency standard exercises for the development of playing techniques - scales and exercises of Ganon.The exercises themselves are very simple and you only need 12 minutes to train all the fingers of both hands. Forget about 40-minute training scales and exercises of Ganon.In this course I will explain:- what are the disadvantages of other methods of developing the correct playing technique.- How to practice properly.- what errors you may encounter while doing the exercises.- and also, I will show some additional exercises.The course is best suited for:- Those who have just started to play and feel that their fingers are wooden, that they do not respond well, and you you can't make them move faster.- suitable for those who have problems with ""weak"" fingers - as a rule - those are 4th and 5th fingers. They are difficult to develop by other exercises, and exercises from this course cope with this task perfectly!- This course is also suitable for those who have not played for a long time and want to restore their technique of play.- For those who have one hand weaker than the other and require separate exercises. Our exercises allow you to train your hands separately and you will be able to develop your weak hand or to disperse even faster the stronger one.The course is NOT suitable for you:- If you have initially fast fingers, you can quickly and easily make simple things, but difficult passages do not work out - you miss keys or you can not hold the speed. This is a problem of accuracy, not finger speed. It requires completely different training.In all other cases, the course is suitable and will allow you to quickly (1-2 weeks), and significantly increase the speed of your fingers, and with constant training quickly overtake the speed of those who play scales for 30-40 minutes a day.A unique method of developing finger speed can become yours - start practicing right now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Video Production" |
"In the 21st century, many companies require advanced visual communications to connect and spread information about their products and services to the rest of the world. Visual communication is a skill that is both essential and in demand. This course focuses on the specifics of how to use a leading edge camera platform, a DSLR-like camera, to its full potential so that you are then able to succeed in shooting a professional quality video project. The nature of the project, documentary, film, music video, corporate video, business video, educational video, and so on is not what is essential. The core skill of using your camera effectively is something that can be taken with you and applied to make media of any type as required in your future endeavours.After taking the course, you will be able to shoot any type of video and most importantly, will be able to avoid many of the production mishaps that can happen when doing live recordings of audio and video. Even if you have used many cameras before, in many projects, production is something that must constantly be learned and relearnedso as to maintain the skills at high level, and thus ensure every new production is as good or better than the last. Specifically, you will also learn about the pre-production, production, and post-production process. You will learn about directing, camerawork, lighting,video editing, sound editing, and other key aspects to media creation. Remember, these skills will help you to become or stay a quality media producer.The skills will help you connect your vision to the ever increasing number of people in the world who connect visually through smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers and smart TVs. As a media producer, you have the opportunity to reach an ever increasing browsing population in one of the most effective forms, video."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Android O: crea App con Java e Kotlin - La guida completa" |
"Ciao e benvenuto al corso ""Android O: crea App con Java e Kotlin - La guida completa"".Questo corso ti insegner a realizzare App Androidpartendo da zero, pertanto puoi seguirlo anche se non hai mai sviluppato App Android e se non conosci Kotlin.L'unico requisito tecnicorichiesto , infatti, la conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione Java. Se non conosci Java, ti consiglio il mio corso ""Java Developer - La guida completa"".Il corso diviso in due parti:nella prima parte vengono affrontati tutti gli aspetti di Android, compresi gli step necessari per pubblicare un'app su PlayStore:Architettura di AndroidCome installare ed utilizzare l'IDEufficiale per lo sviluppo di app Android:Android studioLa gestione dei permessiIntent ed Intent Filter per la gestione delle relazioni tra componenti(anche di altre app)Activity eFragmentsper la creazione e gestionedi interfacce utenteCreazione deiWidgetsCreazionedelle risorse di un'appI componenti delle interfacce utente (layout, input, button, menu, ecc...)Personalizzare lo stile grafico dell'appCome utilizzare SQLite per creare database per la tua appUtilizzare le Web Application nelle appPubblicare la tua app su Play Storee molto altro ancora!nella seconda parte vengono spiegati tutti gli aspetti del linguaggio di programmazione Kotlin, focalizzando l'attenzione sull'utilizzo di questo linguaggio per lo sviluppo di App AndroidCode conventionCome commentare il codice KotlinI tipi di datiPackagesComandi condizionali e di ciclo: if, when, for, whileI comandi di ritorno valori ed interruzione di ciclo: return, break, continueClassi ed oggettiEreditarietAttributi di una classeI modificatori di accessoInterfacceFunzioniNull safetyGestione delle eccezioniJava interoperabilityCreare un'App Android con Kotlin Ogni argomento viene trattato in maniera chiara e semplice, con esempi pratici che ti consentiranno di comprendere tutti i concetti, anche quelli pi complessi.Al termine del corso possibile scaricare il Certificato di fine corso.Conoscere bene Android fondamentale se vuoi lavorare nel settore dello sviluppo software: oltre l'80% degli smartphone utilizza Android ed Android anche su orologi, occhiali, TV, IoT,ecc..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python para Machine Learning" |
"Est preparado para iniciar na rea de cincia dos dados?Este curso foi pensado para ensinar a voc como usar a linguagem Python para analisar e extrair informaes importantes de dados, criar excelentes visualizaese usar algoritmos de Machine Learning poderosos!O profissional que domina Cincia de dados valorizado no mundo inteiro, sendo considerado o emprego de melhor classificaono Glassdoor, e com um salrio mdio anual de mais de $ 120,000.00 nos Estados Unidos! Este curso foi feito para voc que possui noes bsicas de programao ou desenvolvedores experientes que procuram dar um salto em direo cincia dos dados!Este curso abrangente foi produzido com vrias aulas de vdeo em HDenotebooks de cdigos detalhados para cada aula. Se voc tem interesse em aprender Data Science de forma didtica e prtica, esta uma grande oportunidade!Aqui, os seguintes tpicos sero aprendidos:-Programao com Python-Machine Learningcom SciKit Learn, incluindo:Regresso linearK-nearest neighborsK-Means Clusteringrvores de decisoMquinas Vector de Suportee muito, muito mais!Inscreva-se no curso e torne-se cientista de dados hoje!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Angular 4 : Les fondamentaux" |
"Angular (v2 et v4) est le nouveau framework propos par Google et qui fait suite au dj trs populaire AngularJS (v1).Dans cette formation Angular 4 vous allez dcouvrir les nouvelles spcifications du W3C pour le dveloppement Web. Vous verrez galement comment Angular sappuie sur ces spcifications pour vous permettre de dvelopper facilement une application.Pendant cette formation Angular 4 vous aurez une prsentation de larchitecture dune application Angular 4 et vous dcouvrirez grce un exemple comment dmarrer un projet : partir dun squelette propos par Google et partir de loutil angular-cli.Cette formation Angular 4 vous permettra galement de comprendre la manipulation des templates HTML pour amliorer vos interfaces utilisateurs.Angular sappuie sur la notion de programmation ractive implmente par la bibliothque RxJS, durant formation Angular 4 vous dcouvrirez cette bibliothque et ce quelle apporte. Vous verrez galement ce que propose Angular 4 pour la gestion des formulaires et le travail avec Ajax et le routage.A lissue de cette formation Angular 4 vous serez capable de dvelopper une application simple et vous interfacer avec un service Web de type RESTful.Cette formation Angular 4 est trs oriente pratique et dmonstration. Elle est construite autour dun projet que vous allez raliser au fur et mesure que le formateur. Tous les exercices, les sources et les fichiers sont en tlchargement depuis votre espace membre."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Docker : Installation et Administration" |
"Docker est un projet Open Source qui automatise le dploiement dapplications dans des conteneurs logiciels virtuels. Vritable rvolution dans le domaine de la virtualisation, Docker a dj ralli autour de lui les grands acteurs du cloud, de Microsoft, Amazon, en passant par Google.Vritable tremblement de terre dans le monde du dveloppement, Docker est devenu un standard auprs de nombreux dveloppeurs. Plus rapide et plus lger quune machine virtuelle, un conteneur docker embarquera tous ce dont vous avez besoin pour le dploiement de vos applications. Les applications peuvent tre dployes et mises jour en une seule commande, ou encore facilement transportes dune infrastructure une autre. La rduction du volume par rapport une VM classique permet aussi daugmenter la densit dhbergement ; certains parlent dun facteur 10 !Cette formation Docker vous fournit toutes les cls pour apprhender Docker et son cosystme et ainsi se prparer une petite rvolution...Durant cette formation Docker, vous apprendrez installer et grer Docker sur Linux et Windows, de grer les images Docker, de crer des images personnalises, de comprendre administrer les Dockerfiles. En plus cette formation Docker vous permettra de comprendre mieux le fonctionnement des rseaux sous Docker.Cette formation Docker est pleine de cas pratiques et de retour d'exprience.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FileMaker Document Management Solution" |
"Learn FileMaker Scripting, Calculations, Relationships and Reporting while creating a document or content management solution from the guywho actually wrote the book, Scriptology:FileMaker Pro Demystified. With over two decades ofexperienceteachingFileMaker,John Mark Osborne will help you understand tough FileMaker concepts with ease. Intermediate and some advanced FileMaker techniqueswill be taught throughout this tutorial. In order to better understand every nut and bolt that goes into designing a solution,a single file will be createdfrom scratch. The chosen solution is a a document management solution that organizes PDF, Picture, Word, Excel or any document you want to place into FileMaker.The completed FileMakerfile at each stage is provided to assist with the learning process."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SCRUM verstehen Agil denken und arbeiten" |
"Prolog:Irgendwie verstand ich nicht so recht, warum das agile Arbeiten nun besser sein sollte. Wir waren vor ein paar Wochen auf Scrum umgestiegen. Nach Lehrbuch. Zertifiziert. Aber so richtig wollte sich kein Flow, wollte sich keine wirkliche Produktivittssteigerung einstellen. Schon nach zwei Sprints kam erstes Murren auf. Die Ziele, die wir uns gesteckt hatten, wurden nicht erfllt. Der Produktmanager wurde unruhig, der Kunde fragte tglich nach.Was war das Problem? Es war nicht unsere Motivation. Es waren keine Fhrungskrfte die uns nicht genug Raum gaben. Nein - wir hatte nur noch nicht verstanden, was Agilitt, was agiles Arbeiten wirklich bedeutet. Erst, als wir anfingen ""hinter Scrum"" zu schauen, uns mit den Konzepten der Agilitt beschftigten, wurde es besser. Wir verstanden, was wir gedanklich falsch gemacht hatten. Wir konnten dem Kunden klare Vorteile vermitteln. Der Flow setzte ein. Die Produktivitt stieg. Der Kunde wurde immer zufriedener.Dieses Aha-Erlebnis - das Agile Denken - will ich dir in diesem Kurs ermglichen.SCRUM verstehen Agil denken und arbeiten ist ein Kurs fr jeden, der sich fr Agiles Projektmanagement und Scrum interessiert. Selbst wer schon agil arbeitet wird in diesem Kurs die ein oder andere Anregung fr seinen Arbeitsalltag finden. Als agile Methode wird Scrum komplett vorgestellt, so dass auch Anfnger es verstehen.Es werden in diesem Kurs nicht nur agile Werte, Prinzipien, Praktiken und Methoden vorgestellt, sondern eineHaltungvermittelt, die einem das professionelle agile Arbeiten ermglichen.Meine Motivation fr diesen Kurs ist es, dir die Kernideen des agilen Denkenund Arbeiten so zu zeigen, dass du mit Leichtigkeitund Freude Scrum verwenden kannst - und dabei noch enorm produktiv wirst! Dies wnsche ich dir von Herzen.Thorsten DiekhofThemen die behandelt werden:Taylor-WanneKerngedanken der AgilittDas agile TeamSelbstorganisationCrossfunktionale TeamsAutonome TeamsAgile Project ManagementAgiles Fhren / Servant LeadershipAgile WerteAgile PrinzipienAgile Praktiken / TechnikenAgile MethodenDas agile ManifestScrumProduct OwnerScrum MasterProduct BacklogSprintUser Stories & Story PointsPlanning PokerKano AnalysePersonaund vieles mehr...Praxis oder Theorie?Es ist ein rechttheoretischer Kurs. Es gibt Quiz-Fragen um sein Wissen zu festigen."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Clean Code: Entwurfsmuster und objektorientiertes Design" |
"Prolog:Fr mich war die Entdeckung von Entwurfsmuster und objektorientiertem Designein groes Aha-Erlebnis. Es gibt da mehr als das reine Programmieren. Ich habe vor dieser Entdeckung drei Stadien durchlaufen. 1. lernte ich eine objektorientierteProgrammiersprache und begriff Bedingungen, Schleifen und Sequenzen. 2. erkannte ich ein Grundkonzeptder Objektorientierung: dieVererbung. 3. entdeckte ich die Mchtigkeit von Bibliotheken und APIs. Ja, ich lste pltzlich All die Dinge, die ich vorheraufwendig programmierte, mit Hilfe externer Bibliotheken. Meine damaligen Programme waren mehr ein Zusammenstecken von Komponenten, denn ein Programmieren.Jetzt kamen also die Entwurfsmuster und das objektorientierte Design. Pltzlich waren nicht mehr nur der Inhalt von Klassen wichtig - sondern auch deren Anordnung und Beziehung zueinander. Die Struktur des Programms war fr mich eine neue Dimension. Entwurfsmuster sind keine neuen APIs, es ist keine neue Bibliothek oder Framework. Sie sind nicht mal in Java geschrieben! Es ist einfach nur eine Idee.Diese Erkenntnis, vor ungefhr 18 Jahren,nderte Alles. Ich nutze seit dem viel weniger externe Bibliotheken. Mein Code ist viel aufgerumter. Vererbung ist enorm selten geworden. Ja, ich konzentriere mich wieder auf Bedingungen, Schleifen und Sequenzen - und dieses geheimnisvolle Unsichtbare mit dem Namen Softwaredesign.Clean Code: Entwurfsmuster und objektorientiertes Designist ein Kurs fr jeden, der sich fr moderne Softwareentwicklunginteressiert.Hierbei ist es egal, ob man Anfnger ist oder schon lnger Programmiert. Die Beispiele und Aufgaben sind in JAVAgeschrieben - jedoch ist der Kurs fr jeden verstndlich, der eine objektorientierte Sprache beherrscht.Neben den wichtigsten Entwurfsmustern werden auch grundlegende Prinzipien moderner Softwareentwicklung vermittelt. Auch ist es mir sehr wichtig, das Verstndnis fr das ""Wieso"" zu lehren. Wiesobraucht man Entwurfsmuster?Meine Motivation fr diesen Kurs ist es, Entwurfsmuster und Prinzipien moderner Softwareentwicklung so zu zeigen, dass du ein besserer Softwareentwickler wirst und dein Code lesbarer, qualitativ hochwertiger und einfach besser wird.Thorsten DiekhofThemen die behandelt werden:Grundlagen der ObjektorientierungPolymorphismusKohsionKopplungEntwurfsmuster /Design PatternMuster:Strategie/ strategyMuster:Kommando/ commandMuster:Zustand/ stateMuster:Beobachter/observerMuster:Schablonenmethode / template methodMuster:Dekorierer/decoratorMuster:Fassade/facadeMuster:Adapter/ adapterMuster:Kompositum/ compositeMuster:Fabrikmethode /factory method(Anti-)Muster:SingeltonPrinzip: Du wirst es nicht brauchen?Prinzip:Kapseln was variiertPrinzip: Komposition ber VererbungPrinzip:Programmiere auf SchnittstellenPrinzip:Das Hollywood-PrinzipPrinzip:Offen aber geschlossenPrinzip: Lockere Bindung bittePrinzip: Sprich nicht mit FremdenPrinzip:Nur eine Aufgabe, nur einen GrundPrinzip:Verwende Abstraktionen"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |