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"Gamification Prozesse und Produkte, die begeistern" |
"Du mchtest wissen, was es mit Gamification auf sich hat? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Gamification. Du erfhrst, was ""weie"" Gamification so toll macht. Wie schauen uns die Motivatoren an, die jeden Menschen antreiben.Gamification benutzt Mechaniken und Erkenntnisse aus dem Gamedesign um Prozesse und Produkte imspielfremdem Kontext motivierend zu gestalten.Der Kurs konzentriert sich auf die positiven Motivatoren. Negative Motivatoren, wie Druck oder Belohnungen, werden nur kurz beschrieben.Inhalt:Menschenfokusiertes DesignBelohnungStrafeDruckSinnWelt rettenMissionenSelbstverbesserungFlowFlow erlebenKlassifizierung nach BartleFlashKunst und stethikUmgebung spiegelt AufgabeDer/Die WeiseErmchtigungWahlmglichkeitSelbstorganisationFortschrittsanzeigeKreativitt ermglichenProzesse und Produkte gamifizierenFeedback"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Das agile KANBAN Board Mehr Flexibilitt und Flow" |
"Dies ist ein Werkzeugkurs. Wir schauen uns das agile Werkzeug Kanban-Board genauer an.Das agile KANBAN Board Mehr Flexibilitt und Flowist ein Kurs fr jeden, der sich fr Agiles Projektmanagement und Kanban interessiert.Selbst wer schon agil arbeitet oder ein Kanban-Board nutzt,wird in diesem Kurs die ein oder andere Anregung fr seinen Arbeitsalltag finden. Das agile Werkzeug wirdkomplett sovorgestellt, so dass auch Anfnger es verstehen.Das Tolle am Kanban-Board ist, dass es fr viele verschiedene Zwecke und in unterschiedlichsten Situationen eingesetzt werden kann. Oft findet es sogar in nicht agilen Projekten einen wichtigen Platz. Die bersichtlichkeit, die ein Kanban-Board ber die aktuelle Projektsituation schafft, ist unbertroffen.In diesem Kurs wird das Kanban-Board als physisches Board an einer magnetischen Wand dargestellt. Es ist jedoch durchaus blich, das Board elektronisch zu pflegen - zum Beispiel mit Trello. Dies wird in diesem Kurs jedoch nicht behandelt.Meine Motivation fr diesen Kurs ist es, dir die Werkzeuge zu zeigen, diefragilen Denkenund Arbeiten wichtig sind. So, dass du mit Leichtigkeitund Freude agil arbeitenkannst - und dabei noch enorm produktiv wirst! Dies wnsche ich dir von Herzen.Thorsten DiekhofThemen die behandelt werden:Das Toyota-PrinzipKernideen des agilen DenkensDas Kanban-BoardAufgaben abbildenStatus abbildenPull-PrinzipProzesse AbbildenWas Farben verratenZustand abbildenWIP LimitWer arbeite woran?BlockerTeamlimitsZeitliche PrognoseDein persnliches Personal-Kanban-Board"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Agile Softwareentwicklung: Extreme Programming (XP) erklrt" |
"Agiles Arbeiten ist in aller Munde. SCRUM und Kanban werden in immer mehr Firmen erfolgreich (und weniger erfolgreich)eingefhrt. Es scheint fast so, als wre agiles Arbeiten ""der neuste Schrei"". Dabei gibt es erste Anstze des agilen Arbeitens schon recht lange. Auch agile Methoden zum Entwickeln von Software gab es schon im letzten Jahrhundert. Einer der besten Anstze hier ist XP - Extreme Programming wurde kurz vor der Jahrtausendwende von Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham und Ron Jeffries entwickelt und benutzt.Trotzdem ist es enorm modern! Ja, in vielerlei Hinsicht, ist es moderner, als z.B. Scrum.Jeder, der sich mit agiler Softwareentwicklung auseinandersetzt, sollte Extreme Programming kennen. Alleine schon, da hier Agilitt so richtig pur daherkommt und extrem genutzt wird. Diese Einfachheit macht es so spannend. Sie ermglicht auch viele gute Erkenntnisse ber das agile Arbeiten.Extreme Programming bedeutet, man nehme agiles Denken und funktionierende Techniken der Softwareentwicklung und nutze diese EXTREME.Du musst diesen Kurs belegen, wenn du Agilitt wirklich verstehen willst! Dabei steht der Entwickler komplett im Mittelpunkt. Anders, als z.B. in Scrum, wo sich immer mehr Coaches und ""Fachfremde"" tummeln, ist Extreme Programming von Entwicklern, fr Entwickler.In diesem Kurs geht es vordergrndig nicht darum, zu verstehen, was Agilitt ist. Trotzdem wird dieses einem durch XP enorm schnell klar.Also, schreib dich ein, wenn du wirklich extrem gute Software entwickeln willst oder deine Skills in agiler Entwicklung auf einen neuen Stand heben willst!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"User Story Mapping: Erschaffe geniale Produkte" |
"Meine Gedanken zum Thema:""Ernsthaft. Die Methode desStory Mappings hat fr mich so viel gendert. Ich htte mir so viele Probleme ersparen knnen. So viel Klarheit htte ich erhalten knnen. So viele Ideen tiefer durchdringen. Wirklich:Jeder der sich mit Visionen, Produkten, Projekten, Ablufen, Use-Cases, Agilem Projektmanagement - ja mit Kundenbedrfnissen beschftigt, MUSS die Methode des Story Mappings kennen.""Du hast Ideen? Du willst Produkte entwickeln? Du bist Produktmanager oder Product Owner? Du arbeitest als Teammitglied an der Umsetzung von Produkten? Du bist Softwareentwickler?Dann kennst du das auch:Zu viele Produkte erzeugen keinen wirklich groen Mehrwert beim Nutzer.Viele Projekte scheitern, weil einfach das falsche umgesetzt wird.Viel Geld wird fr Softwareentwicklung ausgegeben, die einfach am Kunden vorbei entwickelt wirdGute Ideen werden nicht greifbar und werden daher nicht umgesetztDabei gibt es Etwas, das viele dieser Probleme beheben knnte. DasStory Mapping. Eine Methode, mit der viele Fehler und Probleme in Projekten vermieden werden knnen. Auch kann sie dazu beitragen, dass man selbst Klarheit ber seine Gedanken und Ideen erhlt.Ziel einer Story Map ist ein gemeinsames Verstndnis vom Wert, der geschaffen werden soll. Ein Verstndnis ber das Produkt. Die Vision und die grere Idee hinter dem Projekt.Die agile Methode des User Story Mappings ist noch immer recht unbekannt. Dabei ist sie so simpel wie wirksam. Sie begleitet einem von der Identifizierung von Chancen und Problemen, ber das Konzipieren von Lsungen und das ausarbeiten von Details, bis hin zur Umsetzung.In jedem Punkt geht es um Kommunikation und die Nutzer- bzw. Kundenbedrfnisse. Es geht darum, dass sowohl Kunde, Product Owner, wie auch die, an der Umsetzung des Produkts beteiligten Personen, immer die bestmgliche bersicht und das grtmgliche Verstndnis vom Produkt haben.Dieser Kurs zeigt klar und verstndlich, wie Story Mapping funktioniert. Schnell erstellst du deine erste eigene Story Map. Danach geht es an die Theorie. Zum Schluss wird ein komplettes Produkt - von der Ideenfindung, ber die Konzeption bis zum Start der Umsetzung - gemeinsam durchgespielt.Auch wenn es sich hierbei um eine agile Methode handelt, ist sie wunderbar in fast allen klassischen Produktentwicklungen anwendbar.Inhalt in Stichpunkten:Story MappingGute User StoriesOutput minimieren - Outcome maximierenImpact der ArbeitEigene Story Map entwickelnKunden findenAktivittenTasks findenSubtasks definierenRisiken erkennenAlternativen benennenPersona erstellenUse-Case beschreibenVision teilenRelease planenMinimum Viable Product (MVP)Agiles ProjektmanagementStory Mapping und SCRUMAuf Vernderungen reagieren"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Softwarequalitt durch Unit Testing" |
"Prolog:Ich habe es getan. Ich hatte angefangen, meine komplette Software automatisch zu testen. Hierfr lernte ich JUnit und Mockito und fing an, jede meiner Klassen automatisch zu testen. Ein tolles Gefhl. Irgendwann jedoch, kam ich nicht wirklich weiter. Der Umfang von JUnit war zu gering. Ich griff zu anderen, mchtigeren Frameworks und nutzte die Macht der Reflections um auch in die tiefsten Innereien meiner Klassen zu schauen, meine Objekte zu manipulieren und so auch die verwinkelten Ecken meines Software testen zu knnen.Aber auch das bereitete mir Probleme. Immer, wenn ich nderungen am Code vornahm, oder diesen erweiterte, mussten dutzende von Tests angepasst werden. Bei jedem neuen Feature wurden die Tests komplexer und komplizierter. Was ein Aufwand! Irgendwann dmmerte es mir:Tests sind schlecht!Sie kosten viel mehr, als dass sie bringen! Ich schmiss die Tests raus und konnte wieder entspannt programmieren. Gut... die vielen Fehler, die erst spt entdeckt wurden. OK... die paar Regressionsfehler die ich nicht entdeckte.... Ja... die stndig wieder auftauchenden Fehler ber die sich der Kunde wundert... aber sonst?Dann jedoch wurde ich Mitglied eines neuen Teams. Mit diesem kam eine neue Software in meinen Verantwortungsbereich. Diese hatte eine wunderbare Testabdeckung. Einfache Tests. Saubere Tests. Leichte Tests. Ich war verwundert. In diesem Moment war mir klar, es war mein Code, der schlecht testbar war. Tests mssen nicht kompliziert sein. Man muss nur die Konzepte des Testens verstehen. Ich arbeitet mich in die Konzepte ein. Lernte die Prinzipien des guten Testens. Merkte, wie viel gutes Testen mit sauberem Softwaredesign zutun hat. Was eine Freude! Es kribbelte. Ich schrieb Tests. Wurden sie zu kompliziert, passte ich das Design des Codes an. Meine Tests zeigten mir meine Fehler im Design. Genau das will ich dir vermitteln!Softwarequalitt durch Unit Testing zeigt dir die Konzepte guter Tests. In diesem Kurs lernst du nicht nur JUnit und Mockito unter Java kennen - als typische Vertreter moderner Test-Frameworks - sondern auch die Konzepte und Ideen guter Tests.Dieser Kurs ist KEINESchritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung fr JUnit! Es geht hier um mehr. Es gibt genug Tutorials um sich tiefer in JUnit einzuarbeiten - auch auf der JUnit-Seite. Hier geht es wirklich mehr um die Konzepte, um Prinzipien und praktische Tipps.Automatisiertes Unit-Testen ist wichtig:um Fehler so frh wie mglich zu entdecken. um saubereren Code zu schreibenum zu schauen, ob die Anforderungen richtig umgesetzt wurdenum das ""per Hand""-Testen zu reduzierenum Regressionsfehler zu vermeiden und zu erkennenum dir schnelles Feedback deiner Arbeit zu gebenum dein Geld zu sparenum eine ausfhrbare Dokumentation deines Codes zu erstellenum eine hohe Qualitt deiner Software zu erreichenDafr geht es in diesem Kurs um folgende Themen:Grundlagen des Software-TestingsDie TestpyramideBlack-, Grey- und White-Box-TestingJUnit GrundlagenGute NamenDer gute Unit-Test: FIRSTArgumente gegen das automatisierte TestenNur einen Aspekt testenMockito GrundlagenWeniger ist mehrWas soll getestet werden?Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)Das Gesetz von DemeterPrinzipien der modernen SoftwareentwicklungClean Code"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
" Finde deinen Lieblingskunden" |
"Erbaue dir dein Entrepreneurship!Du willst Entrepreneur werden und mit deinen Ideen Geld verdienen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!Dieser Kurs wird dich von der ersten Idee, bis zu den fertigen Prototypen begleiten.ACHTUNG: Dieser Kurs wird sich stndig weiterentwickeln. Einmal zahlen, alle Teile erhalten.Er wird in Zukunft ausfolgenden Teilen bestehen:Teil 1: Denken wie ein Entrepreneur (in Produktion)Teil 2: Finde deinen LieblingskundenTeil 3: Ideen finden und Geschftsmodelle entwickeln (in Planung)Teil 4: Baue deinen Prototypen und teste ihn (in Planung)Teil 2: Finde deinen LieblingskundenKern eines jeden Entrepreneurships ist der Kunde. Welcher Kunde wird spter dein Angebot nutzen?Viele Entrepreneure haben erst eine Idee oder ein Angebot im Kopf. Erst danach schauen sie, welche Kunden dieses Angebot brauchen knnen.Dies fhrt leider hufig zu Geschftsmodellen, die zwar funktionieren - aber dem Grnder schon nach kurzer Zeit keine Freude mehr bereiten. Denn, egal wie gut das Angebot ist oder wie sehr der Grnder fr seine Idee brennt - er wird immer mit den Sorgen, Fragen und Sonderwnschen der Kunden zutun haben.In diesem Teil des Kurses wird zuerst an den Kunden gedacht. Es geht es um die Menschen, die du wirklich gerne hast. Erst, wenn du weit, fr wen und mit wem du gerne arbeiten wrdest, geht es daran, ein Geschftsmodell zu entwickeln.Dieses ist genau auf deine Lieblingskunden zugeschnitten.VorgehenWir begeben uns auf die Suche nach deinem Lieblingskunden. Wir betrachten seine Aufgaben, Probleme, ngste und Trume. Du wirst parallel zum Kurs deine Lieblingskunden finden und sie nher kennenlernen.Folgende Themen werden behandeltDenkfehler ZielgruppeWunschkunde vs. LieblingskundeWarum sollst du deine Kunden lieben?Soziale RollenGegenstze und Gemeinsamkeiten der RollenKristallisationspunkte fr EntrepreneurshipPersonaFunktionale, soziale und emotionale AufgabenFunktionale, soziale und emotionale WnscheFunktionale, soziale und emotionale ngsteAnnahmen ber deine Kunden"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Algoritmo Passo a Passo: Aprendendo Pensar como Programador" |
"Este curso para voc que quer muito Aprender Programar porm no tem nenhum conhecimento na rea e mesmo assim pretende se tornar um programador profissional. Este curso na verdade OBRIGATRIO para todo tipo de programador, o elemento bsico da programao o Algoritmo, se voc no capaz de resolver um algoritmo nunca conseguir ser um programador profissional.Voc no precisa se preocupar quanto ao seu estado atual, mesmo que voc s tenha um conhecimento bsico de Windows e internet voc ser capaz de aprender este curso, pois temos toda a estrutura e um metodologia que o levar a conhecer todos os fundamentos das principais linguagens de Programao.Existe um conceito que diz: ""Aprender programar essencialmente aprender Algoritmo"" . E exatamente isso que voc ir aprender neste curso, pensar como um programador e ser capaz de resolver problemas.A partir de agora vou mostrar exatamente o que voc vai aprender neste curso e como vai dominar todos os principais fundamentos utilizados em todas as linguagens de programao. Vou mostrar para voc o caminho das pedras, o seu trabalho ser simplesmente seguir o roteiro que traamos cuidadosamente para voc que no sabe nem por onde comear os seus estudos de Algoritmo.1 APRENDER A PENSAR COMO PROGRAMADORAcima de qualquer coisa, o seu primeiro passo saber como um programador pensa, o que ele faz para chegar a uma soluo dos problemas que lhe so apresentados diariamente. Este passo vai fazer toda a diferena na sua vida de programador, pois vai abrir os seus olhos e passar a enxergar as coisas de forma sistemtica e de forma lgica.Voc vai passar enxergar os problemas dirios de uma maneira como nunca havia pensado antes e isto vai ajudar voc a chegar s solues de forma mais rpida e correta, sem ter que ficar martelando a cabea por caminhos que no o levaro a lugar algum. Sem contar tambm que aprender pensar como um programador vai trazer muito benefcios para sua vida pessoal, pois uma mudana de perspectiva bem proveitosa e benfica para voc.Veja alguns benefcios de aprender a pensar como programador:Pensar com mais clareza sobre determinados assuntosAprender a enxergar um problema por um ngulo diferenteTreinar a mente para encontrar solues mais rpidas e consistentesTer mais autonomia na hora de tomar decisesNo se prender a uma nica soluoAprender a estruturar um problema de forma lgica e racional.2 EXERCCIOS DE ALGORITMOS RESOLVIDOSPASSOAPASSOExiste um mxima na programao que diz: ""S se aprende programar programando"" e ser um programador muito mais do que apenas digitar cdigosO Programador algum consegue resolver problemas e encontrar solues para os seus clientes, neste Curso de Algoritmo voc ir aprender desenvolver o seu raciocnio para solucionar problemas, para isso iremos resolver mais de 200 exerccios de algoritmos e em cada exerccio voc estimulado a encontrar as solues sozinho aumentando bastante a sua capacidade de abstrao e aprendendo os fundamentos da programao que so utilizados em todas as linguagens de programao.O processo de aprendizagem consiste nas seguintes etapas:Passo 01: Primeiramente explicamos de forma terica o contedo necessrio, aqui voc aprender os conceitos, a teoria necessrio para aquele assunto.Passo 02: Depois de apresentado o contedo terico iremos praticar o que foi aprendido e para isso iremos resolver vrios exerccios dividindo o processo em trs etapas:01 - Apresentaremos um problema para voc tentar resolver sozinho;02 - Para ajudar voc a pensar na soluo do referido problema vamos discutir passo a passo como resolver o problema, porm sem fazer a codificao do mesmo, o objetivo estimular voc a aprender pensar como programador e como resolver problemas.03- finalmente iremos codificar o problema em questo para voc conferir e comparar com as suas prprias solues, esse processo far com que voc consiga sempre criar suas prprias solues.DEPOIS DESTE CURSO VOC APRENDER DEFINITIVAMENTE PENSAR COMO PROGRAMADORUm dos grandes motivos que voc no aprendeu programar at hoje porque tem estudado de forma desordenada, sem foco e objetivo, sem um roteiro mostrando ponto de partida e chegada, sem uma orientao eficiente e realmente preocupada com o seu real aprendizado.Quando voc estuda atravs do nosso mtodo, voc aprende como chegar a uma soluo de forma prtica, no apenas copiando e colando o que dito nas aulas. Voc incentivado primeiramente ter a sua prpria soluo e somente depois conferir se procedeu corretamente ou no, ou seja, voc atuante o tempo todo, no um mero espectador. Isso d a vocEXPERINCIA E PRTICAe que far toda a diferena no mercado de trabalho...Afirmo categoricamente quevoc vai aprender pensar como programadorao estudar e seguir o nosso mtodo. Os ensinamentos e a forma como dispomos no curso me d a certeza e garantia de que, assim como outros alunos que partiram do zero, voc tambm vai alcanar o seu sucesso e o melhor de tudo,VOC ESTANDO NO COMANDO..."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"PHP: Cadastro de Cliente POO, MVC - e MYSQL" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao nosso curso de cadastro de clientes Orientado a Objetos, utilizando o padro MVC.Este curso foi feito para alunos que querem entender como criar aplicaes em PHP utilizando o padro MVC de uma forma simples e prtica, o fato de fazer um CRUD completo d a voc uma noo real para que voc entenda o papel decada um dos componentes MVC: O Model, A View e Controller.Tambm criaremos uma estrutura MVC completa e do zero, esta estrutura voc poder utilizar em todos os seus projetos e se voc conseguir entender o papel de cada componente com certeza dominar este assunto de vez.Tudo explicado passo a passo, numa linguagem simples e objetiva. Ento vamos programar."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"La conjugaison pour mieux comprendre et communiquer" |
"Bonjour et bienvenue dans votre cours de franais. Comme vous le savez, afin de comprendre une langue, il faut apprendre la grammaire. Dans ce cours on mettra l'accent sur les temps et leurs utilisations. Ce cours est ddi alors, toute personne voulant apprendre les temps et leurs usages dans notre langage de tous les jours."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Matemticas Pre-U: Estadstica Descriptiva" |
"La Estadstica es un rea de estudio importante, ya que se considera una rama de las matemticas aplicadas que te ayuda mediante el anlisis de datos enlatoma dedecisiones acertadas.La Estadstica es una herramienta en todas las reas que puedas imaginar: medicina, social, cientfica, economaEste curso te proporciona el material necesario para el estudio de la Estadstica Descriptiva, con un mtodo que te ahorrar mucho tiempo.Los temas tratados en este curso normalmente se imparten en un curso del nivelpre-universitario.Con este mtodo en videos cortos y dinmicos podrs ver todo el material en menos de 2 horas!Con este curso, aprenders y reforzars los conocimientos matemticos correspondientes a la Estadstica Descriptiva, necesarios para ingresar a un nivel Universitario.La forma dinmica y precisa de este curso te preparar en muy corto tiempo en los temas de Estadstica Descriptivanecesarios para transitar de manera exitosa tus primeros cursos de matemticas en una institucin a nivel universitario.Este curso contienevideos cortos de temas completos, dinmicos y con un mtodo fcil con estrategias para resolver los problemas matemticos correspondientes a la estadstica descriptivaa los que te enfrentas en tu vida escolar diaria. Los temas del curso se presentan en forma gradual de acuerdo a los programas establecidos por las instituciones de educacin y a la prctica de la enseanza en las matemticas.Porqu debes tomar este curso?En este curso aprenders los fundamentos necesarios para que realices tus primeros anlisis estadsticos en el rea que as lo requieras. Podrs iniciar desde cero tu camino hacia el estudio de reas tan importantes como el Big Data y Machine Learning.Te invito para que comencemos con este curso de Estadstica Descriptiva y con ello des el primer paso en el anlisis de datos, tan necesario en el mundo actual."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science & Machine Learning" |
"DO YOU WANT TO LEARN LINEAR ALGEBRA IN AN EASY WAY?Great!With 22+ hours of content and 200+ video lessons, this course covers everything in Linear Algebra, from start till the end!Every concept is explained in simple language, and Quizzes and Assignments (with solutions!) help you test your concepts as you proceed.Whether you're a student, or a professional or a Math enthusiast, this course walks you through the core concepts of Linear Algebra in an easy and fun way!HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: Fundamentals of Linear Algebra and how to ace your Linear Algebra exam Basics of matrices, including notation, dimensions, types, addressing the entries etc. Operations on a single matrix, e.g. scalar multiplication, transpose, determinant, adjoint etc. Operations on two matrices, including addition, subtraction and multiplication Performing elementary row operations and finding Echelon Forms (REF & RREF) Inverses, including invertible and singular matrices, and the Cofactor method Solving systems of equations using matrices & inverse matrices, including Cramers rule to solve AX = B Performing Gauss-Jordan elimination Properties of determinants and how to utilize them to gain insights Matrices as vectors, including vector addition and subtraction, Head-to-Tail rule, components, magnitude and midpoint of a vector Linear combinations of vectors and span Vector spaces, including dimensions, Euclidean spaces, closure properties and axioms Subspace and Null-space of a matrix, matrix-vector products Spanning set for a vector space and linear dependence Basis and standard basis, and checking if a set of given vectors forms the basis for a vector space Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, including how to find Eigenvalues and the corresponding Eigenvectors Basic algebra concepts (as a BONUS) And so much more..HERE IS WHAT YOU GET IN THE COURSE:Video Lessons: Watch over my shoulder as I explain all the Linear Algebra concepts in a simple and easy to understand language. Everything is taught from scratch, and no prior knowledge is assumed.Solved Examples: Every topic is explained with the help of solved examples, from start to end. This problem-based approach is great, especially for beginners who want to practice their Math concepts while learning.Quizzes: When you think you have understood a concept well, test it by taking the relevant quiz. If you pass, awesome! Otherwise review the suggested lessons and retake the quiz, or ask for help in the Q/A section.Assignments: Multiple assignments offer you a chance for additional practice by solving sets of relevant and insightful problems (with solutions provided)By the end of this course, you'll feel confident and comfortable with all the Linear Algebra topics discussed in this course!WHY SHOULD YOU LEARN LINEAR ALGEBRA? Linear Algebra is a prerequisite for many lucrative careers, including Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Financial Math, Data Engineering etc. Being proficient in Linear Algebra will open doors for you to many high-in-demand careersWHY LEARN LINEAR ALGEBRA FROM ME?I took this Linear Algebra class at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, one of the Top-5 Engineering Schools in the country, and I have tried to follow the same standards while designing this course. I have taught various Math and Engineering courses for more than 10 years at schools across US, Asia and Africa. I strongly believe that I have the ability to breakdown complex concepts into easily understandable chunks of information for you!I provide premium support for all my students - so if you ever get stuck or have a question, just post it to the course dashboard and I'll be there to help you out in a prompt and friendly way!My goal is to make this the best Linear Algebra and Math course online, and I'll do anything possible to help you learn.HERE IS WHAT STUDENTS SAY ABOUT THIS COURSE:I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I needed to get a better understanding and a good base of Linear Algebra for Data Science and Machine Learning and Kashif absolutely delivered. This is definitely a Zero to Hero course on Linear Algebra in my opinion, and would highly recommend this to anyone who is on the same path as I am. Nothing but appreciation for this author. I. ValderramaWish I had found this earlier - DanGreat explanations. Solid teaching - J. P. BaughExcellent course! The course material is really good, explanation is really clear and every new concept is provided with examples that make the experience even better! The instructor always takes the time to answer questions poster in Q&A. New material is constantly added to course. Thank you! K. GeageaYOU'LL ALSO GET: Lifetime access to Complete Linear Algebra for Data Science & Machine Learning Friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion available for download 30-day, no-questions-asked, money back guaranteeENROLL TODAY!Feel free to check out the course outline below or watch the free preview lessons. Or go ahead and enroll now.I cant wait for you to get started with Linear Algebra ?Cheers,Kashif"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Heads - Step by Step - From Any Angle" |
"Drawing Heads confidently is an extremely important skillset for any Artist!In this course, you will learn how to draw a variety of heads and faces from any angle. You will learn popular techniques such as the Andrew Loomis method. Breaking down the face into thirds. How to align features of the face and establish proportions. You will also learn how to draw individual areas of the face. We will cover eyes, mouths, noses, hair, and face shapes. These individual sections will give you more confidence when constructing the entire head of your character.This How to Draw Heads from Any Angle Course is currently at 63 Lectures and Over 11.5 Hours of Content. It includes the PDF/JPEG Art Files to work along with as well.You will also learn how to distort or caricature the head and facial features. This allows you to come up with all sorts of inventive concepts. Not being too strict with the creation of your characters proportions can also be a lot more fun. By the end of this course you will have a firm understanding of the rules when drawing the human head as well as how to bend them for your creative needs!This course is great for students that want to learn the basic construction techniques for drawing the human head or for more advanced artists that want to use a less structured approach. These lectures cover male and female character types with a variety of hair, expressions, face shapes, and view points.I hope you find this course to be extremely valuable and I am here to answer any questions as well as update lectures to make this a better learning experience for everyone. I can't wait to see what you come up with!Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Procreate like a Pro: Create Awesome Digital Art on an iPad" |
"In this course you will learn about the Procreate app and iPad in two fundamental ways. You will watch me explain the interface while demonstrating the hand gestures that are used to complete various tasks. You will learn how to import and export images, flip the canvas, share the work in various formats, export video, setup the perspective tools, and adjust the interface to your preference.In the next section Iwill take you through a complete illustration from start to finish. This will allow you to see and work through the process of creating the illustration and commit it to memory. You will learn about the brushes, layers, blending modes, lock transparency, selection tools, color adjustments, and general tips and tricks on painting various effects with texture.By the end of this course you will have created a fun and informative art project. Iwould love to see what come up with and Iwould be happy to give you any feedback I can. Just share the work in the Q+A Section when you are done!You also get access to Custom Procreate Brushes + Art Files that Ihave created to help you make a variety of effects!Thank you and Ihope you enjoy this course!Robert A.MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Rhythm - Rhythm Basics - Find the Beat!" |
"Learn to tap out the rhythms of three famous children's songs - Twinkle Twinkle / Three Blind Mice and Frere Jacques. This course is aimed at beginners. There is no need to be able to read music. All you need is the ability to count to four and a desire to learn.The course is demonstrated using hand-drums but students can tap their hands ontheir knees or on a surface or even tap their feet.This course will start right at the beginning - explaining the basic concepts underlying rhythm (pulse, meter and rhythm) andhow to use the resources for this course.We will then move onto tapping out the tune of Twinkle Twinkle. This song is in duple or 2-time. The next section involves tapping out the tune of Three Blind Mice which is in triple or 3-time. And then finally we will tap out Frere Jacques which is in quadruple time or 4-time.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read rhythm charts and mp3 playalongs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"30 Day Workout On The Ukulele" |
"Learn to playboth left hand and right hand techniques on the ukulele for fingerstyle and strumming methods.This course is appropriate for all levels. If you are an absolute beginner, then this course will show the basics. If you are more advanced then you can use this course to improve your technique and/or as part of your daily warm-up/practice.There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.This course will start right at the beginning - showing you: what the different parts of the ukulele are,how totune the ukulele and how to use the resources for this course.We will then move on toa daily practice where you will learn a new technique and practice of previous techniques.There are four different kinds of exercises included in this course: Right hand fingerstyle exercises from a simple exercise playing just the thumb on each string to learning rolls.Left hand individual note exercises from learning to place the fingers in the right place to string cross up and down the string.Right hand strumming exercises from a simple down strum to learning patterns.Left hand chord exercises from learning chord shapes to moveable chord patterns.The practice lessons will be at 3 different speeds 80bpm, 100pbm and 120bpm allowing you to practice at a pace that is good for you.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs for your own practice."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Ukulele - Fingerstyle Basics" |
"Learn to playboth left hand and right hand techniques on the ukulele for thefingerstyle method.This course is appropriate for all levels. If you are an absolute beginner, then this course will show the basics. If you are more advanced then you can use this course to improve your technique and/or as part of your daily warm-up/practice.There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.This course will start right at the beginning - showing you: what the different parts of the ukulele are,how totune the ukulele and how to use the resources for this course.We will then move on to right hand techniques - learning to playsingle strings, changes on the same string and changes between strings.The next section will look at left hand techniques - learning individual notes, changes between notes,the C-major arpeggio,C-major scale and a simple tune in C-major.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs for your own practice."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Ukulele - Strumming Basics" |
"Learn to playboth left hand and right hand techniques on the ukulele for thestrumming method.This course is appropriate for all levels. If you are an absolute beginner, then this course will show the basics. If you are more advanced then you can use this course to improve your technique and/or as part of your daily warm-up/practice.There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.This course will start right at the beginning - showing you: what the different parts of the ukulele are,how totune the ukulele and how to use the resources for this course.We will then move on to right hand techniques - learning different types of strums and different strumming patterns.The next section will look at left hand techniques - learning different chords and how to move between them.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs for your own practice."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mathematics for IIT JEE and SAT exams" |
"This is a course to enable you crack IIT JEE & SAT mathematics paper. Initially, a few algebra and trigonometry lectures are being launched. More lectures will keep getting added and full around 100 lectures will be there within a year. Your journey to world's best engineering, science & technology collegeswill be made much moreenjoyable and easy with these indepth lectures. Try to join as soon as possible because course price is less initially but will rise as more lectures will be added. However, students will not need to pay any more money for the year to get future lectures. So, sooner you join, lesser you pay and get full benefits."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mechanics 2: Equilibrium of rigid body under coplanar forces" |
"Equilibrium of rigid bodies under coplanar forcesis one of the topics in the International Advanced Level Further Mathematics Course. So this course is not a coverage of the entire Further Mathematics as a subject. The course emphasizes theability to use simple concepts in the solution of complex mechanical structures. The course is meant for students who have challenges in understanding forces which keep mechanical structures in equilibrium.Concepts that are covered in this course include:moment of a force about a point in two of gravity (COG) or center of mass (COM) of regular and composite laminaeMoment due to the weight of a rigid bodyconditions for equilibrium of a rigid body under the action of forces in two force betweenrigid bodies which arein equilibriumUse of trigonometry has been kept of a minimum. The course will help the student to avoid common mistakes when applying any of the above concepts. More importantly, the student will quicklyidentify which of the aboveconceptsto apply in a given situation.I have kept the length of thelecturesshort and straight tothe point in consideration of the fact that the student is also under pressure to study other topics as well."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Mobile Game Design With Buildbox - Swish X2 Action" |
"Buildbox advanced course for people who would like to add some extra sweets to their gameplay and increase retention.This course is not a basic course for people who just started to learn Buildbox software but still it is easy to catch up since learning the software is quite easy.What you will learn in this course.In first partIwill show youthe level designof ""Hoop Shot Basketball"" game inside Buildbox so you can get a deeper understanding of advanced Buildbox actions which also can be used in a different ways in your games.In second part I will show you how I set up the Swish X2 action which if the basketball goes right through the hoop without touching the sides game gives you X2 score but if the ball touches the sides then game gives you only 1 score. This action is very important in today's world Casual Gaming industry cause this kind of tricks can increase the retention of your game which leads to better positions of your game at appstores.In third part Iwill show you how you can set up the difficulty set up in a random game. After finishing this lecture you will learn how you can set up which scenes to show up when easily so some of the hard scenes you set will show after a certain time during gameplay. Although the process is very simple it is a bit confusing at the beginning so after this course it it will be a second nature for your to set up the game difficulty.In this final part I will show how Iset up the Continue Action, the count down animation and rewarded ads settings inside Buildbox."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make An AR App with Unity and Playmaker Without Coding!" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a mobile app from scratch and publish to iTunes Appstore using Unity, Playmaker and Vuforia. This course doesnt require coding at all so everyone is welcome who would like to jump in and start publishing mobile apps.What you will learn -Uploading a Zombie model to Mixamo website, Rig the character and import it into Unity.-Assigning animations to your zombie character and create a user interface so that players can interact with zombie which they can move him around make him dance and even add props to him like hat, axe or knife etc.-Creating a Title Screen and learning how to jump from one scene to another inside Unity.-Learn how to set up Vuforia for Augmented Reality and convert the Unity scene to an AR app.-Monetizing section includes integrating Admob banner and chartboost interstitial ads.-Admob is implemented using a small script which will be included as an extra file so you can drag and drop it into your scene and start using Admob banner right away.-Chartboost is integrated using playmaker actions which is also available at Appstore.-iTunes Dashboard Setup-Creating Apple Distribution Certificate-Creating Adhoc and Production Provisioning files-Exporting the App from Unity and building the app inside Xcode.-We will also test the app and demonstrate how it works.-Some Hard Disk optimising tips and tricks will be shown so your computers hard disk wont shrink during the build process.-And finally we will upload our app to Appstore which you can later on submit it for review."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Metasploit ile Hacking renin" |
"En iyi Linuxhacking distrolarndan olan Kali Linux zerinde yer alan ve dnyann da en byk exploit ktphanesine sahip olan ayrca Ruby ile yazlm en byk proje olanMetasploit'i renmeye hazr msnz? Eitim boyunca sfrdan Metasploit'i reneceksiniz ayrca yannda yardmc aralar olan Nessus, Nmap, Armitage, Beef, Mitmf gibi aralar da reniyor ve kullanyor olacaksnz. Trkiyeve Udemydahilindeen kapsaml eitimlerinden biri olma zelliine sahiptir.Eitimler nce teorik kavramlar verilerek sonrasnda ise pratik hacking uygulamalar ile zenginletirilecektir. Eitim boyunca hi olmad kadar pratii bir arada bulma ansna da sahip olacaksnz.Metasploit eitimi ile kariyerinize yeni bir yn izebilir, kii ve kurumlarapenetrasyon testleri yaparak para kazanabilirsiniz. Aslnda beyaz apkal hacker eitiminin en byk parasn Metasploit oluturmaktadr. nk Metasploit ile yaplabilecekler sonsuzdur. Kendi ruby scriptlerinizi yazp Metasploit iine entegre edebileceiniz gibi yeni yaynlanan ve exploit-db ve CVEDetailssayfalarndan gncel exploit'leri indirip Metasploit'e entegre edebilirsiniz. Bu eitimin amac aslnda sizlere sfrdan Metasploit batan sona retmektir. Hi korkmayn daha nce byle bir deneyiminizin olmas nemli deil...Hazrsanz kemerleri takn ve Metasploit ile hacking dnyasna koar adm girelim."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP Lumira Discovery 2 para Ejecutivos y analistas expertos" |
"SAP Lumira Discovery 2para Ejecutivos, en este curso vas a aprender una de las herramientas de SAP ms reciente y de las ms poderosas en el manejo de informacin con este curso prctico te voy a ensear cmo utilizar la herramienta dndole a tu informacin una mejor presentacin, y es practico porque podrs descargar la aplicacin instalarla y seguir los ejercicios, para despus utilizar tu propia informacin.SAP Lumira Discovery 2 es una aplicacin de SAP orientada al manejo de informacin de una forma muy sencilla y rpida, en esta aplicacin podrs crear visualizaciones, en forma grfica y tabular, para despus compartir, dando la posibilidad de aadir mayor significado a la informacin."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"SAP Crystal Reports consultor analista de basico a experto" |
"Es un curso prctico, vas a aprender una de las herramientas de SAP de las ms poderosas en el manejo de informacin. Crystal Reports tiene ya ms de 25 aos en el mercado, por lo que se ha consolidado como una herramienta lder, como una herramienta de SAP parte de la suite de aplicaciones de SAP Business Intelligence. Conocers desde un nivel bsico a un nivel avanzado."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Investment Course 2020: Beginner to Advanced!" |
"Would you like to learn the quickest and easiest way to get into Cryptocurrency Investing? If so, you will love this Udemy Course!This course will give you an easy and thorough workthrough on how to buy Bitcoin, how to send your Bitcoin over to the Exchange, (using Binance as an example), so that you can start investing immediately!In 2020, Cryptocurrency is still in its very early stages. This means you are still early to the party. Only 1% of the entire world's population have discovered that Cryptocurrency investing is one of the most effective ways to fund their retirement, sometimes making x1000 multiplier on their money back on ONE coin!I have spent most of my life missing the boat - I missed the goldmine periods for websites, domain flipping, teaching online and mobile apps! I am grateful today that I have landed slap bang in the middle of the biggest GOLDMINE of our generation, Cryptocurrency investing! And you can benefit from it too! In this course, I will teach you my 7 main criteria when looking for coins to invest in. This will allow you to determine the potential long-term Cryptocurrencies, versus the ones that are likely to fail... and therefore avoid investing in these.You will see the exact ways to identify the next big coin and learn how to be in the driving seat to directly influence it's price!Don't delay, this is a party that is happening right now!Every minute you delay could be costing you your retirement fund!**IMPORTANT: I am not providing financial advice or any buy, hold or sell recommendations. Everything contained in this course is personal opinion from my experience in the Cryptocurrency space. Please do your own research**"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Wallets, Investing & Trading Masterclass" |
"Are you ready to step into the exciting world of cryptocurrency?Welcome to the 'Cryptocurrency Wallets, Investing & Trading masterclass!Get Started With CryptocurrencyDiscover everything you need to get started with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.This in-depth course will provide the knowledge you need to understand cryptocurrency, and how to start building your own cryptocurrency portfolio.As cryptocurrency continues to gain popularity around the world, many people are starting to take notice of this innovative technology. Blockchain technology is a revolutionary invention that will completely change the way we make transactions.Whats Inside:Introduction To Cryptocurrency & BlockchainHow to Purchase CryptocurrencyCryptocurrency Wallet Types & StorageHow To Use CryptocurrencyCryptocurrency Investing StrategiesCryptocurrency Trading StrategiesAnd Tons More!Whether you're a beginner looking to make your first cryptocurrency purchase, or an experienced cryptocurrency investor looking to learn new trading & investing strategies, this masterclass is for you!How To Purchase CryptocurrencyLearn the best methods to safely purchase your cryptocurrency.There are now many ways available to purchase cryptocurrency. Follow along step-by-step as we go through the process of purchasing cryptocurrency in a variety of methods, from online exchanges to bitcoin ATMs!Purchasing Cryptocurrency:Learn about bitcoin & other cryptocurrency typesGet started on CoinbaseOnline exchanges for cryptocurrencyPurchasing from a bitcoin ATMAnd More!Lets build your cryptocurrency portfolio the right way!Storing With Cryptocurrency WalletsSelect the right wallet to securely store your cryptocurrency.Learn how to use various wallet types to securely store bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies. There are multiple cryptocurrency wallet options available to choose from to store your cryptocurrency.Explore the features & benefits of each wallet type, so you can decide which option is best for you. The wallet type you select will depend on the cryptocurrency investing strategy you wish to implement.Setting up a cryptocurrency wallet can be a frustrating process to attempt alone. Follow me through the entire process of adding cryptocurrency to each wallet type, so you can easily secure your cryptocurrency.Wallets Types Include:Hardware WalletsDesktop WalletsPaper Walletsand More!Cryptocurrency Investing For BeginnersLearn strategic cryptocurrency investing methods to add cryptocurrency to your portfolio at the best prices possible.I share multiple cryptocurrency investing strategies that you can use to strategically accumulate & invest in cryptocurrency. Investing strategies such as dollar cost averaging and diversification will help you build a solid long term cryptocurrency portfolio.Other investing topics we will discuss include how to invest in ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), and even basic terminology used by cryptocurrency investors & traders!Cryptocurrency Investing Strategies Include:Averaging InContrarian InvestingDiversificationand More!How To Trade CryptocurrencyDiscover how to use proven technical analysis strategies for cryptocurrency trading.Learn how to implement basic technical analysis strategies to use for cryptocurrency trading. I demonstrate multiple trading strategies, such as how to analyze cryptocurrency charts, and use various technical indicators such as moving averages & the MACD for cryptocurrency trading.Whether you're a long term investor or short term day trader, these strategies will help you make more profitable trading decisions - buy low & sell high with technical trading!Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies Include:Top trading mistakes made by beginnersRead & analyze cryptocurrency chartsTechnical indicators for cryptocurrency tradingCryptocurrency trading tips & strategiesand More![ Bonus ] Earn Free Cryptocurrency With SteemitLearn how to earn free cryptocurrency by blogging!As a bonus, we will go over how to get started on Steemit, where you can earn free cryptocurrency by blogging!Steemit is an innovative platform that utilizes blockchain technology. Its a social platform where users post blogs on a variety of topics, and actually get paid for each post! The more engagement your blog post receives, the more cryptocurrency you will earn.Learn how to create your Steemit account, and start blogging about your favorite topics to earn free cryptocurrency!Get Started Today!The cryptocurrency market continues to grow each year. Dont be late to the party, and get started with cryptocurrency today!I encourage you to take a moment to check out the course curriculum & free preview videos, so you can see all of the valuable information we will be covering. If you enroll now, you will finally have the knowledge you need to start building your cryptocurrency portfolio.We offer a 30-day money back guarantee because we are confident in the information and value provided in this course. This option is available if you have any issues or concerns, so there is no risk to start learning today!Enroll now and lets get started...See you in the course!Jason G"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Trading & Investing Beginner's Masterclass" |
"Are you ready to learn everything you need to get started with stock trading & investing?Welcome to the 'Stock Trading & Investing With Technical Analysis masterclass!Start Your Trading Journey TodayThis is your step-by-step guide to the world of stock trading, as you learn how to strategically trade and invest in the stock market. Discover how to setup your trading account, analyze stocks with candlestick charts, and use technical analysis strategies for stock trading.If youre looking to get started with the stock market, and learn practical technical analysis strategies for trading, then youre in the right place!Discover how to:Select the right trading exchangeCreate your trading accountRead candlestick charts to analyze stocksApply various technical indicators for stock tradingUse technical investing strategies to build your investment portfolioAnd much more!By the end of the course, you will know how to strategically buy & sell stocks on a trading exchange, and various technical investing strategies to intelligently build your long term investment portfolio.No Experience Required!Whether you are a beginner looking to get started with stock trading, an experienced investor looking to learn new strategies, or a fundamental trader that wants to learn technical analysis, this course is for you!Learn the easy steps to setup your trading account, use the platform trading tools, and how to implement technical analysis strategies to buy & sell stocks at calculated price points. We will review multiple trading platforms you could join to get started, including:Ally invest Robinhood E-Trade TD Ameritrade And More!Day Trading ExamplesWatch me buy & sell stocks as I place real trades.After we setup your trading account and go over some stock trading basics, you will then be able to watch multiple day trading examples, as I place REAL trades with REAL money. Look over my shoulder as I go through the entire trading process, so you can have access to several examples of the trading strategies we discuss in the course.Practice Stock Trading Risk FreePractice trading REAL stocks without risking your own cash.For beginners, I will also show you a way to practice trading real stocks, without risking any of your own funds. With the secret method we go over in the course, you will be able to practice buying & selling stocks...without risking your own cash!By using a stock market simulator, inexperienced traders can practice trading stocks risk free until comfortable enough to trade with real cash. Start with a practice account of $200,000, and test your stock trading skills without the risk.Whats Included:Top Mistakes New Traders MakeTrading Exchanges & PlatformsCreate Your Trading AccountPractice Trading Risk FreeCreate Watch List's & Stock AlertsMobile Trading TutorialTechnical Analysis Strategies For TradingAnalyze Candlestick ChartsApply & Use Various Technical IndicatorsREAL Day Trading ExamplesTechnical Investing Tipsand Tons More!Time To Take Action!It will take some time to develop the trading experience you need, so take action now and get started today!I encourage you to take a moment to view the free course preview videos, and browse through the curriculum so you can see everything you will learn by enrolling.When you enroll in this course today, you will finally have the tools you need to move forward with your stock trading journey!Enroll now and start learning today...See you in the course!Jason G"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Geriatric Massage Business Tools" |
"Ready to begin your very own Geriatric Massage business but not sure how to start? Thisis for you!This course will give you all the necessary tools from gettingyour foot in the door of senior facilities,to legalities of working in the geriatric world,to everything you need to havewhen on the job!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create a 95% Passive Business with Etsy & Printful" |
"Have you ever wanted to create your own products? Or your own (mostly) passive business?Then creating products using Printful &Etsy may be for you.Using Printful &Etsy's integration, you can create all sorts of different designs, have them printed on products, and have products delivered to your customers without you having to do more than clicking a few buttons on your computer.I want to show you how I created my own smallside business using Etsy and Printful's awesome integration.Create Your Own Brand SellingPhysicalProducts On Etsy:Come up with ideas for designs and productsMake your designs and ideas come to life!Adding your new designs to Printful as products is as easy as could beWhat We'll CoverI've created this course to be easy to follow, even for beginners that aren't very familiar with Etsy or Printful. The beauty of how this all works is that you can create your own line of products without being a designer and without having to set up your own website. With Etsy + Printful, all you have to do is add designs (that you've made or have had created) and voila - You now have physical products and your own online store!Why Choose Me & This Course?Well, to be honest, there aren't many other courses out there about Etsy and Printful and what an amazing opportunity it is! All of the information Ipass on to youhas come straight from my own observations, mistakes, and experiences. I hope that all the information I share with you in this course saves you time and inspires you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Concepts in Personality Development" |
"IntroductionPersonality and its development is a very common word which we keep hearing in our common language. We must have heard people about his personality is not that great or I like her personality or slight changes in his personality and that would make him successful. People keep talking about personality and even suggesting other people about its development, without understanding its meaning or the elements involved in it. There is no doubt that personality is a very important concept for every individual. According to dictionary the meaning of personality is The complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual. There are so many elements involved in personality that people find it too complex to dig deeper into it. In this course we will try to understand the basic theoretical concepts associated with the concept of personality and try to understand them in the simplest form. We have tried to touch upon the important concepts associated with personality and its development so that the learners are able to grasp the concepts and utilize them to enhance their personalities and develop other individuals.Objective of the CourseTo touch upon the main theoretical aspects of personality. To provide the toolset for the learners to understand their personality and to get more insights about others. To strengthen their image in social circles by utilizing the concepts explained in the course. To expand their knowledge base to understand humans better.Target audience for this courseLets talk about the people for whom this course is designed: Any person who is interested in understanding themselves better, through understanding their own personality and behavioral patterns. People who want to connect with other people effectively, as understanding others personality and utilizing your own personality you would connect with others better. Learners who want to expand their knowledge base in the concept of personality and personality development. People who want to learn new skills and improve their competencies, because after understanding your own personality you would be able to develop specific skills which are suitable for your personality.What can you expect after completing this course?To learn the theoretical aspects of Personality. To understand the concepts associated with personality development. We will talk about the theoretical concepts and practical aspects of personality. To know about powerful tools to analyze the personality of others and self. The tools learnt from the course can be applied in the real life immediately, to help themselves and others.Expectation from the learnersThe learners have the freedom to take the course as they want, but it would be beneficial that they follow the flow of the course. Once the course is complete they can choose any topic to reinforce the concepts by listening to specific lectures again. It would be important to complete the course which would allow them to touch upon the major theories and other tools associated with personality development. To do all the exercises and follow the instructions as specified in each lecture, which would allow them to strengthen their concepts. Some of the exercises would be for self-analysis, while other exercises would be to analyze the personality of other people. It would be beneficial to utilize the knowledge gained for its application and usage in the practical life. This course is to build the fundamentals in the theoretical aspects of personality. The learners should not stop there, instead they should look for the resources and books to enhance their knowledge about personality and its development.Basic qualification for the courseAnyone with the interest in the concept of personality can take this course. Basic knowledge of English is required as that is the medium of the course. Just like any other knowledge-based product, sincerity for learning is required as without it the learners will not be able to extract the real value from the course.Right way to complete the courseTo get the maximum value out of this course you need to start from the beginning and move step by step forward. Follow the course with its flow. This is important as to understand a topic we need to get clarity about its previous topics. It is required that you follow the instructions as specified in each section. In some of the places it is asked to pause the video for an activity, while at other places you would be asked to refer the documents provided with the course. Following the instructions would help you to become the better learner in the course. It is suggested that even if we have some brief understanding about a specific portion, it would be beneficial that we complete those topics in the course. It would act like the good revision for the subject and act as an opportunity to build a momentum for completing the course. After understanding a specific portion of the course you need to utilize the momentum to learn the topic from other resources and books.Index and flow of the courseThe structure and flow of course: Personality- A general view Jungs classification MBTI Myer Briggs Type Indicator Determinants of personality Theories of personality Personality Pattern Concept of self Symbols of self Molding the personality Personal Effectiveness Transactional Analysis Self-awareness- Johari Window Healthy and Sick personality"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Drucker's Five Most Important Questions" |
"IntroductionOur organizations, in which we work or we own, are our workplaces and we spent our most of the productive time there. But, even after committing a big part of our life to our companies, institutions, associations, corporations, and organizations, we know a little about these places. Few people in most of the organizations can understand the purpose of their entity or the objective of their work. In the case of understanding the values, culture or defining the customers of the organization the number is even less. It is clear that these people feel less connected or even disconnected from the organizations. Same is true for a large percentage of humanity, which does not know the objective of their life or work. Many people feel that their destinies are being controlled by other people, and they can do nothing about it. People complain about their life, without knowing what they want, from life or work. They have difficulty in getting clarity in any area of their life. In this course, we will try to bring that clarity into the minds of the managers of the organizations, and normal people, to get hold of their lives. We will use the basic fundamental model designed by Peter Drucker, a late management guru, who asked the fundamental five questions for the NGOs and nonprofit organizations. These questions are holistic and touch upon every area of the organization and a persons life. Answering these questions is not simple, even though the questions look easy. They dig deep to the foundations of our basic assumptions and present actions. You need to be ready to answer a lot of questions in this course. But after completing this course, and when many questions are answered, you would start to see things differently, and would get more control over your life, and your actions. We have also attached workbooks, to help you extract more value out of the course. You can either take the printout of these workbooks, or answer the question digitally. You will also find some of the posters attached with the course, which you can utilize to remember the concepts and major points. I know that you are excited about this course, I am too. So, lets not wait any further and dive straight into the course.Objectives of the CourseTo introduce the concept of Druckers five questions. To provide tools to understand and redesign your organization. To guide you to Understand ThyselfWho would need this course?People for whom this course is designed and developed. Anyone who wants to review their organization from the fundamental perspectives, with an objective to identify the weak areas and to strengthen organizations position in the market. Individuals who want to bring clarity in their lives with a guided thinking process. Learners who want to enhance their knowledge about Druckers five questions. People who want to exercise their minds with serious rounds of questions.What can you expect after completing this course?Getting clarity about the present status of your organization, in terms of its fundamentals, and the ways to improve or transform it. Your skills of answering the general questions will enhance appreciatively, as you will be answering a lot of questions in this course. You will understand yourself better, and would know the path to your success. The deep introspection process during the course would open your mind to look at the hidden, misunderstood and false areas of your organization and your life.What is expected from the learners?The learners have the freedom to take the course as they want, but it would be beneficial that they follow the flow of the course. Once the course is complete, they can choose any topic to reinforce the concepts by listening to specific lectures again. It would be important to complete the course, as all the topics and ideas are synergistically connected to each other. We expect learners to do all the exercises and follow the instructions as specified in each lecture, which would allow them to strengthen their concepts. This course is to build the fundamentals of self-analysis. The learners should not stop there, instead they should look for the resources and books to enhance their knowledge about self-analysis and to dig deeper to get more understanding about your organization and self.Basic qualification required for the courseThere is no minimum qualification for this course, anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals of their organization and introspect about themselves, can take this course. The medium of instruction is English, therefore you need to understand English, to get the value out of this course. You need to be committed enough to complete the course, and do its exercises with complete sincerity.How to take the course?To get the maximum value out of this course, you need to start from the beginning, and move step by step forward. Follow the course with its flow. This is important, as to understand a topic, we need to get clarity about its previous topics. It is required that you follow the instructions as specified in each section. In some of the places it is asked to pause the video for an activity, while at other places you would be asked to refer the documents provided with the course. Following the instructions would help you to become a better learner in the course. It is suggested that even if we have some brief understanding about a specific portion, it would be beneficial that we complete those topics in the course. It would act like the good revision for the subject, and act as an opportunity to build a momentum for completing the course. After understanding a specific portion of the course, you need to utilize the momentum to learn the topic from other resources and books.Index and flow of the courseHow the course is structured and its flow: we will introduce you to Peter Drucker, and his contribution to the world of business and management. We will then jump to the five fundamental questions as specified by Drucker for self-analysis of the organizations. These questions would be introduced, and then discussed one by one in details. We will also look at the sub questions, which could be attached to each fundamental question for in-depth analysis. Mr. Drucker had defined these questions for NGOs and nonprofit organizations. In this course, we would utilize the power of these fundamental questions to analyze the for-profit organizations and even for self-analysis. The last section is dedicated to self-analysis using the poweful set of questions. We have attached workbooks to the course, with exercises and questions to be answered. It would be better that you take the printout of these workbooks for doing the exercises, or you can digitally answer them on your devices.Attached Documentsthe documents attached to this course are: Two WorkbooksPosters on various important concepts"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |