Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"You can Pass the Certified Management Accountant's Exam #2" |
"Dear CMA CandidateThis course is for you and not the general public. You are on a journey to become a Certified Management Accountant. You have made a good decision to do so but it will be an arduous journey. I did the same as you over forty years ago and the CMA designation opened many career doors for me and it will do the same for you.For many years, I marked the CMA final exams and know what the IMA is looking for in the ideal candidateThere are hundreds of learning outcomes that the IMA publishes that could be tested on the Part 2 exam. I have turned these learning outcomes into questions that past (successful) CMA candidates have researched the answers to. Their answers are provided but I recommend that you research the answers yourself as that will help you in mastering the content.IMA multiple choice questions are not all equal - know the three levels of questions and how much each level is worth.I have over five hundred multiple choice questions with answers and analysis at Level A, B and C. You can practice answering these questions in a number of 10 minute quizzes or 13 minute assignments..Look for quizzes and assignment in each module of this course. Also, there are two mock exams to practice.This course is a comprehensive study program to help you pass the Certified Management Accountants exam. It begins by first understanding how a professional organization such as the Institute of Management Accountants of America sets and marks the exams that lead to the professional designation as a Certified Management Accountant, The exams are offered three times a year - January, June and September.I will be continually adding material to help you master the content.Dr John"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS 10 & Swift 3 - Complete Developer Course" |
"Do You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad iOS 10 Appsbut are not sure where to start or even begin? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of mobile development but have little or no programming experience? Then this is the perfectcourse for you!ThisiOS 10 & Swift 3 - Complete Developer Coursewill give you everything your need to start your new career in IOS 10 development, The course has been structured to supportSwift 3, Teaching you all you need to know from creating your first project to Submitting to the AppStore.Create Over20Real iOS 10 Applicationsthroughout the course from fun and simple games to powerfulutility apps using the native features of IOS 10 devices to help you understand the process of creating applications within Swift 3.Create Sticker Pack ApplicationsOne of the many new features in iOS 10 create your own iMessage extensions and sticker pack applications.Sell Your App to Millions ofUsersand earn extra revenue from Ad networks,Making money has never been so easy!Not only do you get the best online IOS 10 development course online but you also get first class responsive support by email, Twitter or on theforums, So you can rest assure you have full guidance in your new career!Why Choose This iOS 10 & Swift 3 Course?Many programmers learning to create there first iOS 10 application often learn from a boring 300 paged book or a short online video tutorial and are often left with more questions they they asked! This iOS 10 & Swift 3 course teaches you from the ground up and i never leave you hanging as i support you through each and every step, i am there to assist you when you run into a problem in Xcode 8 and to offer any advice needed and before you know if you will have created your first iOS 10 app and will feel like everything your learned has stuck in your head.Topics Covered:Understanding Xcode 8, iOS 10, Interface Builder, Simulator and Project TypesLanguage basics and building blocksSwift 3: Get to know the new updated languageCreate over20 real iOS 10 applications in both languagesAll Objects, Actions and Outlets possible in App DevelopmentSocial Integration: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email and moreStoryboards and nib FilesUniversal Support and Screen Size SupportImages and Sounds IntegrationPlaying and Streaming Video SupportFull Featured iOS 10 AppsEarning Revenue Ad NetworksIn App PurchasesFun and Simple iOS 10 GamesCore Data ApplicationsCamera Support ApplicationsApp Store Submission and Update Support"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"iOS 10 & Objective-C - Complete Developer Course" |
"Do You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad iOS 10 Appsbut are not sure where to start or even begin? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of mobile development but have little or no programming experience? Then this is the perfectcourse for you!ThisiOS 10 & Objective-C - Complete Developer Coursewill give you everything your need to start your new career in IOS 10 development, The course has been structured to supportObjective-C, Teaching you all you need to know from creating your first project to Submitting to the AppStore.Create Over20Real iOS 10 Applicationsthroughout the course from fun and simple games to powerfulutility apps using the native features of IOS 10 devices to help you understand the process of creating applications within Objective-C.Create Sticker Pack ApplicationsOne of the many new features in iOS 10 create your own iMessage extensions and sticker pack applications.Sell Your App to Millions ofUsersand earn extra revenue from Ad networks,Making money has never been so easy!Not only do you get the best online IOS 10 development course online but you also get first class responsive support by email, Twitter or on theforums, So you can rest assure you have full guidance in your new career!Why Choose This iOS 10 & Objective-C Course?Many programmers learning to create there first iOS 10 application often learn from a boring 300 paged book or a short online video tutorial and are often left with more questions they they asked! This iOS 10 & Objective-C course teaches you from the ground up and i never leave you hanging as i support you through each and every step, i am there to assist you when you run into a problem in Xcode 8 and to offer any advice needed and before you know if you will have created your first iOS 10 app and will feel like everything your learned has stuck in your head.Topics Covered:Understanding Xcode 8, iOS 10, Interface Builder, Simulator and Project TypesLanguage basics and building blocksObjective-C: Full guide to creating full featured appsCreate over20 real iOS 10 applications in both languagesAll Objects, Actions and Outlets possible in App DevelopmentSocial Integration: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email and moreStoryboards and nib FilesUniversal Support and Screen Size SupportImages and Sounds IntegrationPlaying and Streaming Video SupportFull Featured iOS 10 AppsEarning Revenue Ad NetworksIn App PurchasesFun and Simple iOS 10 GamesCore Data ApplicationsCamera Support ApplicationsApp Store Submission and Update Support"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apple Watch Programming for iOS Developers - WatchOS 3 Apps" |
"Thank you for checking out my course :) ""Apple Watch Programming for iOS Developers"" will help you enter the exciting world of WatchKit. This course assumes you have some iOS programming experience and dives right into the specific tools you need to make WatchOS 3 apps.Topics we cover include:Tables in WatchKit (surprising different from TableViews)NotificationsComplications (have your app on the watch face!)Syncing Data Between Phone and WatchStandalone AppsTimersDesign Techniques Specific to Apple WatchIn this course, we'll be creating complete apps that you can install on your very own watch or upload to the App Store. For each app we make you will receive completed source code so that you can always check your work against mine as a reference.What makes Nickthe right instructor?Ihave more than 10 iOS apps in the App Store which total over 300,000+ downloadsSince the watch launched, I had a watch app in the App StoreI've taught more than 23,000 other students in my conglomerate of highly rated iOS development Udemy coursesI have personality! I keep things interesting for ya :)I would love to have you in the course. Take a look at the promo video and see you inside!Additionally, Ihave made this coursedownloadable, so you can work through the class offline, making it asconvenientas possible for you! Most instructors won't allow this, but I want you to be able to enjoy this course in whichever way is best for you:)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Complete MacOS Developer Course - Apps for the Desktop!" |
"Thank you for checking out my course :) ""The Complete MacOS Developer Course"" will help you conquer the programming world of the Mac. This course isfor both those with an iOSbackground and those who are complete beginners. This coursedives right into the specific tools you need to make MacOSapps.Topics we cover include:Tables in MacOS (no sections but we do have columns!)Exporting a Mac AppStatus Bar AppsCommandLine AppsWorking with the clipboardDesign Techniques Specific to MacSpriteKitUsing Parse Open Source as a Back-EndHandoffTouch Bar FunctionalityTwitter IntegrationCollectionViewsIn this course, we'll be creating 9complete projectsthat you can run on your computeror upload to the App Store. After we make each project, I will also supply you withthecompleted source code soyou can always check your work against mine as a reference.I would love to have you in the course. Take a look at the promo video and see you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Performance Feedback Essentials; feedback with Confidence" |
"The ability to give high impact employee performance feedback to others is one of the core communication skills of effective performance management. Great performance feedback motivates teams, engages individuals, provides clarity and delivers results. It also allows you as a manager to tackle performance issues quickly and turn around under performance issues before they become major challenges. Unfortunately, much of the performance feedback we give (and receive) is typically low quality and ineffective. This course will help you change that, showing you how to ensure the feedback you give and receive is high quality, high impact performance feedback. Learn to use feedback confidently to make a real difference to others. It doesn't matter whether you are a manager of others who wants to give much more effective performance feedback, or if you are seeking to strengthen personal relationships through confident, clear and open feedback; the skills learned will help you achieve that. If you have ever regretted not clearly explaining your view or feelings to others, or felt frustrated that people don't seem to respond to your feedback efforts, this course is for you."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Java y BlueJ Introduccin a las Bases de la Programacin" |
"Si eres un experto en JavaNO te recomiendo que tesuscribas. Este curso esta especialmente diseado para personas que nunca han programado o paraestudiantes de programacin novatos.Las lecciones de este curso fueron realizadastomando en cuenta a todas las personas que al igual que yo (Instructor Juan Villalvazo)batallan para entender coceptos de programacin, pero aun as no se dan por vencidos ya que en verdad quieren aprender a programar.Caractersticas de este curso:3 horas de video en Alta Definicin, grabadas y editadas para que aprendas en el menor tiempo posible las bases de la programacin con el lenguajeJava.Aprenders de la manera ms eficaz y sencilla temas como:El IDE Bluej,Constantes y variables, tipos de datos, funciones y mtodos, estructuras de control if -elseyswitch, ciclos for-while y do while, La programacin orientada a objetos (Clases, mtodos, variables de instancia,creacin y uso de objetos).Atencin de primera, si tienes cualquier duda de los temas vistos en el curso con gusto te ayudare.Todo esto dentro de una comunidad que se apoya mutuamente.As que si crees que este curso puede ser de tu ayuda, te invito a que formes parte de nosotros. Recuerda que este curso cuenta con garanta de 30 das, sipiensas que el curso no fue de tu ayuda, se te devolver lo invertido en el.Muchas gracias :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Git y GitHub Completo Desde Cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar dos herramientas muy extendidas en los ltimos aos de gran ayuda para cualquier programador.Git es una herramienta con la que podrs controlar los cambios que se hacen en un proyecto de modo que puedas volver atrs en el historialsi lo necesitas.Y luego aprenders a exprimir al mximo GitHub, un sitio web que te permite almacenar en la nube tu cdigo, compartirlo con los dems y sobre todo trabajar en equipo mediante las caractersticas que el sitio web te ofrece.Entre todos los temas del curso quisiera destacarte los siguientes que podrs aprender:Usando GitHub desde la lnea de comandos. Trabajando con otras personas. GitHub Pages. Qu es Git. Qu es GitHub. GitHub y los repositorios. GitHub Desktop. GitKraken. Creando un proyecto. Clonando el repositorio en tu ordenador. Realizando cambios. Subiendo los cambios a GitHub. Bifurcaciones. Cerrando bifurcaciones. Cerrando bifurcaciones con conflicto Los issues. Cmo crear un issue en GitHub. Responder y cerrar issues. Organizar las categoras de un issue. Haciendo forks. Realizando un pull ruques. Creando una versin GitHub es social. Crear un proyecto con varias personas. Administrar y revocar permisos en un repositorio. Administrar los usuarios de una organizacin. GitHub Pages. Cmo agregar archivos a tu pgina. Instalar Jekyll y crear un blog nuevo. Crear una pgina fija. Cmo subir el sitio de Jekyll a GitHub Pages. Utilizando un dominio personalizado. Solucin de problemas comunes en Jekyll Agregando una clave SSH."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Programacin de Android desde Cero +35 horas Curso COMPLETO" |
"Actualizado en Junio de 2019Aprende a crear aplicaciones para android desde cero y de forma sencilla con Android Studio y las herramientas ms profesionales del momento. En este curso aprenders:Java necesario para el desarrollo en AndroidDesarrollo de Aplicaciones nativas para AndroidDesarrollo de Juegos para AndroidInterfaces con Material Design y Responsive DesignAdministracin del hardware de los dispositivos (cmara, memoria, sensores...)Administracin de Base de Datos para las appsControl de Versiones con Git y GitHubDiseo y UsabilidadSoporte Multilenguaje de una appGPS, Google MapsExtrasTe animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del cursoA lo largo del curso tendrs varias horas de ejemplos prcticos para que captes bien el sentido de cada concepto y sepas aplicarlo en tus propios proyectos. Tendrs el desarrollo de una app como ejercicio por cada seccin del curso, as como el cdigo de los ejemplos mostrados en los videos. El curso est estructurado de forma modular, as que t decides en qu orden ver las secciones, sin necesidad de seguir una secuencia obligatoria. Tienes ms de 20 horas de videos que irn aumentando con el tiempo, ya que est curso estar en constante renovacin y ampliacin.Adems te transmitiremos nuestra experiencia para que seas un profesional en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android. Al final este curso sers capaz de crear una app moderna, funcional y atractiva sin ningn problema :)Permteme explicarte por qu debes tomar este curso:Entre todos los tutores que hemos participado en este curso reunimos ms de 15 aos de experiencia tanto como profesores, como tambin programador profesionales. El formato de mis videos es muy didctico y ameno. En mi caso me vers a m insertado dentro del pantalla, como si estuviera frente a t explicndote cada punto. Te acompaaremos desde el principio, haciendo ejercicios juntos y ayudndote con tus dudas.El equipo de TutoresAlejandro Lora: Desarrollador Senior de Software. Trabaja en Irlanda dedicndose nicamente a la programacin en Android con Android Studio. Aunque tambin domina otras reas del desarrollo de software ajenas a la creacin de apps.Daniel Rodrguez: Desarrollador Senior de Software. Maneja una gran variedad de campos, especializado en entornos web y java. Experto en desarrollo de juegos para Android.Jos Javier Villena (un servidor): Desarrollador Senior de Software. Tengo experiencia en varias tecnologas. He trabajado para organismos del Gobierno de Espaa tanto en Educacin impartiendo cursos, como en la produccin de software. Aprende a crear apps nativas para Android con Android StudioSi quieres ser un verdadero profesional en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android es esencial que sepas escribir tu cdigo de forma nativa. Muchos de los programadores de apps hbridas no conocen realmente el funcionamiento interno que se produce en un sistema Android, y eso hace que el rendimiento sea peor, perjudicando la experiencia de usuario. En este curso aprenders a crear apps nativas con Java. Ademas utilizaremos la herramienta oficial de Google, Android Studio, para que ests para trabajar con la herramienta ideal para la produccin de software en dispositivos mviles de Android.Creacin de apps modernas con Material Design y Responsive DesignSer un verdadero profesional no es slamente saber hacer una app, hoy en da es necesario que la experiencia de usuario sea la mejor, y que el diseo sea atractivo. Por eso en este curso aprenders a implementar Material Design y Responsive Design a tus aplicaciones para crear una mejor experiencia. As tus apps estarn a la ltima en cuestion de diseo.Veremos algunas herramientas online para implementar Material Design en Android, ensearemos como incluir Floating Action Buttons, cuadros de dilogos basado en este diseo...Es muy importante que cualquier aplicacin Android desarrollada se vea correctamente en los diferentes dispositivos de diferentes tamaos de pantalla. Ensearemos las mejores prcticas y formas de implementarlo desde Android Studio.Creacin de juegosEs de sobra conocido que la industria del juego est en pleno auge. Pues... en este curso tambin aprenders sobre el desarrollo de juegos!! A travs de algunas liberas que sabrs usar, podrs crear juegos para la industria del entretenimiento. Concretamente vers como hacer un clon del famoso juego Geometry Dash.Administracin de Bases de Datos para apps y APIsEn la seccin de persistencia de datos, el alumno aprenders a guardar datos en un dispositivo Android de diferentes formas y con diferentes tecnologas, como Shared Preferences o SQLite. Para que tu aplicacin permita interaccin entre varios usuarios de forma simultnea y segura es necesario que sepas usar servicios externos webs como APIs donde acceder a los datos y trabajar con toda la informacin que almacenen.Administracin del hardware del dispositivoSi quieres optimizar tu app para que gestione de forma eficiente los diferentes elementos de hardware con los que cuente el dispositivo en el que se ejecute tu app, ste curso es ideal para t. Aprenderas a controlar la memoria, sensores, cmara, gps, etc. De esa forma podrs crear apps ms atractivas al usuario. Te haban enseado a gestionar bien todos esos recursos para que el hardware del dispositivo no sufra? En esos detalles es donde se diferencia un autntico desarrollador.Aprende a trabajar en equipo y control de versiones con Git y GitHubPara ser un verdadero profesional, no basta que con que sepas realizar tus propios proyectos, tienes que saber administrar las diferentes versiones del mismo, o trabajar en equipo junto a otros desarrolladores que tambien estn participando en el mismo proyecto que t. Para ello es esencial en el desarrollo moderno aprender Git y GitHub para colaborar en desarrollos en grupo. En este curso tendrs una seccion muy completa, prtica y verstil de Git y GitHub, no es el tpico temario de comandos y cosas bsicas...encontrars cosas que hasta ahora yo no he visto que tenga ningn otro curso de Git y GitHub, el sistema de control de versiones ms extendido y valorado en el mbito profesionalUn Curso Diferente y en Constante RenovacinEl temario de la gran mayora de cursos sobre Android que encontrars en internet es muy similar, y al mismo tiempo es muy bsico. Este curso no te ensear solo a saber insertar botones en una pantalla, aprenders a crear de forma profesional una aplicacin. Encontrars una gran variedad de contenidos. Y te guiaremos hasta un nivel de programacin realmente alto. Adems el temario se ir ampliando progresivamente, de modo que no se quedar estancando.Existen algunos conceptos extras que se abordarn en el curso, y tambin en sto hay cierta flexibilidad, por lo que se pueden evaluar algunas algunos tems del inters de los alumnos,teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de aadirlos al curso bajo dicha demanda. Verdad que es genial? Pues lo mejor de todo es que est a tu alcance. Compra el curso y disfruta de todo lo que te est esperando. Nos vemos!Jos Javier Villena"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Baile Flamenco - Tcnica Bsica" |
"Este curso va dirigido a alumnos sin previos conocimientos sobre el Flamenco que quieren comenzar desde los inicios a formarse desde la tcnica. Para bailar Flamenco correctamente son necesarios ciertos conocimientos bsicos que te ayudarn a coordinar movimientos e incluso a conocer mejor tu cuerpo.Primero explicamos con detalle como estirar tus msculos antes y despus de cada sesin de ejercicio. Adems, te damos trucos sencillos para la colocacin correcta del cuerpo. Te iniciaremos en los primeros ejercicios de zapateados que te llevarn a conseguir un buen sonido, fuerza y velocidad, y con el tiempo resistencia. Tambin te ensearemos las principales posiciones de brazos y movimientos de manos. Y por ltimo los ejercicios ms bsicos de cadera, quiebros y vueltas. Estos primeros pasos sern el comienzo de una gran formacin acadmica que te llevarn a ser capaz de realizar coreografas de un nivel bsico.Dependiendo del tiempo que dediques y tambin de tus cualidades personales, podrs conseguir los objetivos que se plantean y podrs aumentar poco a poco tus conocimientos y capacidades."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Evaluacin de Presas con QGIS, CIVIL3D y EXCEL" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso, aquaprenders a realizar una evaluacin de un proyecto de Presas. El contenido est preparado de una forma prctica y contempla el siguiente contenido:1) Hidrografa - Seleccin del CauceSi la funcin de la presa es para riego o consumo, debemos de evaluar los ros cercanos para considerar el que mayor potencial tenga de satisfacer la demanda.2) Topografa - Ubicacin del MuroDebemos de estudiar la topografa del ro que hemos seleccionado para ubicar la zona del proyecto. Bsicamente buscaremos un buen cierre o ""garganta"" que nos permita almacenar mucha agua con el muro ms pequeo posible.3) reasy VolmenesAl inicio del estudio no sabemos que altura tendr el muro, pero una metodologa til es la de evaluar mltiples alturas y luego intentar determinar que demanda se puede satisfacer con cada una. Para hacerlo primero determinamos mediante distintos mtodos el volumenque almacenara y el reaque cubrira el muroa distintas alturas.4) Anlisis HidromtricoPara estimar si el ro tiene la cantidad de agua necesaria para satisfacer la demanda, debemos de obtener un registro de caudales del mismo ro lo ms cerca de la presa posible. Utilizando estos datos podemos realizar una simulacinde un almacenamiento en el que el registro representa la entrada de caudales al embalse y la demanda representa la salida.Debemos tambinconsiderar otros factores como evaporacin, precipitacin directa sobre la superficie del embalse, sedimentacin e infiltracin.5) ResultadosLos resultados de este estudio se presenta como un relacin entre la demanda que puede ser satisfecha y la altura del muro a construir (el costo de la obra). Esta relacin le permite a los tomadores de decisin el sopesar entre la inversin y el beneficio.Pero no slo aprenders estos procedimientos sino que tambin podrs dominar algunas herramientas de los programas QGIS, Civil3D y Excel, las cuales son muy utilizadas en ingeniera.Todas las actividades estn preparadas de una forma prctica, as que podrs ir trabajando paso a paso lo que vas aprendiendo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Piano #9: Use Suspended Chords to a song & play runs" |
"Learn Piano Level 9- Learn to use SuspendedChords Substitution into Away In A Manger & Slash Chord Trick to Suspended ChordsSometimes when we listen to musicians playing a musical arrangement, we here an open sound that creates tension that want to resolve quickly to a stable sound, you can be sure that they are suspended chord sounds created by the 4th tone of the chord. The 4th tone of the chord clashes heavily to the chord. So when the musician moves to the 3rd tone quickly, we feel that we have been taken to a wonderful ride.Here's the Secret:Whenever you play the SuspendedChord, watch your finger to see which finger is playing that 4th tone. If you play it in the Root position, this works best for runs whereby your 3rd finger can quickly resolve to the semi tone right below it to create that peaceful drama.Playing piano is fun when you watch patterns, watch your handshapes, listen to tones, and think in tone numbers. Never memorize notes which we are trained to do as music note learners.To play beautiful music, you need to learn to pick up the skills to play by ear and put your heart into the music rather than specific notes.Learn how to put in SuspendedChords into your music arrangement of Away in a Manger.Key of C: C7sus, D7sus, A7sus, G7sus__________________________________Here are some of the topics we will cover in this course:A. Music Theory - SuspendedChord FormulaChord Formula: 1 4 5Suspended Chord Distinctive Feature - Playing the clashing 4th toneB. How Suspended Chord Tones workC. Suspended Chords always resolve in half step - 4 to 3D. Learn Magic Trick to write Slash Chordsto suspended chords (F/G)E. Write out the 12 Dominant Suspended Chords in Slash Chords in less than a MinuteC7susD7susE7susF7susG7susA7susB7susDb7susEb7susGb7susAb7susBb7susF. SuspendedChord Substitution Rule - Where it is placed in chord progressionG. Reharmonize Away in A Manger with Augmented Chords!H. Fun Piano Runs with Suspended Chords - Intro of SongsCome on in and enroll in this course!Let's have some fun together,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Piano #10 Tritone Chord Substitution with Jazzy Sounds" |
"Learn Piano Level 10- Learn to use TritoneChords Substitution into Away In A Manger To give you song a jazzy sound and feel.Learn PianoLevel 10 is the toughest of all 9 levels. Imagine, now that you have learned how to do Chord Substitutions from Level 1 to Level 10, you can arrangea simple song like Away in a Manger with advanced chords and play the song with professional sounds. By reharmonizing the song in these 10 levels, you can reharmonize any simple songs in this way to give them sophisticated professional sounds.In Level 10, weve come to the most dissonant chord in the Key of C: Tritone chord substitutions. 'Tritone' is the tone that is 3 (tri) whole steps above or below the original dominant 7 Chord. The most dissonant interval between any two tones is 3 whole steps up or 3 whole steps down. When we watch musicians playing a piece of arrangement, they don't need to think too much to create new advanced chords, such as the tritone chords.Here's the Secret: Whenever you play the TritoneChord Substitution, use my trick. Let your fingers move to the b5 of the chord and play the new chord moving to the next chord that is 1/2 step down.That's it!That's why they create smooth sounding basslines that mesmerize the audience.Learn some new tips onhow to put in Tritone Chord substitutionsinto your music arrangement of Away in a Manger.Tip 1: Tritone's Unique Interval - TensedTip 2: Tritones present in Dominant 7 ChordsTip 3: Dominant & Respective Tritone Chord Sub share the same 2 tonesTip 4: Simple Trick to find Tritone Chord SubTip 5: Step 1 - Do Db7 Chord Sub to G7Tip 6: Step 2 - Do Eb7 Chord Sub to Em7Tip 7: Step 3 - Do Gb7 Chord Sub to C7Tip 8: Piano Technique 1: Tritone Chord resolves 1/2 step downTip 9: Piano Technique 2: Tritone Chord Progression - Beautiful Bass LineTip 10: Piano Technique 3: Alternate Tritone Chord ProgressionLearn how to Insert and Substitute with these new Tritone Chords:bII7bIII7bV7bVI7bVII7When you know how to apply Tritone Chord substitution into Away In A Manger, you will be able to apply them to any songs.You are going to learn some beautiul bass line arrangements with Tritone chord subs so that you can use it at the ending of songs.Instead of playing the normal chord progression of: Em7 Am7 Dm7 G7 CYou will learn to play it in2 possibilities using Tritone Chord Substitutions, creating 1/2 step movement from one chord to another.1. Bb7 Am7 Ab7 G7 C 2. Em7 Eb7 Dm7 Db7 C Come on in and enroll in this course!Let's have some fun together,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Play Piano 1 Master Class Intro: Standards 2-5 Power Chords" |
"The 2-5 Power Chord - Use this method to play Standards & Popular Songs by EARHave you ever wondered how composers or musicians play such rich arrangements to their songs?When we open a fake book or look at a music arrangement, we scratch our heads and wonder how composers decide on choosing those chords?Is it just a matter of guess work of using those chords because they sound good to our ears?Some professional musicians wish to have a fuller arrangement in their songs, so they try to look for a harmonizing chord to 'almost' every melody tone. What is the quickest method to get to a beautiful arrangement without wasting time on guess work?I have developed thisAmazing 2-5 Power Chord Reharmonization Methodto help you gain success to playing your favorite standards. 2-5 Power Chords are found in many standards and popular movie themes. They make rich full sounds that will captivate your audience wanting more.This course is an introductory course to get you going using 2-5 Chords.You need to learn the TWELVE 2-5-1 Major Chord ProgressionYou need to learn the TWELVE 2-5-1 Minor Chord ProgressionLearn how to play the 2-5-1 Chord Pogression on the Left HandLearn how to play the 2-5-1 in stepwise movement for smooth voicingOnce you are able to playthese 24 Two-Five in Major & Minor Chord Progressions, you will find it very easy to understand complex chord progressions that we see in the Advanced Fake Books & Movie songs.______________________________With the 2-5 Power Chord Method,I havedeveloped a new series of Standards and Popular songs to show you how to put in the 2-5 Power Chords.1. Love Me Tender (Aura Lee)2. Some Enchanted Evening3. Yesterday4. Misty5. The Way We Were6. For All We Know7. Over the Rainbow8. The Way You Look Tonight9. Where Do I begin?10. All IAsk Of You11. Unchained Melody12. My Heart Will Go On13. Moon River14. You Light Up My LIfeIn each song, I show you how to take a tune from its basic harmony ( I IV V7 ) to advanced chords in other keys. First, we need to establish a harmonic foundation to the song with basic chords so that you understand how complex chords come into play.I also put in a section on Easy Improvisation. I show you different ways to improvise around the chord progressions so that you learn ""tone motion voice leading"". Even when you don't play the actual melody of the song, you can hear the song in the background when you play the harmonic chord progressions. This is a good ear training program to help you play many standard and pop songs by EAR.Come on in and enroll in this course,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Play Piano 3: Improvise Chords to Enchanted Evening by Ear" |
"Play Piano 3: Play Old Standards By Ear Using Chord Progression! Improvise & Put 2-5 Power Chords to Some Enchanted Evening. WORKBOOK provided to do fun exercisesI have developed thisAmazing 2-5 Power Chord Reharmonization Methodto help you gain success to playing your favorite standards. __________________________2-5 Power Chordsare found in many standards and popular movie themes. They make rich full sounds that will captivate your audience wanting more.In thissong ""Some Enchanted Evening"",I show you how to take a tune from its basic harmony ( I IV V7 ) to advanced sophisticatedchords.""Some Enchanted Evening""is a show tune from the 1949 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific.First, we need to establish a harmonic foundation to the song with basic chords so that you understand how complex chords come into play.I also put in a section on Easy Improvisation. I show you different ways to improvise around the chord progressions so that you learn ""tone motion voice leading"". Even when you don't play the actual melody of the song, you can hear the song in the background when you play the harmonic chord progressions. This is a good ear training program to help you play many standard and pop songs by EAR.Learn 2-5 Powr ChordRules & Chord Substitutions to ""Some Enchanted Evening Improvisation"". In this song, I teach you how to use 2-5 Power chords to reharmonize the song from the harmonic basic chord foundation.In the full arrangement, you will be playing these chords:C6,C7,Dm7,D7,G7b9,Em7,C+,F6,Em7b5,Bm7b5,A7,A7b9,Bb7,D11Come on in and join us,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Play Piano 2: Play ""Love Me Tender"" By Ear with 2-5 Chords" |
"Play OldStandards by EAR using CHORDS!Play Piano 2: Play Love Me Tender (a.k.a Aura Lee) by EAR using advanced chord progression! WORKBOOK provided to do fun exercises.I have developed thisAmazing 2-5 Power Chord Reharmonization Methodto help you gain success to playing your favorite standards._____________________2-5 Power Chords are found in many standards and popular movie themes. They make rich full sounds that will captivate your audience wanting more. In thissong Love Me Tender,I show you how to take a tune from its basic harmony ( I IV V7 ) to advanced sophisticatedchords.This song was made popular by Elvis Presley when he adapted the tune and wrote his own lyrics to 'Love Me Tender."" The melody lines are actually taken from""Aura Lee"", whichis a senitmental civil war ballad with music written by George R. Poulton and lyrics by W.W.Fosdick. The song is about a maiden. First, we need to establish a harmonic foundation to the song with basic chords so that you understand how complex chords come into play.I also put in a section on Easy Improvisation. I show you different ways to improvise around the chord progressions so that you learn ""tone motion voice leading"". Even when you don't play the actual melody of the song, you can hear the song in the background when you play the harmonic chord progressions. This is a good ear training program to help you play many standard and pop songs by EAR.Learn New 2-5 Reharmonization Rules & Chord Substitutions to Aura Lee.In this song, I teach you the melody, chords, and reharmonization note-for-note using 2-5 Power chord method.This ""Series to play poplular songs by ear""aims to give you practical instructions to playing rich sounding chords even to a simple tune such as this one.In the full arrangement of Aura Lee, you will be playing these chords:CM7F#m7b5B7Am7D7,Db7,C6/9Em7,Ebdim7E7A+FM7Fm7Bb7b9G7susG7Em7b5G7b9.Come on in and join us,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Play Piano 4: Improvise on popular song Yesterday chords" |
"Play Piano 4: Play Popular SongsBy Ear Using Chord Progression! Improvise & Put 2-5 Power Chords to Yesterday+ WORKBOOKI have developed thisAmazing 2-5 Power Chord Reharmonization Methodto help you gain success to playing your favorite standards._________________________ 2-5 Power Chordsare found in many standards and popular movie themes. They make rich full sounds that will captivate your audience wanting more.In thissong ""Yesterday"",I show you how to take a tune from its basic harmony ( I IV V7 ) to advanced sophisticatedchords.""Yesterday"" was composed by Paul McCartney during the Beattle's tour of France in 1964. However, the song was not released until the summer of 1965. Before it was released, the title was originally called 'Scrambled Eggs' but later the Beattles wanted it to be a one word title and that's how ""Yesterday"" came into being. First, we need to establish a harmonic foundation to the song with basic chords so that you understand how complex chords come into play.I also put in a section on Easy Improvisation. I show you different ways to improvise around the chord progressions so that you learn ""tone motion voice leading"". Even when you don't play the actual melody of the song, you can hear the song in the background when you play the harmonic chord progressions. This is a good ear training program to help you play many standard and pop songs by EAR.Learn 2-5 Powr ChordRules & Chord Substitutions to ""YesterdayImprovisation"". In this song, I teach you how to use 2-5 Power chords to reharmonize the song from the harmonic basic chord foundation.In the full arrangement, you will be playing these chords:CM9Am7FM9D7/F#G7Bm7Bm7b5E7Am7/GAm7/FAm7/EDb7G7b9CM7/BG7/BCome on in and join us,Rosa*************************************Rosa's Online School: Teaching93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses!OVER74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many5 Star Reviews *************************************About Rosa's online course at Udemy:Over74,000very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the5 Star Reviewsfrom VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades arealways freeUnconditional Udemy30 day money-back guaranteeand that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting, Trello To-Do Lists and Excel Decision Analysis" |
"Do you feel stuck?Like maybe you're merely existing when you could be living?Are you simply part of the crowd rather than a unique individual?Perhaps it's time to change...Perhaps it's time to pursue your passions using techniques such as...Goal Setting: Set Achievable, Incremental & Measurable (AIM) GoalsSo, how about changing everything... and I mean for the better?Welcome to my course on goal setting and personal productivity. My name is Brian Jackson and I'm a top rated Udemy instructor of over 30 courses covering a wide range of topics from writing, self-publishing and book covers to 2D animation.This is a course about goal setting but the course goes well beyond that by including a detailed discussion of how to achieve your goals through:Motivation - Building MomentumDiscipline - Directed MomentumPersistence - Sustained MomentumFollow these simple techniques to make significant positive progress toward your goals.!!!Surprise!!! It's 2018 and I'm currently in the process of extending this course!!!I've already added 1 hour and 30 minutes and am now looking at adding another .5to 1hour.So, keep watching and I'll keep you informed of my progress...By the way, in addition to being reformatted (introduction, workshop, project and conclusion lectures added to all sections), the course includes two new sections on Achieving Your Goals using lists and an introduction to the Trello list management system.This course is designed for anyone who would like to take control of their life. The ideal student is someone like you. Someone who has dreams and aspirations they want to pursue passionately and studiously.Thanks for your interest in the course. I hope you're excited to get started. If you are, go ahead and click on the enroll button. Don't forget the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee. This should make your decision and easy one.So, I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blues Guitar Lessons: Chords, Rhythm and Lead Guitar (w/Tab)" |
"Have you ever wanted to take private lessons from the world's greatest professional guitarist?Yeah, me too...How about settling for me instead?Consider this...I've played guitar on and off over the last several decades andconsider myself to still beanadvanced beginner.Which probably makes me a better guitarist than you.Another thing to consider...I seem to be a good teacher.I've taught several friends how to play blues rhythm and lead guitar.Now I'm asking you to join the group.Not because I'm a great guitarist (I'm far from it).Not because I've developed some revolutionary new teaching method (though I mayhave).Not because I'm out to make a million dollars (though, wouldn't that be great?).I'm asking you to join me because it will be fun... for both of us.This course is unique in that I'm not a very good guitar player. So, taking this course is more like sharing guitar tips with a buddy. It's less intimidating than spending lots of money learning from a professional.Come on! Let's play blues guitar together.There are few things more rewarding on thisplanet than makingmusic with someone!We'll begin with learning how to play open E and open A power chords - the core of the blues and rock 'n' roll - using 1 finger per chord.Then we'll learn to add a B chord using a secondfinger--- from there we're off to the races...Power chords, open chords, bar chords. Rock 'n' roll rhythm and the blues shuffle rhythm. It's all here in guitar chord diagrams and tablature.The course includes information on how to play lead guitarand comes to a climax withasolo blues intro, shuffle, turn around, singing with lead conclusion.By the end of the course you'll know everything you need to play beginner blues rhythm and lead guitar.Or your money back. No, seriously.Udemy offers a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee on any course purchased. So, there goes yourrisk!So, have you ever wanted to learn how toplay blues guitar?Why not join me for a 1-on-1 buddy session while we learn together?I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manage Information: Windows 10 File Explorer & Google Search" |
"Information. It runs our lives. But what if things were turned the other way around...This is a course about Information -- your Information.More specifically, this is a course about Information Management.What's that? you might ask.To me, Information Management definesthree tasks:Search, Storage and Retrieval.Here's how it works.From out of seeming chaos (i.e. your computer disk drive or the Internet) you Search for and begin to organize Information. But you typically only do this once, because the next step is to Store that Information into well named data structures (i.e.Directories and Files)-- that supporteasy access. The next time you need the Information there is no need to Searchagain since the Information you needhas been Stored for easy Retrieval.This course begins with Windows 10Information Search, Storage and Retrieval using File Explorer. This section of the course is Windows specific and addresses the following topics:Windows 10 Application Search and PinningOverview of the Windows 10 File ExplorerManageable Directory Structures and File Naming ConventionsData Management Applications (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)File Name and File Type Searches with File ExplorerThe second half of the course addresses Internet Information Management using Google to Search and the Chrome browser Favorites feature to Store an Retrieve Information. This section includes information on Basic and Advanced Google Search along with introductory information onmore advanced Search result Storage and Retrieval .This section of the course is operating system agnostic and addresses the following topics:Basic Google SearchAdvanced Google SearchManaging and Using ChromeBrowser FavoritesThat's it. Short and sweet.Consider this:If you're just going to buy your 200th Udemy course and then store it away and never watchit, why not buy thisshort and cheap course?If you're actually going to commit to watching the next Udemy course you buy (i.e.this one)why not buya shortone (i.e. this one)that you're likely to complete.Okay, herecomes a bit of astretch... If you're willing to buy this course and watch it... please leave a fair and honest review.That's it for your part.So, what's our part of the contract? you might ask. Because you'll notice I have a partner this time out. John Hesnan of Galway, Ireland.How about if we offer:Quality information delivered in a clear and well-paced manner at a reasonable priceExemplary student support after you purchase the courseSorry, that's all you get this time... wait a second... that's everything we have tooffer! Argh! Not again!Seriously, take the course and see if it teaches you something. If not, there's always the Udemy 30-day money back guaranty to fall back on. Argh! Not that!We'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Get More Done In 3 Hours Than Most Do In 3 Days" |
"Efficiency is the key to success, whether youre working in business or you simply want to achieve a work-life balance that generates joy while reducing stress. This course is for anyone who wishes to learn the tools and techniques that the most successful people use to get more done in less time. Youll discover exactly what it takes to get more done in just three hours than most people do in three whole days. Most importantly, youll learn how to implement these time-saving tactics into your online businesss operations so you can generate higher profits. Work Smarter, Get More Done, and Grow Your Success This short and straight-to-the-point course is focused on action rather than theory. As you move from one section to the next, youll begin to clearly understand what you need to be doing in your business in order to generate greater profits and sustain your results for the long run. These techniques and methods will allow you to operate your business in a way that will drive it forward. Youll be able to overtake the competition and achieve amazing results that you didnt think were possible. Course Content After a brief introduction, youll move right into the tools that are necessary to operate a 6-figure business online. Then youll learn about the ToDoToMo strategy that will make you a highly effective business owner, and youll tackle how to limit your distractions. Youll also uncover other tactics, referred to as G.S.D. and P.M.G., designed to make your workflow as productive as possible. Finally, youll discover three steps that will allow you to change your life with a single shift. In other words, youll not only learn how to become more effective in business, but also how to tackle any big change in your life. By the time you complete this course, youll know exactly how to work smarter, not harder. Youll be surprised by all that you can accomplish in a short period of time, and youll be able to achieve more because of this new level of efficiency."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Instagram Marketing Course - 6 Courses In 1" |
"Instagram has become one of the most popular social networking channels for businesses of all sizes. If youre ready to harness the power of Instagram, this course will detail every marketing technique that works. Rather than wasting time experimenting with different types of posts, this course is designed to teach you exactly how to grow your Instagram account and market any type of offer effectively. Through straightforward, easy-to-understand instruction, youll move through seven courses that are packed with information that you can apply right away. Grow Your Following, and Your Business, on Instagram This 7-course package will cover everything you need to know to successfully market any person, product, service, or brand on Instagram. Youll understand the types of images that perform best on Instagram, as well as the tactics that are most effective at not only attracting and retaining more followers, but also increasing engagement and interaction. If youve been struggling with making your posts go viral on Instagram, this course has you covered. Youll be able to use hashtags and other easy techniques to get your posts in front of the largest audience possible in order to increase sales. Course Content This course starts off with a brief introduction before moving right into the program that youll need to download and set up in order to use Instagram from your computer. Youll then discover a whopping 20 websites where you can find thousands of free images that you can use to boost the effectiveness of your account, and youll find out what it takes to make an image go viral. When ready, youll learn how to dramatically increase the number of people following you. Youll uncover a hands-free way to get more followers, and youll also learn how to leverage other accounts for your own gains. Finally, youll tackle how to increase your leads and sales with the help of Instagram, and youll cover how to use the best trending hashtags to further increase engagement. Upon completion of this course, youll know precisely how to use Instagram to its fullest potential. Youll understand what it takes to enhance your leads, sales, and engagement so you an increase profits and grow your brand."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Social Media Marketing Mega Bundle - 7 Courses In 1" |
"If you're interested in growing your social mediaaccountsor getting many helpful tips when it comes to using social media, then this megacourse is a MUSTHAVE for you.With 7 courses jam packed into this, you are going to get multiple ways to make specific social media platforms work for YOU. Here's just a fraction of the things you'll discover after enrolling in this course today.The perfect Facebook targeting formula. How to get more clicks to your Facebook advertisements using free and simple tricks. How to grow your Twitter following with 3 easy steps (which is all 100% free). How to automate your Twitter posting (which is also 100% free). How to optimize your YouTube videos for more clicks, leads, and sales. How to quickly and easily resize images for social media, and a bunch more.Seriously, if you are the least bit interested in social media, then you need to sign up for this course immediately. See you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Email Marketing Mega Bundle - 10 Courses In 1" |
"If you're interested in using email marketing to grow your business or simply develope better skills to get more opens and clicks, thenthis megacourse is a MUSTHAVE for you.With 10email marketingcourses jam packed into this, you are going to get multiple ways to make email marketing work for YOU. Here's just a fraction of the things you'll discover after enrolling in this course today.7 super subject lines to getting your emails opened. How to create the perfect welcome email. The specific formula for creating continuity with email marketing. How to craft emails that simply get the click, even if you're not an expert. How to get 50% more opens and clicks from only a few minutes of work. 6 tips for increasing your ROI and 6 hacks to use email marketing for effectively growing your business. How to get your emails opened and most importantly clicked. and 200 amazing cliches to give your emails more personality.Seriously, if you are the least bit interested in email marketing, then you need to sign up for this course immediately. See you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Setup Automated & Evergreen Funnels - 7 Courses In 1" |
"If you've ever wanted to start an online business or create more time and freedom from having an online business, then this is the PERFECT course for you.Inside this massive bundle of 7 courses you'll see exactly how to automate and evergreen multiple types of funnels so that you set it up and then reap the rewards.Some of the types of funnels you'll discover how to automate include affiliate funnels, launch funnels, tripwire funnels, webinar funnels, and email marketing funnels.While this course is NOT about how to get traffic, there will be 2 courses inside that will show you how to setup specific funnels that will allow you to get traffic. Those 2 funnels are an Instagram funnel and YouTube funnel.With all the golden nuggets revealed in this mega bundle course, you'd be crazy to miss out on it. So if you're looking to work less and automate more aspects of your online business, be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Effectively Persuade Using High Converting Templates" |
"If you've ever wanted to command more attention when it comes to Facebook posts, Instagram posts, Twitter posts, YouTube videos, articles, blog post, and sales letters... then this course is PERFECT for you.After going through this masterclass, you'll have 7 unique templates and over-the-shoulder examples to help youwith your online business. Templates that have effectively used from pre-headlines, headlines, introductions, bullet points, guarantees, call to action closers, and last but not least P.S. templates.You can use all of these templates andexamplesto effectively persuade others into reading or watching what you have to offer.This course is perfect for internet marketers, affiliate marketers, email marketers, content marketers, copywriters, bloggers,and digital marketers.Sounds pretty cool, right? Then be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Erfolgsstrategien fr 2020" |
"SEO - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Erfolgsstrategien vom Profi![Dieser Kurs wurde am 15.05.2020 das letzte mal aktualisiert]Herzlich Willkommen!Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich fr den Kurs ""Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) Erfolgsstrategien vom Profi!"" interessieren. Unser Team von SEOacademy hat geballte 25 Jahre an Erfahrung und Know-how fr Sie strukturiert und einfach aufbereitet. Mit ber 60.000 Studenten gehren wir weltweit zu den grten Trainings-Anbietern im Bereich der Suchmaschinenoptimierung.In dem Kurs ""Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) Erfolgsstrategien vom Profi!"" lernen Sie alle Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung kennen. Es ist uns wichtig sicherzustellen, dass Sie nicht nur smtliche Fachbegriffe rund um das Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung vermittelt bekommen sondern auch zu 100% verstehen, worauf es bei einer professionellen Optimierung ankommt.SEO IST DIE ZUKUNFT! - Wo suchen Sie, wenn Sie Informationen ber ein Thema bentigen? Richtig! Im Internet! Wo sonst? Hchstwahrscheinlich nutzen Sie fr Ihre Recherche Google, wie ber 90% aller Deutschen und sogar aller Europer.Worauf warten Sie also noch?Fangen Sie an und berholen Sie Ihre Konkurrenz schon in den nchsten Wochen!Jeder kann SEO lernen!Am Ende dieses Kurses werden Sie in der Lage sein: mit dem Know How aus der Keywordrecherche bessere Keywords auszuwhlen und dadurch mehr Traffic und Verkufe zu generieren! einschtzen zu knnen welche Rankingfaktoren wichtig sind und welche nicht! bei den Basisthemen von SEO mitreden zu knnen mit der Optimierung Ihrer Website zu starten Einschtzen zu knnen in welche Richtung sich Google entwickeln wird und wie daher nachhaltig optimiert werden kann Meta-Tags richtig zu optimieren und zu implementieren sicherzustellen, dass Sie die richtige Domain verwenden und dass Ihre Domain auch auf die richtige Zielgruppe ausgerichtet ist. zu wissen, ob der Server-Standort und die Art des Hostings heutzutage noch ausschlaggebend sind zu entscheiden, ob Sie ein SSL-Zertifikat erwerben und installieren sollen die richtigen SEO-Plugins und Tools auszuwhlen eine SEO-freundliche Seitenstruktur zu planen und umzusetzen interne Verlinkungen optimal zu berwachen und zu steuern abzuschtzen, ob interner oder externer doppelter Inhalt Ihrem Rankings schaden kann optimierte Landingpages zu erstellen zu wissen, welche die wichtigsten technischen SEO-Faktoren sind und wie man diese optimiert zu wissen, welche die wichtigsten OnPage SEO-Faktoren sind und wie man diese optimiert Links bewerten zu knnen (gut/schlecht, stark/schwach....) Links selbst aufzubauen diverse Linkbuilding-Strategien anzuwenden Erfolgsmessung Ihrer Manahmen durchzufhren.... und vieles mehr!!!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Estudiar Mejor y Aprobar Ms" |
"MINI-CURSO de tcnicas de estudio de 5 vdeos clave en el que aprenders los principios bsicos para mejorar la calidad de tus aprendizajes y obtener mejores resultados en tus estudios. El curso est dirigido a: Opositores Universitarios Estudiantes de grados Estudiantes de bachiller Profesionales Personas que quieran conocer ms sobre el proceso de aprender. Adquirirs Conocimientos SOBRE Cmo mejorar tus aprendizajes, teniendo en cuenta los errores y la forma de percibirlos. Cmo estudiar distintas asignaturas y su mejor mtodo de estudio. Cmo ser capaz de recordar 50 palabras sin haberlas estudiado aplicando tcnicas especficas. El secreto para mejorar la memoria. Cmo enfrentarse a un tema o temario de la manera ms ptima. Funcionamiento del CURSO 5 Vdeo-tutoriales explicativos e informacin adicional Descarga de PDFs de los vdeos para tener en todo momento presente lo aprendido y poder repasar en el momento que quieras."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Prevent and Treat Hair Loss Naturally - No Drugs or Pills!" |
"This course is for all of us - especially those of us living in the first-world countries, with all the processed foods and horrible lifestyles we are living today. It takes a toll not only on our health, but on our physical appearance as well.No one like to lose hair. And that included me, a young guy who was in his twenties, with a family history of perfect hair until old age, I never had to worry about my hair... until I started noticing more and morehairs in the sink.My scalp started shining through, and my hairs were thinning quickly.I was freaking out,it didn't seem normal for thatto happen at such a youngage - it definitely wasn't genetics. I spent over a YEAR onresearching and experimenting with naturalremediesand finally figured it out; a herbal formula that worked for me. Different things will work for different people - I show you the most successful ways to get your hair back, and prevent it from future loss...WITHOUTTHEPILLSANDMEDICINE!Join now and start your path to a healthy life and looking younger."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo Web Completo con HTML5, CSS3, JS AJAX PHP y MySQL" |
"Un curso paso a paso si deseas comenzar en el mundo de la programacin Web.En este curso aprenders 7Lenguajes y Tecnologas Web:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX,PHP y MySQLAdemsagregars a tus sitios las siguientes API`s,SDK`s, Frameworks, libreras y caractersticas.AdminLTE -Crearemos un rea de administracin segura y atractiva.Bootstrap -AdminLTE est construido sobre bootstrap, aprenders lo bsico del framework HTML5 y CSS3 ms popular del mundo.CRUD -Aprende a crear aplicaciones CRUD (Crear, Leer,Actualizar y Delete) con PHP, MySQL y AJAX!PayPal- Recibiremos pagos en lnea en nuestro proyecto finalGoogle Maps API - Para mostrar un mapa de ubicacinMailChimp - Para que los usuarios se inscriban a tu newsletterTwitter Feed - Mostraremos los tweets de una cuenta en nuestro sitio webAdems crearemos distintos Proyectos!Sitio Web para una conferencia de diseo donde los usuarios podrn pagar por sus entradas.Agenda de Contactos en Ajax, PHP, MySQL y JavaScript.UpTask - Administrador de Proyectos en Ajax, PHP, MySQL y JavaScriptEntre otros :) (estn habilitados para verse gratis)Este curso esta lleno detips y tcnicas, adems de la creacin de un sitio Web real con funciones muy avanzadas y un rea de administracin para hacer un sitio 100% dinmico.Adems de las tecnologas anteriores, crearemos galeras, formularios, validaciones, un carrito en lnea con cotizador, registros a la base de datos, sistema de inicio de sesin, agregar la informacin dinmicamente desde la Base de Datos MySQLy mucho ms!Si no tienes experiencia previa y es tu primera vez escribiendo cdigo para hacer una pgina web, debes tomar este curso, que asume nunca has escrito una sola lnea de cdigo(te mostrar desde como crear un archivo .html) hasta disear tu base de datos y recibir pagos por PayPal, paso a paso y sin asumir conocimiento alguno.Si ya tienes experiencia, aprenders de los temas ms avanzados, en los que creamos un proyecto final que comenzamos a construir desde los primeros videos y que incluye estas 7tecnologas y API`sAdems te mostrar como crear un rea de administracin segura, con password hasheados, loguear usuarios, sesiones y ms. As como una pequea aplicacin en VanillaJS y Ajax para guardar contactos telefnicos con PHPEn este curso aprenders lo bsico de cada tecnologa y despus integraremos todo junto para hacer diseos increbles, es decir: crearemos una base slida y luego veremos como utilizarla sin duda la que considero la mejor forma de aprender.Hoy en da aprender programacin web es uno de los empleos ms demandados y con mejor pagay he preparado este curso para que una vez que finalices tengas las armas necesarias para poder encarar cualquier proyecto."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Coding in R per l'analisi dati: da principiante a esperto" |
"Questo corso di base di programmazione con R per aspiranti data analyst nasce per accompagnare un principiante nella programmazione, dalle basi del linguaggio di programmazione (uno dei pi conosciuti e utilizzati nel campo dell'analisi dati) fino all'utilizzo della statistica descrittiva.Una volta finito questo corso lo studente sar in grado di creare, importare, manipolare e gestire dei dataset. Il corso parte dall'impostazione dell'ambiente di lavoro: vedremo come scaricare, installare e utilizzare alcuni dei pi importanti tool per l'utilizzo di R. Passeremo poi alla creazione degli oggetti: R si basa su alcune strutture che necessario conoscere, come vettori, matrici, liste e dataframe. Una volta che avremo capito come creare e manipolare queste strutture dati, estrarne degli elementi e salvarle in locale sul computer, passeremo all'utilizzo di loop e alla creazione di funzioni. Nella sezione successiva vedremo una serie argomenti utili: come impostare una cartella di lavoro, come installare e richiamare un pacchetto, come ottenere delle informazioni sui dati, dove trovare dei dataset per i test e ottenere aiuto su una funzione.Quando si analizzano dei dati ci si imbatte prima o poi nei dataframe cosiddetti casi x variabili. Vedremo quindi come importare un dataframe dal computer, o da internet, su R. Esistono molte funzioni adatte allo scopo e molti pacchetti che ci sono utili per importare dei dati che sono in alcuni formati particolari, come ad esempio i formati per Excel, il .csv, il .txt o il JSON.Vedremo poi come manipolare i dati, creare nuove variabili, aggregare i dati, ordinarli in maniera orizzontale e longitudinale, unire due dataset. Per fare questo utilizzeremo alcuni pacchetti e funzioni specifiche, come dplyr, tidyr o reshape2. Vedremo anche brevemente come interfacciarci a un database e utilizzare altri pacchetti per snellire la gestione di dataset un po' pi grandi. R un linguaggio molto importante anche nell'ambito della statistica. Impareremo quindi alcune delle funzioni di base, come calcolo delle medie per riga o per colonna, e le funzioni statistiche pi comuni nell'ambito della statistica descrittiva.Quando si parla di analisi dati, ci troveremo spesso a creare dei grafici per spiegare i nostri dati e le nostre analisi. Per questo motivo dedichiamo una sezione del corso a vedere come creare dei grafici sia con le funzioni della libreria di base, sia con il pacchetto ggplot2. Nelle ultime lezioni del corso vedremo come creare e esportare dei report e delle slide, riepiloghiamo gli argomenti visti e le funzioni utilizzate, e vediamo il materiale di supporto."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |