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"Guida al text mining e alla sentiment analysis con R" |
"Questo corso dedicato a chi si avvicina al mondo del text mining e della sentiment analysisper la prima volta, pur avendo delle basi di programmazione e analisi dati con R. Nonsi tratta di un corso divulgativo generico sul text mining e sulla sentiment analysis, ma diun corso che vuole spiegare le basi dell'analisi dei testi tramite il linguaggio di programmazione R.Se non sai ancora programmare con R, purtroppoquesto corso non quello giusto per te, ma puoi dare un'occhiata al mio corso base.Se invece stai cercando esempi e casi per capire in maniera semplice le tecniche base per effettuare un'analisi di text mining o scoprireil sentiment dei tuoi testicon R, sei nel posto giusto. R uno dei linguaggi di programmazione pi diffusi quando si parla di analisi dati, e comprende una serie di pacchetti e funzioni che possono aiutarci sia nel text mining descrittivo che nel text mining predittivo.Il text mining descrittivo ""descrive"" un testo a partire dalle parole che lo compongono, mentre il text mining predittivo utilizza le caratteristiche di un gruppo di testi per effettuare delle predizioni, ad esempio se un'email spam o no, oppure se un testo stato scritto o meno da un autore, oppure, per tornare alla sentiment analysis, se un commento positivo o negativo.Per prima cosa partiamo capendo come mai il text mining e la sentiment analysis sono tanto importante, e quali sono gli usi che se ne fanno, e le lingue pi analizzate (spoiler: c' anche l'italiano).Analizzare un testo non come analizzare un dataset: il testo va prima trasformato in qualcosa che il computer possa capire: imparerai quindi le tecniche pi importanti per sintetizzare un testo, preprocessarlo, normalizzarlo e rappresentarlo.Imparerai poi a importare un documento o un corpus in R, preprocessarlo e analizzarlo, creando anche delle rappresentazioni grafiche.Oltre al pacchetto base ci sono molti pacchetti per il text mining: il pi importante per le analisi di base di sicuro tm.Una volta chiarite queste parti introduttive, ci dedichiamo alle tecniche di machine learning applicate al text mining, che ci permettono a partire da un corpus o da un testo, di effettuare delle predizioni.Uno degli strumenti per l'analisi pi interessante Twitter: in questo corso imparerai a estrarre dei tweet e ad analizzarli. Oltre ai pacchetti per il trattamento testi, come tm, e per l'estrazione dati, esistono ancora moltissimi pacchetti per il text mining che imparerai a utilizzare con questo corso, non solo per il text mining ma anche per la sentiment analysis. Vedremo quindi, dato un testo, come predire in maniera automatica tramite varie tecniche di machine learning, se il testo positivo o negativo, tramite metodi supervisionati e non supervisionati.Il corso si chiude con una parte sulla rappresentazione grafica dei testi e alcuni cenni sui metodi di analisi qualitativa CAQDAS.***Attenzione, questo corso al momento non comprende una parte relativa agli esercizi, che sar aggiunta a breve con modalit che saranno chiarite nella Bonus Section"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"YouTube SEO: Rank Your Videos Higher Using YouTube Subtitles" |
"Join my community of over 6,700students learning my courses!Listen to what students are saying:""This is good course for all, who want to get some useful information.Thanks"" - Jagjit Singh""Great course."" -Sina HoeurnThis course is designed to improve your YouTube video search result rank (SEO) by the use of subtitles & closed captions (CC). By the end of this course you will be able to understand the benefits creating subtitles & closed captions and learn various ways of creating them. By taking action with the newly gained knowledge, you will be able to improve the SEO rank of your videos and thereby your YouTube videos will gain more exposure. About This Course: Many people are not using subtitles and closed captions, when they are creating YouTube videos. You can take advantage of this fact and improve the search results of your YouTube videos. In this course I show you at least 4 different ways how you can create subtitles and closed captions for your YouTube videos. You can select the easiest and most effective one that suits your needs. I explain the benefits and drawbacks of each method. In addition, I also share my own personal experience what has worked most effectively for me. This course is designed for anyone who has a YouTube channel with uploaded videos. However, all of the steps how to create subtitles and closed captions will be explained in great detail within this course, meaning that you do not require any knowledge about transcription before starting the course. Contents and Overview: Know the benefits of transcribing YouTube videosDiscover how easy it is to create transcription for your YouTube videosLearn how to edit transcriptionsLearn how to let others transcribe for youUpload transcription files directly to YouTubeAdditional Benefits: In addition to the curriculum and the things you will learn in the course, you will also get the following benefits by taking this course: Full and lifetime access to the courseAll future extra lectures and upgradesare always includedfor freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee- that is my personal promise of your success!My help is available to you,if you get stuck or have a questionGet discounts to my other YouTube coursesEnroll nowby pressing theTake This Course""button at the top right, as you will be able to improve your YouTube videos search results rankings."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Psychology: How To Become A Master Of Influence" |
"If youve been desperately looking for world-class marketing strategies and techniques to increase your marketing influence, convert more visitors into leads, drive more sales, and ultimately grow your business, then enrolling and completing this program might be one of the best business decision youve ever made! ...and before I tell you why let me first introduce myself.*****IMPORTANT UPDATES FOR 2020:I've added my traffic system for getting high-paying clients from Amazon.[MINI COURSE - 11 Lectures] How to apply Scarcity Marketing professionally (theory plus step-by-step instructions).I've added a (frequently updated) list of books that I recommend on the topics of marketing and copywriting!Training on how to build, implement and edit high-converting pages and funnels to your business (for marketers).Over 1109 positive reviews and 18,598 students!*****Howdy, My name is Vladimir Raykov and I have sold over 20000 digital products online ranging from $7 to $497. During the last several years, Ive been obsessed with learning and implementing cutting-edge marketing strategies that help businesses drive sales today. Ive invested virtually thousands of dollars in formal and informal education and years sharpening my marketing skills. Ive analyzed the most successful online entrepreneurs today, their squeeze pages, sales pages, marketing funnels, customer service techniques, conversion techniques, pricing strategies and what I found was shocking! They all use the very same psychological triggers to influence their prospects to buy from them, to become their customers. If I could summarize my findings with only one phrase, here it is - the most successful online entrepreneurs possess what I call - Marketing Influence! This is the key to their success, this is their competitive advantage. You might be asking, what is marketing influence all about? Let me first tell you what marketing influence is NOT. This is not the latest trick for driving useless 1-cent per click Facebook trafficThis is not some weird NLP technique.This is not misleading people into doing something they dont want.Marketing Influence is all about a solid understanding of human psychology and marketing. Once you have that understanding, you will be able to do marketing in a way that your prospects will be begging you to sell them your products. Ive identified 5 main pillars that would help you increase your marketing influence to a point that you become the go-to expert in your industry, you start driving more sales than ever before, and you grow your business effortlessly. And this is not an exaggeration because we can use technology to automate over 90% of your marketing processes! And before I tell you more about these pillars, I want to show you what happened when I launched Marketing Psychology 101 at Udemy. Over 5000 people enrolled and the course quickly became a best-seller as you can see. My students started implementing the techniques and saw results almost immediately. Here is what some of them said: ""Marketing Professionals! You need to take this course. Vladimir is extremely knowledgeable and breaks down complex subjects into easy to understand material. You can learn more from taking a 1-hour course with Vladimir than you could in a year-long business course, it's that good."" - Brent Dunn What about the next one... ""Kick-ass principles that are too often ignored... Everybody will benefit from Vladimir's course, for real. If you're in the game of selling products, services or even ideas, this course is the toolbox you need to become a master-convincer. Plus, Vladimir is really entertaining and the examples are nothing short but great!"" - Robin Hanna If you are in marketing, (or any kind of business), take this course! It's a must! - William Heredia ""Great course! Following the instructor advice, I got measurable positive results! Nice!!!"" - Jordan Stanchev ""Great course! Everyone that works with sales should check it out. Most of the advice can be used in any sale situation."" - Johnny Hov And so many more similar reviews! Besides the reviews, some of my students posted discussions and sent me emails asking for Marketing Psychology 2.0 And here is how I responded: As for now, the interest for the Marketing Psychology Part 1 is great. I will seriously consider part 2. And now, after 11 months of hard work, research and testing marketing concepts, and thousands of dollars spent during the process, Marketing Psychology 2.0 is here. Im excited to introduce Marketing Psychology: How To Become A Master Of Influence is officially live!Now, let me tell you what this program will do for you and your business. As Ive said, Ive identified 5 main pillars that your business must possess if you want to increase your marketing influence, increase the number of sales, decrease your refund rates, automate your marketing and ultimately grow your business. Marketing Pillar #1 - The Psychology Of Digital Information Product Creation Many people built information product businesses, including myself but even if your business is not about selling digital information products, this type of products can add tremendous value to your business in many ways. For example, you can use digital products as a marketing or customer satisfaction tool. This is what some of the biggest companies in the world do, companies like Facebook, Google, and Adobe! Why wouldn't you? In this section of the program, you will learn how to create digital information products of superior quality. I won't be teaching you the tech, boring stuff such as how to use screen recording or presentation software. I'll be teaching you proven, ready-to-implement techniques for creating content that moves people to take the action you want! More specifically, you will learn: How to write a compelling name for your product that will increase its perceived value and make prospects say Yes, this is something I want. Well do that by inserting the main benefit your product delivers in the name itself and well make it specific by adding absolute numbers. How to teach and explain your ideas in a way that will cause a positive change in behavior because the true purpose of learning is a behavioral change is not simply a collection of facts. I created a model that is deadly-effective in terms of passing on information! I called it the APE Model. By the way, the APE model is so effective that it helped me receive over 2000 positive reviews for my digital products. Its that good. How to communicate in a way that your prospects and customers will understand you perfectly every time! Youll discover the four learning styles proposed by the prominent Harvard Psychologist David Kolb. And if you are not aware of these, your marketing messages wont relate to peoples needs which means disconnect and no sales. How to increase the perceived value of your ideas instantly and make them impossible to forget! That means people would be willing to pay a higher price for your digital products. Marketing Pillar #2 The Psychology Of PricingOne of the areas online entrepreneurs feel uncertain is the price tag of their product or service. What these entrepreneurs fail to understand is that perceived value is what matters when people make a buying decision! This is why you can find case studies all over the place when an increase in price leads to more sales. This is not what Economics 101 teaches us. I hope my professor on Economics won't get angry here. Here is what you will learn in this section. The four general pricing strategies and the two you must avoid at all cast. How to apply the Framing Effect when presenting the price of your product to make it look like a real bargain! This technique is so effective that no matter how expensive your product is, your prospects will be in a hurry to buy it! When the right time to present the price of your product is. Is it better to present the product first and then the price or the other way around? How to use Decoy Pricing to increase sales by making people choose your desired pricing option. Apple uses that all the time when they are selling iPad. How to do discounts the right way. And how entrepreneurs are killing their businesses by using discounts without realizing it. How to price your product line and the meaning of each product for your business. If you have only one product and this is your business - you are in trouble! We need to fix that. Lets carry on to.. Marketing Pillar #3 The Psychology Of Conversion In this section, you will learn the most powerful psychological triggers to increase your conversions. That means more visitors will opt in when they see your squeeze page and more subscribers will buy when they see your sales page or sales video. Regardless of the business you are in or will be in the future, these in-demand skills will help you sell effectively! More specifically, here is what you will learn: How to communicate directly to that part of the brain responsible for making a decision - we call that part - The Old Brain. And I cant help myself here, I want to share the most important characteristic of the old brain, some people call it reptilian brain. It is selfishness. If the old brain could speak, he would say Whats in it for me. The two underlying forces behind any kind of action we, humans, take and how to use these forces in your marketing messages. Tony Robbins talks about these all the time. How to apply the Power Of Anticipation in your marketing! Jeff Walker and his students made over 500 million in sales using this principle! How to apply the Urgency Principle, this is by far the best conversion tool in your marketing arsenal. Period. How to eliminate Decision Fatigue because if you dont, this negative psychological reaction will cause your visitors walk away! How to use bonuses professionally to increase your sales. And the #1 reason why bonuses dont work! How to use the most powerful form of Social Proof as a conversion tool. When to use logical appeal and when to use emotional appeal in your marketing messages. The two advertising schools are always arguing about that. Top 10 emotional triggers used by marketers. Fear is the first one, some of the rest might surprise you. How to use Guarantees as risk removal or reversal devices. This will lead to more people buying your product. Marketing Pillar #4 The Psychology Of Your Marketing Funnel Here you will discover how to apply all of the psychological triggers youve learned in the previous section. I will teach you in a very detailed manner how to automate your marketing and build a highly effective marketing funnel for your business that will be driving sales on autopilot! More specifically, here is what you will learn: The critical elements behind ANY effective marketing funnel (no exceptions)! Why? Because if you dont include these elements, your traffic would go down the drain. How to identify your target audience (demographics and psychographics) so you can create your products and advertising campaigns specifically for these people! The secrets behind high-converting squeeze pages. Ive created a 12-step checklist for you to use when designing and creating your squeeze pages. And if you are new to digital marketing, a squeeze page is a type of landing page designed for one purpose alone - to capture email addresses. How to create lead magnets that your visitors will crawl over broken glass to get. These lead magnets or ethical bribes are what you offer on your squeeze page. A basic marketing funnel that you can use for selling products under $100. This funnel is super easy to set up. It can be virtually up and running in a few hours. An advanced, evergreen marketing funnel that you can use for selling products from $397 to $2997. By the way, thats the funnel I use for selling my $497 program. Use that funnel for your main offers and high-end offers. How to set up your email sequence in the most effective way possible. And equally important what to write in your emails. I got so detailed here that I opened my email service provider, Active Campaign and recorded each step of the way leads go through. From downloading my lead magnet to making a purchase. My secret, 12-step formula for writing a script for a sales video. Ive also created a checklist to keep close when working on your sales video or sales page. There isnt a filthy rich, online entrepreneur who hasnt used this formula for selling his products! How to use FAQ as an objection-killing device. And a lot more! This section is particularly important because I did something very few entrepreneurs dare to do. I split my marketing funnel into its integral parts and I provided you with access so you can see how everything works together. My email sequence, my sales video, my value-based videos, all of the emails I send, everything! And again, this is not what worked in the past, this is what works today, right now! Some people would think I went crazy sharing such information, but I really care about my students and their success. Thats why I want to provide you with as many real-life examples as possible so you can model what works! Next... Marketing Pillar #5 The Psychology Of Great Customer Service I hope you are not one of those people who think that buying your Product is the end of the customers journey. In fact, its the beginning and if you want to increase one of the most important metrics in your business - customer lifetime value, you will have to provide great customer service. Thats why I created this section and here is what you will learn: The two key findings or problems from a survey with 1046 participants. And the best free solutions. How to implement an Onboarding Sequence that will WOW your customer, reduce refunds, remove buyer's remorse and increase customer happiness. The swipe files of the emails from my own onboarding sequence. Use them as an example. The best piece of advice Ive been offered by an old man with 50 years of top-level managerial experience. One of the most valuable assets in your online business and how to protect it. And much, much more. This program consists of over 8.5 hours of marketing content with examples from working businesses. This is not some rehashed, out of date content that you can find freely on the Internet. I use scripts for my videos and a very specific framework that has been proven to increase your understanding and recall of the information I present. Lets stop right here! I have some questions for you.Please, imagine for a second what it would be to possess all these in-demand marketing skills? How would that change your business? The information you are about to learn has the potential power to double, triple or even quadruple your business. How would that affect your lifestyle? You dont have to invest tens of thousands of dollars in marketing education and spend years learning it the hard way. Ive already done that and I want to teach you the best of what I know when we talk marketing. In other words, I did the heavy lifting for you. In fact, why do you want to have a successful business in the first place? Let me tell you about myself, for me, I can describe it with only one word - FREEDOM! I want to have location freedom, financial freedom, and time freedom! If thats something you want then increasing your marketing influence, building your marketing funnels and automating the processes is what will give you that freedom. Besides current business owners, this program is a great fit with: Would-be entrepreneurs. This is your all-in-one solution, especially if you want to start a digital information product business which I highly recommend. Affiliate marketers. If you promote other peoples products and want to do it more effectively, this program will help you build your business and when the right time comes, just replace the product you promote with your own version, yes, create your own product and you will increase your profit margins significantly. Marketing consultants. By the end of the program, you will be able to consult businesses online and improve the quality of their processes which will result in more leads and sales. As I've said, you are about to learn in-demand marketing skills that ANY online business desperately needs. You can charge quite steep fees for these skills if that is something you want to do. As a person who teaches over 50.000 students from 155 and have received over 2000 positive reviews, I know what it takes to pass on valuable information. Ill be teaching you in a methodological, step-by-step manner that will allow you to grasp each and every concept I present. Lets talk about the price of this program. If you hire me to personally teach you all of the material, Id charge you at least $10.000 but because I can present this information to you digitally, you dont need to pay $10.000. And Im not just making up these numbers, if you hire a marketing guru, they would charge you $2500 per hour. The same applies to seasoned copywriters. When I launch this program, Marketing Psychology 2.0, on my own business school it will be with a price tag $997 which is a complete bargain considering what it will do for your business. but because Udemy put a cap on the amount of money, online instructors can charge, I will give you the chance to enroll for just $200. I hope you can see the opportunity you have right now. However, you should know that I plan to launch this program on my business school. And Im serious, the price tag will be $997. Thats a big difference. When my students find out that I sell the same program for $200 here at Udemy, and they paid $997, they wont be very happy. The moment I receive a complaint about that I will unpublish the program from Udemy and new students won't be able to enroll. However, those who have enrolled will possess lifetime access to the content. For that reason, if you are serious about growing your business, driving more sales, automating your marketing processes so you can have more free time to spend doing what you love, then you must enroll right now. And the best part is that you can enroll now 100% risk-free because you receive 30 days, unconditional money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied and that might be something as simple as, you don't like my accent, no problem you are one click away from a refund. No hassle, no hard feelings! Thats why you have nothing to risk right now but if you find my content makes sense and you actually implement and see results then you will receive lifetime access and Im sure, this is what will happen, my program will become your most powerful marketing weapon. You are going to love it. So go ahead and click the Buy Now button right now and lets increase your marketing influence almost instantly! Id like to thank you for reading, Im waiting for you inside the program. My name is Vladimir Raykov and remember - stay purposeful! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Ingls con Audio y Texto!" |
"Aprende ingls con el texto y el audio de conversaciones modernas!Al centrarse en conversaciones, el estudiante gana confianza con la comprensin auditiva y tambin cuando l o ella est teniendo conversaciones reales. Nuestro curso rpido ofrece material para el estudiante para desarrollar la comprensin y aprender frases importantes para situaciones sociales reales.Estudiantes del idioma ingls: aprende con conversaciones y exprsate mejor en ingls!Gana confianza al tener conversaciones reales!Mejora tu comprensin auditiva!Mejora tu pronunciacin y acento al escuchar el contenido con una pronunciacin neutral en ingls!Aprende frases que se utilizan actualmente y con frecuencia en Amrica del Norte!El aprender con conversaciones es fundamental para el xitoEs extremadamente importante para los estudiantes del idioma Ingls aprender de ambas conversaciones formales e informales. De esta manera, el estudiante es capaz de tener conversaciones reales con hablantes de ingls con ms confianza, pudiendo l o ella expresarse mejor. Por otra parte, el estudiante tambin mejorar significativamente su comprensin del idioma Ingls en como se habla realmente.Con este curso, los estudiantes desarrollarn la capacidad de entender Ingls conversacional mejor (ya sea formal o informal) y tambin se convertirn en ms capaces de adaptarse a diferentes situaciones al tratar con hablantes nativos del idioma. El lenguaje informal ayudar al estudiante a entender mejor las conversaciones que tienen lugar en una variedad de entornos sociales y en la vida cotidiana en Norteamrica. El lenguaje formal ayudar al estudiante a comunicarse en los negocios y el trabajo, proporcionando una base para una buena comprensin.El contenido de este curso se inspir en verdaderas conversaciones. Por ser expuesto a este contenido, el alumno puede prepararse para tener conversaciones reales en ingls.Adems, el contenido se complementa con sugerencias de un polglota sobre cmo optimizar la experiencia de aprendizaje (y retener el vocabulario nuevo) e integrar lo aprendido cuando tenga conversaciones reales, poniendo en prctica lo que has aprendido.Las primeras conversaciones en este curso son bsicos, sin embargo, introducir el contenido ya que es ms complejo que la mayora de cursos bsicos, ofreciendo al alumno el contenido que puede utilizarse prcticamente en cualquier conversacin en un ambiente social.Las conversaciones de nivel bsico tienen dos versiones: una versin de baja velocidad y otra versin en la velocidad de habla normal. Todas las conversaciones bsicas incluyen texto y traduccin. A raz de estas conversaciones, las conversaciones de nivel intermedio son conversaciones genuinas entre canadienses. Ten en cuenta que el acento canadiense es neutral, casi idntico al acento americano en California y la costa occidental de los Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto, si te centras en el desarrollo de este acento, te entendern bien en todas partes en el mundo de habla ingls. Es importante que los estudiantes escuchen este tipo de conversacin con el fin de familiarizarse con el ritmo de expresin regular, as como las expresiones y el vocabulario utilizado en la vida diaria en Amrica del Norte.Con este contenido, el alumno puede desarrollar ms confianza a la hora de hablar y puede desarrollar las habilidades bsicas para aprender con audio y texto de manera muy eficaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Ingls Com Conversas: Mais Confiana Ao Falar Ingls" |
"Aprenda ingls com texto e udio! Com este curso, os alunos sero capazes de desenvolver um bom nvel de compreenso auditiva enquanto expandem seu vocabulrio funcional. Alm disso, os alunos ganharo mais confiana na conversao em ingls e desenvolvero uma pronncia melhor. O curso consiste de vrias conversas que so apresentadas com o texto na ntegra. Com este material, o aluno pode ganhar confiana e aprender frases importantes para situaes sociais reais, essencialmente dando um grande passo em direo ao sucesso no idioma.Estudantes da Lngua Inglesa: aprenda com conversas e se expresse melhor em Ingls!Ganhe confiana quando voc tiver conversas reais em ingls!Melhore sua compreenso auditiva!Melhore a sua pronncia e sotaque, ouvindo o contedo com uma pronncia neutra em ingls!Aprenda frases atualmente e frequentemente usadas na Amrica do Norte!Aprendizagem com conversas fundamental para o sucessoO contedo deste curso foi inspirado em conversas genunas. Ao ser exposto a este contedo, o aluno pode preparar conversas reais em ingls.As primeiras conversas neste curso so bsicas, no entanto elas j apresentam contedo que mais complexo do que cursos mais bsicos, que pode ser usado em praticamente qualquer conversa em um ambiente social. As seguintes conversas no nosso curso concentram-se em situaes sociais que ocorrem no nosso dia a dia na Amrica do Norte. As conversas bsicas so oferecidas neste curso com texto e traduo.Depois das conversas bsicas, o curso oferece conversas genunas entre norte americanos, ideais para alunos no nvel intermedirio. Estas conversas so oferecidas com texto mas sem traduo. Ns acreditamos que tradues possam ser teis para alunos em nveis mais bsicos, enquanto alunos nos nveis intermedirios e avanados devem se tornar confortveis com o contedo em ingls sem traduo. Desta maneira, o aluno pode desenvolver a importante habilidade de compreender e ""absorver"" o idioma com exposio direta sem ter que depender do conhecimento do idioma portugus. Porem, importante tentar atingir um bom nvel de compreenso tentando no se estressar quando o mesmo abaixo do esperado. Tente estudar cada conversa com cuidado e construir de pouco em pouco um bom nvel de compreenso com o texto e udio.Com esse contedo, o aluno pode desenvolver mais confiana na hora da conversa e pode desenvolver as habilidades bsicas para aprender com udio e texto de uma forma muito eficaz."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Ingls Con Conversaciones!" |
"Aprende ingls con el texto y el audio de conversaciones que son reales y a la vez modernas! Al centrarse en conversaciones reales, el estudiante gana confianza con la comprensin auditiva y tambin cuando l o ella est teniendo conversaciones reales. Nuestro curso rpido ofrece material para el estudiante para desarrollar la comprensin y aprender frases importantes para situaciones sociales reales.Estudiantes del idioma ingls: aprende con conversaciones y exprsate mejor en ingls!Gana confianza al tener conversaciones reales!Mejora tu comprensin auditiva!Mejora tu pronunciacin y acento al escuchar el contenido con una pronunciacin neutral en ingls!Aprende frases que se utilizan actualmente y con frecuencia en Amrica del Norte!El aprender con conversaciones es fundamental para el xitoEl contenido de este curso se inspir en verdaderas conversaciones. Por ser expuesto a este contenido, el alumno puede prepararse para tener conversaciones reales en ingls.Las primeras conversaciones en este curso son bsicos, sin embargo, introducir el contenido ya que es ms complejo que la mayora de cursos bsicos, ofreciendo al alumno el contenido que puede utilizarse prcticamente en cualquier conversacin en un ambiente social. Las conversaciones de nivel bsico tienen dos versiones: una versin de baja velocidad y otra versin en la velocidad de habla normal. Todas las conversaciones bsicas incluyen texto y traduccin. A raz de estas conversaciones, las conversaciones de nivel intermedio son conversaciones genuinas entre canadienses. Ten en cuenta que el acento canadiense es neutral, casi idntico al acento americano en California y la costa occidental de los Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto, si te centras en el desarrollo de este acento, te entendern bien en todas partes en el mundo de habla ingls. Es importante que los estudiantes escuchen este tipo de conversacin con el fin de familiarizarse con el ritmo de expresin regular, as como las expresiones y el vocabulario utilizado en la vida diaria en Amrica del Norte.Con este contenido, el alumno puede desarrollar ms confianza a la hora de hablar y puede desarrollar las habilidades bsicas para aprender con audio y texto de manera muy eficaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento e Gesto de Vendas" |
"Contedo Programtico1. Auditoria das Vendas1.1.Auditoria dos resultados1.2. Auditoriadacarteira de clientes1.3. Auditoria daequipe de vendas1.4. Auditoria daconcorrncia1.5.Auditoria da linha do mix deprodutos e servios1.6.Auditoria dosprocessos de vendas1.7.Auditoria daestrutura organizacional de vendas1.8.Auditoria do treinamento e desenvolvimento em vendas1.9.Auditoria dos recursos tecnolgicos empregados em vendas1.10.Auditoria dos materiais de apoio a vendas1.11. Auditoria do oramento de vendas2. Metas e Objetivos de Vendas (Sales Forecast)2.1.Estabelecimento das metas de vendas, faturamentoe contribuio marginal eoutros indicadores (KPI's) de vendas.2.2.Desdobramento das metas por unidade de negcio, linha deprodutos, regio, canal, gestor e vendedor.3. Estratgias e Tticas de Vendas3.1. Estratgia de Vendas: aMatriz produto x mercado3.2.Segmentao de mercados e planode ao para ogo-to-market.4. Organizao do Esforo de Vendas4.1.Negociaes e decises sobre as mudanas na estruturaorganizacional4.2. Poltica de Vendas4.3. Decises sobreequipe comercial, linhas deprodutos, zoneamento, remunerao e incentivos, canais, etc.4.4.Elaborao formal do Plano de Vendas (projeto e sub-projetos).5. Implantao do Plano de Vendas5.1.Colocao em prtica das estratgias, tticas e aesestabelecidas no Plano de Vendas.5.2.Execuo das mudanas eatividades estabelecidas na etapa anterior (Organizao).5.3. Estratgias para aumentar o sucesso na implantao do Plano de Vendas.6. Gesto do Plano de Vendas6.1.Acompanhamento e controle do projeto, avaliao deindicadores, tratamento de contingncias e no-conformidades,mudanas de cenrio, adequao de estratgias e tticas,avaliao de novas oportunidades."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Proofreading Power Basics" |
"Before You Enroll: You must at least have intermediate grammar skills to successfully complete this course. You must already be a pretty good writer in order to catch mistakes.Please note, this class will not qualify you to launch a proofreading business, or certify you as a proofreader. Your certificate simply means that you have completed all of the lessons.Proofreading Power Basics is a unique online class that offers practical application with hands-on exercises and quizzes to master the fundamentals of proofreading. This is an introduction to proofreading fundamentals for people with keen grammar and writing skills who want an extra skill challenge. Producing error-free writing is important to your personal and professional goals. Regardless of the loose use of language on social media and electronic messaging, error-free writing is expected in the workplace, in educational settings, in business correspondence, websites, resumes and advertising copy. This is particularly critical for small business owners or anyone entering today's workforce. "
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"CONFIDENCE: 21 Days To Double Your Confidence & Potential" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 60'000+ happy students from 179 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by the expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of confidence and communication skills with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you communicate better with people so try it at risk FREE!Unleash Your Potential, Become More Confident, Transform Your Dreams Into Reality & Reclaim Your Personal PowerThis 21 Day challenge will help you accomplish your wildest dreams, breakthrough any of your obstacles and limting beleifs and create an extraordinary life for you and those around you.Here is what you will be get in the course:Define your goals and what you want out of life:Define your life on your own terms so that you can attract and create your superior destiny.Set bigger goals so you can become an exceptional human being and unleash your confidence.Connect with what you really want deep inside you and get the results that today you can only dream about.Discover what drives you and get massive improvement in the areas of your life that matter most.MotivationSupercharge your goals with meaning, purpose and confidence so that you can create massive results.Condition yourself mentally and emotionally so that everything will be possible for you.Discover your inner power to shape your destiny and transform your dreams into reality.Destroy your fears:Achieve what you have always dreamt of by removing the obstacles and limiting beliefs that hold you back.Transform problems into new opportunities to help you get what you want.Stop caring what people think of youDestroy the fear of failurelove the fear of the unkownConfidence:Unleash Your Confidence & Self-EsteemHave The Courage To Be Who You Really AreThis course is for everyone who is hungry for life, who want more out of life. The only requirement is a willingness to take action to improve your life.Welcome to the transformation!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Advanced Excel Dashboard: Single Sheet Analytics" |
"Before you read what I have to say, see what my students are saying about my courses on Excel:""I would like to tell you that I amvery impressedwith your courses so far - I particularly like theshort videosthat allow me to get to a topic quickly and then move on (your competitors mostly offer 20-30 min videos which is a bit much to keep one's attention span). The other gem in your training are the shortcuts, I foundno other course with the same insights.""byPeter Klugsberger, Australia, ex-McKinsey & Co., served various senior roles (CEO, COO) in various companiesI thought you knew me -You solved the exact problem which I face at my officein your course by Rajesh Dhoot, India, ex-Sr. Manager, Finance and Accounts, Ultratech Cements An Aditya Birla Group Co.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have 9videos of duration approx. half anhour on creating Dashboard for Excel Analytics. We will show you how to create single sheet tracker dashboard. The tracker will help pull data from multiple sheets based on user inputs. The technique is scale-able. It will require no additional efforts even if the sheets are in 100's.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question - Why should I take this mini-course on Excel?Our Response- Because we cover the following -Basics of INDIRECT functionHow to useINDIRECT function to pull data from different sheets automaticallyUsing INDIRECT and CELL functions together pull data from different sheets dynamicallyHow tocreateDrop down list, Spin Button and SparklinesCreate two dashboards using all of the topics mentionedDashboard1:You are storing details of sales every day /week /month / quarter /year. How do you prepare a single sheet tracking dashboard whereby when you choose the period (say year), all the relevant data from multiple sheets are pulled in a single sheet.Dashboard 2: You are working for a Power production company. Power produced is tracked every hour every day. You get data for multiple power generating units daily. How will you put all that data together to prepare one single sheet tracker. The tracker will allow users to choose the date. Thereafter, relevant data will be pulled automatically from relevant sheets.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question So will I learn Pivot table, Sort & Filter, Vlookup?Our Response No. This course will teach youhow to create single sheet tracker dashboard. Techniques used will be functions such asINDIRECT, CELL andCONCATENATE ($). It will alsouse Spin buttons, sparklines andDrop down list.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""The courses are really helpful whether in terms ofsaving time, improving your presentation skills or getting to learn new features. The videos give you thefeeling of one to one attention. Moreover, their constant attachment byemailing new tricksis highly appreciating. #thankyouteamyoda"" by Arundhati Raychaudhuri, FinanceProfessional, India-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to anyupdates I'll add to the course.I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Guided practice- overworksheets included for immediate practiceAccess to all videos 24 x 7- learn online from anywhereA30-day money back guarantee(we want you to be 100% satisfied)If you have read this far,next action is JOINING this course.Invest half anhr. for a benefit of lifetime Ninja status on creating single sheet Excel Tracker!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Unofficial Udemy Instructor Analysis: Excel Revenue & Review" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Hi,Are you a Udemy instructor? Well, so am I.What do I teach?I teach a number of subjects, but one of the subjects I specialize in, after having released 22 Udemy courses of my own, is how to create and sell Udemy courses.This course falls on side of how to sell Udemy courses.Mind if I ask you a few simple questions, instructor to instructor?What's your all-time Udemy average star rating?What's your average star rating this month? Per course?How many reviews did you get during your best month?How much did you make per day this month?What was your best day of promotional revenue?What actioncaused your greatest leap in revenue this month?If you can't answer these questions, then you need my help...This is a short course about how to use two Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets/Workbooks I've developed to analyze your Udemy course revenue and reviews.That's it!I made each workbook simple andeasy to use by including the following worksheets:instructions - Step-by-step instructions for inserting you Udemy data into the ""data"" worksheet of the - The data to be replaced by your data downloaded from Udemy.analysis - The analysis of the ""data"" worksheet.For each of two downloadable workbooks, revenue and reviews, I provide the following guidance:Introduction to the workbookReplacing the data with your downloaded Udemy dataExcel internals showing how the workbook is implementedBonus Lecture I: The revenue tracking spreadsheet even includes an extension that I added after recording the original lectures.Bonus Lecture II: I've added an additional worksheet that you can use to track course times as you record them and project the finished length.So, what do you say?Got a few bucks to begin learning how to analyze your Udemy revenue and review data?In other words...Would you like to begin to take control of your Udemy revenue and reviews?Remember, measure it before, during and after trying to improve it.Why not give my spreadsheets a shot at your Udemy data and see what they can show you?I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Your Guide To Memory And Learning Skills" |
"If you are keen on developing your memory and learning,this course is for you.Most of us dont know how our memory work, let alone how to optimize it. We dont know how to help our children to stimulate their memory, we fail at helping our parents to stay young at heart and in their brain. And ourselves, were just too busy to realize we could be way more effective...The purpose of this course is to offer an overview of our memory throughout our different periods of life.We are going to explore its evolution during the course of a life time. Each lecture will include exercises to improve our memory, advice to help other people and finally also explanations to allow us to better understand how our memory works.The Science behind the course...Since antiquity, philosophers and orators try to understand the functioning of memory. They had already developed techniques that we still use successfully today.In the 19th century, Ebbinghaus began scientifically studying memory and discovered the laws of how we forget and William James was the first to propose to split the memory into several distinct functions.Today, we distinguish dozens of specific types of memories. In this course, we will focus on the main 3 memory systems, which are:The Sensory memory , the short-term memory ( or working memory) and the long-term memoryThis course has the ambition to be extremely complete. We'll cover everyone and everything:From babies and toddlers, over teenagers, to adults and old age.From remembering names and numbers, over techniques to give presentations, to memory hacksFrom theories and studies, over practical exercises and tasks you will be asked to performMy personal experienceYou have to know that as a student, studying for me looked more like a battlefield. It was something I was forced to do. An obligation. Needless to say I didnt fare well. Through my journey into the brain, I started to understand what I was doing wrong. Long story short: pretty much everything. I remember how, in the beginning of my career, I was constantly forgetting the names of my clients, the details of the projects I was working on. I was constantly getting into trouble with my boss because of it. Today, I can say, without the shadow of a doubt, that my brain and my memory have never worked better. And I want to share all my insights with you.Understand the different types of memory- and gain insight in how we rememberFollow the different laws and guidelines- and find harmony with your brainApply a whole range of strategies- and improve your memoryHelp others- and regardless of their age, help them maintain and/or develop their memory and learning skillsAnd So Much More...such as babies, language, infantile amnesia, working memory, screens, drugs, the amygdala and hypothalamus, remembering names, numbers, songs, and so on ...Course overviewThe first part of this course isdedicated to a few basic concepts: the different types of memory and the processof learning. These firstlectures will be used to have a common basis and the same vocabulary.From there onward, thecourse is divided into four parts: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.Part 1: Childhood and memoryChildren are little concerned with memory. Yet from the youngest age their brain operates at full speed.It is thanks to memory that a child learns to speak, to move, to act in the world that surrounds him. In this part we will explore several themes:How does a childs memory function, Why do we forget our first memories,How to foster the memory of a child in school and in life,Discover and even create some memory games yourself.Part 2: The discovery of the world, memory of adolescentsWith puberty, a series of changes appear, not only in the body, but also in the brain. These changes arealso reflected at memory level. Between 10 and 14 years old, the memory of the child evolves into a new version which foreshadows that of the adult. A teenager discovers gradually the process of memory that will fully flourisha few years later. To illustrate this transformation, we will explore the following topics:The discovery of the power of memory and its laws,How to anchor a memory in the long term,How to find back, what was stored up thereThe effects of television and drugs on memory.Part 3: At cruise speed, the adult.In this part, we will explore a series of tips and tricks to remember in a more effective manner. It is herethat we will dive deep into the methods of storage. Diving deep, also means to better understand the biology of memory which goes along with it. We will be exploring the following topics:The biology of memory,How to remember as an adult,The hygiene of memory,Different Tips and methods for memorizing a list, a story, a number or an anniversaryPart 4: The Autumn of memoryWe often associate old age with the loss of memory. In reality, things are more nuanced than that. Thereare more fears and myths than a real degradation of memory, provided, however, that we respect certain rules. That is what we are going to explore in this part.The decline of the memory, so what is it about?How to keep an active memory.Throughout this course, there are tons of exercises, practical tips and tricks, as well as strategies and advice to strengthen your memory. Dive in deep right now and take control of your memory and learning skills."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tableau 20 Advanced Training: Master Tableau in Data Science" |
"Ready to take your Tableau skills to the next level?Want to truly impress your boss and the team at work?This course is for you!Hours of professional Tableau Video training, unique datasets designed with years of industry experience in mind, engaging exercises that are both fun and also give you a taste forAnalytics of the REAL WORLD.In this course you will learn:How to use Groups and Sets to increase your work efficiency 10xEverything about Table Calculations and how to use their power in your analysisHow to perform Analytics and Data Mining in TableauHow to create Animations in TableauAnd much, much more!Each module is independent so you canstart learning from wherever you see fit.The more you learn the better you will get. However, you can stop at any time you will still have a strong set of skills to take with you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science" |
"Interested in the field of Machine Learning? Then this course is for you!This course has been designed by two professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way.We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Machine Learning. With every tutorial, you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science.This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time, we dive deep into Machine Learning. It is structured the following way:Part 1 - Data PreprocessingPart 2 - Regression: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, SVR, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest RegressionPart 3 - Classification: Logistic Regression, K-NN, SVM, Kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree Classification, Random Forest ClassificationPart 4 - Clustering: K-Means, Hierarchical ClusteringPart 5 - Association Rule Learning: Apriori, EclatPart 6 - Reinforcement Learning: Upper Confidence Bound, Thompson SamplingPart 7 - Natural Language Processing: Bag-of-words model and algorithms for NLPPart 8 - Deep Learning: Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural NetworksPart 9 - Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, LDA, Kernel PCAPart 10 - Model Selection & Boosting: k-fold Cross Validation, Parameter Tuning, Grid Search, XGBoostMoreover, the course is packed with practical exercises that are based on real-life examples. So not only will you learn the theory, but you will also get some hands-on practice building your own models.And as a bonus, this course includes both Python and R code templates which you can download and use on your own projects.Important updates (June 2020):CODES ALL UP TO DATEDEEP LEARNING CODED IN TENSORFLOW 2.0TOP GRADIENT BOOSTING MODELS INCLUDING XGBOOST AND EVEN CATBOOST!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Proyectos Web profesionales con Ruby y Ruby OnRails" |
"Ruby junto conRuby on Railses un entorno de desarrollo web de cdigo abierto que est optimizado para la satisfaccin de los programadores y para la productividad sostenible. Te permite escribir un buen cdigo evitando que te repitas y favoreciendo la convencin antes que la configuracin.Hemos desarrollado un curso que se divide principalmente en dos partes; Fundamentos de Ruby y Taller prctico de Ruby on Rails, donde podrs poner en prctica todo lo aprendido en la primera parte.Cada vez son ms los proyectos realizados en estas tecnologas de vanguardia, y es que cuando aprendas a manejarlas, te enamorars de susimplicidad y productividad.Si quieres dar un salto cualitativo como desarrollador web no lo dudes ms, Ruby es la mejor opcin, as lo han hecho empresas de la talladeTwitter,Scribd, Hulu, Xing, Soundcloud, Basecamp, Github"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Doing Well by Doing Good" |
"You will feel like a hero by investing your money to do good! Learn how!This course will teach you the basics of impact investing, including a fully developed understanding of what it is and how you can start doing it. You do not need a financial background or a college degree to take this course.The course should take about 30 minutes to complete and when you're done, you should be ready to actually make an impact investment, allowing you to start earning a financial return while doing good with your money.The course is comprised primarily of videos that will help you to understand all of the basic concepts. The course will not use much talking head video, instead you'll see the ideas presented on screen in words, charts and graphs. You'll see as little of me as I can get away with!The course has three sections. The first will define what impact investing is and, importantly, what it is not, along with some simple, real world examples. The second will provide instructions for making your first, simple impact investment. Finally, the third will explain how you can begin evaluating higher risk impact investments that have the potential to make a bigger impact while possibly earning you a higher financial return."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Create an Amazon Store OR eCom Store on Facebook" |
"In thiscourse, you are going to learn how easy it is to create a high quality Amazon and eCom stores right on your brands Facebook Business or FanPage.We are going to show you how to start displaying and linking your Amazon products (or any online products/services)with the least amount of effort or prior knowledge required. There is no advanced programming or knowledge needed.Simply follow along with our over the shoulder examples to get your products up and available to your fans in the next hour.We are also going to show you how we market our Fan Pages and products using a mix of paid, free and organic strategies so you can continue to grow your brand and products exposure and sales.Why listen to us?Check out what existing students have to say about our training ""One of the best courses of more than 30 that I have completed.""-Nicolas Danielson""To the point instruction.. Like the short videos.. easy to absorb.. very good download and resources section.This team produces super solid information on topics marketers need to know. I have bought other courses from them and I find its always over-delivered top notch learning on the inside."" -LearningSilo""Brian, Mark and Shane are excellent instructors and the course is all in as far as content goes so I highly recommend it."" -Fred Ferguson""Another Excellent Course From The IM Rebels!I have just completed watching this course and it provides an excellent platform for you to build an online business from and also an audience for that business. There is a lot of excellent content here ... this is one excellent marketing plan!"" -Terry JenkinsIf you have been wanting more exposure and sales with your Amazon products, eCom products or are an Amazon affiliate with a thriving fan base already, you'll be able to quickly build your own store right inside your Facebook Fan Page.See you on the inside!-Brian GrayP.S.Don't forget you are covered by Udemy's 30 Day money back guarantee. Not satisfied with this course or find it's just not a fit for your business? No problem, Udemy makes it easy to refund your purchase."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing Strategies & Hacks to Make More Sales" |
"Are you alwaysworking to stay one step ahead of your competition?Do you NEED to get MORE out of your social media marketing efforts? More traffic? More engagement? Higher ROI? More profits?In this course, I amgoing to show you the latest hacks, tips and strategies in the four largest and most profitable social media verticals to attack:Facebook Apps- FacebookApps allow you to do do a lot of different things. Most people have no idea how tocreate FB appcontests for massive lead influxes and increased organicexposure. Plus you'll learn how to makesales pages and opt-in pages (inside of FB)to increase sales and grow your list.Video Marketing-YouTube is the #2 website in the World and it is where you can jump in front of highly targeted traffic and create laser focusedaudiences for your business. You are going to be able to simulcast live streams and pre-recorded videos on YouTube and Facebook live, create hungry new audiences from FB and YT videos and learn some effective video SEOhacks and a few underground spy tactics sprinkled in.YouTube and Facebook Paid Advertising-YouTube is the #2 website in the World and the time is NOW to take advantage of LOW advertising and retargeting costs. Facebook is still the social media advertising king and can drive incredible returns and retargeting sales. You are going to love this section if you want to ramp up your paid social media marketing.Content Marketing-Learn how to improve your content. If you know anything about social media marketing, you know that content is KING, so it's important to have as many ideas as possible for using content to engage your target audience.Facebook Live-FB Live is a great way to get more reach and to acquire more leads and customers. Included in this training is a complete guide on how to use Facebook Live to get leads and make more sales for almost any type of business.As with all of mycourses, Iaim to only bring you what has been battle tested in our own business so you can apply to yours.Remember, you are fully covered by Udemy's30-daymoney back guarantee. It's in place to protect students and we love having it in place also to protect the integrity of all courses. For whatever reason, just contact Udemy and they will issue a 'no questions asked' refund. You have nothing to lose!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Using Advanced iOS Frameworks and Techniques with Swift 3" |
"Learn about the coolest and most useful iOSframeworks anddevelopment techniques that will improve the quality and look of your Apps, enhance your productivity and make your customers so much happier.Learn and Master the Coolest iOS Frameworks And Techniques in this Comprehensive CourseLearn by realistic examplesUnderstand protocol oriented programming with UIKit3D Touch, Today Extensions and Widgets, Live Photos, and moreBuild a sliding menu with UIKit DynamicsLearn to download and present data from a web APIiOS Development Techniquesthat will make you a ProIn this course I am presenting to you many of the coolest iOS frameworks and development techniquesthat will help you create better and more beautiful Apps. All projects are created in a way that willhelp youdirectlyuse your new knowledge in your own projects.Knowing your way around important iOS frameworks can make the difference between winning or loosing in a job interview. Being able to understand the concepts that you are learning in this course will make it a lot easier for you to learn about other and new frameworks by yourself.Content and OverviewYou can use this course like a dictionary for the presented iOS Frameworks and techniques. Each section is self-contained and covers either a number of different development techniques or a specific framework.Have a look at the different sections in the curriculum toget an idea about the frameworks and topics we are going to cover.One demo project is going to accompany you in four sections. It is called MovieSelectr. By extending this demo App, you are going to learn how to access Web APIs, how to cache data, how to create custom transitions between ViewControllers, how to use 3D Touch, Today Extensions and a lot more.I designed this Swift course to be easily understandableforany iOS Developerwho has an intermediate knowledge about the Swift programming language and the Xcode IDE.This course comes complete with working files and code samples, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ClickBank Vendor Success Create & Sell Your First Product" |
"Hi, do you believe you are able tohelp someone out there by sharing whatyou know? BecauseI believe you can.Maybe you can teachsomeone to be better at something.Or help a struggling personto succeed. To be happier..Or evenchange someone's lifefor the better...Have you ever thought about sharingyour knowledgewith the world? Would you loveto use your gift tomake a positivedifferencein someone else's life?If youansweredyes, then I aminvitingyou to start yourjourney right here, with this course.Imaginehavingthe ability to package your knowledge into a digital giftand deliveringitinto the hands of people who will benefit from it, wouldyou give it your bestshot?If youdonot have any experience to begin with, or you don't know where to start, that's perfectly okay.Because thiscourse willguide you through the way, onestep at a time.It is highly achievable and trust me,you can makeit.All you need is your computer and aninternet connection.And of course, yourcommitment totake action!Learning thecourse in your hands will take you fromwhere you are right now to -Having yourvery own ready-to-launchdigital productGaining the skills to leveragethe giantaffiliate networkto help you get your awesome product into the hands of people who need it, and possibly even..Making extra sales from your digital product without your own effort!***************************************************ENJOYLIFELONGLEARNING AND GREAT SAVINGS!Enroll yourself now for aone-time fee and:Get lifetime access to all existingcourse contentAutomatically receive future courseupdates - freeAutomatically receivenew content additions - freeThat's a wholelot ofmoney saved!***************************************************Followingthe success of my otherClickBankcourses on Udemy, I amhappy to introducethis course to teach youaviableandeasy-to-followsystem tobecomea successful ClickBank vendor with your very own digital product selling in the marketplace!This is a structuredcourse thatwill give you a solid foundation on the 'whats' and 'hows'to create your first digital productmake itsellon ClickBank.Youwill also learn how to get affiliates to promote andsell your product instead of relying onyour own activeefforts.Evenif youhave noexperience increating a digitalproduct,you will be confident of thesteps to takeafter taking thiscourse.As a bonus, you will also:Receive my proven templates including myeBook and sales page (which isClickBank approved,with HTML source and images) as a practicalreference!Gain access tomy privateFacebook group and the opportunity tonetwork with thousands of ClickBank affiliates to sell your product!Here is an overview oftheknowledge andskills that you will take awayfromthis practicalcourse:Understand why becoming a ClickBank vendor is away better choicethan anaffiliateLearn how you canbecome an approved ClickBank vendor -stepbystep!Discoverthe selling product niches that you cantap into!How to quickly create yourfirst digitalproduct to sell on ClickBank!How to price your first product in the ClickBank marketplaceHow to attract affiliates to promote and sell your productHow to provide useful resources for youraffiliatesHow to have an effective pre-launch strategy to support your first product launch!Where toenlist more affiliates to help you!To help you get the most out of this course, all theconcepts covered insideare explained clearlyin simple terms and mapped out inactionable steps that make iteasy for you tofollow.You will receiveaccess toover 20concise lessonsthat takeyou through each and every steptohelp you to effectively apply what youlearn!Above all, if you get stuck or experience any difficulties along the way, you won't ever have to struggle on your own and worry about having no one to turn to for help.Once you are enrolled asa student of this course, you will receive continuous support from me.I will be here to answeryour questions whenever you need help from me!So what are you waiting for? You can start to make a difference today andI believe you fully deserve to learn everything that I sharein this course.This is a giftthat only YOU can give yourself, so act on it and I welcome you to join my course!Clickthe 'Add to Cart/Buy Now' button on top and Ican't waitto help you to launchyour first digitalproduct launchon ClickBank. See you on the other side!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Starting A KDP Business Without Doing The Writing Yourself" |
"Have you ever thought of having books published under your name (without writing yourself and minimal marketing efforts)and receiving royalty every month from Kindle Amazon? If the answer is yes, then this is the course for you!I have been receiving book royalty months after months from Amazon Kindle and most of the books published is not written by me. With that in mind, Ispecially design this KDP(Kindle Direct Publishing)course to teach you how to:- Avoid mistakes of getting someone who don't know anything about the topic that they are writing!- Step by step guiding you how to sign up KDP account and how to get payment from your local ATM!- Find an expert and write a book for you for as low as US$60!- Use my proven job listing template to attract talents!- Find low or no competition niches for your books!- Find low cost cover design and proofreading freelancers that Ihave used.- Write titles and descriptions that sells for your Kindle book!- Use minimal marketing to have your books selling!- Make more income beyond KDP!Even if you do not have any experience with KDP right now, you will be confident of the steps to take to earn your first dollar with KDP after taking the course!ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!I will regularly update this course with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additionsautomatically atno extra cost.Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free.That's lots of real money saved!If you are ready, just click on the ""Add to Cart/Buy Now"" button on this page and Iwill see you inside!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Leadership: The Emotionally Intelligent Leader" |
"Emotional Intelligence is the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence.Leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence earn $29K more in salary than those with low levels of emotional intelligenceEvery point increase in EQ (emotional quotient) is equivalent to $1,300 in annual salary.As a leader you are responsible for generating trust, building authentic relationships and effective teams. It is vital that you lead by example and inspire excellence in others.This course will help you to develop and apply your emotional intelligence skills as a leader. You will learn more about your mode and style of leadership to grow other people, enhance their performance and personal satisfaction.You will learn how to Develop greater self-awareness and strengthen your leadership capabilities Identify your emotional strengths and areas for development Demonstrate the attributes of an emotionally intelligent leaderManage conflict and difficult situations by inspiring and fostering respect Build and maintain emotionally intelligent teamsThe course, also, covers emotional intelligence coaching and how to manage and resolve situations where conflict arises.This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how work to more effectively with others as a leader. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.You'll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.The course is for you if you want to develop as a leader to improve the way that you interact with other people, the way that you make decisions and the way that you manage performance.The course contains some challenging quizzes around real-life workplace leadership scenarios that will make you think. There are a series of interactive exercises that involve some activity with other people and some reflection.The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Your leadership cannot be developed just by watching the video lectures. It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. Feedback is always welcome. This course has been attracting low ratings without comments. Watch the preview lecture on Giving and Receiving Feedback in Leadership. I have recently upgraded and rerecorded many of the lessons to improve the overall quality, so far this has not been reflected in the ratings.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - September 2020"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"REBT The Modern Effective Therapy System" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.This course is the perfect choice for both individuals and professional therapists looking to expand and enhance their repertoire and portfolio. Although the course alone wont qualify you as a therapist, many of my students that are considering a career in coaching, take the course so they can advertise themselves as a professional coach that uses cutting edge Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy techniques.The Modern Effective therapy SystemR.E.B.T or Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy to give it its full name, is a modern effective therapy system that was originally thought up by Albert Ellis during the 1950s.R.E.B.T is sometimes referred to as rational emotive therapy or simpler still, as rational therapy.R.E.B.T, is a type of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), that is focused on helping clients change irrational beliefs, and is one of a very few therapies in psychology that has evidence in support of its effectiveness.R.E.B.T is known as the rational therapy, because at its core, this most modern of therapies is all about understanding how we make sense of our emotions.Everything we feel and everything we do, involves emotions, so Ellis developed this action orientated approach to psychotherapy, which produces results by helping clients manage their emotions, their cognitions and their behaviours.This most wonderful and modern of therapies, teaches us that its not events, or things that upset and disturb us, but rather how we view these events, or things. In essence, how a person thinks, influences their feelings.When a person believes illogical and irrational beliefs about themselves, others, and the world, psychological problems and mental distress will often be the result.The goal of REBT is to help people alter these negative thinking patterns and irrational, illogical beliefs, in order to overcome any resulting psychological problems.I have created this course, in such a way that everybody can benefit from this amazing therapy approach. No special knowledge of psychology or therapy is needed, as the course has been written for beginners.An open mind and a willingness to rethink the way in which you view yourself, others and the world is all that is required for you to gain maximum benefit of the REBT Model.REBT can be effective for a long list of disorders and issues, with a good body of evidence supporting its effectiveness for each one.These include:DepressionVarious forms of anxiety, especially social anxietyPTSDPhobiasPanic attacksEating disordersAll types of addictions Problems related to impulse controlProblems related to emotional controlPersonality disordersAnger managementPain managementStress managementCoping with health or disability problemsChild behavioural issuesFamily relationship issuesIssues specific to couplesPersonal growth, life goal issues, performance at work issuesAs you can see, REBT is a versatile approach, helping people with a wide range of psychological and life issues.Included in the course, youll find a number of resources to help you apply the principles of REBT easily and effectively.As with all of my courses, youll be able to benefit from full support from myself 7 days a week. I always get back to my students the very same day, and more often than not, within a couple of hours (depending on your time zone!)The Syllabus contains:What is REBTHappiness Self AssessmentWhat do I need to benefit from REBTWhat can REBT treatWhy you need REBTUsing REBT as a Self Help ModelHow does REBT differ from other therapiesWhat are the similarities of REBT with CBTHow does it differ from CBTWhat is the ABCDE Model""A"" Exploring ""Activating Event""""B"" Your ""Belief Systems""Exploring the C in REBT ""Consequences""Exploring the D in REBT ""Disputing""""E"" Looking at the ""Effects"" in REBTThe three Basic MustsType 1 Sub-BeliefsType 2 Sub-BeliefsType 3 Sub-BeliefsA whole section devoted to case studies and examplesThe three types of acceptance and the three core beliefsHow to inspect your own beliefsPositive Thinking and positive self talkAlternative healthier thinkingPlus a whole section devoted to resources, templates and worksheets!Conclusion"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Happiness" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.This course is the perfect choice for both individuals and professional therapists looking to expand and enhance their repertoire and portfolio. Although the course alone wont qualify you as a therapist, many of my students that are considering a career in coaching, take the course so they can advertise themselves as a professional coach that uses science to edge bring about happiness.Happiness: The Science of HappinessWould you like to be happier? Do you know what it feels like to be truly fulfilled and living your best life?If you want to invite more happiness in your life, this is the course for you!Well explore the science of happiness and discover the many ways in which you can become a happier, healthier person.Well look at the scientific reasoning behind the study of happiness and what you can do to adopt these methods and strategies, enabling you to be the happiest youve ever been in your life, starting today!As well as the obvious benefits of being a happier person, youll enjoy many others including:Building your confidence and boosting your self esteemDeveloping stronger personal relationshipsBolster your sense of self worth and self belongingYoull also notice an improvement in the quality of your sleepBeing happy naturally lowers your blood pressure and reduces your anxieties levels by limiting the production of the stress hormone, cortisol.Youll also benefit by improving your immune system, boosting your feeling of overall well being and having your body create its own natural stores of pain relief.As a happier person, youll be more equipped to deal effectively with all that life can throw at you. in essence, being happy helps you deal with the ups and down of life more easily. The course, will also help to develop your self awareness and youll experience what it means to live in the present moment, without the distractions of the past or anxieties concerning the future. Well look at how you can gain the most benefit from the simple pleasures in life, and experience joys of life that ordinarily go unnoticed.You'll discover how hugging brings you bursts of happiness and how practicing smiling, can instantly lift your mood!Within the course youll find everything you need to have the most interactive and engaging learning experience. As with all of my courses, youll find heaps of downloadable resources to enhance your learning and Im always on hand to help you with any questions or support you might need, 365 days a year!So sign up today and become the happiest version of you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forex:Trade Management & Psychology" |
"This course is for those who are struggling within their trading. If you find yourself not maintaining consistency or fall pray to emotions this course will help you with techniques to remove most of the problems. We focus on Money management, how it gets applied and the different methods to be applied in random situations. Another big focus is trading psychology to cover the emotional issues that traders face, namely fear and greed. We delve deep into the thinking patterns of a pro trader and how they manage their thinking process. This is critical for long term success in trading. The course delves into money management first, and then we flow over into trading psychology. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Trading Strategy Layout and Backtesting Process" |
"Building a Trading Strategy on your own can be Difficult and Confusing! Getting it wrong can be Disastrous to your portfolio if you don't know what to look out for.I Intend to make the process as simple as possible for you to follow and understand. For this reason, I look into what is needed in order to have a robust Trading Strategy & how to Structure it Efficiently for your own trading.Join me in this video course series as I show you how I create various trading systems for different types of timeframes to target. If you follow and keep to the Strategy Layout guide, you will find building new systems to be much more satisfying and easier than ever.We will then go through the process of how to backtest the system and what to look for in a systems results from testing in order to fix possible issues that may come up."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Home Business: CPA Marketing From Scratch" |
"With the help of the right CPA marketing strategies, you can start making money online. This course will show you what it takes to become an online marketer, even if you dont have any previous experience in this area. Through step-by-step instruction, youll tackle all of the essential elements of the CPA/affiliate marketing techniques that really work. Before you know it, youll be able to run an online business from home in order to generate passive income. CPA Marketing from Start to Finish This course is designed for learners of all levels, and it will show you how to build a successful CPA/affiliate marketing campaign from start to finish. Youll discover how to apply for the top CPA networks, how to develop a solid relationship with the best affiliate managers, and how to find the hottest offers to promote in order to generate the highest profits. On top of that, youll tackle what it takes to write the ideal ads, and how to spy on what your competitors are doing so you can stay ahead of the game. Plus, youll learn how to generate leads using a variety of methods, and youll uncover top-secret converting sources. All of this will translate to being able to generate more cash. Course Content Youll begin this course with an overview of what CPA marketing is and how it can work for you. Then youll learn about choosing the perfect network, applying and getting approved, and installing the appropriate web hosting and WordPress tools. Once your foundation is set, youll dive right into the world of CPA marketing. Youll unlock secrets to finding and choosing the best offers to promote, while also understanding what offers you should avoid. Youll even cover the keywords and ads that always convert, and youll master direct linking and landing page creation. Finally, youll go over how to set up a successful campaign and generate the highest amount of traffic possible. By the time you complete this course, youll know exactly how to launch a successful CPA marketing campaign. Youll be able to establish a home-based online business that will start generating profits surprisingly easily."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Code Trading Card Game Battle System With Unity 3D" |
"This course provides a full guide on trading card game battle mechanics. The material in this course is divided into 6 Sections. Section 1 features a short introduction to the course. In Section 2 we will focus on making cards. We will use Unity UI features to create both faces and card backs of our cards. Spell cards and creature cards will be designed a bit differently. Creature cards will have distinctive oval frames around creature images. You will learn how to rotate cards that are made with Unity UI properly. We will do some scripting to make a simple system that will allow us to create and edit our cards as assets in Unity. In Section 3 we will continue working on different visual elements: mana pools, rope timer, hero portraits, end turn button and so on. By the end of this Section we will assemble a visual layout of our Battle Scene that our players will see in the final version of the game. We will also explore several scripts that will help us drag cards in the game, organize and display enlarged previews of cards and creatures. In Section 4 we will prepare our project for bringing in all the scripts that will handle Logic in our game. We`ll start by taking a look at a small slideshow that will explain the relationship between Visual and Logical parts of our game. We`ll add several new Visual features Damage Effects that will display amounts of damage taken by creatures or heroes in the game, a simple system that will show messages in the start of each turn and targeted dragging for spell cards and creature attacks. Section 5 is the most complicated Section of this course in terms of scripting. We`ll bring all the remaining scripts, including all the Logic scripts into our project. Our goal for this Section is to establish the most basic game mechanics of drawing cards from deck, playing creatures onto the battlefield and attacking either our opponent`s hero or his creatures. We will also discuss turn management and test our burning rope timer. In the final section of this course you will learn to create spell and creature effects for your game. Creature effects might be caused when the creature enters the battlefield, when the creature dies, when the turn starts or ends or even when certain events occur in the game (like: when your Hero takes damage, draws a card, etc). We will also take a look at a simple AI script that will control our opponent`s behavior and let us play this game against the computer. I have tried to save the project that I was working in as often as I can so that you can easily pick up the material from any point in this course. All these assets that are used to create cards, creatures, hero powers and other game elements are free for commercial use and available for download with this course. You can find detailed info on art and scripting assets and links to some other useful resources in the Credits file that you can download with this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Journey Training" |
"Get ready to skyrocket your teaching and success... With Sadie Nardini, E-RYT and Tyler McCoy, founder and master instructor of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga and founders of Core Anatomy. *** It's not the destination that matters's the journey. *** Did you know that 90 percent of every yoga pose can, and should be aligned BEFORE the student ever gets into the final asana? And 90 percent (or more) of yoga teachers don't do this correctly--or at all. Are you leading students through the journey? Or just focusing on aligning the poses themselves? This is a huge misstep that 90% of teachers make which can cost them safety, money, respect and the interest of many more students. This can mean the difference between being a good-enough yoga teacher, and a great, sought-after one in your community--and beyond! If you don't know about the myofascial meridians, and are still cuing from the outer body only, which, unless you've taken our trainings, you probably are, you are missing a huge chunk of knowledge that you and your students need to progress optimally. You won't find the information contained in the Journey Training anywhere else, and yet it is the foundation of any powerful next-generation yoga teacher. This course is drawn from our studies with many different yoga lineages, as well as years of training with the myofascial (muscle-fascia) meridian anatomy from Leslie Kamonoff (bestselling Yoga Anatomy author and yoga movement and breathing educator) and Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains author and anatomist. Take it from this teacher-turned-studio owner...because of these trainings! Dear Sadie, I know that you are busy. I keep following you on Facebook. Why shouldn't I? Do you have any idea how you have changed my life? 4 years ago I was waitressing and teaching 4 classes a week in community centers. I was frustrated, trying to figure out how to take my teaching to the next level. Found you online started studying with you and BOOM! Now I have a studio that is doing awesome and I even have just started my first 200hr teacher training program in Northern Ontario. It's crazy. Who knew this could be me? YOU DID!! Just last night I had a group of new people come in and one girl came up after and said, ""That was the most fun I've ever had in a yoga class, and I've taken lots of yoga"". That was AWESOME!!"" She then signed up for a month--actually all four of them did!! I smiled and of course thought, ""Thank you, Sadie!!"" Joanne, owner, Bend Yoga Studio Did I mention...this training is FUN? *** The Journey Training is a compliment to, and a progression of, the Rockstar, and Evolution Trainings, in that order. Where the Rockstar is about all the body's muscle meridians and sequences to work them, and the Evolution deals with how to cue the Core Strength Myofascial Meridian in every pose, the Journey Training focuses entirely on the transitions: how to cue them, adds beginner options within most poses, and how to move from pose to pose, and within each pose to get the most powerful outcome and alignment to occur. You do not have to take all three, but it is suggested, as this gives you the most rounded understanding of the outer and inner body meridians, how to sequence them, adjust them, cue them in every type of pose, and how to clarify your own Core Message so you're the most dynamic, attractive and authentic teacher you can be. Specifically, when you get the The Journey Training, you'll receive: A HUGE RESOURCE: 20 + hours of clear, professional video shot at Yoga Yoga Westgate in Austin, Texas. You'll feel that you're right there in the room with us and your training community! FREEDOM: A training you can do at your own pace, at home, whenever you want. There is no time limit to complete it! INSPIRATION: An incredible amount of new tips, tools and poses for you to try out in the classroom, and watch your students grow along with you! CUEING CLARITY: A focus on how to instruct yoga poses through the crucial transitions from floor into the pose, and from pose to pose, where 90% of the pose is actually aligned. MORE STUDENTS: A fresh way of cueing: from the ground up, so that any level of student who is capable of some yoga movement can attend your classes and feel empowered--not left behind. You heard it from Joanne....Now your class sizes can increase too! REAL ANATOMY KNOWLEDGE: Many trainings teach you what the hamstrings are, or what the quads do in Chair Pose, for example. But what you really need to know is how to use anatomy to move students the best, while avoiding strain, weakness or injury. We've got your next-level, clear and simple anatomy-of-yoga-movement (something that's rarely taught in TTs) all covered in the Journey Training. MORE MONEY: When you have an area of expertise that most other students and teachers do not, you become more in-demand for your classes, and can now hold more big ticket workshops, retreats, and trainings. This translates to more money in the bank, more freedom for you personally, and more possibilities for you as an instructor to travel, and become known in your community and beyond as the professional that you are. ORIENTATION WHILE TEACHING: So many teachers are all over the place. ""put your back heel down, reach your arms up, Warrior One. Tuck the tailbone, relax the shoulders, navel to spine, face the hips forward"". Most of these are improper instructions anyway, or don't do anything for the pose but cause more compression. In the Journey Training, we reveal our Teaching Template: clear instructions on exactly what to focus on, in what order, to activate the student's body most cleanly, powerfully, safely--and without disorienting them. VARIATIONS FOR BEGINNERS AND UP: It's always a challenge when you have different levels of students in class. Here you'll find creative adaptations so you can still keep the class flowing, even while you provide variations for your beginners--and the more advanced students too. This is a rare skill, but when you develop it, you'll retain more students for longer, because everyone will have room to grow in your classroom. CREATIVE SEQUENCES: We provide our signature Core Warmups, Core Strength Sun Salutations, and more fresh Vinyasa flow sequences and poses so you can see how to move students through this new transitional-type instruction in a moving, invigorating, and fun experience for yourself and your class. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: When you complete the training, you'll receive a Certificate of Completion that means you can add The Journey Training and that you are Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga-trained to your bio (Full Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga certification is given only after completing Sadie and Tyler's in-person 200 or 300-hour Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga RYT Certification programs through Yoga Alliance). *** Namaste! We can't wait for you to go on this Journey with us....and with you! Sadie and Tyler"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure Massage For Pain Relief Certificate Course(5CEU)" |
"Learn acupressure massage techniques from best-selling instructor, Mark Perren-Jones today!""This acupressure massage course is informative and enjoyable i really want to just keep going with it I cannot put it down. Learning so many beneficial acupressure massage techniques and skills this course is a secret gem. It was such an engaging and informative course which I could not put down - the most interesting and clearly explained course to date. Learn from the BEST""""I loved the acupressure course. I was able to help myself reduce knee and neck pain as well as the other kinds of pain my friends were suffering from."" A.D.""Exceptional acupressure course, having studied various courses with Udemy this I have got say is the best so far... and to top it off simple exercises that you can provide to clients."" M.J.Mark has done acupressure massage for elite athletes, celebrities and even Presidents of Countries.So what makes my acupressure massage course so different to other courses?In this acupressure massage course you will learn a methodical, systematic approach to treat each condition just like I do in my massage clinic-not simply learn a few acupressure massage points and basically just hope for the best which the majority of acupressure massage courses and books tend to teachIn this acupressure massage course we deal with lower back pain and sciatica, neck pain, upper back, shoulder and knee pain. Each painful condition is structured so that you know exactly how to treat your client/friends/family or yourself by using specific acupressure massage techniques.1. Questioning before doing your acupressure massage treatmentsFirstly, you will ask questions about the person's pain so that you gather information about the symptoms/severity etc so that when you see them for their next acupressure massage treatment you can then ask how they have progressed and how their pain is since you last saw them. Or if you are treating yourself you will be able to assess your own progress.2. Address and remove the causes of the pain.This is such a vital step which hardly ever is addressed! Let's say that you or your client/partner/friend has lower back pain and/or sciatica. You do some acupressure massage and give the person some temporary relief but the pain keeps coming back and you have no idea why.Well, have you addressed what is causing their pain in the first place? No...Probably because firstly you have no idea what causes it so the person continues to harm their backs every day and therefore remain in pain.In this acupressure massage course you will learn exactly what are the major causes of neck, back, shoulder and knee pain and even sciatica and will then be able to remove the causes!3.Treat the affected areas with acupressure massage techniques and other specific soft tissue release techniquesIn this step you will be taught extensively how to treat each condition using both acupressure massage point techniques, trigger point release and other soft tissue techniques to decrease tension, create better blow flow and nutrients to the affected areas. You will learn how to use correct posture, correct depth, how long to treat for , how often should you treat, and so much more!4. Differential DiagnosisHere is another incredibly important step! Let's say that you or the person that you want to treat has a painful shoulder. You treat the shoulder but the shoulder shows no improvement. You have no idea why. What if the shoulder pain is not coming from the shoulder but it is actually being referred from the neck? That's right! It is actually a neck pathology that is referring pain to the shoulder. So you need to treat the neck not the shoulder. How do you know? I teach you very simply how to detect where the pain is coming from.5.Home Exercises after their acupressure massage treatmentOnce again, this is such an important step to becoming pain free and i see time and time again people doing the wrong stretches which actually worsens their problem. For example, if a person has lower back pain and/or sciatica due to a disc bulge(almost all sciatic nerve related problems are related to L5-S1 disc problems) then the last thing that you would want to do or advise the person you are treating is to do forward bends, knees to chest exercises and lying on your back bringing your leg across your body-it will worsen your problem. I teach you the exact exercises that have helped tens of thousands of people worldwide for each condition!6. Self acupressure and trigger points release techniques for homeHere you learn how to self treat using self acupressure massage at home using very simple things that will keep you pain free. I also teach the benefits of foam rolling which is another fabulous method to keep your muscles loose and pain free!In this acupressure massage course, my objective was to create the most comprehensive, most effective acupressure massage course for pain relief. I believe that i have done this. You will be able to not only help your own pain but also your clients, friends and families pain based on my 20 plus years of experience, training and knowledge.I truly hope that you enjoy my course!Mark Perren-JonesOn completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Website Hacking / Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting" |
"Note: The contents of this course are not covered in any of my other courses except for some basics. Although website hacking is covered in one of my other courses, that course only covers the basics where this course dives much deeper in this topic covering more techniques, more vulnerabilities, advanced exploitation, advanced post exploitation, bypassing security and more!Welcome to my this comprehensive course on Website penetration testing. In this course you'll learn website / web applications hacking & Bug Bounty hunting! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, and by the end of it you'll be at a high level, being able to hack & discover bugs in websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts! This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, first you'll learn how to install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and then we'll start with websites basics, the different components that make a website, the technologies used, and then we'll dive into website hacking straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by discovering vulnerabilities and exploiting them to hack into websites, so we'll never have any dry boring theoretical lectures.Before jumping into hacking, you'll first learn how to gather comprehensive information about the target website, then the course is divided into a number of sections, each section covers how to discover, exploit and mitigate a common web application vulnerability, for each vulnerability you will first learn the basic exploitation, then you will learn advanced techniques to bypass security, escalate your privileges, access the database, and even use the hacked websites to hack into other websites on the same server.All of the vulnerabilities covered here are very common in bug bounty programs, and most of them are part of the OWASP top 10.You will learn how and why these vulnerabilities are exploitable, how to fix them and what are the right practices to avoid causing them.Here's a more detailed breakdown of the course content:1. Information Gathering - In this section you'll learn how to gather information about a target website, you'll learn how to discover its DNS information, the services used, subdomains, un-published directories, sensitive files, user emails, websites on the same server and even the hosting provider. This information is crucial as it increases the chances of being able to successfully gain access to the target website.2. Discovery, Exploitation & Mitigation - In this section you will learn how to discover, exploit and mitigate a large number of vulnerabilities, this section is divided into a number of sub-sections, each covering a specific vulnerability, firstly you will learn what is that vulnerability and what does it allow us to do, then you will learn how to exploit this vulnerability and bypass security, and finally we will analyse the code causing this vulnerability and see how to fix it, the following vulnerabilities are covered in the course:File upload - This vulnerability allow attackers to upload executable files on the target web server, exploiting these vulnerabilities properly gives you full control over the target website.Code Execution - This vulnerability allow users to execute system code on the target web server, this can be used to execute malicious code and get a reverse shell access which gives the attacker full control over the target web server.Local File Inclusion - This vulnerability can be used to read any file on the target server, so it can be exploited to read sensitive files, we will not stop at that though, you will learn two methods to exploit this vulnerability to get a reverse shell connection which gives you full control over the target web server.Remote File Inclusion - This vulnerability can be used to load remote files, exploiting this vulnerability properly gives you full control over the target web server.SQL Injection - This is one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities, it is everywhere and can be exploited to do all of the things the above vulnerabilities allow us to do and more, so it allows you to login as admin without knowing the password, access the database and get all data stored there such as usernames, passwords, credit cards ....etc, read/write files and even get a reverse shell access which gives you full control over the target server!Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - This vulnerability can be used to inject javascript code in vulnerable pages, we won't stop at that, you will learn how to steal credentials from users (such as facebook or youtube passwords) and even gain full access to their computer.Insecure Session Management - In this section you will learn how to exploit insecure session management in web applications and login to other user accounts without knowing their password, you'll also learn how to discover and exploit CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) vulnerabilities to force users to change their password, or submit any request you want.Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks - In this section you will learn what are these attacks, the difference between them and how to launch them, in successful cases you will be able to guess the password for a target user.3. Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn what can you do with the access you gained by exploiting the above vulnerabilities, you will learn how to convert reverse shell access to a Weevely access and vice versa, you will learn how to execute system commands on the target server, navigate between directories, access other websites on the same server, upload/download files, access the database and even download the whole database to your local machine. You will also learn how to bypass security and do all of that even if you did not have enough permissions! With this course you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.Notes: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test.This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organization is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |