Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Crez une application Android" |
"Construisez une application Android complte et oprationnelle, en utilisant certains des composants les plus rcents, depuis la version Lollipop.Construisez et programmez une application complexeUtilisez la dernire version d'Android StudioProgrammez en JavaTestez l'appli avec l'mulateur GenyMotionMthode d'enseignementLa construction de l'application est dcoupe en tapes.Chaque tape est dcrite par une ou plusieurs vidos.Les points thoriques ou techniques sont prsents avec powerpoint.A chaque tape correspond un fichier compress tlchargeable contenant le projet, dans l'tat d'avancement de l'tape.Le forum permet aux tudiants d'changer entre eux, ou avec le formateur.Vous allez apprendre :Connecter l'appli. un service Web pour tlcharger une liste de photosUtiliser le standard d'change de donnes JSONUtiliser la classe AsyncTask pour lancer une tche de fondUtiliser la classe JSONObject pour traiter le flux JSONDvelopper une classe spcialise pour reprsenter une photoUtiliser la librairie Picasso pour tlcharger une imageProgrammer le RecyclerView et le CardView pour afficher les photosUtiliser l'interface OnItemTouchListener et la classe GestureDetector pour intercepter et ragiraux actions sur l'cranUtiliser la classe SearchView pour ajouter une recherche par mots cl des photosUtiliser une interface pour tablir une communication entre une classe et l'Activity.Utiliser l'API SharedPreferences pour enregistrer des donnes simplesQuels sont les pr-requis?Ce n'est pas une formation pour les vrais dbutants.Il faut:Savoir installer java et Android Studio sur son ordinateurSavoir installer l'mulateur GenyMotion(ou utiliser un mulateur Android Studio)Savoir crer un projet simple dans Android StudioSavoir ce qu'est une Activity, un fichier de Layout, le manifest fileConnaitre les bases du langage java."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Digital Asset Designer: Creating and Selling Mockups" |
"If you'reaspiring to be a designer of any sort (graphic designer, UI designer, identity designer, you name it), then maximizing your income stream is a necessity.In other words, the more money you can make from a variety of sources,THE BETTER.An excellent want to make potentially great, passive income is to create and sell mockup templates. These digital assets are insanely popular and other designers are willing to buy them. Why?Because who has time to create these mockup templates from scratch? That's why!So this is your opportunity to not only learn exactly how to make a variety of photoshop mockup templates, but also learn how to make money by selling them.What is covered?In this course, you're going to learn exactly how to create 4 different types of mockup templates:Monitor MockupT-Shirt MockupTattoo MockupIdentity MockupMobile MockupThroughout each project, you will follow along from choosing the right photograph, to making the finishing touches on the template.And then at the end, I'm going to reveal to you a variety of marketing tactics that will start earning you money right away!I'm no stranger to selling digital assets, either. I've made close to$30,000by selling a single Photoshop asset for creating banner templates. I've been there, done that, and now in this course, I'm giving you unfiltered access to the skills that I've gained.What is required?A copy of Photoshop CC. That's it!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript und jQuery fr Beginner" |
"Javascript ist eine der beliebtesten und verbreitetsten Programmiersprachen weltweit. Dabei handelt es sich zwar um eine Scriptsprache, sie hngt jedoch klassischen Programmiersprachen in nichts nach und hat die Welt des Internets ganz schn auf den Kopf gestellt, indem sie es ermglichte, dass Webseiten nicht nur gut aussehen konnten, sondern endlich auch coole Funktionalitten erhalten.Macht es Sinn mit Javascript als erste Programmiersprache anzufangen?UNBEDINGT!Warum sollte ichJavascript lernen? (egal ob ichNeuling in der Programmierung bin oder nicht)Um tolle Webseiten zu entwickelnEs ist sehr einfach zu erlernenUm geile Spiele mit Unity 5 (einer der besten Umgebungen zur Spiele-Entwicklung auf demMarkt)zu entwickelnUm deiner Webseite endlich die ntigen Features zu geben die schon lange fllig sind ;)Was bringt mir dieserKurs?Einen spannenden und spaigen Einstieg in die Programmierung mit Javascript und jQuery.Einenprojektorientierten Ansatz des Lernens. ""Learning by Doing"" und das mit coole Projekten die Spa machenDu erzielst sofort ResultateDer Kurs ist super leicht zu folgen und du lernst hier garantiert wie man coole Programme entwickeltDu lernst zuerst die Grundlagen der Javascript Programmierung. Erstellst dann ein cooles Quiz, welches du nach deinen Belieben erweitern kannst.Dann geht es in tiefergehende Themen der Javascript ProgrammierungSobald du Javascript drauf hast, geht es an jQuery - Welches das ganze noch viel entspannter macht. :)Mit jQuery UI lernst du dann wie du kinderleicht tolle Features und Elementein Webseiten einbaustDann geht es ans eingemachte: Eine interaktive und coole FAQ SeiteIm 7ten Kapitel erstellst du ein cooles Geschicklichkeitsspiel und lernst hier nochmal mehr ber jQuery und JavascriptAls Abschlusskapitel geht es nochmal richtig ab.Du erstellst eine Mobile App - um genau zu sein eine Todolisten App mit jQuery Mobile, dem besten Tool fr den Job.Natrlich gibt es meine Untersttzung im Kursforum und auch Ideen und Vorschlge von anderen Teilnehmern.Worauf wartest du noch?Nimm direkt am Kurs teil und erziele direkt erste Ergebnisse! Garantiert!Sonst gibt's das Geld ohne Wenn und Aber zurck (30 Tage lange - eine halbe Ewigkeit)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Der ultimative Wordpress Kurs- dein Weg zur eigenen Webseite" |
"Create web pages has never been so easy! In this course you will learn how to create WordPress grandiose sites - in minutes!Bonus:3 months of free webhosting! (Value 23.85 )With Wordpress you can create homepages, blogs, portfolio pages and online shops - and here you learn how! The course is based on all important topics in Wordpress. You will learn how to install WordPress on ANY web host, then learn the backend and then know how you to create. A great website you will learn the use of themes and plugins to your website adapt as you would have like to.Core content you have internalized after the course- Install and install WordPress on any web host- Use of Filezilla, eg for uploading larger data- Website with free theme- Edit elements of the website (header, main content, foot area)- WordPress Secure by WordFence and other security plugins- Integrate contact forms- Take backups of the WordPress page- Collection of the most important plugins - everyone needs.- Creation of an online shop- Setting the shop on German legal basesIn order to work through the course will be no additional costs , because you get 3 months free web hosting!The course will make you an advanced Wordpress user. This allows you to master the most frequently used CMS (Content Management System - System for the creation of websites).No programming skills required! You just need to know how to start the web browser, the rest will be delivered to you. The course is therefore ideally suited for everyone.There is support in the course forum of me, the author of the course, so you are guided to the goal quite relaxed.The course alone is a no-brainer because you get 3 months of free webhosting worth 23.85 .I am looking forward to welcome you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hebrew with Legos" |
"This is E-Vreet's first course in a series of four beginning Biblical Hebrew courses. We created this course for busy people who don't feel like they are ready for thetraditional Biblical Hebrew courses. If you have this desire to learn Biblical Hebrew but don't know where to begin, this course is for you. If you want some basic idea on how Biblical Hebrew works, then you will enjoy this course. If you want more out of your bible study time and want to get deeper into the meaning, then this course will start you on your journey. This course is vital for anyone who will be taking a traditional Biblical Hebrew course. It will prepare you for the challenges to come.We don't teach you Biblical Hebrew--we guide you into the world of Biblical Hebrew, giving you a peek into how Biblical Hebrew is constructed using Legos. We use English to show you how Biblical Hebrew works ""under the hood."""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Revit Architecture: Fundamentos y BIM" |
"En este curso nos centraremos en darte los mejores mtodos de trabajos para que domines las herramientas de Revit para el modelo de edificios a un nivel profesional y en muy poco tiempo. Usaremos un lenguaje sencillo y fcil de entender para llevarte desde lo bsico a lo profundo del uso de este genial programa.La verdadera razn para aprender Revit es usar la tecnologa BIM. De lo contrario, solo sera un programa para dibujar edificios. Pero como vers en el curso, hay muchos ms detrs de este poderoso programa. Haremos hincapi en la gestin de la informacin.A diferencia de otros curso que solo se limitan a mostrar el uso de las herramientas, nosotros te daremos tips que te ayudarn a implantar la metodologa BIM en tu proyecto"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering ASP.NET MVC 5 From Scratch Using C#" |
"MVC is a framework for building web applications using a MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern.This course provides developers with a thorough knowledge in developing Web Applications using MVC Design Pattern.In this course by development expert Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri, you'll learn essential concepts that you need to know to buildWeb Applications using ASP.NET MVC 5.This course provides step-by-step walk-throughs and coding demos that you're encouraged to code along with to enhance the learning process.This course is broken down into 27 Modules with each module providing source code so that you can follow along with Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri. Some of the modules can be seen in the below list."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Pythonscikit-learn |
"PythonPythonscikit-learnjupyter notebook (ipython notebook)pythonnotebookpythonpythonnotebookpythonpythonnotebooknotebook"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Easy, Healthy Sweets and Desserts: Cooking Lessons for Dad" |
"This Easy, Healthy Sweets and Desserts Cooking Lessons for Dad course is forboth beginnerand experienced cooks whowant to learn tocook healthier desserts and sweet treats. Healthy cooking can be easy and taste delicious! By the end of this course you will know how to cook a variety of easy, healthy recipes that will satisfy your sweet tooth! You will also know how to substitute healthier ingredients for less healthy ingredients in yourrecipeswithout losing flavor.Inthis course Iwillshow you step-by-step cooking demonstrations onhow to make more than 27 healthy sweet recipes. I alsoplan to continue to add more delicious recipes over time.These recipes are easy enough forbeginner cooksandwill beenjoyed by experiencedcooks too. Therecipes vary in sweetness and healthy ingredients so you can choose and prepare the recipes that are best for your tastes and interests.Iwill be here to help you however I can as you practice making these delicious recipes.In this course you will also receive several lessons on how to choose healthier ingredients for your recipes. Iwill share with you about the different types of sweeteners, flours and grains, fats to consider when preparing recipes. This is important because choosing healthier ingredients makes a healthier recipe! This is helpful when you look at a newrecipes. You can see how healthy the ingredients areand if you wantto make it.For you chocolate lovers,Ieven have a lesson on how to make chocolate recipes healthier!In this course you will receive a cookbook with the recipes that I share with you in the cooking recipe section. As I add new cooking lessons I will add that recipe to the recipe section. You can also find the recipes as a resource in each lecture.By the end of this course you will know how to make lots of healthy sweet recipes that you will love. You will also know how to make adjustments to some of your favorite recipes to make them healthier. Ipredictyou will be getting plenty ofcompliments from your family and friends on all the delicious healthy sweets and desserts that you make for them. And as a bonusyou will be healthier as you eat healthier! Then you will be happier because you are healthier! Your family and friends will be healthier and happiertoo! Sign up for this course now to begin your Healthy and HappySweets and Desserts adventures!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de Redes de Abastecimiento de Agua" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Diseo de Sistemas de Abastecimiento de Agua del aula virtual de tutoriales al da.El curso consta de 25 clases, en formato de video y con una duracin media de 10 minutos cada una para un total de ms de 4 horas de contenido en las que aprenders los detalles del diseo de los componentes ms importantes en los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua: la Aduccin, El Estanque y la Red de Distribucin. De una forma prctica y directa irs conociendo a travs de los diferentes mdulos del curso los aspectos necesarios para tener a tu alcance la metodologa que te permitir Calcular las demandas de agua potable por distintos criterios, pues estudiaremos los mtodos de proyeccin de poblacin, la asignacin y uso de dotaciones por tipo de edificacin, por persona y dotacin global. Te presentamos un ejemplo de clculo de demandas a partir de las densidades de poblacin y usos de suelo especificados en planes de desarrollo urbano. Conocers el efecto que tienen las variaciones de la demanda urbana como un primer paso para la definicin de los caudales de diseo de los componentes de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua. Aprenders a realizar el diseo hidrulico y por presin interna de aducciones abastecidas por gravedad y por bombeo, y a realizar el estudio preliminar del golpe de ariete en ellas. Vers cmo se Realiza el diseo del Estanque de compensacin desde el punto de vista hidrulico: definiremos su volumen til incluyendo las capacidades requeridas para compensacin del consumo, reserva de incendios y gastos de bombeo y, ms importante an te enseamos a definir la ubicacin altimtrica del estanque para que la red opere a las presiones adecuadas. Por ltimo, slo el mdulo del diseo de la red de distribucin comprende ms de dos horas de clase en las que se detalla el proceso, paso a paso, para su diseo a travs de un ejemplo real de un sector urbano y en con el que especficamente aprenders: A realizar la Definicin de la geometra en planta de la red, ubicacin de vlvulas de sectorizacin e hidrantes. Estudiaremos y aplicars varios mtodos para la asignacin de demandas a los nodos de la red. Definirs los dimetros de las tuberas de la red en base a los caudales de diseo. Vas a Conocer la interfaz de EPANET programa que utilizaremos como herramienta de clculo de las presiones y caudales en la red. Aprenders a utilizar esta verstil herramienta computacional en tus diseos pues vers cmo vamos ajustando la red de clculo para ir logrando satisfacer los valores normativos de presiones y velocidades. Vers con qu facilidad es posible con EPANET evaluar distintas hiptesis de demanda, como la de ocurrencia de incendio en la red. Vers cmo terminamos el diseo de la red estableciendo alternativas de ubicacin de vlvulas reductoras de presin, todo de forma muy prctica utilizando al programa EPANET.Y finalmente estudiaremos alternativas de solucin a el control de presiones elevadas en parte de la red definiendo la ubicacin, para distintas opciones, de vlvulas reductoras de presin. El contenido del curso va ms all de la teora, en todo momento el instructor te presenta comentarios y recomendaciones que junto a tus conocimientos y criterio te permitir dominar fcilmente el diseo de sistemas de distribucin de agua potabla en urbanismos. Podrs descargar diversas guas de diseo y mejor an hojas de clculo que te facilitarn enormemente tu trabajo."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design Masterclass With Adobe Illustrator" |
"Draw logo designsfrom scratch with Adobe Illustrator. Everything you need to take gain a basic grasp of Photoshop and Illustrator as we build your brand.Get Adobe CC at a great rateLearn to sketch brand logo ideasSeemlessly move from sketch to IllustratorLearn the right export settings so your logo works everywhereLearn the perfect Facebook, email, and business card sizes in Photoshop.Professional instruction to harness the power of Illustrator and Photoshop to conduct basic brand design. Learning the foundations of branding and visual design from this course. This training will puta powerful and very useful skill at your fingertips. Brandinghas been one of the most enduring disciplines of visual art.Being a skilled brand designer(and there really aren't many of them out there) opens many doors. Being a freelance brand designers is a huge opportunity as everyone struggles with building brands online.Brand Design Using Adobe CCContent and OverviewSuitable for beginners, in this course you'll get a direct and focussed experience as you get just what you need to build your first brand logo.You'll build a strong foundation that you can use to break into other disciplines of visual arts if you want to branch out in the future.You'll build your first brand logo as you join us from concept to implementing brands across three of the most important social media outlets. You will have the skills to create a unique and profitable brand logo.A focussed and no-nonsense course.You get exactly what you need to get your brand logo to the world FAST!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Portrait Photography Masterclass, All About Headshots" |
"You're here because you want to take better headshots, right?Shooting a great portrait isn't difficult. You just need to know the right ways to set your subject in whateverenvironment.This course will teach you exactly how to take beautiful headshots that can be used for social media or corporate photos.By the end of the course, you'll feel comfortable shooting portraits in any location:Learn how to photograph outside with natural lightLearn how to photograph in direct sunlightLearn how to use your flash properlyLearn how to photographwith continuous lightLearn how todeal with nature and choose a great backgroundLearn how to compose a great shot with any cameraStart shooting better photographs today!The instructors Jon and Phil walk you through the entire portrait photography process. Follow us in real-world demonstrations, dealing with actual environments and situations. See all of the equipment we use. See how we interact with our subjects. See how we choose a background.Make Money as a Professional Portrait and Headshot PhotographerYou can make serious cash shooting headshots for other people. Students, professionals, families, and friends - if you know how to take great photos, they'll be willing to pay. With this course, you'll learn exactly how to take amazing photos so you feel comfortable charging top dollar for your work.Also, learn how to edit your photos.Each section focuses on a different type of photography situation. Each section includes lessons on how to edit the portraits yourself. You can even follow along with the downloadable photo files!If you want to shoot better headshots and portraits, enroll now!With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.See you in the course!Jon & Phil"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms: Build Native Cross-platform Apps with C#" |
"With over 13,000 happy students and 2,600+ positive reviews, this course is Udemy's most popular course for learning Xamarin Forms!Do you have an idea for an app and want to turn that into reality?Well, if you want to build that app for iOS, you need to know Objective-C, which is an old, C-based language. The alternative is to learn Swift. If you want to build the same app for Android, you need to learn Java. And if you want to build this app for Windows, of course you need to know C#.Sounds like a lot of headache. It's not just about learning different programming languages. It's about the fact that each platform has its own UIframework which is built with a different architecture and API.Building apps shouldn't be that painful. Is there a better way?Yes there is:Xamarin Forms.Xamarin Forms is a UIframework for building native cross-platform mobile apps with C#. You code your app only once, and let Xamarin compilerbuild your appfor each platform. As simple as that! You don't need to learn 4 different languages andpresentation frameworks!In this course, Mosh, author of 9 five-star courses on Udemy, willtake you on apragmatic and step-by-step journeyand teach you how tobuild native mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windowsusing Xamarin Forms and C#.In particular, you'll:Learn and understand the fundamentals of Xamarin Forms and its architectureBuild user-interfaces with XAML and codeWork with imagesPresent data in beautiful, interactive listsImplement multi-page apps with navigation, tabs, master/detail pagesBuild form and setting pagesStore and retrieve data from a variety of sources (file system, SQLite database and RESTful services)Implement Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural patternIf you've taken any of Mosh's courses before, you know what you get:clear, concise training, withoutwafflingor mocking around.You get 7.5 hours of high-quality content and every single minute is crafted with outstanding delivery and world-class production.Mosh doesn't create 10+ hour courses that need to be fast-forwarded or skipped.This course ispacked with real-world examples, exercises and best practices. Not only will you learn how to use Xamarin Forms, youll also learnfirst-class tips to make your code cleaner and more maintainable.Lectures also havedownloadable source codeso you cancode-alongwhile watching the videos.So, if you're looking for a Xamarin Formscourse withA passionate coder and instructor who knows his craftPerfect structureBalanced mix of theory and practiceClear, concise and bite-sized videosLots of real-world examples and coding exercisesDownloadable source codeDiscussion of best practicesWorld-class audio / video productionDon't look further. Enrol in the course now and learn to build native mobile apps for Android, iOSand Windows using your existing C#skills.PREREQUISITESAll you need to know in order to take this course is C#. At a minimum, you should becomfortable with classes, interfaces, events, delegates, lambda expressions and a bit of LINQ.If you need to strengthen yourfundamentals, you can watch Mosh's related courses:C#Intermediate:Classes, Interfaces and Object-oriented ProgrammingC#Advanced:Take Your C#Skills to the Next LevelFREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONS1-Do I need a Mac to take the course?Not at all! You can use use Visual Studio on Windows to build and deploy apps to Windows and Android. You need a Mac only to build your app for iOS. And this involves simply adding a new project to your Visual Studio solution, setting it as the start up project and building it. Thats it! You dont need to write any extra code.So, no, you dont need a Mac to take this course or learn Xamarin Forms in general.2-Do I need to know about Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS libraries?Again, no! Xamarin Forms provides a simple, unified API for you to build cross-platform mobile apps. When you build your app for Android or iOS, it will internally use Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS to map the common user interface elements to their corresponding native equivalent.You need to know about Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS only if you want to build custom user-interface elements.WHATOTHERSTUDENTSWHOHAVETAKENTHISCOURSESAY""Another fantastic course by Mosh! Really well presented and easy to follow along. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to get up an running with Xamarin. I have apps up on my Android device and the whole experience has been super. Thanks Very Much!"" -Aindriu Mac Giolla Eoin""Mosh has that incredible teaching skill to start from a fundamental level and then take you on a journey to iterate and improve on to a best practice mode thereby allowing you to grasp the core concept faster. Very much recommended for anyone who has always wanted to build native Android and iOS applications leveraging your existing C# skills. Keep up the good work Mosh!"" -Sachin Chitran""I read through the entire Xamarin Forms official book as well as some other books on the topic before taking this course. I wish I had taken this course from the beginning. The concepts are explained clearly, and the exercises at the end of each section really help to solidify what you have just learnt."" -Morn Zaayman""You will not be disappointed by Mosh. At first I saw his content on youtube and I wanted to get a more in depth grip of his courses. I can assure you that the investment is truly worth it. You will neither feel like the instructor is talking to a stone who has never programmed, nor feel overwhelmed by a lot of complex programming techniques. The way he explains is just right for the average coder looking for improvements."" -Oproiu Stefan""This was my first paid video course ever and wowwhat a surprise! Now six months later, I already bought two other courses from Mosh Hamedani because its a great way to learn so much in such a short time. I became a real fan of Mosh because he gives a boost to my work career.I recommend all the developers to watch the video courses of Mosh, you will not regret! Hes a very enthusiastic instructor who can teach you difficult concept as if they were easy. The video content includes many great exercises which will challenge yourself. Furthermore, the cheat sheets are very useful to refresh your memory."" -Yen Jacobs30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture, and do the exercises, and if you feel like this course is not for you,ask for a full refund within 30 days.All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with 17 years of professional experience. He is the author ofseveral best sellingUdemy courseswithmore than 120,000 students in 192 countries. He has a Master of Science in Network Systems and Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.His students describe him aspassionate, pragmatic and motivational in his teaching.So, do you want to use your existing C#skills tobuild native apps for Android, iOSand Windows?Join the other 13,000 students who have taken this course and startbuilding your first native cross-platformapp withina few minutes."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Master en Bootstrap 4: Crea pginas web responsive desde 0" |
"ACTUALIZADO PARA BOOTSTRAP 4 (ALPHA 5) 30 de Octubre del 2016!__________________________________________________________________________________DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Bootstrap es el framework HTML+CSS+JS ms popular del mundo y en su ltima versin trae mejoras indiscutibles, como el uso de Flexbox y la incorporacin de nuevos componentes. En este curso te explico cmo crearproyectos web exitosos, en tiempo record, escribiendo menoslneas de cdigo CSSy100% Responsive. Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. Empezamos por entender el concepto clave La filosofa Mobile First, para luego empezar a crear el diseo del sitio completo desde 0, usando Adobe Illustrator CC (No necesitas conocerlo, nosotros te enseamos a dominarlo). Luego procedemos a crear el diseo del sitio usando solo HTML5 y CSS3 sin usar Bootstrap 4. Porque?, esto te permitirentender la manera en la que Bootstrap influye en el desarrollo de tu proyecto. El siguiente paso es entender ala perfeccin el nuevo modelo de caja ""Flexbox (Flexible Box)"" yhemos dedicado una seccin completa, de ms de 5 horas de grabacin. Tambin creamos 3 mini-proyectos con situaciones concretas para que entiendas perfectamente cmo aplicar flexbox en sitios web reales.Luego pasaremos a explicarte el uso de Bootstrap y todas las novedades que nos trae la versin 4 y profundizaremos en todos los conceptos necesarios para implementar exitosamente este Frameworken tus proyectos. Despus procederemos implementar el sistema de columnas que maneja Bootstrap, para que cada caja HTML se adapte a cualquier dispositivo. Finalmente crearemos animacin personalizada usando CSS3, insercin de efectos Parallax, lacreacin deun encabezado animado y todos los detalles que un proyecto de calidad necesita. EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS: HTML5 + CSS3 + Jquery(Desarrollo de un Proyecto Real).Aprende a crear tus propios diseos nicos y personalizados usando Bootstrap 4.Accede a ms de 30 horas de grabacin en HD, con contenido claro, ejemplos concretos y didcticos.Accede al contenido desde tu mvil, Tablet o PC (24/7).Obtn todos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Gua de estilo para Bootstrap 4 (Cheat Sheet), diseos en Adobe Illustrator, Plugin de terceros y ms.Animaciones CSS sin flash (ya est obsoleto)."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Seguridad mxima para Joomla 3: Protege tu CMS favorito" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTUALIZADOPARA JOOMLA 3.6.4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Te enseamos a implementar y gestionarun sitio Joomla seguro y punto.Joomla!, al igual que otros CMS,requiere de acciones para afinar su seguridady es responsabilidad de todo administrador, conocerlas y ponerlas en prctica.Este curso te introducir en el campo de la seguridad informtica orientada a Joomla!. Aprenders, paso a pasoyde forma sencilla, a implementar unarobusta capa de seguridad queneutralice los ataques a tu web, aprenders adetectarlos y cmo reaccionar frente a estos.Aprenders a construir una defensa slida que neutralice los ataques a tu web, conocers cmo detectarlos y cmo reaccionar frente a estos.A Google le gusta mostrar sitios web limpios.Si tu sitio se encuentra infectado, rpidamente Google te penaliza y empezars a perder posiciones. Por ms que tengas muy buen contenido, la respuesta es simple:GOOGLE NO MUESTRA SITIOS WEB INFECTADOS.Pero eso no es todo, si alguien intenta ingresar a un sitio web con Malware,Google Chrome muestra un mensaje de alerta, informndole al usuario que, el sitio donde va a acceder est infectado. Si te interesa aparecer en los resultados de Google, preocpate en mantener tus sitios Web limpios y saludables.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones.Empezamos por entender los conceptos claves relacionados aLa Seguridad en Joomla, para luego empezar a realizar la instalacin de diferentes scripts que nos ayudarn a diagnosticar el estado de un sitio web.Finalmente veremos el proceso de desinfeccin de un sitios web creado con Joomla desde 0 y paso a paso.EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Introduccin a la seguridad web.Configuracin y definicin de permisos.Seguridad desde el Cpanel.Manejo de usuarios y configuracin de permisos en Joomla!.Veremos como implementamos un completo antivirus.Bloqueo de ip.Actualizar Joomla!.La mejor solucin para crear backups.Diagnosticar un sitio Joomla infectado. Recuperar y desinfectar un sitio Joomla"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sitios Joomla Extraordinarios para Empresas con Gantry" |
"Teenseo como hago para disear sitios web extraordinarios en ""pocosdas"":SIN PROGRAMAR, SIN CODIFICAR, SOLO ARRASTRAR Y SOLTARDE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Te enseara construirsitios web profesionalesusando Gantry, el mejor generador de plantillas gratuitas para Joomla.Gantrynosofreceuna gran cantidad de opciones que nospermite,lograrel ms alto nivel depersonalizacin, nunca antes hanvistopor losamantes de Joomla.Gantry nos permite construir desde diseos sencillos, hasta complejas estructuras(Layout) sin tener conocimientos de programacin.POR QUGANTRY?No necesitamos tocar ninguna lnea de cdigo (Si eres diseador web, tambin te permite hacerlo).Es completamenteGratuito (Esto te permite reducir costos y ofrece precios accesibles).Te ofrece unaInterfaz intuitiva (Slo arrastrar y soltar).Incorpora un potente gestor de mens, nunca antes visto.No se requiere experiencia endiseoweb.Los diseos creados con Gantry 5se adaptan a Mviles y Tablet (SonResponsive).Te permite crearsitios extremadamente veloces ya que incorporasu sistema propio de compresinde archivos.Fue creado pensado en el SEO(Es responsive, Veloz, Pgina deError 404 incluida, Cdigo HTMLsemntico, etc).Y para losdiseadores web:GANTRY 5 USAFLEXBOX en toda su estructura.PARA QUIEN ESTADIRIGIDOESTE CURSO?Personas quedesean tener su propiositio web 100%personalizado:Aquellos que conocen Joomla,peronecesitan tener un control totaldel diseo de su sitio.Personas quedesean generar cientos de dlarescreando sitios web:El tiempo es dinero yconuna menor inversin de tiempo en la elaboracin de tus sitios web,mucho mejor para t. Gantry te permite armardiseos personalizadosen tiempo record.Podrs construir mas sitiosweb y vivir de esto (Ascomo lo hago yo).CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?Empezamoscon un corto video introductorio. Usted aprender a instalar Gantry 5 y todas las configuraciones iniciales dentro de Joomla.Luego seguimos con los primeros ajustes necesarios dentro deGantry, configuramos el diseo dela pgina inicial yel diseodelas pginas internas, al mismo tiempoaadimos estilos personalizados usandoCSS.A continuacin analizamos uno de los conceptos propios de Gantry""Las Partculas""que en realidad son piezas de contenidoque se pueden configurar en el administrador de Gantry, muy similar a los mdulos de Joomla, pero con caractersticas propias. Partculas como""Custom HTML"", ""Logo"", ""Fecha"", ""Social"" y ""Contenido de ejemplo"" mejorarn nuestroflujo de trabajo.Las ""Partculas"" pueden hacer todo tipo de cosas, desdeinsertar un pequeo bloque de cdigoHTML o tener unbloque de informacin detallada, con imgenes, enlaces, texto, etc.Luego veremos uno de las ""Joyas de Gantry"", el""Gestor mens"" y losdiferentes tipos deestructura de mensque podemos crear (mltiple columnas, conos en los enlaces,carga de mdulos, etc).Luego nos centramos en los que creemos es""LA PEPITA DE ORO DE ESTE CURSO"",aprenderemos a crearestructuraspropias(Layout) con Gantry.Te ensearemos a construir tus propiasestructuras a medida usando archivos ""Twig""(Plantillade Layout para Gantry, no es HTML, no es CSS).Al final del curso,sers capaz deusar Gantry 5 con total seguridadydesarrollar plantillas 100%personalizadas,completamenteResponsive(PC, tablet, smartphone) y disearlos sitiosweb conJoomla, que siempre has soado!.EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Planificar un proyecto web exitosousando Gantry 5.Crear diseos desde 0usando Gantry 5.Tips para optimizar tu tiempo y crear ms sitios web en un menor tiempo.Accede a ms de 15 horas de grabacin.Obtendrstodos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Diseos en Adobe Illustrator, Fuentes de texto,Extensiones para Joomla (gratuitas y comerciales)y ms.QUIEN SOY?Me llamoErick Mines CEO de Aulaidealy te llevar de la mano a lo largo de estecurso, te aseguro que no estars solo.Tengo ms de 10 aos trabajando con Joomla y ms de 6 aosusando Gantry (Desde que vio la luz). Cientos dede proyectos web exitososcreados usando Joomla y Gantryme respaldan.Un abrazo y te veo dentro del curso.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto de este entrenamiento.-ACTUALIZADO PARAJOOMLA 3.7 Y GANTRY 5!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Domina HTML5 y CSS3 en 8 das" |
"En este curso te enseara escribir el HTML5 y CSS3 que usars en la vida realy empezar tu carrera como Diseo web!.DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Te proporcionaremos todo el conocimiento necesariopara que finalmente te conviertas en un experto en HTML5 y CSS3.Iremos paso a paso en este viaje y te transformaremos, deun principianteaun diseador de pginas web profesionalescapas de codificar sus propios sitios web, ya sean personales o para empresas.En mis aos que vengo enseando diseo web, he descubierto que la formas ms efectiva de aprender cualquier lenguaje de programacin es Sumergirse en el cdigo y ensuciarselas manos.PARA QUIEN ESTADIRIGIDOESTE CURSO?Estudiantes de diseo web:Si estas aprendiendo a crear web, este curso te mostrar de forma clara como codificar desde 0 tu sitio web usando HTML5 y CSS3.Administradores web:Personas que tienen unblog personal o administran un sitio web y estn en constante contacto con cdigoHTMLy desean saber modificarlo correctamente, sin estropearlo todo.Marketers y afiliados:Estas creando productos para vender online o estas promocionando productos como afiliados y no sabes cmo insertar esas lneas de cdigo dentro de tu web?, tranquilo en este curso aprenders hacerlo.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?En este curso asumiendo que usted no sabe nada de diseo weby empezamospor ensearte las principales herramientas para hacer un sitio web; Luego nos sumergimosms y trabajamos con HTML5 y CSS3.Al finalizar este curso vas a construir un hermoso mini-sitios web, que te va a encantar. Con todas las caractersticas que un proyecto web requiere.EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Planificar un proyecto web exitosousando HTML5 y CSS3.Crear el diseos de un sitiodesde 0.Tips para optimizar tu tiempo y crear ms sitios web en un menor tiempo.Accede a ms de 20 horas de grabacin.Obtendrstodos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Diseos en Adobe Photoshop, Fuentes de textoy ms.QUIEN SOY?Me llamoErick Mines CEO de Aulaideal.comy te llevar de la mano a lo largo de estecurso, te aseguro que no estars solo.Tengo ms de 10 aos como diseador webycientos de proyectos web exitososme respaldan.Un abrazo y te veo dentro del curso.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto de este entrenamiento."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator: Learn Easy Logo Design." |
"Do you want to learn how to use the logo designed by famous?You can find the basics of logo design in this course. You can create a strong foundation and professional logo design for this course is for you. With little effort you can design the logo.You must have basic knowledge of Illustrator before taking this course. Middle and high quality logo can easily learn to do. More advanced logo to make your skills and abilities are only limited by your imagination.Courses will be constantly updated.This course- Will understand the basics of Illustrator.- You will learn the basics of logo designing.- Be able to design the logo as you imagine.- Basic level, the experts will prepare the ground level.Note: Use the Illustrator version of Adobe Illustrator CC"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Clear Depression Using Traditional Chinese Medicine" |
"Are youstruggling with mild to moderate depression?Looking for better options for treatment?Interested in natural health and healing?Then this course is for you!Oriental medicine and eastern psychology offer auniqueandeffectiveapproach to treating and clearing depression. Chinese medicine alone offersover 2000 years of field testingin the treatment and understanding of depression, anxiety and stress.This course has been designed to gently guide you through a step-by-step process to help clear your depression, layer by layer.What makes this approach unique is that we acknowledge and work with the 3 dimensions of the human being.We understand that -DEPRESSION IS NOT JUST A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE IN THE BRAINThere is more to it than that.It is occurring on the subtle realms of ""Qi"" or life force energy. Depression and stress is strongly associated with the health and flow of one's ""Qi"". When the ""Qi"" in the body and mind is stressed or stagnated for extended periods, it manifests as depression, anxiety and eventually physical disease.When we address and smooth out the flow of this Qi, depression and anxiety tends to dissolve, naturally. This is what this course is about.This ""Qi"" that we all have, operates and helps to govern the 3 level of the human being. 1. The physical body 2. The mental / emotional body 3. The spiritual body In this course we approach all 3 layers, one by one clearing and cleaning up the Qi as we go.This course offers a refreshing, unique and effective approach to treating depression.Reviews & Testimonials:""Clear, easy to understand, great lectures in small chunks. Thank you very much. Great value for money!""- Max KitchingTop notch course! I had some questions and I sent many emails and every email was answered properly awesome customer service and great instructions. I am extremely happy with the results. I can totally see the difference in just a few days! Its awesome.~ Cynthia BIf you're ready to consider new way to approach it, then this is the course for you.Results from taking this course can vary and are largely dependent on the individual and the depth of their depression.However, if you were to follow the instructions, it is possible to clear your (mild to moderate depression) depression naturally, and keep it off, within 3 months!By the end of the course you will:- Feel physicallyfitter and stronger- Be able to breathe with greater ease- Sleep more easily- Have a greater sense of purpose and direction in life- Feel smarter and more intellectually stimulated- And much more!This course is not just about treatment, but also maintaining and managing ones ongoing psychological state so that you are better equipped to deal with any future feelings of depression.*Medical Disclaimer:The information in this course is not intended to replace advice from your medical doctor."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe Premiere Pro And Audition Fast - Beginners Guide" |
"Learn Adobe Premiere Pro And Audition Fast - Simple Workflow*If you already have our 'Online Instructor Masterclass' then you do NOT need to buy this course as it is part of that larger course.**It is also included in the 'Social Media Marketing Masterclass Course'.*Are you a beginner when it comes to video and audio editing?Do you want to learn how to edit a video with Premiere Pro in a quick and easy to understand way?Do you want to be able to produce your own video edit in under 2 hours?Do you want to learn the important basics without all the confusing language?Learn How To Edit Video FastThis course is designed to help you learn how to edit and produce a video in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition FAST!!Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition are powerful video and audio editing pieces of software with much professional functionally. However, it is not necessary to learn all the powerful functions that these pieces of software offer in order to produce your own quality video. Much time and effort can be wasted learning beyond what is necessary in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition. When all that is needed is to learn a simple yet effective workflow that gets the job done of producing a quality video.This course will show you what to do from importing your video footage into Premiere Pro, through the necessary colour, audio and cutting editing processes then onto how to export your video with music. Subjects Covered:Setting Up Your Efficient Folder StructureSimple Fast Colour GradingAudio CorrectionCutting Options Breath And Click RemovalAdding Music To Your VideoExporting Your VideoPart Of A Larger SeriesThis course is a standalone course in its own right.It is also part of a series of courses that combined create the Online Instructor Masterclass.Join UsSo join us in the course and learn how to edit your videos using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition FAST!."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing - Content Marketing Masterclass 2020" |
"Social Media Marketing & Online Digital Marketing Strategy 2020 For BeginnersThis course teaches you how to market your business for free, using Social Media Marketing and not paid advertising.*You Also Get Free Access To A Private But Very Popular Support Group!All the content in this course is fully up to date for 2020 and with this course, you will get free access to a Private Social Media Marketing group on Facebook where you can get help and advice and all the latest news and tips as they happen!The Science Of Social Media MarketingDo you want to understand the science and art of using Social Media Marketing to drive traffic to your website for free?Do you get frustrated with all the confusing advice on the internet and how everyone insists you need to waste money on Social Media Advertising when you want to learn how to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest to get traffic to your website and to get sales?Do you want to learn tried and tested methods and the best practices for Social Media Marketing?Do you want to learn how to make all types of marketing skills, like creating blog posts, creating social posts, how to produce audio content and video content?Then this course is for you!Student Bonus:This course comes with FREE ACCESS to a Private Facebook Community where we share up to date information and tips for your social media marketing and where you can get support and advice!Master Social Media Marketing And Online Digital MarketingIn this course you will learn how to master Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Copywriting, Email Marketing, Local SEO, SEO, YouTube Marketing, Video Production, Vlogging and Instagram Photography, we will also show you how to take a profile image with just an iPhone or Smartphone for your social media profile!Everything you need to create a powerful online marketing presence...You will learn what works and what does not work with online digital marketing and where to spend your time and effort.You will understand the psychology of the buyer journey and how you can map that to your social media marketing, content creation and sales process.You will also learn how to drive traffic to your website using Social Media Marketing and how to create content that will bring people to your site.This course does NOT cover paid advertising or podcasting. Topics Covered In This Course:Module 1 - Understanding Social Media MarketingThe Social Media Marketing MonsterFree vs Paid TrafficWhat Is MarketingWhat is MediaWhat is SocialLocal vs International Social Media MarketingModule 2 - Marketing As A Business PriorityMarketing As A Business PriorityThe Marketing CompanyFeast And FamineContinuous MarketingThe 80/20 PrincipleSales And MarketingModule 3 - Understanding The Buyer JourneyMeet BobThe Seven Steps To MarriageThe Buyer Journey - AIDAAttention ContentInterest ContentDesire ContentAction ContentModule 4 - Bob's World View MarketingUnderstanding World ViewsUnderstanding BobConfirming A World ViewThe Family KettleBob's World View ActivitiesModule 5 - Social Media Marketing And Search Engine Optimisation - SEOThe Truth About Social SignalsThe Problem With New WebsitesThe Snowball EffectThe Great DeceptionYour Website As Your Data CenterModule 6 - Social Media Marketing PlatformsFinding BobWhat Platform Should I Use?Business Or Personal Branding?Branding TipsCreating Your BiographyHousekeepingModule 7 - Posting On Social Media PlatformsThe Golden RulesCuration Vs CreationWhat Types Of Content Should I Create?Written ContentPhotography ContentInfographics ContentVideo ContentPodcast ContentAutomationModule 8 - Social Media Posting IdeasWhere Do I Get Posting Ideas From?Stupid QuestionsConversationsStories - The Power Of NarrativeIndustry NewsContent Capture SystemsRespecting Your AudienceModule 9 - Creating A Social Media PostTake Them To The MoviesHeadlinesBody TextUsing ImagesVideo PostsQuizzes And PollsLinksHashtagsModule 10 - Community Based MarketingThe Best Kept Secret In Social Media MarketingChoosing A NicheChoosing A PlatformGate KeepersCommunity RulesShared OwnershipStructuring Your CommunityVisiting Other CommunitiesModule 11 - Building A Social Media Marketing PlanWhy You Need A PlanYour Social Media ScheduleYour Content CalendarRealistic Time FramesResponsibilities And RolesSMART Goals For Your MarketingMarketing Mission StatementsModule 12 - Social Media Marketing Case StudiesMarketing MistakesTwitter Case StudiesFacebook Case StudiesLinkedIn Case StudiesYouTube Case StudiesPinterest Case StudiesInstagram Case StudiesModule 13 - Creating Social Media Images With Adobe Spark Introduction To Adobe Spark ToolsCreating A PostCreating A Post On A MobileAdobe Spark Activities To CompleteModule 14 - Creating Your Social Media Profile ImageIntroductionEquipment NeededUnderstanding Your CameraModule 15 - Lighting Your SubjectOffset Lighting Setup For PortraitsFront Lit Lighting For PortraitsSetting The ExposurePosing The FaceModule 16 - Editing Your Images With Snapseed On An iPhone Or SmartphoneEditing A Male PortraitFinishing A Male PortraitEditing A Female PortraitModule 17 - Blogging For Business - Copywriting For Blogs And ArticlesIdentifying Your Niche AudienceFinding Your Style As A WriterPreparation - Tracking Ideas For Your Blogs And ArticlesPage Setup And FormattingLinks And ActionsAdditional Content On The PageModule 18 - Blogging - Writing Your CopyAIDA CopywritingAttentionInterestDesireActionAdditional ThoughtsModule 19 - Email Marketing - Building Your Email ListEmail Marketing - Grasping The ConceptEmail Marketing Software - Choosing Your ProviderBuilding Your Email ListDifferent Ways To Get An Email Sign UpAsking For The EmailThe Magic Of PDF'sModule 20 - Using Your Email ListAn Email List Is For Selling Stuff Right?Email Marketing StylesModule 21 - Email CopywritingEmail Writing StylesEmail Copywriting Using AIDAEmail Spam Traps And PitfallsModule 22 - Email Analytics - Automation - MaintenanceEmail Analytics - What To MeasureEmail Automation - Understanding Its UsageUsing SurveysModule 23 - SEO And Local SEO - A Guide To Ranking Your Business In Google SearchIntroduction To Local SEOGoogle Search - Understanding How Local Search WorksModule 24 - Google Search And Your Position In Local SearchLocal SEO Ranking FactorsYour Local Ranking Factors - How They Impact Local SearchDomain Authority And Page AuthorityTrust FlowCheck Your Local SEO Ranking ScoresGoogle Local SearchModule 25 - Google My Business - A Strong Local SEO Ranking FactorGoogle My BusinessCleaning Up Old Google ListingsManaging Your Google My Business PageCreating A Google Review StrategyGoogle My Business - Support CommunityModule 26 - Building Up Reviews - Including Google Local ReviewsCitations Setting Up A NAP PageManaging Your CitationsModule 27 - Backlinks - Understand How They Improve SEOBack Linking - An IntroductionChecking The Quality Of Your Back LinksBuilding Back LinksSocial Media Business Pages As Back LinksModule 28 - On Site SEO - Improving Your Sites SEOContent Marketing As Part Of Your SEOCreating Your ContentModule 29 - Keyword Optimisation For Powerful SEOUnderstanding KeywordsKeyword StrategiesInserting Your Keywords On Your WebsiteModule 30 - Local Business Online MarketingMarketing A Local BusinessAdwords - An IntroductionSetting Up A Local SEO AgencyModule 31 - YouTube Channel Setup And SEOBuilding Your YouTube Landing PageYouTube SEO - The Importance Of TitlesYouTube SEO - The importance Of Your DescriptionsYouTube SEO - The importance Of TagsYouTube AnnotationsYouTube AnalyticsPublishing And Sharing Your VideosModule 32 - YouTube Video Launch StrategyThe Real Secret To A Successful YouTube Video LaunchEyes On The PrizeModule 33 - Mastering Audio Production For Video And PodcastingIntroduction To Mastering Audio ProductionTechnical Challenges You Will FaceChoosing Your MicrophonePositioning Your MicrophoneReducing EchoReducing Background NoiseThe Perfect StudioModule 34 - Mastering Video Lighting And Subject CompositionIntroduction To Mastering Video LightingCamera ChoicesLighting ChoicesComposition And PresentationWebcam And Smartphone Setup3 Light Setup For DSLRs And Camcorders5 Light Setup For DSLRs And CamcordersTeleprompter And Reference MonitorSetting An ExposureModule 35 - Green Screen Video ProductionIntroduction To Green Screen Video ProductionChroma KeyingLighting A BackdropXSplit Broadcaster - An IntroductionXSplit SettingsBuilding A PresentationScreen CaptureModule 36 - On Camera Presence - Getting Comfortable In Front Of A CameraIntroduction To On Camera PresenceWhy You Need A StudioCommunicating With WarmthTalking To BobFinding Your Natural SelfPractice Makes PerfectTake 2Additional TipsModule 37 - Writing A Promotional Script For Your VideoIntroduction To Writing A Promotional ScriptMeet BobAIDA PsychologyAttentionInterestDesireActionModule 38 - Video And Audio Editing Using Adobe Premiere Pro And Adobe AuditionIntroduction To EditingSetting Up Your Folder StructureColor Grading Your VideoAudio Correction TechniquesCutting Options - Video EditingBreath And Click RemovalAdvance Audio CleaningAdding Music To Your VideoExporting Your VideoModule 39 - Vlogging Style Video ProductionWhat Is VloggingVlogging Equipment - Budget Or 4k? Vlogging Equipment - Budget Recommendations Vlogging Equipment - Choosing Your 4k Camera Vlogging Equipment - Choosing Your MicrophonesLecture Vlogging Equipment - Tripods And AccessoriesLecture Filming Techniques Editing A VlogLecture Activities For The Vlogging SectionModule 40 - Understanding InstagramGrowing Your AudienceHash Tagging ToolsBetter Pictures With Your PhoneBasic Composition - The Rule Of ThirdsUnderstanding LightControlling Your BackgroundEditing Your Images With SnapseedUnderstand Instagram - Activities To CompleteModule 41 - Quora MarketingWhat Is Quora?Setting Up Your Quora ProfileFinding Quora Questions To AnswerWriting A Quora AnswerQuora Growth TipsQuora - Activities To CompleteModule 42 - Pinterest MarketingWhat Is Pinterest?Pinterest Business ProfilesCreating A Pinterest BoardCreating A Pinterest PinRich Pins And Buyable PinsPinterest Growth StrategiesPinterest Board Strategy ExamplesPinterest ToolsPinterest Activities To CompleteModule 43 - Introduction To PodcastingWhat Is PodcastingGetting Started With PodcastingPodcasting EquipmentDesigning Your PodcastPodcast Recording TipsFinding Guests For Your ShowEditing Your Podcast With Adobe AuditionMarketing Your PodcastPodcasting Activities To CompleteJoin UsSo join us on the other side and learn how to master the science and art of Social Media Marketing and Online Marketing!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ten Story High: Learning the Art of Storytelling Made Easy" |
"Storytelling is 4Xsmore effective for engaging youraudience than just stating facts and figures.Engage your professionalaudienceorcaptivate your listeners in smallsocial situations.Recognize your own natural storytelling abilities and learn to use your storiesto leave a lasting impression.Discover that you don't need to be a TED Talks speaker to communicate well.Gain confidence togive thatspeech, do thatpresentation, or justnot have so many of those ""awkward"" moments whilemingling with friends and family.Here are what students are saying:""This is such an interesting course. I really enjoy how personable and excited the instructor is to share the information"" --Joshua""Great course! Instructor is funny and personable and I have been enjoying the storytelling activities.""--LukeHere is how you will master storytelling inthispractical, action-ready course!YOUWILLDiscover why stories matterUnderstand the structure of great storiesAccept your own storytelling abilitiesLearn the steps to crafting your own personal storiesBuild confidence toshare your stories with any anyoneRecognize when to insert stories duringsocial situationsCultures throughout history have harnessed the power ofstories as a wayto communicate life's most interesting and meaningful aspects. Even the progressive study of brain science attests to the fact that storytelling engages a listeners brain 4Xs more effectively than just stating facts and figures. That means that storytellers have 4Xs the advantage to engage their audiences and be remembered. That's 4Xs the advantage inthe boardroom or the living room. Whether you are interviewing for a job, or heading out on an awkward first date, there is almost a 100% certainty that you will communicate information about yourself through stories.So if we are made for stories, and stories can benefit us in almost every area of our lives, why not learn how to tell the very best stories possible?In this comprehensive yet easy-to-follow class, let meshow you the SIMPLE ACTIONS you need to take to make your own personal stories more engaging, more intriguing, and more memorable.Through a variety of structured andengaging lessons, you willuncover your own storytelling abilitiesand learn to captivate any audience in anyspeaking situation.Transform your stories now with this painless and action-ready class.And as always, your satisfaction is backed with Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freelance Success For Artists: A Quick & Easy Guide" |
"Are you a designer, filmmaker, illustrator, or multimedia artist looking for simple yet effective ways to earn money and build your reputation doing what you love? ----""Very nice thoughtful course especially for anyone considering freelancing. Kristen covers many aspects of doing business online relevant to current practices. She talks from experiences about her successes and what she learned from her mistakes. If youre thinking about freelancing many of Kristens suggestions are vital to protecting yourself from bad or downright awful experiences."" -Jerry Montgomery----I'll show you tried and true best practices for finding and keeping happy, repeat clients, and how you can best build your portfolio, reputation, experience, and income the quick and easy way. This course will help you create a successful and sustainable freelance business built on a simple but powerful mantra, ""Respect Yourself. Respect Your Client."" STOP being exploited and start earning money doing what you love.Build your confidence and be on the right path as a freelancer in just ONE hour.By the end of this course you'll confidently be able to:Know and develop the characteristics and personality traits that all successful freelancers share.Hone in on exactly which services you should offer and which you should NOT.Set your prices and know once and for all what to charge.Protect yourself by using easy-to-manage yet professional contracts and invoices.Protect your business by painlessly planning for the tax man.Become a client-whisperer who listens to and communicates well to deliver the projects clients want, need, and love.Know the most effective ways to find new clients and turn them into happy repeat customers.I'm apracticing award-winning multimedia artist and a former tenured Associate Professor of Digital Media and Program Director of Film & Digital Media at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I'm currently an Associate Professor of Digital Media at American University of Myanmar in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma).Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP.Please Note: All students who enroll in this course also will receive periodic free and discounted access to my other top-rated current and upcoming courses.You have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked so you have nothing to lose. I make myself available so you will have access to me if you have questions or need specific feedback along the way. Empower yourself now by enrolling in this freelance masterclass for artists, filmmakers, animators, and designers and join our growing learning community!Click the ""Take This Course"" button in the upper right corner and let's get started building your powerful new freelancing skills today."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads" |
"Mais de 1 bilho de pessoas utilizam o Facebook diariamente, passando horas e horas navegando em grupos e pginas do Facebook. fato comprovado que os Anncios do Facebook podem te ajudar a aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de pessoas que voc atinge todos os dias. Aumentando tambm o numero de visitas no seu site, a quantidade de vendas e potencializando os resultados da sua empresa.Mas, como criamos um Anncio no Facebook otimizado que possa atingir muito mais pessoas?Como podemos garantir que seus anncios vo ser mostrado somente a pessoas que tem um real interesse no seu produto ou na sua empresa?Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer e as coisas que deve evitar?Um anncio no otimizado pode fazer voc perder dinheiro, perder clientes e potenciais seguidores no Facebook.Por outro lado, anncios super otimizados vo inspirar o seus seguidores e motiva-los a agir e comprar seus produtos ou servios.O QUE VAI APRENDER?Neste curso voc aprender como atingir centenas, milhares de pessoas no Facebook. Vamos definir o seu pblico Alvo para garantir que os seus anncios so mostrados somente para pessoas esto realmente interessadas nos seus produtos ou na sua empresa, assim economizando dinheiro em cada campanha de Annciosno Facebook.E voc vai aprender como utilizar Retargeting nos seus anncios. O Retargeting uma das ferramentas mais eficientes do marketing digital utilizada por grandes empresas como Submarino, Lojas Americanase Amazon.Voc tambm vai aprender como criar pginas no Facebook para uso pessoal ou da sua Empresa, paginas super otimizadas que os seus seguidores vo adorar!E como um bnus, eu vou compartilhar com voc a principal estratgia, que voc vai utilizar para aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de curtidas no teu Facebook.Eu tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que no final vai ter vrios anncios no Facebook e no Instagram, gerando vendas e trazendo clientes e seguidores para voc a cada dia.Mas se por qualquer motivo, voc nao gostou do curso, pode solicitar a devoluo do seu dinheiro nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda esta garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se no curso agora e vamos comear a utilizar todo o Poder do Facebook e do Instagram para gerar mais vendas, atrair mais seguidores e crescer exponencialmente a sua presena online agora mesmo!Te vejo l!"
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
how-to-make-website-for-ngos |
"...... ( :+7-985-188-07-30Pro bono ( . pro bono publico ) , , .Pro bono , , . , , , .- ? , . ............. , -, -, , . , , , . , , , ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 for Beginners" |
"Everyone is talking about Windows 10 because with Windows 10 Microsoft published a solid operating system which works and has several features on board which will help you to work fluently.However, before you can use these great features in your Windows 10 you need to learn a bit more about the operating system.In this course I'll walk you through all the little things you need to know to start working with Windows 10 - from modifying the startmenu to creating documents and folders. But you'll also learn some more advanced things just like changing your folder icon and closing crashed apps without restarting your Computer.if you are not 100% familiar with Windows 10 this course is for you. I'll walk you in small steps through all the most important things you need to learn for your daily workflow."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Story Marketing: How to Have Fun Marketing Your Fiction Book" |
"Your audience doesnt want another email from you asking them to buy your book. But they do want to immerse themselves in a great story. InStory Marketing: How to Have Fun Marketing Your Fiction Book, you'lllearn how to attract more readersby sharing the characters, setting, and other aspects of your story to make them hungry foryour books.Youll learn lots of Story Marketing ideas like:Having one of your characters write an advice column answering your readers questionsSetting up a Twitter account for your character and tweeting as if youre themSharing photos of the location where your story is setAsking your readers to suggest which actors should play your characters once the book is made into a movieIn this courseyou'll learn howto quickly create your own Story Marketing content that willskyrocket the number of readers passionate for your books.Story Marketing is more enjoyable for your readers to consume. Its more fun for you, the author, to create. It also helps you write better stories. If youre tired of traditional book marketing and youre ready toattract more readers,its time to try out Story Marketing.**************************************MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThiscourse comes with an unconditional,30 day money-back guarantee from Udemy. Youcan try the course risk free. The alternative isrisking your book is never discovered by thousands of hungry readers. You wrote a story your audiencewillenjoy. Enroll in the course and allow me to helpyou get your book into the hearts and hands of your readers."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for Beginners I" |
"Greetings and welcome to Spanish for Beginners I! This course is highly interactive, so make sure you find a quiet space where you'll be able to listen and then repeat after the instructor. (Yes, that means you will be speaking Spanish out loud right from the very beginning!) Also, in order to get the most out of the pronunciations and hear the nuances of the language, it may bebest to view this course with headphones.Each video introducesone learningtopic ofthe Spanish language. Each topic is first introduced and then multiple practice opportunities are provided. The goal of this method is to get you speaking andthinking in Spanish right away. Keep in mind you shouldfeel free to repeat all orjust parts of any video as many times as you need in order to master the learning topic. In case you're wondering, typicallylearners are able to learn andsolidify their understanding bygoing through a videojust one or two times!So, let's get started. !Vamanos!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Viola - Scales and Fundamentals" |
"This course covers the basics such as holding the violin and bow properly and tuning the instrument. It covers a couple of different bowing techniques and then goes through both the major and minor scales. It is taught by video lessons with straightforward, easy to follow instructions. There is also some supplemental material to help guide you along the way. There are lectures on the extras such as the proper way to hold the instrument, as well as lectures focusing on different techniques to improve your playing. Students who enroll will get to learn a challenging instrument without having to take costly private lessons. This course is about the equivalent of 6-12 months of private violin lessons with a focus on scales, so could take anywhere from one month to twelve months to complete. It all depends on how much time you have to put into it.This course is a very low pressure way to get to learn a new instrument. Without the time commitment and cost of weekly private lessons, students will be able to discover the joy of playing the violin without any added pressure. If you have ever had any interest in learning a musical instrument, then this course if for you. It starts with the basic foundations and builds from there, so you do not need to have any previous music experience. If you want to be have a great technical foundation on the violin, and want to learn the scales, which are the building blocks of all songs, then you would greatly benefit from this course.Above all, this course is for anyone with a love of music. You can take the course yourself, give it as a gift to friends or family, or to anyone you know that also loves music. With a 30 day money back guarantee and lifetime access, you can be confident in your purchase. Lifetime access will also allow you to take as long as you need to complete the course, and will allow you to go back and review lectures that you have previously complete. It's a fail safe way of learning the violin."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Agile Scrum with Pivotal Tracker - A Quick Guide" |
"Agile Scrum MethodologiesProject management has taken a gigantic shift in the recent years. Companies have moved to Agile Methodologies. Scrum is the favourite framework of all the framework in Agile.Some of the benefits of having Agile Scrum introduced in your Project Management :It helps in saving time and moneySave lot of documentationLight weight compared to previous project management methodologiesEasier to manage the changes and incorporate themShort meetingsFaster deliveryIssued identified well in advancePivotal TrackerWith all this comes an extra responsibility of a Scrum Master. Pivotal Tracker is one of those tools which has automated the system. Here are some of the features of the Pivotal TrackerStoriesAutomatic PlanningAnalyticsLabelsEpicsTasksHistoryThere are many more features which you can learn while you dig deep.The CourseSo if you want to give your project management skills a boost, then just get started with this course.Remember, this is just a quick guide, although it has enough power packed within itself.Its time to get started. Meet you on the other side."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Disintegration Effect Tutorial in Photoshop" |
"Disintegration EffectWelcome to my disintegration techniques tutorial. Ihave packed quite a few different techniques into this tutorial that will help intermediate and even some basic users of Photoshop to create this really cool effect. Ihave used the disintegration technique in tons of different projects from film posters to ads for cars and food. It's just a fun way to give your client something extra to look at with a little bit of that wow factor.In this class we'll take a look at the following:How to quickly create an alpha channel.Using the liquify brush to creat a background for our particles.The best place to find free brushes.How to modify particle brushes to get a real effect.Quick retouching techniques with Adjustment Layers.How to overlay pictures to make them look more realistic.Retouching eyes quickly to connect.So if you're ready to get started, I have tried to price this course so that everyone has the opportunity to join in. Adding this sort of effect to your Photoshop arsenal of talents will very quickly put you in at another level.Thanks!Jason Buff - Instructor"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |