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"Logo Design Made Easy: Create your own logo in PowerPoint" |
"HelloYou!Welcome to my course page.Want to make logo designs quick and easy?Then you have come to the right place!In this beginnerscourse we will be designing several logo's together, showcasing all the amazing features thatPowerPoint has to offer. By the end of the course you will have learned all the necessaryfundamentals & techniques,so you can start creating your own logo's anddesigns within minutes.Why use PowerPoint instead of using otherdesign software, such as Photoshop/Illustrator?Most people knowtheirway around Microsoft Office programs such as Word & PowerPoint- which means the learning curvewill be much shorter. Creating your designs in a familiar environment, such as PowerPoint,will help you to pick things up quickly.PowerPoint is an accessible tool! The majority of people who own a laptop/computer will have PowerPoint installed on it.You can start creating your ownamazing designs in no-time, without having to make the initial investment of purchasing expensive designing software.You can achieve amazing results just by using PowerPoint. Ive been creating my designs inPowerPoint for many years now and the majority of my family, friends and colleagues still cant believe that I createsuch impressive designsjust by using Powerpoint.PowerPoint has many amazing in-built features, such as:subtracting objects, grouping multiple object together andexporting your designs with a transparant background. PowerPointhas many similarities with other design software, such as Photoshop."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Effective communication in the care setting" |
"Welcome to this course in Communication in Care... Please forgive the poor video and sound but this is a goodwill course to help all careworkers in the UK, and the world should they wish to view, to supplement the in-house training provided by healthcare organisations. This is a simple and easy to watch video course that anyone who is a care giver can enjoy. Often the in-house training is rushed, there are no supplementary manuals, journalling is not even detailed and encouraged and because of this I believe the training given is inadequate and that is why this is here. This course can be taken in your own time but could be completed within a week or two.Throughout the course I share anecodes, without breaching confidentiality. I encourage interaction, jounalling and thoughtful questionning to aid you to dig deeper into your experience of being a care giver. This will support you to value your skills in your job - as care givers.This course is a 6 part course, you receive a manual and a journal to record your insights, awareness and understading of this subject and in which you can write down any experiences you have. I invite and encourage anyone with care giving responsibilities to take this course; even those of you who work in administration or other feilds will benefit from this course too.Here you will learn about effective communication; including confidentiality, breaches of confidentiality and what to do. You will learn about barriers to communication and how to address these. You will learn about safeguarding and confidentiality and some of the UK legal stuff. This is a participatory course in which you can post comments and share anecdotes - always though remembering the priviledge of your status and the trust placed upon you. I am delighted and happy that Udemy have provided this platform to share this information - enjoy the process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Care planning" |
"This course primarily educates students about effective care plans in the UK health system.We all experience health and well-being in different ways. We can be suddenly struck down with a virus, or a fall at work. We then have to take time off and allow ourselves to heal and recover. Should the virus lead to serious illness, or the fall lead to a surgery then this will involve a myriad of various health professionals. Each with their own records, reports and supporting guidelines. Transformation from health to illness to recover can be a time of great stress and it can feel as though the person is lost in the paperwork.In this course, which follows on from Effective communication in care, we look into effective care planning. We look at the CQC regulations, legislation as well as what are care plans, types of care plans, what a plan of care is and not, and much more including person centered, holistic care planning.This course now includes a section about the new laws coming into place in the UK; the General Data protection Regulations are due in force and this is a vital element to bring students up to date of this matter. This provides an overview and links to associated sites that broaden student awareness. I have created a manual, journal and other resources are provided to supplement and facilitate your learning experience and outcomes. I am look forward to meeting you in this course forum and reading your anecodes - always mindful of privacy, confidentiality and data protection... And when you have completed your course I have a special free bonus gift to help you celebrate!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Safe Beginner Pilates For Strength During Pregnancy" |
"Learning Pilates in a gym can be challenging especially if you are pregnant and doing private sessions can become expensive. Thisis whyI created aPilates For Pregnancycourse so that pregnant ladies could keep exercising in the privacy of their home in a safe and effective way. I alsohad several patients and doctors ask me to designthis Pilatesprogram to helpladies to be able to dogentleexercise that is tailored for them depending on what trimester they are in.My Pilates for Pregnancy course will help youto:Tone your bodyImprove your core strength and pelvic floor musclesImprove posture during the pregnancyIncrease flexibilityReduce back pain and stiffness during the pregnancyTeach you what happens to your spine and body during each trimesterShow you how to doa series of gentle and effective stretches and exercises suitable for each trimester ofyour pregnancyHelp you to recover and gain strength after the birthDuring pregnancy the body goes through many changes due to the weight of the growing baby and the hormonal surges. This course will help you to maintain and improve your strength and fitness as youprogress through each trimester. It is safe and effective and is at a beginner level."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Scatta una Modella Atleta in ControLuce sul Lago in Strobist" |
"In questoVideoCorso imparerai:a GESTIREla modellain un set esterno di lagoad IMPOSTAREle luci per ottenere un effetto STROBIST molto potentea POSTPRODURREin ambiente AdobeLightroomE potrai scaricare ed utilizzare per teUn POTENTEPRESETAdobe LightroomIl VideoCorso suAPPper vederlo offlineAlla fine delCorso sarai in grado, grazie agli esercizi, di gestire un set in CONTROLUCE e grazie ai consigli sulla gestione soggetto a padroneggiare ilFLUSSODILAVOROottimale per arrivare al risultato che vedi.INSTAGRAM STYLEpreset incluso al download!File RAWOriginale incluso, scaricalo per esercitarti!Provini del set inclusiGuarda le preview e ti aspetto, per darti tutto il supporto che necessiti, nella bacheca domande &risposte"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Monotorcia Flash Atlas 600: Unboxing Recensione e Trucchi" |
"In questo VideoCorso scopri come Mauro ""El Maui""Prelli, Fotografo Professionista specializzato nella tecnica STROBIST esegue l'unboxing ed una recensione completa, con dovizia di particolari, su un nuovo e potente prodotto:il Quadralite Atlas 600!Questa macchina in grado di sviluppare 600ws per un totale di 500 scatti a piena potenza!In questa recensione scoprirari:Quali sono le caratteristicheLe compatibilit con i nuovi TXNavigatorLe retro-compatibilit con i trigger ""vecchi"" dei RepoterPerch e quandoutilizzare la potenza minima di 1/256Come risolvere il problema del comando sul Navigator a 1/256Come funzionano, quali sono ed a cosa servono le funzioni dei menu...tanto altro ancora in oltre 1h di super recensione!Ti aspetto in classe per scoprire questa fantastica novit in campo lampista!Maui"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Scatta una MODELLA ATLETA in Strobist sul Lago Volume 2" |
"Il secondo Volume conAlessia, che questa volta alle prese con unoSCOGLIO al Lago!Qui impari a GESTIRE il soggetto in controluce, dandole Tranquillit e sfruttando le diverse soluzioni compositive.Puoi FARELADIFFERENZAimparando queste tecniche, DISTINGUERTIdai tuoi colleghi ed ottenere con un soggetto femminile un IMPATTOEMOTIVOmolto alto.GESTIRAIa fine corso al meglio le TECNICHEOFFCAMERAcon FILTROND, saprai POSTPRODURREcon 3 SEMPLICI passaggi in Adobe Lightroom.Puoi scaricare il PRESETgi ultimato che ti spiego PASSOPASSOnel corso.SIItu il padrone della luce e DOMAsia la composizione che il soggetto, con fermezza e gentilezza per OTTENEREsempre un RISULTATOSODDISFACENTEGuarda le PREVIEWGRATUITE e...Non vedo l'ora di averti in classe!Mauro"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Corvette Muse Shooting Vol 1 : Outside the Car" |
"Questo VideoCorso con la Musa Julie e la fantastica Corvette Stingray del '76 per te che vuoi fare la DIFFERENZAnella fotografia di ritratto. Foto che spaccano con una One Light gi in fase di scatto ed una post produzione alla ""Starsky"" spiegata passo passo con semplicit.Gli ambienti di lavoro sono Adobe Lightroom CC e Adobe Photoshop, potrai scaricare i provini, il preset che ti spiego nel corso ed il file raw originale!Ti aspetto in classe e nella bacheca D&Rper tutte le domande che vorrai pormi.A presto, Maui"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"H.S.S. High Speed Sync & Power in Location con Beatrice" |
"Finalmente uscito il Nuovo Corso con HSS High Speed System di Alta Potenza!Pi di 9.000 studenti mi hanno gi scelto, scopri il perch nei miei Corsi!Imparerai CONSEMPLICITA' cosa un Sistema HSS, in un video apposito che puoi vedere anche senza iscriverti, aperto alle preview!(Prego :))Imparerai QUANDOapplicare questa tecnica e PERCHE'OTTERRAI subito gi ALLOSCATTO delle foto IMPATTANTI e che SPACCANOSi, l'effetto collaterale che RODERA' molto il portacoda ai tuoi competitor perch sarai non uno ma DIECIPASSIAVANTIgrazie a questo trick!Capitoli LIVE dove vedi tutti i i passaggi, costruzione set e gestione modella. Questo ti serve per imparare davvero!Capitoli corposidi DEBRIEFING dove puoi apprendere in maniera retroattiva con la giusta calma dall'autore della foto direttamente i TRUCCHIper ottenere i risultati.POSTPRODUZIONE in AmbienteAdobe Lightroom e Photoshop molto molto semplice questa volta, ti insegno come RECUPERAREuna foto leggermente SFOCATAma EMOZIONALE, Interessante vero?Bonus+ Scarica il preset per Lightroom convertibile anche a Camera Raw+ Scarica tutti i provini del set in oggetto con i dati exif in chiaro+ Scarica il file originale RAWper esercitarti sulla foto che ho scattatoNon vedo l'ora di averti nel corso!Mauro"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Studio Topless e Nude Art : Strobist e Gestione Modella" |
"Oltre 9.000Studenti trovano la mia didattica performante, provala ora, IMPARADAVVERO!In questo ""crash course"" sul Nudo Artistico, nella sua nuova formula migliorata con LIVESETe DE-BRIEFING approfonditi scoprirai come ottenere delle foto Glamour e Budoir che SPACCANOgi allo scatto!Insieme alla brava Francesca, giovane ma che ha gi esperienza in questo settore potrai apprendere come passare dalla sensualit del TOPLESS alla eleganza del NUDO.GESTIRAIla luce con i RIMBANK, deiSOFTBOX con GRID(griglia )e scoprirai tutti i TRUCCHIche ti permettono di ottenere immediatamente foto bene illuminate in un contesto di Nude Art.La LUCEOFF-CAMERAnon mai stata cos FACILE come la APPRENDERAIin questo corso, unoStudio con materiali economici che puoi RICREAREanche a CASATUA.OTTIENI subito foto che spaccano allo scatto, con una luce che SCOLPISCEDIFFERENZIATI da chi la luce non la sa usare ed ottieni il consenso e l'invidia dei tuoi colleghiAUMENTAdi molto il GAPcon i tuoi competitor grazie ad una sapiente GESTIONE di LUCIe SETIl tutto completato da una post produzione, come sempre, aggiunta come bonus in corsa al corso, che riceverai GRATIS. Guarda i video promo aperti al pubblico per saggiarle l'ALTAQUALITA'Adoro insegnare e non vedo l'ora di averti in classe con me!Mauro El MauiPrelli"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Node.js API's Fast and Simple" |
"Learn the basic concepts of API's to include HTTP based REST with JSON payloads. Learn how to create a working system with Node.js using the Express.js framework. Learn how to create an API that connects to MongoDB. We walk thru creating some simple API's and follow thru with deployment onto a server. This development is presented on a Mac OSX with Node.js 4 and deployed on a Linux server in a cloud environment (Amazon EC2).Build a strong foundation in API development with Node.js. This course helps you understand and implement API's using Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB technologies to allow you to create your own back end server with the latest technologies.JavascriptNode.js 4.xNPMExpressMongoDBLinuxProfessional skills and experience from an iOS / Node.js Architect with over 8 years experience.Learn the fundamentals but also tips and tricks of the experts. Learn about the different type of API end points and how to create a full end to end solution. We will walk thru the project setup and all required elements to create a full end to end API server.Content and Overview This course explains key technology concepts of API's with REST and JSON technology in a Node.js system. We show development from start to finish to include deployment on a live production server not just a test machine.What am I going to get from this course?Detailed knowledge of how to create Node.js / Express.js based REST/JSON API'sLearn how to use MongoDB as the back end for API's.Teaching by example showing every detail to the smallest degree from starting a new application to deploying it in production.Access to Instructors GitHub account with many extras and examples.If you don't have a a production server device don't worry, we show you how to test everything on your local computer.Note: Development is all described on a Mac OSX notebook, Windows is not address. Node.js using JavaScript is a portable language and all the tools described in this class are available on other systems as well but no intention is made to describe how to setup them up of use the Windows or Linux versions."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver with Java Quickstart" |
"Welcome to an Introductory course in Selenium WebDriver with Java, the only course you need to quickly get up and running with Selenium WebDriver.100% Redesigned and Remastered For 2020!Now includes a module on the most important automation patterns and anti-patterns.At 5+ hours, this Selenium WebDriver with Java course is guaranteed to have you running your first Selenium test in under 1 hr.The course is a taught by the world's leading instructor at test automation. Training over 100,000 people in-person and online.The course has been updated to be 2020 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at the world's leading test automation organizations such as Sauce LabsWe've taught over 100,000 students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional test automation engineersWe'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to get introduced to Selenium WebDriver with Java.Throughout this carefully-engineered course, we cover a the world's leading tools and technologies, including:Selenium WebDriverJUnitIntelli JMavenSign up today, and look forward to:Video LecturesCode Challenges and ExercisesReal web applicationsQuizzesOur best selling Automation patterns and anti-patterns ebook with 50+ patternsAccess to the world's best FB Automation communityCustomer service assistance answering your technical and general questions within 24hDon't just take my word for it, check out what existing students have to say about the course:Great course! This was one of the most thorough training courses I have ever taken/endured/survived. For me the course had a real ""graduate course"" feel to it, along with some almost impossible challenges that will result in frustration as well as some very deep learning.- David KotschessaThe C# section is taught by someone else, which surprised me, but I think they did a great job at instructing at a beginner level. The Selenium materials are quite comprehensive and the instructor is easy to follow and understand. I am impressed that the author has taken the time to keep the course materials updated, and therefore merits 5 stars in my book! - David DraperWell I can't explain in words how much am excited after completing this course. The more I was close to completion the more am getting excited. You are a great instructor Nikolay. You don't just taught Selenium but other aspects of being a beautiful coder.Now am pretty confident and can say ""Yes"" to my clients when they need me to automate the application. Thank you Sir for all the hard work and effort you put in the course. Surely would like to see you in another engaging course! - Randhawa VermaI like fundamental approach used by author. Will see:) To prepare such a course - it's a really hard and big job. Respect and thank you. - Serhii KovalenkoWonderful content and things explained in a nutshell. Overwhelmed by Author's dedication to put things in such a way that any novice or manual tester can follow and understand and definitely be on-boarded as a Selenium Automation Engineer next day at work. Thanks a million times for creating these courses! One Stop for Automation.""- Rupashree Geethaaviji AnanthakrishnaI am familiar with Nikolay from a course I saw on TestAutomation and have the highest regard for him. Glad to see him on Udemy. - Annamalai ViswanathanOne Of the Best courses on Selenium With C#. Cheers Nikolay!! - Saransh VaidREMEMBER I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's highest rated web development course. FAQ's:Q: What operating system should I have?A: The course is presented for Windows and Mac OS users.Q: Do I need to install other programs for this course?A: Yes, you will need to install Java, IntelliJ and Maven on your computer.Q: Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic understanding of Java programmingA PC running Windows 10 Professional or Mac OSChrome browserFamiliar with web pagesSoftware testing knowledgeAll software well be using is free to download and installQ: Do I need to purchase any additional licenses to be able to use all the demonstrated tools?A: No, all the tools you will be using during this course are freeQ: Do I need previous programming knowledge ?A: Basic Java knowledge is advisable to understand all the concepts, but the course will explain everything in a comprehensible way for beginners as well. The course also contains a section for Java basics.Q: How long do I have to complete it?A: Once you purchased the course, you will have lifetime access to it and any updates we will add to the course.Q: Do I receive anything after I complete a course?A: Yes, a completion certificate is issued once you have gone over all the lectures.Q: What if I am not happy with the course?A: No hassle, 100% Money Back Guarantee for 30 days.Q: What if I dont get results, do you have a refund policy?A: Sure do! You have 30-days to go through and implement the information. If you do the work and dont get results, Ill be happy to give you every penny back.I have more questions...Please, don't hesitate to contact us at info@ultimateqa.comWe will be more than happy to assist you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build the Best Resume+Linkedin Profile:by Award Winning Prof" |
"Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job by creating an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile from scratch? Thiscomprehensive resume and LinkedIn course, contains many exercises, downloads, lectures and a 67-pageResume and LinkedIn Success Journal for you to complete during the course tocreate an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile. There is also an optional goal setting workshop at the end of the course (so you can create what your resume will look like in 10 years). We use the Harvard Business School resume format as this is the format that has helped me to switch careers many times (from the consulting industry, to the venture capital industry, to the hedge fund industry, the the tech industry, to working at Goldman Sachs etc.). This course will help you to create an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile and help youget the job of your dreams and is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone. We also cover more advanced LinkedIn topics like SEO (search engine optimization), publishing professional quality articles on LinkedIn, etc. Learn tips/tricks/hacks/secrets to how recruiters and human resources professionals search for you via LinkedIn. 30-day money back guarantee. Please note that this course overlaps with Part 2 of 3 ofmy Complete Job, Interview, Resume/LinkedIn and Network Career course. I want to help you get your dream job as my passion has always been helping others reach their full potential.I also want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishmentsand reach your full potential. I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life (not just my employees, interns and friends, but also my in-class students at the MBA and undergraduate universities that I teach at). There are no limits;you canget any job you want andtogether we will make this happen. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Lets begin! Thanks, Chris : ) Professor Chris Haroun, Founder and Partner Haroun Education Ventures"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MBA Completo em 1 Curso: Prof Premiado de Escola de Negcios" |
"** A VERSO INGLESA DESTE CURSO O #1 CURSO DE NEGCIOS MAIS VENDIDO NA UDEMY! **MAIS DE 160,000 ALUNOS**** DE ACORDO COM A REVISTA BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Obter o seu MBA nunca foi to fcil. Haroun um dos professores mais bem cotados na Udemy, ento pelo que se pode esperar que estar em boas mos ao longo do curso da sua educao."" **Voc est pronto para levar a sua carreira para o prximo nvel? Neste curso, voc ir aprender tudo o que precisa de saber sobre negcios....desde comear uma empresa at lev-la ao mercado pblico. Este curso cobre todos os tpicos importantes que voc ir aprender ao obter um MBA numa escola de topo + conceitos de negcios reais e prticos que faro com que tenha ainda mais sucesso!Por Favor Note: Este Curso Contm Legendas em Portugus.Este curso ministrado por um professor de MBA premiado, com significative experincia, resultando do seu trabalho na Goldman Sachs, bem como em indstrias de capital de risco, fundo de cobertura, e consultoria (fundou ainda vrias empresas e tem lugar em vrios conselhos de administrao). Muitos conceitos de negcios so simplesmente senso comum. Este curso ir focar conceitos de negcio que voc precisa de saber que podem no ser senso comum. Este curso faz com que os processos gerais de negcios, contabilidade e finanas, sejam bastante fceis de compreender! O professor deste curso tambm o autor do ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"" (101 Lies Cruciais que No Ensinam a Voc na Escola de Negcios), um livro que a revista Forbes recentemente classificou como ""1 de 6 livros que todos os empreendedores precisam de ler j"".O contedo deste curso e baseado na minha experincia de trabalho em diversas empresas, incluindo a Goldman Sachs, a indstria de consultoria na Accenture, algumas empresas que fundei, a indstria de fundos de cobertura onde trabalhei na Citadel, e tambm o setor do capital do risco (a empresa que fundei tinha um investimento de capital de risco no Facebook). Eu inclu conceitos de negcios prticos e teis que aprendi quando fiz o meu MBA na Universidade Columbia, bem como um Bacharelado em Comrcio na Universidade McGill. Pense neste curso como os ""maiores sucessos"" de sumrios de negcios resultantes do meu MBA, do meu bacharelado, da minha experincia de trabalho em consultoria, como acionista, fundos de cobertura, capital de risco e da fundao das minhas prprias empresas. Eu minimizei os ""conceitos tericos entediantes"" neste curso, para manter o mesmo to prximo da realidade quanto possvel. Os conceitos deste curso foram ministrados por mim em muitas aulas, em diversas universidades, onde o feedback dos alunos foi universalmente e incrivelmente positivo (por favor, veja o meu perfil no LinkedIn para avaliaes/feedbacks de alunos sobre o meu estilo de ensino/eficcia - obrigado. Alm disso, por favor, veja avaliaes dos meus livros na Amazon e aqui na Udemy sobre o meu ensino - particularmente no meu curso Udemy intitulado ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"").---------------------------------------------------------------------Testemunhos de Clientes: ""Gostaria apenas de deixar-lhe uma mensagem rpida, para saber que gostei muito do seu curso MBA na Udemy. Em particular, gosto do fato de estar direcionado prtica em vez de somente teoria. Eu tambm gostaria de apresentar os meus sinceros agradecimentos, porque o seu curso foi a diferena que me fez conseguir obter fundos nesta passada semana."" - Chris Backofen, CEO do CastCloud""Curso Envolvente! Apresentao compreensiva de conceitos-chave que so bem explicados de uma maneira prtica e relevante, ao mesmo tempo que entregues em partes facilmente digerveis.""- Michael Jordan""J estou em negcios mais de 20 anos e este curso uma excelente atualizao, para lhe relembrar de coisas que pode j saber e de coisas que pode ter-se esquecido pelo caminho. "" - Laura Caraccioli""Estruturado, apresentado, bem como falado de forma muito clara. Cobre as bases do empreendedorismo, dos negcios e dos investimentos."" - Jeffrey Koury""Eu acabei de terminar este curso e altamente o recomendo. Acho que o vdeo de introduo d uma boa indicao do que esperar. Voc no ficar desapontado!"" - Ronald Deerenberg""Excelente induo, quem me dera se a universidade fosse assim to excitante, isso faria definitivamente com que considerasse tomar a dvida com que a educao vem."" - Christian Baffour - Akoto""Eu completei o meu MBA em 2011 e esta foi uma tima atualizao. Eu tambm obtive algumas ideias excelentes neste curso sobre como seguir a minha paixo e amar o que fao. Definitivamente, recomendaria estas lies a outras pessoas.""-Ali Ashraf""O melhor curso de sempre. Recomendo altamente este curso.""- Aminata Bah""Um curso brilhante. Aprendi muito e mal posso esperar por implementar o que aprendi em futuros empreendimentos.""- Ben Judh""Este definitivamente o melhor curso que j frequentei na minha vida inteira. Est recheado de fatos, verdades sobre o Setor Financeiro, o seu funcionamento interno, e uma abordagem real. A abordagem do professor Haroun, ao preferir um contedo rico e prtico em detrimento do jargo terico, torna este curso OBRIGATRIO para estudantes, executivos jovens ou maduros, bem como proprietrios de negcios em pequenas ou grandes empresas. O professor Haroun um excelente orador, um palestrante revigorante, cuja paixo contagiosa. Enquanto dona de um negcio h 25 anos, eu gostaria de ter tido acesso ao conhecimento e atitude inspiradora do professor Haroun h muitos anos. O material do curso compreensivo, fcil de perceber, e o sentido de humor do professor Haroun, a par da sua incluso de vdeo clips nos seus materiais do curso descarregveis melhoram toda a experincia. Eu estou eternamente grata por ter encontrado este curso no Udemy! Foi uma experincia passvel de mudar a vida.""- Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Os alunos deste curso iro gostar de aprender tudo o que precisam de saber sobre comear uma empresa at torn-la pblica, enquanto aprendem os tpicos mais importantes nas escolas MBA de topo em todo o mundo. Leve a sua carreira ao prximo nvel!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"** Udemy**** BUSINESSINSIDERMAGAZINEMBAHarounUdemy** 4**IPOMBA MBAForbes61101CitadelFacebookMBAMBA LinkedinAmazonUdemy101---------------------------------------------------------------------UdemyMBACastcloudCEOChris BackofenMichael Jordan20- Laura Caraccioli- Jeffrey Koury - Ronald Deerenberg - Christian Baffour-Akoto2011MBA- Ali Ashraf- Aminata Bah- Ben Judh25Udemy - Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------MBA"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Un Intero MBA in 1 Corso: Premiato Prof. di Economia" |
"** LA VERSIONE IN INGLESE DI QUESTO CORSO IL CORSO DI BUSINESS # 1 PI ACQUISTATO SU UDEMY CON OLTRE 140.000 STUDENTI IN 196PAESI! ** ** SECONDO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Ottenere la vostra Laurea in Economia Aziendale non mai stato pi facile. Haroun uno dei professori pi quotati su Udemy, quindi potete aspettarvi di essere in buone mani nel corso della vostra formazione"" ** Sei pronto a portare la tua carriera al livello successivo? In questo corso, imparerai tutto il necessario sul business dall'avvio di una societ alla suo debutto. Questo corso ricopre tutte le nozioni pi importanti che apprenderesti dai migliori MBA + applicazione pratica di concetti business per aiutarti ad essere pi di successo!Si prega di notare che questo corso contiene sottotitoli in italiano.Sei pronto a far progredire la tua carriera? In questo corso, imparerai tutto quello che c' da sapere sugli affari ... .dall'avvio di un'azienda fino alla quotazione in borsa. Questo corso copre tutti gli argomenti importanti che imparerai ottenendo una laurea in Economia Aziendale nelle facolt migliori + concetti di business pratici di vita reale che ti aiuteranno ad avere pi successo!Il corso tenuto da un premiato professore di Economia Aziendale con una significativa esperienza pratica lavorando alla Goldman Sachs, cos come nel venture capital, negli hedge fund e nel settore della consulenza (ha fondato diverse aziende e fa parte di diversi CdA). Molti concetti di business sono semplicemente di buon senso. Il corso si concentrer sui concetti di business che occorre sapere e che potrebbero non essere solo di buon senso. Questo corso rende il processo di business, contabile e finanziario in generale molto facile da capire! Il professore di questo corso anche l'autore di ""101 Lezioni Fondamentali Che Non Vi insegnano Alla Facolt di Economia"", che la rivista Forbes ha recentemente definito ""1 dei 6 libri che tutti gli imprenditori devono leggere in questo momento.""I contenuti di questo corso sono tutti basati sulla mia esperienza di lavoro in diverse aziende, tra cui in Goldman Sachs, nel settore della consulenza in Accenture, in alcune aziende che ho lanciato, nel settore degli hedge funds in cui ho lavorato a Cittadel e quindi nel settore del venture capital (l'azienda che ho fondato ha effettuato un investimento di venture capital in Facebook). Ho incluso concetti utili pratici di business che ho imparato mentre studiavo per la mia Laurea in Economia Aziendale alla Columbia University e una Laurea in Commercio di primo livello presso la McGill University. Pensate a questo corso come un ""Greatest Hits di riassunti d'economia dalla mia laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale, dalla laurea in economia di primo livello, dall'esperienza di lavoro nella consulenza, in partecipazioni azionarie, fondi speculativi, venture capital e nell'avviare le mie aziende.Ho ridotto al minimo i ""concetti teorici noiosi"" in questo corso al fine di mantenerlo il pi vicino possibile alla realt. I concetti di questo corso sono stati insegnati da me in molti corsi tenuti in diverse universit, in cui il feedback degli studenti stato universalmente e incredibilmente positivo (si prega di vedere il mio profilo LinkedIn per le recensioni degli studenti / il feedback sul mio stile di insegnamento / l'efficacia - grazie. Si prega anche di vedere le recensioni dei miei libri su Amazon e qui in Udemy sul mio insegnamento - in particolare nel mio corso su Udemy ""101 lezioni Fodanemntali Che Non Insegnano alla Facolt di Economia"").Testimonianze di clienti:Volevo mandarle un breve messaggio per farle sapere che sto davvero apprezzando il corso di MBA su Udemy. Mi piace molto che sia pensato per professionisti, piuttosto che concepito solo come teoria. Volevo anche ringraziarla sinceramente perch il suo corso stata la differenza che mi ha permesso di ottenere finanziamenti questa scorsa settimana. "" - Chris Backofen, Amministratore Delegato di CastCloud""Il corso coinvolgente! Le presentazioni complete dei concetti chiave sono ben spiegate in modo pratico e rilevante, e sono allo stesso tempo suddivise in sezioni facilmente assimilabili."" - Michael Jordan""Sono stata in affari per oltre 20 anni e questo corso un eccellente aggiornamento per ricordarsi di cose che si pu gi sapere e di cose che si pu aver dimenticato lungo la strada."" - Laura CaraccioliStrutturato, presentato e spiegato molto chiaramente. Tratta dei concetti base di imprenditorialit, commercio ed investimento."" - Jeffrey Koury""Ho appena finito questo corso, e lo consiglio vivamente. Direi che il video introduttivo fornisca una buona indicazione di cosa aspettarsi. Non rimarrete delusi!"" - Ronald Deerenberg""Ottimo orientamento, vorrei che l'Universit fosse cos entusiasmante, ci mi avrebbe fatto considerare di assumere il dipartimento da cui l'istruzione proviene"" - Christian-Baffour Akoto""Ho completato il mio MBA nel 2011 e questo stato un ottimo aggiornamento. Ho anche ricevuto degli splendidi insegnamenti da questo corso su come seguire la mia passione e amare quello che faccio. Consiglio vivamente questa lezione ad altri."" Ali Ashraf""Il miglior corso che abbia mai fatto. Lo consiglio vivamente."" - Aminata Bah""Un corso brillante. Ho imparato cos tanto e non vedo l'ora di attuare quello che ho imparato in imprese future"" - Ben Judh""Questo sicuramente il miglior corso che abbia frequentato in tutta la mia vita. stracolmo di fatti, di verit pratiche circa il settore finanziario, il suo funzionamento interno e ha un approccio pragmatico. L'approccio del professor Haroun di eliminare il gergo teorico e fornire invece un ricco contenuto pratico rende questo corso un corso da non perdere in assoluto per studenti, dirigenti giovani e stagionati, imprenditori di aziende di piccole o grandi dimensioni. il professor Haroun un oratore eccellente, un docente corroborante la cui passione intensamente contagiosa. Come imprenditrice venticinquenne, vorrei essermi imbattuta nella conoscenza e nell'atteggiamento motivante del professor Haroun molti anni fa. Il materiale del corso completo, facile da capire e il senso dell'umorismo del professor Haroun e l'inclusione di video clip pratici nel suo materiale didattico scaricabile aggiunge sapore a tutta l'esperienza. Sono per sempre riconoscente per essermi imbattuta nel suo corso su Udemy! stata un'esperienza che mi ha cambiato la vita. "" - Antionette Cronje ---------------------------------------Gli studenti di questo corso potranno divertirsi imparando tutto quello che c' da sapere sul commercio ... .da come avviare una societ fino a quotarla in borsa, imparando allo stesso tempo gli argomenti pi importanti insegnati presso le pi importanti facolt di Economia Aziedale nel mondo. Porta la tua carriera al livello successivo!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MBA :" |
"** 196 140,000 ! **** : ""MBA . ."" ** . ? . MBA ! , ( ) MBA . . . , ! "" 6 1 "" "" 101 "" . , , , ( ) . MBA . MBA, , , , , "" "" . "" "" . , ( / / - . - "" 101 "" ).--------------------------------------------------------------------- :"" MBA . . ."" - Chris Backofen, CastCloud CEO"" ! ."" - Michael Jordan"" 20 , ."" - Laura Caraccioli"" . , ."" - Jeffrey Koury"" . . ."" - Ronald Deerenberg"" . . ."" - Christian Baffour-Akoto""2011 MBA , . . ."" Ali Ashraf"" , ""- Aminata Bah"" . , ""- Ben Judh"" . , . , , . . 25 . , , . . . "" - Antionette Cronje---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... MBA ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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"140,000 196 ... . + ( ). . ! 101 "" () "" ( ) () () ( ). . "" """
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Un Programme MBA en un Cours avec un Professeur Reconnu" |
"* LA VERSION ANGLAISE DE CE COURS EST LE COURS DE BUSINESS #1 LE PLUS ACHET SUR UDEMY! *PLUS DE 140,000 TUDIANTS** D'APRS BUSINESS INSIDER MAGAZINE: ""Obtenir votre MBA n'a jamais t aussi simple. Haroun est l'un des professeurs les mieux nots sur Udemy, vous tes donc entre de bonnes mains tout le long de ce cours."" *tes-vous prt passer au niveau suprieur ? Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le business... crer votre entreprise jusqu' la coter en bourse. Ce cours couvre tous les sujets importants qui vous seront enseign dans une grande cole de MBA + Des concepts pratiques de la vie d'un business man qui vous aidera russirCe cours est enseign par un professeur de MBA reconnu ayant travaill Goldman Sachs ou encore dans le capital-risque, la gestion alternative et les entreprises de consultation (il a cr plusieurs entreprises dans de nombreux secteurs et prend part divers conseils d'administration). Beaucoup des concepts commerciaux ne sont que du bon sens. Ce cours rend aussi la comptabilit et les processus de finance trs facile comprendre! Le professeur de ce cours est aussi l'auteur de ""101 Importantes leons qu'ils ne vous apprennent pas en cole de commerce,"" ce que Forbes Magazine appelle ""1 des 6 livres que tous les entrepreneurs ont besoin de lire.""Le contenu de ce cours est bas sur mon exprience de travail pour de nombreuses entreprises, incluant Goldman Sachs, l'industrie de la consultation chez Accenture, quelques entreprises que j'ai cr, l'industrie des investissements de fonds o j'avais travaill pour Citadel et aussi dans le secteur du capital-risque (l'entreprise que j'ai fond avait fait un investissement capital-risque dans Facebook). J'ai rajout des concepts pragmatiques que j'ai appris durant mon MBA de l'universit Columbia et lors de ma license de commerce l'universti de McGill. Voyez ce cours comme le ""plus grand hit"" rsumant mon MBA, mon diplme de premier cycle, mon exprience de travail dans la consultation, les actions, les fonds d'investissements, le capital-risque et la cration de mes propres entreprises. J'ai minimis ""les concepts thoriques ennuyeux"" dans ce cours de faon le garder le plus raliste possible. J'ai enseign moi-mme les concepts de ce cours dans plusieurs classes de plusieurs universits, o l'avis des lves tait majoritairement trs positifs (Voir les avis des lves sur mon profil LinkedIn / retours sur ma faon d'enseigner/ efficacit - merci. Voir aussi les avis de mes livres sur Amazon et Udemy - particulirement mon cours sur ""101 Importantes leons qu'ils ne vous apprennent pas en cole de commerce"").---------------------------------------------------------------------Avis des clients: ""Je voulais juste laisser un cours message pour vous dire que j'apprcie vraiment ce cours de MBA sur Udemy. J'aime beaucoup la faon dont laquelle le cours est plus bas sur la pratique que la thorie. Je voulais aussi vous remercier sincrement car votre cours m'a aid obtenir un financement la semaine passe."" -Chris Backofen, PDG de CastCloud""Cours engageant! Prsentation comprhensive de concepts cls bien expliqus, d'une manire pratique & pertinente facile comprendre."" -Michael Jordan""J'ai fait 20 ans de business et ce cours est un trs bon rappel des choses que vous pouvez dj savoir et de celles que vous auriez oubli."" -Laura Caraccioli""Structures prsentes trs clairement et trs bien dites. Couvre les fondations de l'entreprenariat, l'entreprise et les investissements."" -Jeffrey Koury""Je viens de finir ce cours, et je le recommande fortement. La vido d'introduction nous dit quoi s'attendre. Vous ne serez pas dus."" -Ronald Deerenberg""Bonne introduction, si seulement l'universit tait aussi intressante, cela m'aurait fait prendre le cursus scolaire qui va avec."" -Christian Baffour-Akoto""J'ai termin mon MBA en 2011 et ce cours fut un bon rappel. Ce cours m'a aussi aid pouvoir suivre mes passions et aimer ce que je fais. Je recommande dfinitivement cette lecture aux autres."" Ali Ashraf""Trs bon cours, je le recommande fortement."" -Aminata Bah""Brilliant course. Have learned so much and looking forward to implementing what i've learned into future endeavours"" - Ben Judh""C'est probablement le meilleur cours auquel j'ai assist de toute ma vie. Ce cours est bond de faits et de vrits sur le secteur financier, son fonctionnement interne avec une approche constructive. La mthode du professeur Haroun oublie le jargon hypothtique et se concentre plutt sur du contenu pratique, ce qui fait de ce cours un MUST pour les lves, pour les cadres jeunes et expriements, ainsi que les propritaires de grandes ou petites entreprises. Haroun est un trs bon orateur, un confrencier vivifiant dont la passion est contagieuse. Un propritaire d'entreprise l'ge de 25 ans, j'aurais aim pouvoir profit de son savoir bien plus tt. Le cours est matriel et facile comprendre, et le sense d'humour du professeur Haroun et ses clips vidos inclus dans le contenu tlchargeable rajoute encore plus l'exprience. Je me remercie d'avoir trouv ce cours sur Udemy! Cette exprience a chang ma vie."" -Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Les tudiants de ce cours peuvent apprendre tout ce qu'il y a savoir sur les affaires... crer une entreprise jusqu' la rendre publique tout en apprenant les sujets les plus importants enseigns dans les meilleures coles de MBA du monde. Passez au niveau suprieur!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"1 MBA:" |
"** #1 ! ** 140,000 **** : ""MBA , , "" ? , . MBA + ! MBA , ( ) , ! ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"" , ""6 1 "" , , , ( ) MBA MBA, , , , "" "" "" "" , ( / / - , Udemy ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"" ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- : "" MBA - "" - , CastCloud "" ! - "" - "" 20 "" - "" , , "" - "" - , !""- "" , "" - -"" MBA 2011 "" - - "" "" - "" , , , , , , 25 , , ! - "" - "" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- , !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"**UDEMY1!****MBAUdemy**160,000**MBA+ MBAGoldman SachsMBA1016Goldman SachsCitadel FacebookMBAMBA LinkedIn// Udemy Udemy101--------------------------------------------------------------------- UdemyMBA- Chris BackofenCastCloud - Michael Jordan20 - Laura Caraccioli- Jeffrey Koury- Ronald Deerenberg- Christian Baffour-Akoto2011MBA Ali Ashraf- Aminata Bah Ben JudhHarounHaroun25HarounUdemy - Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------......MBA"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"30 Day Challenge to a More Productive and Much Happier You!" |
"This course will teach you howto significantly increase your productivity, focus, success and happiness in 30 days with 30 exercisesso that you can achieve anythingthat you set your mind to and live your life on your terms!These 30 life improving lessons are based on my meetings with incredibly successful business people. I asked them what makes them more productive, more focused, more successful and much happier. The results of my research are in this course and we will practice all 30 of these lessons together.I conducted my research on productivity, focus, success and happiness in my career while Iworked at several great companies including Goldman Sachs and in several industries, including the consulting, hedge fund, tech and venture capital industries.I have had the pleasure of meeting with, partnering with, working for and investing in some of the most successful and happy business people. We will learn from them in this course and create a roadmap to make our lives more productive, balanced, focused and happier.I know in my heart that after completing all 30 short exercises in 30 days, youll find many ways to materially enrich your life so you can be much more productive, focused, successful and happy.Thanksa lot foryour support and commitment to this journey thatwe will take together! Lets begin the 30 day challenge today so you can live life on your terms!Chris"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Networking Growth Hacks: Take Your Career to the Next Level" |
"Do you sometimes feel like the lack of networking skills prevents you from living up to your true potential? Theability to connect with people can completely change your life.Your ability to connect with people whether its in business or inyour social life is askill that you can learn and master.This is precisely what we will teach you in this comprehensive course.The 3 of uscollectively have480,000 Udemy students. We come from completely different backgrounds; what we have in common is our unique ways of networking.You are about to learn proven strategies and techniques for becoming a master communicator and instantly connectwith people.We will talk about networking holistically so after taking this course you will be equipped with knowledge that will help you not only in business, but also your social life.So who are we?Chris is a bestselling business author, the founder of asuccessful venture capital companyandan award winning MBAprofessor who frequentlylectures at several San Francisco Bay Area universities, including Stanford andBerkeley. Chris is also the author of the book ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,"" which Business Insider wrote is ""the most popular book of 2016 according to Business Insider readers."" In 2015 Forbes called this book ""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs must read right now.""He also has work experience at Goldman Sachs, Accenture, hedge fund giantCitadel and several companies he has founded.He has raised/managed over $1bn in his career. He is also theproud father of 3 sons.Dragos isa successfulInternet entrepreneur with a background in both the Management Consulting & Telecommunications industries. The skills from his years of workingin the management consulting and tech start up marketshave unleashed his passion to teach entrepreneurs to be more successful.Dragos quit his job at Accenture 2 years ago in order to pursue his true passion. Now, he is running a successful online business teaching over 20,000 people about Productivity, Excel, PowerPoint & Social Media. He is an expert in several different social networking skills and has used his skills to connect with high-level entrepreneurs across various industries.Jimmy is an award winning Udemy instructor who has traveled to 72countries while running his online business. His work has been featured in Entrepreneur and Business Insider. Several of Jimmy's courses have beenfeatured as bestsellers and in 2015 he won the first Udemy Innovation Award for his innovative and high qualityapproach to online teaching and mentoring students.He helps his clients in the fields of Business Skills, Social Dynamics &Online Business Strategy and taking that big step to a completely different lifestyle. Jimmy is a great example that it is possible to live like a multi-millionaire without spending huge amounts of money. The key is to take the time to carefully design a dream lifestyle and implement it using proven strategies andhacks. Prior to starting his media and consulting companies, Jimmy worked at Goldman Sachs."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Straddle Options Trading - Options Buying Non Directional" |
"I have been trading options for over 10 years.Options Trading - Long Straddle Volaility for Explosive Gain Straddle is a unique strategy and if apply correctly it can be very profitable I discuss a options strategy that is call Long Straddle. It is 1 of the strategy that is Non Directional and it profit as long as the market make a big move. The bigger the move the more profitable the trade is. To determine if the market is going to make a big move, I use Narrow Range 4 + Inside Bar, Narrow Range 7 and Average True Range. With the combination of the 3 indicator and a little patience, a big move is expected to be underway. You will learn how to program the indicator into the Thinkorswim Platform How to Scan the market for Setup When is the ideal Scenario to enter the trade And most important when to get out and exit even if it mean a loss. No Adjustment is needed for this strategy Learn to backtest the strategy and build up your confidence when you know the strategy work wonder You will learn about Monthly Straddle and Weekly Straddle (for the adventurers trader) Learn how to build your own watchlist and what is the important criteria for selecting the market to trade Watch over my shoulder Nothing is hidden. Everything and every formula is disclose in this course What are you waiting for? I will see you on the inside"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Killer Wordpress Aliexpress Affiliate Store With Aliplugin" |
"How To Create Aliexpress AffiliateStores With Aliplugin In MinutesIn this course you will discover howto build an Aliexpress store in minutes. The course will teach you how to set upan Aliexpress store using the Aliplugin from scratch and find top sellingproducts that people would love to buy. The Aliexpress affiliate program is aglobal affiliate program. Aliexpress allowsyou to target buyers from any country and in any language. You dont have tolearn French to build an online store to sell to French-speaking people or tospeak Russian to target your store to people in Russia. Everything isautomatically translated. You just decide on your target customer and startbuilding your store.Youwill learn how to import products and beautify the layout of your store in justa few clicks. You will learn how to update yourstore automatically once it is setup so you can then sit back and watch thesales come in. It doesn't matter if you are abeginner, with no WordPress knowledge, as we will guide you along to tell youexactly how to install the Aliplugin and get the store setup easily. So whatare you waiting for?Take this course now!Noweb-design skills neededBased on estimatesfrom The Economist charted by Business Insider Intelligence, it was reportedthat Alibaba/Aliexpress shoppers spend an average of $9,368 each second. Thetotal transaction in Aliexpress now exceeds the sales from Amazon and Ebay.With millions of products to sell and millions of customers worldwide, now isthe best time to become an Aliexpress affiliate. So,dont wait, sign up now."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Contango VXXB - ETF Options Trading - VIX Implied Volatility" |
"VXXcease trading in Jan 2019. VXXBis the replacement for VXXand the same methodology apply to VXXBVXX5th Reverse Split on 23rd August 2017. The Course is last update on August 2017I have been trading options for over 10 years. Contango VXX Trading Idiot Proof way to double your returnThis is my most profitable and easiest strategy that I have everdiscoverWhatis Contango and What is backwardationWhydoes VXX consistent drop 3 5% a monthHowdo you take advantage of itPlota 7 years VXX chart and see for yourself. How does VXX go from 30,000 to 35 inless than 7 years. Takeadvantage of VXX reverse split. Get in now before you miss the boat againWhichStrike to ChooseWhichExpiration to ChooseHowmuch to allocateItis all cover in my courseAndmost important when to get out and exit even if it mean a loss.NoAdjustment is needed for this strategyLearn how does VXX manage itfunds and why it is a no brainer that VXX is doom to fall. Knowing VXX is afalling stock. What would you do?Watch over my shoulderNothingis hidden. Everything and every formula is disclose in this courseThe choice is yours, The time is now. I will see you on theinside"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Watch Live TV Channel Movies Sports on Android + Kodi 17" |
"The Course is updated on January 2017 and it now include KODI17Do you have a Android Phone, Tablet or Android TVBox.Do you know you can turn your Android Device into a live streaming device. You can watch Live Channel all over the world, You are travelling to another country but you want to watch your favorite TVchannel from your home, now you can with just a Android Phone or table.In this course I will be showing you step by step to configure your Android Device. I start from a new android phone. By the way you can still use your android with your favorite apps whatsapps, line, facebook etc. It doesn't conflict.Which includes: (1000+ Special channels + 200 Premium Channels Test + Malay/HK/US/TW/EN/KR DRAMA + BPL + EPL + KODI (Former XMBC), Animal Planet, Neo Geo, History, HBO, Cinemax, Star MoviesCNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, ESPN, Sky Sports + many moreIwill show you where to download the apk file as well as how to install and configure the most popular Kodi Network. I will even give your my Kodi setting, and show you how to restore my Kodi setting to your Android so you do not have to go thru looking for channel to add. I have all the best channel on my Kodi setup. Restoring only take5 mins of the timeBy enrolling in this course you have just unlock your Android device into a live streaming device.I will see you inside the course"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Writing & Recording Your First Rap Song" |
"Im going to assume youre interested in rap music, but you dont know where to start. What do you need to know to write a rap song? How do you do it? Dont worry, this course will walk you through, step by step, how to make your own rap song, even if you know nothing at all to begin with. If youve ever wanted to make a rap song, this is a great place to start. If youve never written a song before or are a complete beginner, this course is designed for you. I developed it to give you very clear, actionable steps on writing your first song. Ive even picked out an instrumental that Ill share with you, and then well walk through each step of creating a song, together. The course starts with very high level concepts, so you broadly understand how to accomplish your goals, and then we filter those concepts into specific, actionable components. Ill essentially write a song with you, while providing a framework for you to follow along. You can follow me as closely as youd like, depending on whether you want flexible freedom or more structured guidance. By the time youre done with this course, you will have completed your first rap song!One final thought, if you have any desire to rap, you should take this course. Really. Theres no certain stereotype you need to fit to be able to rap. Anyone is capable of creating a rap song about whatever topic they choose if they have the drive. There are no rules. There are, however, underlying techniques, which influence rap skill. Those techniques can be taught to anyone. Do not let preconceived notions or stereotypes stop you from trying something youre interested in. Now lets get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollar una red social con PHP, Symfony3, jQuery y AJAX" |
"Bienvenido al curso Desarrollar una red social con PHP, Symfony3, jQuery, AJAX y Bootstrap, vas a aprender paso a paso como desarrollar una aplicacin web completa y funcional paso a paso, a nivel de backend y frontend, con los lenguajes y frameworks ms punteros y utilizados actualmente.La red social que vamos a desarrollar ser muy parecida a Twitter y no es ms que un caso prctico del tipo de desarrollo a medida que ms suele darse en el ambiente laboral actual.Si quieres ser desarrollador web, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, es casi obligatorio aprender todas las lenguajes y frameworks con las que vamos a trabajar en el curso y sobre todo como combinarlas para crear aplicaciones completas a medida. Para la creacin de la red social utilizaremos muchas tecnologias, entre ellas:PHP, el lenguaje del lado del servidor(backend) mas utilizado.Symfony3, el mejor, ms potente, ms solicitado y mejor pagado framework para PHP.jQuery, el framework frontend imprescindible y ms conocido para JavaScript.AJAX, para hacer peticiones asncronas al servidor.Bootstrap, el framework CSS y JS ms estandarizado e imprescindible actualmente para la construccin de interfaces de usuario.HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc. Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web a medida de alta complejidad, modificar otras que ya estn programadas y adems crear redes sociales y webs con intereactividad completa entre usuarios. Este es el nico curso que te va a ensear a desarrollar una red social a medida desde cero que existe hasta la fecha y est diseado para que aprendas a desarrollar una red social como Twitter y adems para que adquieras habilidades para el mundo real mediante casos prcticos completos, paso a paso y de forma fcil para que no te quedes con dudas.Durante las 14 horas del curso vers como desarrollar una plataforma web tipo Twitter paso a paso. En esta red social(webapp) las siguientes funcionalidades:Registrarnos e identificarnos en la plataforma.Modificar nuestros datos.Subir una imagen de perfil.Buscar gente mediante un buscador.Seguir y dejar de seguir a cualquier usuario (follow y unfollow).Hacer publicaciones con documentos e imagenes.Ver las publicaciones de la gente que seguimos en el timeline.Marcar publicaciones como favoritas e indicar que te gustan.Ver mi perfil de usuario y el del resto de personas.Recibir y enviar mensajes privados (MD).Ver las notificaciones de nuestro perfil.Y mucho ms! Abordaremos el desarrollo de esta aplicacin partiendo desde cero, empezando por el diseo y creacin de la base de datos, creacin de bundles, modelos, controladores, rutas(routing), plantillas, vistas y formularios, interaccin con la base de datos con Doctrine, CRUDs, sistema de seguimiento, maquetacin de la interface de la web, control de acceso, etc, etc, etc. Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta construir la aplicacin web social completa, pese a esto, para aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendara tener conocimientos en HTML y CSS y adems tener unas nociones bsicas en Symfony3. A parte de esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir todos tus objetivos.Si quieres aprender desarrollo web full-stack moderno sin dolor y crear una red social, enfocndonos al mundo real, practicando poco a poco con los mejores lenguajes y frameworks actuales, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web con PHP y JavaScript y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales Este es tu curso!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de NodeJS y Angular - Crea webapps con el MEAN Stack" |
"Bienvenido al Curso de NodeJS y Angular 2, vas a aprender paso a paso como desarrollar servicios y APIs REST con NodeJS y MongoDB y como crear aplicaciones web SPA y front-ends con la nueva versin de AngularJS.En definitiva vamos a aprender a hacer desarrollos fullstack con el MEAN Stack 2.0 (MongoDB, Express, Angular 2 y NodeJS).NodeJS es una tecnologa que nos permite hacer desarrollos back-end usando nicamente JavaScript.MongoDB es la base de datos NoSQL lder, nos permite trabajar con documentos JSON binarios(BSON) en lugar de utilizar un sistema clsico de tablas y relaciones, lo cual hace que Mongo sea muy veloz.Angular 2 se est convirtiendo en el framework para JavaScript estndar para desarrollar aplicaciones web modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente basadas en la filosofa SPA(Single Page Apps). Si quieres ser desarrollador web front-end o full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, es casi obligatorio aprender a usar estas plataformas y como trabajan conjuntamente.En el curso desarrollaremos APIs RESTful utilizando JavaScript en el servidor, mediante NodeJS, Express y MongoDB.Que es un API RESTful?Un API REST es un servicio que puede usarse desde cualquier dispositivo que entienda el protocolo HTTP, adems interacta directamente con la base de datos. Por ejemplo, las aplicaciones de smartphones interactan con el servidor a travs de un API RESTful.Tambin aprenderemos Angular 2 desde cero y como crear clientes web y desarrollaremos aplicaciones web de tipo SPA con este framework de Google(AngularJS 2).Que es una web SPA?Una web SPA es una aplicacin de una sola pgina en la que la carga de datos es asncrona y la pgina no se recarga en casi ningn momento, pese a cambiar de ruta o url para navegar entre las secciones de la aplicacin, es una nueva tendencia en el desarrollo web.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web con NodeJS y Angular 2.Este es el nico curso de NodeJS y Angular 2 en Espaol que existe hasta la fecha y est diseado para que aprendas a desarrollar webapps mediante ejemplos prcticos, paso a paso y de forma fcil para que no te quedes con dudas.Se tratan desde los aspectos ms bsicos y sencillos hasta los ms avanzados, por tanto no es necesario que sepas nada de NodeJS o AngularJS para aprender a usarlo, aunque si que necesitars saber JavaScript y HTML para aprovechar al 100% este curso.Vers muchsimos ejemplos prcticos. Iremos usando cada una de las partes fundamentales de los frameworks y haremos varios ejemplos.Adems desarrollaremos dos aplicaciones web desde cero, para unir todas las piezas del puzzle.Crearemos una aplicacin web de gestin de marcadores favoritos y desarrollaremos una segunda aplicacin ms avanzada de gestin de albums de imgenes.Abordaremos el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones partiendo desde cero, desde la creacin de las APIs RESTful en el backend y en el frontend crearemos los componentes necesarios, uso de rutas y servicios, consumo de servicios REST con el componente HTTP de Angular 2, hasta la creacin y validacin de formularios, directivas, estilos CSS, entre otras cosas.Adems de todo esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir todos tus objetivos.Si quieres aprender desarrollo full-stack moderno basado en JavaScript sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologas con ms proyeccin, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales Este es tu curso!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Aprende NodeJS y Angular 2 !!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn By Example: jQuery" |
"NOTE: This course uses jQuery 3.1.0 and jQuery UI 1.12.1jQuery takes the most common operations that you would want to perform on your website and allows you to accomplish it in one line of code. Learn jQuery by example: from basic building blocks to developing your own custom plugins!Let's parse that.Accomplish stuff with one line of code:jQuery makes common stuff super simple. Selectall paragraphs on a page? One line of code. Style all headers under the container <div> with a yellow highlight? One line of code. Animate all the ball widgets such that they bounce and move around the screen? One line of codeBasic building blocks to custom plugins:The course startswithbasic principles which form the backbone of jQuery. Selectors, working with events, applying styles and animations, DOM manipulations, Ajax requests, using custom plugins etc. The later part of the course shows you can roll your own stateless and stateful plugins using the $.fn object and the widget factory.In this course, we willlearn by example.Each example is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific jQuery use-case.Each example is simple by itself, but theycometogether as building blocks to build complex use cases.What's included in this course:Installing and setting up a basic webserver with jQuery and jQuery UI librariesjQuery basics:Selectors, selector functions, mouse and key event handlers,CSS animations and styles,the animate() function, appending and editing DOM elements, Ajax requestsjQuery in-depth: Advanced selectors, event propagation, event capture and bubble phases,how animations work, custom animation queues and bypassing the queues, performance tips and tricksjQuery plugins: Using custom plugins, developing a stateless plugin using the$.fn object, stateful plugins using the Widget Factory, jQuery UI components and the jQuery UItheme roller"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |