Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"That Stranger In The Mirror: Neuroscience For Everyone" |
"This is a practical applied course in Neuroscience and Psychology, that's about knowing yourself, knowing others, and knowing stuff.Let's parse that.Knowing Yourself: The course presents different parts of our brains - such as the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system, basal ganglia - and how these brain systems drive our behaviour and motivation.Knowing Others: We will examine one set of personality traits, known as the OCEAN traits or Big-Five traits, and examine 32 different personality types that follow from these.Knowing Stuff:How memories are formed, how this process is influenced by sleep, and how different learning styles interact with memory and understanding.Here's what this course includes:Basics of Neuroscience: Different brain systems - the prefrontal cortex as center of our attention; the limbic system which governs our towards/away responses; basal ganglia that manage autopilot routines and habits; the anterior cingulate which craves novelty; the ventrolateral prefrontal which manages the most difficult function of conscious thought - saying No.Free Will and Free Won't:Conscious thought consists of 5 primary functions: inhibiting, deciding, recalling, understanding and memorising. See why inhibiting is so hard, why decision fatigue makes us procrastinate, and why we should talk in bullets, think in trees, and decide in pairsMotivations:Our brain has surprisingly complex urges - including cravings for independence, fairness, curiosity, loyalty and vengeance. These motivations make us behave the way we do. We look at the 16 Primary Urges, Maslow's Hierarchy, and the Autonomy-Mastery-Purpose framework of what drives us.Seeking Flow:Perhaps the most important concept in this course, flow refers to a state of intense focus, of oneness with one's work. This state sounds almost magical - and it is, but its also real, and backed by hard science. People who get addicted to this state experience a neurochemical high, and what's more, are more successful than those who work for rewards such as money.The Big Five Personality Traits:Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Collectively, these OCEAN traits can be used to classify personalities into 32 types, and give us real insights into how people are likely to think and behave.Memory: Every experience, every sensation triggers a pattern of neuron firings in our brain - this pattern is unique and is a memory. See how this pattern is reconstructive, and associative.Sleep:Sleep is essential for creativity, memory consolidation, and also just for staying happy. Understand why not getting enough sleep makes us grumpy (it has to do with our limbic alertness to threats being greater than that to rewards!)Learning:Our brains are wired to very efficiently process spatial stimuli (maps, trees), visual stimuli(images) and auditory stimuli (songs). THink about how much information is packed into a song - tune, beat, lyrics, and these days, visuals. We are not quite so good with numbers or blocks of text - and this is a big part of information overload these days."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn by Example : Selenium for Automated Web Testing" |
"Selenium is a specialized, easy-to-use framework for automating interactions with web browsers, whether its to test the functionality of web apps that youve developed or to automate boring and repetitive tasks or to perform activities like scraping websites.In this course, well be working withSeleniums Java APIto test browser functionality and automate tasks using nearly 45 solved examples of use cases you might encounter on a regular basis. Well look at scenarios like1)scraping websitesfor specific elements identified byHTML tags, CSS selectors2)Testing User interactionsof all kinds as click, entering text, drag and drop, selecting from dropdowns3)Automating Browser Navigation and Handling cookies4)Switching betweenyour main browser window andpop-upalerts,embeddediframes5) Interacting withHTML5 based elements like video players6) and Parallelly running tests across multiple browsers and platforms from your local machine using Selenium GridSelenium makes automating all the tasks weve mentioned very straightforward but as your tasks get more and more sophisticated youll want to use best practices to structure your code. Well talk about thePage Object Modeldesign pattern and how you can use it to design testing scripts that are easy to maintain."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn by Example : ReactJS" |
"NOTE: This course uses React 15.3.2React JSre-imagines the web user interface by breaking complex UI down into granular, reusable components. Learn ReactJS by example: frombasic building blocks to animations and routing using React add-onsLet's parse that.Re-imagines the web user interface:React is not a framework, it is alibrary focused on building web UI which iscompact, robust, maintainable and reactive to user and server updates.Breaking complex UI down into granular, reusable components:Each component in React is self-sufficient and knows how to handle its own state and behavior. Components come together in the form of a tree hierarchy to build complex components with many moving partsIn this course, we willlearn by example.Each example is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific React use-case.Each example is simple by itself, but theycometogether as building blocks to build complex use cases.What's included in this course:Installing and setting up a basic developmentwebserver with React, JSX for HTML specification and the Babel compilerReact basics:React nodes, fragments and components, performance optimizations using the virtual DOM, the Babel compiler for JSX transformation, passing data to components usingstate and props, the spread operator, synthetic eventsReact in-depth: The React component lifecycle, the componentmounting, updating and unmounting phases, mixins, ES6 classes to specify React components, controlled components, forms and validation, accessing native DOM elements, the React context, DOM reconciliationReact in production environments: npm,Webpack, Babel 6 and JSX to build React code in a production environment, animations using transition groups and CSS transition groups, single page applications and routing"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access VBA Introduction for the Complete VBA Newb" |
"Working with Access and VBAMicrosoft Access has a lot of moving parts. Tables to store your data, Queries to retrieve data, Forms to work with data and Reports to report on your data. Each of these Access Objects are important all by themselves, but, the real power of Microsoft Access comes when you bring all these objects together.Automate with Access VBAJoin me in this course on Microsoft Access VBA and learn how to create an intuitive, accessible Access application by automating yours and your users experience working with data in Access.Access VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, will provide the means to streamline your efforts in working with Access. Through VBAyou will learn to automate routine Access tasks as well as tasks that would normally take a large portion of your day to complete.Course StructureI have structures this course for those that are brand new to developing within VBA. Starting with the basics of working within the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) Window, your coding development environment, all the way through more advanced topics such as working with VBAvariables and creating loops to repeat tasks, blocks of code.Enroll NowEnroll now and participate in the course by taking advantage of not only the step by step video demonstrations, test your understanding with sectionquizzes,but also download the exercise file that I will be using throughout the videos and follow along.Allow me to be your guide on the amazing journey of learning to program with the Microsoft Access with VBA."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Complete Web Development Course: HTML, Vue.js, PHP, MySQL" |
"What you will learn from this course:HTML CSSJavaScript Responsive Web PageAjaxjQuery fontawesome Vue.jsanimate.cssPHP MySQL Command LineNPMBabelWebpackES6 Import and exportVueJSCLIVue.js single-file componentsVueRouterAdvanced JavaScript:scope, scope chain, JavaScript Garbage Collection, Closure, IIFE(Instantly Invoked Function Expression), THIS, etc.Express.jsAll subjects are taught from ground zero. Therefore, no previous coding experience is needed.Based on user feedback andtech development, we will keep adding new contents to our course. For example, we just added contents teaching Vue.js. For better user experience, all course contents are voiced by professional voice-over artists.Therefore, new contents may be voiced by a different voice artist. Why not learn from free YouTube videos, manuals and online tech blogs? Web development has been a popular area for years. The internet has accumulated tons of free tutoring videos and materials. Some of them are actually really good! Even if you are stuck with questions you cannot solve, just post them on stackoverflow, you will have your answers within a few minutes. The answers you get are also really great! With all the free tutoring materials and teachers, what is the point of creating this paid online course? It depends on your own situation and what you want. If you already have lots of coding experience, then learning web development is actually very simple for you. All you need is to familiarize yourself with a new set of coding grammars and functions. But if you have no coding experience before, then learning to code can be rather challenging. In this case, you will find that learning from a well-designed course can make your life a lot easier. You will make faster progress as well. If you just want to have a rough idea of how web apps work and create some basic programs, then there is really no need for you to pay for any courses. Free internet information is more than enough to meet your demands. If you want to be able to turn your design and idea into programs that arealso safeandefficientenough to beapplied in real life, and most importantly, you want to do this as soon as possible, then learning from a well-designed and considerate course is your best choice. You will be shown directly where the best route is. With all the detours being avoided, you can therefore save lots of time and efforts. Why us: Most online students can only devote partly to their study. They still have other things going on in their life. Their study will often be interrupted. We believe this is also situation most of our students are facing. Therefore, when designing course contents, we have arranged lots of review sessions. In our Vue course, we even ask you to take photos of screenshots. All our projects will be broken into small bits. We only focus on one bit at a time. In the end, we will combine everything together and create complicated APPs. Every time previous knowledge is needed, we will either remind you to review previous lessons or directly give you a review to fresh your memory. In this way, we can keep strengthening foundation while putting more weight on it. Eventually, you will master everything we cover in this course. In summary, explaining new knowledge to you is NOT our goal. Our goal is to help you master new knowledge as well and fast as possible."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Createspace: Selfpublishing mit Amazon" |
"Createspace ist Selfpublishing on Demand mit AmazonIn diesem Kurs zeige ich, wie es geht!Du erfhrst,warum du Createspace fr dein Buch whlen solltestWie du ein Konto erstellst und einrichtestWas du schon vor dem Schreiben deines Buches beachten solltestIch fhre dich Schritt fr Schritt durch den Prozess auf Createspacedu schaust mir dabei ber die Schulter, wie ich es macheZum Schluss gebe ich dir noch Tipps fr fokussiertes Marketing deines BuchesHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CreateSpace: Selfpublishing with Amazon" |
"Createspace is the Selfpublishing on DemandService byAmazonHave you ever wanted to be an author? Only some years ago, this was quite difficult. But today Amazon has made it very easy for young authors to publish their first book.In this course I will show you how it works!You will learnwhy you should use CreateSpace for your bookhow to set up an accountwhat you have to consider before starting your book projectI will lead you through the CreateSpace process - step by stepand you will be looking over my shoulderfinally I will give you tips on how to focus your marketingThis course is for everyone who is intending to soon publish a bookNo spefic skills needed."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simple Screencasting with Camtasia and Powerpoint" |
"Welcome to my new class""Simple Screencasting with Camtasia and PowerPoint""This is for people who want to start creating online classes and (automated)webinarsPart 1's topic is ""Power Point Basics""It is thought for people who have not worked with Power Point before.I am showing you the basic steps you have to undertake in order to set up a presentationYou will be learning how toopen a presentationinsert imagesinsert shapesanimatecreate transisions andpresent the slidesin Power PointIn Part 2 you will learn how to set up a presentation for your online class or an (automated) webinar.In Part 3 you will learn how to record your screen with the Camtasia Recorder.In Part 4 I will show you how to edit your recording with the Cmatasia Studio.Part 5 is an example on how to create an Intro Video."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SharePoint For beginners" |
"Share point is an amazing platform that is used by a lot of fortune 100 companies to create collaborative projects and developsolutions to address various business issues.There are two primary versions of SharePoint that practically do most things alike. There is the SharePoint server 2016 which is the latest stable version and Share point online which comes bundled with office 365 and accessed via a subscription based model. In this course we will be using the SharePoint online version for simplicity so we can be up running quickly with the course.We will create user accounts and also a site collection and lots more stuff.There is a lot you can do with SharePoint . You can create multiple websites with SharePoint,collaborate and store various documents types in SharePoint. Share-point can be used to develop applications that compliments Microsoft office products.SharePoint Server 2016, is normally installed on severs in your organization, but it could be installed on servers that your organization has in the cloud. This version of SharePoint, though, normally installed on physical servers that your organization owns, is also referred to as SharePoint on premises on prem. While share point online is mainly installed remotely or in the cloud on Microsoft data centers which have high bandwidth to improve performance.You can use site groups in share point to assign permissions to various sites or portals.This makes administration easierWhat You will learn include:What is share pointHow to create a trial office 365 accountHow to create user accountsHow to create share point site collectionHow differentiate between SharePoint versionsSharepoint GlossarySharepoint Browser supportSharepoint collaborationAdminister user accountsThis course is a practical video based course and i encourage you to follow along .Thank you and welcome to the course"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to build bulk SQL queries using Excel" |
"SQL is a very useful and important language in database development and manipulation . There are several ways to perform numerous task using SQL and it's always useful to share new ideas and ways to make us work more efficiently using SQL.A common task that you may have to perform in a live production environment is bulk updates, deletions or inserts . These tasks can be both time consuming and delicate if one is not focussed. By delicate I mean mistakes could be made that can cause problems in a live production environment if one is not switched on and focussed.Microsoft excel has been a very useful tool to me when i have had to do bulk updates ,deletions and inserts. It saves so much time and helps you avoid errors especially with bulk deletions. With excel i am able to quickly build simple to complex SQL queries that i can you execute various bulk sql tasks.In this course i will show you how to build SQL scripts from scratch step by step that you will use during the course to execute insert and update bulk tasks. The skills you will learn on this course will help you confidently approach any bulk SQL request task you in a live production environment.What you will learn includes:Download Oracle databaseInstall Oracle databaseDownload TOADInstall TOADDownload and Install JdkDownload and install Oracle SQL Developer ToolHow to build SQL Insert queries with ExcelHow to build SQL Update queries with ExcelHow to build SQL Update Delete queries with ExcelThis is a hands on practical course and I strongly encourage you to follow along with me to get the hang of it.Looking forward to seeing you in class :-)Have a great day!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Learn React JS from scratch: Create hands on projects" |
"React.js is a an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces React adopts a component based approach in developing applications.Every react app can considered a component or a collection of components which can be re-usable.This course is for absolute beginners to react and will teach you from scratch what you need to know to begincreating react based applications. React is fun and easy to learn.React.js is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive. With React you can design simple views for each state of an application. You can also use React to efficiently update and render components when your data changes. I will walk you through how to create react components from scratch, review components properties, and component state, as well as the foundational parent/child relationships within React.js. I will also take you through the lifecycle of components . You will be transpiling JSX code using babel which is an in browser transpiler that converts JSX code into readable format.What you will learn includes:What is React.js?Who uses ReactAdding and accessing React LibraryAdding and accessing React DOM LibraryAdding and accessing Babel compilerUsing JSXCreating a React componentUsing propsProp TypesUsing props with childrenWorking with stateHandling eventsUsing RefsMounting componentsUn-Mounting ComponentsUpdating ComponentsCreating a React AppThis is a practical hands-on course and i encourage you to follow along as much as possible.Thank you and welcome to the course."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"17 Complete JavaScript projects explained step by step" |
"The best way for a beginner to enhance their skills is by practicing building various projects.This course is a beginner course for those who have some basic knowledge of how HTML, CSS and JavaScript works.Some of the projects you will be creating in this practical hands on course include:Creating a functional calculatorCreating a digital clockCreating a word count toolCreating a button color changerCreating a percentage tip calculatorCreating a contact form with local storageHTML will be used to create the structure of these applications.CSS will be used to apply styling to make the applications look nice and presentable.Java script creates the functionality for the app and required HTML and CSS to be in place before it can do it's thing.They are are like a canvas for JavaScript to work on.In this course you will learn useful and practical steps to creating web based browser apps that will work when viewed with any modern web browser.I will be using google chrome for this project and i advise you do the same.A good text editor makes writing code fun and productive.I will be using sublime text editor for this course. It is a cross platform text editor that will work on any platform like windows and macs.It is free to download and use but recommend that you purchase a full license after trying it out if you enjoy using it.Another good cross platform text editor is brackets which is open source and completely free to use. By open source i mean developers from around the world can contribute to make it even better.By the end of this course you will be confident to build more useful projects ."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Analysis and Reporting with SQL" |
"There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions.SQL stands for Structure Query Language. It is an internationally standard language used to communicate with various databases for data manipulation. SQL is vital for data analysis and reporting.Have you wondered how you the data you need? Do you wish you could retrieve it yourself? This course teaches you how to get the data you want by writing a bit of SQL code. You won't just be able to pull data out of the database; you'll be able to manipulate it: merging it, multiplying it, grouping it, and relabeling it to get just the report you want.You will learn how to design and write simple SQL queries for data reporting and analysis. Also you will learn how to filter, group, and sort data, using built-in SQL functions to format or calculate results.Discover how to perform more complex queries, such as joining data together from different database tables. Topic you will learn include:Setup a Database EnvironmentUnderstand Database ConceptsWrite SQL SyntaxUnderstand SQL Data TypesRetrieve Data using SELECTFilter Data search with SQL WHERE clauseSort SQL query result search with ORDER BY Transform SQL Search results with string functionsUse Alias to change query results headingsUse various functions for data reporting and analysisSQL can be used to help solve business problems like :Who are the top ten sales-reps in each region?How many employees in an organizationHow many employees earn less than 45K in an organizationHow many new employees joined the company in the past 18 monthsWhat goods are flying off the supermarket shelves and so on.."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Build a Real Time Chat App with JavaScript and Firebase" |
"Firebase is database service that is used to provide backend functionality for applications big and small.Firebase has three types of plans icluding a free plan that allows you real time data download and upload limits andalso storage facilities. Firebase on the free plan allow 100 simultaneous connections to your application.Firebase implementation in your application means you do not need to write any backend server code. It supports both web and mobile app deployments.In this beginner course we will be building a real time chat app that you can deploy using firebase static hosting and sharethe link with friends and family and begin to chat provided there are only 100 simultaneous connections. If you are expecting more than 100 simultaneous connections to your appyou will have to upgrade to a paid plan.We will be using the frontend tools like HTML ,CSS and JavaScript to build the app's user interface and functionality anduse firebase as the backend database server.In this course we will aslo be installing and using the Firebase CLI tool . This resourceful tool can be used to manage and administer your firebase project.The tool can be used to various task like:Login to firebaseAuthenticate usersInitialize firebase projectDeploy firebase projectWhat you will learn include:How to connect to firebase from your appHow to publish your app to firebase hosting serviceHow to store and work with objects in firebaseHow to save data to the firebase databaseHow to hook into real-time object updates with firebaseHow t use firebase supported authenication providersHow to validate data sent to firebaseHow to secure data from unauthorized access.Looking forward to you joining the course."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Angular 4: Entwickle tolle Webseiten und Apps" |
"Neu! Lerne jetzt Angular 4 und entwickle schnelle undinteraktive Webseiten und Apps!Angular 4 wurde erst vor Kurzem verffentlicht. Deswegen ist jetzt genau der richtige Zeitpunkt, dich damit zu beschftigen!Dieser Kurs beginnt bei der Installation der bentigten Tools. Anschlieend beschftigen wir uns mit dem grundlegenden Aufbau der Anwendung, und schauen uns dann Konzepte wie Components, Directives, Services,Routing, Module, TypeScript, und noch viel mehr an. Dazu entwickeln wir im Kurs verschiedene Projekte, du siehst als auch, wie du diese Konzepte in die Praxis bertragen kannst.Alle Konzepte werden in verstndlichem Deutsch erklrt, englische Fachbegriffe werden bersetzt und erklrt.Es ist auch noch viel mehr fr dich dabei:Nach dem Kurs kannst du eine Angular 4 - Anwendung auf einem NodeJS/ExpressJS- Server zum Laufen bringen. Zudem zeige ich dir, wie du mit deinem Wissen nach Abschluss des Kurses in der Lage bist, eigenstndig Apps fr iPhones / Android - Smartphones zu entwickeln.Wenn du im Laufe des Kurses mal nicht weiterweit, auch kein Ding - du kannst mir jederzeit eine Frage stellen, und ich helfe dir weiter.Was genau wirst du alles in diesem Kurs lernen?Wie wird eine Anwendung in Angular 4 entwickelt?Grundlagen (Variablen, Schleifen, etc) in Angular 4Wie funktionieren Components, wie werden Components Daten bergeben?Was hat es mit ""two-way data-binding"" auf sich?Wie du eine Seite mit mehreren Unterseiten programmierst (Routing)Was hat es mit Modulen auf sich?Wie funktioniert das Laden der Angular 4- Anwendung?Am Ende des Kurses hast du verschiedene Projekte umgesetzt, darunter eine NodeJS + ExpressJS+ Angular - Anwendung sowie eine App fr iPhones /Android - SmartphonesUnd vieles mehr!Was musst du wissen, um diesen Kurs belegenzu knnen?Du solltest schonmal ein bisschen was mit HTML /CSSund JavaScript programmiert haben. Du brauchst hierbei kein Experte zu sein, ein bisschen rumprobiert haben reicht schon aus.Ich freue mich, dich in meinem Kurs begren zu drfen :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction Azure Backup" |
"This course will take through all the availableAzure backup services. From basic files and folders all the way through to using Azure Site Recovery to do full server recovery. This course is aimed at the ITProfessional who has little experience withazure backup but is looking to understand how it can protect their data to the Microsoft Cloud. The course includes 14 video lessons that take you through step by step setting up each services as well as backing up and recovering information.The course is broken out into section based on the different Azure backup services and you should allow 2 - 3 hours to work through all the material. The majority of the course focuses on deployment using the new Azure Resource Manager technology.This course is also a great introduction to the power of MicrosoftAzure and can fast track your adoption of the latest Microsoft technologies."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop For T-shirt Design: For Beginners" |
"This is an awesome Photoshop course that teaches you how to use this program from complete beginner to actually designing T-shirts. Even if you've never touched Photoshop in your life. I can teach how to deign T-shirts like a pro. Not only will you learn Photoshop but you'll learn how to design T-shirts at the exact same time. I have also added a few tips & tricks that I learned over the years. This course is like no other course on the internet. You have absolutely nothing to loose except ""sucking"" and photoshop. Join me now and let me take you to the T-shirt promised land. See you inside!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"BPMN For Business Analytics A-Z: Business Process Modeling" |
"This course will help you understand BPMN 2.0. Special segmented style helps you learn Business Process Modelling in a very easy-to-follow approach building on theory from previous lectures, it alsolets you to quickly refresh your knowledge by accessing the materials on any specifictopic. Any new material learnt in this course is backed up by extensive practice to allow you to achieve a higher level of understanding Business Process Modelling. Real world case studies allow you to model actual business processes and check yourself with the instructor.I can't wait to see you in class!Sincerely,Ilya Eremenko"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creando Tienda Online con Wordpress y WooCommerce desde cero" |
"Ms de 75 reseas fantsticas !!! 4.6Estrellas! Gracias!!!Ms de 540 estudiantes satisfechos!Sandro dice: ""Sper excelente y recomendadisimo el curso,me ofrece todo lo que estaba buscando, estoy aprendiendo a crear mi propia tienda en lnea. Gracias.Amed dice: ""Excelente curso, el profesor brinda la informacin de manera clara y a un ritmo adecuado. La informacin presentada es suficiente para poder aplicarla sin problemas.Las dudas que surgieron durante el curso fueron debidamente resueltas en corto tiempo adems de que el profesor siempre mostr una actitud de apoyo en todo momento.Estoy agradecido con el profesor y muy contento de haber tomado este curso.""Leandrodice: ""Excelente curso, aprend muchos conceptos nuevos, y sobre todo felicitar al instructor por haber explicado con paciencia y seguridad de cada tema!. Un Saludo desde Argentina!!""Vanitodice: ""Me gusta el curso, todo bien explicado y fcil de seguir.Llevo tiempos con tema de woocommerce y an as he aprendido mucho de este curso, y eso que todava no se termina.""Santiago dice: ""Gilbert siempre esta pendiente de resolver las dudas de sus estudiantes.Explica con claridad los temas y demuestra su utilidad al momento de aplicarlos.Estoy contento con lo que estoy aprendiendo y con el mtodo de enseanza de gilbert.""En este curso usted aprender a crear una tienda en lnea desde cero con mtodos de pago vinculados como PayPal y PayU Latinoamrica, este curso es para aquellos que tienen una idea de negocios, empresarios, o aquellos que ya tienen su propio negocio y quieren poner suProductos en lnea, o cualquier persona que quiera adquirir conocimiento, un freelance.Pero no slo eso, sino que tambin tendrnla base para crear un sitio web con un blog informativo muy fcil y dinmicamente utilizando una Super plantilla de wordpress yalgunos pluginspara agilizar el trabajo y tambinsabrncmo vincular Google Analitycs.Usted no necesita ninguna experiencia, aqu usted conseguir el conocimiento de bsico a un profesional.--------In this course you will learn to create an online store from scratch with linking payment methods such as PayPal and PayU Latin America, this course is for those who have a business idea, entrepreneurs, or those who already have own business and want to put their products online, or anyone who wants to gain knowledge, a freelance. But not only that, but also have the basis to create a website with an informative blog very easily and dynamically using a template Super some plugins for expediting the work and know how to link Google Analitycs.You do not need any experience, here you'll get the knowledge from basic to a professional."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Use the Power of Podcasts to Promote Your Book or Product" |
"Authors and Inventors congratulations on writing or taking the steps towards writing your book or getting your product on it not he world. This is an amazing accomplishment for anyone. However, the easy part is now done. You have create a book or product based on things you love to do or speak about. Now the world is waiting of you to share it with the. This is were it gets a little more difficult and you have to get out of your comfort zone to market your book or product. One of the most underused methods of book and or product promotion is being interviewed about that book or product. People think it is to hard to get interviewed or to speak on theirsubject matter and that only those with connections get that chance. Well they are wrong. There is an abundance of places to secure these interviews and the biggest untapped market is Podcasts. Podcasts area digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.Podcast are basically amazing little radio shows that people can do from anywhere on any theme. There is a wide amount of podcasts on the market. The number one place to find podcast is iTunes : But what is iTunes? A media player by Apple Computer that is used for playing digital music or video files. iTunes is also used to purchase digital music files or subscribe to podcasts through Apple's iTunes Music Store. The iTunes player is also an interface on the iPod and iPhone. The best part about podcast on iTunes is the number of available podcasts on iTunes. At last count there were over 250,000 different podcasts on iTunes. Of that 250,000 podcasts there are over a billion people subscribing to those podcasts. Now don't you want to be able to tap into numbers like that? The secret is wading through the podcast to find just the right ones of you to get interviewed upon. That is where this class is going to give you the power to wade through the sea of podcasts and find just the right ones to get interviewed about your book or product. Another huge advantage to using podcast interviews to promote your book of product is that almost all of them are free to be listened to and also don't cost you anything to be interviewed upon. So using podcasts interviews only costs your time. Now any budget minded person loves that! Another big benefit is that there are more and more podcast popping up all the time. So this marketing method isn't going away any time soon. This class will be more than a lucky find for you it is morelike tapping into a gold mine or marketing bliss."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Elliott Wave Theory for Financial Trading" |
"What some of the students say about this course""Amazing. He does not say one single thing without explaining himself. It's like listening to Mozart: his thought process is so well organized that if you were to play these lessons to a baby still in the womb, it would literally be born with a higher IQ.""""I am not new to Elliot Wave Theory and I think this course is Excellent. The subject is complex and if you are interested in learning EWT this will provide you with a great ""practical"" starting point.""Latest News: Indian Insight Founder & Instructor of this course, Yash Utmani was ranked 8th in Position Trading & 12th in Day Trading in Equities Segment in the last concluded edition of Pro Advisory Championship Competition, India 2016.What is this course about?This is a technical analysis course based on an advanced concept in technical analysis, popularly known as Elliott Wave Theory. Elliott wave theory was discovered in 1930s by Ralph Nelson Elliott and has survived the test of time. This is a complex tool within technical analysis, which can be difficult to understand initially, but once you start applying it you would be amazed with the insights for financial trading offered by this theory. The various financial trading examples shared with you as part of this course will convince you on this and demonstrate to you the power of technical analysis.Why should you take this course?This course will help you understand this advanced concept from technical analysis so that you can start applying it for short term trading or long term investing purposes or for any other financial trading. Throughout the course we share many examples from real life financial trading (many of them taken from our technical analysis research desk over years). These examples will demonstrate to you the practical applicability of all the concepts to different areas of financial trading.As part of this course you will also learn the various technical analysis patterns associated with elliott wave theory. Some of these technical analysis patterns are complete financial trading systems in themselves that you can use instantly to trade profitably. Students who have some knowledge of classical technical analysis can also combine their knowledge with what they will learn in this course and can improve the accuracy of their trades substantially.How is this course structured?This course is structured into 4 sections:1. Introduction to wave theory: Where we introduce you to elliott wave theory2. Motive Waves: Where we explain the various patterns that represent trending markets3. Corrective Waves: Where we explain the various patterns associated with corrections4. Elliott Wave Rules & Guidelines: Where we explain the various rules & guidelines associated with elliott wave theory. These concepts will help you in correctly identify various patterns & set price targets for practical financial trading.It is often said that Technical Analysis is useful only for short term trading. Nothing can be further from the truth. Advanced Technical Analysis concepts like elliott wave theory can be as effective for long term investing as it is for short term financial trading. The applicability of this advanced technical analysis tool across financial markets makes it one must have tool for all serious practitioners of technical analysis.If you have some knowledge of technical analysis, this course will take your knowledge to a new level. If you are new to technical analysis then I believe this is best place to start your journey into technical analysis because you would have an open mind to advanced technical analysis concepts covered in this course that might be a bit hard to believe for more experienced technical analysis users. But don't worry the examples in this course will leave no doubt as to the effectiveness of this advanced technical analysis concept.I have personally benefited immensely from learning these advanced technical analysis concepts and I believe not using technical analysis in your investing or financial trading journey will only make it harder for you to succeed. So if you want to learn this advanced technical analysis concept enroll now!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Numeracy skills in business and everyday life:Think and Deal" |
"This course covers the best secret mentally methods to add,subtract,multiply,divide any numbers in less than 1 second. this enables you to apply our methods to use them in business and everyday life problems that need to use your mind to solve them. be sure that our course introduce new methods that you didn't learn in school.enhance your numeracy skills and speedup your business skills.also,the course covers basic concepts in business like cost,profits,revenue,interest...etc and banking concepts and how to deal with them easily.the main advantage of the course is that it's in short 2-mins HD clips with overall time of all clips 30 mins only."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The GEMBA Methodology" |
"Lean Strategies International LLC has put together a structured set of tools that when applied to our gemba experiences can reveal immediate actions or projects any organization can benefit from and who doesnt want that? We will guide you through our 5 step methodology of going and seeing, engaging at the gemba, discovering forms of muda, being respectful and organizing that information into a structured analysis and action based output revealing opportunities for you to ignite your power."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar e Usar Mapas Mentais Digitais (Guia Completo)" |
"Voc gostaria de aprender mais em menos tempo? Melhorar seu desempenho e aumentar sua produtividade no trabalho e nos estudos?Gostaria de desenvolver sua criatividade, gerar novas ideias e encontrar solues para problemas de uma forma prtica e inovadora?Seria timo, no mesmo?Ento saiba que voc est a apenas um passo de descobrir como conseguir tudo isso e muito mais utilizando apenas um nico mtodo!Estou falando dos mapas mentais!No importa se voc precisa estudar um assunto tcnico, resumir um livro, escrever um texto, preparar um relatrio, organizar suas tarefas ou resolver problemas do trabalho. Os mapas mentais com certeza vo ajudar voc a realizar tarefas rotineiras de maneira muito mais prtica e rpida.Usando os mapas mentais voc vai ser capaz de:Melhorar sua concentrao e aprender mais em menos tempoRevisar e memorizar contedos de maneira mais eficazOrganizar ideias e informaes facilmenteReconhecer e extrair o que mais importante em qualquer assuntoGerar novas ideias e encontrar solues criativas para os mais variados problemas.Estruturar e produzir contedo para apresentaes, textos, trabalhos escolares, aulas, cursos, livros e muito maisComo voc pode notar, com os mapas mentais voc pode fazer muito mais do que s resumir contedos, voc tem um ferramenta extremamente flexvel, com um potencial ilimitado.Como Criar e Usar Mapas Mentais um curso onde voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa saber sobre mapas mentais e suas aplicaes utilizando os mais poderosos e completos softwares para criao de mapas mentais.As aulas so totalmente em vdeo, e voc vai aprender desde os princpios bsicos at as tcnicas mais avanadas para tirar o mximo proveito dessa ferramenta incrvel!Voc ainda vai poder baixar modelos de mapas mentais para colocar em prtica imediatamente tudo o que aprender nas aulas.Esse curso 100% online, e voc pode acessar todas as aulas a qualquer momento, de onde estiver, do seu computador, tablet ou smartphone.E voc ainda tem 30 dias de garantia. Se por qualquer motivo no se sentir satisfeito, voc pode pedir o reembolso e receber seu dinheiro de volta.Ento no perca mais tempo!Clique no boto COMPRARAGORAe comece a criar seus mapas mentais hoje mesmo!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Marketing en Instagram Para Personas, Empresas y Negocios" |
"Encuentra los mejores mtodos para crecer tu pgina de Instagram y generar ventas.En este cursoaprendersdesde cero porque es importante posicionarte en Instagram, para poderllegar con tu marca a muchas personas y poder generar mejores y mayores ventas. Y lo ms importante, que estas puedan generarse de forma gratuita o por pocos dolares de inversin.Cuando inviertas cerca de dos horas en este curso, vers como pasar de una pequea idea de cuenta de Instagram a una cuenta con miles de seguidores en pocos das.Instagram tiene cerca de 500 millones de usuarios activos, por ende, representa gran parte del trafico web que las personas necesitan para sus sitios. Puedes encontrar y llegar a tu publico objetivo muy fcilmente.Resumen del cursoEn este curso identificaras todo el potencial de Instagram para ti o tu negocio.Te ensear como determinar si tu nicho de mercado es rentable en Instagram.Aprenders a utilizar varias herramientas para analizar informacin relevante para tu cuenta.Aprenders los conceptos bsicos de Instagram. Desde lo ms bsico a lo ms avanzado.Aprenders a editar fotos en pocos segundos y a conseguir videos para tu cuenta de Instagram.Te ensear como automatizar tu cuenta, para que no tengas que trabajar en ella durante mucho tiempo.Te mostrar 3 mtodos para conseguir seguidores y tambin te mostrar como no conseguirlos.Aprenders dos mtodos para monetizar tu cuenta de Instagram y tu podrs determinar cuanto ganar.Tendrs varias herramientas para manejar Instagram de una forma fcil y rpida."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Complete Instagram Marketing for Business: Follower To Sales" |
"Instagram Marketing:Get Thousands of Followers and SalesInstagramis available for free oniOS, Android andWindows Phonedevices. It can also be accessed on the web from a computer, but users can only upload and share photos or videos from their devices.It has more than 500 million active users. Over 60% of users log in daily.Instagrams user base is growing far faster than any other social media network. Instagram will grow 15% this year.Course DescriptionYou will learn toidentify the full potential of Instagram for you or your business.I'll show you how to determine if your niche is profitable in Instagram.You will learn to use various tools to analyze relevant information to your account.You will learn the basics of Instagram. From the basics to the most advanced tactics.You will learn to edit photos in seconds and get videos your Instagram account.I'll show you how to automate your account, so you do not have to work on it for a long time.I'll show you three ways to get followers and also show you how to not get them.You'll learn two methods to monetize your Instagram account and you can determine how much you make.You willhave several tools to manage Instagram easily and quickly."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Complete YouTube Course: Grow a Channel with some Strategies" |
"Youtube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month.As a YouTuber you want your channel to be successful and to grow into a huge channel. Maybe you want this because you want to become YouTube famous or maybe youre in it for the very small amount of money you will make from ads each month. I will show you how you can take advantage of one of the most important social media sites. I think it is the second most important after google.YouTube has over a billion users almost one-third of all people on the Internet and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views.I will explain step by step the importance of getting many subscribers to your youtube channel, and simple tricks to get as many subscribers as you can.It is very important because you can create a new youtube channel, create your first video and get many views and traffic to your site immediately. Youtube is like a video blog, but you do not need to use difficult SEO strategies to rank your videos and get organic traffic to your business website or blog.I will show you a simple Formula to make money on Youtube without filming a Video. I will guide you step by step during this process.I will show you step by step how you must upload your Youtube Videos in Order to Get more Views in a short period of Time. This is based on simple SEO techniques that you can use without any experience.You can start ranking your videos Higher on Youtube after studying 10 minutes of this course.I hope you can be one of my Students!RegardsDaniel."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Design Principles and Elements" |
"An In-Depth Understanding of Design Principles and Elements is the foundation of aProfessional Visual Desiginer.Start Creating The Best Possible Design Outcomesthroughunderstanding the best principles and elements tocoordination in any designapplication.Providing Designers and AspiringVisual Professionals with the foundation for a life full of design and visual creativity.About This Course:How to vastly increase design quality through elemental selectionHow to create the best possible designprinciple coordinationAn in-depth understanding of design principles and elementsFull, free lifetime access to course upgrades and bonusesAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeYou need no prior experience and theres nothing further to buy or pay for.Youll LearnAn in-depth understanding of design elements and principlesHow to vastly increase design quality through correct designselection and applicationHow to work successfully with design principlesHow to applyprincipals and elementsto art and designUnderstand harmoniousmixing of principles or elementsin any given scenarioHow to apply influence physicalpsychology in response todesign solutionsHow to choose the right elementsto use in anygiven applicationHow to create the best possible designcoordination using fundamental knowledge... and much, much more!Pre-launch Rave Review""Basic and Informative"": better than some of the free courses and has plenty of content tobroadened your mind on just how design effects our everyday lives!fantastic value for money! freebie!!!""- Jessica Townsland"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spring Security 4 Basics - Hands On" |
"WELCOME TO MY COURSE - ""Learn Spring Security 4 Basics - Hands On""You can find more info here: ldeng(dot)net/coursesThis is the Onlycourse seriesthat covers Spring Security 4 with depth. This first course builds up the basic knowledge with hands on practiceand the second course is titled ""Learn Spring Security 4 Intermediate - Hands On"", which dives deeper on the topic.New Course for 2016 ... The best way to learn is through hands-on practice.Join the family of thousands of students, who have enrolled in my courses.The review has been good even if this is a new course.Bonus Section includes all the courses that Iteach and promotions. Make sure you don't miss them.What to expect when I finish these two courses?By the time you finish these two courses (about 4 hours video), you should be able to understand most of the problems related to Spring Security 4. You will understand how to approach various issues related to security in web app development and how to utilize the power of Spring Security to solve those issues.What is Spring Security? Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework. It is the de-facto standard for securing Spring-based applications.Spring Security provides comprehensive security services for Java EE-based enterprise software applications. There is a particular emphasis on supporting projects built using The Spring Framework, which is the leading Java EE solution for enterprise software development. People use Spring Security for many reasons, but most are drawn to the project after finding the security features of Java EEs Servlet Specification or EJB Specification lack the depth required for typical enterprise application scenarios. Whilst mentioning these standards, its important to recognize that they are not portable at a WAR or EAR level. Therefore, if you switch server environments, it is typically a lot of work to reconfigure your applications security in the new target environment. Using Spring Security overcomes these problems, and also brings you dozens of other useful, customizable security features. What about this course? This course introduce some of the basics of Spring Security 4 with hands-on coding. We will use a demo web app called Cleaning Service Center as example to see how we can enhanced the security layer of it step by step. After the initial take, we will dive a little deeper and see how we can customize the Authentication mechanism with the flexibility provided by Spring Security. Why XML Configuration? The course uses XML based configuration. Spring Boot will remove a lot of the boiler-plate code and configurations, which will give us great convenience to quickly develop an app. However, it will also hide things under the hood. That is to say, its better to do the manual configuration and coding first so that we can have a better understanding. Class-based configuration is good to use, but again, you can get more insight with XML configuration. As class-based configuration and XML based configuration are well mapped, you can always find the corresponding part by googling it."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spring Security 4 Intermediate - Hands On" |
"WELCOME TO MY COURSE - ""Learn Spring Security 4 Intermediate - Hands On""You can find more info here:ldeng(dot)net/coursesThis is the Onlycourse seriesthat covers Spring Security 4 with depth. The is the second course of the series.This first course builds up the basic knowledge with hands on practiceand is titled""Learn Spring Security 4 Basics- Hands On""New Course for 2016 ... The best way to learn is through hands-on practice.Join the family of thousands of students, who have enrolled in my courses.Bonus Section includes all the courses that Iteach and promotions. Make sure you don't miss them.!NOTICE:This is the second course of Spring Security 4 series and the previous is called""Learn Spring Security 4 Basics- Hands On"", which is highly recommended before taking this course, as concepts and examples are based on the previous course.What to expect when I finish thesetwo courses?By the time you finish these two courses (about 4 hours video), you should be able to understand most of the problems related to Spring Security 4. You will understand how to approach various issues related to security in web app development and how to utilize the power of Spring Security to solve those issues.What is Spring Security?Spring Security provides comprehensive security services for Java EE-based enterprise software applications. There is a particular emphasis on supporting projects built using The Spring Framework, which is the leading Java EE solution for enterprise software development.People use Spring Security for many reasons, but most are drawn to the project after finding the security features of Java EEs Servlet Specification or EJB Specification lack the depth required for typical enterprise application scenarios. Whilst mentioning these standards, its important to recognize that they are not portable at a WAR or EAR level. Therefore, if you switch server environments, it is typically a lot of work to reconfigure your applications security in the new target environment. Using Spring Security overcomes these problems, and also brings you dozens of other useful, customizable security features.What about this course?This course introduce some of the basics of Spring Security 4 with hands-on coding. We will use a demo web app called Cleaning Service Center as example to see how we can bring our security layerto the next level.Why XML Configuration?The course uses XML based configuration.Spring Boot will remove a lot of the boiler-plate code and configurations, which will give us great convenience to quickly develop an app. However, it will also hide things under the hood. That is to say, its better to do the manual configuration and coding first so that we can have a better understanding.Class-based configuration is good to use, but again, you can get more insight with XML configuration. As class-based configuration and XML based configuration are well mapped, you can always find the corresponding part by googling it.MONEY BACK GUARANTEEUdemy provides 30-day money back guarantee. No reason needed! If you are not satisfied with the course, you can always get your money back.No Risk Involved! So sign up and I'll see you in the course!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn OAuth 2.0 - Theory and Hands On" |
"WELCOME TO MY COURSE - ""Learn OAuth 2.0 - Theory and Hands On""You can find more info here:ldeng(dot)net/coursesThis is the Onlycourse covering OAuth 2.0 with theory and hands-on in Udemy.New Course for 2016 ... The best way to learn is through hands-on practice.Join the family of thousands of students, who have enrolled in my courses.Bonus Section includes all the courses that Iteach and promotions. Make sure you don't miss them.MONEY BACK GUARANTEEUdemy provides 30-day money back guarantee. No reason needed! If you are not satisfied with the course, you can always get your money back.No Risk Involved! So sign up and I'll see you in the course!What is OAuth?If you are a software developer, you've probably heard of OAuth. OAuth provides to clients a ""secure delegated access"" to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner. The third party then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.What is OAuth 2.0?OAuth 2.0 is the latest version of OAuth Framework. It is not backwards compatible with OAuth 1.0, as OAuth 1.0 has a variety of issues. Instead,OAuth 2.0 provides specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and living room devices. Facebook's Graph API only supports OAuth 2.0. Google supports OAuth 2.0 as the recommended authentication mechanism for all of its APIs. The OAuth 2.0 Framework and Bearer Token Usage were published in October 2012.Why OAuth 2.0?OAuth 2 is almost everywhere on the web today and nearly everyone has used it in some form or another. As an open standard for authorization, it has been adopted by a lot of big companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft,Twitter and etc.Why this course?There are plenty of materials you can find online on this hot topic but a lot of times, when you finish reading those materials, you still feel vague in your head what OAuth 2.0 is and why and how to use it. This could be due to the nature of OAuth 2.0 framework, as itself is a relatively complex thing to understand. This course tries to tackle the problem from theory and hands on perspective.First,We will be starting from the basics on OAuth 2.0 and then going to details of roles and workflows.Second, we will build a demo app using OAuth for Single Sign-On (SSO). We will be leveraging Facebook as the service and identity provider.Third, we will use Spring Framework to implement each role in the OAuth 2.0 framework. Specifically, they are Client App, Authorization Server and Resource Server. This will give you a deeper understanding on how OAuth 2.0 framework works."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |