Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Java OOPS:basics for beginners" |
"Course DescriptionThis course is an absolute beginner level course.Anyone who know java programming but not sure about OOPS(object oriented programming system) in java can enroll for this course.If you've ever written a java class before and ran the program in eclipse but didn't quite understand what's going on behind the scenes, this course is for you. By the end of these videos, you will understand the difference between a class, and an object.We'll also go over important OOP techniques such as Abstraction,inheritance,Encapsulation and polymorphism in detail and also how it is applicable to javaBy the end of this course you'll be ready to work with OOPS concepts in java with great confidenceWhat are the requirements?You should be able to write simple Java programs, understand all the basic concepts and constructs of Java. You should have JDK and Eclipse installed on your machines.You should know how to write and run programs in Eclipse IDEWhat am I going to get from this course?This course aims to teach you object oriented programming in JavaYou will learn all the concepts of OOPSYou will learn good programming techniquesThis course will hone your Java programming skills and help you become great Java programmerWhat is the target audience?If you know basics of Java, but have trouble learning OOPS concepts, this course if for you.If you want to learn about object oriented concepts and build applications, this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CSS :basics for beginners" |
"Course DescriptionThis course mainly focuses on learning CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)which is very important for the look and feel of thewebsite.In this tutorial series you get to learn about it'sbasics. itis the number design language for the web. itis easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basicsin less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in CSS.By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of CSS and you will be able to code in CSS on your own"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Javascript :basics for beginners" |
"Course Description Anyone who want to learn web development thenJavaScript is an essential things to learn. there is a lot of potential jobs outside for JavaScript. So,when youstart learning this course. it will give you a very sound basics in JavaScript.At the end of course you will know how to Validate Form elements in webpagesusing JavaScript. Anyone who want to learn web development can enroll for this course as this is a very beginner level is very easy to learn if you devote some amount of time for it and constantly practice the topics which we discussed in this course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PHP webservices" |
"Course Description: This course mainly concentrate on webservices in php most exactly on how to create and consume a SOAP webservice and Restful webservices. it also discusses about adavantages and disadvantages of both web services. it is very important to learn webservices in php to get a good job in web development. it has applications in many fields such as mobiles and social networking sites. so,finally it is better to learn the basics of how to create them and consume them in php as there is a very high potential for them outside in web development field it helps you to grow your career as web is very easy to learn if u devote some amount of time to the concepts mentioned in the course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn W3.CSS" |
"Course DescriptionThis course mainly focuses on learning W3.CSSwhich is very important to enhancelook and feel of thewebsite.In this tutorial series you get to learn about it'sbasics. itis a CSS framework which is in very demand.itis easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basicsin less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in W3.CSS.By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of W3.CSS and you will be able to code in W3.CSS on your own"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JSON :basics for beginners" |
"Course DescriptionThis course mainly focuses on learning JSONwhich is very important forweb developers as it is used in AJAX,Restful webservices for transmitting data.In this tutorial series you get to learn about it'sbasics. itis a object notation of javascript which is in very demand . itis easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basicsin less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in JSON.By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of JSONand you will be able to code in JSON on your own"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"AJAX :basics for beginners" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning AJAXwhich is an acronym for ""Asynchronous Javascript XML"". it isvery important in web development field like social networking websites where a part of webpage has tobe updated without reloading the whole page.In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . AJAX is in very is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basics in less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in AJAX. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of AJAXand you will be able to code AJAX in web applications on your own"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Jquery :basics for beginners" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning Jquery topicswhich is very important in web development field because it greatly simplifies JavaScript programming.In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . it is a Javascript library which is in very is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basics in less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in Jquery. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of Jquery and you will be able to code in Jquery on your own"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AngularJs :basics for beginners" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning AngularJswhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . it is a Javascriptframework or a librarywhich is in very is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will learn all basics in less than one hour you will get a very good grip on topics in AngularJs. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of AngularJs and you will be able to code in AngularJs on your own"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"C :basics for beginners" |
"The C Programming Language is themost important when you want to learn a programminglanguage. C is asimple language that can be usedin manyapplications and operating is the mother of all languages. Every programmer should and must have learnt C whether it is a Java or C# expert, because all these languages are derived from C. In this course you will learn all the basic concept of C programming the end of course you will be able to code a C program on your own. C language experts this course is not for you .this a beginner level course. this course pace will be very fast. so this course is exclusively for fast learners. slow learners this course is not for you"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap :basics for beginners" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning Bootstrap which is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . it is a Javascript and CSS based framework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on topics in Bootstrap . By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of Bootstrap and you will be able to code in Bootstrapon your own .this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast .you should have basic understanding of HTML,CSS and Javascript for enrolling in this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Data structures in C language" |
"This course is based on the learning the basics of Datastructures in C language. itintroduces some basic data structures (likearrays, linked lists, stacks, queues etc) . in theoretical part we will learn about theory part and algorithms of data structuresand here we will learn sorting and searching techniques also along with concepts about stacks ,queues and linked lists . in programming part we will see their programs written in c language . anyone who want to improve their programming skills with a prior knowledge in c language can enroll for this course as inoutside marketthere is a huge demand for datastructures because they have applicationsin many fields"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C++ :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of c++ programming. anyone who want to learn Object Oriented Programming concepts can start with this course because c++ is object oriented programming language . so in theoretical part of this course is entirely dedicated to theoretical concepts of c++ language and in programming sections is dedicated for programs written in c++ language . in this course you will learn about basics of c++ langauge such as classes and objects in detail and in theoritical part it will be explained in a very understandable way .this is a beginner level course in C++ language. so,experts please don't enroll in this course as this one will not cater your needs"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"XML :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of XML.XML stands for EXtensibleMarkupLanguage. itwas designed to store and transport data. itwas designed to be both human- and machine-readable.XML plays an important role in many IT systems. For this reason, it is important for all software developers to have a good understanding of XML. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of HTML CSS and Javascript . in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XML . this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XML"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"XML DOM :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of XMLDOM.XML DOMstands for EXtensibleMarkupLanguage Document object model.XML DOM plays an important role in web development field. For this reason, it is important for all webdevelopers to have a good understanding of XMLDOM. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of XML,HTMLand Javascript. in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XML DOM.if you follow the course well it will be very easy for you to understand the concepts explained here. this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XMLDOM"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"XML DTD :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of XMLDTD.XMLDTDstands for EXtensibleMarkupLanguage Document TypeDefinition.XML DTDplays an important role in web development field. For this reason, it is important for all webdevelopers to have a good understanding of XMLDTD. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of XML,HTMLand Javascript. in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XMLDTD.if you follow the course well it will be very easy for you to understand the concepts explained here.this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XMLDTD"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"XSLT :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of XSLT.XSLTstands for EXtensible Stylesheet LanguageTransformations. it is a stylesheet languagefor XML as CSS is for HTML. XSLT plays an important role in look and feel ofXML whichplays an important role in many IT systems. For this reason, it is important for all webdevelopers to have a good understanding of XSLT. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of XML,HTMLand Javascript . in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XSLT . this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XSLT"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"XPATH :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of XPath.XPathis a syntax for defining parts of an XML document.XPathuses path expressions to navigate in XML documents. XPathis a major element in XSLT.XPathis also used in is important for all webdevelopers to have a good understanding of XPath. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of XML,XSLT,CSS,HTMLand Javascript . in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XPath. this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XPath"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"XQUERY :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basic Theoretical conceptsof XQuery.XQuery is thelanguage for querying XML data .XQuery for XML is like SQL for database. itis built on XPath expressions. XQuery helps in queryingdata fromXML whichplays an important role in many IT systems. For this reason, it is important for all webdevelopers to have a good understanding of XQuery. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of XML,XSLT,XPATH,HTMLand Javascript . in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XQuery. this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XQuery"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"XSD :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of XSD.XSD(XML Schema Definition) is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation that specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document..XSDplays an important role in web development field for XML validation. For this reason, it is important for all webdevelopers to have a good understanding of XSD. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of XML,XMLDTD,HTMLand Javascript. in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of XSD.if you follow the course well it will be very easy for you to understand the concepts explained here.this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in XSD"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AppML :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of AppML.AppMLstands for ApplicationModelingLanguage. itis a tool for bringing data to HTML applications.It extends HTML with data attributes.It adds controller toHTML, to control the behavior of HTML data.AppML is very easy to understand, and extraordinary quick to develop. in order to enhance in their career webdevelopers willhave advantageto learn AppML. Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of HTML,CSS and Javascript . in this course you will learn the theoretical concepts of basics of AppML. this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in AppML"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ASP :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of ASP. ASP stands forActive Server Pages"". ASPis in very high demandin web development field. it is a server-side scripting language which is very popular for it's runs on IIS(Internet Information Services) server.So coming to the course this has been designed in a very efficient way and in avery understandable way.Before you continue, you should also have a basic understanding of HTML,CSS,Javascript and SQL . in this course you will learn thebasics of ASP. this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in ASP"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SQL :basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of SQL for MYSQL database. SQL stands for Structured Query Language"". it isthe world's most widely used database language. it is essential for every web developer to learn this database language because without knowing it you cannot interact with database with out writing a query to fetch the data from database tables to your webpage.So coming to the course this has been designed in a very efficient way and in avery understandable way.Before you continue,in this course you will learn thebasics of SQL for MYSQL database. this is a beginners level course and this course is not for experts in SQL for MYSQL database"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Mainframe Development Course : VSAM" |
"This course mainly concentrates on how to code in VSAM. VSAMstandsfor virtual storage access method.Have you ever wanted to learn to code in VSAM? Learning how to code in VSAMcan get you a better job and lead to a better future in mainframe development field.This is a very good beginner level coursethat will show you how to code in VSAM. VSAMis one of the most important language in mainframe development. having good basics in this VSAMprogramming will help you to become a great mainframe developer. this course is not for experts in VSAM coding.this is a beginner level course for learning VSAM"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Mainframe Development Course : IMS-DB" |
"This course is dedicated to learn the basics of IMS DB.IBMInformation Management System Database(IMSDB) is a joint hierarchial databaseand information managementsystem with extensive transactioncapabilities.IBM designed the IMS with Rockwell and Caterpillar starting in 1966 for the Apollo program, where it was used to inventory the very large bill of materials (BOM) for the Saturn V moon rocket and Apollo space vehicle. it is the one of the oldest databases which are still now in use.coming to this course you will learn the basictheoretical concepts of IMS DB. this course is designed for beginners. this is not for experts in this field."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Mainframe Development Course : CICS" |
"This course mainly concentrates on how to code in CICS. CICS stands for Customer Information Control Systems.itwas developed in 1968 by IBM. itallows users to develop and execute online application in an MVS environment. ithas become the most commonly used server for Internet applications. in this course we will discuss about basics of CICS.CICSis one of the most important language in mainframe development. having good basics in this CICSprogramming will help you to become a great mainframe developer. this is only abasic beginner level course in CICS.this course is not for experts"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Mainframe Development Course : DB2" |
"This course mainly concentrates on basics of DB2. itis a database product from IBM. It is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). itis designed to store, analyze and retrieve the data this course we will discuss about basics of DB2.DB2is one of the most important database used in mainframe applications. having good basics in DB2 conceptswill help you to become a great mainframe developer. what is the highlight of this course is at the end i will explain aCOBOL-CICS-DB2 combination program which will be very useful for mainframe developers. this courseis very much inclined towards explainingtheoretical conceptsof DB2.this is only abasic beginner level course in DB2.this course is not for experts"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Overcome the Fear of Starting Your Own Business" |
"Many dream of starting a business, but let fear of failure stop them turning their ideas into a business preferring to stay in jobs they dont enjoy rather than following their dreams and passions and end upfeeling trapped in worsening situations.Contrary to belief, life is filled with endless opportunity but too often we get caught up in our internal dramas. As a result, we walk around blinkered by fear and fail to see what is available and open to us.If youre ready to take control of your life and start living the life you desire this, course will help you to put fear into perspective. You will understand the role that it plays in keeping you safe but realise that keeping yourself safe will prevent you from succeeding.This course will guide to you to remove the fear of starting a business. Discover how to use the fear to drive you forward. Learn to listen to your fears and address them so that you can move forward with clarity of mind and a calmness to deal with whatever life throws at youThe course is delivered online using a combination of videos, audios and worksheets and available to you via our private member site giving you instant access via your computer, tablet or smart phone."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Como Vender o Seu Curso Online" |
"O mercado de cursos online muito lucrativo e voc precisa est preparado para explorar esse mercado da melhor forma possvel.Nesse curso irei compartilhar a minha experincia de vendas de cursos online. Eu j elaborei mais de 30cursos online, possuomais de 10mil alunos espalhados por mais de 70pases e quero te ajudar a alavancar oseu negcio de cursos online.Atravs de dicas precisas voc ir alavancar as suas vendas e otimizar o seu lucro com a venda de cursos online. Esse curso totalmente voltado a vendas de cursos online, mas que pode ser aplicado a vendas de outros produtos digitais (infoprodutos).O que est esperando? Cadastre-se no curso e entre para o grande mercado lucrativo dos cursos online!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Instrutores de Sucesso com Marcos Castro" |
"Instrutores de Sucesso uma srie de entrevistas com vrios instrutores de cursos onlineque conseguiram feitos incrveis.Nesse curso o entrevistado ser o instrutor Marcos Castro que j produziu mais de 25 cursos online, possui mais de 5 mil alunos espalhados por mais de 60 pases!Marcos Castro lhe dar dicas preciosas para voc conhecer mais o universo dos cursos online. Voc ir conhecer mais sobre o grande mercado lucrativo dos cursos online, o que est esperando? Cadastre-se no curso e assista a essa excelente entrevista!Voc tambm poder tirar todas as suas dvidas com os instrutores sobre a criao e vendas de cursos online. Temos a certeza de que voc ir ter uma experincia incrvel com esse curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Python: Programao Orientada a Objetos com Python 3" |
"Ateno:ainda esto sendo adicionadas aulas a esse curso! fundamental saber orientao a objetos para construir sistemas complexos. Com esse curso voc aprender de fato orientao a objetos utilizando uma das linguagens mais populares:Python.So mais de 17horas em vdeo-aulas e mais de 115vdeo-aulas!Voc poder desfrutar das inmeras vantagens que o paradigma orientado a objetos pode fornecer. Vrias so as vantagens.A codificao natural, mais prxima do mundo real,A manuteno do cdigo fica muito mais simples,Reutilizao do cdigo,Confiabilidade,e muito mais...Os instrutores Marcos Castro e Thomas William iro ministrar esse curso atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas onde voc aprender os conceitos de programao orientada a objetos (POO)e poder aplic-los utilizando a linguagem de programao Python.Programar orientado a objetos pode ser bem complicado para iniciantes, por isso que preparamos um excelente curso totalmente em vdeo-aulas onde voc poder assistir quantas vezes quiser e onde quiser.No seu ritmo voc iraprender POO com Pythone quaisquer dvidas os instrutores estaro disponveis para responder o mais rpido possvel!O curso tambm aborda padres de projeto (design patterns)com Python e tambm possui projetos onde voc aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos no curso.O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo e aprenda definitivamente programao orientada a objetos com Python!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |