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"HTML5: Desenvolvimento Web para Iniciantes" |
"Voc quer aprender sobre desenvolvimento web? Ento voc est na pgina certa! Nesse curso daremos incio ao aprendizado de HTML5 que uma das linguagens que utilizamos para desenvolver websites.HTML significa Hypertext Markup Language que significa Linguagem de Marcao de Hipertexto. HTML a linguagem base da Internet e preciso sab-la para desenvolver websites. HTML uma linguagem baseada em marcao, ns marcamos os elementos para mostrar quais informaes a pgina exibe!Nesse curso voc ir aprender HTML de forma prtica, dinmica e didtica.Todo o curso em vdeo-aulas, voc poder acessar quantas vezes quiser e onde quiser, voc ter acesso vitalcio! Voc aprender com Marcos Castro que possui mais de 10mil alunos espalhados por mais de 70pases, garantia de satisfao!O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso de HTML5 para Iniciantes e aprenda HTML de uma vez por todas! Aguardo voc no curso!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Propio Sitio Web desde Cero" |
"Hola! Bienvenidos al nuevo curso Crea tu Propio Sitio Web desde Cero. Este es un nuevo curso enfocado a personas sin experiencia previa en programacin que deseen aprender las bases de la creacin de Sitios Web. Las ventajas de este curso con respecto a los dems:Completamente en espaolAprender a programar y hacer pginas web puede ser algo difcil y si le sumamos un idioma desconocido se vuelve una ardua labor. En este curso todo se explica de forma clara y didctica. Enfocado a principiantesMuchos instructores asumen que los estudiantes tienen experiencia en programacin e informtica. Por esto muchos estudiantes se sienten abrumados y jams terminan el material. En contraste, este curso no se asume experiencia previa y todo se explica paso a paso. Curso prctico y enfocado a proyectosAprendern a travs de quizzes para evaluar sus conocimientos y desarrollarn una pgina web que podrn presumir con sus amigos. Si tienen cualquier pregunta no duden en contactarme!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java - An Introductory Course" |
"I have more than 10 years of experience working on java j2ee technologies. Based on my experience, I consider the items listed in the course as essential to have the concepts solid enough to build on top of it.Name of the course is ""Java - An Introductory Course"". This course is well-suited for beginners and even intermediate level software professionals who want to go through the common topics related to java.Most of my material in the form of videos. I have also provided eclipse project in the resources. You can download this and set up in your local. For whatever topics are there in the curriculum, the topics are covered in the detailed way so that you don't have to re read the topics and this becomes the single point of reference for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OneNote - Organize suas anotaes" |
"Voc aprender a utilizar o OneNote, uma ferramenta sensacional para voc conseguir organizar suas anotaes do dia a dia, ata de reunies e o registro delas em udio e vdeo, fazer anotaes dirias e muito mais.Ofoco do curso apresentar em detalhes todas as ferramentas do OneNote, assim voc se sentir a vontade para refletir como voc ir aplicaresta incrvel ferramenta no seu dia a dia.O OneNote tem uma proposta incrvel, ele veio para armazenar qualquer tipo de informao que voc precise. Esquea Evernote, Wunderlist e outros mais, o OneNote suficiente para armazenar qualquer tipo de informao, texto, imagem, arquivos, desenho feitos a caneta e textos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C# Basics for Beginners - Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding" |
"In a digitalized world, such as the one we live in, not knowing how to code will put you at a disadvantage. Regardless of what your goal is, wether its to find a job as a developer or not, knowing a little bit of coding can be really handy from time to time.And C#is a great language to start. Why?Well what Ilike the most about C#is its structure, its a strong typed language. What does that mean?It means that everything is ""defined""in C#, which in turnlets you write beautiful code, you will see that at one point writing the code becomes an art, it just looks beautiful when you structure it the correct way.Leave the aesthetics, with C#you can create anything, desktop application, websites, Android/iPhone applications, games, anything you can think of, you can create it with C#.By learning to code with C#you will be able to jump quickly into any other language, if you need to at some point. The reason for that is, again, the strongly typed and well created hierarchy in C#, which will basicly teach you everything you need to know about coding in general.All programming languages are pretty much the same, on the basic level the difference is only in the syntax. All of them have variables, loops, arrays etc., so if you think that you will need to jump to another language at some point, do not worry, you will be able to do that with ease. I myself started with C#, then I moved on to a little bit of Java, then a little JavaScript, then a little TypeScript, and if Ididn't have the solid foundations that I have with C#, it wouldn't have been that easy!This is why I am able tohelp youforge the most solid foundations that you may ever get in coding. Just like everything in life, your first exposure to something new is the most crucial one.This course will teach you both the theory and the practice behind coding. You will learn by watching, bydoingand mostly by struggling.You will also find numerous examples and projects to practice what we are learning and nothing will be left out. At the end of each section there will be a short quizthat will test you for some of the tricky parts of that section.Exercises are also provided sothat you can try to codeon your own, most of them will not be solved in the course, but you will get hints from time to time on how to solve some of the hard ones. And of course you can always ask a question in the QnAsection of the course!Iwill answer within less than 24 hours!Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question, the devil is in the details!Plus, you have a 30 days money back guarantee, so if the course does not meet your expectations, you can get your money back, no questions asked!***What are some of the students saying about the course:***(You can just scroll down a little and see the ratings for yourself in the ratings section)Arris Hadjadj(5 Stars):""If you are serious about learning C# , in great details great depth with a clear yet very deep explanationyou know what you have to do.This instructor have a passion for teaching he does not leave anything behind untilyou hit the ha moment.i sincerely thank you for this awesome course.""Peter Quin (5 Stars):""The lectures are very well explained, no stone left unturned! The instructor's language is good and there are plenty of exercises! A+!!""John (5 Stars):""This course is excellent! I am not a complete beginner but I still learned a lot of new things and the exercises really sweat you!""Kelly (5Stars):""The bonus videos are great! I never knew that these shortcuts exist! I'm halfway through the course and I learned so many interesting things!""Jaryd Ambramson(5 Stars):""4 Lessons in. I like the style alot. Easy to follow, but not too easy. Instructor has the knowledge and skills to produce a proper video. Let's hope he keeps it up throughout the course. Did have to run at 1.25% speed, but sounds good still.""Jacqui Ballard (5 Stars):""Very easy to follow. The Instructor is very comfortable and is very helpful :)""Enroll now and join all of these happy students!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Grow Your Ministry Or Business With YouTube" |
"This course will hold you by the hand and teach you how to use the youtube platform to popularize your ministry or business. Although, the primary target are the ministers of God, motivational speakers and singers who need to learn how to use the power of youtube to improve their ministries and make money therefrom. This course will benefit anyone who wants to learn how to make money online through youtube channels.I started my online ministry of preaching on videos through youtube on the 28th of March 2009, and since then I have created so many websites and posted hundreds of videos to help and encourage others. Enroll for this course and let me show you how to:Record simple videos with your handset and post it to youtube for possible view of about one billion people who daily throng to youtube for you what to do to make more people see your videos and thereby get more subscribers who will love your channel.Use other ministers video to make money on your youtube channelMake money on youtube even when you do not record any film or upload any videoPost videos toyour youtube channel from youtube video editor without recording or uploading your own videoUnderstand which videos you can edit and post to your channel andwhich you must never touchMonetize your youtube channel to rake in money even when you are sleeping.Create ministry or business website yourself in a few simple steps without contracting it out to freelancers.Use google's blogger to create beautiful and professionally looking websites for your ministry and personal need and still enjoy doing it, because it is as easy as ABC.Post every video you uploaded to youtube to your websites.Learn how to post all your youtube videos to your facebook, twitter, linkedin, and all other social media network you joined or will join in the future.Use whatsapp to send daily audio messages to your broadcast list.And so much moreIn this course, I will teach you how to grow a church using the internet and church growth strategies and principles that works also for small business owners. Christians speakers all over the world need to learn how to use youtube and the internet to help improve their ministries. There are so many church growth strategies, but this one is sure because your messages will automatically go to everywhere on planet earth.With this course, I will show you how to create simple free or low cost websites that will inform people about your ministry activities. You will understand how to use the social media websites like facebook, twitter, linkedin, myspace, instangram and many others.Today's ministries or businessesneed to learn to use technology that many people are using everyday. People are watching videos and listening to messages on youtube through their phones. If you enroll today, you will be many steps ahead of others, and you are sure of getting members and followers who will fall in love with your message and become your strongest ministry supporters."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Stocks: Quick Method to get started Investing" |
"I think everybody should be taught in high school at least a basic understanding of investing especially since not many companies offer pensions. This is my attempt to give everybody at least a few ways to get started.In this course I cover what I like to trade most (ticker SPY), what indicators I like to look for market timing and a tool that some brokers use that might be the best made tool ever for beginners to automate most of their trades.Choosing how to invest is a very important decision after all no one cares more about your money than you. I want this course to help you enter into this with some helpful guides for timing and possible funds to invest in.Ive incorporated what I have learned from many sources and hopefully I can do this without confusing financial terms that seem aimed at keeping people in the dark so that you have to pay some organization to invest and watch over your money for you.After taking this course you could have several choices for investments and a lot more clarity about how to invest with more confidence to make wise decisions for your financial future."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Understanding TypeScript - 2020 Edition" |
"This course was completely updated, reflects the latest version of TypeScript and incorporated tons of student feedback. ---Most People know TypeScript from Angular 2+. It's the Language you have to use there, right?It's more than that! Learn what TypeScript is, why it really is a powerful Addition to JavaScript, what its Features are and how to use it! And whilst doing so, also understand what you're actually doing in your Angular 2+ Code.This Course takes you from the very Basics and its most important Feature (Types!) to the Point where you're able to use TypeScript in any of your Projects. ReactJS Projects included!As TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and strongly advertised used by Angular 2+ (Google), it's here to stay. Gain an Edge today and be amongst the First to really understand TypeScript!A Journey into the FutureAs TypeScript code can be compiled to ES5, you'll be amazed by the many next-gen Features you can start using Today. Be it ES6 Features like Destructuring or Arrow Functions, Decorators, Generics and Interfaces or Modules - TypeScript has them all!In this Course, we'll not stop after the Basics. You will learn about more advanced Features and also how to set up Workflows with TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript-only Workflow as well as a Webpack Workflow.You'll also learn that you're not limited to Angular 2+ or plain JavaScript/ TypeScript Projects. A complete Module covers how to use TypeScript with ReactJS to benefit from its Features, there, too.Practice what you LearnWatching Videos is a great Way to Learn. And to a lot of Students, it's the best Way. If you also want to practice the Things you learn, this Course offers you Exercises (and Solutions) in many of the Course Modules.So much Content!I'm not a Fan of these Courses which teach you the Basics and then leave you alone. In this Course you'll get insights into:Types and how to use themHow the TypeScript Compiler worksES6 Features in TypeScriptClasses in TypeScriptNamespaces and ModulesInterfacesGenericsDecoratorsHow to integrate Third-Party JavaScript Libraries into your TypeScript ProjectHow to set up a TypeScript project with WebpackOr how to set up a plain-TypeScript WorkflowHow to use TypeScript together with ReactJSHow to use TypeScript together with Node/ ExpressReal projects and use-cases!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Vue - The Complete Guide (w/ Router, Vuex, Composition API)" |
"No matter at which metric you look at (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets ...) - VueJS is the shooting star in the world of JavaScript frameworks - it simply is amazing!This bestselling course teaches the latest version of Vue (Vue.js 3) from the ground up and in great detail. We'll cover all the core basics but we'll not stop thereafter - this course also dives into advanced concepts like the Composition API introduced with Vue 3.Frontend frameworks like Vue JS are extremely popular because they give us this reactive, great user experience we know from mobile apps - but now in the browser! No wonder that jobs requiring frontend framework skills like VueJS are amongst the best paid ones in the industry!You may know Angular 2+ and ReactJS, well, VueJS combines the best of both frameworks and makes building anything from small widgets to big, enterprise-level apps a breeze and a whole lot of fun!And if you don't know the two mentioned frameworks: That's fine, too, this course does not expect any knowledge of any other frontend framework - you will learn it all throughout this Course!This course covers it all!We'll start at the very basics, what Vue.js is and how it works before we move on to more complex and advanced topics but I'll be honest: It's too much to fit it all into one sentence, so here's what you'll learn in this Course:What is VueJS and Why would you use it?The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates and much more!)How to Output Reactive Data & Listen to EventsInteracting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements ...)Setting up a Development Environment and WorkflowUsing Components (and what Components are to begin with)A Deep Dive Look Behind the Scenes of VueBinding to Form InputsSending Http Requests to Backend APIsAuthentication & VueHow to make your App more Beautiful with Animations and TransitionsHow to create an awesome Single-Page-Application (SPA) with RoutingHow to improve State Management by using VuexHow to Deploy the AppAnd much more ...All these topics are taught with real examples and demo projects. This course is full of exercises, challenges and bigger courser projects that allow you to practice what you learned.Along with many other smaller projects, we will build a couple of bigger main projects:The ""Monster Slayer"" Game - a game running in the browser, 100% powered by VueThe ""Learning Resource Manager"" - a web app that allows you to manage (add, delete, list) your favorite learning resourcesThe ""Find a Coach"" app - a web app that allows you to sign up / login, register as a coach, list and filter available coaches and send messages to coachesAt the moment, this course includes both my brand-new Vue 3 course as well as my old Vue 2 course (the section marked as ""VUE2""). The Vue 2 course will removed later this year.Is this course for you?Now that you know what this course is about, let's see if this course is for you!Here are three types of students who will love this course:Student #1:Has some JavaScript experience and is interested in what this language can do. You heard and read that JavaScript allows you to create nice web applications and enhance existing web pages. VueJS is your choice!Student #2:You already have some experience with other frontend frameworks like Angular (2+) or ReactJS. But either due to interest or disappointment of the existing frameworks, you seek some alternatives - VueJS might be what you were looking for!Student #3:Has experience with backend frameworks/ languages but now also wants to enter the frontend world. VueJS is an awesome choice here, it's fun, it uses native JS and it's extremely powerful!Bonus: Student #4Is disappointed by Angular 2+. Does a good framework need 2 hours of setup? No, certainly not - as VueJS will prove to this student!Let's dive into VueJS right now!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Facebook For Business: How To Get 100,000 Fans In 2019" |
"Soyou want to learn how to build a Fan Page with hundreds of thousands of likes......anddo itwithout paying Facebooka fortune?if you are a business owner, run a website, or have anorganisation, then it is crucial that you have a Facebook following. With over 1 billion active daily users, youre throwing away a lot of customers and leaving money on the table by not tapping into this source of easy traffic.My name is Daniel Boehm and I run 5 Facebook pages with a combinedtotal ofover 1.5million likes.I built them all from the ground up andhave made hundreds of thousands of dollars from these pages.In this course I hold your hold from a to z, showing you exactly how I did it so you can copy my exact strategies and build up your own page. I also show you what's working now and leave absolutely no stones left unturned!I lay out 5 of the most explosive strategies that are currently working to pull in the fans to your page who will be dying to engage and take in what you have to offer (I constantly test and analyze new techniques and update this course as I go)Imagine having hundreds of thousands of engaged followers, and with a simple post or offer you can instantly have hundreds of thousands of potential buyers at with the click of a button.Thats the power of a Facebook fan page, and its why every single business has one. And with users growing everyday, theres no better time to get started.In this course, you will learn:How tocreate a Facebook page that isproperly set up to attract visitors (Many do it wrong and leave out important parts)Factors involved in exploding apage's engagement and understanding how increasing your engagement is actually one of the foundations of a successful page (Not doing this properly andall the strategies you implement will be a big waste of time)The5 never before sharedstrategies I've used to attract 100,000+ likes on each of my Facebook pages without having to spend a fortune on Facebook ads.How to use the power of videos to put your page in front of millions of potential likers and see the style of video that is currently taking over Facebook (Facebook loves videos and will help you get it out)14+ video lectures that go straight to the point and show you exactly how to do it (no fluff and filler content like many other courses)And a lot more inside of this course...I guarantee that if youre not satisfied at all with the results you get from this page, you have 30 days to get your money back, absolutely no questions asked. Thats how confident I am that this will work for you too.So if you're ready to build a superior fanpage or explode your current one then enrol in this course now and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"iPad Tutorial iOS 10 - Grundlagen Tipps & Tricks 1/6" |
"In diesem Videokurs zeigt dir Robin Schmidalle Grundlagen zu deinem iPad: Apps verwalten, iPad neu starten, Knpfe und Anschlsse und vieles mehr. Auerdem lernst du tolle Funktionen von iOS 10wie ""Slide Over"" um Apps gleichzeitig zu nutzen oder ""Bild-in-Bild"" um Videos anzusehen, whrend du andere Apps nutzt. Lade dir jetzt das erste Video aus diesem Kurs gratis um dich von derQualitt zu berzeugen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Accounts APP Overview" |
"Mobile Practical AccountsUpgrading Accounts Qualifications,either During or After the CourseAn Off-line opportunity to Practice Accounts Anywhere. Data is saved on the device,Internet is for only Login. This App provides Documents, Guides, Checklists, & Software for Accounts Practice. Practice by Interpreting & Recording integrated Documents.Identify,Interpret,Verify, Reconcile,Present and Explain 90Periodic & Year End Reports.Designed to exploit the many benefits of Mobile Devices. Its a Cross between Theory, Practical, and Computerised Accounting, bridging the GapandImparting Practical Skills. The Theory is integrated in ? on all Recording Forms and Reports. The Practical component is based on Accounting Firm Procedures, integrated in all provided facilities. The Computerised part is about Automated Processes and Reports. Customised Recording Forms with Vat, indicating the DR and CR entries, Pre-Selected Accounts, Automated Figures, etc. Automated Error Checking and Exposure Reconciliations Some documents recorded in as little as 45 seconds For a 5entry recording, select only 2 accounts,type a single figure and everything once, the rest is automated. Practice Documents Integrated. 15 Periodic Reports, 65 Accounting Schedules, plus a Dashboard A 34 Task Periodic Checklist and A 76 Year End Reports (Schedules) Checklist. Printable Reports and Checklists Videos explain the destination of recorded figures, and the source of Reported figures. Live Question & Answer Sessions Online Specifically designed for Practical Accounts Training Recap, Re-inforce, and Acquire Practical Accounting Knowledge, Skills and Experience Desired by Employers. Install PRACTICAL ACCOUNTS FREE"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Realidade Aumentada: Crie aplicaes com Unity3D e Vuforia" |
"A Realidade Aumentada vem se mostrando como uma tecnologia que ganhar cada vez mais adeptos, gerando uma alta demanda por profissionais que dominem este tipo desenvolvimento.Neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar aplicaes em Realidade Aumentada usando o Unity3D, integrando a ferramenta de AR mais popular no mundo, o Vuforia SDK da empresa QualcommOs alunos no precisam ter nenhum conhecimento preliminar de programao bastando apenas conhecimentos bsicos sobre a utilizao do Unity3D. As instrues so dadas passo a passo em vdeos e os exemplos so fornecidos para download junto as aulas.O aluno tambm poder contar com a ajuda do professor e tirar suas dvidas no frum."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem C para Iniciantes" |
"Este o curso ideal para quem quer iniciar seu aprendizado em programao e pretende comear pela linguagem C, ou ainda no tem tempo para fazer um curso presencial ou est distante dos grandes centros.No curso so abordadas tcnicas para projeto de algoritmos estruturados, comandos para implementao de algoritmos em C, tipos de dados, variveis, constantes, expresses aritmticas, estrutura de decises, operadores lgicos, arquivo de cabealho, estruturas de repetio, arrays, strings, structs, funes e manipulao de arquivos texto.Ao trmino do curso, o aluno ter uma base slida sobre os fundamentos da Linguagem C.Todos os contedos so explicado em vdeos, de forma objetiva e com diversos exemplos e exerccios para que o aluno pratique o contedo proposto nas aulas.Voc est pronto para comear?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Effizienz und Effektivitt steigern: Mehr Produktivitt!" |
"Hast Du auch zu viel zu tun? Zu viele Emails, Telefonate, Notizen, Aufgaben? Und Du fragst Dich: Wie kann ich das alles besser managen? Effektiver sein? Zeit sparen?Dieser Kurs vermittelt Dir die 10 besten Techniken, die Dich in Beruf & Alltag effizienter und effektiver machen.Wenn Du das Gefhl hast, Du knntest mehr schaffen, aber nicht weit, wie - genau dann ist der Kurs das Richtige fr Dich!Die 6 Kerninhalte des Kurses sind:1. Der Unterschied zwischen Effizienz und Effektivitt2. Warum die meisten Menschen nicht effektiv und nicht effizient sind3. Die 10 besten Techniken zur Effizienz und Effektivitt4. Die hufigsten Effizienzfallen5. Was man von anderen Berufen lernen kann6. Wie Du nach dem Kurs weitermachen kannst, um noch effektiver & effizienter zu seinber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Der Trainer ist absoluter Effizienz-Experte, hat ein abgeschlossenes Doppelstudium und eine parallele erfolgreiche Selbststndigkeit erreicht dank diesen 10 Techniken - und er gibt ausschlielich Tipps, die auch wirklich funktionieren!Also: Lege los - und probiere gleich ein paar Lektionen aus!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mster en PHP 7+, POO, MVC, MySQL, Laravel 6+, CodeIgniter 4" |
"Aprende PHP desde cero y domina el lenguaje de programacin de lado del servidor (backend) ms popular en la actualidad. Este curso te ensear todo lo que necesitas saber sobre PHP, ahora en su versin 7 y todas las tecnologas que giran a su alrededor con ms demanda laboral.En este Mster de PHP aprenders: Los principios de la programacin con PHP desde cero y paso a paso, no necesitas ningn conocimiento previo. Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO) Ejecutar el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador (MVC) en todos los proyectos de programacin que emprendas. Bases de datos Relacionales con MySQL y conexin a las bases de datos con proteccin PDO (PHP DATA OBJECT) Ejecutar un CRUD (Create Read Update - Delete) con MVC-POO para administrar cualquier informacin en Base de datos. Seguridad Informtica: Prevenir ataques XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), ataques CSFR (Cross-Site Request Forgeries), SQL Injection, Code Injection, Brute Force Robots, encriptacin de contraseas, archivo .htaccess y certificado SSL. AJAX: Procesos Asncronos con el Servidor usando Javascript (jQuery) y PHP Construir tu propio Administrador de contenidos (CMS: Content Manager System) desde cero como Wordpres, Joomla o Drupal Envo de correos con la librera PHPMailer Crear un Administrador de contenidos con Laravel: El framework nmero uno de PHP integrando la plantilla AdminLTE Crear APIs Rest con CodeIgniterEste curso te ensear todo lo que necesitas para ser un desarrollador backend, estars expuesto a enseanzas muy prcticas con ejemplos de la vida real.Al final de este curso, tendr una comprensin profunda de PHP y Bases de Datos, sabr por qu PHP es tan importante para usuarios y empresas y cmo un sitio web totalmente funcional y dinmico utilizando las herramientas ms eficaces disponibles.CMO ES EL CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. En una primera seccin haremos la introduccin desde cero de PHP, no tienes que tener conocimientos previos en PHP, todo lo aprenders ac.En las siguientes secciones comenzaremos a construir paso a paso desde cero cada uno de los temas que nos darn la experticia en la materia de PHP, pasando por la Programacin Orientada a Objetos, construyendo aplicaciones con el patrn MVC y aplicando seguridad informtica a todo lo que hagamos para prevenir cualquier tipo de ataque.En un siguiente nivel construiremos un CMS al mejor estilo de Wordpress, Joomla o Drupal, con una plantilla de un BLOG, la llevaremos a su funcionalidad dinmica alimentada desde una base de datos MySQL. Luego construiremos el Backend que administrar dicho BLOG usando el Framework Laravel y la plantilla AdminLTE.Finalmente te ensear a construir una API REST usando el framework CodeIgniter, para que otros usuarios puedan tomar las categoras y artculos de nuestro BLOG y los puedan utilizar en otras interfaces Web.CUNTO SE TARDA EN COMPLETAR EL CURSO?Depende de ti. Estimo que menos de tres semanas puedes completar el curso, pero depender de tu ritmo de trabajo y de tu disponibilidad.CULES SON LOS REQUISITOS?Descargar el material que se encuentra en los recursos de la primera clase de cada seccin. Tener principios en HTML5 y CSS3, curso gratuito que puede realizar en UDEMY: ""Aprende HTML5 y CSS3 desde cero"". No es indispensable pero sera bueno para la construccin del Proyecto tener bases en Javascript, jQuery y Maquetacin con Bootstrap 4.A QUIN VA DIRIGIDO ESTE CURSO?Este curso va dirigido a personas que buscan crear sistemas complejos con PHP y MySQL y venderlos a clientes o empresas en su entorno de trabajo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"After Effects - Alles rund um das Tracking" |
"Kleine After Effects Tutorialreihe, die die Grundlagen der Software nher bringt sowie das Tracken von bestimmten Effekten in ein bewegliches Video hinein, sodass es realistisch aussieht.Der Kurs ist so einfach wie mglich gehalten und richtet sich daher besonders an Einsteiger.Bentigt wird eine Version von After Effects CS 5,5 oder hher. Dies kann sowohl die Vollversion als auch die kostenlose 30 Tage Testversion sein.In dieser Reihe zeige ich erst die grundlegenden Techniken und dann gehe ich spezifischer auf einzelne Dinge drauf ein.Wenn Sie also noch vlliger Anfnger sind und gerne etwas zu After Effects wissen wollen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Using Notan and Rebatement in Composition and Design" |
"The subject of Composition and Design is broad and there are a variety of compositional tools that have been used over time to emphasize ideas, stories, and religious thought.In this course we will focus primarily on two areas: Notan, which deals with light and dark and the visual structure, andthe very flexible tool of Rebatement,which works with theunderlying architecturalstructure.Using images from master artists,as well as some of my work, we will analyze why a painting works and whattools were used tocreatevivid images.Finally, you will learn how to use both Notan and Rebatement to create strong visual images that will read across a room.In addition, I will teach you how to make your own viewfinders that you can usein your studio and in the field.This class is useful for any visual artist as well as for any lover of the arts."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"COBIT5 Introduction - 30mins ONLY!" |
"COBIT5 Introduction course is a fast way how to get familiar with the basics of COBIT5.Whether you need to understand what people talk about when they mention COBIT or you wish to be able to judge whether it may help you to fix problems and improve your IT this is the right course for you.IT is also extremely useful if you would like to obtain an official internationally recognized COBIT5 Foundation certificate as it explains the possible ways and provides key resources for getting certified. The course doesn't provide the certification itself but it gives you all you need to obtain it. Start your journey with COBIT5 here and discover whole new world of possibilities for your IT.Important!!!! Please be aware that this is very short (only 30mins long) course which doesn't teach you COBIT5 content, it will just tell you what COBIT5 is, whether it can be useful for youandhow and where to study it (it includes resources for self-study)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hatha & Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Beginners! Green Yoga" |
"Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga For Beginners, is not just another typical Yoga program. This amazing yoga course includes a lot of different other systems such as Pilates, Karana Yoga, Restorative poses, Sotai Yoga,Yoga Nidra and more! It is my firm belief that we humans are an integral part of Nature and that's why I wanted to share this course with you in the outdoors, right in the heart of Nature! This way you will balance mentally and physically rediscovering your inner path!For a better student engagement and for a better learning experience, this course comes with FULL English Subtitles!''Green Yoga Course''.is part two in a series of three. There are two more parts in the series, the Sea Yoga Course and the Earth Yoga Course.The GREEN YOGA course is divided into two parts. The first part is intended for beginner level students. Beginners will first deal with the Karanas, the 3 Basic Breathings and the Yoga Nidra. The second part is intended for intermediate level students.Intermediate students can do all the lectures in the course. The goal of this course is to learn how to increase the flexibility of our legs especially by using the Self Sotai Yoga!We'll start off by the main Green Yoga Course. In this Special Vinyasa Flow lesson, we'll begin with Karana Yoga, a special therapeutic warm up for Legs, that prepares the body for the Yoga Asanas! We will continue with Supine Asanas, and we'll learn how to increase the flexibility of our legs especially by using the Self Sotai Yoga. With Standing Asanas we will additionally strengthen our legs! With the Pranayama Sitali & Sitkari we will learn how to relax our nervous system and our mind! We will then move on to the 3 Basic Breathing Exercises! There, we will learn how to practice these 3 Breathing techniques i.e. the Thoracic Breathing, the Rib cage Breathing, and the Rib cage Thoracic Breathing. The purpose of these techniques is to teach us how to start breathing through the nose. We will continue with the more demanding ''Ujjayi Breathing''. With Ujjayi Diaphragmatic Breathing, we will learn how to focus our mind and relax our body, so that Asanas are more easily performed during our Yoga practice.We will then deal with the Philosophy of Yoga and learn about ''The 5 Koshas or Sheaths in Sanskrit. We will also learn about the meaning of OM Mantra, also known as the Cosmic Sound!Finally, we will implement everything we've learned with practical exercises and custom Yoga Routines!In this Special Vinyasa Flow lesson, you'll learn how to: Prepare your joints by using the specialized exercises for the mobilization and warm-up of a joint so that you can get on with the main Yoga exercises without risking the complication of sustaining an injury. Synchronize your breathing and movement, by giving your body the necessary strength and endurance, and most importantly learn how to put your Lymphatic system into motion Strengthen your muscular system, your bones and all your internal organs by using Yoga's isometric exercises Rest and relax your nervous system by using Yogas passive resuscitation techniques and finally Relax consciously with Deep Relaxation at all levels by using Yoga Nidra, known as The Yogic Sleep"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Apache Kafka course for beginners" |
"This coursewill explore the basic concepts of messaging systems, introduction to point to point messaging, publish - subscribe messaging,principles of ApacheKafka Serverinstallation, operations and then it will walk youthroughthe deployment of Kafka cluster in single node and multi node mode. Finally, we will conclude with producer application and consumer application and later I addreal-time applicationsand integration with Big Data Technologies.The target audience would be the people who are willing toknow aboutApache Kafka, Zookeeper, Queues, Topics, Client - Server communication, Messaging system (Point to Point & Pub - Sub), Single node server, Multi node servers or Kafka cluster, command line producer and consumer, Producer application using Java API's and Consumer application using Java API's.All thematerial which is usedin this course is attached, Java code for both Producer and Consumer, External Documentation which is helpful further.You can complete this course in 3hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and finally taught how to use the Kafka server in real time with an example.Apache Kafka is creating a lot of buzz these days. While LinkedIn, where Kafka was founded, is the most well known user, there are many companies successfully using this technology. So now that the word is out, it seems the world wants to know: What does it do? Why does everyone want to use it? How is it better than existing solutions? Do the benefits justify replacing existing systems and infrastructure?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Elasticsearch and Kibana Tutorial for beginners" |
"While there are many tutorials that will teach you everything aboutElasticSearch and Kibana but this course doesn't try to do that. Instead thegoal of this courseis to get you as a developer or user of ElasticSearch started quickly. This is the reasonyou may notfind much theory. In this tutorialyou will findthe basics of ES and Kibana.Uponcompleting this course, my goal is that you should know:How to install ElasticSearch and how to communicate with itHow to index and remove DocumetsHow to do basic operations like CRUDComparisonbetween Elasticsearch and other database terminologyHow to install Kibana and how to communicate with itHow to search for documents and aggregate data from themHow to import real time datato KibanaPlottingvarious Visualizations and Dashboards.All thematerial which is usedin this course is attached.You can complete this course in 3-5hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and finally taughthow to use the combination of ES and KIBANA."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What's New in Java 8: Java 8 New Features" |
"Java 8 is the major andmost awaitedrelease of Java . In this tutorial we are trying to teach you theJava 8 new features in detail with practical examplesand their usage in a simple and intuitive way.Uponcompleting this course, my goal is that you should be familiar with concepts like:Lambda ExpressionsFunctional InterfacesMethod ReferencesNew Date/Time APIDefault MethodsStreams conceptsOptional ClassAll thematerial which is usedin this course is attached.You can complete this course in 2-3hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and added practical examples forevery new concept to understand it better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Apache Storm Tutorial for Beginners" |
"Apache Storm and Apache Kafkaarethehot and highly valuable skills in current Information technology,especially in Big data processing/ Middleware/ Streaming.This course will teach you the fundamental concepts of Apache Storm.The Apache Storm course is designed to provide its basic concepts, knowledge and examples for real time analytics of streamingdata.Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. It makes easy toprocess unlimited streams of data in a simple manner. Storm is simple, itcan be used with any programming language, and is a lot of fun to use!This coursewill explore theconcepts of Apache Storm like:What is Apache StormWhen to use it over Apache HadoopWhat is Apache Storm TopologyInstallation ofApacheStormApache Storm modes of operationTypes of groupingsBasics ofSpouts and Bolts and how to use in real timeWell knownreal time example which is easy to understandAll thematerial which is usedin this course is attached in respective lectures andJava code for Spout, Bolt and Topology is also attached.You can complete this course in 3hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course in such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and finally taught how to use the Apache Storm in real time with an example.Hope you like it !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apache Log4J Logging Framework Tutorial for Beginners" |
"Apache Log4Jis the major logging frameworkandmost used in almost every where. In this tutorial we are trying to teach you thebasic concepts of apache log4j and logging frame workand also explained a practical example which will be helpful in understanding the concepts easily.Uponcompleting this course, my goal is that you should be familiar with concepts like:loggersappenderslayoutslog4j FeaturesAdvantages and Disadvantages of loggingand so on.All thematerial which is usedin this course is attached.You can complete this course in 2-3hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and added practical examples forevery new concept to understand it better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Panorama Photography- Create Stunning Panorama Images" |
"*****JOIN MY 92000+ STUDENTS IN 180 COUNTRIES AND LEARN THE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TO MARCH AHEAD IN LIFE!**** HIGH QUALITY & EASY TO FOLLOW COURSES!Welcome to the Class! 'Panorama Photography- Create Stunning Panorama Images'Do you want to create Stunning Panorama Images?But don't know how to start?Then You are at Right Place!In this class, You will learn all about Shooting and Post-Processing, stunning Panorama Images. Panorama Photography is an art to show what is not visible by simple images. You can capture the entire scene beautifully which otherwise cannot be done even with wide-angle lens. Panorama images create a sense of realism and makes the viewer feel that he or she is actually standing and experiencing the captured scene by standing there. Thought these days all the smartphones cameras have the option to capture Panorama images but unfortunately the professionally DSLR cameras do not have this option yet. But don't worry, there is a technique which lets you capture the scene be it landscape or the Architecture shot, beautifully even without the wide-angle lens. This course shows you exactly how to do that and even shows how to process the Panorama images professionally to get the best out of it. In this Simple Yet Effective Course, You will learn:-What is the Equipment required for shooting Panorama Images?whether You need High-End Cameras and Lenses to create Panorama Images?Whether You can create Stunning Panorama shots with Shoes-String Budget?What are the shooting Techniques for Panorama Images?What is the Post-Processing Technique for stitching Multiple Images to create Final Panorama Image?Finally all about Retouching the Panorama Images with the Help of Basic Editing, Like-Adjusting Exposure, Contrast, Highlights-White Balance-Noise Removal-Enhancing Details or Professional Sharpening etc. So, if this sounds Interesting to You, then GO AHEAD AND JOIN THIS COURSE!And I will see you Inside the Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to create Digital Painting Effect in Adobe Photoshop" |
"*****JOIN MY56000+ STUDENTS IN 173 COUNTRIES AND LEARN THE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TO MARCH AHEAD IN LIFE!****HIGH QUALITY & EASY TO FOLLOW COURSES!WELCOME TO THE COURSE!Learn How to CreateDigital Painting Effect in Adobe PhotoshopIn this course,You will learn How to create Digital Painting Effect in Adobe Photoshop.This is a beginner friendly Course, which means even if you don't know much about the Adobe Photoshop, you can easily create the Digital Painting Effect in Adobe Photoshop!In this Course, we are going to Create 2 MainEffects which are most Popular and most sought After.1. Simple ArtisticPainting Effectin Adobe Photoshop2. Water or Pastel Colour Effect in Adobe PhotoshopUsing this technique, you can turn any image intoDigital Painting Effect in Adobe Photoshop!There are so many methods and Third Party Plugin using which you can create Digital Painting Effect but here You will learn, a simple and easy method using all the available tools in Adobe Photoshopwithout using any Third Party Plugin!This course comes with 30 DAYS FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!THAT MEANS YOU HAVE ZERO RISK TRYING THIS COURSE!SO, IF THIS SOUNDS INTERESTING TO YOU THENGO AHEAD AND JOIN THIS COURSE! See You inside the COURSE!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Raw Image Processing Masterclass-Create Stunning Images Easy" |
"Welcome to the CourseRaw Image Processing Masterclass-Create Stunning ImagesLearn Camera Raw for Professional Image Retouching in Adobe Photoshop ACR for BeginnersMaster Adobe Camera Raw for Profession Raw Image Retouching!Become Beginner to Advanced!Learn Complete Professional Raw Image Retouching & Processing WorkflowDo you know that 95% of the Top Professional Photographers always shoot the images in Raw Format?Raw format is a simple Image format which is like a Digital Negative for Modern World Cameras.Raw Images give you full control over the final result while Post-Processing or Editing them.Raw Image retouching require a special knowledge of the Raw Image Processing Softwares.There are many Raw Image Processing softwares but the Industry standards are Adobe LightRoom and Adobe camera Raw.In this course You will learn each and every option in Adobe Camera Raw.All the Tools in Adobe Camera RawAll the Editing Panels likeBasic Editing PanelTone Curves PanelHSL/Grayscale PanelDetails Panel-Noise Removal OptionsSplit-Toning PanelLen-Correction PanelCamera Calibration PanelSnapshot PanelPresets PanelFinally You will learn the Complete step by stepProcess of Raw Image Retouching and Processing Workflow in Adobe camera Raw with the Raw Image.After Completion of this Course you will be an Expert in Raw Images Retouching!So, if this sounds interesting then go ahead and take a dive into this Course and I will see you inside the course.Enroll Now!Thank you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hkelkurs: Hkeln fr Anfnger mit Projekt ""Musebande hkel" |
"Hkeln lernen ist gar nicht schwer, wenn man wei wie! In diesem Kurs lernst du Schritt fr Schritt wie man die verschiedenen Maschen hkelt, die man fr den Anfang bentigt. Wir schauen uns nicht nur die Kettmasche und die Stbchen an, wir lernen auch die Kettmasche und die Bschelmasche kennen. Und damit sich der ganze Aufwand auch lohnt, setzen wir alles in einem kleinenProjekt um. Du lernst eine Amigurumi Maus zu hkeln und kannst daraus mit wachsender bungeine kleine Musebande hkeln, die du als Dekoration fr dein Zuhause verwenden kannst.Du erhlst nicht nur die Videos, die dir Schritt fr Schritt das Hkeln nher bringen. Du bekommst auch eine schriftliche Anleitung, die du dir ausdrucken und nachhkelnkannst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Identifying the goals and tasks" |
"This course talk about how to determine goals and their importance in the lives of successful people and how to determine your goals and to develop a plan to follow up your goals and then how to determine the monthly and daily tasksWhat will they learn :-They will be able to organize time betterThey will be able to determine their goals properlyThey will be able to develop a plan to follow their goalsThey will be able to identify daily and monthly tasks"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute German - Course 1 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hallo und wilkommen :-)(Hello and welcome)There is nothing more thrilling than being able to speak to the locals in their own language when you visit a foreign country. Well, now you can experience that amazing feeling too!My name is Kieran Ball and Ive been teaching foreign languages in my hometown for over fifteen years. I love languages, I love learning and I love teaching. I also love chocolate, but this isnt really the place to discuss my chocoholism!I created 3 Minute German as a way to make learning German easier than ever before and accessible to anybody, especially people who have tried and failed in the past. My course is perfect for the complete beginner as I break down the German language into tiny chunks that I show you how to build back together again in a logical, simple to understand way. You can go from knowing no German at all to putting together your own sentences in just a few minutes. Watch the free preview lessons below and youll see what I mean.TRY THE FREE PREVIEW LESSONSI really want everybody to see that they can learn to speak German, so Ive turned the first fifteen videos of this course into free previews, meaning you can watch them without even signing up. If nothing else, I just want you to see how easy it is to learn German.HOW DOES 3 MINUTE GERMAN WORK?As the name suggests, each lesson in this course lasts just three minutes (more or less!). In each lesson, you learn a tiny chunk of German that you can use to build sentences. As you work through the course, you learn more and more little chunks and your sentences will gradually get longer and longer.The chunks that you learn in the first lessons are carried through to the last lessons. This means you dont have to worry about trying to remember everything; you will get so much opportunity for practice that you will find the words and phrases just sink into your brain.The lessons in this course are focused, practical and effective, and you will build language skills that you can use straight away in real-world situations. You will be able to speak German comfortably and with confidence whenever youre in a German speaking country.WHY 3 MINUTES?When you begin learning something new, you tend to start off with lots of excitement and motivation. You might spend a few hours on the first day learning, but then the next day, you can only manage one hour, and then that goes down to half an hour, and then you get bored and you give up. Well, the reason behind the very short lessons is that it helps you to stay motivated and it also enhances the learning process.By keeping your learning to short chunks, you will find three wonderful things start to happen:1. You will maintain enthusiasmIf you want to learn anything, you have to maintain enthusiasm or else you wont continue. If you limit your study time to just three minutes, youll keep German fresh and exciting and youll be eager to learn. If you spend hours studying, very quickly youll get bored with German and itll turn into a chore.2. You will study more consistentlyIts much better to study for just three minutes once a day than to study for three hours once a week. A spare three minutes is relatively easy to find even in the most hectic of schedules. If you make sure you complete at least one three-minute study session every day, itll quickly become a habit that youll do without thinking. Its much easier to fit in a daily three-minute habit than a weekly one-hour habit. By doing this, youll become a much more consistent learner, and consistency is the key to success.3. You will remember things betterThis is my favourite reason as to why you should limit your study to just three-minute chunks. If you study something for just three minutes every day, youll trick your brain into memorising the information more quickly than if it were to see the information for hours each day. Itll think, I see this information every day so it must be important, but I dont see it for very long, so Id better hold onto it and make it into a memory fast! Youll be amazed at how much more easily things tend to stay in your brain if you limit yourself to just three minutes a day.So, thats why I keep the lessons to just three minutes.A METHOD THAT REALLY WORKSI cant quite believe it, but over 130,000 people in more than 200 countries have now used 3 Minute Languages to learn to speak a foreign language. It still amazes me when I get an email from somebody on the other side of the world telling me how much they have enjoyed learning German with me. Apart from the thrill it gives me to find out people are listening to my voice in places like Mongolia, Peru and even Fiji, it also confirms to me that the 3 Minute Languages courses work.So, if you want a course that teaches you to speak German you can use in everyday situations using a simple and fun method, then sign up to 3 Minute German today.Danke :-)Kieran"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |